Make the critical sections of the RLS synchronous to avoid needing to mutex everything
@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ export default class RoomSublist extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
this.setState({ addRoomContextMenuPosition: null });
private onUnreadFirstChanged = async () => {
private onUnreadFirstChanged = () => {
const isUnreadFirst = RoomListStore.instance.getListOrder(this.props.tagId) === ListAlgorithm.Importance;
const newAlgorithm = isUnreadFirst ? ListAlgorithm.Natural : ListAlgorithm.Importance;
await RoomListStore.instance.setListOrder(this.props.tagId, newAlgorithm);
RoomListStore.instance.setListOrder(this.props.tagId, newAlgorithm);
this.forceUpdate(); // because if the sublist doesn't have any changes then we will miss the list order change
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
// Update any settings here, as some may have happened before we were logically ready.
console.log("Regenerating room lists: Startup");
await this.readAndCacheSettingsFromStore();
await this.regenerateAllLists({ trigger: false });
await this.handleRVSUpdate({ trigger: false }); // fake an RVS update to adjust sticky room, if needed
this.regenerateAllLists({ trigger: false });
this.handleRVSUpdate({ trigger: false }); // fake an RVS update to adjust sticky room, if needed
this.updateFn.mark(); // we almost certainly want to trigger an update.
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
await this.updateState({
await this.updateAlgorithmInstances();
@ -158,23 +158,23 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
* @param trigger Set to false to prevent a list update from being sent. Should only
* be used if the calling code will manually trigger the update.
private async handleRVSUpdate({ trigger = true }) {
private handleRVSUpdate({ trigger = true }) {
if (!this.matrixClient) return; // We assume there won't be RVS updates without a client
const activeRoomId = RoomViewStore.getRoomId();
if (!activeRoomId && this.algorithm.stickyRoom) {
await this.algorithm.setStickyRoom(null);
} else if (activeRoomId) {
const activeRoom = this.matrixClient.getRoom(activeRoomId);
if (!activeRoom) {
console.warn(`${activeRoomId} is current in RVS but missing from client - clearing sticky room`);
await this.algorithm.setStickyRoom(null);
} else if (activeRoom !== this.algorithm.stickyRoom) {
if (SettingsStore.getValue("advancedRoomListLogging")) {
// TODO: Remove debug:
console.log(`Changing sticky room to ${activeRoomId}`);
await this.algorithm.setStickyRoom(activeRoom);
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
console.log("Regenerating room lists: Settings changed");
await this.readAndCacheSettingsFromStore();
await this.regenerateAllLists({ trigger: false }); // regenerate the lists now
this.regenerateAllLists({ trigger: false }); // regenerate the lists now
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
// TODO: Remove debug:
console.log(`[RoomListDebug] Clearing sticky room due to room upgrade`);
await this.algorithm.setStickyRoom(null);
// Note: we hit the algorithm instead of our handleRoomUpdate() function to
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
// TODO: Remove debug:
console.log(`[RoomListDebug] Removing previous room from room list`);
await this.algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(prevRoom, RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved);
this.algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(prevRoom, RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved);
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
return; // don't do anything on new/moved rooms which ought not to be shown
const shouldUpdate = await this.algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(room, cause);
const shouldUpdate = this.algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(room, cause);
if (shouldUpdate) {
if (SettingsStore.getValue("advancedRoomListLogging")) {
// TODO: Remove debug:
@ -462,13 +462,13 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
// Reset the sticky room before resetting the known rooms so the algorithm
// doesn't freak out.
await this.algorithm.setStickyRoom(null);
await this.algorithm.setKnownRooms(rooms);
// Set the sticky room back, if needed, now that we have updated the store.
