diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/bg.json b/src/i18n/strings/bg.json index 4968907a81..4205a8bbd0 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/bg.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/bg.json @@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ "Message Replies": "Отговори на съобщението", "Message Pinning": "Функция за закачане на съобщения", "Presence Management": "Управление на присъствието", - "Tag Panel": "Панел с етикети", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Изключване на предложенията за емотиконите при писане", "Use compact timeline layout": "Използване на компактно оформление за списъка със съобщения", "Hide removed messages": "Скриване на премахнати съобщения", @@ -435,7 +434,6 @@ "Encryption is enabled in this room": "Шифроването е включено в тази стая", "Encryption is not enabled in this room": "Шифроването не е включено в тази стая", "Privileged Users": "Потребители с привилегии", - "%(user)s is a": "%(user)s е", "No users have specific privileges in this room": "Никой няма специфични привилегии в тази стая", "Banned users": "Блокирани потребители", "This room is not accessible by remote Matrix servers": "Тази стая не е достъпна за далечни Matrix сървъри", @@ -718,8 +716,6 @@ "Loading device info...": "Зареждане на информация за устройството...", "Encryption key request": "Заявка за ключ за шифроване", "Otherwise, click here to send a bug report.": "В противен случай, натиснете тук, за да изпратите съобщение за грешка.", - "Report it": "Съобщи за нея", - "Bug Report": "Съобщаване за грешка", "Unable to restore session": "Неуспешно възстановяване на сесията", "Continue anyway": "Продължи въпреки това", "Invalid Email Address": "Невалиден имейл адрес", @@ -729,7 +725,6 @@ "Unable to verify email address.": "Неуспешно потвърждение на имейл адрес.", "Unable to accept invite": "Неуспешно приемане на поканата", "Unable to reject invite": "Неуспешно отхвърляне на поканата", - "Unable to leave room": "Неуспешно напускане на стаята", "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Беше направен опит да се зареди конкретна точка в хронологията на тази стая, но не я намери.", "Unable to remove contact information": "Неуспешно премахване на информацията за контакти", "This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "Това ще Ви позволи да възстановите Вашата парола и да получавате известия.", @@ -786,7 +781,6 @@ "Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Неуспешно изтегляне от адреса на аватара", "Signed Out": "Излязохте", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Поради мерки за сигурност, тази сесия е прекратена. Моля, влезте отново.", - "Cryptography data migrated": "Бяха мигрирани криптографските данни", "Logout": "Излез", "Sign out": "Изход", "Error whilst fetching joined communities": "Грешка при извличането на общности, към които сте присъединени", @@ -848,7 +842,6 @@ "Device ID:": "Идентификатор на устройството:", "Device key:": "Ключ на устройството:", "Ignored Users": "Игнорирани потребители", - "Found a bug?": "Намерихте грешка?", "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot събира анонимни статистики, за да ни позволи да подобрим приложението.", "Privacy is important to us, so we don't collect any personal or identifiable data for our analytics.": "Поверителността е важна за нас, затова за нашите статистики не събираме лични или идентифициращи Вас данни.", "Learn more about how we use analytics.": "Научете повече за това как използваме статистическите данни.", @@ -976,7 +969,6 @@ "If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Ако преди сте използвали по-нова версия на Riot, Вашата сесия може да не бъде съвместима с текущата версия. Затворете този прозорец и се върнете в по-новата версия.", "This will be your account name on the homeserver, or you can pick a different server.": "Това ще бъде името на профила Ви на Home сървъра, или можете да изберете друг сървър.", "We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "Препоръчваме Ви да минете през процеса за потвърждение за всяко устройство, за да потвърдите, че принадлежат на легитимен собственик. Ако предпочитате, можете да изпратите съобщение без потвърждение.", - "A one-off migration of cryptography data has been performed. End-to-end encryption will not work if you go back to an older version of Riot. If you need to use end-to-end cryptography on an older version, log out of Riot first. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Извършена е еднократна миграция на криптографски данни. Шифроването от край до край няма да работи, ако се върнете към по-стара версия на Riot. Ако искате да използвате криптография от край до край на по-стара версия, първо излезте от Riot. За да запазите историята на съобщенията, експортирайте и импортирайте отново Вашите ключове.", "Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Засечени са данни от по-стара версия на Riot. Това ще доведе до неправилна работа на криптографията от край до край в по-старата версия. Шифрованите от край до край съобщения, които са били обменени наскоро (при използването на по-стара версия), може да не успеят да бъдат разшифровани в тази версия. Това също може да доведе до неуспех в обмяната на съобщения в тази версия. Ако имате проблеми, излезте и влезте отново в профила си. За да запазите историята на съобщенията, експортирайте и импортирайте отново Вашите ключове.", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Възстановяването на парола ще нулира всички ключове за шифроване от край до край за всички устройства, правейки историята на шифрования чат невъзможна за четене, освен ако първо не експортирате Вашите ключове за стаята и ги импортирате отново след това. В бъдеще това ще бъде подобрено.", "You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device": "Вие сте излязли от профила си от всички устройства и вече няма да получавате известия. За да включите известията отново, влезте в профила си от всички устройства", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ca.json b/src/i18n/strings/ca.json index 465b0de506..ab0c690068 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ca.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ca.json @@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ "Message Replies": "Respostes del missatge", "Message Pinning": "Fixació de missatges", "Presence Management": "Gestió de presència", - "Tag Panel": "Tauler d'etiquetes", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Desactiva els suggeriments d'Emoji mentre s'escriu", "Use compact timeline layout": "Utilitza el disseny compacte de la línia de temps", "Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Amaga els missatges d'entrada i sortida (no afecta a les invitacions, expulsions o prohibicions)", @@ -756,7 +755,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Abandona la comunitat", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Voleu sortir de la comunitat %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "Surt", - "Unable to leave room": "No s'ha pogut sortir de la sala", "Community Settings": "Paràmetres de la comunitat", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Aquestes sales es mostren a la pàgina de la comunitat als seus membres i poden entrar-hi fent clic sobre elles.", "Featured Rooms:": "Sales destacades:", @@ -872,8 +870,6 @@ "Analytics": "Analítiques", "%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s ha canviat el seu nom visible a %(displayName)s.", "Server may be unavailable or overloaded": "El servidor pot estar inaccessible o sobrecarregat", - "Report it": "Informa", - "Found a bug?": "Has trobat un error?", "Display name": "Nom visible", "Identity Server is": "El servidor d'identitat es" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/cs.json b/src/i18n/strings/cs.json index 4267954d4c..6b8263d62a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/cs.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/cs.json @@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ "Are you sure you want to upload the following files?": "Určitě chcete nahrát následující soubory?", "Attachment": "Příloha", "Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Automaticky přehrávat GIFy a videa", - "Bug Report": "Hlášení o chybě", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your homeserver's SSL certificate is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Nelze se připojit k domovskému serveru – zkontrolujte prosím své připojení, prověřte, zdali je SSL certifikát vašeho domovského serveru důvěryhodný, a že některé z rozšíření prohlížeče neblokuje komunikaci.", "Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "Kdokoliv, kdo má odkaz na místnost, kromě hostů", "Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests": "Kdokoliv, kdo má odkaz na místnost, a to i hosté", @@ -207,7 +206,6 @@ "%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s přijal/a hovor.", "Click to mute audio": "Kliknutím ztlumíte zvuk", "Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "E-mailovou adresu se nepodařilo ověřit. Přesvědčte se, že jste kliknul/a na zaslaný odkaz", - "Found a bug?": "Našli jste chybu?", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Na tomto domovském serveru je hostům vstup odepřen.