2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
/ *
2024-05-10 22:20:40 +02:00
Copyright 2022 - 2024 The Matrix . org Foundation C . I . C .
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
import type { Page } from "@playwright/test" ;
2024-05-10 22:20:40 +02:00
import type { EmittedEvents , Preset } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix" ;
2024-04-25 10:11:41 +02:00
import { expect , test } from "../../element-web-test" ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
import {
2024-04-25 10:11:41 +02:00
copyAndContinue ,
createRoom ,
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
createSharedRoomWithUser ,
doTwoWaySasVerification ,
enableKeyBackup ,
logIntoElement ,
logOutOfElement ,
2024-04-25 10:11:41 +02:00
sendMessageInCurrentRoom ,
verifySession ,
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
waitForVerificationRequest ,
} from "./utils" ;
import { Bot } from "../../pages/bot" ;
import { ElementAppPage } from "../../pages/ElementAppPage" ;
import { Client } from "../../pages/client" ;
2024-05-10 22:20:40 +02:00
import { isDendrite } from "../../plugins/homeserver/dendrite" ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
const openRoomInfo = async ( page : Page ) = > {
await page . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Room info" } ) . click ( ) ;
return page . locator ( ".mx_RightPanel" ) ;
} ;
const checkDMRoom = async ( page : Page ) = > {
const body = page . locator ( ".mx_RoomView_body" ) ;
await expect ( body . getByText ( "Alice created this DM." ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await expect ( body . getByText ( "Alice invited Bob" ) ) . toBeVisible ( { timeout : 1000 } ) ;
await expect ( body . locator ( ".mx_cryptoEvent" ) . getByText ( "Encryption enabled" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
} ;
const startDMWithBob = async ( page : Page , bob : Bot ) = > {
await page . locator ( ".mx_RoomList" ) . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Start chat" } ) . click ( ) ;
await page . getByTestId ( "invite-dialog-input" ) . fill ( bob . credentials . userId ) ;
await page . locator ( ".mx_InviteDialog_tile_nameStack_name" ) . getByText ( "Bob" ) . click ( ) ;
await expect (
page . locator ( ".mx_InviteDialog_userTile_pill .mx_InviteDialog_userTile_name" ) . getByText ( "Bob" ) ,
) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await page . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Go" } ) . click ( ) ;
} ;
const testMessages = async ( page : Page , bob : Bot , bobRoomId : string ) = > {
// check the invite message
await expect (
page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" , { hasText : "Hey!" } ) . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning" ) ,
) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// Bob sends a response
await bob . sendMessage ( bobRoomId , "Hoo!" ) ;
await expect (
page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" , { hasText : "Hoo!" } ) . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning" ) ,
) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
} ;
const bobJoin = async ( page : Page , bob : Bot ) = > {
await bob . evaluate ( async ( cli ) = > {
const bobRooms = cli . getRooms ( ) ;
if ( ! bobRooms . length ) {
await new Promise < void > ( ( resolve ) = > {
const onMembership = ( _event ) = > {
cli . off ( window . matrixcs . RoomMemberEvent . Membership , onMembership ) ;
resolve ( ) ;
} ;
cli . on ( window . matrixcs . RoomMemberEvent . Membership , onMembership ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
const roomId = await bob . joinRoomByName ( "Alice" ) ;
await expect ( page . getByText ( "Bob joined the room" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
return roomId ;
} ;
/** configure the given MatrixClient to auto-accept any invites */
async function autoJoin ( client : Client ) {
await client . evaluate ( ( cli ) = > {
cli . on ( window . matrixcs . RoomMemberEvent . Membership , ( event , member ) = > {
if ( member . membership === "invite" && member . userId === cli . getUserId ( ) ) {
cli . joinRoom ( member . roomId ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
const verify = async ( page : Page , bob : Bot ) = > {
const bobsVerificationRequestPromise = waitForVerificationRequest ( bob ) ;
const roomInfo = await openRoomInfo ( page ) ;
await roomInfo . getByRole ( "menuitem" , { name : "People" } ) . click ( ) ;
await roomInfo . getByText ( "Bob" ) . click ( ) ;
await roomInfo . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Verify" } ) . click ( ) ;
await roomInfo . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Start Verification" } ) . click ( ) ;
// this requires creating a DM, so can take a while. Give it a longer timeout.
