diff --git a/src/components/structures/MatrixChat.js b/src/components/structures/MatrixChat.js
index 7713782252..e44a17a317 100644
--- a/src/components/structures/MatrixChat.js
+++ b/src/components/structures/MatrixChat.js
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
// by default we autoPeek rooms, unless we were called explicitly with
// autoPeek=false by something like RoomDirectory who has already peeked
this.setState({ autoPeek : payload.auto_peek === false ? false : true });
- this._viewRoom(payload.room_id, payload.show_settings);
+ this._viewRoom(payload.room_id, payload.show_settings, payload.event_id);
case 'view_prev_room':
roomIndexDelta = -1;
@@ -355,7 +355,8 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
if (foundRoom) {
action: 'view_room',
- room_id: foundRoom.roomId
+ room_id: foundRoom.roomId,
+ event_id: payload.event_id,
@@ -364,7 +365,8 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
function(result) {
action: 'view_room',
- room_id: result.room_id
+ room_id: result.room_id,
+ event_id: payload.event_id,
@@ -436,15 +438,34 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
- _viewRoom: function(roomId, showSettings) {
+ // switch view to the given room
+ //
+ // eventId is optional and will cause a switch to the context of that
+ // particular event.
+ _viewRoom: function(roomId, showSettings, eventId) {
// before we switch room, record the scroll state of the current room
this.focusComposer = true;
var newState = {
currentRoom: roomId,
+ initialEventId: eventId,
+ highlightedEventId: eventId,
+ initialEventPixelOffset: undefined,
page_type: this.PageTypes.RoomView,
+ // if we aren't given an explicit event id, look for one in the
+ // scrollStateMap.
+ if (!eventId) {
+ var scrollState = this.scrollStateMap[roomId];
+ if (scrollState) {
+ newState.initialEventId = scrollState.focussedEvent;
+ newState.initialEventPixelOffset = scrollState.pixelOffset;
+ }
+ }
if (this.sdkReady) {
// if the SDK is not ready yet, remember what room
// we're supposed to be on but don't notify about
@@ -466,15 +487,14 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
Tinter.tint(color_scheme.primary_color, color_scheme.secondary_color);
+ if (eventId) {
+ presentedId += "/"+eventId;
+ }
newState.ready = true;
- /*
- if (this.scrollStateMap[roomId]) {
- var scrollState = this.scrollStateMap[roomId];
- this.refs.roomView.restoreScrollState(scrollState);
- }*/
if (this.refs.roomView && showSettings) {
@@ -522,9 +542,11 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
if (self.starting_room_alias) {
action: 'view_room_alias',
- room_alias: self.starting_room_alias
+ room_alias: self.starting_room_alias,
+ event_id: self.starting_event_id,
delete self.starting_room_alias;
+ delete self.starting_event_id;
} else if (!self.state.page_type) {
if (!self.state.currentRoom) {
var firstRoom = null;
@@ -650,23 +672,28 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
- var roomString = screen.split('/')[1];
+ var segments = screen.substring(5).split('/');
+ var roomString = segments[0];
+ var eventId = segments[1]; // undefined if no event id given
if (roomString[0] == '#') {
if (this.state.logged_in) {
action: 'view_room_alias',
- room_alias: roomString
+ room_alias: roomString,
+ event_id: eventId,
} else {
// Okay, we'll take you here soon...
this.starting_room_alias = roomString;
+ this.starting_event_id = eventId;
// ...but you're still going to have to log in.
} else {
action: 'view_room',
- room_id: roomString
+ room_id: roomString,
+ event_id: eventId,
@@ -844,6 +871,9 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
diff --git a/src/components/structures/RoomView.js b/src/components/structures/RoomView.js
index 5dbdb1c56d..c46149bfeb 100644
--- a/src/components/structures/RoomView.js
+++ b/src/components/structures/RoomView.js
@@ -60,7 +60,20 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
displayName: 'RoomView',
propTypes: {
ConferenceHandler: React.PropTypes.any,
- roomId: React.PropTypes.string,
+ roomId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+ // id of an event to jump to. If not given, will use the read-up-to-marker.
