diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json
index 9ed6119873..734d3af75a 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     "Continue": "Fortfahren",
     "Create Room": "Raum erstellen",
     "Cryptography": "Verschlüsselung",
-    "Deactivate Account": "Benutzerkonto schließen",
+    "Deactivate Account": "Benutzerkonto deaktivieren",
     "Failed to send email": "Fehler beim Senden der E-Mail",
     "Account": "Benutzerkonto",
     "Click here to fix": "Zum reparieren hier klicken",
@@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@
     "Add Email Address": "E-Mail-Adresse hinzufügen",
     "Add Phone Number": "Telefonnummer hinzufügen",
     "Changes the avatar of the current room": "Ändert den Avatar für diesen Raum",
-    "Deactivate account": "Benutzerkonto schließen",
+    "Deactivate account": "Benutzerkonto deaktivieren",
     "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Zeige Vorschauen/Thumbnails für Bilder",
     "View": "Vorschau",
     "Find a room…": "Suche einen Raum…",
@@ -2504,5 +2504,20 @@
     "Start a conversation with someone using their name or username (like <userId/>).": "Starte ein Gespräch unter Verwendung des Namen oder Benutzernamens des Gegenübers (z. B. <userId/>).",
     "This won't invite them to %(communityName)s. To invite someone to %(communityName)s, click <a>here</a>": "Das wird sie nicht zu %(communityName)s einladen. Um jemand zu %(communityName)s einzuladen, klicke <a>hier</a>",
     "Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Lade jemand mittels seinem/ihrem Namen oder Benutzernamen (z.B. <userId/>) ein, oder <a>teile diesem Raum</a>.",
-    "Unable to set up keys": "Schlüssel können nicht eingerichtet werden"
+    "Unable to set up keys": "Schlüssel können nicht eingerichtet werden",
+    "Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to see all encrypted files": "Nutze die <a>Desktop-App</a> um alle verschlüsselten Dateien zu sehen",
+    "Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to search encrypted messages": "Nutze die <a>Desktop-App</a> um verschlüsselte Nachrichten zu suchen",
+    "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "Diese Version von %(brand)s unterstützt nicht alle verschlüsselten Dateien anzuzeigen",
+    "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "Diese Version von %(brand)s unterstützt nicht verschlüsselte Nachrichten zu durchsuchen",
+    "Cannot create rooms in this community": "Räume können in dieser Community nicht erstellt werden",
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Du bist nicht berechtigt Räume in dieser Community zu erstellen.",
+    "End conference": "Konferenzgespräch beenden",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Dies wird das Konferenzgespräch für alle beenden. Fortfahren?",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "Konferenzgespräch oben in diesem Raum beitreten",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "Konferenzgespräch in den Rauminformationen rechts beitreten",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "Videokonferenz von %(senderName)s beendet",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "Videokonferenz wurde von %(senderName)s aktualisiert",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "Videokonferenz wurde von %(senderName)s gestartet",
+    "Ignored attempt to disable encryption": "Versuch, die Verschlüsselung zu deaktivieren, wurde ignoriert",
+    "Failed to save your profile": "Profil speichern fehlgeschlagen"
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/et.json b/src/i18n/strings/et.json
index 50517165d3..7d820b4fce 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/et.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/et.json
@@ -2512,5 +2512,17 @@
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "See %(brand)s versioon ei toeta mõnede krüptitud failide vaatatamist",
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "See %(brand)s versioon ei toeta otsingut krüptitud sõnumite seast",
     "Cannot create rooms in this community": "Siia kogukonda ei saa jututubasid luua",
-    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Sul pole õigusi luua siin kogukonnas uusi jututubasid."