await roomInfo . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Verify by emoji" } ) . click ( { timeout : 30000 } ) ;
const request = await bobsVerificationRequestPromise ;
// the bot user races with the Element user to hit the "verify by emoji" button
const verifier = await request . evaluateHandle ( ( request ) = > request . startVerification ( "m.sas.v1" ) ) ;
await doTwoWaySasVerification ( page , verifier ) ;
await roomInfo . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "They match" } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( roomInfo . getByText ( "You've successfully verified Bob!" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await roomInfo . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Got it" } ) . click ( ) ;
} ;
test . describe ( "Cryptography" , function ( ) {
test . use ( {
displayName : "Alice" ,
botCreateOpts : {
displayName : "Bob" ,
autoAcceptInvites : false ,
} ,
} ) ;
for ( const isDeviceVerified of [ true , false ] ) {
test . describe ( ` setting up secure key backup should work isDeviceVerified= ${ isDeviceVerified } ` , ( ) = > {
/ * *
* Verify that the ` m.cross_signing. ${ keyType } ` key is available on the account data on the server
* @param keyType
* /
async function verifyKey ( app : ElementAppPage , keyType : string ) {
const accountData : { encrypted : Record < string , Record < string , string > > } = await app . client . evaluate (
( cli , keyType ) = > cli . getAccountDataFromServer ( ` m.cross_signing. ${ keyType } ` ) ,
keyType ,
) ;
expect ( accountData . encrypted ) . toBeDefined ( ) ;
const keys = Object . keys ( accountData . encrypted ) ;
const key = accountData . encrypted [ keys [ 0 ] ] ;
expect ( key . ciphertext ) . toBeDefined ( ) ;
expect ( key . iv ) . toBeDefined ( ) ;
expect ( key . mac ) . toBeDefined ( ) ;
test ( "by recovery code" , async ( { page , app , user : aliceCredentials } ) = > {
// Verified the device
if ( isDeviceVerified ) {
await app . client . bootstrapCrossSigning ( aliceCredentials ) ;
2024-03-21 16:49:12 +01:00
await page . route ( "**/_matrix/client/v3/keys/signatures/upload" , async ( route ) = > {
// We delay this API otherwise the `Setting up keys` may happen too quickly and cause flakiness
await new Promise ( ( resolve ) = > setTimeout ( resolve , 500 ) ) ;
await route . continue ( ) ;
} ) ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
await app . settings . openUserSettings ( "Security & Privacy" ) ;
await page . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Set up Secure Backup" } ) . click ( ) ;
const dialog = page . locator ( ".mx_Dialog" ) ;
// Recovery key is selected by default
await dialog . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Continue" } ) . click ( ) ;
await copyAndContinue ( page ) ;
// When the device is verified, the `Setting up keys` step is skipped
if ( ! isDeviceVerified ) {
const uiaDialogTitle = page . locator ( ".mx_InteractiveAuthDialog .mx_Dialog_title" ) ;
await expect ( uiaDialogTitle . getByText ( "Setting up keys" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await expect ( uiaDialogTitle . getByText ( "Setting up keys" ) ) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await expect ( dialog . getByText ( "Secure Backup successful" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await dialog . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Done" } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( dialog . getByText ( "Secure Backup successful" ) ) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// Verify that the SSSS keys are in the account data stored in the server
await verifyKey ( app , "master" ) ;
await verifyKey ( app , "self_signing" ) ;
await verifyKey ( app , "user_signing" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "by passphrase" , async ( { page , app , user : aliceCredentials } ) = > {
// Verified the device
if ( isDeviceVerified ) {
await app . client . bootstrapCrossSigning ( aliceCredentials ) ;
await app . settings . openUserSettings ( "Security & Privacy" ) ;
await page . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Set up Secure Backup" } ) . click ( ) ;
const dialog = page . locator ( ".mx_Dialog" ) ;
// Select passphrase option
await dialog . getByText ( "Enter a Security Phrase" ) . click ( ) ;
await dialog . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Continue" } ) . click ( ) ;
// Fill passphrase input
await dialog . locator ( "input" ) . fill ( "new passphrase for setting up a secure key backup" ) ;