+ eventId: React.PropTypes.string,
+ // where to position the event given by eventId, in pixels from the
+ // bottom of the viewport. If not given, will try to put the event in the
+ // middle of the viewprt.
+ eventPixelOffset: React.PropTypes.number,
+ // ID of an event to highlight. If undefined, no event will be highlighted.
+ // Typically this will either be the same as 'eventId', or undefined.
+ highlightedEventId: React.PropTypes.string,
autoPeek: React.PropTypes.bool, // should we try to peek the room on mount, or has whoever invoked us already initiated a peek?
@@ -84,12 +97,16 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
syncState: MatrixClientPeg.get().getSyncState(),
hasUnsentMessages: this._hasUnsentMessages(room),
callState: null,
- timelineLoaded: false, // track whether our room timeline has loaded
+ timelineLoading: true, // track whether our room timeline is loading
guestsCanJoin: false,
canPeek: false,
readMarkerEventId: room ? room.getEventReadUpTo(MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId) : null,
readMarkerGhostEventId: undefined,
- atBottom: true,
+ // this is true if we are fully scrolled-down, and are looking at
+ // the end of the live timeline. It has the effect of hiding the
+ // 'scroll to bottom' knob, among a couple of other things.
+ atEndOfLiveTimeline: true,
@@ -153,20 +170,69 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
// Next, load the timeline.
roomProm.then((room) => {
- this._timelineWindow = new Matrix.TimelineWindow(
- MatrixClientPeg.get(), room,
- {windowLimit: TIMELINE_CAP});
+ return this._initTimeline(this.props);
+ }).done();
+ },
- return this._timelineWindow.load(undefined,
- }).then(() => {
+ _initTimeline: function(props) {
+ var initialEvent = props.eventId;
+ if (!initialEvent) {
+ // go to the 'read-up-to' mark if no explicit event given
+ initialEvent = this.state.readMarkerEventId;
+ }
+ var pixelOffset = props.eventPixelOffset;
+ return this._loadTimeline(initialEvent, pixelOffset);
+ },
+ /**
+ * (re)-load the event timeline, and initialise the scroll state, centered
+ * around the given event.
+ *
+ * @param {string?} eventId the event to focus on. If undefined, will
+ * scroll to the bottom of the room.
+ *
+ * @param {number?} pixelOffset offset to position the given event at
+ * (pixels from the bottom of the view). If undefined, will put the
+ * event in the middle of the view.
+ *
+ * returns a promise which will resolve when the load completes.
+ */
+ _loadTimeline: function(eventId, pixelOffset) {
+ // TODO: we could optimise this, by not resetting the window if the
+ // event is in the current window (though it's not obvious how we can
+ // tell if the current window is on the live event stream)
+ this.setState({
+ events: [],
+ timelineLoading: true,
+ });
+ this._timelineWindow = new Matrix.TimelineWindow(
+ MatrixClientPeg.get(), this.state.room,
+ {windowLimit: TIMELINE_CAP});
+ return this._timelineWindow.load(eventId, INITIAL_SIZE).then(() => {
debuglog("RoomView: timeline loaded");
}).finally(() => {
- timelineLoaded: true
+ timelineLoading: false,
+ }, () => {
+ // initialise the scroll state of the message panel
+ if (!this.refs.messagePanel) {
+ // this shouldn't happen.
+ console.log("can't initialise scroll state because " +
+ "messagePanel didn't load");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (eventId) {
+ this.refs.messagePanel.scrollToToken(eventId, pixelOffset);
+ } else {
+ this.refs.messagePanel.scrollToBottom();
+ }
- }).done();
+ });
componentWillUnmount: function() {
@@ -234,10 +300,6 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var callState;
if (call) {
- // Call state has changed so we may be loading video elements
- // which will obscure the message log.
- // scroll to bottom
- this.scrollToBottom();
callState = call.call_state;
else {
@@ -274,11 +336,17 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
- // MatrixRoom still showing the messages from the old room?
