Translated using Weblate (Basque)

Currently translated at 100.0% (916 of 916 strings)

Translation: Riot Web/matrix-react-sdk
Osoitz 2017-08-03 06:29:49 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent da2b3c067b
commit 5872f2389f
1 changed files with 651 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"sx": "Sutu", "sx": "Sutu",
"sz": "Sami (Laponiera)", "sz": "Sami (Laponiera)",
"th": "Thailandiera", "th": "Thailandiera",
"tn": "Tswana", "tn": "Tswanera",
"tr": "Turkiera", "tr": "Turkiera",
"ts": "Tsonga", "ts": "Tsonga",
"uk": "Ukrainera", "uk": "Ukrainera",
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
"Invites": "Gonbidapenak", "Invites": "Gonbidapenak",
"Low priority": "Lehentasun baxua", "Low priority": "Lehentasun baxua",
"No results": "Emaitzarik ez", "No results": "Emaitzarik ez",
"Bug Report": "Arazte txostena", "Bug Report": "Arazte-txostena",
"Join Room": "Elkartu gelara", "Join Room": "Elkartu gelara",
"Register": "Erregistratu", "Register": "Erregistratu",
"Submit": "Bidali", "Submit": "Bidali",
@ -266,5 +266,653 @@
"Unblacklist": "Atera zerrenda beltzean", "Unblacklist": "Atera zerrenda beltzean",
"Verify device": "Egiaztatu gailua", "Verify device": "Egiaztatu gailua",
"I verify that the keys match": "Gakoak bat datozela egiaztatu dut", "I verify that the keys match": "Gakoak bat datozela egiaztatu dut",
"Room contains unknown devices": "Gelan gailu ezezagunak daude" "Room contains unknown devices": "Gelan gailu ezezagunak daude",
"Someone": "Norbait",
"Start a chat": "Hasi txat bat",
"Start authentication": "Hasi autentifikazioa",
"Start Chat": "Hasi txata",
"Success": "Arrakasta",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Segurtasunagatik saio hau amaitu da. Hasi saioa berriro.",
"Found a bug?": "Akats bat aurkitu duzu?",
"Guests can't use labs features. Please register.": "Bisitariek ezin dituzte laborategiko ezaugarriak erabili. Erregistratu.",
"Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Bisitariak ezin dira gela honetara elkartu ez bazaie zuzenean gonbidatu.",
"Hangup": "Eseki",
"Homeserver is": "Hasiera zerbitzaria:",
"Identity Server is": "Identitate zerbitzaria:",
"Mobile phone number (optional)": "Mugikorraren telefono zenbakia (aukerazkoa)",
"Moderator": "Moderatzailea",
"Must be viewing a room": "Gela bat ikusten egon behar da",
"Account": "Kontua",
"Access Token:": "Sarbide tokena:",
"Active call (%(roomName)s)": "Dei aktiboa (%(roomName)s)",
"Add": "Gehitu",
"Add a topic": "Gehitu gai bat",
"Admin": "Kudeatzailea",
"Admin tools": "Kudeaketa tresnak",
"And %(count)s more...": "Eta %(count)s gehiago...",
"VoIP": "VoIP",
"Missing Media Permissions, click here to request.": "Media baimenak falta dira, egin klik eskatzeko.",
"No Microphones detected": "Ez da mikrofonorik atzeman",
"No Webcams detected": "Ez da kamerarik atzeman",
"No media permissions": "Media baimenik ez",
"You may need to manually permit Riot to access your microphone/webcam": "Agian eskuz baimendu behar duzu Riotek mikrofonoa edo kamera atzitzea",
"Default Device": "Lehenetsitako gailua",
"Microphone": "Mikrofonoa",
"Camera": "Kamera",
"Hide removed messages": "Ezkutatu kendutako mezuak",
"Alias (optional)": "Ezizena (aukerazkoa)",
"all room members": "gelako kide guztiak",
"all room members, from the point they are invited": "gelako kide guztiak, gonbidapena egiten zaienetik",
"all room members, from the point they joined": "gelako kide guztiak, elkartzen direnetik",
"and one other...": "eta beste bat...",
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing": "%(names)s eta %(lastPerson)s idazten ari dira",
"%(names)s and one other are typing": "%(names)s eta beste inor idazten ari dira",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing": "%(names)s eta beste %(count)s idazten ari dira",
"An email has been sent to": "E-mail bat bidali da hona:",
"anyone": "edonor",
"An error has occurred.": "Errore bat gertatu da.",
"Are you sure?": "Ziur zaude?",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Ziur '%(roomName)s' gela utzi nahi duzula?",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Ziur gonbidapena baztertu nahi duzula?",
"Are you sure you want to upload the following files?": "Ziur hurrengo fitxategiak igo nahi dituzula?",
"Attachment": "Eranskina",
"Autoplay GIFs and videos": "Automatikoki erreproduzitu GIFak eta bideoa",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak %(targetName)s debekatu du.",
"Bans user with given id": "Debekatu ID zehatz bat duen erabiltzailea",
"Call Timeout": "Deiaren denbora-muga",
"Change Password": "Aldatu pasahitza",
"Changes your display nickname": "Zure pantaila izena aldatzen du",
"Clear Cache": "Garbitu cachea",
"<a>Click here</a> to join the discussion!": "<a>Elkartu elkarrizketara</a>!",
"Click here to fix": "Egin klik hemen konpontzeko",
"Click to mute audio": "Egin klik audioa mututzeko",
"Click to mute video": "Egin klik bideoa mututzeko",
"click to reveal": "egin klik erakusteko",
"Click to unmute video": "Egin klik bideoaren audioa gaitzeko",
"Click to unmute audio": "Egin klik audioa gaitzeko",
"Command error": "Aginduaren errorea",
"Commands": "Aginduak",
"Conference call failed.": "Konferentzia deiak huts egin du.",
"Conference calling is in development and may not be reliable.": "Konferentzia deia garapenean dago eta agian ez dabil behar bezala.",
"Confirm password": "Berretsi pasahitza",
"Conference calls are not supported in this client": "Bezero honek ez ditu konferentzia deiak onartzen",
"Could not connect to the integration server": "Ezin izan da integrazio zerbitzarira konektatu",
"%(count)s new": "mezu berri %(count)s",
"%(count)s new messages.other": "%(count)s mezu berri",
"Create a new chat or reuse an existing one": "Sortu txat berria edo berrerabili aurreko bat",
"Create an account": "Sortu kontua",
"Create Room": "Sortu gela",
"Current password": "Oraingo pasahitza",
"Custom": "Pertsonalizatua",
"Custom level": "Maila pertsonalizatua",
"/ddg is not a command": "/ddg ez da agindu bat",
"Deactivate Account": "Desaktibatu kontua",
"Deactivate my account": "Desaktibatu nire kontua",
"Decline": "Ukatu",
"Decrypt %(text)s": "Deszifratu %(text)s",
"demote": "Jaitsi maila",
"Default": "Lehenetsia",
"Device already verified!": "Gailua egiaztatuta dago!",
"Device ID:": "Gailuaren IDa:",
"device id: ": "gailuaren id-a: ",
"Device key:": "Gailuaren gakoa:",
"Direct chats": "Txat zuzenak",
"Disable Notifications": "Desgaitu jakinarazpenak",
"disabled": "desgaituta",
"Display name": "Pantaila izena",
"Displays action": "Ekintza bistaratzen du",
"Drop File Here": "Jaregin fitxategia hona",
"%(items)s and one other": "%(items)s eta beste bat",