// This will use relative stickyness to the new room set.
if (stickyIsStillPresent) {
await this.algorithm.setStickyRoom(currentSticky);
// Finally, mark an update and resume updates from the algorithm
@ -477,12 +477,12 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
public async setTagSorting(tagId: TagID, sort: SortAlgorithm) {
await this.setAndPersistTagSorting(tagId, sort);
this.setAndPersistTagSorting(tagId, sort);
private async setAndPersistTagSorting(tagId: TagID, sort: SortAlgorithm) {
await this.algorithm.setTagSorting(tagId, sort);
private setAndPersistTagSorting(tagId: TagID, sort: SortAlgorithm) {
this.algorithm.setTagSorting(tagId, sort);
// TODO: Per-account?
localStorage.setItem(`mx_tagSort_${tagId}`, sort);
@ -520,13 +520,13 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
return tagSort;
public async setListOrder(tagId: TagID, order: ListAlgorithm) {
await this.setAndPersistListOrder(tagId, order);
public setListOrder(tagId: TagID, order: ListAlgorithm) {
this.setAndPersistListOrder(tagId, order);
private async setAndPersistListOrder(tagId: TagID, order: ListAlgorithm) {
await this.algorithm.setListOrdering(tagId, order);
private setAndPersistListOrder(tagId: TagID, order: ListAlgorithm) {
this.algorithm.setListOrdering(tagId, order);
// TODO: Per-account?
localStorage.setItem(`mx_listOrder_${tagId}`, order);
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
return listOrder;
private async updateAlgorithmInstances() {
private updateAlgorithmInstances() {
// We'll require an update, so mark for one. Marking now also prevents the calls
// to setTagSorting and setListOrder from causing triggers.
@ -576,10 +576,10 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
const listOrder = this.calculateListOrder(tag);
if (tagSort !== definedSort) {
await this.setAndPersistTagSorting(tag, tagSort);
this.setAndPersistTagSorting(tag, tagSort);
if (listOrder !== definedOrder) {
await this.setAndPersistListOrder(tag, listOrder);
this.setAndPersistListOrder(tag, listOrder);
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
* @param trigger Set to false to prevent a list update from being sent. Should only
* be used if the calling code will manually trigger the update.
public async regenerateAllLists({ trigger = true }) {
public regenerateAllLists({ trigger = true }) {
console.warn("Regenerating all room lists");
const rooms = this.getPlausibleRooms();
@ -656,8 +656,8 @@ export class RoomListStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
await this.algorithm.populateTags(sorts, orders);
await this.algorithm.setKnownRooms(rooms);
this.algorithm.populateTags(sorts, orders);
this.initialListsGenerated = true;
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ limitations under the License.
import { Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room";
import { isNullOrUndefined } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/utils";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import AwaitLock from "await-lock";
import DMRoomMap from "../../../utils/DMRoomMap";
import { arrayDiff, arrayHasDiff } from "../../../utils/arrays";
@ -80,7 +79,6 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
} = {};
private allowedByFilter: Map<IFilterCondition, Room[]> = new Map<IFilterCondition, Room[]>();
private allowedRoomsByFilters: Set<Room> = new Set<Room>();
private stickyLock = new AwaitLock();
* Set to true to suspend emissions of algorithm updates.
@ -125,13 +123,8 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
* Awaitable version of the sticky room setter.
* @param val The new room to sticky.
public async setStickyRoom(val: Room) {
await this.stickyLock.acquireAsync();
try {
await this.updateStickyRoom(val);
} finally {
public setStickyRoom(val: Room) {
public getTagSorting(tagId: TagID): SortAlgorithm {
@ -139,13 +132,13 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
return this.sortAlgorithms[tagId];
public async setTagSorting(tagId: TagID, sort: SortAlgorithm) {
public setTagSorting(tagId: TagID, sort: SortAlgorithm) {
if (!tagId) throw new Error("Tag ID must be defined");
if (!sort) throw new Error("Algorithm must be defined");
this.sortAlgorithms[tagId] = sort;
const algorithm: OrderingAlgorithm = this.algorithms[tagId];
await algorithm.setSortAlgorithm(sort);
this._cachedRooms[tagId] = algorithm.orderedRooms;
this.recalculateFilteredRoomsForTag(tagId); // update filter to re-sort the list
this.recalculateStickyRoom(tagId); // update sticky room to make sure it appears if needed
@ -156,7 +149,7 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
return this.listAlgorithms[tagId];
public async setListOrdering(tagId: TagID, order: ListAlgorithm) {
public setListOrdering(tagId: TagID, order: ListAlgorithm) {
if (!tagId) throw new Error("Tag ID must be defined");
if (!order) throw new Error("Algorithm must be defined");
this.listAlgorithms[tagId] = order;
@ -164,7 +157,7 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
const algorithm = getListAlgorithmInstance(order, tagId, this.sortAlgorithms[tagId]);
this.algorithms[tagId] = algorithm;
await algorithm.setRooms(this._cachedRooms[tagId]);
this._cachedRooms[tagId] = algorithm.orderedRooms;
this.recalculateFilteredRoomsForTag(tagId); // update filter to re-sort the list
this.recalculateStickyRoom(tagId); // update sticky room to make sure it appears if needed
@ -191,31 +184,25 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
private async handleFilterChange() {
await this.recalculateFilteredRooms();
private handleFilterChange() {
// re-emit the update so the list store can fire an off-cycle update if needed
if (this.updatesInhibited) return;
private async updateStickyRoom(val: Room) {
try {
return await this.doUpdateStickyRoom(val);
} finally {
this._lastStickyRoom = null; // clear to indicate we're done changing
private updateStickyRoom(val: Room) {
this._lastStickyRoom = null; // clear to indicate we're done changing
private async doUpdateStickyRoom(val: Room) {
private doUpdateStickyRoom(val: Room) {
if (SpaceStore.spacesEnabled && val?.isSpaceRoom() && val.getMyMembership() !== "invite") {
// no-op sticky rooms for spaces - they're effectively virtual rooms
val = null;
// Note throughout: We need async so we can wait for handleRoomUpdate() to do its thing,
// otherwise we risk duplicating rooms.