- // Set the key to the room_id. Sadly you can no longer get at
- // the key from inside the component, or we'd check this in code.
- /*componentWillReceiveProps: function(props) {
- },*/
+ componentWillReceiveProps: function(newProps) {
+ if (newProps.roomId != this.props.roomId) {
+ throw new Error("changing room on a RoomView is not supported");
+ }
+ if (newProps.eventId != this.props.eventId) {
+ console.log("RoomView switching to eventId " + newProps.eventId +
+ " (was " + this.props.eventId + ")");
+ return this._initTimeline(newProps);
+ }
+ },
onRoomTimeline: function(ev, room, toStartOfTimeline, removed, data) {
if (this.unmounted) return;
@@ -296,7 +364,7 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
if (ev.getSender() !== MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId) {
// update unread count when scrolled up
- if (!this.state.searchResults && this.refs.messagePanel && this.refs.messagePanel.isAtBottom()) {
+ if (!this.state.searchResults && this.state.atEndOfLiveTimeline) {
// no change
else {
@@ -392,6 +460,20 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
readMarkerEventId: readMarkerEventId,
readMarkerGhostEventId: readMarkerGhostEventId,
+ // if the scrollpanel is following the timeline, attempt to scroll
+ // it to bring the read message up to the middle of the panel. This
+ // will have no immediate effect (since we are already at the
+ // bottom), but will ensure that if there is no further user
+ // activity, but room activity continues, the read message will
+ // scroll up to the middle of the window, but no further.
+ //
+ // we do this here as well as in sendReadReceipt to deal with
+ // people using two clients at once.
+ if (this.refs.messagePanel && this.state.atEndOfLiveTimeline) {
+ this.refs.messagePanel.scrollToToken(readMarkerEventId);
+ }
@@ -513,7 +595,6 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var messagePanel = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.messagePanel);
this.refs.messagePanel.initialised = true;
- this.scrollToBottom();
@@ -618,18 +699,19 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
onMessageListScroll: function(ev) {
- if (this.refs.messagePanel.isAtBottom()) {
+ if (this.refs.messagePanel.isAtBottom() &&
+ !this._timelineWindow.canPaginate(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)) {
if (this.state.numUnreadMessages != 0) {
this.setState({ numUnreadMessages: 0 });
- if (!this.state.atBottom) {
- this.setState({ atBottom: true });
+ if (!this.state.atEndOfLiveTimeline) {
+ this.setState({ atEndOfLiveTimeline: true });
else {
- if (this.state.atBottom) {
- this.setState({ atBottom: false });
- }
+ if (this.state.atEndOfLiveTimeline) {
+ this.setState({ atEndOfLiveTimeline: false });
+ }
@@ -912,9 +994,11 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var eventId = mxEv.getId();
+ var highlight = (eventId == this.props.highlightedEventId);
@@ -1199,9 +1283,29 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
sendReadReceipt: function() {
if (!this.state.room) return;
+ if (!this.refs.messagePanel) return;
var currentReadUpToEventId = this.state.room.getEventReadUpTo(MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId);
var currentReadUpToEventIndex = this._indexForEventId(currentReadUpToEventId);
+ // We want to avoid sending out read receipts when we are looking at
+ // events in the past which are before the latest RR.
+ //
+ // For now, let's apply a heuristic: if (a) the event corresponding to
+ // the latest RR (either from the server, or sent by ourselves) doesn't
+ // appear in our timeline, and (b) we could forward-paginate the event
+ // timeline, then don't send any more RRs.
+ //
+ // This isn't watertight, as we could be looking at a section of
+ // timeline which is *after* the latest RR (so we should actually send
+ // RRs) - but that is a bit of a niche case. It will sort itself out when
+ // the user eventually hits the live timeline.