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Sul pole õigusi luua siin kogukonnas uusi jututubasid.",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "Liitu konverentsiga selle jututoa ülaosas",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "Liitu konverentsiga selle jututoa infolehelt paremal",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "%(senderName)s lõpetas video rühmakõne",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "%(senderName)s uuendas video rühmakõne",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "%(senderName)s alustas video rühmakõne",
+    "End conference": "Lõpeta videokonverents",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Sellega lõpetame kõikide osalejate jaoks videokonverentsi. Nõus?",
+    "Ignored attempt to disable encryption": "Eirasin katset lõpetada krüptimise kasutamine",
+    "Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Võrguühenduseta kasutamiseks mõeldud krüptitud sõnumid dehydrated teenuse abil",
+    "Remove messages sent by others": "Kustuta teiste saadetud sõnumid",
+    "Failed to save your profile": "Sinu profiili salvestamine ei õnnestunud",
+    "The operation could not be completed": "Toimingut ei õnnestunud lõpetada"
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json
index ab00d564d0..0dc3b770dd 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json
@@ -2512,5 +2512,16 @@
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "Esta versión de %(brand)s non soporta o visionado dalgúns ficheiros cifrados",
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "Esta versión de %(brand)s non soporta a busca de mensaxes cifradas",
     "Cannot create rooms in this community": "Non se poden crear salas nesta comunidade",
-    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Non tes permiso para crear salas nesta comunidade."
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Non tes permiso para crear salas nesta comunidade.",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "Únete á conferencia na ligazón arriba nesta sala",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "Únete á conferencia desde a tarxeta con información da sala á dereita",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "Video conferencia rematada por %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "Video conferencia actualizada por %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "Video conferencia iniciada por %(senderName)s",
+    "End conference": "Rematar conferencia",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Así finalizarás a conferencia para todas. ¿Adiante?",
+    "Ignored attempt to disable encryption": "Intento ignorado de desactivar o cifrado",
+    "Failed to save your profile": "Non se gardaron os cambios",
+    "The operation could not be completed": "Non se puido realizar a acción",
+    "Remove messages sent by others": "Eliminar mensaxes enviadas por outras"
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json
index 8095401bf9..0e76c1a97d 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json
@@ -2502,5 +2502,27 @@
     "Minimize widget": "Widget minimalizálása",
     "Maximize widget": "Widget maximalizálása",
     "Your server requires encryption to be enabled in private rooms.": "A szervered megköveteli, hogy a titkosítás be legyen kapcsolva a privát szobákban.",
-    "Unable to set up keys": "Nem sikerült a kulcsok beállítása"
+    "Unable to set up keys": "Nem sikerült a kulcsok beállítása",
+    "Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data": "Biztosítás a titkosított üzenetek és adatokhoz való hozzáférés elvesztése ellen",
+    "not found in storage": "a tárban nem található",
+    "Widgets": "Kisalkalmazások",
+    "Edit widgets, bridges & bots": "Kisalkalmazások, hidak és botok szerkesztése",
+    "Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to see all encrypted files": "Minden titkosított fájl eléréséhez használd az <a>Asztali alkalmazást</a>",
+    "Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to search encrypted messages": "A titkosított üzenetek kereséséhez használd az <a>Asztali alkalmazást</a>",
+    "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "%(brand)s ezen verziója nem minden titkosított fájl megjelenítését támogatja",
+    "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "%(brand)s ezen verziója nem támogatja a keresést a titkosított üzenetekben",
+    "Cannot create rooms in this community": "A közösségben nem lehet szobát készíteni",
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "A közösségben szoba létrehozásához nincs jogosultságod.",
+    "End conference": "Konferenciahívás befejezése",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Mindenki számára befejeződik a konferencia. Folytatod?",
+    "Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Kapcsolat nélküli titkosított üzenetküldés tartósított eszközökkel",
+    "Ignored attempt to disable encryption": "A titkosítás kikapcsolására tett kísérlet figyelmen kívül lett hagyva",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "Csatlakozz a konferenciához a szoba tetején",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "Csatlakozz a konferenciához a jobb oldali szoba információs panel segítségével",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "A videókonferenciát befejezte: %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "A videókonferenciát frissítette: %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "A videókonferenciát elindította: %(senderName)s",
+    "Failed to save your profile": "A profilodat nem sikerült elmenteni",
+    "The operation could not be completed": "A műveletet nem lehetett befejezni",
+    "Remove messages sent by others": "Mások által küldött üzenetek törlése"
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/it.json b/src/i18n/strings/it.json
index 3deba88144..83adb8c173 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/it.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/it.json
@@ -2515,5 +2515,13 @@
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "Questa versione di %(brand)s non supporta la visualizzazione di alcuni file cifrati",
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "Questa versione di %(brand)s non supporta la ricerca di messaggi cifrati",
     "Cannot create rooms in this community": "Impossibile creare stanze in questa comunità",
-    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Non hai i permessi per creare stanze in questa comunità."