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Hosté nemohou vstoupit do této místnosti, i když jsou přímo pozváni.", "Hide read receipts": "Skrýt potvrzení o přečtení", @@ -278,7 +276,6 @@ "You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Tuto změnu nepůjde vrátit zpět, protože tomuto uživateli nastavujete stejnou úroveň moci, jakou máte vy.", "Alias (optional)": "Alias (nepovinný)", "Room name (optional)": "Název místnosti (nepovinný)", - "Report it": "Nahlásit to", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Výsledky z DuckDuckGo", "Return to login screen": "Vrátit k přihlašovací obrazovce", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot není oprávněn posílat vám upozornění – zkontrolujte prosím nastavení svého prohlížeče", @@ -560,7 +557,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Odejít ze skupiny", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Odejít z %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "Odejít", - "Unable to leave room": "Nepodařilo se odejít z místnosti", "Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Skrýt zprávy o vstupu či odejití (pozvánky, vykopnutí a vykázání zůstanou)", "Failed to remove user from community": "Nepodařilo se odebrat uživatele ze skupiny", "Failed to remove room from community": "Nepodařilo se odebrat místnost ze skupiny", @@ -934,7 +930,6 @@ "Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key": "Údajný klíč s otiskem prstu Ed25519", "This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Tento proces vás provede importem šifrovacích klíčů, které jste si stáhli z jiného Matrix klienta. Po úspěšném naimportování budete v tomto klientovi moci dešifrovat všechny zprávy, které jste mohli dešifrovat v původním klientovi.", "The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Stažený soubor je chráněn heslem. Soubor můžete naimportovat pouze pokud zadáte odpovídající heslo.", - "Tag Panel": "Připnout panel", "Call Failed": "Hovor selhal", "There are unknown devices in this room: if you proceed without verifying them, it will be possible for someone to eavesdrop on your call.": "V této místnosti jsou neznámá zařízení: Pokud budete pokračovat bez jejich ověření, někdo může Váš hovor odposlouchávat.", "Review Devices": "Ověřit zařízení", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json index 7931d9723f..1392de5c95 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json @@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ "Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Bist du sicher, dass du die Einladung ablehnen willst?", "Are you sure you want to upload the following files?": "Bist du sicher, dass du die folgenden Dateien hochladen möchtest?", "Banned users": "Verbannte Benutzer", - "Bug Report": "Fehlerbericht", "Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "Änderungen, die bestimmen, wer den Chatverlauf lesen kann, gelten nur für zukünftige Nachrichten in diesem Raum", "Clear Cache and Reload": "Cache leeren und neu laden", "Confirm your new password": "Neues Passwort bestätigen", @@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Passwort vergessen?", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Aus Sicherheitsgründen werden beim Ausloggen alle Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselungs-Schlüssel in diesem Browser gelöscht. Wenn du in späteren Riot-Sitzungen den bisherigen Chatverlauf entschlüsseln möchtest, exportiere bitte deine Schlüssel zur sicheren Aufbewahrung.", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurde diese Sitzung beendet. Bitte melde dich erneut an.", - "Found a bug?": "Fehler gefunden?", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Gäste können diesem Raum nicht beitreten, auch wenn sie explizit eingeladen wurden.", "Hangup": "Auflegen", "Homeserver is": "Home-Server:", @@ -398,7 +396,6 @@ "New passwords don't match": "Die neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein", "olm version:": "Version von olm:", "Passwords can't be empty": "Passwortfelder dürfen nicht leer sein", - "Report it": "Melden", "riot-web version:": "Version von riot-web:", "Scroll to bottom of page": "Zum Seitenende springen", "Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Zeitstempel im 12-Stunden-Format anzeigen (z. B. 2:30pm)", @@ -692,7 +689,6 @@ "You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s": "%(userId)s wird nicht mehr ignoriert", "Message removed by %(userId)s": "Nachricht wurde von %(userId)s entfernt", "Name or matrix ID": "Name oder Matrix-ID", - "Unable to leave room": "Verlassen des Raumes fehlgeschlagen", "Leave": "Verlassen", "Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Die folgenden Benutzer konnten nicht in die Gruppe %(groupId)s eingeladen werden:", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "%(groupName)s verlassen?", @@ -967,7 +963,6 @@ "Your homeserver's URL": "Die URL deines Homeservers", "Your identity server's URL": "Die URL deines Identitätsservers", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s", - "Tag Panel": "Beschriftungsfeld", "Message Replies": "Antworten auf Nachrichten", "You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Du wirst nicht in der Lage sein, die Änderung zurückzusetzen, da du dich degradierst. Wenn du der letze Nutzer mit Berechtigungen bist, wird es unmöglich sein die Privilegien zurückzubekommen.", "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Community-IDs können nicht leer sein.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/el.json b/src/i18n/strings/el.json index ab16f215bc..58edb86568 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/el.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/el.json @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ "Attachment": "Επισύναψη", "%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "Ο χρήστης %(senderName)s έδιωξε τον χρήστη %(targetName)s.", "Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή GIFs και βίντεο", - "Bug Report": "Αναφορά σφάλματος", "Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "Oποιοσδήποτε", "%(items)s and %(lastItem)s": "%(items)s %(lastItem)s", "A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains": "Ένα μήνυμα στάλθηκε στο +%(msisdn)s. Παρακαλώ γράψε τον κωδικό επαλήθευσης που περιέχει", @@ -117,7 +116,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Ξεχάσατε τoν κωδικό πρόσβασης σας;", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Για λόγους ασφαλείας, αυτή η συνεδρία έχει τερματιστεί. Παρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε ξανά.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Για λόγους ασφαλείας, τα κλειδιά κρυπτογράφησης θα διαγράφονται από τον περιηγητή κατά την αποσύνδεση σας. Εάν επιθυμείτε να αποκρυπτογραφήσετε τις συνομιλίες σας στο μέλλον, εξάγετε τα κλειδιά σας και κρατήστε τα ασφαλή.", - "Found a bug?": "Βρήκατε κάποιο πρόβλημα;", "Hangup": "Κλείσιμο", "Historical": "Ιστορικό", "Homeserver is": "Ο διακομιστής είναι", @@ -262,7 +260,6 @@ "Remote addresses for this room:": "Απομακρυσμένες διευθύνσεις για το δωμάτιο:", "Remove Contact Information?": "Αφαίρεση πληροφοριών επαφής;", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Αφαίρεση %(threePid)s;", - "Report it": "Αναφορά", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Αποτελέσματα από DuckDuckGo", "Return to login screen": "Επιστροφή στην οθόνη σύνδεσης", "Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Το δωμάτιο %(roomId)s δεν είναι ορατό", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json b/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json index 25c3813a4c..c7e3e17383 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ "You need to be logged in.": "You need to be logged in.", "You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "You need to be able to invite users to do that.", "Unable to create widget.": "Unable to create widget.", + "Missing roomId.": "Missing roomId.", "Failed to send request.": "Failed to send request.", "This room is not recognised.": "This room is not recognised.", "Power level must be positive integer.": "Power level must be positive integer.", @@ -186,6 +187,8 @@ "Message Replies": "Message Replies", "Message Pinning": "Message Pinning", "Presence Management": "Presence Management", + "Tag Panel": "Tag Panel", + "Sticker Messages": "Sticker Messages", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing", "Use compact timeline layout": "Use compact timeline layout", "Hide removed messages": "Hide removed messages", @@ -255,13 +258,6 @@ "Cannot add any more widgets": "Cannot add any more widgets", "The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.": "The maximum permitted number of widgets have already been added to this room.", "Add a widget": "Add a widget", - "Stickerpack": "Stickerpack", - "Sticker Messages": "Sticker Messages", - "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled", - "Click": "Click", - "here": "here", - "to add some!": "to add some!", - "Add a stickerpack": "Add a stickerpack", "Drop File Here": "Drop File Here", "Drop file here to upload": "Drop file here to upload", " (unsupported)": " (unsupported)", @@ -322,6 +318,7 @@ "Filter room members": "Filter room members", "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)", "Attachment": "Attachment", + "At this time it is not possible to reply with a file so this will be sent without being a reply.": "At this time it is not possible to reply with a file so this will be sent without being a reply.", "Upload Files": "Upload Files", "Are you sure you want to upload the following files?": "Are you sure you want to upload the following files?", "Encrypted room": "Encrypted room", @@ -329,10 +326,6 @@ "Hangup": "Hangup", "Voice call": "Voice call", "Video call": "Video call", - "Hide Apps": "Hide Apps", - "Show Apps": "Show Apps", - "Hide Stickers": "Hide Stickers", - "Show Stickers": "Show Stickers", "Upload file": "Upload file", "Show Text Formatting Toolbar": "Show Text Formatting Toolbar", "Send an encrypted reply…": "Send an encrypted reply…", @@ -376,8 +369,8 @@ "Offline": "Offline", "Unknown": "Unknown", "Seen by %(userName)s at %(dateTime)s": "Seen by %(userName)s at %(dateTime)s", - "Replying": "Replying", "Seen by %(displayName)s (%(userName)s) at %(dateTime)s": "Seen by %(displayName)s (%(userName)s) at %(dateTime)s", + "Replying": "Replying", "No rooms to show": "No rooms to show", "Unnamed room": "Unnamed room", "World readable": "World readable", @@ -482,6 +475,11 @@ "This room's internal ID is": "This room's internal ID is", "Add a topic": "Add a topic", "Cancel": "Cancel", + "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled": "You don't currently have any stickerpacks enabled", + "Add a stickerpack": "Add a stickerpack", + "Stickerpack": "Stickerpack", + "Hide Stickers": "Hide Stickers", + "Show Stickers": "Show Stickers", "Scroll to unread messages": "Scroll to unread messages", "Jump to first unread message.": "Jump to first unread message.", "Close": "Close", @@ -589,12 +587,12 @@ "NOTE: Apps are not end-to-end encrypted": "NOTE: Apps are not end-to-end encrypted", "Do you want to load widget from URL:": "Do you want to load widget from URL:", "Allow": "Allow", - "Manage sticker packs": "Manage sticker packs", "Delete Widget": "Delete Widget", "Deleting a widget removes it for all users in this room. Are you sure you want to delete this widget?": "Deleting a widget removes it for all users in this room. Are you sure you want to delete this widget?", "Delete widget": "Delete widget", "Revoke widget access": "Revoke widget access", "Minimize apps": "Minimize apps", + "Picture": "Picture", "Edit": "Edit", "Create new room": "Create new room", "Unblacklist": "Unblacklist", @@ -788,9 +786,9 @@ "Featured Users:": "Featured Users:", "%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community", "Join this community": "Join this community", + "Leave this community": "Leave this community", "You are an administrator of this community": "You are an administrator of this community", "You are a member of this community": "You are a member of this community", - "Leave this community": "Leave this community", "Your community hasn't got a Long Description, a HTML page to show to community members.