+ //
+ if (currentReadUpToEventId && currentReadUpToEventIndex === null &&
+ this._timelineWindow.canPaginate(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)) {
+ return;
+ }
var lastReadEventIndex = this._getLastDisplayedEventIndexIgnoringOwn();
if (lastReadEventIndex === null) return;
@@ -1214,6 +1318,19 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
// it failed, so allow retries next time the user is active
this.last_rr_sent_event_id = undefined;
+ // if the scrollpanel is following the timeline, attempt to scroll
+ // it to bring the read message up to the middle of the panel. This
+ // will have no immediate effect (since we are already at the
+ // bottom), but will ensure that if there is no further user
+ // activity, but room activity continues, the read message will
+ // scroll up to the middle of the window, but no further.
+ //
+ // we do this here as well as in onRoomReceipt to cater for guest users
+ // (which do not send out read receipts).
+ if (this.state.atEndOfLiveTimeline) {
+ this.refs.messagePanel.scrollToToken(lastReadEvent.getId());
+ }
@@ -1338,19 +1455,58 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
return this.state.numUnreadMessages + " new message" + (this.state.numUnreadMessages > 1 ? "s" : "");
- scrollToBottom: function() {
- var messagePanel = this.refs.messagePanel;
- if (!messagePanel) return;
- messagePanel.scrollToBottom();
+ // jump down to the bottom of this room, where new events are arriving
+ jumpToLiveTimeline: function() {
+ // if we can't forward-paginate the existing timeline, then there
+ // is no point reloading it - just jump straight to the bottom.
+ //
+ // Otherwise, reload the timeline rather than trying to paginate
+ // through all of space-time.
+ if (this._timelineWindow.canPaginate(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)) {
+ this._loadTimeline();
+ } else {
+ if (this.refs.messagePanel) {
+ this.refs.messagePanel.scrollToBottom();
+ }
+ }
// get the current scroll position of the room, so that it can be
- // restored when we switch back to it
+ // restored when we switch back to it.
+ //
+ // This returns an object with the following properties:
+ //
+ // focussedEvent: the ID of the 'focussed' event. Typically this is the
+ // last event fully visible in the viewport, though if we have done
+ // an explicit scroll to an explicit event, it will be that event.
+ //
+ // pixelOffset: the number of pixels the window is scrolled down from
+ // the focussedEvent.
+ //
+ // If there are no visible events, returns null.
+ //
getScrollState: function() {
var messagePanel = this.refs.messagePanel;
if (!messagePanel) return null;
- return messagePanel.getScrollState();
+ var scrollState = messagePanel.getScrollState();
+ if (scrollState.stuckAtBottom) {
+ // we don't really expect to be in this state, but it will
+ // occasionally happen when no scroll state has been set on the
+ // messagePanel (ie, we didn't have an initial event (so it's
+ // probably a new room), there has been no user-initiated scroll, and
+ // no read-receipts have arrived to update the scroll position).
+ //
+ // Return null, which will cause us to scroll to last unread on
+ // reload.
+ return null;
+ }
+ return {
+ focussedEvent: scrollState.trackedScrollToken,
+ pixelOffset: scrollState.pixelOffset,
+ };
onResize: function(e) {
@@ -1444,11 +1600,11 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var ScrollPanel = sdk.getComponent("structures.ScrollPanel");
var TintableSvg = sdk.getComponent("elements.TintableSvg");
var RoomPreviewBar = sdk.getComponent("rooms.RoomPreviewBar");
+ var Loader = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner");
if (!this._timelineWindow) {
if (this.props.roomId) {
- if (!this.state.timelineLoaded) {
- var Loader = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner");
+ if (this.state.timelineLoading) {
return (
@@ -1481,7 +1637,6 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var myMember = this.state.room.getMember(myUserId);
if (myMember && myMember.membership == 'invite') {
if (this.state.joining || this.state.rejecting) {
- var Loader = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner");
return (
@@ -1592,7 +1747,7 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
// set when you've scrolled up
else if (unreadMsgs) {
statusBar = (

@@ -1606,9 +1761,9 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
- else if (!this.state.atBottom) {
+ else if (!this.state.atEndOfLiveTimeline) {
statusBar = (
@@ -1620,7 +1775,6 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
aux =
else if (this.state.uploadingRoomSettings) {
- var Loader = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner");
aux =
else if (this.state.searching) {
@@ -1746,15 +1900,40 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
hideMessagePanel = true;
- var messagePanel = (
+ var messagePanel;
+ // just show a spinner while the timeline loads.
