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//import Levenshtein from 'liblevenshtein';
//import _at from 'lodash/at';
//import _flatMap from 'lodash/flatMap';
//import _sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy';
//import _sortedUniq from 'lodash/sortedUniq';
//import _keys from 'lodash/keys';
//class KeyMap {
// keys: Array<String>;
// objectMap: {[String]: Array<Object>};
// priorityMap: {[String]: number}
2017-02-10 18:04:52 +01:00
// FIXME Until Fuzzy matching works better, we use prefix matching.
import PrefixMatcher from './QueryMatcher';
export default PrefixMatcher;
//class FuzzyMatcher { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// /**
// * @param {object[]} objects the objects to perform a match on
// * @param {string[]} keys an array of keys within each object to match on
// * Keys can refer to object properties by name and as in JavaScript (for nested properties)
// *
// * To use, simply presort objects by required criteria, run through this function and create a FuzzyMatcher with the
// * resulting KeyMap.
// *
// * TODO: Handle arrays and objects (Fuse did this, RoomProvider uses it)
// * @return {KeyMap}
// */
// static valuesToKeyMap(objects: Array<Object>, keys: Array<String>): KeyMap {
// const keyMap = new KeyMap();
// const map = {};
// const priorities = {};
// objects.forEach((object, i) => {
// const keyValues = _at(object, keys);
// console.log(object, keyValues, keys);
// for (const keyValue of keyValues) {
// if (!map.hasOwnProperty(keyValue)) {
// map[keyValue] = [];
// }
// map[keyValue].push(object);
// }
// priorities[object] = i;
// });
// keyMap.objectMap = map;
// keyMap.priorityMap = priorities;
// keyMap.keys = _sortBy(_keys(map), [(value) => priorities[value]]);
// return keyMap;
// }
// constructor(objects: Array<Object>, options: {[Object]: Object} = {}) {
// this.options = options;
// this.keys = options.keys;
// this.setObjects(objects);
// }
// setObjects(objects: Array<Object>) {
// this.keyMap = FuzzyMatcher.valuesToKeyMap(objects, this.keys);
// console.log(this.keyMap.keys);
// this.matcher = new Levenshtein.Builder()
// .dictionary(this.keyMap.keys, true)
// .algorithm('transposition')
// .sort_candidates(false)
// .case_insensitive_sort(true)
// .include_distance(true)
// .maximum_candidates(this.options.resultCount || DEFAULT_RESULT_COUNT) // result count 0 doesn't make much sense
// .build();
// }
// match(query: String): Array<Object> {
// const candidates = this.matcher.transduce(query, this.options.distance || DEFAULT_DISTANCE);
// // TODO FIXME This is hideous. Clean up when possible.
// const val = _sortedUniq(_sortBy(_flatMap(candidates, (candidate) => {
// return this.keyMap.objectMap[candidate[0]].map((value) => {
// return {
// distance: candidate[1],
// ...value,
// };
// });
// }),
// [(candidate) => candidate.distance, (candidate) => this.keyMap.priorityMap[candidate]]));
// console.log(val);
// return val;
// }