if (val && !VisibilityProvider.instance.isRoomVisible(val)) {
val = null; // the room isn't visible - lie to the rest of this function
@ -231,7 +218,7 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
this._stickyRoom = null; // clear before we go to update the algorithm
// Lie to the algorithm and re-add the room to the algorithm
await this.handleRoomUpdate(stickyRoom, RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom);
this.handleRoomUpdate(stickyRoom, RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom);
@ -277,10 +264,10 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
// referential checks as the references can differ through the lifecycle.
if (lastStickyRoom && && !== val.roomId) {
// Lie to the algorithm and re-add the room to the algorithm
await this.handleRoomUpdate(, RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom);
this.handleRoomUpdate(, RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom);
// Lie to the algorithm and remove the room from it's field of view
await this.handleRoomUpdate(val, RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved);
this.handleRoomUpdate(val, RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved);
// Check for tag & position changes while we're here. We also check the room to ensure
// it is still the same room.
@ -470,9 +457,8 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
* them.
* @param {ITagSortingMap} tagSortingMap The tags to generate.
* @param {IListOrderingMap} listOrderingMap The ordering of those tags.
* @returns {Promise<*>} A promise which resolves when complete.
public async populateTags(tagSortingMap: ITagSortingMap, listOrderingMap: IListOrderingMap): Promise<any> {
public populateTags(tagSortingMap: ITagSortingMap, listOrderingMap: IListOrderingMap): void {
if (!tagSortingMap) throw new Error(`Sorting map cannot be null or empty`);
if (!listOrderingMap) throw new Error(`Ordering ma cannot be null or empty`);
if (arrayHasDiff(Object.keys(tagSortingMap), Object.keys(listOrderingMap))) {
@ -521,93 +507,87 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
* Seeds the Algorithm with a set of rooms. The algorithm will discard all
* previously known information and instead use these rooms instead.
* @param {Room[]} rooms The rooms to force the algorithm to use.
* @returns {Promise<*>} A promise which resolves when complete.
public async setKnownRooms(rooms: Room[]): Promise<any> {
public setKnownRooms(rooms: Room[]): void {
if (isNullOrUndefined(rooms)) throw new Error(`Array of rooms cannot be null`);
if (!this.sortAlgorithms) throw new Error(`Cannot set known rooms without a tag sorting map`);
await this.stickyLock.acquireAsync();
try {
if (!this.updatesInhibited) {
// We only log this if we're expecting to be publishing updates, which means that
// this could be an unexpected invocation. If we're inhibited, then this is probably
// an intentional invocation.
console.warn("Resetting known rooms, initiating regeneration");
if (!this.updatesInhibited) {
// We only log this if we're expecting to be publishing updates, which means that
// this could be an unexpected invocation. If we're inhibited, then this is probably
// an intentional invocation.
console.warn("Resetting known rooms, initiating regeneration");
// Before we go any further we need to clear (but remember) the sticky room to
// avoid accidentally duplicating it in the list.