+ //
+ // put it in a div of the right class (mx_RoomView_messagePanel) so
+ // that the order in the roomview flexbox is correct, and
+ // mx_RoomView_messageListWrapper to position the inner div in the
+ // right place.
+ //
+ // Note that the click-on-search-result functionality relies on the
+ // fact that the messagePanel is hidden while the timeline reloads,
+ // but that the RoomHeader (complete with search term) continues to
+ // exist.
+ if (this.state.timelineLoading) {
+ messagePanel = (
+ );
+ } else {
+ // it's important that stickyBottom = false on this, otherwise if somebody hits the
+ // bottom of the loaded events when viewing historical messages, we get stuck in a
+ // loop of paginating our way through the entire history of the room.
+ messagePanel = (
+ style={ hideMessagePanel ? { display: 'none' } : {} }
+ stickyBottom={ false }>
- );
+ );
+ }
return (
diff --git a/src/components/structures/ScrollPanel.js b/src/components/structures/ScrollPanel.js
index e19b041219..514937f877 100644
--- a/src/components/structures/ScrollPanel.js
+++ b/src/components/structures/ScrollPanel.js
@@ -37,14 +37,32 @@ if (DEBUG_SCROLL) {
* It also provides a hook which allows parents to provide more list elements
* when we get close to the start or end of the list.
- * We don't save the absolute scroll offset, because that would be affected by
- * window width, zoom level, amount of scrollback, etc. Instead we save an
- * identifier for the last fully-visible message, and the number of pixels the
- * window was scrolled below it - which is hopefully be near enough.
- *
* Each child element should have a 'data-scroll-token'. This token is used to
- * serialise the scroll state, and returned as the 'lastDisplayedScrollToken'
+ * serialise the scroll state, and returned as the 'trackedScrollToken'
* attribute by getScrollState().
+ *
+ * Some notes about the implementation:
+ *
+ * The saved 'scrollState' can exist in one of two states:
+ *
+ * - stuckAtBottom: (the default, and restored by resetScrollState): the
+ * viewport is scrolled down as far as it can be. When the children are
+ * updated, the scroll position will be updated to ensure it is still at
+ * the bottom.
+ *
+ * - fixed, in which the viewport is conceptually tied at a specific scroll
+ * offset. We don't save the absolute scroll offset, because that would be
+ * affected by window width, zoom level, amount of scrollback, etc. Instead
+ * we save an identifier for the last fully-visible message, and the number
+ * of pixels the window was scrolled below it - which is hopefully be near
+ * enough.
+ *
+ * The 'stickyBottom' property controls the behaviour when we reach the bottom
+ * of the window (either through a user-initiated scroll, or by calling
+ * scrollToBottom). If stickyBottom is enabled, the scrollState will enter
+ * 'stuckAtBottom' state - ensuring that new additions cause the window to
+ * scroll down further. If stickyBottom is disabled, we just save the scroll
+ * offset as normal.
module.exports = React.createClass({
displayName: 'ScrollPanel',
@@ -145,8 +163,15 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
this.recentEventScroll = undefined;
- this.scrollState = this._calculateScrollState();
- debuglog("Saved scroll state", this.scrollState);
+ // If there weren't enough children to fill the viewport, the scroll we
+ // got might be different to the scroll we wanted; we don't want to
+ // forget what we wanted, so don't overwrite the saved state unless
+ // this appears to be a user-initiated scroll.
+ if (sn.scrollTop != this._lastSetScroll) {
+ this._saveScrollState();
+ } else {
+ debuglog("Ignoring scroll echo");
+ }
@@ -155,13 +180,19 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
// return true if the content is fully scrolled down right now; else false.
- // Note that if the content hasn't yet been fully populated, this may
- // spuriously return true even if the user wanted to be looking at earlier
- // content. So don't call it in render() cycles.
