Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

Weblate 2020-06-25 02:26:37 +00:00
commit 2fe3780b2a
10 changed files with 577 additions and 94 deletions

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@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@
"Verify this login": "Потвърди тази сесия",
"Session verified": "Сесията беше потвърдена",
"Changing your password will reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all of your sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable. Set up Key Backup or export your room keys from another session before resetting your password.": "Промяната на паролата ще нулира всички ключове за шифроване от-край-до-край по всички ваши сесии, правейки шифрованата история на чата нечетима. Настройте резервно копие на ключовете или експортирайте ключовете на стаите от друга сесия преди да промените паролата си.",
"Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.": "Администраторът на сървъра е изключиш шифроване от край-до-край по подразбиране за лични стаи и за директни съобщения.",
"Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.": "Администраторът на сървъра е изключил шифроване от край-до-край по подразбиране за лични стаи и за директни съобщения.",
"Emoji picker": "Избор на емоджи",
"People": "Хора",
"Show %(n)s more": "Покажи още %(n)s",
@ -2446,5 +2446,27 @@
"A-Z": "Азбучен ред",
"Unread rooms": "Непрочетени стаи",
"Show %(count)s more|other": "Покажи още %(count)s",
"Show %(count)s more|one": "Покажи още %(count)s"
"Show %(count)s more|one": "Покажи още %(count)s",
"Light": "Светла",
"Dark": "Тъмна",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Използвай подобрения списък със стаи (ще презареди за да се приложи промяната)",
"Enable IRC layout option in the appearance tab": "Включи опцията за IRC изглед в раздел Изглед",
"Use custom size": "Използвай собствен размер",
"Use a system font": "Използвай системния шрифт",
"System font name": "Име на системния шрифт",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Хей, ти. Върхът си!",
"Message layout": "Изглед на съобщенията",
"Compact": "Компактен",
"Modern": "Модерен",
"Customise your appearance": "Настройте изгледа",
"Appearance Settings only affect this Riot session.": "Настройките на изгледа влияят само на тази Riot сесия.",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "Автентичността на това шифровано съобщение не може да бъде гарантирана на това устройство.",
"Always show first": "Винаги показвай първо",
"Show": "Покажи",
"Message preview": "Преглед на съобщението",
"List options": "Опции на списъка",
"Leave Room": "Напусни стаята",
"Room options": "Настройки на стаята",
"Use Recovery Key or Passphrase": "Използвай ключ за възстановяване или парола",
"Use Recovery Key": "Използвай ключ за възстановяване"

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@ -2462,5 +2462,13 @@
"Enter your Recovery Key to continue.": "Gib deinen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel ein um fortzufahren.",
"Create a Recovery Key": "Erzeuge einen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "Aktualisiere deinen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Store your Recovery Key": "Speichere deinen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel"
"Store your Recovery Key": "Speichere deinen Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Light": "Hell",
"Dark": "Dunkel",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Verwende die verbesserte Raumliste (lädt die Anwendung neu)",
"Use custom size": "Verwende individuelle Größe",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Hey du. Du bist der Beste!",
"Message layout": "Nachrichtenlayout",
"Compact": "Kompakt",
"Modern": "Modern"

