
396 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import EventIndexPeg from "./indexing/EventIndexPeg";
2019-12-20 22:13:46 +01:00
import {MatrixClientPeg} from "./MatrixClientPeg";
const SEARCH_LIMIT = 10;
async function serverSideSearch(term, roomId = undefined, processResult = true) {
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
const filter = {
if (roomId !== undefined) filter.rooms = [roomId];
const body = {
search_categories: {
room_events: {
search_term: term,
filter: filter,
order_by: "recent",
event_context: {
before_limit: 1,
after_limit: 1,
include_profile: true,
const response = await client.search({body: body});
if (processResult) {
const searchResult = {
_query: body,
results: [],
highlights: [],
return client._processRoomEventsSearch(searchResult, response);
const result = {
response: response,
query: body,
return result;
function compareEvents(a, b) {
const aEvent = a.result;
const bEvent = b.result;
if (aEvent.origin_server_ts > bEvent.origin_server_ts) return -1;
if (aEvent.origin_server_ts < bEvent.origin_server_ts) return 1;
return 0;
async function combinedSearch(searchTerm) {
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
// Create two promises, one for the local search, one for the
// server-side search.
const serverSidePromise = serverSideSearch(searchTerm, undefined, false);
const localPromise = localSearch(searchTerm, undefined, false);
// Wait for both promises to resolve.
await Promise.all([serverSidePromise, localPromise]);
// Get both search results.
const localResult = await localPromise;
const serverSideResult = await serverSidePromise;
const serverQuery = serverSideResult.query;
const serverResponse = serverSideResult.response;
const localQuery = localResult.query;
const localResponse = localResult.response;
// Store our queries for later on so we can support pagination.
const emptyResult = {
seshatQuery: localQuery,
_query: serverQuery,
serverSideNextBatch: serverResponse.next_batch,
cachedEvents: [],
oldestEventFrom: "server",
results: [],
highlights: [],
// Combine our results.
const combinedResult = combineResponses(emptyResult, localResponse, serverResponse.search_categories.room_events);
// Let the client process the combined result.
const response = {
search_categories: {
room_events: combinedResult,
const result = client._processRoomEventsSearch(emptyResult, response);
return result;
async function localSearch(searchTerm, roomId = undefined, processResult = true) {
const searchArgs = {
search_term: searchTerm,
before_limit: 1,
after_limit: 1,
order_by_recency: true,
room_id: undefined,
if (roomId !== undefined) {
searchArgs.room_id = roomId;
const emptyResult = {
seshatQuery: searchArgs,
results: [],
highlights: [],
if (searchTerm === "") return emptyResult;
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
const localResult = await eventIndex.search(searchArgs);
if (processResult) {
emptyResult.seshatQuery.next_batch = localResult.next_batch;
const response = {
search_categories: {
room_events: localResult,
return MatrixClientPeg.get()._processRoomEventsSearch(emptyResult, response);
searchArgs.next_batch = localResult.next_batch;
const result = {
response: localResult,
query: searchArgs,
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return result;
async function localPagination(searchResult) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
const searchArgs = searchResult.seshatQuery;
const localResult = await eventIndex.search(searchArgs);
searchResult.seshatQuery.next_batch = localResult.next_batch;
const response = {
search_categories: {
room_events: localResult,
const result = MatrixClientPeg.get()._processRoomEventsSearch(searchResult, response);
searchResult.pendingRequest = null;
return result;
function compareOldestEvents(firstResults, secondResults) {
try {
const oldestFirstEvent = firstResults.results[firstResults.results.length - 1].result;
const oldestSecondEvent = secondResults.results[secondResults.results.length - 1].result;
if (oldestFirstEvent.origin_server_ts <= oldestSecondEvent.origin_server_ts) {
return -1
} else {
return 1
} catch {
return 0
function combineEventSources(previousSearchResult, response, a, b) {
const combinedEvents = a.concat(b).sort(compareEvents);
response.results = combinedEvents.slice(0, SEARCH_LIMIT);
previousSearchResult.cachedEvents = combinedEvents.slice(SEARCH_LIMIT);
function combineEvents(previousSearchResult, localEvents = undefined, serverEvents = undefined) {
const response = {};
const cachedEvents = previousSearchResult.cachedEvents;
let oldestEventFrom = previousSearchResult.oldestEventFrom;
response.highlights = previousSearchResult.highlights;
if (localEvents && serverEvents) {
if (compareOldestEvents(localEvents, serverEvents) < 0) {
oldestEventFrom = "local";
combineEventSources(previousSearchResult, response, localEvents.results, serverEvents.results);
response.highlights = localEvents.highlights.concat(serverEvents.highlights);
} else if (localEvents) {
if (compareOldestEvents(localEvents, cachedEvents) < 0) {
oldestEventFrom = "local";
combineEventSources(previousSearchResult, response, localEvents.results, cachedEvents);
} else if (serverEvents) {
if (compareOldestEvents(serverEvents, cachedEvents) < 0) {
oldestEventFrom = "server";
combineEventSources(previousSearchResult, response, serverEvents.results, cachedEvents);
} else {
response.results = cachedEvents;
delete previousSearchResult.cachedEvents;
previousSearchResult.oldestEventFrom = oldestEventFrom;
return response;
* Combine the local and server search responses
function combineResponses(previousSearchResult, localEvents = undefined, serverEvents = undefined) {
const response = combineEvents(previousSearchResult, localEvents, serverEvents);
// Our first search will contain counts from both sources, subsequent
// pagination requests will fetch responses only from one of the sources, so
// reuse the first count when we're paginating.