+ // note that this is independent of the 'stuckAtBottom' state - it is simply
+ // about whether the the content is scrolled down right now, irrespective of
+ // whether it will stay that way when the children update.
isAtBottom: function() {
var sn = this._getScrollNode();
- // + 2 here to avoid fractional pixel rounding errors
- return sn.scrollHeight - sn.scrollTop <= sn.clientHeight + 2;
+ // there seems to be some bug with flexbox/gemini/chrome/richvdh's
+ // understanding of the box model, wherein the scrollNode ends up 2
+ // pixels higher than the available space, even when there are less
+ // than a screenful of messages. + 3 is a fudge factor to pretend
+ // that we're at the bottom when we're still a few pixels off.
+ return sn.scrollHeight - Math.ceil(sn.scrollTop) <= sn.clientHeight + 3;
// check the scroll state and send out backfill requests if necessary.
@@ -230,9 +261,9 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
q.finally(fillPromise, () => {
- debuglog("ScrollPanel: "+dir+" fill complete");
this._pendingFillRequests[dir] = false;
}).then((hasMoreResults) => {
+ debuglog("ScrollPanel: "+dir+" fill complete; hasMoreResults:"+hasMoreResults);
if (hasMoreResults) {
// further pagination requests have been disabled until now, so
// it's time to check the fill state again in case the pagination
@@ -242,42 +273,83 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
- // get the current scroll position of the room, so that it can be
- // restored later
+ /* get the current scroll state. This returns an object with the following
+ * properties:
+ *
+ * boolean stuckAtBottom: true if we are tracking the bottom of the
+ * scroll. false if we are tracking a particular child.
+ *
+ * string trackedScrollToken: undefined if stuckAtBottom is true; if it is
+ * false, the data-scroll-token of the child which we are tracking.
+ *
+ * number pixelOffset: undefined if stuckAtBottom is true; if it is false,
+ * the number of pixels the bottom of the tracked child is above the
+ * bottom of the scroll panel.
+ */
getScrollState: function() {
return this.scrollState;
/* reset the saved scroll state.
- *
- * This will cause the scroll to be reinitialised on the next update of the
- * child list.
* This is useful if the list is being replaced, and you don't want to
* preserve scroll even if new children happen to have the same scroll
* tokens as old ones.
+ *
+ * This will cause the viewport to be scrolled down to the bottom on the
+ * next update of the child list. This is different to scrollToBottom(),
+ * which would save the current bottom-most child as the active one (so is
+ * no use if no children exist yet, or if you are about to replace the
+ * child list.)
resetScrollState: function() {
- this.scrollState = null;
- },
- scrollToTop: function() {
- this._getScrollNode().scrollTop = 0;
- debuglog("Scrolled to top");
+ this.scrollState = {stuckAtBottom: true};
scrollToBottom: function() {
+ // the easiest way to make sure that the scroll state is correctly
+ // saved is to do the scroll, then save the updated state. (Calculating
+ // it ourselves is hard, and we can't rely on an onScroll callback
+ // happening, since there may be no user-visible change here).
var scrollNode = this._getScrollNode();
scrollNode.scrollTop = scrollNode.scrollHeight;
debuglog("Scrolled to bottom; offset now", scrollNode.scrollTop);
+ this._lastSetScroll = scrollNode.scrollTop;
+ this._saveScrollState();
- // scroll the message list to the node with the given scrollToken. See
- // notes in _calculateScrollState on how this works.
- //
- // pixel_offset gives the number of pixels between the bottom of the node
- // and the bottom of the container.
+ // pixelOffset gives the number of pixels between the bottom of the node
+ // and the bottom of the container. If undefined, it will put the node
+ // in the middle of the container.
scrollToToken: function(scrollToken, pixelOffset) {
+ var scrollNode = this._getScrollNode();
+ // default to the middle
+ if (pixelOffset === undefined) {
+ pixelOffset = scrollNode.clientHeight / 2;
+ }
+ // save the desired scroll state. It's important we do this here rather
+ // than as a result of the scroll event, because (a) we might not *get*
+ // a scroll event, and (b) it might not currently be possible to set
+ // the requested scroll state (eg, because we hit the end of the
+ // timeline and need to do more pagination); we want to save the
+ // *desired* scroll state rather than what we end up achieving.
