Update translation files

Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate.

Translation: Element Web/matrix-react-sdk
Translate-URL: https://translate.element.io/projects/element-web/matrix-react-sdk/
Weblate 2023-03-15 20:55:12 +00:00
parent 3b4951749c
commit 1cbd5c37a9
13 changed files with 0 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -3632,7 +3632,6 @@
"Ignore %(user)s": "Ignorovat %(user)s",
"Indent decrease": "Zmenšit odsazení",
"Indent increase": "Zvětšit odsazení",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Zobrazit seznam hlasování v místnosti. (V aktivním vývoji)",
"Polls history": "Historie hlasování",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Nelze dešifrovat hlasové vysílání",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "V editoru zpráv použít formátovaný text namísto Markdown.",

View File

@ -3633,7 +3633,6 @@
"Indent decrease": "Einrückung verringern",
"Indent increase": "Einrückung erhöhen",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Entschlüsseln der Sprachübertragung nicht möglich",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Betrachte Raumumfragen in Listenform. (In aktiver Entwicklung)",
"Polls history": "Umfrageverlauf",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Verwende Textverarbeitung (Rich-Text) statt Markdown im Eingabefeld.",
"Thread Id: ": "Thread-ID: ",

View File

@ -3634,7 +3634,6 @@
"Dynamic room predecessors": "Jututoa dünaamilised eellased",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Ringhäälingukõne dekrüptimine ei õnnestu",
"Polls history": "Küsitluste ajalugu",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Vaata jututoas leiduvaid küsitlusi (funktsionaalsus on aktiivsel arendamisel)",
"Thread Id: ": "Jutulõnga tunnus: ",
"Threads timeline": "Jutulõngade ajajoon",
"Sender: ": "Saatja: ",

View File

@ -3632,7 +3632,6 @@
"Ignore %(user)s": "Ignorer %(user)s",
"Indent decrease": "Réduire lindentation",
"Indent increase": "Augmenter lindentation",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Voir une liste des sondages présents dans un salon. (En cours de développement)",
"Polls history": "Historique des sondages",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Impossible de décrypter la diffusion audio",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Utilise le texte formaté au lieu de Markdown dans le compositeur de message.",

View File

@ -3647,7 +3647,6 @@
"Main timeline": "Fő idővonal",
"Room status": "Szoba állapota",
"Notifications debug": "Értesítések hibakeresése",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Szavazások listájának a megjelenítése a szobában. (Fejlesztés alatt)",
"Polls history": "Szavazások",
"unknown": "ismeretlen",
"Red": "Piros",

View File

@ -3633,7 +3633,6 @@
"Indent increase": "Tambahkan indentasi",
"Indent decrease": "Kurangi indentasi",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Tidak dapat mendekripsi siaran suara",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Tampilkan peminkam. (Dalam pengemabgan aktif)",
"Polls history": "Riwatar pegunungan next2 i1 ak suara",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Menggunakan teks kaya daripada Markdown dalam komposer pesan.",
"Thread Id: ": "ID utasan: ",

View File

@ -3632,7 +3632,6 @@
"Your account details are managed separately at <code>%(hostname)s</code>.": "I dettagli del tuo account sono gestiti separatamente su <code>%(hostname)s</code>.",
"Enable MSC3946 (to support late-arriving room archives)": "Attiva MSC3946 (per supportare archivi della stanza arrivati in ritardo)",
"Dynamic room predecessors": "Predecessori della stanza dinamici",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Vedi una lista di sondaggi in una stanza. (In sviluppo attivo)",
"Polls history": "Cronologia sondaggi",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Usa il rich text invece del Markdown nel compositore di messaggi.",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Impossibile decifrare la trasmissione vocale",

View File

@ -3623,7 +3623,6 @@
"This UI does NOT check the types of the values. Use at your own risk.": "このユーザーインターフェースは、値の種類を確認しません。自己責任で使用してください。",
"The widget will verify your user ID, but won't be able to perform actions for you:": "ウィジェットはあなたのユーザーIDを認証しますが、操作を行うことはできません",
"Sliding Sync mode": "スライド式同期モード",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "ルーム内のアンケートのリストを表示(開発中)",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "メッセージ入力欄でマークダウンの代わりにリッチテキストを使用。",
"In %(spaceName)s and %(count)s other spaces.|zero": "スペース %(spaceName)s内。",
"In %(spaceName)s and %(count)s other spaces.|other": "スペース %(spaceName)s と他%(count)s個のスペース内。",

View File

@ -3633,7 +3633,6 @@
"Indent decrease": "Zmenšenie odsadenia",
"Indent increase": "Zväčšenie odsadenia",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Hlasové vysielanie sa nedá dešifrovať",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Zobraziť zoznam ankiet v miestnosti. (V štádiu aktívneho vývoja)",
"Polls history": "História ankety",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Použiť rozšírený text namiesto Markdown v správach.",
"No receipt found": "Nenašlo sa žiadne potvrdenie",

View File

@ -3631,7 +3631,6 @@
"%(displayName)s (%(matrixId)s)": "%(displayName)s (%(matrixId)s)",
"Indent decrease": "Zvogëlim shmangieje kryeradhe",
"Indent increase": "Rritje shmangieje kryeradhe",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Shihni një listë pyetësorësh në një dhomë. (Nën zhvillim aktiv)",
"Polls history": "Historik pyetësorësh",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Përdor tekst të pasur, në vend se Markdown, te hartuesi i mesazheve.",
"unknown": "e panjohur",

View File

@ -3646,7 +3646,6 @@
"Ignore %(user)s": "Ignorera %(user)s",
"Indent decrease": "Minska indrag",
"Indent increase": "Öka indrad",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Visa lista över omröstningar i ett rum. (Under aktiv utveckling)",
"Polls history": "Omröstningshistorik",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Använd rik text istället för Markdown i meddelanderedigeraren.",
"unknown": "okänd",

View File

@ -3633,7 +3633,6 @@
"Indent decrease": "Зменшення відступу",
"Indent increase": "Збільшення відступу",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Невдалося розшифрувати голосову трансляцію",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Перегляд списку опитувань у кімнаті (в активній розробці)",
"Polls history": "Історія опитувань",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Використовувати розширений текст замість розмітки в редакторі повідомлень.",
"Thread Id: ": "Id стрічки: ",

View File

@ -3632,7 +3632,6 @@
"Ignore %(user)s": "忽略 %(user)s",
"Indent decrease": "減少縮排",
"Indent increase": "增加縮排",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "檢視聊天室中的投票清單。(積極開發中)",
"Polls history": "投票紀錄",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "無法解密語音廣播",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "在訊息編輯器中使用格式化文字而非 Markdown。",