diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json index 4eb038ec33..1e75c59a21 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json @@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ "Banana": "Banane", "Apple": "Apfel", "Strawberry": "Erdbeere", - "Corn": "Weizen", + "Corn": "Mais", "Pizza": "Pizza", "Cake": "Kuchen", "Heart": "Herz", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/fr.json b/src/i18n/strings/fr.json index c2ee7c575b..7261f62f3a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/fr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/fr.json @@ -2033,5 +2033,6 @@ "Connected to <channelIcon /> <channelName /> on <networkIcon /> <networkName />": "Connecté à <channelIcon /> <channelName /> sur <networkIcon /> <networkName />", "Connected via %(protocolName)s": "Connecté via %(protocolName)s", "Bridge Info": "Informations de la passerelle", - "Below is a list of bridges connected to this room.": "Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des passerelles connectées à ce salon." + "Below is a list of bridges connected to this room.": "Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des passerelles connectées à ce salon.", + "Suggestions": "Suggestions" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json index 92113c3238..10da7537a9 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json @@ -2034,5 +2034,6 @@ "Connected to <channelIcon /> <channelName /> on <networkIcon /> <networkName />": "Ide csatlakozva: <channelIcon /> <channelName /> itt: <networkIcon /> <networkName />", "Connected via %(protocolName)s": "Ezzel a protokollal csatlakozva: %(protocolName)s", "Bridge Info": "Híd információ", - "Below is a list of bridges connected to this room.": "Alább látható a lista a szobához kapcsolódó hidakról." + "Below is a list of bridges connected to this room.": "Alább látható a lista a szobához kapcsolódó hidakról.", + "Suggestions": "Javaslatok" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/it.json b/src/i18n/strings/it.json index 390729950b..22fc083d08 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/it.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/it.json @@ -2017,5 +2017,20 @@ "The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Il messaggio che stai tentando di inviare è troppo grande.", "Secret Storage will be set up using your existing key backup details.Your secret storage passphrase and recovery key will be the same as they were for your key backup": "L'archivio segreto verrà impostato usando i dettagli del tuo backup chiavi. La password dell'archivio segreto e la chiave di ripristino saranno le stesse del tuo backup chiavi", "Migrate from Key Backup": "Migra dal backup chiavi", - "Help": "Aiuto" + "Help": "Aiuto", + "New DM invite dialog (under development)": "Nuovo invito via messaggio diretto (in sviluppo)", + "Show info about bridges in room settings": "Mostra info sui bridge nelle impostazioni stanza", + "This bridge was provisioned by <user />": "Questo bridge è stato fornito da <user />", + "This bridge is managed by <user />.": "Questo bridge è gestito da <user />.", + "Bridged into <channelLink /> <networkLink />, on <protocolName />": "Bridge in <channelLink /> <networkLink />, su <protocolName />", + "Connected to <channelIcon /> <channelName /> on <networkIcon /> <networkName />": "Connesso a <channelIcon /> <channelName /> su <networkIcon /> <networkName />", + "Connected via %(protocolName)s": "Connesso via %(protocolName)s", + "Bridge Info": "Info bridge", + "Below is a list of bridges connected to this room.": "Sotto vedi una lista di brdige connessi a questa stanza.", + "Recent Conversations": "Conversazioni recenti", + "Suggestions": "Suggerimenti", + "Show more": "Mostra altro", + "Direct Messages": "Messaggi diretti", + "If you can't find someone, ask them for their username, or share your username (%(userId)s) or <a>profile link</a>.": "Se non riesci a trovare qualcuno, chiedigli il nome utente o condividi il tuo (%(userId)s) o il <a>link al profilo</a>.", + "Go": "Vai" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/tr.json b/src/i18n/strings/tr.json index 159cb61965..495b882104 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/tr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/tr.json @@ -1071,5 +1071,59 @@ "Pizza": "Pizza", "Cake": "Kek", "Heart": "Kalp", - "Trophy": "Ödül" + "Trophy": "Ödül", + "wait and try again later": "bekle ve tekrar dene", + "Disconnect anyway": "Yinede bağlantıyı kes", + "Go back": "Geri dön", + "Identity Server (%(server)s)": "(%(server)s) Kimlik Sunucusu", + "Identity Server": "Kimlik Sunucusu", + "Do not use an identity server": "Bir kimlik sunucu kullanma", + "Enter a new identity server": "Yeni bir kimlik sunucu gir", + "Change": "Değiştir", + "Manage integrations": "Entegrasyonları yönet", + "Email addresses": "E-posta adresleri", + "Phone numbers": "Telefon numaraları", + "Language and region": "Dil ve bölge", + "Theme": "Tema", + "Account management": "Hesap yönetimi", + "Warning": "Uyarı", + "General": "Genel", + "Discovery": "Keşfet", + "Legal": "Yasal", + "Check for update": "Güncelleme kontrolü", + "Help & About": "Yardım & Hakkında", + "Bug reporting": "Hata raporlama", + "FAQ": "FAQ", + "Versions": "Sürümler", + "Server rules": "Sunucu kuralları", + "User rules": "Kullanıcı kuralları", + "View rules": "Kuralları görüntüle", + "Room list": "Oda listesi", + "Autocomplete delay (ms)": "Oto tamamlama gecikmesi (ms)", + "Key backup": "Anahtar yedek", + "Cross-signing": "Çapraz-imzalama", + "Security & Privacy": "Güvenlik & Gizlilik", + "Learn more about how we use analytics.": "Analizleri nasıl kullandığımız hakkında daha fazla öğrenin.", + "No Audio Outputs detected": "Ses çıkışları tespit edilemedi", + "Audio Output": "Ses Çıkışı", + "Voice & Video": "Ses & Video", + "this room": "bu oda", + "Room information": "Oda bilgisi", + "Room version": "Oda sürümü", + "Room version:": "Oda versiyonu:", + "Developer options": "Geliştirici ayarları", + "Open Devtools": "Geliştirici araçlarını aç", + "Room Addresses": "Oda Adresleri", + "Uploaded sound": "Yüklenen ses", + "Sounds": "Sesler", + "Notification sound": "Bildirim sesi", + "Reset": "Sıfırla", + "Browse": "Gözat", + "Change room name": "Oda adını değiştir", + "Change history visibility": "Geçmiş görünürlüğünü değiştir", + "Change permissions": "İzinleri değiştir", + "Upgrade the room": "Odayı güncelle", + "Enable room encryption": "Oda şifrelemeyi aç", + "Modify widgets": "Görsel bileşenleri düzenle", + "Banned by %(displayName)s": "%(displayName)s tarafından yasaklandı" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json index db75121f07..d58f37b37a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json @@ -2033,5 +2033,6 @@ "Connected to <channelIcon /> <channelName /> on <networkIcon /> <networkName />": "連線到 <channelIcon /> <channelName /> 於 <networkIcon /> <networkName />", "Connected via %(protocolName)s": "透過 %(protocolName)s 連線", "Bridge Info": "橋接資訊", - "Below is a list of bridges connected to this room.": "以下是連線到此聊天室的橋接列表。" + "Below is a list of bridges connected to this room.": "以下是連線到此聊天室的橋接列表。", + "Suggestions": "建議" }