await dialog . locator ( ".mx_Dialog_primary:not([disabled])" , { hasText : "Continue" } ) . click ( ) ;
// Confirm passphrase
await dialog . locator ( "input" ) . fill ( "new passphrase for setting up a secure key backup" ) ;
await dialog . locator ( ".mx_Dialog_primary:not([disabled])" , { hasText : "Continue" } ) . click ( ) ;
await copyAndContinue ( page ) ;
await expect ( dialog . getByText ( "Secure Backup successful" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await dialog . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Done" } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( dialog . getByText ( "Secure Backup successful" ) ) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// Verify that the SSSS keys are in the account data stored in the server
await verifyKey ( app , "master" ) ;
await verifyKey ( app , "self_signing" ) ;
await verifyKey ( app , "user_signing" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2023-12-15 15:59:36 +01:00
test ( "Can reset cross-signing keys" , async ( { page , app , user : aliceCredentials } ) = > {
const secretStorageKey = await enableKeyBackup ( app ) ;
// Fetch the current cross-signing keys
async function fetchMasterKey() {
return await test . step ( "Fetch master key from server" , async ( ) = > {
const k = await app . client . evaluate ( async ( cli ) = > {
const userId = cli . getUserId ( ) ;
const keys = await cli . downloadKeysForUsers ( [ userId ] ) ;
return Object . values ( keys . master_keys [ userId ] . keys ) [ 0 ] ;
} ) ;
console . log ( ` fetchMasterKey: ${ k } ` ) ;
return k ;
} ) ;
const masterKey1 = await fetchMasterKey ( ) ;
// Find the "reset cross signing" button, and click it
await app . settings . openUserSettings ( "Security & Privacy" ) ;
await page . locator ( "div.mx_CrossSigningPanel_buttonRow" ) . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Reset" } ) . click ( ) ;
// Confirm
await page . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Clear cross-signing keys" } ) . click ( ) ;
// Enter the 4S key
await page . getByPlaceholder ( "Security Key" ) . fill ( secretStorageKey ) ;
await page . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Continue" } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( async ( ) = > {
const masterKey2 = await fetchMasterKey ( ) ;
expect ( masterKey1 ) . not . toEqual ( masterKey2 ) ;
} ) . toPass ( ) ;
// The dialog should have gone away
await expect ( page . locator ( ".mx_Dialog" ) ) . toHaveCount ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
test ( "creating a DM should work, being e2e-encrypted / user verification" , async ( {
page ,
app ,
bot : bob ,
user : aliceCredentials ,
} ) = > {
await app . client . bootstrapCrossSigning ( aliceCredentials ) ;
await startDMWithBob ( page , bob ) ;
// send first message
await page . getByRole ( "textbox" , { name : "Send a message…" } ) . fill ( "Hey!" ) ;
await page . getByRole ( "textbox" , { name : "Send a message…" } ) . press ( "Enter" ) ;
await checkDMRoom ( page ) ;
const bobRoomId = await bobJoin ( page , bob ) ;
await testMessages ( page , bob , bobRoomId ) ;
await verify ( page , bob ) ;
// Assert that verified icon is rendered
await page . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Room members" } ) . click ( ) ;
await page . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Room information" } ) . click ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( '.mx_RoomSummaryCard_badges [data-kind="success"]' ) ) . toContainText ( "Encrypted" ) ;
// Take a snapshot of RoomSummaryCard with a verified E2EE icon
await expect ( page . locator ( ".mx_RightPanel" ) ) . toMatchScreenshot ( "RoomSummaryCard-with-verified-e2ee.png" ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "should allow verification when there is no existing DM" , async ( {
page ,
app ,
bot : bob ,
user : aliceCredentials ,
} ) = > {
await app . client . bootstrapCrossSigning ( aliceCredentials ) ;
await autoJoin ( bob ) ;
// we need to have a room with the other user present, so we can open the verification panel
await createSharedRoomWithUser ( app , bob . credentials . userId ) ;
await verify ( page , bob ) ;
} ) ;
test . describe ( "event shields" , ( ) = > {
let testRoomId : string ;
test . beforeEach ( async ( { page , bot : bob , user : aliceCredentials , app } ) = > {
await app . client . bootstrapCrossSigning ( aliceCredentials ) ;
await autoJoin ( bob ) ;