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Non hai i permessi per creare stanze in questa comunità.",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "Entra nella conferenza in cima alla stanza",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "Entra nella conferenza dalla scheda di informazione della stanza a destra",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "Conferenza video terminata da %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "Conferenza video aggiornata da %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "Conferenza video iniziata da %(senderName)s",
+    "End conference": "Termina conferenza",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Verrà terminata la conferenza per tutti. Continuare?",
+    "Ignored attempt to disable encryption": "Tentativo di disattivare la crittografia ignorato"
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ru.json b/src/i18n/strings/ru.json
index 946e8a5c89..5dd9c66688 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/ru.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/ru.json
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@
     "Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Неверный ответ при попытке обнаружения домашнего сервера",
     "Failed to get autodiscovery configuration from server": "Не удалось получить конфигурацию автообнаружения с сервера",
     "Invalid base_url for m.homeserver": "Неверный base_url для m.homeserver",
-    "Homeserver URL does not appear to be a valid Matrix homeserver": "URL-адрес сервера не является действительным URL-адресом сервера Матрица",
+    "Homeserver URL does not appear to be a valid Matrix homeserver": "URL-адрес домашнего сервера не является допустимым домашним сервером Matrix",
     "Invalid identity server discovery response": "Неверный ответ на запрос идентификации сервера",
     "Invalid base_url for m.identity_server": "Неверный base_url для m.identity_server",
     "Identity server URL does not appear to be a valid identity server": "URL-адрес сервера идентификации не является действительным сервером идентификации",
@@ -2411,7 +2411,7 @@
     "Explore public rooms": "Просмотреть публичные комнаты",
     "Uploading logs": "Загрузка журналов",
     "Downloading logs": "Скачивание журналов",
-    "Can't see what you’re looking for?": "Не видите то, что ищете?",
+    "Can't see what you’re looking for?": "Не нашли, что искали?",
     "Explore all public rooms": "Просмотреть все публичные комнаты",
     "%(count)s results|other": "%(count)s результатов",
     "Preparing to download logs": "Подготовка к загрузке журналов",
@@ -2508,5 +2508,14 @@
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "Эта версия %(brand)s не поддерживает просмотр некоторых зашифрованных файлов",
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "Эта версия %(brand)s не поддерживает поиск зашифрованных сообщений",
     "Cannot create rooms in this community": "Невозможно создать комнаты в этом сообществе",
-    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "У вас нет разрешения на создание комнат в этом сообществе."
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "У вас нет разрешения на создание комнат в этом сообществе.",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "Присоединяйтесь к конференции в верхней части этой комнаты",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "Присоединяйтесь к конференции, используя информационную карточку комнаты справа",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "%(senderName)s завершил(а) видеоконференцию",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "%(senderName)s обновил(а) видеоконференцию",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "%(senderName)s начал(а) видеоконференцию",
+    "End conference": "Завершить конференцию",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Это завершит конференцию для всех. Продолжить?",
+    "Failed to save your profile": "Не удалось сохранить ваш профиль",
+    "The operation could not be completed": "Операция не может быть выполнена"
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sl.json b/src/i18n/strings/sl.json
index 985e4a39d1..beff9b5bcb 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/sl.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/sl.json
@@ -11,5 +11,14 @@
     "Custom Server Options": "Možnosti strežnika po meri",
     "Your language of choice": "Vaš jezik po izbiri",
     "Use Single Sign On to continue": "Uporabi Single Sign On za prijavo",
-    "Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": ""
+    "Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Potrdite dodajanje tega e-poštnega naslova z enkratno prijavo, da dokažete svojo identiteto.",
+    "Single Sign On": "Enkratna prijava",
+    "Confirm adding email": "Potrdi dodajanje e-poštnega naslova",
+    "Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "Kliknite gumb spodaj za potrditev dodajanja tega elektronskega naslova.",
+    "Confirm": "Potrdi",
+    "Add Email Address": "Dodaj e-poštni naslov",
+    "Confirm adding this phone number by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Potrdite dodajanje te telefonske številke z enkratno prijavo, da dokažete svojo identiteto.",
+    "Confirm adding phone number": "Potrdi dodajanje telefonske številke",
+    "Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "Pritisnite gumb spodaj da potrdite dodajanje te telefonske številke.",
+    "Add Phone Number": "Dodaj telefonsko številko"
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sq.json b/src/i18n/strings/sq.json