"%(items)s and %(lastItem)s": "%(items)s eta %(lastItem)s",
"and %(overflowCount)s others...": "eta beste %(overflowCount)s...",
"%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak deia erantzun du.",
"Can't load user settings": "Ezin izan dira erabiltzailearen ezarpenak kargatu",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s erabiltzaileak gelaren izena kendu du.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s erabiltzaileak gaia aldatu du beste honetara: \"%(topic)s\".",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "Historiala irakurtzeko baimenen aldaketak gela honetara hemendik aurrera heldutako mezuei aplikatuko zaizkie",
"Clear Cache and Reload": "Garbitu cache eta birkargatu",
"Devices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room": "Gailuek ezin izango dute taldera elkartu aurretiko historiala deszifratu",
"Disable inline URL previews by default": "Desgaitu URLen aurrebista lehenetsita",
"Disinvite": "Kendu gonbidapena",
"Download %(text)s": "Deskargatu %(text)s",
"Email, name or matrix ID": "E-mail, izena edo Matrix ID-a",
"Emoji": "Emoji",
"Enable encryption": "Gaitu zifratzea",
"Enable Notifications": "Gaitu jakinarazpenak",
"enabled": "gaituta",
"Encrypted by a verified device": "Egiaztatutako gailu batek zifratuta",
"Encrypted by an unverified device": "Egiaztatu gabeko gailu batek zifratuta",
"Encrypted messages will not be visible on clients that do not yet implement encryption": "Zifratutako mezuak ez dira ikusgai izango oraindik zifratzea onartzen ez duten bezeroetan",
"Encrypted room": "Zifratutako gela",
"Encryption is enabled in this room": "Zifratzea gaitu da gela honetan",
"Encryption is not enabled in this room": "Ez da zifratzea gaitu gela honetan",
"%(senderName)s ended the call.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak deia amaitu du.",
"End-to-end encryption is in beta and may not be reliable": "Muturretik muturrerako zifratzea beta egoeran dago eta agian ez dabil guztiz ondo",
"Enter Code": "Sartu kodea",
"Error decrypting attachment": "Errorea eranskina deszifratzean",
"Error: Problem communicating with the given homeserver.": "Errorea: Arazoa emandako hasiera zerbitzariarekin komunikatzeko.",
"Existing Call": "Badagoen deia",
"Failed to ban user": "Huts egin du erabiltzailea debekatzean",
"Failed to change power level": "Huts egin du botere maila aldatzean",
"Failed to delete device": "Huts egin du gailua ezabatzean",
"Failed to fetch avatar URL": "Huts egin du abatarraren URLa jasotzean",
"Failed to join room": "Huts egin du gelara elkartzean",
"Failed to kick": "Huts egin du kanporatzean",
"Failed to leave room": "Huts egin du gelatik ateratzean",
"Failed to load timeline position": "Huts egin du denbora-lerroko puntua kargatzean",
"Failed to lookup current room": "Huts egin du uneko gela bilatzean",
"Failed to mute user": "Huts egin du erabiltzailea mututzean",
"Failed to register as guest:": "Huts egin du bisitari gisa erregistratzean:",
"Failed to reject invite": "Huts egin du gonbidapena baztertzean",
"Failed to reject invitation": "Huts egin du gonbidapena baztertzean",
"Failed to save settings": "Huts egin du ezarpenak gordetzean",
"Failed to send email": "Huts egin du e-maila bidaltzean",
"Failed to send request.": "Huts egin du eskaera bidaltzean.",
"Failed to set avatar.": "Huts egin du abatarra ezartzean.",
"Failed to set display name": "Huts egin du pantaila izena ezartzean",
"Failed to set up conference call": "Huts egin du konferentzia deia ezartzean",
"Failed to toggle moderator status": "Huts egin du moderatzaile rola aldatzean",
"Failed to unban": "Huts egin du debekua kentzean",
"Failed to upload file": "Huts egin du fitxategia igotzean",
"Failed to upload profile picture!": "Huts egin du profileko argazkia igotzean!",
"Failure to create room": "Huts egin du gela sortzean",
"Fill screen": "Bete pantaila",
"Forget room": "Ahaztu gela",
"Forgot your password?": "Pasahitza ahaztu duzu?",
"%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s %(fromPowerLevel)s mailatik %(toPowerLevel)s mailara",
"Guest access is disabled on this Home Server.": "Bisitarien sarbidea desgaituta dago hasiera zerbitzari honetan.",
"Guests can't set avatars. Please register.": "Bisitariek ezin dituzte abatarrak ezarri. Erregistratu zaitez.",
"Guest users can't create new rooms. Please register to create room and start a chat.": "Bisitariek ezin dituzte gela berriak sortu. Erregistratu gela sortu eta txat bat hasteko.",
"Guest users can't upload files. Please register to upload.": "Bisitariek ezin dituzte fitxategiak igo. Erregistratu igotzeko.",
"Hide Text Formatting Toolbar": "Ezkutatu testu-formatuaren tresna-barra",
"Incoming call from %(name)s": "%(name)s erabiltzailearen deia jasotzen",
"Incoming video call from %(name)s": "%(name)s erabiltzailearen bideo deia jasotzen",
"%(items)s and %(remaining)s others": "%(items)s eta beste %(remaining)s",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s erabiltzaileak %(displayName)s erabiltzailearen gonbidapena onartu du.",
"Bulk Options": "Aukera masiboak",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Ezin da hasiera zerbitzarira konektatu, egiaztatu zure konexioa, ziurtatu zure <a>hasiera zerbitzariaren SSL ziurtagiria</a> fidagarritzat jotzen duela zure gailuak, eta nabigatzailearen pluginen batek ez dituela eskaerak blokeatzen.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Ezin zara hasiera zerbitzarira HTTP bidez konektatu zure nabigatzailearen barran dagoen URLa HTTS bada. Erabili HTTPS edo <a>gaitu script ez seguruak</a>.",
"%(senderName)s changed their display name from %(oldDisplayName)s to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak bere pantaila izena aldatu du, %(oldDisplayName)s izatetik %(displayName)s izatera.",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak bere profileko argazkia aldatu du.",
"%(senderName)s changed the power level of %(powerLevelDiffText)s.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak %(powerLevelDiffText)s erabiltzailearen botere maila aldatu du.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s erabiltzaileak gelaren izena aldatu du, orain %(roomName)s da.",
"changing room on a RoomView is not supported": "ez da onartzen gela ikuspegi batean gelaz aldatzea",
"Drop here to tag %(section)s": "Jaregin hona %(section)s atalari etiketa jartzeko",
"Incoming voice call from %(name)s": "%(name)s erabiltzailearen deia jasotzen",
"Incorrect username and/or password.": "Erabiltzaile-izen edo pasahitz okerra.",
"Incorrect verification code": "Egiaztaketa kode okerra",
"Invalid address format": "Helbide formatu baliogabea",
"Invalid Email Address": "E-mail helbide baliogabea",
