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# Produce a build of element-web with this version of react-sdk
# and any matching branches of element-web and js-sdk, output it
# as an artifact and run end-to-end tests.
name: End to End Tests
# CRON to run all Projects at 6am UTC
- cron: "0 6 * * *"
pull_request: {}
2024-04-29 10:51:53 +02:00
types: [checks_requested]
branches: [develop, master]
types: [element-web-notify]
# support triggering from other workflows
2024-04-30 11:28:29 +02:00
type: boolean
required: false
default: false
description: "A boolean to skip the playwright check itself while still creating the passing check. Useful when only running in Merge Queues."
2024-04-30 11:35:12 +02:00
type: string
required: false
description: "The Git SHA of matrix-js-sdk to build against. By default, will use a matching branch name if it exists, or develop."
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.event_name }}
cancel-in-progress: true
# fetchdep.sh needs to know our PR number
PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
# Use 6 runners in the default case, but 4 when running on a schedule where we run all 5 projects (20 runners total)
NUM_RUNNERS: ${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' && 4 || 6 }}
permissions: {} # No permissions required
name: "Build Element-Web"
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
2024-06-03 22:56:33 +02:00
if: inputs.skip != true
num-runners: ${{ env.NUM_RUNNERS }}
runners-matrix: ${{ steps.runner-vars.outputs.matrix }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: element-hq/element-web
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
cache: "yarn"
node-version: "lts/*"
- name: Fetch layered build
id: layered_build
# tell layered.sh to check out the right sha of the JS-SDK & EW, if they were given one
JS_SDK_GITHUB_BASE_REF: ${{ inputs.matrix-js-sdk-sha }}
run: |
JSSDK_SHA=$(git -C matrix-js-sdk rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)
VECTOR_SHA=$(git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD)
- name: Copy config
run: cp element.io/develop/config.json config.json
- name: Build
VERSION: "${{ steps.layered_build.outputs.VERSION }}"
run: |
yarn build
- name: Upload Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: webapp
path: webapp
retention-days: 1
- name: Calculate runner variables
id: runner-vars
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const numRunners = parseInt(process.env.NUM_RUNNERS, 10);
const matrix = Array.from({ length: numRunners }, (_, i) => i + 1);
core.setOutput("matrix", JSON.stringify(matrix));
name: "Run Tests [${{ matrix.project }}] ${{ matrix.runner }}/${{ needs.build.outputs.num-runners }}"
needs: build
2024-04-30 11:28:29 +02:00
if: inputs.skip != true
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
actions: read
issues: read
pull-requests: read
fail-fast: false
# Run multiple instances in parallel to speed up the tests
runner: ${{ fromJSON(needs.build.outputs.runners-matrix) }}
- Chrome
- Firefox
- WebKit
- ${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' }}
# Skip the Firefox & Safari runs unless this was a cron trigger
- isCron: false
project: Firefox
- isCron: false
project: WebKit
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
persist-credentials: false
repository: element-hq/element-web
- name: 📥 Download artifact
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: webapp
path: webapp
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
cache: "yarn"
cache-dependency-path: yarn.lock
node-version: "lts/*"
- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- name: Get installed Playwright version
id: playwright
run: echo "version=$(yarn list --pattern @playwright/test --depth=0 --json --non-interactive --no-progress | jq -r '.data.trees[].name')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Cache playwright binaries
uses: actions/cache@v4
id: playwright-cache
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-playwright-${{ steps.playwright.outputs.version }}
- name: Install Playwright browsers
if: steps.playwright-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: yarn playwright install --with-deps --no-shell
- name: Install system dependencies for WebKit
# Some WebKit dependencies seem to lay outside the cache and will need to be installed separately
if: matrix.project == 'WebKit' && steps.playwright-cache.outputs.cache-hit == 'true'
run: yarn playwright install-deps webkit
# We skip tests tagged with @mergequeue when running on PRs, but run them in MQ and everywhere else
- name: Run Playwright tests
run: |
yarn playwright test \
--shard "${{ matrix.runner }}/${{ needs.build.outputs.num-runners }}" \
--project="${{ matrix.project }}" \
${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && '--grep-invert @mergequeue' || '' }}
- name: Upload blob report to GitHub Actions Artifacts
if: always()
2024-01-19 09:54:49 +01:00
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: all-blob-reports-${{ matrix.project }}-${{ matrix.runner }}
path: blob-report
retention-days: 1
name: end-to-end-tests
needs: playwright
2024-04-30 12:03:44 +02:00
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
2024-06-03 22:56:33 +02:00
if: inputs.skip != true
persist-credentials: false
repository: element-hq/element-web
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
2024-06-03 22:56:33 +02:00
if: inputs.skip != true
cache: "yarn"
node-version: "lts/*"
- name: Install dependencies
2024-06-03 22:56:33 +02:00
if: inputs.skip != true
run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- name: Download blob reports from GitHub Actions Artifacts
2024-06-03 22:56:33 +02:00
if: inputs.skip != true
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
pattern: all-blob-reports-*
path: all-blob-reports
merge-multiple: true
- name: Merge into HTML Report
2024-06-03 22:56:33 +02:00
if: inputs.skip != true
