implement most of drag & drop.
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var DragSource = require('react-dnd').DragSource;
var DropTarget = require('react-dnd').DropTarget;
var classNames = require('classnames');
var RoomTileController = require('matrix-react-sdk/lib/controllers/molecules/RoomTile')
@ -25,10 +27,89 @@ var MatrixClientPeg = require('matrix-react-sdk/lib/MatrixClientPeg');
var sdk = require('matrix-react-sdk')
module.exports = React.createClass({
* Specifies the drag source contract.
* Only `beginDrag` function is required.
var roomTileSource = {
beginDrag: function (props) {
// Return the data describing the dragged item
var item = {
originalList: props.roomSubList,
originalIndex: props.roomSubList.findRoomTile(,
targetList: props.roomSubList, // at first target is same as original
console.log("roomTile beginDrag for " +;
return item;
endDrag: function (props, monitor, component) {
var item = monitor.getItem();
var dropResult = monitor.getDropResult();
console.log("roomTile endDrag for " + + " with didDrop=" + monitor.didDrop());
if (!monitor.didDrop() || !item.targetList.props.editable) {
props.roomSubList.moveRoomTile(, item.originalIndex);
if (item.targetList && item.targetList !== item.originalList) {
else {
// if it's not manual ordering, we'll need to position the tile correctly here according to the right ordering
// When dropped on a compatible target, actually set the right tags for the new ordering
// persistNewOrder(, dropResult.listId);
var roomTileTarget = {
canDrop: function() {
return false;
hover: function(props, monitor) {
var item = monitor.getItem();
console.log("hovering on room " + + ", isOver=" + monitor.isOver());
//console.log("item.targetList=" + item.targetList + ", roomSubList=" + props.roomSubList);
if (item.targetList !== props.roomSubList) {
// we've switched target, so remove the tile from the previous target.
// n.b. the previous target might actually be the source list.
item.targetList = props.roomSubList;
if (item.targetList.props.order === 'manual' && !== {
var roomTile = props.roomSubList.findRoomTile(;
props.roomSubList.moveRoomTile(, roomTile.index);
var RoomTile = React.createClass({
displayName: 'RoomTile',
mixins: [RoomTileController],
propTypes: {
connectDragSource: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
connectDropTarget: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
isDragging: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
room: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
collapsed: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
selected: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
unread: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
highlight: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
isInvite: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
roomSubList: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
getInitialState: function() {
return( { hover : false });
@ -92,7 +173,14 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var RoomAvatar = sdk.getComponent('atoms.RoomAvatar');
return (
// These props are injected by React DnD,
// as defined by your `collect` function above:
var isDragging = this.props.isDragging;
var connectDragSource = this.props.connectDragSource;
var connectDropTarget = this.props.connectDropTarget;
return connectDragSource(connectDropTarget(
<div className={classes} onClick={this.onClick} onMouseEnter={this.onMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.onMouseLeave}>
<div className="mx_RoomTile_avatar">
<RoomAvatar room={} width="24" height="24" />
@ -100,6 +188,26 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
{ label }
// Export the wrapped version, inlining the 'collect' functions
// to more closely resemble the ES7
module.exports =
DropTarget('RoomTile', roomTileTarget, function(connect) {
return {
// Call this function inside render()
// to let React DnD handle the drag events:
connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
DragSource('RoomTile', roomTileSource, function(connect, monitor) {
return {
// Call this function inside render()
// to let React DnD handle the drag events:
connectDragSource: connect.dragSource(),
// You can ask the monitor about the current drag state:
isDragging: monitor.isDragging()
@ -17,10 +17,32 @@ limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var DropTarget = require('react-dnd').DropTarget;
var sdk = require('matrix-react-sdk')
var dis = require('matrix-react-sdk/lib/dispatcher');
module.exports = React.createClass({
var roomListTarget = {
canDrop: function() {
return true;
hover: function(props, monitor, component) {
var item = monitor.getItem();
if (component.state.sortedList.length == 0 && props.editable) {
console.log("hovering on sublist " + props.label + ", isOver=" + monitor.isOver());
if (item.targetList !== component) {
item.targetList = component;
component.moveRoomTile(, 0);
var RoomSubList = React.createClass({
displayName: 'RoomSubList',
propTypes: {
@ -80,14 +102,64 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
this.setState({ sortedList: list.sort(comparator) });
moveRoomTile: function(room, atIndex) {
console.log("moveRoomTile: id " + room.roomId + ", atIndex " + atIndex);
//console.log("moveRoomTile before: " + JSON.stringify(this.state.rooms));
var found = this.findRoomTile(room);
var rooms = this.state.sortedList;
if ( {
console.log("removing at index " + found.index + " and adding at index " + atIndex);
rooms.splice(found.index, 1);
rooms.splice(atIndex, 0,;
else {
console.log("Adding at index " + atIndex);
rooms.splice(atIndex, 0, room);
this.setState({ sortedList: rooms });
// console.log("moveRoomTile after: " + JSON.stringify(this.state.rooms));
// XXX: this isn't invoked via a property method but indirectly via
// the roomList property method. Unsure how evil this is.
removeRoomTile: function(room) {
console.log("remove room " + room.roomId);
var found = this.findRoomTile(room);
var rooms = this.state.sortedList;
if ( {
rooms.splice(found.index, 1);
else {
console.log*("Can't remove room " + room.roomId + " - can't find it");
this.setState({ sortedList: rooms });
findRoomTile: function(room) {
var index = this.state.sortedList.indexOf(room);
if (index >= 0) {
console.log("found: room: " + room + " with id " + room.roomId);
else {
console.log("didn't find room");
room = null;
return ({
room: room,
index: index,
makeRoomTiles: function() {
var self = this;
var RoomTile = sdk.getComponent("molecules.RoomTile");
return {
var selected = room.roomId == self.props.selectedRoom;
// XXX: is it evil to pass in self as a prop to RoomTile?
return (
@ -99,14 +171,17 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var connectDropTarget = this.props.connectDropTarget;
var RoomDropTarget = sdk.getComponent('molecules.RoomDropTarget');
var label = this.props.collapsed ? null : this.props.label;
//console.log("render: " + JSON.stringify(this.state.sortedList));
if (this.state.sortedList.length > 0 || this.props.editable) {
return (
return connectDropTarget(
<h2 className="mx_RoomSubList_label">{ this.props.label }</h2>
<h2 className="mx_RoomSubList_label">{ this.props.collapsed ? '' : this.props.label }</h2>
<div className="mx_RoomSubList">
{ this.makeRoomTiles() }
@ -122,3 +197,11 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
// Export the wrapped version, inlining the 'collect' functions
// to more closely resemble the ES7
module.exports =
DropTarget('RoomTile', roomListTarget, function(connect) {
return {
connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var DragDropContext = require('react-dnd').DragDropContext;
var HTML5Backend = require('react-dnd/modules/backends/HTML5');
var sdk = require('matrix-react-sdk')
var MatrixChatController = require('matrix-react-sdk/lib/controllers/pages/MatrixChat')
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ var dis = require('matrix-react-sdk/lib/dispatcher');
var Matrix = require("matrix-js-sdk");
var ContextualMenu = require("../../../../ContextualMenu");
module.exports = React.createClass({
var MatrixChat = React.createClass({
displayName: 'MatrixChat',
mixins: [MatrixChatController],
@ -172,3 +174,5 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
module.exports = DragDropContext(HTML5Backend)(MatrixChat);
Reference in New Issue