diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json index f3b9e38273..d433d58146 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json @@ -962,5 +962,29 @@ "Enter your password to sign in and regain access to your account.": "Escribe o contrasinal para conectarte e retomar o acceso a túa conta.", "Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Conéctate e recupera o acceso a túa conta.", "You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "Non podes conectar a conta. Contacta coa administración do teu servidor para máis información.", - "Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.": "Aviso: os teus datos personais (incluíndo chaves de cifrado) aínda están gardadas nesta sesión. Pechaa se remataches de usar esta sesión, ou se quere conectar con outra conta." + "Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.": "Aviso: os teus datos personais (incluíndo chaves de cifrado) aínda están gardadas nesta sesión. Pechaa se remataches de usar esta sesión, ou se quere conectar con outra conta.", + "Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Non cargou! Comproba a conexión a rede e volta a intentalo.", + "There are unknown sessions in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "Hai sesións descoñecidas nesta sala: se continúas sen verificalas será posible para alguén fisgar na túa chamada.", + "Review Sessions": "Revisar Sesións", + "Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Fallou a chamada porque o servidor está mal configurado", + "Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (%(homeserverDomain)s) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Contacta coa administración do teu servidor (%(homeserverDomain)s) para configurar un servidor TURN para que as chamadas funcionen de xeito fiable.", + "Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at turn.matrix.org, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "De xeito alternativo, podes intentar usar o servidor público turn.matrix.org, pero non é tan fiable, e compartirá o teu enderezo IP con ese servidor. Podes xestionar esto en Axustes.", + "Try using turn.matrix.org": "Inténtao usando turn.matrix.org", + "Replying With Files": "Respondendo con Ficheiros", + "At this time it is not possible to reply with a file. Would you like to upload this file without replying?": "Neste intre non é posible responder cun ficheiro. Queres subir este ficheiro sen responder?", + "The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "Fallou a subida do ficheiro '%(fileName)s'.", + "The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this homeserver's size limit for uploads": "O ficheiro '%(fileName)s' supera o tamaño máximo permitido polo servidor", + "The server does not support the room version specified.": "O servidor non soporta a versión da sala indicada.", + "If you cancel now, you won't complete verifying the other user.": "Se cancelas agora non completarás a verificación da outra usuaria.", + "If you cancel now, you won't complete verifying your other session.": "Se cancelas agora non completarás o proceso de verificación da outra sesión.", + "If you cancel now, you won't complete your operation.": "Se cancelas agora, non completarás a operación.", + "Cancel entering passphrase?": "Cancelar a escrita da frase de paso?", + "Setting up keys": "Configurando as chaves", + "Verify this session": "Verificar esta sesión", + "Encryption upgrade available": "Mellora do cifrado dispoñible", + "Set up encryption": "Configurar cifrado", + "Review where you’re logged in": "Revisar onde estás conectada", + "New login. Was this you?": "Nova conexión. Foches ti?", + "Name or Matrix ID": "Nome ou ID Matrix", + "Identity server has no terms of service": "O servidor de identidade non ten termos dos servizo" }