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@ -1592,5 +1592,98 @@
"We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "Meil tekkis eelmise sessiooni taastamisel viga.",
"If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Kui sa varem oled kasutanud uuemat Riot'i versiooni, siis sinu pragune sessioon ei pruugi olla sellega ühilduv. Sulge see aken ja jätka selle uuema versiooni kasutamist.",
"Clearing your browser's storage may fix the problem, but will sign you out and cause any encrypted chat history to become unreadable.": "Brauseri andmeruumi tühjendamine võib selle vea lahendada, kui samas logid sa ka välja ning kogu krüptitud vestlusajalugu muutub loetamatuks.",
"Verification Pending": "Verifikatsioon on ootel"
"Verification Pending": "Verifikatsioon on ootel",
"Back": "Tagasi",
"Send Custom Event": "Saada kohandatud sündmus",
"You must specify an event type!": "Sa pead määratlema sündmuse tüübi!",
"Event sent!": "Sündmus on saadetud!",
"Failed to send custom event.": "Kohandatud sündmuse saatmine ei õnnestunud.",
"Event Type": "Sündmuse tüüp",
"State Key": "Oleku võti",
"Event Content": "Sündmuse sisu",
"Send Account Data": "Saada kasutajakonto andmed",
"View Servers in Room": "Näita jututoas kasutatavaid servereid",
"Verification Requests": "Verifitseerimistaotlused",
"Toolbox": "Töövahendid",
"Developer Tools": "Arendusvahendid",
"An error has occurred.": "Tekkis viga.",
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Selle kasutaja usaldamiseks peaksid ta verifitseerima. Kui sa pruugid läbivalt krüptitud sõnumeid, siis kasutajate verifitseerimine tagab sulle täiendava meelerahu.",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Selle kasutaja verifitseerimisel märgitakse tema sessioon usaldusväärseks ning samuti märgitakse sinu sessioon tema jaoks usaldusväärseks.",
"Verify this device to mark it as trusted. Trusting this device gives you and other users extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Selle seadme usaldamiseks peaksid ta verifitseerima. Kui sa pruugid läbivalt krüptitud sõnumeid, siis selle seadme usaldamine tagab sulle ja teistele kasutajatele täiendava meelerahu.",
"Verifying this device will mark it as trusted, and users who have verified with you will trust this device.": "Selle seadme verifitseerimisel märgitakse ta usaldusväärseks ning kõik kasutajad, kes sinuga on verifitseerimise läbi teinud, loevad ka selle seadme usaldusväärseks.",
"Waiting for partner to confirm...": "Ootan teise osapoole kinnitust...",
"Incoming Verification Request": "Saabuv verifitseerimispalve",
"Integrations are disabled": "Lõimingud ei ole kasutusel",
"Enable 'Manage Integrations' in Settings to do this.": "Selle tegevuse jaoks määra seadetes \"Halda lõiminguid\" kasutuselevõetuks.",
"Integrations not allowed": "Lõimingute kasutamine ei ole lubatud",
"Your Riot doesn't allow you to use an Integration Manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Sinu Riot ei võimalda selle tegevuse jaoks kasutada Lõimingute haldurit. Palun küsi lisateavet administraatorilt.",
"Failed to invite the following users to chat: %(csvUsers)s": "Järgnevate kasutajate vestlema kutsumine ei õnnestunud: %(csvUsers)s",
"We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.": "Otsevestluse loomine ei õnnestunud. Palun kontrolli, et kasutajanimed oleks õiged ja proovi uuesti.",
"a new master key signature": "uus üldvõtme allkiri",
"a new cross-signing key signature": "uus risttunnustamise võtme allkiri",
"a device cross-signing signature": "seadme risttunnustamise allkiri",
"a key signature": "võtme allkiri",
"Riot encountered an error during upload of:": "Riot'is tekkis viga järgneva üleslaadimisel:",
"Cancelled signature upload": "Allkirja üleslaadimine on tühistatud",
"Unable to upload": "Üleslaadimine ei õnnestu",
"Signature upload success": "Allkirja üleslaadimine õnnestus",
"Signature upload failed": "Allkirja üleslaadimine ei õnnestunud",
"Address (optional)": "Aadress (valikuline)",
"Reject invitation": "Lükka kutse tagasi",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid lükata kutse tagasi?",
"Failed to set Direct Message status of room": "Jututoa otsevestluse oleku seadmine ei õnnestunud",
"Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "Jututoa unustamine ei õnnestunud %(errCode)s",
"This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot.": "See server soovib kindlaks teha, et sa ei ole robot.",
"Country Dropdown": "Riikide valik",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use this app with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Sa võid kasutada serveri kohandatud valikuid selleks, et määrates teise aadressi logida sisse teise Matrix'i serverisse. See võimaldab sul kasutada seda rakendust teises koduserveris hallatava olemasoleva Matrix'i kontoga.",
"Confirm your identity by entering your account password below.": "Tuvasta oma isik sisestades salasõna alljärgnevalt.",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Palun vaata üle kõik koduserveri kasutustingimused ja nõustu nendega",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Palun vaata üle selle koduserveri kasutustingimused ja nõustu nendega:",
"An email has been sent to %(emailAddress)s": "Saatsime e-kirja %(emailAddress)s aadressile",
"Please check your email to continue registration.": "Registreerimise jätkamiseks, palun vaata oma e-kirjad.",
"A text message has been sent to %(msisdn)s": "Saatsime tekstisõnumi telefoninumbrile %(msisdn)s",
"Please enter the code it contains:": "Palun sisesta seal kuvatud kood:",
"Code": "Kood",
"Submit": "Saada",
"Start authentication": "Alusta autentimist",
"Unable to validate homeserver/identity server": "Ei õnnestu valideerida koduserverit/isikutuvastusserverit",
"Your Modular server": "Sinu Modular-server",
"Enter the location of your Modular homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a></a>.": "Sisesta oma Modular'i koduserveri aadress. See võib kasutada nii sinu oma domeeni, kui olla <a></a> alamdomeen.",
"Sign in with SSO": "Logi sisse kasutades SSO'd ehk ühekordset autentimist",
"Failed to reject invitation": "Kutse tagasi lükkamine ei õnnestunud",
"This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "See ei ole avalik jututuba. Ilma kutseta sa ei saa uuesti liituda.",
"Failed to leave room": "Jututoast lahkumine ei õnnestunud",
"Can't leave Server Notices room": "Serveriteadete jututoast ei saa lahkuda",
"This room is used for important messages from the Homeserver, so you cannot leave it.": "Seda jututuba kasutatakse sinu koduserveri oluliste teadete jaoks ja seega sa ei saa sealt lahkuda.",
"Signed Out": "Välja logitud",
"A username can only contain lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'": "Kasutajanimes võivad olla vaid väiketähed, numbrid ja need viis tähemärki =_-./",
"Username not available": "Selline kasutajanimi ei ole saadaval",
"Username invalid: %(errMessage)s": "Vigane kasutajanimi: %(errMessage)s",
"An error occurred: %(error_string)s": "Tekkis viga: %(error_string)s",
"Checking...": "Kontrollin...",
"Username available": "Kasutajanimi on saadaval",
"To get started, please pick a username!": "Alustamiseks palun vali kasutajanimi!",
"This will be your account name on the <span></span> homeserver, or you can pick a <a>different server</a>.": "See saab olema sinu kasutajanimi <span></span> koduserveris, aga sa võid valida ka <a>mõne teise serveri</a>.",
"If you already have a Matrix account you can <a>log in</a> instead.": "Kui sul juba on olemas Matrix'i konto, siis võid lihtsalt <a>sisse logida</a>.",
"You have successfully set a password!": "Salasõna loomine õnnestus!",
"You have successfully set a password and an email address!": "Salasõna loomine ja e-posti aadressi salvestamine õnnestus!",
"You can now return to your account after signing out, and sign in on other devices.": "Nüüd sa saad peale väljalogimist pöörduda tagasi oma konto juurde või logida sisse muudest seadmetest.",
"Remember, you can always set an email address in user settings if you change your mind.": "Jäta meelde, et sa saad alati hiljem määrata kasutajaseadetest oma e-posti aadressi.",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Kasuta roboteid, võrgusildu, vidinaid või kleepsupakke",
"Upload all": "Lae kõik üles",
"This file is <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s but this file is %(sizeOfThisFile)s.": "See fail on üleslaadimiseks <b>liiga suur</b>. Üleslaetavate failide mahupiir on %(limit)s, kuid selle faili suurus on %(sizeOfThisFile)s.",
"Appearance": "Välimus",
"Enter recovery passphrase": "Sisesta taastamise paroolifraas",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Turvalisusega seotud põhjustel on see sessioon välja logitud. Palun logi uuesti sisse.",
"Review terms and conditions": "Vaata üle kasutustingimused",
"Old cryptography data detected": "Tuvastasin andmed, mille puhul on kasutatud vanemat tüüpi krüptimist",
"Self-verification request": "Päring enda verifitseerimiseks",
"Switch to light mode": "Kasuta heledat teemat",
"Switch to dark mode": "Kasuta tumedat teemat",
"Switch theme": "Vaheta teemat",
"Security & privacy": "Turvalisus ja privaatsus",
"All settings": "Kõik seadistused",
"Archived rooms": "Arhiveeritud jututoad",
"Feedback": "Tagasiside",
"Account settings": "Kasutajakonto seadistused"

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@ -2528,5 +2528,14 @@
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "Mettre à jour votre clé de récupération",
"Store your Recovery Key": "Stocker votre clé de récupération",
"Use the improved room list (in development - will refresh to apply changes)": "Utiliser la liste de salons améliorée (en développement actualisera pour appliquer les changements)",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Utiliser la liste de salons améliorée (actualisera pour appliquer les changements)"
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Utiliser la liste de salons améliorée (actualisera pour appliquer les changements)",
"Enable IRC layout option in the appearance tab": "Activer loption de mise en page IRC dans longlet dapparence",
"Use custom size": "Utiliser une taille personnalisée",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Eh vous. Vous êtes les meilleurs !",
"Message layout": "Mise en page des messages",
"Compact": "Compacte",
"Modern": "Moderne",
"Use a system font": "Utiliser une police du système",
"System font name": "Nom de la police du système",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "Lauthenticité de ce message chiffré ne peut pas être garantie sur cet appareil."