Click here to open settings and give it one!": "Your community hasn't got a Long Description, a HTML page to show to community members.
Click here to open settings and give it one!", "Long Description (HTML)": "Long Description (HTML)", "Description": "Description", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/en_US.json b/src/i18n/strings/en_US.json index 2ce5cb541b..d86b465f57 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/en_US.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/en_US.json @@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ "Banned users": "Banned users", "Bans user with given id": "Bans user with given id", "Blacklisted": "Blacklisted", - "Bug Report": "Bug Report", "Bulk Options": "Bulk Options", "Call Timeout": "Call Timeout", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or enable unsafe scripts.": "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or enable unsafe scripts.", @@ -159,7 +158,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Forgot your password?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.", - "Found a bug?": "Found a bug?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.", @@ -282,7 +280,6 @@ "Remove": "Remove", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Remove %(threePid)s?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.", - "Report it": "Report it", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Results from DuckDuckGo", "Return to login screen": "Return to login screen", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/eo.json b/src/i18n/strings/eo.json index f40b9c711f..8ef7844f06 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/eo.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/eo.json @@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ "Failed to join room": "Malsukcesis aliĝi al ĉambro", "Message Pinning": "Fikso de mesaĝoj", "Presence Management": "Ĉeesta administrado", - "Tag Panel": "Etikeda panelo", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Malŝalti mienetajn sugestojn dum tajpado", "Use compact timeline layout": "Uzi densan okazordan aranĝon", "Hide removed messages": "Kaŝi forigitajn mesaĝojn", @@ -731,7 +730,6 @@ "Unable to reject invite": "Invito ne rifuzeblas", "Leave Community": "Forlasi komunumon", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Ĉu foriri el %(groupName)s?", - "Unable to leave room": "Ĉambro ne forlaseblas", "Community Settings": "Komunumaj agordoj", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Tiuj ĉi ĉambroj montriĝas al komunumanoj sur la paĝo de la komunumo. Ili povas aliĝi al la ĉambroj per alklakoj.", "Featured Rooms:": "Elstarigitaj ĉambroj:", @@ -813,9 +811,6 @@ "Device ID:": "Aparata identigilo:", "Device key:": "Aparata ŝlosilo:", "Ignored Users": "Malatentataj uzantoj", - "Bug Report": "Cimraporto", - "Found a bug?": "Ĉu vi trovis cimon?", - "Report it": "Raporti ĝin", "Analytics": "Analizo", "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot kolektas sennomaj analizajn datumojn por helpi plibonigadon de la programo.", "Labs": "Eksperimentaj funkcioj", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/es.json b/src/i18n/strings/es.json index 274ad0d59f..6c54677b23 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/es.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/es.json @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ "Banned users": "Usuarios bloqueados", "Bans user with given id": "Bloquear usuario por ID", "Blacklisted": "En lista negra", - "Bug Report": "Reporte de fallo", "Bulk Options": "Opciones masivas", "Call Timeout": "Tiempo de espera de la llamada", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or enable unsafe scripts.": "No se puede conectar al servidor via HTTP, cuando es necesario un enlace HTTPS en la barra de direcciones de tu navegador. Ya sea usando HTTPS o habilitando los scripts inseguros.", @@ -132,7 +131,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "¿Olvidaste tu clave?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Por seguridad, esta sesión ha sido cerrada. Por favor inicia sesión nuevamente.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Por seguridad, al cerrar la sesión borrará cualquier clave de encriptación de extremo a extremo en este navegador. Si quieres ser capaz de descifrar tu historial de conversación, para las futuras sesiones en Riot, por favor exporta las claves de la sala para protegerlas.", - "Found a bug?": "¿Encontraste un error?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s de %(fromPowerLevel)s a %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Invitados no pueden unirse a esta sala aun cuando han sido invitados explícitamente.", "Hangup": "Colgar", @@ -376,7 +374,6 @@ "Remove": "Eliminar", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "¿Eliminar %(threePid)s?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s ha solicitado una conferencia Voz-IP.", - "Report it": "Informar", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Reiniciar la contraseña también reiniciará las claves de cifrado extremo-a-extremo, haciendo ilegible el historial de las conversaciones, salvo que exporte previamente las claves de sala, y las importe posteriormente. Esto será mejorado en futuras versiones.", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Resultados desde DuckDuckGo", "Return to login screen": "Volver a la pantalla de inicio de sesión", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/eu.json b/src/i18n/strings/eu.json index 5d90b7f219..7c66935cc2 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/eu.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/eu.json @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ "Invites": "Gonbidapenak", "Low priority": "Lehentasun baxua", "No results": "Emaitzarik ez", - "Bug Report": "Arazte-txostena", "Join Room": "Elkartu gelara", "Register": "Eman izena", "Submit": "Bidali", @@ -135,7 +134,6 @@ "Start Chat": "Hasi txata", "Success": "Arrakasta", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Segurtasunagatik saio hau amaitu da. Hasi saioa berriro.", - "Found a bug?": "Akats bat aurkitu duzu?", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Bisitariak ezin dira gela honetara elkartu ez bazaie zuzenean gonbidatu.", "Hangup": "Eseki", "Homeserver is": "Hasiera zerbitzaria:", @@ -357,7 +355,6 @@ "%(senderName)s removed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak bere profileko argazkia kendu du.", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Kendu %(threePid)s?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak VoIP konferentzia bat eskatu du.", - "Report it": "Eman berri", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Oraingoz pasahitza aldatzeak gailu guztietako muturretik muturrerako zifratze-gakoak berrezarriko ditu, eta ezin izango dituzu zifratutako txatetako historialak irakurri ez badituzu aurretik zure gelako gakoak esportatzen eta aldaketa eta gero berriro inportatzen.", "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "Une honetan egiaztatu gabeko gailuak blokeatzen ari zara, gailu hauetara mezuak bidali ahal izateko egiaztatu behar dituzu.", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "DuckDuckGo bilatzaileko emaitzak", @@ -737,7 +734,6 @@ "Send": "Bidali", "Message Pinning": "Mezuak finkatzea", "Presence Management": "Presentzia-kudeaketa", - "Tag Panel": "Etiketen panela", "Hide avatar changes": "Ezkutatu abatar aldaketak", "Hide display name changes": "Ezkutatu pantaila izenen aldaketak", "Disable big emoji in chat": "Desgaitu emoji handiak txatean", @@ -812,7 +808,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Atera komunitatetik", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Atera %(groupName)s komunitatetik?", "Leave": "Atera", - "Unable to leave room": "Ezin izan da gelatik atera", "Community Settings": "Komunitatearen ezarpenak", "You are an administrator of this community": "Komunitate honen administratzailea zara", "You are a member of this community": "Komunitate honetako kidea zara", @@ -991,6 +986,5 @@ "If your other devices do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Zure beste gailuek mezu honetarako gakoa ez badute ezin izango dute deszifratu.", "Key request sent.": "Gako eskaria bidalita.", "Re-request encryption keys from your other devices.": "Berriz eskatu zifratze-gakoak zure beste gailuetatik.", - "%(user)s is a %(userRole)s": "%(user)s %(userRole)s da", - "Changes made to your community might not be seen by other users for up to 30 minutes.": "Zure komunitateari egindako aldaketak agian ez dira beste erabiltzaileentzat ikusgai egongo 30 minutu pasatu arte." + "%(user)s is a %(userRole)s": "%(user)s %(userRole)s da" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/fi.json b/src/i18n/strings/fi.json index ae12f57e28..7a065eedf2 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/fi.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/fi.json @@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ "Ban": "Anna porttikielto", "Banned users": "Porttikiellon saanneet käyttäjät", "Bans user with given id": "Antaa porttikiellon käyttäjälle jolla on annettu tunniste", - "Bug Report": "Virheraportti", "Bulk Options": "Bulkkiasetukset", "Changes your display nickname": "Muuttaa näyttönimesi", "Changes colour scheme of current room": "Muuttaa tamänhetkisen huoneen väritystä", @@ -166,7 +165,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Unohditko salasanasi?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Turvallisuussyistä tämä istunto on vanhentunut. Ole hyvä ja kirjaudu uudestaan.