const oldStickyRoom = this._stickyRoom;
if (oldStickyRoom) await this.updateStickyRoom(null);
// Before we go any further we need to clear (but remember) the sticky room to
// avoid accidentally duplicating it in the list.
const oldStickyRoom = this._stickyRoom;
if (oldStickyRoom) this.updateStickyRoom(null);
this.rooms = rooms;
this.rooms = rooms;
const newTags: ITagMap = {};
for (const tagId in this.sortAlgorithms) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
newTags[tagId] = [];
const newTags: ITagMap = {};
for (const tagId in this.sortAlgorithms) {
// noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop
newTags[tagId] = [];
// If we can avoid doing work, do so.
if (!rooms.length) {
await this.generateFreshTags(newTags); // just in case it wants to do something
this.cachedRooms = newTags;
// If we can avoid doing work, do so.
if (!rooms.length) {
this.generateFreshTags(newTags); // just in case it wants to do something
this.cachedRooms = newTags;
// Split out the easy rooms first (leave and invite)
const memberships = splitRoomsByMembership(rooms);
for (const room of memberships[EffectiveMembership.Invite]) {
for (const room of memberships[EffectiveMembership.Leave]) {
// Split out the easy rooms first (leave and invite)
const memberships = splitRoomsByMembership(rooms);
for (const room of memberships[EffectiveMembership.Invite]) {
for (const room of memberships[EffectiveMembership.Leave]) {
// Now process all the joined rooms. This is a bit more complicated
for (const room of memberships[EffectiveMembership.Join]) {
const tags = this.getTagsOfJoinedRoom(room);
// Now process all the joined rooms. This is a bit more complicated
for (const room of memberships[EffectiveMembership.Join]) {
const tags = this.getTagsOfJoinedRoom(room);
let inTag = false;
if (tags.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tags) {
if (!isNullOrUndefined(newTags[tag])) {
inTag = true;
if (!inTag) {
if (DMRoomMap.shared().getUserIdForRoomId(room.roomId)) {
} else {
let inTag = false;
if (tags.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tags) {
if (!isNullOrUndefined(newTags[tag])) {
inTag = true;
await this.generateFreshTags(newTags);
this.cachedRooms = newTags; // this recalculates the filtered rooms for us
// Now that we've finished generation, we need to update the sticky room to what
// it was. It's entirely possible that it changed lists though, so if it did then
// we also have to update the position of it.
if (oldStickyRoom && {
await this.updateStickyRoom(;
if (this._stickyRoom && { // just in case the update doesn't go according to plan
if (this._stickyRoom.tag !== oldStickyRoom.tag) {
// We put the sticky room at the top of the list to treat it as an obvious tag change.
this._stickyRoom.position = 0;
if (!inTag) {
if (DMRoomMap.shared().getUserIdForRoomId(room.roomId)) {
} else {
this.cachedRooms = newTags; // this recalculates the filtered rooms for us
// Now that we've finished generation, we need to update the sticky room to what
// it was. It's entirely possible that it changed lists though, so if it did then
// we also have to update the position of it.
if (oldStickyRoom && {
if (this._stickyRoom && { // just in case the update doesn't go according to plan
if (this._stickyRoom.tag !== oldStickyRoom.tag) {
// We put the sticky room at the top of the list to treat it as an obvious tag change.
this._stickyRoom.position = 0;
} finally {
@ -665,16 +645,15 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
* @param {ITagMap} updatedTagMap The tag map which needs populating. Each tag
* will already have the rooms which belong to it - they just need ordering. Must
* be mutated in place.
* @returns {Promise<*>} A promise which resolves when complete.
private async generateFreshTags(updatedTagMap: ITagMap): Promise<any> {
private generateFreshTags(updatedTagMap: ITagMap): void {
if (!this.algorithms) throw new Error("Not ready: no algorithms to determine tags from");
for (const tag of Object.keys(updatedTagMap)) {
const algorithm: OrderingAlgorithm = this.algorithms[tag];
if (!algorithm) throw new Error(`No algorithm for ${tag}`);
await algorithm.setRooms(updatedTagMap[tag]);
updatedTagMap[tag] = algorithm.orderedRooms;
@ -686,11 +665,10 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
* may no-op this request if no changes are required.
* @param {Room} room The room which might have affected sorting.