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@ -1962,5 +1962,215 @@
"View Servers in Room": "Ver Servidores na Sala",
"Verification Requests": "Solicitudes de Verificación",
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Verifica esta usuaria para marcala como confiable. Ao confiar nas usuarias proporcionache tranquilidade extra cando usas cifrado de extremo-a-extremo.",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Ao verificar esta usuaria marcarás a súa sesión como confiable, e tamén marcará a túa sesión como confiable para elas."
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Ao verificar esta usuaria marcarás a súa sesión como confiable, e tamén marcará a túa sesión como confiable para elas.",
"Enable IRC layout option in the appearance tab": "Activar opción de disposición IRC na pestana de aparencia",
"Use custom size": "Usar tamaño personalizado",
"Use a system font": "Usar tipo de letra do sistema",
"System font name": "Nome da letra do sistema",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Ei ti. Es grande!",
"Message layout": "Disposición da mensaxe",
"Compact": "Compacta",
"Modern": "Moderna",
"Power level": "Poderío",
"Verify this device to mark it as trusted. Trusting this device gives you and other users extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Verifica este dispositivo para marcalo como confiable. Confiando neste dispositivo permite que ti e outras usuarias estedes máis tranquilas ao utilizar mensaxes cifradas.",
"Verifying this device will mark it as trusted, and users who have verified with you will trust this device.": "Ao verificar este dispositivo marcaralo como confiable, e as usuarias que confiaron en ti tamén confiarán nel.",
"Waiting for partner to confirm...": "Agardando a que o compañeiro confirme...",
"Incoming Verification Request": "Solicitude entrante de verificación",
"Integrations are disabled": "As Integracións están desactivadas",
"Enable 'Manage Integrations' in Settings to do this.": "Activa 'Xestionar Integracións' nos Axustes para facer esto.",
"Integrations not allowed": "Non se permiten Integracións",
"Your Riot doesn't allow you to use an Integration Manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "O teu Riot non permite que uses o Xestor de Integracións, contacta coa administración.",
"Confirm to continue": "Confirma para continuar",
"Click the button below to confirm your identity.": "Preme no botón inferior para confirmar a túa identidade.",
"Failed to invite the following users to chat: %(csvUsers)s": "Fallo ao convidar as seguintes usuarias a conversa: %(csvUsers)s",
"We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.": "Non puidemos crear o teu MD. Comproba as usuarias que queres convidar e inténtao outra vez.",
"Something went wrong trying to invite the users.": "Algo fallou ao convidar as usuarias.",
"We couldn't invite those users. Please check the users you want to invite and try again.": "Non puidemos invitar esas usuarias. Comprobas que son correctas e intenta convidalas outra vez.",
"Failed to find the following users": "Non atopamos as seguintes usuarias",
"The following users might not exist or are invalid, and cannot be invited: %(csvNames)s": "As seguintes usuarias poderían non existir ou non son válidas, e non se poden convidar: %(csvNames)s",
"Recent Conversations": "Conversas recentes",
"Suggestions": "Suxestións",
"Recently Direct Messaged": "Mensaxes Directas recentes",
"Start a conversation with someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or email address.": "Inicia a conversa con alguén usando o seu nome, nome de usuaria (como <userId/>) ou enderezo de email.",
"Go": "Ir",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>), email address or <a>share this room</a>.": "Convida alguén usando o seu nome, nome de usuaria (como <userId/>), enderezo de email ou <a>comparte esta sala</a>.",
"a new master key signature": "unha nova firma con chave mestra",
"a new cross-signing key signature": "unha nova firma con chave de sinatura-cruzada",
"a device cross-signing signature": "unha sinatura sinatura-cruzada de dispositivo",
"a key signature": "unha chave de sinatura",
"Riot encountered an error during upload of:": "Riot atopou un fallo ao subir:",
"Upload completed": "Subida completa",
"Cancelled signature upload": "Cancelada a subida da sinatura",
"Unable to upload": "Non foi posible a subida",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "A autenticidade desta mensaxe cifrada non está garantida neste dispositivo.",
"Signature upload success": "Subeuse correctamente a sinatura",
"Signature upload failed": "Fallou a subida da sinatura",
"You've previously used Riot on %(host)s with lazy loading of members enabled. In this version lazy loading is disabled. As the local cache is not compatible between these two settings, Riot needs to resync your account.": "Anteriormente utilizaches Riot en %(host)s con carga preguiceira de membros. Nesta versión a carga preguiceira está desactivada. Como a caché local non é compatible entre as dúas configuracións, Riot precisa voltar a sincronizar a conta.",
"If the other version of Riot is still open in another tab, please close it as using Riot on the same host with both lazy loading enabled and disabled simultaneously will cause issues.": "Se a outra versión de Riot aínda está aberta noutra lapela, péchaa por favor, pois podería haber fallos ao estar as dúas sesións traballando simultáneamente.",
"Incompatible local cache": "Caché local incompatible",
"Clear cache and resync": "Baleirar caché e sincronizar",
"Riot now uses 3-5x less memory, by only loading information about other users when needed. Please wait whilst we resynchronise with the server!": "Riot utiliza agora entre 3 e 5 veces menos memoria, cargando só información sobre as usuarias cando é preciso. Agarda mentras se sincroniza co servidor!",
"Updating Riot": "Actualizando Riot",
"I don't want my encrypted messages": "Non quero as miñas mensaxes cifradas",
"Manually export keys": "Exportar manualmente as chaves",
"You'll lose access to your encrypted messages": "Perderás o acceso as túas mensaxes cifradas",
"Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session:": "Corfirma comparando o seguinte cos Axustes de Usuaria na outra sesión:",
"Confirm this user's session by comparing the following with their User Settings:": "Confirma a sesión desta usuaria comparando o seguinte cos seus Axustes de Usuaria:",
"Session name": "Nome da sesión",
"Session key": "Chave da sesión",
"If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised.": "Se non concordan, a seguridade da comunicación podería estar comprometida.",
"Verify session": "Verificar sesión",
"Your homeserver doesn't seem to support this feature.": "O servidor non semella soportar esta característica.",
"Guest": "Convidada",
"Message edits": "Edicións da mensaxe",
"Your account is not secure": "A túa conta non é segura",
"Your password": "O teu contrasinal",
"This session, or the other session": "Esta sesión, ou a outra sesión",
"The internet connection either session is using": "A conexión a internet que está a usar cada sesión",
"We recommend you change your password and recovery key in Settings immediately": "Recomendámosche cambiar inmediatamente o contrasinal e chave de recuperación nos Axustes",
"New session": "Nova sesión",
"Use this session to verify your new one, granting it access to encrypted messages:": "Usa esta seseión para verificar a nova, dándolle acceso ás mensaxes cifradas:",
"This wasn't me": "Non fun eu",
"If you run into any bugs or have feedback you'd like to share, please let us know on GitHub.": "Se atopas fallos ou queres compartir a túa experiencia, compárteos con nós en GitHub.",
"Report bugs & give feedback": "Informe de fallos & opinión",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Escribe a razón do informe.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Denuncia sobre contido á Administración do teu servidor",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Ao denunciar esta mensaxe vasnos enviar o seu 'event ID' único á administración do servidor. Se as mensaxes da sala están cifradas, a administración do servidor non poderá ler o texto da mensaxe ou ver imaxes ou ficheiros.",
"Send report": "Enviar denuncia",
"Failed to upgrade room": "Fallou a actualización da sala",
"The room upgrade could not be completed": "A actualización da sala non se completou",
"Upgrade this room to version %(version)s": "Actualiza esta sala á versión %(version)s",
"Upgrade Room Version": "Actualiza a Versión da Sala",
"Upgrading this room requires closing down the current instance of the room and creating a new room in its place. To give room members the best possible experience, we will:": "Para actualizar a sala debes pechar a instancia actual da sala e crear unha nova sala no seu lugar. Para proporcionar a mellor experiencia de usuaria, imos:",
"Create a new room with the same name, description and avatar": "Crear unha nova sala co mesmo nome, descrición e avatar",
"Update any local room aliases to point to the new room": "Actualizar calquera alias local da sala para que apunte á nova sala",
"Stop users from speaking in the old version of the room, and post a message advising users to move to the new room": "Evitar que as usuarias conversen na sala antiga e publicar unha mensaxe avisando ás usuarias para que veñan á nova sala",
"Put a link back to the old room at the start of the new room so people can see old messages": "Poñer unha ligazón na nova sala cara a antiga para que as persoas poidan ver as mensaxes antigas",
"Automatically invite users": "Convidar automáticamente ás usuarias",
"Upgrade private room": "Actualizar sala privada",
"Upgrade public room": "Actualizar sala pública",
"Upgrading a room is an advanced action and is usually recommended when a room is unstable due to bugs, missing features or security vulnerabilities.": "A actualización da sala é unha acción avanzada e recomendada cando unha sala se volta inestable debido aos fallos, características obsoletas e vulnerabilidades da seguridade.",
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your Riot, please <a>report a bug</a>.": "Esto normalmente só afecta ao xeito en que a sala se procesa no servidor. Se tes problemas con Riot, <a>informa do problema</a>.",
"You'll upgrade this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Vas actualizar a sala da versión <oldVersion /> á <newVersion />.",
"A username can only contain lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'": "Un nome de usuaria só pode ter minúsculas, números e '=_-./'",
"Checking...": "Comprobando...",
"Missing session data": "Faltan datos da sesión",
"Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Faltan algúns datos da sesión, incluíndo chaves de mensaxes cifradas. Desconecta e volve a conectar para arranxalo, restaurando as chaves desde a copia.",
"Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.": "O navegador probablemente eliminou estos datos ao quedar con pouco espazo de disco.",
"Integration Manager": "Xestor de Integracións",
"Find others by phone or email": "Atopa a outras por teléfono ou email",
"Be found by phone or email": "Permite ser atopada polo email ou teléfono",