"Invalid file%(extra)s": "Fitxategi %(extra)s baliogabea",
"%(senderName)s invited %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak %(targetName)s gonbidatu du.",
"Invite new room members": "Gonbidatu kide berriak gelara",
"Invited": "Gonbidatuta",
"Invites user with given id to current room": "Emandako ID-a duen erabiltzailea gonbidatzen du gelara",
"'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an address": "'%(alias)s' ez da baliozko formatua helbide batentzat",
"'%(alias)s' is not a valid format for an alias": "'%(alias)s' ez da baliozko formatua ezizen batentzat",
"%(displayName)s is typing": "%(displayName)s idazten ari da",
"Sign in with": "Hasi saioa honekin:",
"Join as <voiceText>voice</voiceText> or <videoText>video</videoText>.": "Elkartu <voiceText>ahotsa</voiceText> edo <videoText>bideoa</videoText> erabiliz.",
"joined and left": "elkartu eta atera da",
"joined": "elkartuta",
"%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s erabiltzailea gelara elkartu da.",
"Joins room with given alias": "Gelara emandako ezizenarekin elkartu da",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak %(targetName)s kanporatu du.",
"Kick": "Kanporatu",
"Kicks user with given id": "Kanporatu emandako ID-a duen erabiltzailea",
"left and rejoined": "atera eta berriro elkartu da",
"left": "atera da",
"%(targetName)s left the room.": "%(targetName)s erabiltzailea gelatik atera da.",
"Level:": "Maila:",
"List this room in %(domain)s's room directory?": "Gela hau %(domain)s's domeinuko gelen direktorioan zerrendatu?",
"Local addresses for this room:": "Gela honen tokiko helbideak:",
"Logged in as:": "Saioa hasteko erabiltzailea:",
"Login as guest": "Hasi saioa bisitari gisa",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak etorkizuneko gelaren historiala ikusgai jarri du hauentzat:",
"Manage Integrations": "Kudeatu interakzioak",
"Markdown is disabled": "Markdown desgaituta dago",
"Markdown is enabled": "Markdown gaituta dago",
"matrix-react-sdk version:": "matrix-react-sdk bertsioa:",
"Members only": "Kideak besterik ez",
"Message not sent due to unknown devices being present": "Ez da mezua bidali gailu ezezagunak daudelako",
"Missing room_id in request": "Gelaren ID-a falta da eskaeran",
"Missing user_id in request": "Erabiltzailearen ID-a falta da eskaeran",
"Mobile phone number": "Mugikorraren telefono zenbakia",
"my Matrix ID": "Nire Matrix ID-a",
"Never send encrypted messages to unverified devices in this room": "Ez bidali inoiz zifratutako mezuak egiaztatu gabeko gailuetara gela honetan",
"Never send encrypted messages to unverified devices in this room from this device": "Ez bidali inoiz zifratutako mezuak egiaztatu gabeko gailuetara gela honetan gailu honetatik",
"New address (e.g. #foo:%(localDomain)s)": "Helbide berria (adib. #foo:%(localDomain)s)",
"New Composer & Autocomplete": "Konposatzaile berria eta osatze automatikoa",
"New passwords don't match": "Pasahitz berriak ez datoz bat",
"New passwords must match each other.": "Pasahitz berriak berdinak izan behar dira.",
"not set": "ezarri gabe",
"not specified": "zehaztu gabe",
"(not supported by this browser)": "(nabigatzaile honek ez du euskarririk)",
"<not supported>": "<euskarririk gabe>",
"NOT verified": "EZ egiaztatuta",
"No devices with registered encryption keys": "Erregistratutako zifratze gakoak dituen gailurik ez",
"No display name": "Pantaila izenik ez",
"No more results": "Emaitza gehiagorik ez",
"No users have specific privileges in this room": "Ez dago gela honetan baimen zehatzik duen erabiltzailerik",
"olm version:": "olm bertsioa:",
"Once encryption is enabled for a room it cannot be turned off again (for now)": "Behin gela batean zifratzea gaituta ezin da gero desgaitu (oraingoz)",
"Once you&#39;ve followed the link it contains, click below": "Behin dakarren esteka jarraitu duzula, egin klik azpian",
"Otherwise, <a>click here</a> to send a bug report.": "Bestela, <a>bidali arazte-txosten bat</a>.",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "Agian zerbitzaria ez dago eskuragarri, edo gainezka dago, edo akats bat aurkitu duzu.",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Oraingoz pasahitza aldatzeak gailu guztietako muturretik muturrerako zifratze-gakoak berrezarriko ditu, eta ezin izango dituzu zifratutako txatetako historialak irakurri ez badituzu aurretik zure gelako gakoak esportatzen eta aldaketa eta gero berriro inportatzen. Etorkizunean hau hobetuko da.",
"For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "Segurtasunagatik, saioa amaitzeak nabigatzaile honetako muturretik muturrerako zifratze gako guztiak ezabatuko ditu. Zure elkarrizketen historiala deszifratzeko gai izan nahi baduzu etorkizuneko Riot saioetan, esportatu zure gelako gakoen babes-kopia bat.",
"Passwords can't be empty": "Pasahitzak ezin dira hutsik egon",
"Permissions": "Baimenak",
"%(senderName)s placed a %(callType)s call.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak %(callType)s dei bat hasi du.",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "Botere maila osoko zenbaki positibo bat izan behar da.",
"Press": "Sakatu",
"Press <StartChatButton> to start a chat with someone": "Sakatu <StartChatButton> norbaitekin txat bat hasteko",
"Privacy warning": "Pribatutasun abisua",
"Private Chat": "Txat pribatua",
"Privileged Users": "Baimenak dituzten erabiltzaileak",
"Profile": "Profila",
"Public Chat": "Txat publikoa",
"Reason": "Arrazoia",
"Reason: %(reasonText)s": "Arrazoia: %(reasonText)s",
"Revoke Moderator": "Kendu moderatzaile baimena",
"Refer a friend to Riot:": "Aipatu Riot lagun bati:",
"rejected": "baztertua",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s erabiltzaileak gonbidapena baztertu du.",
"Reject invitation": "Baztertu gonbidapena",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations %(repeats)s times": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzailek bere gonbidapenak baztertu dituzte %(repeats)s aldiz",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation %(repeats)s times": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)sek bere gonbidapenak baztertu ditu %(repeats)s aldiz",
"%(severalUsers)srejected their invitations": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzailek bere gonbidapenak baztertu dituzte",
"%(oneUser)srejected their invitation": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)sek bere gonbidapena baztertu du",
"Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Baztertu %(invitedRooms)s gelarako gonbidapen guztiak",
"Rejoin": "Berriro elkartu",
"Remote addresses for this room:": "Gela honen urruneko helbideak:",