// create an encrypted room
testRoomId = await createSharedRoomWithUser ( app , bob . credentials . userId , {
name : "TestRoom" ,
initial_state : [
type : "m.room.encryption" ,
state_key : "" ,
content : {
algorithm : "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "should show the correct shield on e2e events" , async ( {
page ,
app ,
bot : bob ,
homeserver ,
cryptoBackend ,
} ) = > {
// Bob has a second, not cross-signed, device
const bobSecondDevice = new Bot ( page , homeserver , {
bootstrapSecretStorage : false ,
bootstrapCrossSigning : false ,
} ) ;
bobSecondDevice . setCredentials (
await homeserver . loginUser ( bob . credentials . userId , bob . credentials . password ) ,
) ;
await bobSecondDevice . prepareClient ( ) ;
await bob . sendEvent ( testRoomId , null , "m.room.encrypted" , {
algorithm : "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" ,
ciphertext : "the bird is in the hand" ,
} ) ;
const last = page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_last" ) ;
await expect ( last ) . toContainText ( "Unable to decrypt message" ) ;
const lastE2eIcon = last . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon" ) ;
await expect ( lastE2eIcon ) . toHaveClass ( /mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_decryption_failure/ ) ;
2024-01-11 20:56:36 +01:00
await lastE2eIcon . focus ( ) ;
2024-01-11 12:49:24 +01:00
await expect ( page . getByRole ( "tooltip" ) ) . toContainText ( "This message could not be decrypted" ) ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
/* Should show a red padlock for an unencrypted message in an e2e room */
await bob . evaluate (
( cli , testRoomId ) = >
cli . http . authedRequest (
window . matrixcs . Method . Put ,
` /rooms/ ${ encodeURIComponent ( testRoomId ) } /send/m.room.message/test_txn_1 ` ,
undefined ,
msgtype : "m.text" ,
body : "test unencrypted" ,
} ,
) ,
testRoomId ,
) ;
await expect ( last ) . toContainText ( "test unencrypted" ) ;
await expect ( lastE2eIcon ) . toHaveClass ( /mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning/ ) ;
2024-01-11 20:56:36 +01:00
await lastE2eIcon . focus ( ) ;
2024-01-11 12:49:24 +01:00
await expect ( page . getByRole ( "tooltip" ) ) . toContainText ( "Not encrypted" ) ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
/* Should show no padlock for an unverified user */
// bob sends a valid event
await bob . sendMessage ( testRoomId , "test encrypted 1" ) ;
// the message should appear, decrypted, with no warning, but also no "verified"
const lastTile = page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_last" ) ;
const lastTileE2eIcon = lastTile . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon" ) ;
await expect ( lastTile ) . toContainText ( "test encrypted 1" ) ;
// no e2e icon
await expect ( lastTileE2eIcon ) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
/* Now verify Bob */
await verify ( page , bob ) ;
/* Existing message should be updated when user is verified. */
await expect ( last ) . toContainText ( "test encrypted 1" ) ;
// still no e2e icon
await expect ( last . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon" ) ) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
/* should show no padlock, and be verified, for a message from a verified device */
await bob . sendMessage ( testRoomId , "test encrypted 2" ) ;
await expect ( lastTile ) . toContainText ( "test encrypted 2" ) ;
// no e2e icon
await expect ( lastTileE2eIcon ) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
/* should show red padlock for a message from an unverified device */
await bobSecondDevice . sendMessage ( testRoomId , "test encrypted from unverified" ) ;
await expect ( lastTile ) . toContainText ( "test encrypted from unverified" ) ;
await expect ( lastTileE2eIcon ) . toHaveClass ( /mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning/ ) ;
2024-01-11 20:56:36 +01:00
await lastTileE2eIcon . focus ( ) ;
2024-01-11 12:49:24 +01:00
await expect ( page . getByRole ( "tooltip" ) ) . toContainText ( "Encrypted by a device not verified by its owner." ) ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
/* Should show a grey padlock for a message from an unknown device */
// bob deletes his second device
await bobSecondDevice . evaluate ( ( cli ) = > cli . logout ( true ) ) ;
// wait for the logout to propagate. Workaround for https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/26263 by repeatedly closing and reopening Bob's user info.