"Use bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs": "Usa bots, pontes, widgets e paquetes de adhesivos",
"Terms of Service": "Termos do Servizo",
"To continue you need to accept the terms of this service.": "Para continuar tes que aceptar os termos deste servizo.",
"Service": "Servizo",
"Summary": "Resumo",
"Document": "Documento",
"Next": "Seguinte",
"Upload files (%(current)s of %(total)s)": "Subir ficheiros (%(current)s de %(total)s)",
"Upload files": "Subir ficheiros",
"Upload all": "Subir todo",
"This file is <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s but this file is %(sizeOfThisFile)s.": "Este ficheiro é <b>demasiado grande</b> para subilo. O límite é %(limit)s mais o ficheiro é %(sizeOfThisFile)s.",
"These files are <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Estes ficheiros son <b>demasiado grandes</b> para subilos. O límite é %(limit)s.",
"Some files are <b>too large</b> to be uploaded. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Algúns ficheiros son <b>demasiado grandes</b> para subilos. O límite é %(limit)s.",
"Upload %(count)s other files|other": "Subir outros %(count)s ficheiros",
"Upload %(count)s other files|one": "Subir %(count)s ficheiro máis",
"Cancel All": "Cancelar todo",
"Upload Error": "Fallo ao subir",
"Verify other session": "Verificar outra sesión",
"Verification Request": "Solicitude de Verificación",
"A widget would like to verify your identity": "Un widget quere verificar a túa indentidade",
"A widget located at %(widgetUrl)s would like to verify your identity. By allowing this, the widget will be able to verify your user ID, but not perform actions as you.": "Un widget localizado en %(widgetUrl)s quere verificar a túa identidade. Se o permites, o widget poderá verificar o teu ID de usuaria, pero non realizar accións por ti.",
"Remember my selection for this widget": "Lembrar a miña decisión para este widget",
"Deny": "Denegar",
"Enter recovery passphrase": "Escribe a frase de paso de recuperación",
"Unable to access secret storage. Please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.": "Non se pode acceder ao almacenaxe segredo. Verifica que escribiches a frase de paso correta.",
"<b>Warning</b>: You should only do this on a trusted computer.": "<b>Aviso</b>: Só deberías facer esto nunha computadora de confianza.",
"Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other sessions by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Accede ó teu historial seguro de mensaxes e á túa identidade de sinatura-cruzada para verificar outras sesión escribindo a frase de paso de recuperación.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>.": "Se esqueceches a túa frase de paso de recuperación podes <button1>usar a chave de recuperación</button1> ou establecer <button2>novas opcións de recuperación</button2>.",
"Enter recovery key": "Escribe a chave de recuperación",
"Unable to access secret storage. Please verify that you entered the correct recovery key.": "Non se accedeu ó almacenaxe segredo. Verifica que escribiches a chave de recuperación correcta.",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "Semella unha chave de recuperación válida!",
"Not a valid recovery key": "Non é unha chave de recuperación válida",
"Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other sessions by entering your recovery key.": "Accede ó teu historial de mensaxes seguras e á identidade de sinatura-cruzada para verificar outras sesión escribindo a achave de recuperación.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery key you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>.": "Se esqueceches a chave de recuperación podes <button>establecer novas opcións de recuperación</button>.",
"Restoring keys from backup": "Restablecendo chaves desde a copia",
"Fetching keys from server...": "Obtendo chaves desde o servidor...",
"%(completed)s of %(total)s keys restored": "%(completed)s de %(total)s chaves restablecidas",
"Unable to load backup status": "Non cargou o estado da copia",
"Recovery key mismatch": "A chave de recuperación non concorda",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this recovery key: please verify that you entered the correct recovery key.": "A copia non se puido descifrar con esta chave de recuperación: comproba que introduciches a chave de recuperación correcta.",
"Incorrect recovery passphrase": "Frase da paso de recuperación incorrecta",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this recovery passphrase: please verify that you entered the correct recovery passphrase.": "A copia non se descifrou con esta frase de paso: comproba que escribiches a frase de paso correcta.",
"Unable to restore backup": "Non se restableceu a copia",
"No backup found!": "Non se atopou copia!",
"Keys restored": "Chaves restablecidas",
"Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "Fallo ao descifrar %(failedCount)s sesións!",
"Successfully restored %(sessionCount)s keys": "Restablecidas correctamente %(sessionCount)s chaves",
"<b>Warning</b>: you should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "<b>Aviso</b>: só deberías realizar a copia de apoio desde un ordenador de confianza.",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Accede ó historial de mensaxes seguras escribindo a frase de paso de recuperación.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "Se esqueceches a frase de paso de recuperación pode <button1>usar a chave de recuperación</button1> ou establecer <button2>novas opcións de recuperación</button2>",
"<b>Warning</b>: You should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "<b>Aviso</b>: só deberías configurar a copia das chaves desde un ordenador de confianza.",
"Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "Accede ó teu historial de mensaxes seguras e configura a comunicación segura escribindo a chave de recuperación.",
"If you've forgotten your recovery key you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "Se esqueceches a chave de recuperación podes <button>establecer novas opcións de recuperación</button>",
"Address (optional)": "Enderezo (optativo)",
"Resend edit": "Editar reenvío",
"Resend %(unsentCount)s reaction(s)": "Reenviar %(unsentCount)s reacción(s)",
"Resend removal": "Reenviar retirada",
"Share Permalink": "Comparte ligazón permanente",
"Report Content": "Denunciar contido",
"Notification settings": "Axustes de notificacións",
"Clear status": "Baleirar estado",
"Update status": "Actualizar estado",
"Set status": "Establecer estado",
"Set a new status...": "Establecer novo estado...",
"Hide": "Agochar",
"Reload": "Recargar",
"Take picture": "Tomar foto",
"Remove for everyone": "Eliminar para todas",
"Remove for me": "Eliminar para min",
"User Status": "Estado da usuaria",
"This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot.": "Este servidor quere asegurarse de que non es un robot.",
"Country Dropdown": "Despregable de países",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different homeserver URL. This allows you to use this app with an existing Matrix account on a different homeserver.": "Podes usar as opcións dun servidor personalizado para conectarte a outros servidores Matrix indicando o URL do servidor. Así poderás usar esta app cunha conta Matrix dun servidor diferente.",
"Confirm your identity by entering your account password below.": "Confirma a túa identidade escribindo o contrasinal da conta embaixo.",
"Missing captcha public key in homeserver configuration. Please report this to your homeserver administrator.": "Falta a chave pública do captcha na configuración do servidor. Informa desto á administración do teu servidor.",
"Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Revisa e acepta todas as cláusulas do servidor",
"Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver:": "Revisa e acepta as cláusulas deste servidor:",
"Unable to validate homeserver/identity server": "Non se puido validar o servidor/servidor de identidade",
"Your Modular server": "O teu servidor Modular",
"Enter the location of your Modular homeserver. It may use your own domain name or be a subdomain of <a></a>.": "Escribe a localización do teu servidor Modular. Podería utilizar o teu propio nome de dominio ou ser un subdominio de <a></a>.",
"Server Name": "Nome do Servidor",
"Enter password": "Escribe contrasinal",
"Nice, strong password!": "Ben, bo contrasinal!",
"Password is allowed, but unsafe": "O contrasinal é admisible, pero inseguro",
"Keep going...": "Segue intentándoo...",
"The username field must not be blank.": "O campo de nome de usuaria non pode estar baleiro.",
"Username": "Nome de usuaria",
"Not sure of your password? <a>Set a new one</a>": "¿Non estás segura do contrasinal? <a>Crea un novo</a>",
"No identity server is configured so you cannot add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Non hai un servidor de identidade configurado polo que non poderás engadir enderezos de email para poder restablecer o contrasinal no futuro.",
"Use an email address to recover your account": "Usa un enderezo de email para recuperar a túa conta",
"Enter email address (required on this homeserver)": "Escribe o enderzo de email (requerido neste servidor)",
"Doesn't look like a valid email address": "Non semella un enderezo válido",
"Passwords don't match": "Non concordan os contrasinais",
"Other users can invite you to rooms using your contact details": "Outras usuarias poden convidarte ás salas usando os teus detalles de contacto",
"Enter phone number (required on this homeserver)": "Escribe un número de teléfono (requerido neste servidor)",
"Doesn't look like a valid phone number": "Non semella un número de teléfono válido",
"Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Usa só minúsculas, números, trazos e trazos baixos",
"Enter username": "Escribe nome de usuaria",
"Email (optional)": "Email (optativo)",
"Phone (optional)": "Teléfono (optativo)",
"Create your Matrix account on %(serverName)s": "Crea a conta Matrix en %(serverName)s",
"Create your Matrix account on <underlinedServerName />": "Crea a túa conta Matrix en <underlinedServerName />",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email or phone to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Establece un email para recuperación da conta. Usa un email ou teléfono de xeito optativo para que poidan atoparte os contactos.",
"Set an email for account recovery. Use email to optionally be discoverable by existing contacts.": "Establece un email para recuperación da conta. Optativamente usa un email para que poidan atoparte os contactos existentes.",
"Enter your custom homeserver URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Escribe o URL do servidor personalizado <a>¿Qué significa esto?</a>",
"Homeserver URL": "URL do servidor",
"Enter your custom identity server URL <a>What does this mean?</a>": "Escribe o URL do servidor de identidade personalizado <a>¿Que significa esto?</a>",
"Identity Server URL": "URL do servidor de identidade",
"Other servers": "Outros servidores",
"Free": "Gratuíto",
"Premium": "Premium",
"Premium hosting for organisations <a>Learn more</a>": "Hospedaxe Premium para organizacións <a>Saber máis</a>",
"Find other public servers or use a custom server": "Atopa outros servidores públicos ou usa un servidor personalizado"