"Remove Contact Information?": "Kendu kontaktuaren informazioa?",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak bere pantaila izena kendu du (%(oldDisplayName)s).",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak bere profileko argazkia kendu du.",
"Remove %(threePid)s?": "Kendu %(threePid)s?",
"%(senderName)s requested a VoIP conference.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak VoIP konferentzia bat eskatu du.",
"Report it": "Salatu",
"Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Oraingoz pasahitza aldatzeak gailu guztietako muturretik muturrerako zifratze-gakoak berrezarriko ditu, eta ezin izango dituzu zifratutako txatetako historialak irakurri ez badituzu aurretik zure gelako gakoak esportatzen eta aldaketa eta gero berriro inportatzen.",
"You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "Une honetan egiaztatu gabeko gailuak blokeatzen ari zara, gailu hauetara mezuak bidali ahal izateko egiaztatu behar dituzu.",
"restore": "berreskuratu",
"Results from DuckDuckGo": "DuckDuckGo bilatzaileko emaitzak",
"Return to app": "Itzuli aplikaziora",
"Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riotek ez du zuri jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko baimenik, egiaztatu nabigatzailearen ezarpenak",
"Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Ez zaio jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko baimena eman Rioti, saiatu berriro",
"riot-web version:": "riot-web bertsioa:",
"Room %(roomId)s not visible": "%(roomId)s gela ez dago ikusgai",
"Room Colour": "Gelaren kolorea",
"Room name (optional)": "Gelaren izena (aukerazkoa)",
"%(roomName)s does not exist.": "Ez dago %(roomName)s izeneko gela.",
"%(roomName)s is not accessible at this time.": "%(roomName)s ez dago eskuragarri orain.",
"Scroll to bottom of page": "Korritu orria behera arte",
"Scroll to unread messages": "Korritu irakurri gabeko mezuetara",
"Search failed": "Bilaketak huts egin du",
"Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "DuckDuckGo-n bilatzen ditu emaitzak",
"Searching known users": "Erabiltzaile ezagunen bila",
"Seen by %(userName)s at %(dateTime)s": "%(userName)s erabiltzaileak ikusia %(dateTime)s(e)an",
"Send a message (unencrypted)": "Bidali mezua (zifratu gabea)",
"Send an encrypted message": "Bidali mezu zifratua",
"Send anyway": "Bidali hala ere",
"Send Invites": "Bidali gonbidapenak",
"sent an image": "irudi bat bidali du",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s erabiltzaileak irudi bat bidali du.",
"%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak gelara elkartzeko gonbidapen bat bidali dio %(targetDisplayName)s erbiltzaileari.",
"sent a video": "bideo bat bidali du",
"Server error": "Zerbitzari-errorea",
"Server may be unavailable or overloaded": "Zerbitzaria eskuraezin edo gainezka egon daiteke",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or search timed out :(": "Zerbitzaria eskuraezin edo gainezka egon daiteke, edo bilaketaren denbora muga gainditu da :(",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or the file too big": "Zerbitzaria eskuraezin edo gainezka egon daiteke edo fitxategia handiegia da",
"Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.": "Zerbitzaria eskuraezin edo gainezka egon daiteke edo zerbaitek huts egin du.",
"%(senderName)s set a profile picture.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak profileko argazkia ezarri du.",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak %(displayName)s ezarri du pantaila izen gisa.",
"Set": "Ezarri",
"Show panel": "Erakutsi panela",
"Show Text Formatting Toolbar": "Erakutsi testu-formatuaren tresna-barra",
"Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Erakutsi denbora-zigiluak 12 ordutako formatuan (adib. 2:30pm)",
"Signed Out": "Saioa amaituta",
"Sign in": "Hasi saioa",
"since the point in time of selecting this option": "aukera hau hautatu denetik",
"since they joined": "elkartu direnetik",
"since they were invited": "gonbidatu zaienetik",
"Some of your messages have not been sent.": "Zure mezu batzuk ez dira bidali.",
"Sorry, this homeserver is using a login which is not recognised ": "Hasiera zerbitzari honek ezagutzen ez den saio bat erabiltzen du ",
"tag as %(tagName)s": "jarri %(tagName)s etiketa",
"tag direct chat": "jarri etiketa txat zuzenari",
"Tagged as: ": "Jarritako etiketa: ",
"The default role for new room members is": "Gelako kide berrien lehenetsitako rola:",
"The main address for this room is": "Gela honen helbide nagusia:",
"The phone number entered looks invalid": "Sartutako telefono zenbakia ez dirudi baliozkoa",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's device %(deviceId)s. Device marked as verified.": "Eman duzun sinadura-gakoa %(userId)s erabiltzailearen %(deviceId)s gailutik jasotako bera da. Gailua egiaztatuta gisa markatu da.",
"This action cannot be performed by a guest user. Please register to be able to do this.": "Bisitari batek ezin du ekintza hau burutu. Erregistratu hau egin ahal izateko.",
"This email address was not found": "Ez da e-mail helbide hau aurkitu",
"%(actionVerb)s this person?": "%(actionVerb)s pertsona hau?",
"The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this home server's size limit for uploads": "'%(fileName)s' fitxategiak hasiera zerbitzarian igoerei ezarritako tamaina-muga gainditzen du",
"The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload": "'%(fileName)s' igotzean huts egin du",
"The remote side failed to pick up": "Urruneko aldeak hartzean huts egin du",
"This Home Server does not support login using email address.": "Hasiera zerbitzari honek ez du e-mail helbidearekin saioa hastea onartzen.",
"This invitation was sent to an email address which is not associated with this account:": "Gonbidapen hau kontu honekin lotuta ez dagoen e-mail helbide batera bidali da:",
"There was a problem logging in.": "Arazo bat egon da saioa hastean.",
"This room is not recognised.": "Ez da gela hau ezagutzen.",
"These are experimental features that may break in unexpected ways": "Hauek ezaugarri esperimentalak dira eta agian ez dabiltza behar bezala",
"The visibility of existing history will be unchanged": "Aurreko historialaren ikusgaitasuna ez da aldatuko",
"This doesn't appear to be a valid email address": "Honek ez du baliozko e-mail baten antzik",
"This is a preview of this room. Room interactions have been disabled": "Hau gelaren aurrebista bat da. Gelako elkarrekintzak desgaituta daude",
"This room": "Gela hau",
"This room is not accessible by remote Matrix servers": "Gela hau ez dago eskuragarri urruneko zerbitzarietan",
"This room's internal ID is": "Gela honen barne ID-a:",
"times": "aldi",