* @param {RoomUpdateCause} cause The reason for the update being triggered.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A promise which resolve to true or false
* depending on whether or not getOrderedRooms() should be called after
* processing.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A boolean of whether or not getOrderedRooms()
* should be called after processing.
public async handleRoomUpdate(room: Room, cause: RoomUpdateCause): Promise<boolean> {
public handleRoomUpdate(room: Room, cause: RoomUpdateCause): boolean {
if (SettingsStore.getValue("advancedRoomListLogging")) {
// TODO: Remove debug:
console.log(`Handle room update for ${room.roomId} called with cause ${cause}`);
@ -757,7 +735,7 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
const algorithm: OrderingAlgorithm = this.algorithms[rmTag];
if (!algorithm) throw new Error(`No algorithm for ${rmTag}`);
await algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(room, RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved);
algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(room, RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved);
this._cachedRooms[rmTag] = algorithm.orderedRooms;
this.recalculateFilteredRoomsForTag(rmTag); // update filter to re-sort the list
this.recalculateStickyRoom(rmTag); // update sticky room to make sure it moves if needed
@ -769,7 +747,7 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
const algorithm: OrderingAlgorithm = this.algorithms[addTag];
if (!algorithm) throw new Error(`No algorithm for ${addTag}`);
await algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(room, RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom);
algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(room, RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom);
this._cachedRooms[addTag] = algorithm.orderedRooms;
@ -802,7 +780,7 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
} else {
// We have to clear the lock as the sticky room change will trigger updates.
await this.setStickyRoom(room);
@ -865,7 +843,7 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
const algorithm: OrderingAlgorithm = this.algorithms[tag];
if (!algorithm) throw new Error(`No algorithm for ${tag}`);
await algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(room, cause);
algorithm.handleRoomUpdate(room, cause);
this._cachedRooms[tag] = algorithm.orderedRooms;
// Flag that we've done something
@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends OrderingAlgorithm {
return state.color;
public async setRooms(rooms: Room[]): Promise<any> {
public setRooms(rooms: Room[]): void {
if (this.sortingAlgorithm === SortAlgorithm.Manual) {
this.cachedOrderedRooms = await sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(rooms, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
this.cachedOrderedRooms = sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(rooms, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
} else {
// Every other sorting type affects the categories, not the whole tag.
const categorized = this.categorizeRooms(rooms);
for (const category of Object.keys(categorized)) {
const roomsToOrder = categorized[category];
categorized[category] = await sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(roomsToOrder, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
categorized[category] = sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(roomsToOrder, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
const newlyOrganized: Room[] = [];
@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends OrderingAlgorithm {
private async handleSplice(room: Room, cause: RoomUpdateCause): Promise<boolean> {
private handleSplice(room: Room, cause: RoomUpdateCause): boolean {
if (cause === RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom) {
const category = this.getRoomCategory(room);
this.alterCategoryPositionBy(category, 1, this.indices);
this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(this.indices[category], 0, room); // splice in the new room (pre-adjusted)
await this.sortCategory(category);
} else if (cause === RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved) {
const roomIdx = this.getRoomIndex(room);
if (roomIdx === -1) {
@ -141,55 +141,49 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends OrderingAlgorithm {
return true;
public async handleRoomUpdate(room: Room, cause: RoomUpdateCause): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await this.updateLock.acquireAsync();
if (cause === RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom || cause === RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved) {
return this.handleSplice(room, cause);
if (cause !== RoomUpdateCause.Timeline && cause !== RoomUpdateCause.ReadReceipt) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported update cause: ${cause}`);
const category = this.getRoomCategory(room);
if (this.sortingAlgorithm === SortAlgorithm.Manual) {
return; // Nothing to do here.
const roomIdx = this.getRoomIndex(room);
if (roomIdx === -1) {
throw new Error(`Room ${room.roomId} has no index in ${this.tagId}`);
// Try to avoid doing array operations if we don't have to: only move rooms within
// the categories if we're jumping categories
const oldCategory = this.getCategoryFromIndices(roomIdx, this.indices);
if (oldCategory !== category) {
// Move the room and update the indices
this.moveRoomIndexes(1, oldCategory, category, this.indices);
this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(roomIdx, 1); // splice out the old index (fixed position)
this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(this.indices[category], 0, room); // splice in the new room (pre-adjusted)
// Note: if moveRoomIndexes() is called after the splice then the insert operation
// will happen in the wrong place. Because we would have already adjusted the index
// for the category, we don't need to determine how the room is moving in the list.