View File

@ -2516,5 +2516,14 @@
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "A Visszaállítási kulcs fejlesztése",
"Store your Recovery Key": "Visszaállítási kulcs tárolása",
"Use the improved room list (in development - will refresh to apply changes)": "Használd a fejlesztett szoba listát (fejlesztés alatt - a változások a frissítés után aktiválódnak)",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Használd a fejlesztett szoba listát (a változások életbe lépéséhez újra fog tölteni)"
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Használd a fejlesztett szoba listát (a változások életbe lépéséhez újra fog tölteni)",
"Enable IRC layout option in the appearance tab": "IRC kinézet lehetőségének megjelenítése a kinézet fülön",
"Use custom size": "Egyedi méret használata",
"Use a system font": "Rendszer betűtípus használata",
"System font name": "Rendszer betűtípus neve",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Hé te! Te vagy a legjobb!",
"Message layout": "Üzenet kinézete",
"Compact": "Egyszerű",
"Modern": "Modern",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "A titkosított üzenetek valódiságát ezen az eszközön nem lehet garantálni."

View File

@ -2522,5 +2522,14 @@
"Create a Recovery Key": "Crea una chiave di recupero",
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "Aggiorna la chiave di recupero",
"Store your Recovery Key": "Salva la chiave di recupero",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Usa l'elenco stanze migliorato (verrà ricaricato per applicare le modifiche)"
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Usa l'elenco stanze migliorato (verrà ricaricato per applicare le modifiche)",
"Enable IRC layout option in the appearance tab": "Attiva l'opzione per il layout IRC nella scheda dell'aspetto",
"Use custom size": "Usa dimensione personalizzata",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Ehi tu. Sei il migliore!",
"Message layout": "Layout messaggio",
"Compact": "Compatto",
"Modern": "Moderno",
"Use a system font": "Usa un carattere di sistema",
"System font name": "Nome carattere di sistema",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "L'autenticità di questo messaggio cifrato non può essere garantita su questo dispositivo."