"To ban users": "Erabiltzaileak debekatzea",
"to browse the directory": "direktorioa arakatzea",
"To configure the room": "Gela konfiguratzea",
"to demote": "mailaz jaistea",
"to favourite": "gogoko egitea",
"To invite users into the room": "Erabiltzaileak gela honetara gonbidatzea",
"To kick users": "Erabiltzaileak kaleratzea",
"To link to a room it must have <a>an address</a>.": "Gelara estekatzeko honek <a>helbide bat</a> izan behar du.",
"to make a room or": "gela bat egitea edo",
"To remove other users' messages": "Beste erabiltzaileen mezuak kentzea",
"To reset your password, enter the email address linked to your account": "Zure pasahitza berrezartzeko, sartu zure kontuarekin lotutako e-mail helbidea",
"to restore": "berreskuratzea",
"To send events of type": "Mota honetako gertaerak bidaltzea:",
"To send messages": "Mezuak bidaltzea",
"to start a chat with someone": "norbaitekin txat bat hastea",
"to tag as %(tagName)s": "%(tagName)s gisa etiketatzea",
"to tag direct chat": "txat zuzena etiketatzea",
"To use it, just wait for autocomplete results to load and tab through them.": "Erabiltzeko, itxaron osatze automatikoaren emaitzak kargatu arte eta gero tabuladorearekin hautatu.",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Gela honen denbora-lerroko puntu zehatz bat kargatzen saiatu zara, baina ez duzu mezu zehatz hori ikusteko baimenik.",
"Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Gela honen denbora-lerroko puntu zehatz bat kargatzen saiatu da, baina ezin izan da aurkitu.",
"Turn Markdown off": "Desaktibatu Markdown",
"Turn Markdown on": "Aktibatu Markdown",
"%(senderName)s turned on end-to-end encryption (algorithm %(algorithm)s).": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak muturretik muturrerako (algorithm %(algorithm)s) zifratzea aktibatu du.",
"Unable to add email address": "Ezin izan da e-mail helbidea gehitu",
"Unable to remove contact information": "Ezin izan da kontaktuaren informazioa kendu",
"Unable to restore previous session": "Ezin izan da aurreko saioa berreskuratu",
"Unable to verify email address.": "Ezin izan da e-mail helbidea egiaztatu.",
"%(senderName)s unbanned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak debekua kendu dio %(targetName)s erabiltzaileari.",
"Unable to ascertain that the address this invite was sent to matches one associated with your account.": "Ezin izan da ziurtatu gonbidapen hau zure kontuarekin lotutako helbide batera bidali zela.",
"Unable to capture screen": "Ezin izan da pantaila-argazkia atera",
"Unable to enable Notifications": "Ezin izan dira jakinarazpenak gaitu",
"Unable to load device list": "Ezin izan da gailuen zerrenda kargatu",
"Undecryptable": "Deszifraezina",
"Unencrypted room": "Zifratu gabeko gela",
"unencrypted": "zifratu gabe",
"Unencrypted message": "Zifratu gabeko mezua",
"unknown caller": "deitzaile ezezaguna",
"Unknown command": "Agindu ezezaguna",
"Unknown room %(roomId)s": "%(roomId)s gela ezezaguna da",
"Unknown (user, device) pair:": "Erabiltzaile eta gailu bikote ezezaguna:",
"unknown": "ezezaguna",
"Unmute": "Audioa aktibatu",
"Unnamed Room": "Izen gabeko gela",
"Unrecognised command:": "Agindu ezezaguna:",
"Unrecognised room alias:": "Gelaren ezizen ezezaguna:",
"Unverified": "Egiaztatu gabea",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s": "%(filename)s igotzen",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s": "%(filename)s eta beste %(count)s igotzen",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others.other": "%(filename)s eta beste %(count)s igotzen",
"uploaded a file": "fitxategi bat igo du",
"Upload avatar": "Igo abatarra",
"Upload Failed": "Igoerak huts egin du",
"Upload Files": "Igo fitxategiak",
"Upload file": "Igo fitxategia",
"Upload new:": "Igo berria:",
"Usage": "Erabilera",
"Use compact timeline layout": "Erabili denbora-lerro diseinu konpaktua",
"Use with caution": "Erabili kontuz",
"User ID": "Erabiltzaile ID-a",
"User Interface": "Erabiltzaile interfazea",
"%(user)s is a": "%(user)s hau da:",
"%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)",
"Username invalid: %(errMessage)s": "Erabiltzaile-izen baliogabea: %(errMessage)s",
"Users": "Erabiltzaileak",
"User": "Erabiltzailea",
"verified": "egiaztatuta",
"Verified key": "Egiaztatutako gakoa",
"Video call": "Bideo-deia",
"Voice call": "Ahots-deia",
"VoIP conference finished.": "VoIP konferentzia amaituta.",
"VoIP conference started.": "VoIP konferentzia hasita.",
"VoIP is unsupported": "VoIP ez dago onartuta",
"(could not connect media)": "(ezin izan da media konektatu)",
"(no answer)": "(erantzunik ez)",
"(unknown failure: %(reason)s)": "(hutsegite ezezaguna: %(reason)s)",
"(warning: cannot be disabled again!)": "(abisua: ezin da gero desgaitu!)",
"WARNING: Device already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "ABISUA: Gailua egiaztatuta dago, baina gakoak EZ DATOZ BAT!",
"WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and device %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "ABISUA: GAKOEN EGIAZTAKETAK HUTS EGIN DU! %(userId)s erabiltzailearen %(deviceId)s gailuaren sinadura-gakoa \"%(fprint)s\" da, eta ez dator bat emandako \"%(fingerprint)s\" gakoarekin. Honek inor komunikazioa antzematen ari dela esan nahi lezake!",
"Who would you like to add to this room?": "Nor gehitu nahi duzu gela honetara?",
"Who would you like to communicate with?": "Norekin komunikatu nahi duzu?",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak atzera bota du %(targetName)s erabiltzailearen gonbidapena.",
"Would you like to <acceptText>accept</acceptText> or <declineText>decline</declineText> this invitation?": "Gonbidapen hau <acceptText>onartu</acceptText> ala <declineText>ukatu</declineText> nahi duzu?",
"You already have existing direct chats with this user:": "Baduzu jada txat zuzen bat erabiltzaile honekin:",
"You are already in a call.": "Bazaude dei batean.",
"You're not in any rooms yet! Press <CreateRoomButton> to make a room or <RoomDirectoryButton> to browse the directory": "Ez zaude inolako gelatan oraindik! Sakatu <CreateRoomButton> gela bat sortzeko edo <RoomDirectoryButton> direktorioa arakatzeko",
"You are trying to access %(roomName)s.": "%(roomName)s atzitzen saiatzen ari zara.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Ezin diozu zure buruari deitu.",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Ezin dituzu VoIP deiak egin nabigatzaile honekin.",
"You have been banned from %(roomName)s by %(userName)s.": "%(userName)s erabiltzaileak %(roomName)s gelan debekatu zaitu.",
"You have been invited to join this room by %(inviterName)s": "%(inviterName)s erabiltzaileak gela honetara gonbidatu zaitu",