async function awaitOneDevice ( iterations = 1 ) {
const rightPanel = page . locator ( ".mx_RightPanel" ) ;
await rightPanel . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Room members" } ) . click ( ) ;
await rightPanel . getByText ( "Bob" ) . click ( ) ;
const sessionCountText = await rightPanel
. locator ( ".mx_UserInfo_devices" )
. getByText ( " session" , { exact : false } )
. textContent ( ) ;
// cf https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/26279: Element-R uses the wrong text here
if ( sessionCountText != "1 session" && sessionCountText != "1 verified session" ) {
if ( iterations >= 10 ) {
throw new Error ( ` Bob still has ${ sessionCountText } after 10 iterations ` ) ;
await awaitOneDevice ( iterations + 1 ) ;
await awaitOneDevice ( ) ;
// close and reopen the room, to get the shield to update.
await app . viewRoomByName ( "Bob" ) ;
await app . viewRoomByName ( "TestRoom" ) ;
// some debate over whether this should have a red or a grey shield. Legacy crypto shows a grey shield,
// Rust crypto a red one.
await expect ( last ) . toContainText ( "test encrypted from unverified" ) ;
if ( cryptoBackend === "rust" ) {
await expect ( lastE2eIcon ) . toHaveClass ( /mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning/ ) ;
} else {
await expect ( lastE2eIcon ) . toHaveClass ( /mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_normal/ ) ;
2024-01-11 20:56:36 +01:00
await lastE2eIcon . focus ( ) ;
2024-01-11 12:49:24 +01:00
await expect ( page . getByRole ( "tooltip" ) ) . toContainText ( "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device." ) ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
} ) ;
2024-02-15 13:35:18 +01:00
test ( "Should show a grey padlock for a key restored from backup" , async ( {
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
page ,
app ,
bot : bob ,
homeserver ,
user : aliceCredentials ,
} ) = > {
const securityKey = await enableKeyBackup ( app ) ;
// bob sends a valid event
await bob . sendMessage ( testRoomId , "test encrypted 1" ) ;
const lastTile = page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_last" ) ;
const lastTileE2eIcon = lastTile . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon" ) ;
await expect ( lastTile ) . toContainText ( "test encrypted 1" ) ;
// no e2e icon
await expect ( lastTileE2eIcon ) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
2024-04-25 10:11:41 +02:00
// Workaround for https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/issues/27267. It can take up to 10 seconds for
// the key to be backed up.
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
await page . waitForTimeout ( 10000 ) ;
/* log out, and back in */
await logOutOfElement ( page ) ;
await logIntoElement ( page , homeserver , aliceCredentials , securityKey ) ;
/* go back to the test room and find Bob's message again */
await app . viewRoomById ( testRoomId ) ;
await expect ( lastTile ) . toContainText ( "test encrypted 1" ) ;
2024-02-15 13:35:18 +01:00
// The gray shield would be a mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_normal. The red shield would be a mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning.
// No shield would have no div mx_EventTile_e2eIcon at all.
await expect ( lastTileE2eIcon ) . toHaveClass ( /mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_normal/ ) ;
2024-01-11 12:49:24 +01:00
await lastTileE2eIcon . hover ( ) ;
2024-02-15 13:35:18 +01:00
// The key is coming from backup, so it is not anymore possible to establish if the claimed device
// creator of this key is authentic. The tooltip should be "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device."