if (previousSearchResult.count) {
response.count = previousSearchResult.count;
} else {
response.count = localEvents.count + serverEvents.count;
// Update our next batch tokens for the given search sources.
if (localEvents) {
previousSearchResult.seshatQuery.next_batch = localEvents.next_batch;
if (serverEvents) {
previousSearchResult.serverSideNextBatch = serverEvents.next_batch;
// Set the response next batch token to one of the tokens from the sources,
// this makes sure that if we exhaust one of the sources we continue with
// the other one.
if (previousSearchResult.seshatQuery.next_batch) {
response.next_batch = previousSearchResult.seshatQuery.next_batch;
} else if (previousSearchResult.serverSideNextBatch) {
response.next_batch = previousSearchResult.serverSideNextBatch;
// We collected all search results from the server as well as from Seshat,
// we still have some events cached that we'll want to display on the next
// pagination request.
// Provide a fake next batch token for that case.
if (!response.next_batch && previousSearchResult.cachedEvents && previousSearchResult.cachedEvents.length > 0) {
response.next_batch = "cached";
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return response;
async function combinedPagination(searchResult) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
const searchArgs = searchResult.seshatQuery;
const oldestEventFrom = searchResult.oldestEventFrom;
let localResult;
let serverSideResult;
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if ((searchArgs.next_batch && oldestEventFrom === "server") ||
(!searchResult.serverSideNextBatch && searchArgs.next_batch)) {
localResult = await eventIndex.search(searchArgs);
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if ((searchResult.serverSideNextBatch && oldestEventFrom === "local") ||
(!searchArgs.next_batch && searchResult.serverSideNextBatch)) {
const body = {body: searchResult._query, next_batch: searchResult.serverSideNextBatch};
serverSideResult = await client.search(body);
let serverEvents;
if (serverSideResult) {
serverEvents = serverSideResult.search_categories.room_events;
const combinedResult = combineResponses(searchResult, localResult, serverEvents);
const response = {
search_categories: {
room_events: combinedResult,
const result = client._processRoomEventsSearch(searchResult, response);
searchResult.pendingRequest = null;
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return result;
function eventIndexSearch(term, roomId = undefined) {
let searchPromise;
if (roomId !== undefined) {
if (MatrixClientPeg.get().isRoomEncrypted(roomId)) {
// The search is for a single encrypted room, use our local
// search method.
searchPromise = localSearch(term, roomId);
} else {
// The search is for a single non-encrypted room, use the
// server-side search.
searchPromise = serverSideSearch(term, roomId);
} else {
// Search across all rooms, combine a server side search and a
// local search.
searchPromise = combinedSearch(term);
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return searchPromise;
function eventIndexSearchPagination(searchResult) {
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
const seshatQuery = searchResult.seshatQuery;
const serverQuery = searchResult._query;
if (!seshatQuery) {
// This is a search in a non-encrypted room. Do the normal server-side
// pagination.
return client.backPaginateRoomEventsSearch(searchResult);
} else if (!serverQuery) {
// This is a search in a encrypted room. Do a local pagination.
const promise = localPagination(searchResult);
searchResult.pendingRequest = promise;
return promise;
} else {
// We have both queries around, this is a search across all rooms so a
// combined pagination needs to be done.
const promise = combinedPagination(searchResult);
searchResult.pendingRequest = promise;
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return promise;
export function searchPagination(searchResult) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
const client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
if (searchResult.pendingRequest) return searchResult.pendingRequest;
if (eventIndex === null) return client.backPaginateRoomEventsSearch(searchResult);
else return eventIndexSearchPagination(searchResult);
export default function eventSearch(term, roomId = undefined) {
const eventIndex = EventIndexPeg.get();
if (eventIndex === null) return serverSideSearch(term, roomId);
else return eventIndexSearch(term, roomId);