"You have been kicked from %(roomName)s by %(userName)s.": "%(userName)s erabiltzaileak %(roomName)s gelatik kanporatu zaitu.",
"You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device": "Saioa amaitu duzu eta ez dituzu jakinarazpenak jasoko. Jakinarazpenak jaso nahi badituzu hasi saioa berriro gailu bakoitzean",
"You have <a>disabled</a> URL previews by default.": "Lehenetsita URLak aurreikustea <a>desgaitu</a> duzu.",
"You have <a>enabled</a> URL previews by default.": "Lehenetsita URLak aurreikustea <a>gaitu</a> duzu.",
"You have entered an invalid contact. Try using their Matrix ID or email address.": "Kontaktu baliogabea sartu duzu. Saiatu bere Matrix ID-a edo e-mail helbidea erabiltzen.",
"You have no visible notifications": "Ez daukazu jakinarazpen ikusgairik",
"You may wish to login with a different account, or add this email to this account.": "Agian beste kontu batekin hasi nahi duzu saioa, edo e-mail hau kontu honetara gehitu.",
"you must be a": "hau izan behar duzu:",
"You must <a>register</a> to use this functionality": "Funtzionaltasun hau erabiltzeko <a>erregistratu</a>",
"You need to be able to invite users to do that.": "Erabiltzaileak gonbidatzeko baimena behar duzu hori egiteko.",
"You need to be logged in.": "Saioa hasi duzu.",
"You need to enter a user name.": "Erabiltzaile-izen bat sartu behar duzu.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Zure e-mail helbidea ez dago antza hasiera zerbitzari honetako Matrix ID batekin lotuta.",
"Your password has been reset": "Zure pasahitza berrezarri da",
"Your password was successfully changed. You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you log back in to them": "Zure pasahitza ongi aldatu da. Ez dituzu beste gailuetan jakinarazpenak jasoko hauetan saioa berriro hasi arte",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Badirudi dei batean zaudela, ziur irten nahi duzula?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Badirudi fitxategiak iotzen zaudela, ziur irten nahi duzula?",
"You should not yet trust it to secure data": "Oraindik ez zenuke datuak babesteko erabili behar",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Ezin izango duzu hau atzera bota erabiltzailea zure botere maila berera igotzen ari zarelako.",
"Your home server does not support device management.": "Zure hasiera zerbitzariak ez du onartzen gailuen kudeaketa.",
"Sun": "Ig",
"Mon": "Al",
"Tue": "Ar",
"Wed": "Az",
"Thu": "Og",
"Fri": "Or",
"Sat": "La",
"Jan": "Urt",
"Feb": "Ots",
"Mar": "Mar",
"Apr": "Api",
"May": "Mai",
"Jun": "Eka",
"Jul": "Uzt",
"Aug": "Abu",
"Sep": "Ira",
"Oct": "Urr",
"Nov": "Aza",
"Dec": "Abe",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s %(time)s",
"%(weekDayName)s %(time)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(time)s",
"Set a display name:": "Ezarri pantaila-izena:",
"Set a Display Name": "Ezarri pantaila-izena",
"Upload an avatar:": "Igo abatarra:",
"This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Zerbitzari honek ez du telefono zenbakia erabiliz autentifikatzea onartzen.",
"Missing password.": "Pasahitza falta da.",
"Passwords don't match.": "Pasahitzak ez datoz bat.",
"Password too short (min %(MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH)s).": "Pasahitz laburregia (min %(MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH)s).",
"This doesn't look like a valid email address.": "Honek ez du baliozko e-mail helbide baten antzik.",
"This doesn't look like a valid phone number.": "Honek ez du baliozko telefono zenbaki baten antzik.",
"User names may only contain letters, numbers, dots, hyphens and underscores.": "Erabiltzaile-izenek letrak, zenbakiak, puntuak, gidoiak eta gidoi baxuak besterik ezin dituzte izan.",
"An unknown error occurred.": "Errore ezezaguna gertatu da.",
"I already have an account": "Badut kontu bat",
"An error occurred: %(error_string)s": "Errore bat gertatu da: %(error_string)s",
"Make Moderator": "Bihurtu moderatzaile",
"Make this room private": "Egin gela hau pribatu",
"Share message history with new users": "Partekatu mezuen historiala erabiltzaile berriekin",
"Encrypt room": "Zifratu gela",
"There are no visible files in this room": "Ez dago fitxategi ikusgairik gela honetan",
"Sent messages will be stored until your connection has returned.": "Bidalitako mezuak zure konexioa berreskuratu arte gordeko dira.",
"Auto-complete": "Osatze automatikoa",
"<a>Resend all</a> or <a>cancel all</a> now. You can also select individual messages to resend or cancel.": "<a>Birbidali guztiak</a> edo <a>baztertu guztiak</a> orain. Mezuak banaka aukeratu ditzakezu ere birbidali ala baztertzeko.",
"(~%(count)s results).one": "(~%(count)s emaitza)",
"(~%(count)s results).other": "(~%(count)s emaitza)",
"bold": "lodia",
"italic": "etzana",
"strike": "marratua",
"underline": "azpimarratua",
"code": "kodea",
"quote": "aipua",
"bullet": "buleta",
"numbullet": "numerazioa",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(repeats)s times": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzaile %(repeats)s aldiz elkartu dira",
"%(oneUser)sjoined %(repeats)s times": "%(oneUser)s erabiltzailea %(repeats)s aldiz elkartu da",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined": "%(severalUsers)s elkartu dira",
"%(oneUser)sjoined": "%(oneUser)s elkartu da",
"%(severalUsers)sleft %(repeats)s times": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzaile %(repeats)s aldiz atera dira",
"%(oneUser)sleft %(repeats)s times": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)s %(repeats)s aldiz atera da",
"%(severalUsers)sleft": "%(severalUsers)s atera dira",
"%(oneUser)sleft": "%(oneUser)s atera da",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined and left %(repeats)s times": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzaile %(repeats)s aldiz elkartu eta atera dira",
"%(oneUser)sjoined and left %(repeats)s times": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)s %(repeats)s aldiz elkartu eta atera da",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined and left": "%(severalUsers)s elkartu eta atera dira",
"%(oneUser)sjoined and left": "%(oneUser)s elkartu eta atera da",
"%(severalUsers)sleft and rejoined %(repeats)s times": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzaile %(repeats)s aldiz atera eta berriro elkartu dira",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined %(repeats)s times": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)s %(repeats)s aldiz atera eta berriro elkartu da",
"%(severalUsers)sleft and rejoined": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzaile atera eta berriro elkartu dira",