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Turvallusuussyistä uloskirjautuminen poistaa kaikki päästä päähän-salausavaimet tästä selaimesta. Jos haluat purkaa keskustelujen salaukset tulevaisuudessa pitää sinun viedä purkuavaimet ja pitää ne turvallisesti tallessa.", - "Found a bug?": "Löysitkö virheen?", "Hide Apps": "Piilota sovellukset", "Hide read receipts": "Piilota lukukuittaukset", "Hide Text Formatting Toolbar": "Piilota tekstinmuotoilutyökalupalkki", @@ -475,7 +473,6 @@ "%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s hylkäsi kutsun.", "Remote addresses for this room:": "Tämän huoneen etäosoitteet:", "%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s poisti näyttönimensä (%(oldDisplayName)s).", - "Report it": "Ilmoita siitä", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riotilla ei ole oikeuksia lähettää sinulle ilmoituksia. Ole hyvä ja tarkista selaimen asetukset", "Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riotilla ei saannut oikeuksia lähettää ilmoituksia. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen", "Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Huone %(roomId)s ei ole näkyvissä", @@ -785,7 +782,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Poistu yhteisöstä", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Poistu yhteisöstä %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "Poistu", - "Unable to leave room": "Poistuminen epäonnistui", "Community Settings": "Yhteisöasetukset", "Add rooms to this community": "Lisää huoneita yhteisöön", "Featured Rooms:": "Esiinnostetut huoneet:", @@ -838,7 +834,6 @@ "%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s": "%(widgetName)s pienoisohjelman poistanut %(senderName)s", "Send": "Lähetä", "Presence Management": "Tilanhallinta", - "Tag Panel": "Tagit", "Delete %(count)s devices|other": "Poista %(count)s laitetta", "Delete %(count)s devices|one": "Poista laite", "Select devices": "Valitse laitteet", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/fr.json b/src/i18n/strings/fr.json index a07a6fbbc9..73805d66f0 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/fr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/fr.json @@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ "Banned users": "Utilisateurs bannis", "Bans user with given id": "Bannit l'utilisateur à partir de son identifiant", "Blacklisted": "Sur liste noire", - "Bug Report": "Rapport d'erreur", "Call Timeout": "Délai d’appel expiré", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or enable unsafe scripts.": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur d'accueil en HTTP si l'URL dans la barre de votre explorateur est en HTTPS. Utilisez HTTPS ou activez le support des scripts non-vérifiés.", "Can't load user settings": "Impossible de charger les paramètres de l'utilisateur", @@ -133,7 +132,6 @@ "Forget room": "Oublier le salon", "Forgot your password?": "Mot de passe oublié ?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Par mesure de sécurité, la session a expiré. Merci de vous authentifier à nouveau.", - "Found a bug?": "Vous avez trouvé un problème ?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s de %(fromPowerLevel)s à %(toPowerLevel)s", "Hangup": "Raccrocher", "Hide read receipts": "Cacher les accusés de lecture", @@ -241,7 +239,6 @@ "%(senderName)s removed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s a supprimé son image de profil.", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Supprimer %(threePid)s ?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s a demandé une téléconférence audio.", - "Report it": "Le signaler", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Pour le moment, réinitialiser le mot de passe va réinitialiser les clés de chiffrement sur tous les appareils, rendant l’historique des salons chiffrés illisible, à moins que vous exportiez d'abord les clés de salon puis que vous les ré-importiez après. Cela sera amélioré prochainement.", "Return to login screen": "Retourner à l’écran de connexion", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot n’a pas la permission de vous envoyer des notifications - merci de vérifier les paramètres de votre navigateur", @@ -862,7 +859,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Quitter la communauté", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Quitter %(groupName)s ?", "Leave": "Quitter", - "Unable to leave room": "Impossible de partir du salon", "Community Settings": "Paramètres de la communauté", "Add rooms to this community": "Ajouter des salons à cette communauté", "%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s vous a invité à rejoindre cette communauté", @@ -934,7 +930,6 @@ "Flair will appear if enabled in room settings": "Les badges n'apparaîtront que s'ils sont activés dans les paramètres de chaque salon", "Flair will not appear": "Les badges n'apparaîtront pas", "Display your community flair in rooms configured to show it.": "Sélectionnez les badges dans les paramètres de chaque salon pour les afficher.", - "Tag Panel": "Panneau des étiquettes", "Addresses": "Adresses", "expand": "développer", "collapse": "réduire", @@ -991,6 +986,5 @@ "If your other devices do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Si vos autres appareils n'ont pas la clé pour ce message, vous ne pourrez pas le déchiffrer.", "Key request sent.": "Demande de clé envoyée.", "Re-request encryption keys from your other devices.": "Re-demander les clés de chiffrement depuis vos autres appareils.", - "%(user)s is a %(userRole)s": "%(user)s est %(userRole)s", - "Changes made to your community might not be seen by other users for up to 30 minutes.": "Les changements effectués sur votre communauté peuvent ne pas apparaître pour les autres utilisateurs avant 30 minutes." + "%(user)s is a %(userRole)s": "%(user)s est %(userRole)s" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json index 7c6e221f5a..c2486cefe7 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json @@ -170,7 +170,6 @@ "Failed to join room": "Non se puido unir a sala", "Message Pinning": "Fixando mensaxe", "Presence Management": "Xestión da presenza", - "Tag Panel": "Panel de etiquetas", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Deshabilitar a suxestión de Emoji mentras escribe", "Use compact timeline layout": "Utilizar a disposición compacta da liña temporal", "Hide removed messages": "Ocultar mensaxes eliminadas", @@ -736,7 +735,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Deixar a comunidade", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Deixar %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "Saír", - "Unable to leave room": "Non puido deixar a sala", "Community Settings": "Axustes da comunidade", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Estas salas son mostradas aos membros da comunidade na páxina da comunidade. Os membros da comunidade poden unirse as salas pulsando en elas.", "Add rooms to this community": "Engadir salas a esta comunidade", @@ -826,9 +824,6 @@ "Device ID:": "ID de dispositivo:", "Device key:": "Chave do dispositivo:", "Ignored Users": "Usuarias ignoradas", - "Bug Report": "Informe de fallo", - "Found a bug?": "Atopou un fallo?", - "Report it": "Informe", "Analytics": "Analytics", "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot recolle información analítica anónima para permitirnos mellorar o aplicativo.", "Privacy is important to us, so we don't collect any personal or identifiable data for our analytics.": "A intimidade impórtanos, así que non recollemos información personal ou identificable nos datos dos nosos análises.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json index 3fdb117d4f..8889f52097 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json @@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ "Banned users": "Kitiltott felhasználók", "Bans user with given id": "Kitiltja a felhasználót a megadott ID-vel", "Blacklisted": "Fekete listára téve", - "Bug Report": "Hiba jelentés", "Bulk Options": "Tömeges beállítások", "Call Timeout": "Hívás időtúllépés", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your homeserver's SSL certificate is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Nem lehet kapcsolódni a saját szerverhez - ellenőrizd a kapcsolatot, biztosítsd, hogy a saját szerver tanúsítványa hiteles legyen, és a böngésző kiterjesztések ne blokkolják a kéréseket.", @@ -192,7 +191,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Elfelejtetted a jelszavad?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "A biztonság érdekében ez a kapcsolat le lesz bontva. Légy szíves jelentkezz be újra.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "A biztonság érdekében a kilépéskor a ponttól pontig való (E2E) titkosításhoz szükséges kulcsok törlésre kerülnek a böngészőből. Ha a régi üzeneteket továbbra is el szeretnéd olvasni, kérlek mentsed ki a szobákhoz tartozó kulcsot.", - "Found a bug?": "Hibát találtál?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s : %(fromPowerLevel)s -> %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Vendég belépés tiltva van a Saját szerveren.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Vendégek akkor sem csatlakozhatnak ehhez a szobához ha külön meghívók kaptak.", @@ -309,7 +307,6 @@ "%(senderName)s removed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s törölte a profil képét.", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Töröl: %(threePid)s?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s VoIP konferenciát kezdeményez.", - "Report it": "Jelent", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Eredmények a DuckDuckGo-ból", "Return to login screen": "Vissza a bejelentkezési képernyőre", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riotnak nincs jogosultsága értesítést küldeni neked - ellenőrizd a böngésző beállításait", @@ -719,7 +716,6 @@ "Description": "Leírás", "Name or matrix ID": "Név vagy Matrix azonosító", "Unable to accept invite": "A meghívót nem lehet elfogadni", - "Unable to leave room": "A szobát nem lehet elhagyni", "Leave": "Elhagy", "Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Az alábbi felhasználókat nem sikerült meghívni a(z) %(groupId)s:", "Failed to invite users to %(groupId)s": "Nem sikerült meghívni a felhasználókat ebbe a csoportba: %(groupId)s", @@ -934,7 +930,6 @@ "Something went wrong when trying to get your communities.": "Valami nem sikerült a közösségeid elérésénél.", "Display your community flair in rooms configured to show it.": "Közösségi jelvényeid megjelenítése azokban a szobákban ahol ez engedélyezett.", "This homeserver doesn't offer any login flows which are supported by this client.": "Ez a saját szerver egyetlen bejelentkezési metódust sem támogat amit ez a kliens ismer.", - "Tag Panel": "Címke panel", "Addresses": "Címek", "collapse": "becsuk", "expand": "kinyit", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/it.json b/src/i18n/strings/it.json index b518dd866b..3db600cc26 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/it.