View File

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
"Confirm": "Sentem",
"Analytics": "Tiselḍin",
"Error": "Tuccḍa",
"Dismiss": "Agwi",
"Dismiss": "Agi",
"OK": "IH",
"Permission Required": "Tasiregt tlaq",
"Continue": "Kemmel",
"Cancel": "Semmet",
"Sun": "Ace",
"Cancel": "Sefsex",
"Sun": "Iṭij",
"Mon": "Ari",
"Tue": "Ara",
"Wed": "Aha",
@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
"Bicycle": "Azlalam",
"Ball": "Balles",
"Anchor": "Tamdeyt",
"Headphones": "Casque",
"Headphones": "Wennez",
"Folder": "Akaram",
"Upload": "Sali",
"Remove": "Sfeḍ",
"Show less": "Sken-d drus",
"Show more": "Sken-d ugar",
"Warning!": "Ɣur-k!",
"Warning!": "Ɣur-k·m!",
"Current password": "Awal uffir amiran",
"Password": "Awal uffir",
"New Password": "Awal uffir amaynut",
@ -100,11 +100,11 @@
"Keywords": "Awalen tisura",
"Clear notifications": "Sfeḍ ilɣuyen",
"Off": "Insa",
"Display Name": "Mefffer isem",
"Display Name": "Sken isem",
"Save": "Sekles",
"Disconnect": "Yeffeɣ",
"Disconnect": "Ffeɣ seg tuqqna",
"Go back": "Uɣal ɣer deffir",
"Change": "Changer",
"Change": "Beddel",
"Theme": "Asentel",
"Success": "Yedda",
"Profile": "Amaɣnu",
@ -117,17 +117,17 @@
"Keyboard Shortcuts": "Inegzumen n unasiw",
"Versions": "Ileqman",
"None": "Ula yiwen",
"Unsubscribe": "Se désabonner",
"Unsubscribe": "Sefsex ajerred",
"Ignore": "Ttu",
"Subscribe": "Jerred",
"Preferences": "Tiwelhiwin",
"Composer": "Editeur",
"Preferences": "Ismenyifen",
"Composer": "Imsuddes",
"Timeline": "Amazray",
"Microphone": "Asawaḍ",
"Camera": "Takamiṛatt",
"Sounds": "Imeslan",
"Reset": "Ales awennez",
"Browse": "Snirem",
"Sounds": "Imesla",
"Reset": "Wennez",
"Browse": "Inig",
"Default role": "Tamlilt tamzwert",
"Permissions": "Tisirag",
"Anyone": "Yal yiwen",
@ -136,38 +136,38 @@
"Share": "Bḍu",
"Verification code": "Tangalt n usenqed",
"Add": "Rnu",
"Email Address": "Tansa imayl",
"Email Address": "Tansa n yimayl",
"Phone Number": "Uṭṭun n tiliɣri",
"Upload file": "Azen afaylu",
"Upload file": "Sali-d afaylu",
"Bold": "Azuran",
"Strikethrough": "Jerreḍ",
"Quote": "Citation",
"Loading...": "Yessalay-ed…",
"Idle": "Idle",
"Unknown": "D arussin",
"Strikethrough": "Derrer",
"Quote": "Tanebdurt",
"Loading...": "La d-yettali…",
"Idle": "Arurmid",
"Unknown": "Arussin",
"Settings": "Iɣewwaren",
"Search": "Nadi",
"Favourites": "Ismenyifen",
"People": "Imdanen",
"Sign Up": "Jerred",
"Reject": "Aggi",
"Reject": "Agi",
"Not now": "Mačči tura",
"Sort by": "Smizzwer s",
"Sort by": "Semyizwer s",
"Activity": "Armud",
"A-Z": "A-Z",
"Show": "Sken",
"Options": "Tinefrunin",
"Options": "Tixtiṛiyin",
"Server error": "Tuccḍa n uqeddac",
"Members": "Imedrawen",
"Members": "Imettekkiyen",
"Files": "Ifuyla",
"Trusted": "De confiance",
"Invite": "Nced",
"Unmute": "Susem",
"Mute": "Kkes imesli",
"Are you sure?": "Tebɣiḍ ?",
"Trusted": "Yettwattkal",
"Invite": "Nced",
"Unmute": "Rmed imesli",
"Mute": "Sens imesli",
"Are you sure?": "Tebɣiḍ s tidet?",
"Security": "Taɣellist",
"Yes": "Ih",
"Verified": "Verified",
"Verified": "Yettwasenqed",
"Got it": "Awi-t",
"Sunday": "Acer",
"Monday": "Arim",
@ -178,48 +178,48 @@
"Saturday": "Sed",
"Today": "Ass-a",
"Yesterday": "Iḍelli",
"View Source": "Sken aɣbalu",
"View Source": "Wali aɣbalu",
"Reply": "Err",
"Edit": "Ẓreg",
"Attachment": "Attachement",
"Error decrypting attachment": "Tuccḍa deg uzmak n ufaylu yeddan",
"Attachment": "Taceqquft yeddan",
"Error decrypting attachment": "Tuccḍa deg uwgelhen n tceqquft yeddan",
"Show all": "Sken akk",
"Message deleted": "Izen yettwakkes",
"Copied!": "Yettusukken!",
"edited": "yeẓreg",
"Food & Drink": "Učči aked tissit",
"Message deleted": "Izen yettwakksen",
"Copied!": "Yettwanɣel!",
"edited": "yettwaẓreg",
"Food & Drink": "Učči d tissit",
"Objects": "Tiɣawsiwin",
"Symbols": "Izamulen",
"Flags": "Anayen",
"Categories": "Taggayin",
"More options": "Ugar n textirin",
"Join": "Semlil",
"More options": "Ugar n textiṛiyin",
"Join": "Rnu",
"No results": "Ulac igmad",
"collapse": "sneḍfes",
"Rotate counter-clockwise": "Zzi di tnila tanemgalt n tsegnatin n temrilt",
"Rotate clockwise": "Zzi di tnila n tsegnatin n temrilt",
"collapse": "fneẓ",
"Rotate counter-clockwise": "Zzi mgal tanila n tessegnatin n temrilt",
"Rotate clockwise": "Zzi almend n tnila n tsegnatin n temrilt",
"Add User": "Rnu aseqdac",
"Server name": "Isem n uqeddac",
"email address": "tansa imayl",
"Close dialog": "Mdel tanaka n usdiwen",
"Notes": "Tamawt",
"Unavailable": "Ulac-it",
"Changelog": "Aɣmis n ibeddilen",
"email address": "tansa n yimayl",
"Close dialog": "Mdel adiwenni",
"Notes": "Tamawin",
"Unavailable": "Ulac",
"Changelog": "Aɣmis n yisnifal",
"Removing…": "Tukksa…",
"Confirm Removal": "Serggeg tukksa",
"Confirm Removal": "Sentem tukksa",
"Example": "Amedya",
"example": "amedya",
"Create": "Snulfu-d",
"Name": "Isem",
"Sign out": "Ffeɣ",
"Back": "Retour",
"Sign out": "Ffeɣ seg tuqqna",
"Back": "Uɣal ɣer deffir",
"Send": "Azen",
"Suggestions": "Isumar",
"Go": "Ddu",
"Session name": "Nom de session",
"Session name": "Isem n tɣimit",
"Send report": "Azen aneqqis",
"Refresh": "Sismeḍ",
"Email address": "Tansa email",
"Refresh": "Smiren",
"Email address": "Tansa n yimayl",
"Skip": "Zgel",
"Username not available": "Ulac isem n useqdac",
"Checking...": "Asenqed...",
@ -227,21 +227,21 @@
"Terms of Service": "Tiwtilin n useqdec",
"Service": "Ameẓlu",
"Summary": "Agzul",
"Document": "isemli",
"Next": "Ar zdat",
"Upload files": "Azen ifuyla",
"Appearance": "Udem",
"Document": "Isemli",
"Next": "Γer sdat",
"Upload files": "Sali-d ifuyla",
"Appearance": "Arwes",
"Allow": "Sireg",
"Deny": "Agwi",
"Custom": "Personnalisé",
"Source URL": "URL aγbalu",
"Notification settings": "Iɣewwaen n yilɣa",
"Deny": "Agi",
"Custom": "Sagen",
"Source URL": "URL aɣbalu",
"Notification settings": "Iɣewwaren n yilɣa",
"Leave": "Ffeɣ",
"Set status": "Sbadu addad",
"Set status": "Sbadu addaden",
"Hide": "Ffer",
"Home": "Agejdan",
"Sign in": "Qqen",
"Help": "Tallelt",
"Help": "Tallalt",
"Reload": "Smiren",
"powered by Matrix": "s lmendad n Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Iɣewwaren n uqeddac udmawan",
@ -250,40 +250,40 @@
"Email": "Imayl",
"Username": "Isem n useqdac",
"Phone": "Tiliɣri",
"Passwords don't match": "Awal uffiren ur menṭaḍen ara",
"Passwords don't match": "Awalen uffiren ur mṣadan ara",
"Email (optional)": "Imayl (Afrayan)",
"Register": "Jerred",
"Free": "Ilelli",
"Failed to upload image": "Ur yezmir ad yessali tugna",
"Description": "Aseglem",
"Failed to upload image": "Tegguma ad d-tali tugna",
"Description": "Aglam",
"Explore": "Snirem",
"Filter": "Imsizdeg",
"Explore rooms": "Snirem tixxamin",
"Unknown error": "Erreur inconnue",
"Logout": "Tufɣa",
"Preview": "Timeẓriwt",
"View": "Ɣeṛ",
"Guest": "Inebgi",
"Your profile": "Amaɣnu-ik",
"Feedback": "Tikti",
"Your password has been reset.": "Awal n uɛeddi inek yules awennez.",
"Syncing...": "Amtawi",
"Unknown error": "Tuccḍa tarussint",
"Logout": "Tuffɣa",
"Preview": "Taskant",
"View": "Sken",
"Guest": "Anerzaf",
"Your profile": "Amaɣnu-ik/im",
"Feedback": "Takti",
"Your password has been reset.": "Awal uffir-inek/inem yettuwennez.",
"Syncing...": "Amtawi...",
"Create account": "Rnu amiḍan",
"Create your account": "Rnu amiḍan-ik",
"Go Back": "Précédent",
"Create your account": "Rnu amiḍan-ik/im",
"Go Back": "Uɣal ɣer deffir",
"Commands": "Tiludna",
"Users": "Iseqdacen",
"Export": "Sifeḍ",
"Import": "Kter",
"Restore": "Err-d",
"Copy": "Nγel",
"Download": "Sider",
"Retry": "Ɛreḍ tikkelt nniḍen",
"Copy": "Nɣel",
"Download": "Sader",
"Retry": "Ɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen",
"Starting backup...": "Asenker n uḥraz...",
"Success!": "Akka d rrbeḥ !",
"Disable": "Désactiver",
"Disable": "Sens",
"Navigation": "Tunigin",
"Calls": "Appels",
"Calls": "isawalen",
"Alt": "Alt",
"Shift": "Shift",
"New line": "Izirig amaynut",
@ -346,5 +346,110 @@
"Cancel replying to a message": "Sefsex tiririt ɣef yizen",
"Toggle microphone mute": "Rmed/sens tanusi n usawaḍ",
