navigateHistory only when at edges of document, to prevent Firefox bug
Signed-off-by: Michael Telatynski <>pull/21833/head
@ -1140,41 +1140,18 @@ export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component {
// Select history only if we are not currently auto-completing
if (this.autocomplete.state.completionList.length === 0) {
const selection = this.state.editorState.selection;
// determine whether our cursor is at the top or bottom of the multiline
// input box by just looking at the position of the plain old DOM selection.
const selection = window.getSelection();
const range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
const cursorRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
// selection must be collapsed
if (!selection.isCollapsed) return;
const document = this.state.editorState.document;
const editorNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.editor);
const editorRect = editorNode.getBoundingClientRect();
// heuristic to handle tall emoji, pills, etc pushing the cursor away from the top
// or bottom of the page.
// XXX: is this going to break on large inline images or top-to-bottom scripts?
const EDGE_THRESHOLD = 15;
let navigateHistory = false;
// and we must be at the edge of the document (up=start, down=end)
if (up) {
const scrollCorrection = editorNode.scrollTop;
const distanceFromTop = - + scrollCorrection;
console.log(`Cursor distance from editor top is ${distanceFromTop}`);
if (distanceFromTop < EDGE_THRESHOLD) {
navigateHistory = true;
if (!selection.isAtStartOf(document)) return;
} else {
if (!selection.isAtEndOf(document)) return;
else {
const scrollCorrection =
editorNode.scrollHeight - editorNode.clientHeight - editorNode.scrollTop;
const distanceFromBottom = editorRect.bottom - cursorRect.bottom + scrollCorrection;
console.log(`Cursor distance from editor bottom is ${distanceFromBottom}`);
if (distanceFromBottom < EDGE_THRESHOLD) {
navigateHistory = true;
if (!navigateHistory) return;
const selected = this.selectHistory(up);
if (selected) {
Reference in New Issue