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/it.json @@ -233,7 +233,6 @@ "Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Controllo di autenticazione fallito: password sbagliata?", "Failed to join room": "Accesso alla stanza fallito", "Presence Management": "Gestione della presenza", - "Tag Panel": "Pannello etichette", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Disattiva i suggerimenti delle emoji durante la digitazione", "Use compact timeline layout": "Usa impaginazione cronologia compatta", "Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Nascondi i messaggi di entrata/uscita (inviti/kick/ban esclusi)", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ko.json b/src/i18n/strings/ko.json index 183a519320..6c259010d1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ko.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ko.json @@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ "Ban": "차단", "Banned users": "차단한 사용자", "Blacklisted": "요주의", - "Bug Report": "오류 보고", "Can't load user settings": "사용사 설정을 불러올 수 없어요", "Change Password": "비밀번호 바꾸기", "Changes your display nickname": "보여줄 별명을 바꾸기", @@ -193,7 +192,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "비밀번호를 잊어버리셨어요?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "보안을 위해서, 이 세션에서 로그아웃했어요. 다시 로그인해주세요.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "보안을 위해서, 로그아웃하면 이 브라우저에서 모든 종단간 암호화 키를 없앨 거에요. 이후 라이엇에서 이야기를 해독하고 싶으시면, 방 키를 내보내서 안전하게 보관하세요.", - "Found a bug?": "오류를 찾으셨나요?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s를 %(fromPowerLevel)s에서 %(toPowerLevel)s로", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "손님은 이 홈 서버에 접근하실 수 없어요.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "손님은 분명하게 초대받았어도 이 방에 들어가실 수 없어요.", @@ -314,7 +312,6 @@ "%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s님이 별명 (%(oldDisplayName)s)을 지우셨어요.", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "%(threePid)s 지우시겠어요?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s님이 인터넷전화 회의를 요청하셨어요.", - "Report it": "보고하기", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "비밀번호를 다시 설정하면 현재 모든 장치의 종단간 암호화 키가 다시 설정되고, 먼저 방의 키를 내보내고 나중에 다시 불러오지 않는 한, 암호화한 이야기 기록을 읽을 수 없게 되어요. 앞으로는 이 기능을 더 좋게 만들 거에요.", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "덕덕고에서 검색한 결과", "Return to login screen": "로그인 화면으로 돌아가기", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/lv.json b/src/i18n/strings/lv.json index 752f5e84b6..6280c027db 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/lv.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/lv.json @@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ "Banned users": "Lietotāji, kuriem ir liegta pieeja (banotie)", "Bans user with given id": "Bloķē (liedz pieeju) lietotāju pēc uzdotā ID (nobano)", "Blacklisted": "Melnajā sarakstā iekļautie", - "Bug Report": "Paziņojums par kļūdu", "Bulk Options": "Grupveida darbību parametri", "Call Timeout": "Zvana gaidīšanas noilgums", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your homeserver's SSL certificate is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Neizdodas savienoties ar bāzes serveri. Pārbaudi tīkla savienojumu un pārliecinies, ka bāzes servera SSL sertifikāts ir uzticams, kā arī pārlūkā instalētie paplašinājumi nebloķē pieprasījumus.", @@ -178,7 +177,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Aizmirsi paroli?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Drošības nolūkos, šī sesija ir beigusies. Lūdzu, pieraksties par jaunu.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Drošības nolūkos, izrakstīšanās dzēsīs jebkādas ierīce-ierīce šifrēšanas atslēgas no šī pārlūka. Ja Tu vēlies saglabāt iespēju atšifrēt tavu saziņas vēsturi no Riot nākotnes sesijām, lūdzu eksportē tavas istabas atslēgas, saglabājot tās drošā vietā.", - "Found a bug?": "Pamanīji kļūdu?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s no %(fromPowerLevel)s uz %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Šajā bāzes serverī viesu pierakstīšanās nav iespējama.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Viesi nevar pievienoties šai istabai pat ja ir uzaicināti.", @@ -304,7 +302,6 @@ "Remove": "Dzēst", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Dzēst %(threePid)s?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s vēlas VoIP konferenci.", - "Report it": "Ziņot par to", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Paroles atiestatīšana atiestatīs visas ierīce-ierīce šifrēšanas atslēgas visās ierīcēs, padarot čata šifrēto ziņu vēsturi nelasāmu, ja vien Tu pirms tam neesi eksportējis savas istabas atslēgas un atkārtoti importējis tās atpakaļ. Nākotnē šo ir plānots uzlabot.", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Rezultāti no DuckDuckGo", "Return to login screen": "Atgriezties uz pierakstīšanās lapu", @@ -737,7 +734,6 @@ "Message Replies": "Atbildes uz ziņām", "Message Pinning": "Ziņu piekabināšana", "Presence Management": "Klātbūtnes vadība", - "Tag Panel": "Birku panelis", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Atspējot Emoji ieteikumus teksta rakstīšanas laikā", "Hide avatar changes": "Slēpt avatara izmaiņas", "Hide display name changes": "Slēpt attēlojamā vārda izmaiņas", @@ -918,7 +914,6 @@ "Failed to remove the room from the summary of %(groupId)s": "Neizdevās dzēst istabu no %(groupId)s kopsavilkuma", "The room '%(roomName)s' could not be removed from the summary.": "Istabu '%(roomName)s' neizdevās dzēst no kopsavilkuma.", "Leave Community": "Atstāt kopienu", - "Unable to leave room": "Nav iespējams atstāt istabu", "Community Settings": "Kopienas iestatījumi", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Šīs istabas tiek rādītas kopienas dalībniekiem šīs kopienas lapā. Kopienas dalībnieki var pievienoties istabām, uzklikšķinot uz tām.", "Your community hasn't got a Long Description, a HTML page to show to community members.
Click here to open settings and give it one!": "Jūsu kopienai nav plašāka HTML-lapas apraksta ko parādīt dalībniekiem.
Klikšķini šeit, lai atvērtu iestatījumus un to pievienotu!", @@ -926,8 +921,6 @@ "Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Neizdevās ielādēt %(groupId)s", "This Home server does not support communities": "Šis mitināšanas serveris neatbalsta kopienas", "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Šīs istaba nav publiska. Tu nevari tajā ieiet bez uzaicinājuma.", - "Cryptography data migrated": "Sifrēšanas dati tika pārnesti", - "A one-off migration of cryptography data has been performed. End-to-end encryption will not work if you go back to an older version of Riot. If you need to use end-to-end cryptography on an older version, log out of Riot first. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Veikta vienreizēja šifrēšanas datu pārnese. Sifrēšana (end-to-end) nedarbosies, ja Tu atgriezīses pie vecākas Riot versijas. Ja nepieciešams izmantot end-to-end šifrēšanu, izmantojot vecāku versija, vispirms izraksties no Riot. Lai saglabātu ziņu vēsturi, eksportē un tad importē savas kripto-atslēgas.", "Old cryptography data detected": "Tika uzieti novecojuši šifrēšanas dati", "Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Uzieti dati no vecākas Riot versijas. Tas novedīs pie end-to-end šifrēšanas problēmām vecākajā versijā. Šajā versijā nevar tikt atšifrēti ziņojumi, kuri radīti izmantojot vecākajā versijā end-to-end šifrētas ziņas. Tas var arī novest pie ziņapmaiņas, kas veikta ar šo versiju. Ja rodas ķibeles, izraksties un par jaunu pieraksties sistēmā. Lai saglabātu ziņu vēsturi, eksportē un tad importē savas šifrēšanas atslēgas.", "Create a community to group together users and rooms! Build a custom homepage to mark out your space in the Matrix universe.": "Radi kopienu, lai apvienotu lietotājus un istabas. Izveido mājaslapu, lai iezīmētu Matrix visumā savu klātbūtni, vietu un telpu.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/nl.json b/src/i18n/strings/nl.json index d4bda9c6da..d8c1cde0ca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/nl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/nl.json @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ "Banned users": "Verbannen gebruikers", "Bans user with given id": "Verbant de gebruiker met het gegeven ID", "Blacklisted": "Buitengesloten", - "Bug Report": "Bug report", "Bulk Options": "Bulk opties", "Call Timeout": "Gesprek time-out", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or enable unsafe scripts.": "Kan niet met de thuisserver verbinden via HTTP wanneer er een HTTPS-URL in je browser balk staat. Gebruik HTTPS of activeer onveilige scripts.", @@ -262,7 +261,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Wachtwoord vergeten?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Voor veiligheidsredenen is deze sessie uitgelogd. Log alsjeblieft opnieuw in.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "In verband met veiligheidsredenen zullen alle end-to-endbeveiligingsleutels van deze browser verwijderd worden. Als je je gespreksgeschiedenis van toekomstige Riot sessies wilt kunnen ontsleutelen, exporteer en bewaar dan de ruimte sleutels.", - "Found a bug?": "Een fout gevonden?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s van %(fromPowerLevel)s naar %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Gasttoegang is uitgeschakeld op deze thuisserver.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Gasten kunnen niet tot deze ruimte toetreden, zelfs als ze expliciet uitgenodigd zijn.", @@ -340,7 +338,6 @@ "Press to start a chat with someone": "Druk op om een gesprek met iemand te starten", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "%(threePid)s verwijderen?