Update Emojibase and switch to IamCal (Slack-style) shortcodes
for consistency with shortcodes commonly used by other platforms, as was decided in https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/13857. One thing to be aware of is that the currently used version of Twemoji does not support a few of the newer emoji present in Emojibase, so these look a little out of place in the emoji picker. Optimally Twemoji would be updated at the same time, though I don't know how to do that. Signed-off-by: Robin Townsend <robin@robin.town>pull/21833/head
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
"counterpart": "^0.18.6",
"diff-dom": "^4.2.2",
"diff-match-patch": "^1.0.5",
"emojibase-data": "^5.1.1",
"emojibase-regex": "^4.1.1",
"emojibase-data": "^6.2.0",
"emojibase-regex": "^5.1.3",
"escape-html": "^1.0.3",
"file-saver": "^2.0.5",
"filesize": "6.1.0",
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import { IExtendedSanitizeOptions } from './@types/sanitize-html';
import linkifyMatrix from './linkify-matrix';
import SettingsStore from './settings/SettingsStore';
import { tryTransformPermalinkToLocalHref } from "./utils/permalinks/Permalinks";
import { SHORTCODE_TO_EMOJI, getEmojiFromUnicode } from "./emoji";
import { getEmojiFromUnicode, getShortcodes } from "./emoji";
import ReplyThread from "./components/views/elements/ReplyThread";
import { mediaFromMxc } from "./customisations/Media";
@ -78,20 +78,8 @@ function mightContainEmoji(str: string): boolean {
* @return {String} The shortcode (such as :thumbup:)
export function unicodeToShortcode(char: string): string {
const data = getEmojiFromUnicode(char);
return (data && data.shortcodes ? `:${data.shortcodes[0]}:` : '');
* Returns the unicode character for an emoji shortcode
* @param {String} shortcode The shortcode (such as :thumbup:)
* @return {String} The emoji character; null if none exists
export function shortcodeToUnicode(shortcode: string): string {
shortcode = shortcode.slice(1, shortcode.length - 1);
const data = SHORTCODE_TO_EMOJI.get(shortcode);
return data ? data.unicode : null;
const shortcodes = getShortcodes(getEmojiFromUnicode(char));
return shortcodes.length > 0 ? `:${shortcodes[0]}:` : '';
export function processHtmlForSending(html: string): string {
@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ import { PillCompletion } from './Components';
import { ICompletion, ISelectionRange } from './Autocompleter';
import { uniq, sortBy } from 'lodash';
import SettingsStore from "../settings/SettingsStore";
import { shortcodeToUnicode } from '../HtmlUtils';
import { EMOJI, IEmoji } from '../emoji';
import { EMOJI, IEmoji, getShortcodes } from '../emoji';
import EMOTICON_REGEX from 'emojibase-regex/emoticon';
@ -38,21 +37,26 @@ const EMOJI_REGEX = new RegExp('(' + EMOTICON_REGEX.source + '|(?:^|\\s):[+-\\w]
interface IEmojiShort {
emoji: IEmoji;
shortname: string;
shortcode: string;
altShortcodes: string[];
_orderBy: number;
const EMOJI_SHORTNAMES: IEmojiShort[] = EMOJI.sort((a, b) => {
const EMOJI_SHORTCODES: IEmojiShort[] = EMOJI.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.group === b.group) {
return a.order - b.order;
return a.group - b.group;
}).map((emoji, index) => ({
shortname: `:${emoji.shortcodes[0]}:`,
// Include the index so that we can preserve the original order
_orderBy: index,
}).map((emoji, index) => {
const [shortcode, ...altShortcodes] = getShortcodes(emoji);
return {
shortcode: shortcode ? `:${shortcode}:` : undefined,
altShortcodes: altShortcodes.map(s => `:${s}:`),
// Include the index so that we can preserve the original order
_orderBy: index,
}).filter(emoji => emoji.shortcode);
function score(query, space) {
const index = space.indexOf(query);
@ -69,15 +73,15 @@ export default class EmojiProvider extends AutocompleteProvider {
constructor() {
this.matcher = new QueryMatcher<IEmojiShort>(EMOJI_SHORTNAMES, {
keys: ['emoji.emoticon', 'shortname'],
this.matcher = new QueryMatcher<IEmojiShort>(EMOJI_SHORTCODES, {
keys: ['emoji.emoticon', 'shortcode'],
funcs: [
(o) => o.emoji.shortcodes.length > 1 ? o.emoji.shortcodes.slice(1).map(s => `:${s}:`).join(" ") : "", // aliases
o => o.altShortcodes.join(" "), // aliases
// For matching against ascii equivalents
shouldMatchWordsOnly: false,
this.nameMatcher = new QueryMatcher(EMOJI_SHORTNAMES, {
this.nameMatcher = new QueryMatcher(EMOJI_SHORTCODES, {
keys: ['emoji.annotation'],
// For removing punctuation
shouldMatchWordsOnly: true,
@ -105,34 +109,33 @@ export default class EmojiProvider extends AutocompleteProvider {
const sorters = [];
// make sure that emoticons come first
sorters.push((c) => score(matchedString, c.emoji.emoticon || ""));
sorters.push(c => score(matchedString, c.emoji.emoticon || ""));
// then sort by score (Infinity if matchedString not in shortname)
sorters.push((c) => score(matchedString, c.shortname));
// then sort by score (Infinity if matchedString not in shortcode)
sorters.push(c => score(matchedString, c.shortcode));
// then sort by max score of all shortcodes, trim off the `:`
sorters.push((c) => Math.min(...c.emoji.shortcodes.map(s => score(matchedString.substring(1), s))));
// If the matchedString is not empty, sort by length of shortname. Example:
sorters.push(c => Math.min(
...[c.shortcode, ...c.altShortcodes].map(s => score(matchedString.substring(1), s)),
// If the matchedString is not empty, sort by length of shortcode. Example:
// matchedString = ":bookmark"
// completions = [":bookmark:", ":bookmark_tabs:", ...]