+ this.scrollState = {
+ stuckAtBottom: false,
+ trackedScrollToken: scrollToken,
+ pixelOffset: pixelOffset
+ };
+ // ... then make it so.
+ this._restoreSavedScrollState();
+ },
+ // set the scrollTop attribute appropriately to position the given child at the
+ // given offset in the window. A helper for _restoreSavedScrollState.
+ _scrollToToken: function(scrollToken, pixelOffset) {
/* find the dom node with the right scrolltoken */
var node;
var messages = this.refs.itemlist.children;
@@ -291,7 +363,7 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
if (!node) {
- console.error("No node with scrollToken '"+scrollToken+"'");
+ debuglog("ScrollPanel: No node with scrollToken '"+scrollToken+"'");
@@ -312,15 +384,12 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
debuglog("recentEventScroll now "+this.recentEventScroll);
- _calculateScrollState: function() {
- // Our scroll implementation is agnostic of the precise contents of the
- // message list (since it needs to work with both search results and
- // timelines). 'refs.messageList' is expected to be a DOM node with a
- // number of children, each of which may have a 'data-scroll-token'
- // attribute. It is this token which is stored as the
- // 'lastDisplayedScrollToken'.
- var atBottom = this.isAtBottom();
+ _saveScrollState: function() {
+ if (this.props.stickyBottom && this.isAtBottom()) {
+ this.scrollState = { stuckAtBottom: true };
+ debuglog("Saved scroll state", this.scrollState);
+ return;
+ }
var itemlist = this.refs.itemlist;
var wrapperRect = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).getBoundingClientRect();
@@ -332,28 +401,34 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var boundingRect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
if (boundingRect.bottom < wrapperRect.bottom) {
- return {
- atBottom: atBottom,
- lastDisplayedScrollToken: node.dataset.scrollToken,
+ this.scrollState = {
+ stuckAtBottom: false,
+ trackedScrollToken: node.dataset.scrollToken,
pixelOffset: wrapperRect.bottom - boundingRect.bottom,
+ debuglog("Saved scroll state", this.scrollState);
+ return;
- // apparently the entire timeline is below the viewport. Give up.
- return { atBottom: true };
+ debuglog("Unable to save scroll state: found no children in the viewport");
_restoreSavedScrollState: function() {
var scrollState = this.scrollState;
- if (!scrollState || (this.props.stickyBottom && scrollState.atBottom)) {
- this.scrollToBottom();
- } else if (scrollState.lastDisplayedScrollToken) {
- this.scrollToToken(scrollState.lastDisplayedScrollToken,
+ var scrollNode = this._getScrollNode();
+ if (scrollState.stuckAtBottom) {
+ scrollNode.scrollTop = scrollNode.scrollHeight;
+ debuglog("Scrolled to bottom; offset now", scrollNode.scrollTop);
+ } else if (scrollState.trackedScrollToken) {
+ this._scrollToToken(scrollState.trackedScrollToken,
+ this._lastSetScroll = scrollNode.scrollTop;
/* get the DOM node which has the scrollTop property we care about for our
* message panel.
diff --git a/src/components/views/rooms/EventTile.js b/src/components/views/rooms/EventTile.js
index cfac6cc9b2..f580686128 100644
--- a/src/components/views/rooms/EventTile.js
+++ b/src/components/views/rooms/EventTile.js
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
/* a function to be called when the highlight is clicked */
onHighlightClick: React.PropTypes.func,
+ /* is this the focussed event */
+ isSelectedEvent: React.PropTypes.bool,
getInitialState: function() {
@@ -273,6 +276,7 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
) !== -1,
mx_EventTile_notSent: this.props.mxEvent.status == 'not_sent',
mx_EventTile_highlight: this.shouldHighlight(),
+ mx_EventTile_selected: this.props.isSelectedEvent,
mx_EventTile_continuation: this.props.continuation,
mx_EventTile_last: this.props.last,
mx_EventTile_contextual: this.props.contextual,