// If we instead tried to insert before updating the indices, we'd have to determine
// whether the room was moving later (towards IDLE) or earlier (towards RED) from its
// current position, as it'll affect the category's start index after we remove the
// room from the array.
// Sort the category now that we've dumped the room in
await this.sortCategory(category);
return true; // change made
} finally {
await this.updateLock.release();
public handleRoomUpdate(room: Room, cause: RoomUpdateCause): boolean {
if (cause === RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom || cause === RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved) {
return this.handleSplice(room, cause);
if (cause !== RoomUpdateCause.Timeline && cause !== RoomUpdateCause.ReadReceipt) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported update cause: ${cause}`);
const category = this.getRoomCategory(room);
if (this.sortingAlgorithm === SortAlgorithm.Manual) {
return; // Nothing to do here.
const roomIdx = this.getRoomIndex(room);
if (roomIdx === -1) {
throw new Error(`Room ${room.roomId} has no index in ${this.tagId}`);
// Try to avoid doing array operations if we don't have to: only move rooms within
// the categories if we're jumping categories
const oldCategory = this.getCategoryFromIndices(roomIdx, this.indices);
if (oldCategory !== category) {
// Move the room and update the indices
this.moveRoomIndexes(1, oldCategory, category, this.indices);
this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(roomIdx, 1); // splice out the old index (fixed position)
this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(this.indices[category], 0, room); // splice in the new room (pre-adjusted)
// Note: if moveRoomIndexes() is called after the splice then the insert operation
// will happen in the wrong place. Because we would have already adjusted the index
// for the category, we don't need to determine how the room is moving in the list.
// If we instead tried to insert before updating the indices, we'd have to determine
// whether the room was moving later (towards IDLE) or earlier (towards RED) from its
// current position, as it'll affect the category's start index after we remove the
// room from the array.
// Sort the category now that we've dumped the room in
return true; // change made
private async sortCategory(category: NotificationColor) {
private sortCategory(category: NotificationColor) {
// This should be relatively quick because the room is usually inserted at the top of the
// category, and most popular sorting algorithms will deal with trying to keep the active
// room at the top/start of the category. For the few algorithms that will have to move the
@ -201,7 +195,7 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends OrderingAlgorithm {
const startIdx = this.indices[category];
const numSort = nextCategoryStartIdx - startIdx; // splice() returns up to the max, so MAX_SAFE_INT is fine
const unsortedSlice = this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(startIdx, numSort);
const sorted = await sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(unsortedSlice, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
const sorted = sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(unsortedSlice, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(startIdx, 0, ...sorted);
@ -29,42 +29,32 @@ export class NaturalAlgorithm extends OrderingAlgorithm {
super(tagId, initialSortingAlgorithm);
public async setRooms(rooms: Room[]): Promise<any> {
this.cachedOrderedRooms = await sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(rooms, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
public setRooms(rooms: Room[]): void {
this.cachedOrderedRooms = sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(rooms, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
public async handleRoomUpdate(room, cause): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await this.updateLock.acquireAsync();
const isSplice = cause === RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom || cause === RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved;
const isInPlace = cause === RoomUpdateCause.Timeline || cause === RoomUpdateCause.ReadReceipt;
if (!isSplice && !isInPlace) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported update cause: ${cause}`);
if (cause === RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom) {
} else if (cause === RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved) {
const idx = this.getRoomIndex(room);
if (idx >= 0) {
this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
console.warn(`Tried to remove unknown room from ${this.tagId}: ${room.roomId}`);
// TODO: Optimize this to avoid useless operations:
// For example, we can skip updates to alphabetic (sometimes) and manually ordered tags
this.cachedOrderedRooms = await sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(
return true;
} finally {
await this.updateLock.release();
public handleRoomUpdate(room, cause): boolean {
const isSplice = cause === RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom || cause === RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved;
const isInPlace = cause === RoomUpdateCause.Timeline || cause === RoomUpdateCause.ReadReceipt;
if (!isSplice && !isInPlace) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported update cause: ${cause}`);
if (cause === RoomUpdateCause.NewRoom) {
} else if (cause === RoomUpdateCause.RoomRemoved) {
const idx = this.getRoomIndex(room);
if (idx >= 0) {
this.cachedOrderedRooms.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
console.warn(`Tried to remove unknown room from ${this.tagId}: ${room.roomId}`);
// TODO: Optimize this to avoid useless operations:
// For example, we can skip updates to alphabetic (sometimes) and manually ordered tags
this.cachedOrderedRooms = sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(this.cachedOrderedRooms, this.tagId, this.sortingAlgorithm);
return true;
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import AwaitLock from "await-lock";
export abstract class OrderingAlgorithm {
protected cachedOrderedRooms: Room[];
protected sortingAlgorithm: SortAlgorithm;
protected readonly updateLock = new AwaitLock();
protected constructor(protected tagId: TagID, initialSortingAlgorithm: SortAlgorithm) {
// noinspection JSIgnoredPromiseFromCall
@ -45,21 +44,20 @@ export abstract class OrderingAlgorithm {
* @param newAlgorithm The new algorithm. Must be defined.
