-> "Documentation Generators"

Per Guth 2015-08-06 15:29:53 +02:00
parent b5deb463bf
commit 56c33a9669
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Table of Contents
- [IDE/Tools](#idetools)
- [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration)
- [Bug and Task Trackers](#bug-and-task-trackers)
- [Documentation generator](#documentation-generator)
- [Documentation Generators](#documentation-generator)
- [Static site generators](#static-site-generators)
- [URL Shorteners](#url-shorteners)
- [Wikis](#wikis)
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ CMS are a practical way to setup a website with many features. CMS often come wi
* [Tinyissue](https://github.com/mikelbring/tinyissue) - Simple Issue Tracking for Teams `MIT`
* [Tracks](http://getontracks.org/) - a web-based application to help you implement David Allens [Getting Things Done™](http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done) methodology. - `GPLV2`
### Documentation generator
### Documentation Generators
* [Flatdoc](http://ricostacruz.com/flatdoc/) - a small JavaScript file that fetches Markdown files and renders them as full pages `MIT`