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s heeft een VoIP-gesprek aangevraagd.", - "Report it": "Melden", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Het wachtwoord veranderen betekent momenteel dat alle end-to-endbeveiligingssleutels op alle apparaten veranderen waardoor versleutelde gespreksgeschiedenis onleesbaar wordt, behalve als je eerst de ruimte sleutels exporteert en daarna opnieuw importeert. Dit zal in de toekomst verbeterd worden.", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Resultaten van DuckDuckGo", "Return to login screen": "Naar het inlogscherm terugkeren", @@ -723,7 +720,6 @@ "Message Pinning": "Boodschap vastpinnen", "Message Replies": "Antwoorden op bericht", "Presence Management": "Presentie Beheer", - "Tag Panel": "Label Paneel", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Emoji suggesties tijdens het typen uitzetten", "Hide avatar changes": "Avatar veranderingen verbergen", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s", @@ -888,7 +884,6 @@ "collapse": "inklappen", "expand": "openklappen", "Custom of %(powerLevel)s": "Aangepast rank van %(powerLevel)s", - "Quote": "Citeren", "And %(count)s more...|other": "En %(count)s meer...", "Matrix ID": "Matrix ID", "Matrix Room ID": "Matrix Ruimte ID", @@ -925,7 +920,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Gemeenschap Verlaten", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "%(groupName)s verlaten?", "Leave": "Verlaten", - "Unable to leave room": "De ruimte kon niet verlaten worden", "Community Settings": "Gemeenschapsinstellingen", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Deze ruimtes worden aan gemeenschapsleden getoond op de gemeenschapspagina. Gemeenschapsleden kunnen tot de ruimtes toetreden door er op te klikken.", "%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s heeft jou uitgenodigd om tot deze gemeenschap toe te treden", @@ -937,8 +931,6 @@ "Community %(groupId)s not found": "Gemeenschap %(groupId)s is niet gevonden", "This Home server does not support communities": "Deze Thuisserver ondersteunt geen gemeenschappen", "Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Het is niet gelukt om %(groupId)s te laden", - "Cryptography data migrated": "Cryptografie gegevens zijn gemigreerd", - "A one-off migration of cryptography data has been performed. End-to-end encryption will not work if you go back to an older version of Riot. If you need to use end-to-end cryptography on an older version, log out of Riot first. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Een eenmalige migratie van cryptografie gegevens heeft plaatsgevonden. Eind-tot-eind versleuteling zal niet werken als je terug gaat naar een oudere versie van Riot. Log eerst uit op Riot als je eind-tot-eind versleuteling wil gebruiken op een oudere versie. Exporteer je sleutels en importeer ze achteraf weer als je de berichtgeschiedenis wilt behouden.", "Old cryptography data detected": "Oude cryptografie gegevens gedetecteerd", "Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Er zijn gegevens van een oudere versie van Riot gedetecteerd. Dit zal eind-tot-eind versleuteling laten storen in de oudere versie. Eind-tot-eind berichten dat recent zijn uitgewisseld zal misschien niet ontsleutelbaar zijn in deze versie. Dit zou er misschien ook voor kunnen zorgen dat berichten die zijn uitgewisseld in deze versie falen. Indien je problemen ervaart, log opnieuw in. Om de berichtgeschiedenis te behouden, exporteer de sleutels en importeer ze achteraf weer.", "Your Communities": "Jouw Gemeenschappen", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/pl.json b/src/i18n/strings/pl.json index ae410232e3..2db7892964 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/pl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/pl.json @@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ "Missing Media Permissions, click here to request.": "Brakuje uprawnień mediów. Kliknij tutaj, aby ich zażądać.", "and %(count)s others...|other": "i %(count)s innych...", "and %(count)s others...|one": "i jeden inny...", - "Bug Report": "Raport błędu", "Bulk Options": "Masowe opcje", "Call Timeout": "Upłynął limit czasu połączenia", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your homeserver's SSL certificate is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z serwerem - proszę sprawdź twoje połączenie, upewnij się, że certyfikat SSL serwera jest zaufany, i że dodatki przeglądarki nie blokują żądania.", @@ -257,7 +256,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Zapomniałeś hasła?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Ze względów bezpieczeństwa ta sesja została wylogowana. Zaloguj się jeszcze raz.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Ze względów bezpieczeństwa, wylogowanie skasuje z tej przeglądarki wszystkie klucze szyfrowania końcówka-do-końcówki. Jeśli chcesz móc odszyfrować swoje historie konwersacji z przyszłych sesji Riot-a, proszę wyeksportuj swoje klucze pokojów do bezpiecznego miejsca.", - "Found a bug?": "Znalazłeś błąd?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s z %(fromPowerLevel)s na %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Dostęp dla gości jest wyłączony na tym serwerze.", "Deops user with given id": "Usuwa prawa administratora użytkownikowi o danym ID", @@ -381,7 +379,6 @@ "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Usunąć %(threePid)s?", "Hide Apps": "Ukryj aplikacje", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s zażądał grupowego połączenia głosowego VoIP.", - "Report it": "Zgłoś", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Wyniki z DuckDuckGo", "Return to login screen": "Wróć do ekranu logowania", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot nie ma uprawnień, by wysyłać ci powiadomienia - sprawdź ustawienia swojej przeglądarki", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/pt.json b/src/i18n/strings/pt.json index 2a99cd191c..bb907af6e3 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/pt.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/pt.json @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ "Banned users": "Usuárias/os banidas/os", "Bans user with given id": "Banir usuários com o identificador informado", "Blacklisted": "Bloqueado", - "Bug Report": "Repotar problemas de funcionamento", "Bulk Options": "Opcões de Batelada", "Can't load user settings": "Não é possível carregar configurações de usuário", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s mudou o tópico para \"%(topic)s\".", @@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Esqueceu sua senha?", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Por segurança, deslogar irá remover qualquer chave de criptografia ponta-a-ponta deste navegador. Caso deseje descriptografar o histórico das suas conversas E2E em sessões Riot futuras, por favor exporte as chaves da sala para sua garantia.", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Por questões de segurança, esta sessão foi encerrada. Por gentileza conecte-se novamente.", - "Found a bug?": "Encontrou um problema de funcionamento do sistema?", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Visitantes não podem entrar nesta sala, mesmo se forem explicitamente convidadas/os.", "Hangup": "Desligar", "Historical": "Histórico", @@ -405,7 +403,6 @@ "olm version:": "versão do olm:", "Operation failed": "A operação falhou", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Remover %(threePid)s?", - "Report it": "Reportar", "riot-web version:": "versão do riot-web:", "Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Mostrar os horários em formato de 12h (p.ex: 2:30pm)", "Unmute": "Tirar do mudo", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json b/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json index 3b37b1ab80..6ce317713b 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ "Banned users": "Usuárias/os banidas/os", "Bans user with given id": "Banir usuários com o identificador informado", "Blacklisted": "Bloqueado", - "Bug Report": "Repotar problemas de funcionamento", "Bulk Options": "Opcões de Batelada", "Can't load user settings": "Não é possível carregar configurações de usuário", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s mudou o tópico para \"%(topic)s\".", @@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Esqueceu sua senha?", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Por segurança, deslogar irá remover qualquer chave de criptografia ponta-a-ponta deste navegador. Caso deseje descriptografar o histórico das suas conversas E2E em sessões Riot futuras, por favor exporte as chaves da sala para sua garantia.", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Por questões de segurança, esta sessão foi encerrada. Por gentileza conecte-se novamente.", - "Found a bug?": "Encontrou um problema de funcionamento do sistema?", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Visitantes não podem entrar nesta sala, mesmo se forem explicitamente convidadas/os.", "Hangup": "Desligar", "Historical": "Histórico", @@ -407,7 +405,6 @@ "olm version:": "versão do olm:", "Operation failed": "A operação falhou", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Remover %(threePid)s?", - "Report it": "Reportar", "riot-web version:": "versão do riot-web:", "Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Mostrar os horários em formato de 12h (p.ex: 2:30pm)", "Unmute": "Tirar do mudo", @@ -699,7 +696,6 @@ "Message Replies": "Respostas", "Message Pinning": "Fixar mensagem", "Presence Management": "Gestão da presença", - "Tag Panel": "Painel de tags", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Desativar sugestões de emojis enquanto estiver escrevendo", "Hide join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Ocultar mensagens de entrada e de saída (não afeta convites, expulsões e banimentos)", "Hide avatar changes": "Ocultar alterações da imagem de perfil", @@ -928,7 +924,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Deixar a comunidade", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Quer sair da comunidade %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "Sair", - "Unable to leave room": "Não foi possível sair da sala", "Community Settings": "Configurações da comunidade", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Estas salas são exibidas para as/os integrantes da comunidade na página da comunidade. Integrantes da comunidade podem entrar nas salas ao clicar nas mesmas.", "Featured Rooms:": "Salas em destaque:", @@ -943,8 +938,6 @@ "This Home server does not support communities": "Este servidor de base não permite comunidades", "Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Não foi possível carregar a comunidade %(groupId)s", "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Esta sala não é pública. Você não poderá voltar sem ser convidada/o.", - "Cryptography data migrated": "Dados de criptografia migrados", - "A one-off migration of cryptography data has been performed. End-to-end encryption will not work if you go back to an older version of Riot. If you need to use end-to-end cryptography on an older version, log out of Riot first. