Update translation files
Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Translation: Element Web/matrix-react-sdk Translate-URL: https://translate.element.io/projects/element-web/matrix-react-sdk/pull/28788/head^2
@ -3717,7 +3717,6 @@
"Polls history": "Historie hlasování",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Nelze dešifrovat hlasové vysílání",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "V editoru zpráv použít formátovaný text namísto Markdown.",
"There are no polls in this room": "V této místnosti nejsou žádná hlasování",
"Thread Id: ": "Id vlákna: ",
"Threads timeline": "Časová osa vláken",
"Sender: ": "Odesílatel: ",
@ -3717,7 +3717,6 @@
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Betrachte Raumumfragen in Listenform. (In aktiver Entwicklung)",
"Polls history": "Umfrageverlauf",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Verwende Textverarbeitung (Rich-Text) statt Markdown im Eingabefeld.",
"There are no polls in this room": "In diesem Raum gibt es keine Umfragen",
"Thread Id: ": "Thread-ID: ",
"Threads timeline": "Thread-Verlauf",
"Type: ": "Typ: ",
@ -3735,7 +3735,6 @@
", count:": ", kokku:",
"Room unread status: ": "Jututoa lugemata sõnumite olek: ",
"Room status": "Jututoa sõnumite olek",
"There are no polls in this room": "Selles jututoas pole küsitlusi",
"Notifications debug": "Teavituste silumine",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Sõnumite kirjutamisel kasuta Markdown'i asemel täisfunktsionaalset küljendust.",
"unknown": "teadmata",
@ -3716,7 +3716,6 @@
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Voir une liste des sondages présents dans un salon. (En cours de développement)",
"Polls history": "Historique des sondages",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "Impossible de décrypter la diffusion audio",
"There are no polls in this room": "Il n’y a aucun sondage dans ce salon",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Utilise le texte formaté au lieu de Markdown dans le compositeur de message.",
"Thread Id: ": "Id du fil de discussion : ",
"Threads timeline": "Historique des fils de discussion",
@ -3733,7 +3733,6 @@
", count:": ", számláló:",
"Room unread status: ": "Szoba olvasási állapota: ",
"Room status": "Szoba állapota",
"There are no polls in this room": "Ebben a szobában nincsenek szavazások",
"Notifications debug": "Értesítések hibakeresése",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Szavazások listájának a megjelenítése a szobában. (Fejlesztés alatt)",
"Polls history": "Szavazások",
@ -3717,7 +3717,6 @@
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Tampilkan peminkam. (Dalam pengemabgan aktif)",
"Polls history": "Riwatar pegunungan next2 i1 ak suara",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "Menggunakan teks kaya daripada Markdown dalam komposer pesan.",
"There are no polls in this room": "Tidak ada pemungutan suara di ruangan ini",
"Thread Id: ": "ID utasan: ",
"Threads timeline": "Lini masa utasan",
"Sender: ": "Pengirim: ",
@ -3712,7 +3712,6 @@
"Manage account": "Gestisci account",
"Your account details are managed separately at <code>%(hostname)s</code>.": "I dettagli del tuo account sono gestiti separatamente su <code>%(hostname)s</code>.",
"Enable MSC3946 (to support late-arriving room archives)": "Attiva MSC3946 (per supportare archivi della stanza arrivati in ritardo)",
"There are no polls in this room": "Non ci sono sondaggi in questa stanza",
"Dynamic room predecessors": "Predecessori della stanza dinamici",
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "Vedi una lista di sondaggi in una stanza. (In sviluppo attivo)",
"Polls history": "Cronologia sondaggi",
@ -3658,7 +3658,6 @@
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "音声配信を復号化できません",
"Sender: ": "送信者: ",
"Room status": "ルームの状態",
"There are no polls in this room": "このルームにアンケートはありません",
"Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "再試行の数が多すぎます。%(timeout)s後に再度試してください。",
"Start at the sign in screen": "サインインの画面で開始",
"Linking with this device is not supported.": "この端末とのリンクはサポートしていません。",
@ -3736,7 +3736,6 @@
"Notification state is": "Stav oznámenia je",
", count:": ", počet:",
"Room status": "Stav miestnosti",
"There are no polls in this room": "V tejto miestnosti nie sú žiadne ankety",
"Notifications debug": "Ladenie oznámení",
"unknown": "neznáme",
"Red": "Červená",
@ -3712,7 +3712,6 @@
"Notification state is": "Gjendje njoftimesh është",
", count:": ", numër:",
"Room status": "Gjendje dhome",
"There are no polls in this room": "S’ka pyetësorë në këtë dhomë",
"Notifications debug": "Diagnostikim njoftimesh",
"%(displayName)s (%(matrixId)s)": "%(displayName)s (%(matrixId)s)",
"Indent decrease": "Zvogëlim shmangieje kryeradhe",
@ -3728,7 +3728,6 @@
", count:": ", antal:",
"Room unread status: ": "Rummets oläststatus: ",
"Room status": "Rumsstatus",
"There are no polls in this room": "Det finns inga omröstningar i det här rummet",
"Notifications debug": "Aviseringsfelsökning",
"All messages and invites from this user will be hidden. Are you sure you want to ignore them?": "Alla meddelanden och inbjudningar från den här användaren kommer att döljas. Är du säker på att du vill ignorera denne?",
"Ignore %(user)s": "Ignorera %(user)s",
@ -3736,7 +3736,6 @@
", count:": ", кількість:",
"Room unread status: ": "Статус непрочитаного в кімнаті: ",
"Room status": "Статус кімнати",
"There are no polls in this room": "У цій кімнаті немає опитувань",
"Notifications debug": "Сповіщення зневадження",
"unknown": "невідомо",
"Red": "Черврний",
@ -3716,7 +3716,6 @@
"View a list of polls in a room. (Under active development)": "檢視聊天室中的投票清單。(積極開發中)",
"Polls history": "投票歷史紀錄",
"Unable to decrypt voice broadcast": "無法解密語音廣播",
"There are no polls in this room": "此聊天室中沒有投票",
"Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer.": "在訊息編輯器中使用格式化文字而非 Markdown。",
"Thread Id: ": "討論串 ID: ",
"Threads timeline": "討論串時間軸",
Reference in New Issue