"%(oneUser)sleft and rejoined": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)s atera eta berriro sartu da",
"%(severalUsers)shad their invitations withdrawn %(repeats)s times": "%(severalUsers) erabiltzaileen gonbidapenak %(repeats)s aldiz atzera bota dira",
"%(oneUser)shad their invitation withdrawn %(repeats)s times": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)sen gonbidapena %(repeats)s aldiz bota da atzera",
"%(severalUsers)shad their invitations withdrawn": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzaileen gonbidapena atzera bota da",
"%(oneUser)shad their invitation withdrawn": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)sen gonbidapena atzera bota da",
"were invited %(repeats)s times": "%(repeats)s aldiz gonbidatu zaie",
"was invited %(repeats)s times": "%(repeats)s aldiz gonbidatu zaio",
"were invited": "gonbidatu zaie",
"was invited": "gonbidatu zaio",
"were banned %(repeats)s times": "%(repeats)s aldiz debekatu zaie",
"was banned %(repeats)s times": "%(repeats)s aldiz debekatu zaio",
"were banned": "debekatu zaie",
"was banned": "debekatu zaio",
"were unbanned %(repeats)s times": "debekua %(repeats)s aldiz kendu zaie",
"was unbanned %(repeats)s times": "debekua %(repeats)s aldiz kendu zaio",
"were unbanned": "debekua kendu zaie",
"was unbanned": "debekua kendu zaio",
"were kicked %(repeats)s times": "%(repeats)s aldiz kaleratu zaie",
"was kicked %(repeats)s times": "%(repeats)s aldiz kaleratu zaio",
"were kicked": "kaleratu zaie",
"was kicked": "kaleratu zaio",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name %(repeats)s times": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzailek izena %(repeats)s aldiz aldatu dute",
"%(oneUser)schanged their name %(repeats)s times": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)sek izena %(repeats)s aldiz aldatu du",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their name": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzailek izena aldatu dute",
"%(oneUser)schanged their name": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)sek izena aldatu du",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their avatar %(repeats)s times": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzailek abatarra %(repeats)s aldiz aldatu dute",
"%(oneUser)schanged their avatar %(repeats)s times": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)sek abatarra %(repeats)s aldiz aldatu du",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their avatar": "%(severalUsers)s erabiltzailek abatarra aldatu dute",
"%(oneUser)schanged their avatar": "Erabiltzaile %(oneUser)sek abatarra aldatu du",
"Please select the destination room for this message": "Hautatu mezu hau bidaltzeko gela",
"New Password": "Pasahitz berria",
"Start automatically after system login": "Hasi automatikoki sisteman saioa hasi eta gero",
"Desktop specific": "Mahaigainean besterik ez",
"Analytics": "Estatistikak",
"Opt out of analytics": "Ez bidali estatistikak",
"Options": "Aukerak",
"Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riotek estatistika anonimoak jasotzen ditu aplikazioa hobetzeko.",
"Passphrases must match": "Pasaesaldiak bat etorri behar dira",
"Passphrase must not be empty": "Pasaesaldia ezin da hutsik egon",
"File to import": "Inportatu beharreko fitxategia",
"This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.": "Prozesu honek zifratutako gelatan jaso dituzun mezuentzako gakoak tokiko fitxategi batera esportatzea ahalbidetzen dizu. Fitxategia beste Matrix bezero batean inportatu dezakezu, bezero hori ere mezuak deszifratzeko gai izan dadin.",
"The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "Esportatutako fitxategiak berau irakurri dezakeen edonori zuk ikusi ditzakezun mezu zifratuak deszifratzea ahalbidetzen dio, beraz kontuz gorde beharko zenuke. Honetarako azpian pasaesaldi bat sartu beharko zenuke, eta hau esportatuko datuak zifratzeko erabiliko da. Datuak inportatzeko pasaesaldi hori beharko da.",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Prozesu honek aurretik beste Matrix bezero batetik esportatu dituzun zifratze gakoak inportatzea ahalbidetzen dizu. Gero beste bezeroak deszifratu zitzakeen mezuak deszifratu ahal izango dituzu.",
"The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Esportatutako fitxategia pasaesaldi batez babestuko da. Pasaesaldia bertan idatzi behar duzu, fitxategia deszifratzeko.",
"You must join the room to see its files": "Gelara elkartu behar zara bertako fitxategiak ikusteko",
"Start new chat": "Hasi txat berria",
"Guest users can't invite users. Please register.": "Bisitariek ezin dituzte erabiltzaileak gonbidatu, erregistratu zaitez.",
"Failed to invite": "Huts egin du ganbidapenak",
"Failed to invite user": "Huts egin du erabiltzailea gonbidatzean",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Huts egin du honako erabiltzaile hauek %(roomName)s gelara gonbidatzean:",
"Confirm Removal": "Berretsi kentzea",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Ziur gertaera hau kendu (ezabatu) nahi duzula? Jakin gelaren izenaren edo gaiaren aldaketa ezabatzen baduzu, desegitea dagoela.",
"Unknown error": "Errore ezezaguna",
"Incorrect password": "Pasahitz okerra",
"This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to re-register the same user ID.": "Honek zure kontua behin betiko erabilezin bihurtuko du. Ezin izango duzu ID honekin berriro erregistratu.",
"This action is irreversible.": "Ez dago ekintza hau atzera egiterik.",
"To continue, please enter your password.": "Jarraitzeko sartu zure pasahitza.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "Gailu hau fidagarria dela egiaztatzeko, kontaktatu bere jabea beste medio bat erabiliz (adib. aurrez aurre edo telefonoz deituz) eta galdetu beraien erabiltzaile-ezarpenetan bere gailurako ikusten duen gakoa hemen beheko bera den:",
"If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.": "Bat badator sakatu egiaztatu botoia. Bat ez badator, beste inor gailu hau atzematen dago eta zerrenda beltzera gehitu beharko zenuke.",
"In future this verification process will be more sophisticated.": "etorkizunean egiaztaketa metodoa hobetuko da.",
"We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session. If you continue, you will need to log in again, and encrypted chat history will be unreadable.": "Errore bat gertatu da zure aurreko saioa berreskuratzen saiatzean. Jarraitzen baduzu berriro hasi beharko duzu saioa eta ezin izango duzu irakurri zifratutako historiala.",
"Unable to restore session": "Ezin izan da saioa berreskuratu",
"If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Aurretik Riot bertsio berriago bat erabili baduzu, zure saioa bertsio honekin bateraezina izan daiteke. Itxi leiho hau eta itzuli bertsio berriagora.",