// It is not "Encrypted by an unknown or deleted device." even if the claimed device is actually deleted.
await expect ( page . getByRole ( "tooltip" ) ) . toContainText (
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device." ,
) ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
} ) ;
test ( "should show the correct shield on edited e2e events" , async ( { page , app , bot : bob , homeserver } ) = > {
// bob has a second, not cross-signed, device
const bobSecondDevice = new Bot ( page , homeserver , {
bootstrapSecretStorage : false ,
bootstrapCrossSigning : false ,
} ) ;
bobSecondDevice . setCredentials (
await homeserver . loginUser ( bob . credentials . userId , bob . credentials . password ) ,
) ;
await bobSecondDevice . prepareClient ( ) ;
// verify Bob
await verify ( page , bob ) ;
// bob sends a valid event
const testEvent = await bob . sendMessage ( testRoomId , "Hoo!" ) ;
// the message should appear, decrypted, with no warning
await expect (
page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" , { hasText : "Hoo!" } ) . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning" ) ,
) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// bob sends an edit to the first message with his unverified device
await bobSecondDevice . sendMessage ( testRoomId , {
"m.new_content" : {
msgtype : "m.text" ,
body : "Haa!" ,
} ,
"m.relates_to" : {
rel_type : "m.replace" ,
event_id : testEvent.event_id ,
} ,
} ) ;
// the edit should have a warning
await expect (
page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" , { hasText : "Haa!" } ) . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning" ) ,
) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// a second edit from the verified device should be ok
await bob . sendMessage ( testRoomId , {
"m.new_content" : {
msgtype : "m.text" ,
body : "Hee!" ,
} ,
"m.relates_to" : {
rel_type : "m.replace" ,
event_id : testEvent.event_id ,
} ,
} ) ;
await expect (
page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" , { hasText : "Hee!" } ) . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_warning" ) ,
) . not . toBeVisible ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2024-04-25 10:11:41 +02:00
test . describe ( "decryption failure messages" , ( ) = > {
test ( "should handle device-relative historical messages" , async ( {
homeserver ,
page ,
app ,
credentials ,
user ,
cryptoBackend ,
} ) = > {
test . skip ( cryptoBackend === "legacy" , "Not implemented for legacy crypto" ) ;
test . setTimeout ( 60000 ) ;
// Start with a logged-in session, without key backup, and send a message.
await createRoom ( page , "Test room" , true ) ;
await sendMessageInCurrentRoom ( page , "test test" ) ;
// Log out, discarding the key for the sent message.
await logOutOfElement ( page , true ) ;
// Log in again, and see how the message looks.
await logIntoElement ( page , homeserver , credentials ) ;
await app . viewRoomByName ( "Test room" ) ;
const lastTile = page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" ) . last ( ) ;
await expect ( lastTile ) . toContainText ( "Historical messages are not available on this device" ) ;
await expect ( lastTile . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_decryption_failure" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// Now, we set up key backup, and then send another message.
const secretStorageKey = await enableKeyBackup ( app ) ;
await app . viewRoomByName ( "Test room" ) ;
await sendMessageInCurrentRoom ( page , "test2 test2" ) ;
// Workaround for https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/issues/27267. It can take up to 10 seconds for
// the key to be backed up.
await page . waitForTimeout ( 10000 ) ;
// Finally, log out again, and back in, skipping verification for now, and see what we see.
await logOutOfElement ( page ) ;
await logIntoElement ( page , homeserver , credentials ) ;
await page . locator ( ".mx_AuthPage" ) . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Skip verification for now" } ) . click ( ) ;
await page . locator ( ".mx_AuthPage" ) . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "I'll verify later" } ) . click ( ) ;
await app . viewRoomByName ( "Test room" ) ;
// There should be two historical events in the timeline
const tiles = await page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" ) . all ( ) ;
expect ( tiles . length ) . toBeGreaterThanOrEqual ( 2 ) ;
// look at the last two tiles only
for ( const tile of tiles . slice ( - 2 ) ) {
await expect ( tile ) . toContainText ( "You need to verify this device for access to historical messages" ) ;
await expect ( tile . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_decryption_failure" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// Now verify our device (setting up key backup), and check what happens
await verifySession ( app , secretStorageKey ) ;
const tilesAfterVerify = ( await page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" ) . all ( ) ) . slice ( - 2 ) ;
// The first message still cannot be decrypted, because it was never backed up. It's now a regular UTD though.