index 9d44131ed0..6b61316356 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/sq.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/sq.json
@@ -2500,5 +2500,23 @@
     "Start a conversation with someone using their name or username (like <userId/>).": "Nisni një bisedë me dikë duke përdorur emrin e tij ose emrin e tij të përdoruesit (bie fjala, <userId/>).",
     "This won't invite them to %(communityName)s. To invite someone to %(communityName)s, click <a>here</a>": "Kjo s’do ta ftojë te %(communityName)s. Që të ftoni dikë te %(communityName)s, klikoni <a>këtu</a>",
     "Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Ftoni dikë duke përdorur emrin e tij, emrin e tij të përdoruesit (bie fjala, <userId/>) ose <a>ndani me të këtë dhomë</a>.",
-    "Unable to set up keys": "S’arrihet të ujdisen kyçe"
+    "Unable to set up keys": "S’arrihet të ujdisen kyçe",
+    "End conference": "Përfundoje konferencën",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Kjo do të mbyllë konferencën për këdo. Të vazhdohet?",
+    "Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Shkëmbim jashtë linje mesazhesh të fshehtëzuar duke përdorur pajisje të dehidratuara",
+    "Cross-signing is ready for use.": "“Cross-signing” është gati për përdorim.",
+    "Cross-signing is not set up.": "“Cross-signing” s’është ujdisur.",
+    "Remove messages sent by others": "Hiqi mesazhet e dërguar nga të tjerët",
+    "Ignored attempt to disable encryption": "U shpërfill përpjekje për të çaktivizuar fshehtëzimin",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "Merrni pjesë në konferencë, në krye të kësaj dhome",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "Merrni pjesë në konferencë që prej kartës së informacionit mbi dhomën, në të djathtë",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "Konferenca video u përfundua nga %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "Konferenca video u përditësua nga %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "Konferenca video u fillua nga %(senderName)s",
+    "Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to see all encrypted files": "Që të shihni krejt kartelat e fshehtëzuara, përdorni <a>aplikacionin për Desktop</a>",
+    "Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to search encrypted messages": "Që të kërkoni te mesazhe të fshehtëzuar, përdorni <a>aplikacionin për Desktop</a>",
+    "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "Ky version i %(brand)s nuk mbulon parjen për disa kartela të fshehtëzuara",
+    "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "Ky version i %(brand)s nuk mbulon kërkimin në mesazhe të fshehtëzuar",
+    "Cannot create rooms in this community": "S’mund të krijohen dhoma në këtë bashkësi",
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "S’keni leje të krijoni dhoma në këtë bashkësi."
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sv.json b/src/i18n/strings/sv.json
index a5421b2bc0..6283e8b945 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/sv.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/sv.json
@@ -2439,5 +2439,23 @@
     "Start a conversation with someone using their name or username (like <userId/>).": "Starta en konversation med någon med deras namn eller användarnamn (som <userId/>).",
     "This won't invite them to %(communityName)s. To invite someone to %(communityName)s, click <a>here</a>": "Detta kommer inte att bjuda in dem till %(communityName)s. För att bjuda in någon till %(communityName)s, klicka <a>här</a>",
     "Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this room</a>.": "Bjud in någon med deras namn eller användarnamn (som <userId/>) eller <a>dela det här rummet</a>.",
-    "Unable to set up keys": "Kunde inte ställa in nycklar"
+    "Unable to set up keys": "Kunde inte ställa in nycklar",
+    "End conference": "Avsluta gruppsamtal",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "Detta kommer att avsluta gruppsamtalet för alla. Fortsätt?",
+    "Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Krypterad meddelandehantering offline med hjälp av frystorkade enheter",
+    "Failed to save your profile": "Misslyckades att spara din profil",
+    "The operation could not be completed": "Operationen kunde inte slutföras",
+    "Remove messages sent by others": "Ta bort meddelanden skickade av andra",
+    "Ignored attempt to disable encryption": "Ignorerade försök att inaktivera kryptering",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "Gå med i gruppsamtalet på toppen av det här rummet",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "Gå med i gruppsamtalet ifrån informationskortet till höger",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "Videogruppsamtal avslutat av %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "Videogruppsamtal uppdaterat av %(senderName)s",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "Videogruppsamtal startat av %(senderName)s",
+    "Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to see all encrypted files": "Använd <a>skrivbordsappen</a> för att se alla krypterade filer",
+    "Use the <a>Desktop app</a> to search encrypted messages": "Använd <a>skrivbordsappen</a> söka bland krypterade meddelanden",
+    "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "Den här versionen av %(brand)s stöder inte visning av vissa krypterade filer",
+    "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "Den här versionen av %(brand)s stöder inte sökning bland krypterade meddelanden",
+    "Cannot create rooms in this community": "Kan inte skapa rum i den här gemenskapen",
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "Du har inte behörighet att skapa rum i den här gemenskapen."