* @returns Resolves when complete.
public async setSortAlgorithm(newAlgorithm: SortAlgorithm) {
public setSortAlgorithm(newAlgorithm: SortAlgorithm) {
if (!newAlgorithm) throw new Error("A sorting algorithm must be defined");
this.sortingAlgorithm = newAlgorithm;
// Force regeneration of the rooms
await this.setRooms(this.orderedRooms);
* Sets the rooms the algorithm should be handling, implying a reconstruction
* of the ordering.
* @param rooms The rooms to use going forward.
* @returns Resolves when complete.
public abstract setRooms(rooms: Room[]): Promise<any>;
public abstract setRooms(rooms: Room[]): void;
* Handle a room update. The Algorithm will only call this for causes which
@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ export abstract class OrderingAlgorithm {
* @param cause The cause of the update.
* @returns True if the update requires the Algorithm to update the presentation layers.
public abstract handleRoomUpdate(room: Room, cause: RoomUpdateCause): Promise<boolean>;
public abstract handleRoomUpdate(room: Room, cause: RoomUpdateCause): boolean;
protected getRoomIndex(room: Room): number {
let roomIdx = this.cachedOrderedRooms.indexOf(room);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import { compare } from "../../../../utils/strings";
* Sorts rooms according to the browser's determination of alphabetic.
export class AlphabeticAlgorithm implements IAlgorithm {
public async sortRooms(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID): Promise<Room[]> {
public sortRooms(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID): Room[] {
return rooms.sort((a, b) => {
return compare(,;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export interface IAlgorithm {
* Sorts the given rooms according to the sorting rules of the algorithm.
* @param {Room[]} rooms The rooms to sort.
* @param {TagID} tagId The tag ID in which the rooms are being sorted.
* @returns {Promise<Room[]>} Resolves to the sorted rooms.
* @returns {Room[]} Returns the sorted rooms.
sortRooms(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID): Promise<Room[]>;
sortRooms(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID): Room[];
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import { IAlgorithm } from "./IAlgorithm";
* Sorts rooms according to the tag's `order` property on the room.
export class ManualAlgorithm implements IAlgorithm {
public async sortRooms(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID): Promise<Room[]> {
public sortRooms(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID): Room[] {
const getOrderProp = (r: Room) => r.tags[tagId].order || 0;
return rooms.sort((a, b) => {
return getOrderProp(a) - getOrderProp(b);
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export const sortRooms = (rooms: Room[]): Room[] => {
* useful to the user.
export class RecentAlgorithm implements IAlgorithm {
public async sortRooms(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID): Promise<Room[]> {
public sortRooms(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID): Room[] {
return sortRooms(rooms);
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ export function getSortingAlgorithmInstance(algorithm: SortAlgorithm): IAlgorith
* @param {Room[]} rooms The rooms to sort.
* @param {TagID} tagId The tag in which the sorting is occurring.
* @param {SortAlgorithm} algorithm The algorithm to use for sorting.
* @returns {Promise<Room[]>} Resolves to the sorted rooms.
* @returns {Room[]} Returns the sorted rooms.
export function sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID, algorithm: SortAlgorithm): Promise<Room[]> {
export function sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(rooms: Room[], tagId: TagID, algorithm: SortAlgorithm): Room[] {
return getSortingAlgorithmInstance(algorithm).sortRooms(rooms, tagId);
Reference in New Issue