"Toggle video on/off": "Rmed/sens tavidyut",
"Scroll up/down in the timeline": "Drurem gar afellay/addday n tesnakudt"
"Scroll up/down in the timeline": "Drurem gar afellay/addday n tesnakudt",
"Updating Riot": "Leqqem Riot",
"I don't want my encrypted messages": "Ur bɣiɣ ara izan-inu iwgelhanen",
"Manually export keys": "Sifeḍ s ufus tisura",
"Session ID": "Asulay n tqimit",
"Session key": "Tasarut n tɣimit",
"Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue.": "Ma ulac aɣilif, senqed imayl-ik/im syen sit ɣef useɣwen i yellan. Akken ara yemmed waya, sit ad tkemmleḍ.",
"This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "Ayagi ad ak(akem)-yeǧǧ ad twennzeḍ awal-ik/im uffir yerna ad d-tremseḍ ilɣa.",
"A username can only contain lower case letters, numbers and '=_-./'": "Isem n useqdac yezmer kan ad yegber isekkilen imeẓyanen, izwilen neɣ '=_-./'",
"Username invalid: %(errMessage)s": "Isem n useqdac d armeɣtu",
"An error occurred: %(error_string)s": "Tella-d tuccḍa: %(error_string)s",
"To get started, please pick a username!": "I wakken ad tebduḍ, ttxil-k/m fren isem n useqdac!",
"This will be your account name on the <span></span> homeserver, or you can pick a <a>different server</a>.": "Wagi ad yili d isem-ik/im deg <span></span> usebter agejdan, neɣ tzemreḍ ad tferneḍ <a>aqeddac-nniḍen</a>.",
"If you already have a Matrix account you can <a>log in</a> instead.": "Ma yella tesεiḍ yakan amiḍan di Matrix, tzemreḍ <a>ad tkecmeḍ</a> deg umḍq-nni.",
"Call Failed": "Ur iddi ara usiwel",
"Call Timeout": "Akud n uṛaǧu n usiwel",
"Try using": "Ɛreḍ aseqdec n",
"Unable to capture screen": "Tuṭṭfa n ugdil ulamek",
"Existing Call": "Asiwel amiran",
"You are already in a call.": "Aql-ak(qkem)-id yakan tessawaleḍ.",
"VoIP is unsupported": "VoIP ur tettusefrak ara",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Ur tezmireḍ ara ad tesεeddiḍ asiwel VoIP deg yiminig-a.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Ur tezmireḍ ara a temsawaleḍ d yiman-ik.",
"Call in Progress": "Asiwel iteddu",
"A call is currently being placed!": "Yella usiwel ila iteddu!",
"A call is already in progress!": "Yella usiwel ila iteddun akka tura!",
"Replying With Files": "Tiririt s yifuyla",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "Yegguma ad d-yali '%(fileName)s' ufaylu.",
"Upload Failed": "Asali ur yeddi ara",
"Enter passphrase": "Sekcem tafyirt tuffirt",
"Setting up keys": "Asebded n tsura",
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s",
"Who would you like to add to this community?": "Anwa i tebɣiḍ ad t-ternuḍ ɣer temɣiwent-a?",
"Name or Matrix ID": "Isem neɣ asulay n Matrix",
"Invite to Community": "Ɛreḍ-d ɣer temɣiwent",
"Room name or address": "Isem neɣ tansa n texxamt",
"Add to community": "Rnu ɣer temɣiwent",
"Unnamed Room": "Taxxamt war isem",
"The server does not support the room version specified.": "Aqeddac ur issefrek ara lqem n texxamt yettwafernen.",
"If you cancel now, you won't complete verifying the other user.": "Ma yella teffɣeḍ tura, asenqed n yiseqdacen-nniḍen ur ittemmed ara.",
"Cancel entering passphrase?": "Sefsex tafyirt tuffirt n uεeddi?",
"Warning: any person you add to a community will be publicly visible to anyone who knows the community ID": "Γur-k: yal amdan ara ternuḍ ɣer temɣiwent ad d-iban s wudem azayaz i yal yiwen yessnen asulay n temɣiwent",
"Invite new community members": "Nced-d imttekkiyen imaynuten ɣer temɣiwent",
"Which rooms would you like to add to this community?": "Anti tixxamin i tebɣiḍ adternuḍ i temɣiwent-a?",
"Add rooms to the community": "Rnu tixxamin ɣer temɣiwent",
"Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Ancad n yiseqdacen i d-iteddun %(groupId)s ur yeddi ara:",
"Failed to invite users to community": "Ancad n yiseqdacen ɣer temɣiwent ur yeddi ara",
"Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Ancad n yiseqdacen ɣer %(groupId)s ur yedi ara",
"Failed to add the following rooms to %(groupId)s:": "Timerna n texxamin i d-iteddun ɣer %(groupId)s ur yedi ara:",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Timagit n uqeddac ulac ɣer-sen iferdisen n umeẓlu",
"%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s yesra asenqed",
"Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot ulac ɣer-s tisirag i tuzna n yilɣa - ttxil-k/m senqed iɣewwaren n yiminig-ik/im",
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot ur d-yefk ara tisirag i tuzna n yilɣa - ttxil-k/m εreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Sens irmad n yilɣa",
"This email address was not found": "Tansa-a n yimayl ulac-it",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Tansa-ik/im n yimayl ur d-tban ara akken ad tettwacudd d usulay Matrix deg usebter-a agejdan.",
"Sign In or Create Account": "Kcem ɣer neɣ rnu amiḍan",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Seqdec amiḍan-ik/im neɣ snulfu-d yiwen akken ad tkemmleḍ.",
"Custom (%(level)s)": "Sagen (%(level)s)",
"Failed to invite": "Ulamek i d-tnecdeḍ",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Tesriḍ ad tizmireḍ ad d-tnecdeḍ iseqdacen ad gen ayagi.",
"Failed to send request.": "Tuzna n usuter ur teddi ara.",
"This room is not recognised.": "Taxxamt-a ur tṣeggem ara.",
"You are not in this room.": "Ulac-ik/ikem deg texxamt-a.",
"You do not have permission to do that in this room.": "Ur tesεiḍ ara tasiregt ad tgeḍ ayagi deg texxamt-a.",
"Missing room_id in request": "Ixuṣṣ taxxamt_asulay deg usuter",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Taxxamt %(roomId)s ur d-tban ara",
"Missing user_id in request": "Ixuṣṣ useqdac_asulay deg usuter",
"Command error": "Tuccḍa n tladna",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg mačči d taladna",
"Upgrades a room to a new version": "Leqqem taxxamt ɣer lqem amaynut",
"Error upgrading room": "Tuccḍa deg uleqqem n texxamt",
"Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Snifel avatar-ik/im deg texxamat-agi kan tamirant",
"Changes your avatar in all rooms": "Snifel avatar/ik/om deg yixxamin",
"Use an identity server": "Seqdec timagit n uqeddac",
"Joins room with given address": "Kcem ɣer texxamt s tansa i d-yettunefken",
"Leave room": "Ffeɣ seg texxamt",
"Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you": "Anef iuseqdac, ffer iznan-ines sɣur-k",
"Ignored user": "Aseqdac yettunfen",
"You are now ignoring %(userId)s": "Aql-ak tura tunfeḍ i %(userId)s",
"Command failed": "Taladna ur teddi ara",
"Could not find user in room": "Ur yettwaf ara useqdac deg texxamt",
"(no answer)": "(ulac tiririt)",
"New login. Was this you?": "Anekcam amaynut. D kečč/kemm?",
"Verify the new login accessing your account: %(name)s": "Senqed anekcam amaynut i ikecmen ɣer umiḍan-ik/im: %(name)s",
"What's new?": "D acu-t umaynut?",
"Upgrade your Riot": "Leqqem Riot inek/inem",
"A new version of Riot is available!": "Lqem amaynut n Riot yella!",
"You: %(message)s": "Kečč/kemm: %(message)s",
"There was an error joining the room": "Tella-d tuccḍa deg unekcum ɣer texxamt",
"Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.": "Suref-aɣ, asebter-ik/im agejdan d aqbur aṭas akken ad yettekki deg texxamt-a.",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Ttxil-k/m nermes anedbal-ik/im n usebter agejdan.",
"Failed to join room": "Anekcum ɣer texxamt ur yeddi ara",
"Custom user status messages": "Sagen addaden n yiznan n useqdac",
"Support adding custom themes": "Tallalt n tmerna n yisental udmawanen",
"Use custom size": "Seqdec teɣzi tudmawant",
"Show avatar changes": "Sken isnifal n avatar",
"Always show encryption icons": "Sken yal tikkelt tignitin tiwgelhanen",
"Send typing notifications": "Azen ilɣa yettuszemlen",
"Show typing notifications": "Azen ilɣa yettuszemlen",
"Room Colour": "Initen n texxamt",
"Show developer tools": "Sken ifecka n uneflay",
"Whether or not you're using the Richtext mode of the Rich Text Editor": "Ma yella tseqdaceḍ askar n Richtext n umaẓrag n uḍris anesbaɣur"

