diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b68d9367..0d851d76 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ This is list of software which can be hosted locally. You can help by sending Pull Requests to add more services. +### Note about closed source software +Based on [this issue](https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted/issues/8), I have decided to implement a closed source tag which will be used to identify closed source softare. The following tag will be used: + +![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1ce14dfd4d91a5e02da52dc135a3e144bab4a61c/687474703a2f2f706963726573697a652e636f6d2f696d616765732f72737a5f3172737a5f636c6f7365642d736f757263652d746d342e706e67) + + Table of Contents ================= @@ -22,10 +28,10 @@ Table of Contents * [Groupware](#groupware) * [Link Sharing](#link-sharing) * [Media Streaming](#media-streaming) - * [Money & Budgeting](#money-budgeting) + * [Money and Budgeting](#money-and-budgeting) * [Monitoring](#monitoring) * [Office Suites](#office-suites) - * [Photo Galleries](#photo-galleries) + * [Photo and Video Galleries](#photo-and-video-galleries) * [RSS Readers](#rss-readers) * [Social Networks](#social-networks) * [Software Development Platforms](#software-development-platforms) @@ -133,9 +139,9 @@ CMS are a practical way to setup a website with many features. CMS often come wi * [Emby](https://github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser) - A home media server built using other popular open source technologies. - `GNU GPL 2.0` * [HTPC Manager](http://htpc.io/) - A fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite media on your HTPC. - `MIT` - * [Plex](https://plex.tv/) - Plex is a centralized home media playback system with a powerful central server. + * ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1ce14dfd4d91a5e02da52dc135a3e144bab4a61c/687474703a2f2f706963726573697a652e636f6d2f696d616765732f72737a5f3172737a5f636c6f7365642d736f757263652d746d342e706e67) - [Plex](https://plex.tv/) - Plex is a centralized home media playback system with a powerful central server. -## Money & Budgeting +## Money and Budgeting * [IHateMoney](http://ihatemoney.org/) - Manage your shared expenses, easily. - `Proprietary`