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json
index eaf3b0d329..eeb119dfd4 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
     "Sunday": "星期日",
     "Notification targets": "通知目标",
     "Today": "今天",
-    "You are not receiving desktop notifications": "您将不会收到桌面通知",
+    "You are not receiving desktop notifications": "您现在不会收到桌面通知",
     "Friday": "星期五",
     "Update": "更新",
     "What's New": "更新内容",
@@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@
     "If you cancel now, you won't complete verifying your other session.": "如果现在取消,您将无法完成验证您的其他会话。",
     "If you cancel now, you won't complete your operation.": "如果现在取消,您将无法完成您的操作。",
     "Cancel entering passphrase?": "取消输入密码?",
-    "Setting up keys": "设置按键",
+    "Setting up keys": "设置密钥",
     "Verify this session": "验证此会话",
     "Encryption upgrade available": "提供加密升级",
     "Set up encryption": "设置加密",
@@ -2384,5 +2384,19 @@
     "Cross-signing is ready for use.": "交叉签名已可用。",
     "Cross-signing is not set up.": "未设置交叉签名。",
     "Backup version:": "备份版本:",
-    "Algorithm:": "算法:"
+    "Algorithm:": "算法:",
+    "Set up Secure Backup": "设置安全备份",
+    "Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data": "保护加密信息 & 数据的访问权",
+    "not found in storage": "未在存储中找到",
+    "Back up your encryption keys with your account data in case you lose access to your sessions. Your keys will be secured with a unique Recovery Key.": "请备份加密密钥及帐户数据,以防无法访问您的会话。您的密钥将使用唯一的恢复密钥进行保护。",
+    "Backup key stored:": "备份密钥已保存:",
+    "Backup key cached:": "备份密钥已缓存:",
+    "Secret storage:": "秘密存储:",
+    "ready": "就绪",
+    "not ready": "尚未就绪",
+    "Secure Backup": "安全备份",
+    "Privacy": "隐私",
+    "Explore community rooms": "探索社区聊天室",
+    "%(count)s results|one": "%(count)s 个结果",
+    "Room Info": "聊天室信息"
diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json
index 5fdf2b7d85..da93d6c270 100644
--- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json
+++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json
@@ -2515,5 +2515,17 @@
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support viewing some encrypted files": "此版本的 %(brand)s 不支援檢視某些加密檔案",
     "This version of %(brand)s does not support searching encrypted messages": "此版本的 %(brand)s 不支援搜尋加密訊息",
     "Cannot create rooms in this community": "無法在此社群中建立聊天室",
-    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "您沒有在此社群中建立聊天室的權限。"
+    "You do not have permission to create rooms in this community.": "您沒有在此社群中建立聊天室的權限。",
+    "Join the conference at the top of this room": "加入此聊天室頂部的會議",
+    "Join the conference from the room information card on the right": "從右側的聊天室資訊卡片加入會議",
+    "Video conference ended by %(senderName)s": "視訊會議由 %(senderName)s 結束",
+    "Video conference updated by %(senderName)s": "視訊會議由 %(senderName)s 更新",
+    "Video conference started by %(senderName)s": "視訊會議由 %(senderName)s 開始",
+    "End conference": "結束會議",
+    "This will end the conference for everyone. Continue?": "這將會對所有人結束會議。要繼續嗎?",
+    "Ignored attempt to disable encryption": "已忽略嘗試停用加密",
+    "Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "使用乾淨裝置的離線加密訊息",
+    "Failed to save your profile": "儲存您的設定檔失敗",
+    "The operation could not be completed": "無法完成操作",
+    "Remove messages sent by others": "移除其他人傳送的訊息"