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Uma migração única de dados criptografados foi realizada. A criptografia ponta-a-ponta não vai funcionar se você voltar para uma versão anterior do Riot. Se você necessitar usar criptografia ponta-a-ponta em uma versão anterior, primeiro faça logout do Riot. Para manter o histórico de mensagens, exporte e reimporte suas chaves.", "Old cryptography data detected": "Dados de criptografia antigos foram detectados", "Data from an older version of Riot has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Dados de uma versão anterior do Riot foram detectados. Isso fará com que a criptografia ponta-a-ponta não funcione na versão anterior. Mensagens criptografadas ponta-a-ponta que foram trocadas recentemente usando a versão antiga do Riot talvez não possam ser decriptografadas nesta versão. Isso também pode fazer com que mensagens trocadas com esta versão falhem. Se você tiver problemas desta natureza, faça logout e entre novamente. Para manter o histórico de mensagens, exporte e reimporte suas chaves de criptografia.", "Your Communities": "Suas comunidades", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ru.json b/src/i18n/strings/ru.json index a8ffc6d086..2058ec3e0f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ru.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ru.json @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ "Banned users": "Заблокированные пользователи", "Bans user with given id": "Блокирует пользователя с заданным ID", "Blacklisted": "В черном списке", - "Bug Report": "Отчет об ошибке", "Bulk Options": "Групповые параметры", "Can't load user settings": "Невозможно загрузить пользовательские настройки", "Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "Изменения того, кто может прочитать историю, будут применяться только к будущим сообщениям в этой комнате", @@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ "Forget room": "Забыть комнату", "Forgot your password?": "Забыли пароль?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Для обеспечения безопасности ваша сессия была завершена. Пожалуйста, войдите снова.", - "Found a bug?": "Нашли ошибку?", "Hangup": "Закончить", "Historical": "Архив", "Homeserver is": "Домашний сервер это", @@ -314,7 +312,6 @@ "%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s удалил свое отображаемое имя (%(oldDisplayName)s).", "%(senderName)s removed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s удалил свое изображение профиля.", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s хочет начать VoIP-конференцию.", - "Report it": "Сообщить об этом", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Сброс пароля на данный момент сбрасывает ключи шифрования на всех устройствах, делая зашифрованную историю чатов нечитаемой. Чтобы избежать этого, экспортируйте ключи комнат и импортируйте их после сброса пароля. В будущем это будет исправлено.", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "У Riot нет разрешений на отправку уведомлений - проверьте настройки браузера", "Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot не получил разрешение на отправку уведомлений, пожалуйста, попробуйте снова", @@ -719,7 +716,6 @@ "Description": "Описание", "Name or matrix ID": "Имя или matrix ID", "Unable to accept invite": "Невозможно принять приглашение", - "Unable to leave room": "Невозможно покинуть комнату", "Leave": "Покинуть", "Failed to invite the following users to %(groupId)s:": "Не удалось пригласить следующих пользователей в %(groupId)s:", "Failed to remove '%(roomName)s' from %(groupId)s": "Не удалось удалить '%(roomName)s' из %(groupId)s", @@ -924,7 +920,6 @@ "Unknown for %(duration)s": "Неизвестно %(duration)s", "There's no one else here! Would you like to invite others or stop warning about the empty room?": "Здесь никого нет! Хотите пригласить кого-нибудь или выключить предупреждение о пустой комнате?", "Something went wrong when trying to get your communities.": "Что-то пошло не так, во время отображения ваших сообществ.", - "Tag Panel": "Панель тегов", "Delete %(count)s devices|other": "Удалить %(count)s устройств", "Delete %(count)s devices|one": "Удалить устройство", "Select devices": "Выбрать устройства", @@ -991,6 +986,5 @@ "Re-request encryption keys from your other devices.": "Повторно запросить ключи шифрования с других устройств.", "%(user)s is a %(userRole)s": "%(user)s является %(userRole)s", "Your key share request has been sent - please check your other devices for key share requests.": "Ваш запрос на передачу ключей отправлен - пожалуйста, проверьте другие ваши устройства на запросы передачи ключей.", - "Key share requests are sent to your other devices automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other devices, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Запросы передачи ключей автоматически отправляются на другие устройства. Если вы отклонили или отменили запрос на передачу ключей на других устройствах, нажмите здесь, чтобы запросить ключи для этого сеанса повторно.", - "Changes made to your community might not be seen by other users for up to 30 minutes.": "Изменения, сделанные в вашем сообществе, могут не отображаться для других пользователей в течение 30 минут." + "Key share requests are sent to your other devices automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other devices, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Запросы передачи ключей автоматически отправляются на другие устройства. Если вы отклонили или отменили запрос на передачу ключей на других устройствах, нажмите здесь, чтобы запросить ключи для этого сеанса повторно." } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sk.json b/src/i18n/strings/sk.json index ab7812321b..96e0ee925a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sk.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sk.json @@ -673,7 +673,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Opustiť komunitu", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Opustiť komunitu %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "Opustiť", - "Unable to leave room": "Nie je možné opustiť miestnosť", "Community Settings": "Nastavenia komunity", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Tieto miestnosti sú zobrazené všetkým členom na stránke komunity. Členovia komunity môžu vstúpiť do miestnosti kliknutím.", "Add rooms to this community": "Pridať miestnosti do tejto komunity", @@ -773,9 +772,6 @@ "Device ID:": "ID zariadenia:", "Device key:": "Kľúč zariadenia:", "Ignored Users": "Ignorovaní používatelia", - "Bug Report": "Hlásenie chyby", - "Found a bug?": "Našli ste chybu?", - "Report it": "Ohláste ju", "Analytics": "Analytické údaje", "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot zbiera anonymné analytické údaje, čo nám umožňuje aplikáciu ďalej zlepšovať.", "Labs": "Experimenty", @@ -923,7 +919,6 @@ "Call": "Hovor", "Answer": "Prijať", "Send": "Odoslať", - "Tag Panel": "Panel so značkami", "Delete %(count)s devices|other": "Vymazať %(count)s zariadení", "Delete %(count)s devices|one": "Vymazať zariadenie", "Select devices": "Vybrať zariadenia", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sr.json b/src/i18n/strings/sr.json index a6d8ab8540..6bbbf8ac8f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sr.json @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@ "Message Replies": "Одговори", "Message Pinning": "Закачене поруке", "Presence Management": "Управљање присутношћу", - "Tag Panel": "Означи површ", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Онемогући предлагање емоџија приликом куцања", "Use compact timeline layout": "Користи збијени распоред временске линије", "Hide removed messages": "Сакриј уклоњене поруке", @@ -631,7 +630,6 @@ "expand": "рашири", "Custom of %(powerLevel)s": "Прилагођени ниво %(powerLevel)s", "Custom level": "Прилагођени ниво", - "Quote": "Цитат", "Room directory": "Фасцикла са собама", "Start chat": "Започни ћаскање", "And %(count)s more...|other": "И %(count)s других...", @@ -744,7 +742,6 @@ "Leave Community": "Напусти заједницу", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "Напустити %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "Напусти", - "Unable to leave room": "Не могу да напустим собу", "Community Settings": "Подешавања заједнице", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "Ове собе су приказане члановима заједнице на страници заједнице. Чланови заједнице могу приступити собама кликом на њих.", "Add rooms to this community": "Додај собе у ову заједницу", @@ -766,8 +763,6 @@ "Failed to leave room": "Нисам успео да напустим собу", "Signed Out": "Одјављен", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Зарад безбедности, одјављени сте из ове сесије. Пријавите се поново.", - "Cryptography data migrated": "Криптографски подаци су пренесени", - "A one-off migration of cryptography data has been performed. End-to-end encryption will not work if you go back to an older version of Riot. If you need to use end-to-end cryptography on an older version, log out of Riot first. