mirror of https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube
151 lines
4.8 KiB
151 lines
4.8 KiB
import { addQueryParams, escapeHTML } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils'
import { HttpStatusCode, VideoPrivacy } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
import { toCompleteUUID } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/misc.js'
import { Memoize } from '@server/helpers/memoize.js'
import express from 'express'
import validator from 'validator'
import { CONFIG } from '../../../initializers/config.js'
import { MEMOIZE_TTL, WEBSERVER } from '../../../initializers/constants.js'
import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video.js'
import { MVideo, MVideoThumbnail, MVideoThumbnailBlacklist } from '../../../types/models/index.js'
import { getActivityStreamDuration } from '../../activitypub/activity.js'
import { isVideoInPrivateDirectory } from '../../video-privacy.js'
import { CommonEmbedHtml } from './common-embed-html.js'
import { PageHtml } from './page-html.js'
import { TagsHtml } from './tags-html.js'
export class VideoHtml {
static async getWatchVideoHTML (videoIdArg: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
const videoId = toCompleteUUID(videoIdArg)
// Let Angular application handle errors
if (!validator.default.isInt(videoId) && !validator.default.isUUID(videoId, 4)) {
return PageHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res)
const [ html, video ] = await Promise.all([
PageHtml.getIndexHTML(req, res),
// Let Angular application handle errors
if (!video || isVideoInPrivateDirectory(video.privacy) || video.VideoBlacklist) {
return html
return this.buildVideoHTML({
currentQuery: req.query,
addEmbedInfo: true,
addOG: true,
addTwitterCard: true
@Memoize({ maxAge: MEMOIZE_TTL.EMBED_HTML })
static async getEmbedVideoHTML (videoIdArg: string) {
const videoId = toCompleteUUID(videoIdArg)
const videoPromise: Promise<MVideoThumbnailBlacklist> = validator.default.isInt(videoId) || validator.default.isUUID(videoId, 4)
? VideoModel.loadWithBlacklist(videoId)
: Promise.resolve(undefined)
const [ html, video ] = await Promise.all([ PageHtml.getEmbedHTML(), videoPromise ])
if (!video || isVideoInPrivateDirectory(video.privacy) || video.VideoBlacklist) {
return CommonEmbedHtml.buildEmptyEmbedHTML({ html, video })
return this.buildVideoHTML({
addEmbedInfo: true,
addOG: false,
addTwitterCard: false,
// TODO: Implement it so we can send query params to oembed service
currentQuery: {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static buildVideoHTML (options: {
html: string
video: MVideoThumbnail
addOG: boolean
addTwitterCard: boolean
addEmbedInfo: boolean
currentQuery: Record<string, string>
}) {
const { html, video, addEmbedInfo, addOG, addTwitterCard, currentQuery = {} } = options
const escapedTruncatedDescription = TagsHtml.buildEscapedTruncatedDescription(video.description)
let customHTML = TagsHtml.addTitleTag(html, video.name)
customHTML = TagsHtml.addDescriptionTag(customHTML, escapedTruncatedDescription)
const embed = addEmbedInfo
? {
url: WEBSERVER.URL + video.getEmbedStaticPath(),
createdAt: video.createdAt.toISOString(),
duration: getActivityStreamDuration(video.duration),
views: video.views
: undefined
const ogType = addOG
? 'video' as 'video'
: undefined
const twitterCard = addTwitterCard
? 'player'
: undefined
const schemaType = 'VideoObject'
const preview = video.getPreview()
return TagsHtml.addTags(customHTML, {
url: WEBSERVER.URL + video.getWatchStaticPath(),
escapedSiteName: escapeHTML(CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME),
escapedTitle: escapeHTML(video.name),
forbidIndexation: video.remote || video.privacy !== VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
image: preview
? { url: WEBSERVER.URL + video.getPreviewStaticPath(), width: preview.width, height: preview.height }
: undefined,
oembedUrl: this.getOEmbedUrl(video, currentQuery),
}, { video })
private static getOEmbedUrl (video: MVideo, currentQuery: Record<string, string>) {
const base = WEBSERVER.URL + video.getWatchStaticPath()
const additionalQuery: Record<string, string> = {}
const allowedParams = new Set([ 'start' ])
for (const [ key, value ] of Object.entries(currentQuery)) {
if (allowedParams.has(key)) additionalQuery[key] = value
return addQueryParams(base, additionalQuery)