check for missing src strings too

Matthew Hodgson 2017-05-27 17:13:17 +01:00
parent c8dab3ae65
commit 44f8ee44e6
1 changed files with 47 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -13,8 +13,30 @@ $|=1;
$0 =~ /^(.*\/)/; $0 =~ /^(.*\/)/;
my $i18ndir = abs_path($1."/../src/i18n/strings"); my $i18ndir = abs_path($1."/../src/i18n/strings");
my $srcdir = abs_path($1."/../src");
my $en = read_i18n($i18ndir."/en_EN.json"); my $en = read_i18n($i18ndir."/en_EN.json");
my $src_strings = read_src_strings($srcdir);
print "Checking strings in src\n";
foreach my $s (@$src_strings) {
if (!$en->{$s}) {
if ($en->{$s . '.'}) {
printf ("%10s %24s\t%s\n", "src", "en_EN has fullstop!", "$s");
else {
$s =~ /^(.*)\.?$/;
if ($en->{$1}) {
printf ("%10s %24s\t%s\n", "src", "en_EN lacks fullstop!", "$s");
else {
printf ("%10s %24s\t%s\n", "src", "Translation missing!", "$s");
opendir(DIR, $i18ndir) || die $!; opendir(DIR, $i18ndir) || die $!;
my @files = readdir(DIR); my @files = readdir(DIR);
closedir(DIR); closedir(DIR);
@ -66,3 +88,28 @@ sub read_i18n {
return $map; return $map;
} }
sub read_src_strings {
my $path = shift;
use File::Find;
use File::Slurp;
my $strings = [];
my @files;
find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if (-f $_ && /\.jsx?$/) }, $path );
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $src = read_file($file);
while ($src =~ /_t\(\s*'(.*?[^\\])'/sg) {
my $s = $1;
$s =~ s/\\'/'/g;
push @$strings, $s;
while ($src =~ /_t\(\s*"(.*?[^\\])"/sg) {
push @$strings, $1;
return $strings;