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "Једноструко преношење криптографских података је обављено. Шифровање с краја на крај неће радити ако се вратите на старије издање Riot-а. Ако вам треба шифровање с краја на крај на старијем издању, прво се одјавите из Riot-а. Да бисте задржали историјат порука, извезите па поново увезите ваше кључеве.", "Old cryptography data detected": "Нађени су стари криптографски подаци", "The platform you're on": "Платформа коју користите", "The version of Riot.im": "Riot.im издање", @@ -855,9 +850,6 @@ "Device ID:": "ИБ уређаја:", "Device key:": "Кључ уређаја:", "Ignored Users": "Занемарени корисници", - "Bug Report": "Извештај о грешци", - "Found a bug?": "Нашли сте грешку?", - "Report it": "Пријавите је", "Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot прикупља анонимне податке о коришћењу да бисмо побољшали апликацију.", "Privacy is important to us, so we don't collect any personal or identifiable data for our analytics.": "Приватност је веома важна нама те не сакупљамо било какве податке личне природе у нашој аналитици.", "Learn more about how we use analytics.": "Сазнајте више о нашем начину употребе аналитике.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sv.json b/src/i18n/strings/sv.json index 482233e2b4..eca49ac8a9 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sv.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sv.json @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ "Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Spela automatiskt upp GIFar och videor", "Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Vill du avvisa inbjudan?", "Bulk Options": "Volymhandlingar", - "Bug Report": "Buggrapport", "Blacklisted": "Svartlistad", "%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s bannade %(targetName)s.", "Banned users": "Bannade användare", @@ -178,7 +177,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Glömt lösenord?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Av säkerhetsskäl har den här sessionen loggats ut. Vänligen logga in igen.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Av säkerhetsskäl kommer alla krypteringsnycklar att raderas från den här webbläsaren om du loggar ut. Om du vill läsa din krypterade meddelandehistorik från framtida Riot-sessioner, exportera nycklarna till förvar.", - "Found a bug?": "Hittade du en bugg?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s från %(fromPowerLevel)s till %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Gäståtkomst är inte aktiverat på den här hemservern.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Gäster kan inte gå med i det här rummet fastän de är uttryckligen inbjudna.", @@ -301,7 +299,6 @@ "Remove": "Ta bort", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "Ta bort %(threePid)s?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s begärde en VoIP-konferens.", - "Report it": "Rapportera det", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Om du återställer ditt lösenord kommer alla krypteringsnycklar på alla enheter att återställas, vilket gör krypterad meddelandehistorik oläsbar om du inte först exporterar dina rumsnycklar och sedan importerar dem igen. I framtiden kommer det här att förbättras.", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "Resultat från DuckDuckGo", "Return to login screen": "TIllbaka till login-skärmen", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/th.json b/src/i18n/strings/th.json index 540902c8f1..d37714d163 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/th.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/th.json @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ "Camera": "กล้อง", "Advanced": "ขึ้นสูง", "Ban": "แบน", - "Bug Report": "รายงานจุดบกพร่อง", "Change Password": "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน", "Create Room": "สรัางห้อง", "Delete": "ลบ", @@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ "Emoji": "อีโมจิ", "Enable encryption": "เปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัส", "Error": "ข้อผิดพลาด", - "Found a bug?": "พบจุดบกพร่อง?", "%(displayName)s is typing": "%(displayName)s กำลังพิมพ์", "Kick": "เตะ", "Low priority": "ความสำคัญต่ำ", @@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ "Settings": "การตั้งค่า", "unknown error code": "รหัสข้อผิดพลาดที่ไม่รู้จัก", "olm version:": "เวอร์ชัน olm:", - "Report it": "รายงานเลย", "Remove": "ลบ", "Custom Server Options": "กำหนดเซิร์ฟเวอร์เอง", "Favourite": "รายการโปรด", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/tr.json b/src/i18n/strings/tr.json index 922bdc33a1..42e92c2cb4 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/tr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/tr.json @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ "Banned users": "Yasaklanan(Banlanan) Kullanıcılar", "Bans user with given id": "Yasaklanan(Banlanan) Kullanıcılar , ID'leri ile birlikte", "Blacklisted": "Kara listeye alınanlar", - "Bug Report": "Hata Raporu", "Bulk Options": "Toplu Seçenekler", "Call Timeout": "Arama Zaman Aşımı", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your homeserver's SSL certificate is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Ana Sunucu'ya bağlanılamıyor - lütfen bağlantınızı kontrol edin , Ana Sunucu SSL sertifikanızın güvenilir olduğundan ve bir tarayıcı uzantısının istekleri engellemiyor olduğundan emin olun.", @@ -178,7 +177,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "Şifrenizi mi unuttunuz ?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Güvenlik için , bu oturuma çıkış yapıldı . Lütfen tekrar oturum açın.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Güvenlik için , çıkış yaparsanız bu tarayıcıdan tüm uçtan uca şifreleme anahtarları silinecek . Konuşma geçmişinizi çözebilmek isterseniz gelecekteki Riot oturumlarında , lütfen Oda Anahtarlarını güvenlik amaçlı Dışa Aktarın.", - "Found a bug?": "Hata buldunuz mu ?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s %(fromPowerLevel)s den %(toPowerLevel)s ' ye", "Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Misafir erişimi bu Ana Sunucu için devre dışı.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Misafirler açıkca davet edilseler bile bu odaya katılamazlar.", @@ -301,7 +299,6 @@ "Remove": "Kaldır", "Remove %(threePid)s?": "%(threePid)s 'i kaldır ?", "%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s bir VoIP konferansı talep etti.", - "Report it": "Bunu rapor et", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Şifrenizi sıfırlamak , eğer Oda Anahtarlarınızı dışa aktarmaz ve daha sonra içe aktarmaz iseniz , şu anda tüm cihazlarda uçtan uca şifreleme anahtarlarını sıfırlayarak şifreli sohbetleri okunamaz hale getirecek . Gelecekte bu iyileştirilecek.", "Results from DuckDuckGo": "DuckDuckGo Sonuçları", "Return to login screen": "Giriş ekranına dön", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json index 06b8dbbe30..0b01a5d0d6 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "忘记密码?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "出于安全考虑,此会话已被注销。请重新登录。.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "出于安全考虑,用户注销时会清除浏览器里的端到端加密密钥。如果你想要下次登录 Riot 时能解密过去的聊天记录,请导出你的聊天室密钥。", - "Found a bug?": "发现漏洞?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s 从 %(fromPowerLevel)s 变为 %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "游客不能加入此聊天室,即使有人主动邀请。.", "Hangup": "挂断", @@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ "Invalid address format": "地址格式错误", "Invalid Email Address": "邮箱地址格式错误", "Invalid file%(extra)s": "非法文件%(extra)s", - "Report it": "报告", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "重设密码会导致所有设备上的端到端加密密钥被重置,使得加密的聊天记录不可读,除非你事先导出密钥,修改密码后再导入。此问题将来会得到改善。.", "Return to login screen": "返回登录页面", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot 未被允许向你推送消息 - 请检查浏览器设置", @@ -184,7 +182,6 @@ "Are you sure you want to upload the following files?": "你确定要上传这些文件吗?", "Bans user with given id": "封禁指定 ID 的用户", "Blacklisted": "已列入黑名单", - "Bug Report": "反馈漏洞", "Bulk Options": "批量操作", "Call Timeout": "通话超时", "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your homeserver's SSL certificate is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "无法连接主服务器 - 请检查网络连接,确保你的主服务器 SSL 证书被信任,且没有浏览器插件拦截请求。", @@ -727,7 +724,6 @@ "You have entered an invalid address.": "你输入了一个无效地址。", "Advanced options": "高级选项", "Leave": "离开", - "Unable to leave room": "无法离开聊天室", "Description": "描述", "Warning": "警告", "Light theme": "浅色主题", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json index 759ef2bac8..11eae215f9 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ "Ban": "封禁", "Banned users": "被封禁的用戶", "Blacklisted": "已列入黑名單", - "Bug Report": "臭蟲回報", "Call Timeout": "通話超時", "Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or enable unsafe scripts.": "當瀏覽器網址列裡有 HTTPS URL 時,不能使用 HTTP 連線到家伺服器。請採用 HTTPS 或者允許不安全的指令稿。", "Can't load user settings": "無法載入使用者設定", @@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ "Forgot your password?": "忘記密碼?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "因為安全因素,此工作階段已被登出。請重新登入。", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "因為安全因素,登出將會從此瀏覽器刪除任何端到端加密的金鑰。若您想要在未來的 Riot 工作階段中解密您的對話紀錄,請將您的聊天室金鑰匯出並好好存放。", - "Found a bug?": "發現漏洞?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s 從 %(fromPowerLevel)s 變為 %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "游客不能加入此聊天室,即使有人主動邀請。.", "Hangup": "掛斷", @@ -127,7 +125,6 @@ "Leave room": "離開聊天室", "Login as guest": "以游客的身份登錄", "New password": "新密碼", - "Report it": "報告", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "重設密碼目前會把所有裝置上的端到端加密金鑰重設,讓已加密的聊天歷史不可讀,除非您先匯出您的聊天室金鑰並在稍後重新匯入。這會在未來改進。", "Return to login screen": "返回登錄頁面", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot 未被允許向你推送通知 ── 請檢查您的瀏覽器設定", @@ -719,7 +716,6 @@ "Message Replies": "訊息回覆", "Message Pinning": "訊息釘選", "Presence Management": "出席管理", - "Tag Panel": "標籤面板", "Disable Emoji suggestions while typing": "在輸入時停用繪文字建議", "Hide avatar changes": "隱藏大頭貼變更", "Hide display name changes": "隱藏顯示名稱變更", @@ -923,7 +919,6 @@ "Leave Community": "離開社群", "Leave %(groupName)s?": "離開 %(groupName)s?", "Leave": "離開", - "Unable to leave room": "無法離開聊天室", "Community Settings": "社群設定", "These rooms are displayed to community members on the community page. Community members can join the rooms by clicking on them.": "這些聊天室在社群頁面上顯示給社群成員。社群成員可以透過點按它們來加入聊天室。", "%(inviter)s has invited you to join this community": "%(inviter)s 已經邀請您加入此社群", @@ -991,6 +986,5 @@ "If your other devices do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "若您的其他裝置沒有這個訊息的金鑰,您將無法將它們解密。", "Key request sent.": "金鑰請求已傳送。", "Re-request encryption keys from your other devices.": "從您的其他裝置重新請求加密金鑰。", - "%(user)s is a %(userRole)s": "%(user)s 是 %(userRole)s", - "Changes made to your community might not be seen by other users for up to 30 minutes.": "其他使用者在最多 30 分鐘內可能不會慨到您對社群所做的變更。" + "%(user)s is a %(userRole)s": "%(user)s 是 %(userRole)s" }