await expect ( tilesAfterVerify [ 0 ] ) . toContainText ( "Unable to decrypt message" ) ;
await expect ( tilesAfterVerify [ 0 ] . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_decryption_failure" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// The second message should now be decrypted, with a grey shield
await expect ( tilesAfterVerify [ 1 ] ) . toContainText ( "test2 test2" ) ;
await expect ( tilesAfterVerify [ 1 ] . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_normal" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
} ) ;
2024-05-10 22:20:40 +02:00
test . describe ( "non-joined historical messages" , ( ) = > {
test . skip ( isDendrite , "does not yet support membership on events" ) ;
test ( "should display undecryptable non-joined historical messages with a different message" , async ( {
homeserver ,
page ,
app ,
credentials : aliceCredentials ,
user : alice ,
cryptoBackend ,
bot : bob ,
} ) = > {
test . skip ( cryptoBackend === "legacy" , "Not implemented for legacy crypto" ) ;
// Bob creates an encrypted room and sends a message to it. He then invites Alice
const roomId = await bob . evaluate (
async ( client , { alice } ) = > {
const encryptionStatePromise = new Promise < void > ( ( resolve ) = > {
client . on ( "RoomState.events" as EmittedEvents , ( event , _state , _lastStateEvent ) = > {
if ( event . getType ( ) === "m.room.encryption" ) {
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
const { room_id : roomId } = await client . createRoom ( {
initial_state : [
type : "m.room.encryption" ,
content : {
algorithm : "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
name : "Test room" ,
preset : "private_chat" as Preset ,
} ) ;
// wait for m.room.encryption event, so that when we send a
// message, it will be encrypted
await encryptionStatePromise ;
await client . sendTextMessage ( roomId , "This should be undecryptable" ) ;
await client . invite ( roomId , alice . userId ) ;
return roomId ;
} ,
{ alice } ,
) ;
// Alice accepts the invite
await expect (
page . getByRole ( "group" , { name : "Invites" } ) . locator ( ".mx_RoomSublist_tiles" ) . getByRole ( "treeitem" ) ,
) . toHaveCount ( 1 ) ;
await page . getByRole ( "treeitem" , { name : "Test room" } ) . click ( ) ;
await page . locator ( ".mx_RoomView" ) . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Accept" } ) . click ( ) ;
// Bob sends an encrypted event and an undecryptable event
await bob . evaluate (
async ( client , { roomId } ) = > {
await client . sendTextMessage ( roomId , "This should be decryptable" ) ;
await client . sendEvent (
roomId ,
"m.room.encrypted" as any ,
algorithm : "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" ,
ciphertext : "this+message+will+be+undecryptable" ,
device_id : client.getDeviceId ( ) ! ,
sender_key : ( await client . getCrypto ( ) ! . getOwnDeviceKeys ( ) ) . ed25519 ,
session_id : "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ,
} as any ,
) ;
} ,
{ roomId } ,
) ;
// We wait for the event tiles that we expect from the messages that
// Bob sent, in sequence.