Add test reporter to prevent stale screenshots (#12743) * Split up slow Playwright tests To optimise parallelism Deals with: ``` Slow test file: read-receipts/redactions.spec.ts (5.4m) Slow test file: read-receipts/new-messages.spec.ts (3.9m) Slow test file: read-receipts/high-level.spec.ts (3.6m) Slow test file: read-receipts/editing-messages.spec.ts (3.1m) Slow test file: read-receipts/reactions.spec.ts (2.2m) Slow test file: crypto/crypto.spec.ts (2.4m) Slow test file: settings/appearance-user-settings-tab/appearance-user-settings-tab.spec.ts (1.2m) Slow test file: composer/composer.spec.ts (1.1m) Slow test file: crypto/verification.spec.ts (1.1m) ``` Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Move around snapshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Add test reporter to prevent stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Fix absolute vs relative path mismatch Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in" This reverts commit 1e189977fa9ec873339fc02b2b231a314809b2d5. * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Revert "Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in"" This reverts commit 5144b9b28e31ca543b2c5d02820c3f957dbd8c04. * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Remove stale screenshots" This reverts commit 9beae9974557c1ffa99c2372da280bb0da407bd1. * Apply same sanitization as Playwright for file name consistency Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * add dev dep Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Discard changes to playwright/flaky-reporter.ts * Update end-to-end-tests.yaml --------- Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com>
2024-07-15 20:23:20 +02:00
run: yarn playwright merge-reports --reporter=html,./playwright/flaky-reporter.ts,./playwright/stale-screenshot-reporter.ts ./all-blob-reports
# Only pass creds to the flaky-reporter on main branch runs
2024-06-13 11:43:21 +02:00
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.ref_name == 'develop' && secrets.ELEMENT_BOT_TOKEN || '' }}
Add test reporter to prevent stale screenshots (#12743) * Split up slow Playwright tests To optimise parallelism Deals with: ``` Slow test file: read-receipts/redactions.spec.ts (5.4m) Slow test file: read-receipts/new-messages.spec.ts (3.9m) Slow test file: read-receipts/high-level.spec.ts (3.6m) Slow test file: read-receipts/editing-messages.spec.ts (3.1m) Slow test file: read-receipts/reactions.spec.ts (2.2m) Slow test file: crypto/crypto.spec.ts (2.4m) Slow test file: settings/appearance-user-settings-tab/appearance-user-settings-tab.spec.ts (1.2m) Slow test file: composer/composer.spec.ts (1.1m) Slow test file: crypto/verification.spec.ts (1.1m) ``` Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Move around snapshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Add test reporter to prevent stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Fix absolute vs relative path mismatch Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in" This reverts commit 1e189977fa9ec873339fc02b2b231a314809b2d5. * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Revert "Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in"" This reverts commit 5144b9b28e31ca543b2c5d02820c3f957dbd8c04. * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Remove stale screenshots" This reverts commit 9beae9974557c1ffa99c2372da280bb0da407bd1. * Apply same sanitization as Playwright for file name consistency Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * add dev dep Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Discard changes to playwright/flaky-reporter.ts * Update end-to-end-tests.yaml --------- Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com>
2024-07-15 20:23:20 +02:00
# Upload the HTML report even if one of our reporters fails, this can happen when stale screenshots are detected
- name: Upload HTML report
Add test reporter to prevent stale screenshots (#12743) * Split up slow Playwright tests To optimise parallelism Deals with: ``` Slow test file: read-receipts/redactions.spec.ts (5.4m) Slow test file: read-receipts/new-messages.spec.ts (3.9m) Slow test file: read-receipts/high-level.spec.ts (3.6m) Slow test file: read-receipts/editing-messages.spec.ts (3.1m) Slow test file: read-receipts/reactions.spec.ts (2.2m) Slow test file: crypto/crypto.spec.ts (2.4m) Slow test file: settings/appearance-user-settings-tab/appearance-user-settings-tab.spec.ts (1.2m) Slow test file: composer/composer.spec.ts (1.1m) Slow test file: crypto/verification.spec.ts (1.1m) ``` Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Move around snapshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Add test reporter to prevent stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Fix absolute vs relative path mismatch Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in" This reverts commit 1e189977fa9ec873339fc02b2b231a314809b2d5. * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Revert "Remove darwin screenshots which should not have been checked in"" This reverts commit 5144b9b28e31ca543b2c5d02820c3f957dbd8c04. * Iterate Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Revert "Remove stale screenshots" This reverts commit 9beae9974557c1ffa99c2372da280bb0da407bd1. * Apply same sanitization as Playwright for file name consistency Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * add dev dep Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Remove stale screenshots Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> * Discard changes to playwright/flaky-reporter.ts * Update end-to-end-tests.yaml --------- Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com>
2024-07-15 20:23:20 +02:00
if: always() && inputs.skip != true
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: html-report
path: playwright-report
retention-days: 14
2024-06-07 19:07:12 +02:00
- if: needs.playwright.result != 'skipped' && needs.playwright.result != 'success'
run: exit 1