// Accepts input of any filename, ie. node test.js README.md const fs = require('fs'); let log = '{\n'; let issuelog = ' "message": "#### Syntax Issues\\n\\n Name | Entry\\n----|----------------------\\n'; let fails = '' const file = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf8'); // Reads argv into var file function entryFilter(md) { // Function to find lines with entries const linepatt = /^\s{0,2}-\s\[.*`/; return linepatt.test(md); } function split(text) { // Function to split lines into array return text.split(/\r?\n/); } function findPattern(text) { // All entries should match this pattern. If matches pattern returns true. const patt = /^\s{0,2}-\s\[.*?\]\(.*?\) (`⚠` )?- .{0,249}?\.( \(\[(Demo|Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\)(, \[(Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\))?(, \[(Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\))*\))? \`.*?\` \`.*?\`$/; if (patt.test(text) === true) { return true; } return false; } function entryErrorCheck(md) { const namepatt = /^\s{0,2}-\s\[(.*?)\]/; // regex pattern to find name of entryArray const entries = split(md); // Inserts each line into the entries array let totalFail = 0; let totalPass = 0; let total = 0; const entryArray = []; if (entries[0] === "") { console.log("0 Entries") process.exit(0) } for (let i = 0, len = entries.length; i < len; i += 1) { // Loop to create array of objects entryArray[i] = new Object; entryArray[i].raw = entries[i]; if (entryFilter(entries[i]) === true) { // filter out lines that don't start with * [) total += 1; entryArray[i].name = namepatt.exec(entries[i])[1]; // Parses name of entry entryArray[i].pass = findPattern(entries[i]); // Tests against known patterns if (entryArray[i].pass === true) { // If entry passes increment totalPass counter totalPass += 1; } else { console.log(`${entryArray[i].name} Failed.`); // If entry fails increment totalFail counter and append error to issuelog // entryArray[i].error = findError(entries[i]) //WIP totalFail += 1; issuelog += `${entryArray[i].name} | ${entries[i]} \\n`; fails += `${entries[i]} \n\n`; } } } if (totalFail > 0) { // Logs # passed & failed to console, and failures to syntaxcheck.json console.log(`${totalFail} Failed, ${totalPass} Passed, of ${total}\n-----------------------------`); console.log(fails) log += ` "error": true,\n "title": "Found ${totalFail} entries with syntax error(s).",\n`; fs.writeFileSync('syntaxcheck.json', `${log} ${issuelog} "\n}`); process.exit(1); } else { // Logs # of entries passed to console and error: false to syntaxcheck.json console.log(`${totalFail} Failed, ${totalPass} Passed, of ${total} \n`); log += ' "error": false\n}'; fs.writeFileSync('syntaxcheck.json', log); process.exit(0); } } entryErrorCheck(file);