await expect (
page . locator ( ` .mx_EventTile ` ) . getByText ( "You don't have access to this message" ) ,
) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( ` .mx_EventTile ` ) . getByText ( "This should be decryptable" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( ` .mx_EventTile ` ) . getByText ( "Unable to decrypt message" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// And then we ensure that they are where we expect them to be
// Alice should see these event tiles:
// - first message sent by Bob (undecryptable)
// - Bob invited Alice
// - Alice joined the room
// - second message sent by Bob (decryptable)
// - third message sent by Bob (undecryptable)
const tiles = await page . locator ( ".mx_EventTile" ) . all ( ) ;
expect ( tiles . length ) . toBeGreaterThanOrEqual ( 5 ) ;
// The first message from Bob was sent before Alice was in the room, so should
// be different from the standard UTD message
await expect ( tiles [ tiles . length - 5 ] ) . toContainText ( "You don't have access to this message" ) ;
await expect ( tiles [ tiles . length - 5 ] . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_decryption_failure" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// The second message from Bob should be decryptable
await expect ( tiles [ tiles . length - 2 ] ) . toContainText ( "This should be decryptable" ) ;
// this tile won't have an e2e icon since we got the key from the sender
// The third message from Bob is undecryptable, but was sent while Alice was
// in the room and is expected to be decryptable, so this should have the
// standard UTD message
await expect ( tiles [ tiles . length - 1 ] ) . toContainText ( "Unable to decrypt message" ) ;
await expect ( tiles [ tiles . length - 1 ] . locator ( ".mx_EventTile_e2eIcon_decryption_failure" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
} ) ;
test ( "should be able to jump to a message sent before our last join event" , async ( {
homeserver ,
page ,
app ,
credentials : aliceCredentials ,
user : alice ,
cryptoBackend ,
bot : bob ,
} ) = > {
// The old pre-join UTD hiding code would hide events sent
// before our latest join event, even if the event that we're
// jumping to was decryptable. We test that this no longer happens.
test . skip ( cryptoBackend === "legacy" , "Not implemented for legacy crypto" ) ;
// Bob:
// - creates an encrypted room,
// - invites Alice,
// - sends a message to it,
// - kicks Alice,
// - sends a bunch more events
// - invites Alice again
// In this way, there will be an event that Alice can decrypt,
// followed by a bunch of undecryptable events which Alice shouldn't
// expect to be able to decrypt. The old code would have hidden all
// the events, even the decryptable event (which it wouldn't have
// even tried to fetch, if it was far enough back).
const { roomId , eventId } = await bob . evaluate (
async ( client , { alice } ) = > {
const { room_id : roomId } = await client . createRoom ( {
initial_state : [
type : "m.room.encryption" ,
content : {
algorithm : "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2" ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
name : "Test room" ,
preset : "private_chat" as Preset ,
} ) ;
// invite Alice
const inviteAlicePromise = new Promise < void > ( ( resolve ) = > {
client . on ( "RoomMember.membership" as EmittedEvents , ( _event , member , _oldMembership ? ) = > {
if ( member . userId === alice . userId && member . membership === "invite" ) {
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
await client . invite ( roomId , alice . userId ) ;
// wait for the invite to come back so that we encrypt to Alice
await inviteAlicePromise ;
// send a message that Alice should be able to decrypt
const { event_id : eventId } = await client . sendTextMessage (
roomId ,
"This should be decryptable" ,
) ;
// kick Alice
const kickAlicePromise = new Promise < void > ( ( resolve ) = > {
client . on ( "RoomMember.membership" as EmittedEvents , ( _event , member , _oldMembership ? ) = > {
if ( member . userId === alice . userId && member . membership === "leave" ) {
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
await client . kick ( roomId , alice . userId ) ;
await kickAlicePromise ;
// send a bunch of messages that Alice won't be able to decrypt
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ ) {
await client . sendTextMessage ( roomId , ` ${ i } ` ) ;
// invite Alice again
await client . invite ( roomId , alice . userId ) ;
return { roomId , eventId } ;
} ,
{ alice } ,
) ;
// Alice accepts the invite
await expect (
page . getByRole ( "group" , { name : "Invites" } ) . locator ( ".mx_RoomSublist_tiles" ) . getByRole ( "treeitem" ) ,
) . toHaveCount ( 1 ) ;
await page . getByRole ( "treeitem" , { name : "Test room" } ) . click ( ) ;
await page . locator ( ".mx_RoomView" ) . getByRole ( "button" , { name : "Accept" } ) . click ( ) ;
// wait until we're joined and see the timeline
await expect ( page . locator ( ` .mx_EventTile ` ) . getByText ( "Alice joined the room" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
// we should be able to jump to the decryptable message that Bob sent
await page . goto ( ` #/room/ ${ roomId } / ${ eventId } ` ) ;
await expect ( page . locator ( ` .mx_EventTile ` ) . getByText ( "This should be decryptable" ) ) . toBeVisible ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2024-04-25 10:11:41 +02:00
} ) ;
2023-12-12 09:55:29 +01:00
} ) ;