"Continue anyway": "Jarraitu hala ere",
"Your display name is how you'll appear to others when you speak in rooms. What would you like it to be?": "Zure pantaila izena geletan hitz egiten duzunean besteek ikusten dutena da. Zein nahi duzu?",
"We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "Gailu bakoitzaren egiaztaketa prozesua jarraitzea aholkatzen dizugu, benetako jabeari dagozkiela baieztatzeko, baina mezua egiaztatu gabe birbidali dezakezu ere.",
"\"%(RoomName)s\" contains devices that you haven't seen before.": "\"%(RoomName)s\" gelan aurretik ikusi ez dituzun gailuak daude.",
"Unknown devices": "Gailu ezezagunak",
"Unknown Address": "Helbide ezezaguna",
"Verify...": "Egiaztatu...",
"ex.": "adib.",
"Add User": "Gehitu erabiltzailea",
"Sign in with CAS": "Hasi saioa CAS erabiliz",
"This allows you to use this app with an existing Matrix account on a different home server.": "Honek aplikazio hau badagoen Matrix kontu batekin beste hasiera zerbitzari batean erabiltzea ahalbidetzen dizu.",
"You can also set a custom identity server but this will typically prevent interaction with users based on email address.": "Identitate erabiltzaile pertsonalizatu bat ezarri dezakezu ere, baina honek maiz erabiltzaileekin e-mail helbidea erabiliz elkar aritzea eragozten du maiz.",
"Please check your email to continue registration.": "Egiaztatu zure e-maila erregistroarekin jarraitzeko.",
"Token incorrect": "Token okerra",
"A text message has been sent to": "Testu mezua bidali zaio honi:",
"Please enter the code it contains:": "Sartu dakarren kodea:",
"If you don't specify an email address, you won't be able to reset your password. Are you sure?": "Ez baduzu e-mail helbide bat zehazten, ezin izango duzu zure pasahitza berrezarri. Ziur zaude?",
"You are registering with %(SelectedTeamName)s": "%(SelectedTeamName)s erabiliz erregistratzen ari zara",
"Default server": "Lehenetsitako zerbitzaria",
"Custom server": "Zerbitzari pertsonalizatua",
"Home server URL": "Hasiera zerbitzariaren URLa",
"Identity server URL": "Identitate zerbitzariaren URLa",
"What does this mean?": "Zer esan nahi du honek?",
"Error decrypting audio": "Errorea audioa deszifratzean",
"Error decrypting image": "Errorea audioa deszifratzean",
"Image '%(Body)s' cannot be displayed.": "Ezin da '%(Body)s' irudia bistaratu.",
"This image cannot be displayed.": "Irudi hau ezin da bistaratu.",
"Error decrypting video": "Errorea bideoa deszifratzean",
"Add an Integration": "Gehitu integrazioa",
"Removed or unknown message type": "Kenduta edo mezu mota ezezaguna",
"Disable URL previews by default for participants in this room": "Desgaitu URLen aurrebista gela honetako parte-hartzaileentzat",
"Disable URL previews for this room (affects only you)": "Desgaitu URLen aurrebista gela honetan (zuretzat besterik ez)",
"URL previews are %(globalDisableUrlPreview)s by default for participants in this room.": "URLen aurrebista lehenetsita %(globalDisableUrlPreview)s daude gela honetako parte-hartzaileentzat.",
"URL Previews": "URL-en aurrebistak",
"Enable URL previews for this room (affects only you)": "Gaitu URL-en aurrebistak gela honetan (zuretzat besterik ez)",
"Drop file here to upload": "Jaregin fitxategia hona igotzeko",
" (unsupported)": " (euskarririk gabe)",
"Ongoing conference call%(supportedText)s.": "%(supportedText)s konferentzia deia abian.",
"for %(amount)ss": "%(amount)ss",
"for %(amount)sm": "%(amount)sm",
"for %(amount)sh": "%(amount)sh",
"for %(amount)sd": "%(amount)se",
"Updates": "Eguneraketak",
"Check for update": "Egiaztatu eguneraketa",
"Start chatting": "Hasi txateatzen",
"Start Chatting": "Hasi txateatzen",
"Click on the button below to start chatting!": "Egin klik beheko botoian txateatzen hasteko!",
"$senderDisplayName changed the room avatar to <img/>": "$senderDisplayName erabiltzaileak gelaren abatarra aldatu du beste honetara: <img/>",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s erabiltzaileak gelaren abatarra ezabatu du.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the avatar for %(roomName)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s erabiltzaileak %(roomName)s gelaren abatarra aldatu du",
"Username available": "Erabiltzaile-izena eskuragarri dago",
"Username not available": "Erabiltzaile-izena ez dago eskuragarri",
"Something went wrong!": "Zerk edo zerk huts egin du!",
"You can use the custom server options to sign into other Matrix servers by specifying a different Home server URL.": "Zerbitzari pertsonalizatuaren aukerak erabili ditzakezu beste Matrix zerbitzarietan saioa hasteko hasiera zerbitzari desberdin baten URLa zehaztuz.",
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with %(integrationsUrl)s. Do you wish to continue?": "Kanpo webgune batetara eramango zaizu zure kontua %(integrationsUrl)s helbidearekin erabiltzeko egiaztatzeko. Jarraitu nahi duzu?",
"This will be your account name on the <span></span> homeserver, or you can pick a <a>different server</a>.": "Hau izango da zure izena <span></span> hasiera zerbitzarian, edo <a>hautatu beste zerbitzari bat</a>.",
"If you already have a Matrix account you can <a>log in</a> instead.": "Jada Matrix kontua baduzu <a>saioa hasi</a> dezakezu zuzenean.",
"Your browser does not support the required cryptography extensions": "Zure nabigatzaileak ez ditu onartzen beharrezkoak diren kriptografia gehigarriak",
"Not a valid Riot keyfile": "Ez da baliozko Riot gako-fitxategia",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Autentifikazio errorea: pasahitz okerra?",
"Do you want to set an email address?": "E-mail helbidea ezarri nahi duzu?",
"This will allow you to reset your password and receive notifications.": "Honek zure pasahitza berrezarri eta jakinarazpenak jasotzea ahalbidetuko dizu.",
"To return to your account in future you need to set a password": "Etorkizunean kontura itzuli ahal izateko pasahitz bat ezarri behar duzu",
"Start verification": "Hasi egiaztaketa",
"Share without verifying": "Partekatu egiaztatu gabe",
"Ignore request": "Ezikusi eskaera",
"You added a new device '%(displayName)s', which is requesting encryption keys.": "'%(displayName)s' gailua gehitu duzu eta zifratze-gakoak eskatzen ari da.",
"Your unverified device '%(displayName)s' is requesting encryption keys.": "Zure egiaztatu gabeko '%(displayName)s' gailua zifratze-gakoak eskatzen ari da.",
"Encryption key request": "Zifratze-gakoa eskatuta",
"Deops user with given id": "Emandako ID-a duen erabiltzailea mailaz jaisten du",
"had": "zuen",
"Disable Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "Desgaitu P2P biren arteko deietan"
} }