if (matchedString.length > 1) {
sorters.push((c) => c.shortname.length);
sorters.push(c => c.shortcode.length);
// Finally, sort by original ordering
sorters.push((c) => c._orderBy);
sorters.push(c => c._orderBy);
completions = sortBy(uniq(completions), sorters);
completions = completions.map(({ shortname }) => {
const unicode = shortcodeToUnicode(shortname);
return {
completion: unicode,
component: (
<PillCompletion title={shortname} aria-label={unicode}>
<span>{ unicode }</span>
}).slice(0, LIMIT);
completions = completions.map(c => ({
completion: c.emoji.unicode,
component: (
<PillCompletion title={c.shortcode} aria-label={c.emoji.unicode}>
<span>{ c.emoji.unicode }</span>
})).slice(0, LIMIT);
return completions;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License.
import React from 'react';
import { IEmoji } from "../../../emoji";
import { IEmoji, getShortcodes } from "../../../emoji";
import { replaceableComponent } from "../../../utils/replaceableComponent";
interface IProps {
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class Preview extends React.PureComponent<IProps> {
const {
unicode = "",
annotation = "",
shortcodes: [shortcode = ""],
} = this.props.emoji || {};
} = this.props.emoji;
const shortcode = getShortcodes(this.props.emoji)[0];
return (
<div className="mx_EmojiPicker_footer mx_EmojiPicker_preview">
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class Preview extends React.PureComponent<IProps> {
<div className="mx_EmojiPicker_name mx_EmojiPicker_preview_name">
<div className="mx_EmojiPicker_shortcode">
{ shortcode ?
<div className="mx_EmojiPicker_shortcode">{shortcode}</div> :
null }
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ limitations under the License.
import React from 'react';
import { _t } from '../../../languageHandler';
import { getEmojiFromUnicode, IEmoji } from "../../../emoji";
import { getEmojiFromUnicode, getShortcodes, IEmoji } from "../../../emoji";
import Emoji from "./Emoji";
import { replaceableComponent } from "../../../utils/replaceableComponent";
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class QuickReactions extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
render() {
const shortcode = this.state.hover ? getShortcodes(this.state.hover)[0] : undefined;
return (
<section className="mx_EmojiPicker_footer mx_EmojiPicker_quick mx_EmojiPicker_category">
<h2 className="mx_EmojiPicker_quick_header mx_EmojiPicker_category_label">
@ -69,7 +70,9 @@ class QuickReactions extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
? _t("Quick Reactions")
: <React.Fragment>
<span className="mx_EmojiPicker_name">{this.state.hover.annotation}</span>
<span className="mx_EmojiPicker_shortcode">{this.state.hover.shortcodes[0]}</span>
{ shortcode ?
<span className="mx_EmojiPicker_shortcode">{shortcode}</span> :
null }
@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ limitations under the License.
import EMOJIBASE from 'emojibase-data/en/compact.json';
import SHORTCODES from 'emojibase-data/en/shortcodes/iamcal.json';
export interface IEmoji {
annotation: string;
group: number;
group?: number;
hexcode: string;
order: number;
shortcodes: string[];
tags: string[];
order?: number;
tags?: string[];
unicode: string;
emoticon?: string;
@ -34,10 +34,14 @@ interface IEmojiWithFilterString extends IEmoji {
// The unicode is stored without the variant selector
const UNICODE_TO_EMOJI = new Map<string, IEmojiWithFilterString>(); // not exported as gets for it are handled by getEmojiFromUnicode
export const EMOTICON_TO_EMOJI = new Map<string, IEmojiWithFilterString>();
export const SHORTCODE_TO_EMOJI = new Map<string, IEmojiWithFilterString>();
export const getEmojiFromUnicode = unicode => UNICODE_TO_EMOJI.get(stripVariation(unicode));
const toArray = (shortcodes?: string | string[]): string[] =>
typeof shortcodes === "string" ? [shortcodes] : (shortcodes ?? []);
export const getShortcodes = (emoji: IEmoji): string[] =>
"people", // smileys
"people", // actually people
@ -66,12 +70,14 @@ const ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER = "\u200D";
// Store various mappings from unicode/emoticon/shortcode to the Emoji objects
EMOJIBASE.forEach((emoji: IEmojiWithFilterString) => {
const shortcodes = getShortcodes(emoji);
const categoryId = EMOJIBASE_GROUP_ID_TO_CATEGORY[emoji.group];
if (DATA_BY_CATEGORY.hasOwnProperty(categoryId)) {
// This is used as the string to match the query against when filtering emojis
emoji.filterString = (`${emoji.annotation}\n${emoji.shortcodes.join('\n')}}\n${emoji.emoticon || ''}\n` +
emoji.filterString = (`${emoji.annotation}\n${shortcodes.join('\n')}}\n${emoji.emoticon || ''}\n` +
// Add mapping from unicode to Emoji object
@ -87,13 +93,6 @@ EMOJIBASE.forEach((emoji: IEmojiWithFilterString) => {
// Add mapping from emoticon to Emoji object
EMOTICON_TO_EMOJI.set(emoji.emoticon, emoji);
if (emoji.shortcodes) {
// Add mapping from each shortcode to Emoji object
emoji.shortcodes.forEach(shortcode => {
SHORTCODE_TO_EMOJI.set(shortcode, emoji);
@ -3022,15 +3022,15 @@ emoji-regex@^8.0.0:
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Reference in New Issue