View File

@ -2517,5 +2517,14 @@
"Create a Recovery Key to store encryption keys & secrets with your account data. If you lose access to this login youll need it to unlock your data.": "Krijoni një Kyç Rimarrjesh që të depozitoni kyçe & të fshehta fshehtëzimi me të dhënat e llogarisë tuaj. Nëse humbni këto kredenciale, do tju duhet të shkyçni të dhënat tuaja.",
"Create a Recovery Key": "Krijoni një Kyç Rimarrjesh",
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "Përmirësoni Kyçin tuaj të Rimarrjeve",
"Store your Recovery Key": "Depozitoni Kyçin tuaj të Rimarrjeve"
"Store your Recovery Key": "Depozitoni Kyçin tuaj të Rimarrjeve",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Përdor listën e përmirësuar të dhomave (do të rifreskohet, që të aplikohen ndryshimet)",
"Enable IRC layout option in the appearance tab": "Aktivizoni te skeda e dukjes mundësinë për skemë IRC",
"Use custom size": "Përdor madhësi vetjake",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Hej, ju. Su ka kush shokun!",
"Message layout": "Skemë mesazhesh",
"Compact": "Kompakte",
"Modern": "Moderne",
"Use a system font": "Përdor një palë shkronja sistemi",
"System font name": "Emër shkronjash sistemi"

View File

@ -2527,5 +2527,14 @@
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "升級您的復原金鑰",
"Store your Recovery Key": "儲存您的復原金鑰",
"Use the improved room list (in development - will refresh to apply changes)": "使用改進的聊天室清單(開發中 ── 將會重新整理以套用變更)",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "使用改進的聊天室清單(將會重新整理以套用變更)"
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "使用改進的聊天室清單(將會重新整理以套用變更)",
"Enable IRC layout option in the appearance tab": "在外觀分頁中啟用 IRC 佈局選項",
"Use custom size": "使用自訂大小",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "你是最棒的!",
"Message layout": "訊息佈局",
"Compact": "簡潔",
"Modern": "現代",
"Use a system font": "使用系統字型",
"System font name": "系統字型名稱",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "無法在此裝置上保證加密訊息的真實性。"