Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

Weblate 2021-11-15 11:39:31 +00:00
commit b7ba34d7cb
17 changed files with 4200 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"Oct": "Říj",
"Nov": "Lis",
"Dec": "Pro",
"Create new room": "Založit novou místnost",
"Create new room": "Vytvořit novou místnost",
"Start chat": "Zahájit konverzaci",
"Options": "Volby",
"Register": "Zaregistrovat",
@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@
"Uploaded sound": "Zvuk nahrán",
"Sounds": "Zvuky",
"Notification sound": "Zvuk oznámení",
"Reset": "Obnovit výchozí",
"Reset": "Resetovat",
"Set a new custom sound": "Nastavit vlastní zvuk",
"Browse": "Procházet",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Nelze se připojit k domovskému serveru",
@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@
"Ignored/Blocked": "Ignorováno/Blokováno",
"Error adding ignored user/server": "Chyba při přidávání ignorovaného uživatele/serveru",
"Something went wrong. Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Něco se nepovedlo. Zkuste pro prosím znovu nebo se podívejte na detaily do konzole.",
"Error subscribing to list": "Nepovedlo se založit odběr",
"Error subscribing to list": "Nepovedlo se přihlásit odběr",
"Error removing ignored user/server": "Ignorovaný uživatel/server nejde odebrat",
"Error unsubscribing from list": "Nepovedlo se zrušit odběr",
"Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Zkuste to prosím znovu a nebo se podívejte na detailní chybu do konzole.",
@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@
"Trusted": "Důvěryhodné",
"Not trusted": "Nedůvěryhodné",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted.": "V této místnosti jsou zprávy koncově šifrované.",
"Security": "Bezpečnost",
"Security": "Zabezpečení",
"Verify": "Ověřit",
"You have ignored this user, so their message is hidden. <a>Show anyways.</a>": "Tohoto uživatele ignorujete, takže jsou jeho zprávy skryté. <a>Přesto zobrazit.</a>",
"Reactions": "Reakce",
@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@
"Upgrading a room is an advanced action and is usually recommended when a room is unstable due to bugs, missing features or security vulnerabilities.": "Upgradování místnosti je pokročilá operace a je doporučeno jí provést pokud je místnost nestabilní kvůli chybám, chybějícím funkcím nebo zranitelnostem.",
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please <a>report a bug</a>.": "Toto obvykle ovlivňuje pouze zpracovávání místnosti na serveru. Pokud máte problém s %(brand)sem, <a>nahlaste nám ho prosím</a>.",
"You'll upgrade this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Místnost bude upgradována z verze <oldVersion /> na verzi <newVersion />.",
"Upgrade": "Upgradovat",
"Upgrade": "Aktualizovat",
"<b>Warning</b>: You should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "<b>Varování</b>: Nastavujte zálohu jen z důvěryhodných počítačů.",
"Notification settings": "Nastavení oznámení",
"Remove for everyone": "Odstranit pro všechny",
@ -1488,10 +1488,10 @@
"Show less": "Zobrazit méně",
"Show more": "Více",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Změna hesla resetuje šifrovací klíče pro všechny vaše relace. Pokud si nejdřív nevyexportujete klíče místností a po změně je znovu neimportujete, nedostanete se k historickým zprávám. V budoucnu se toto zjednoduší.",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "Váš účet má v bezpečném úložišti identitu pro cross-signing, ale v této relaci jí zatím nevěříte.",
"Cross-signing public keys:": "Veřejné klíče pro cross-signing:",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "Váš účet má v bezpečném úložišti identitu pro křížový podpis, ale v této relaci jí zatím nevěříte.",
"Cross-signing public keys:": "Veřejné klíče pro křížový podpis:",
"in memory": "v paměti",
"Cross-signing private keys:": "Soukromé klíče pro cross-signing:",
"Cross-signing private keys:": "Soukromé klíče pro křížový podpis:",
"in secret storage": "v bezpečném úložišti",
"Secret storage public key:": "Veřejný klíč bezpečného úložiště:",
"in account data": "v datech účtu",
@ -1523,7 +1523,7 @@
"Session ID:": "ID relace:",
"Session key:": "Klíč relace:",
"Message search": "Vyhledávání ve zprávách",
"Cross-signing": "Cross-signing",
"Cross-signing": "Křížové podepisování",
"A session's public name is visible to people you communicate with": "Lidé, se kterými komunikujete, mohou zobrazit veřejný název",
"This room is bridging messages to the following platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Tato místnost je propojena s následujícími platformami. <a>Více informací</a>",
"This room isnt bridging messages to any platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Tato místnost není propojená s žádnými dalšími platformami. <a>Více informací.</a>",
@ -1611,9 +1611,9 @@
"You'll need to authenticate with the server to confirm the upgrade.": "Server si vás potřebuje ověřit, abychom mohli provést aktualizaci.",
"Upgrade this session to allow it to verify other sessions, granting them access to encrypted messages and marking them as trusted for other users.": "Aktualizujte tuto přihlášenou relaci abyste mohli ověřovat ostatní relace. Tím jim dáte přístup k šifrovaným konverzacím a ostatní uživatelé je jim budou automaticky věřit.",
"Show typing notifications": "Zobrazovat oznámení „... právě píše...“",
"Destroy cross-signing keys?": "Nenávratně smazat klíče pro cross-signing?",
"Deleting cross-signing keys is permanent. Anyone you have verified with will see security alerts. You almost certainly don't want to do this, unless you've lost every device you can cross-sign from.": "Smazání klíčů pro cross-signing je definitivní. Každý, kdo vás ověřil, teď uvidí bezpečnostní varování. Pokud jste zrovna neztratili všechna zařízení, ze kterých se můžete ověřit, tak to asi nechcete udělat.",
"Clear cross-signing keys": "Smazat klíče pro cross-signing",
"Destroy cross-signing keys?": "Nenávratně smazat klíče pro křížové podepisování?",
"Deleting cross-signing keys is permanent. Anyone you have verified with will see security alerts. You almost certainly don't want to do this, unless you've lost every device you can cross-sign from.": "Smazání klíčů pro křížové podepisování je definitivní. Každý, kdo vás ověřil, teď uvidí bezpečnostní varování. Pokud jste zrovna neztratili všechna zařízení, ze kterých se můžete ověřit, tak to asi nechcete udělat.",
"Clear cross-signing keys": "Smazat klíče pro křížové podepisování",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s on a device where touch is the primary input mechanism": "Zda používáte %(brand)s na dotykovém zařízení",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s as an installed Progressive Web App": "Zda používáte %(brand)s jako nainstalovanou Progresivní Webovou Aplikaci",
"Your user agent": "Identifikace vašeho prohlížeče",
@ -1650,7 +1650,7 @@
"Show rooms with unread notifications first": "Zobrazovat místnosti s nepřečtenými oznámeními navrchu",
"Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "Zobrazovat zkratky do nedávno zobrazených místností navrchu",
"Cancelling…": "Rušení…",
"Your homeserver does not support cross-signing.": "Váš domovský server nepodporuje cross-signing.",
"Your homeserver does not support cross-signing.": "Váš domovský server nepodporuje křížové podepisování.",
"Homeserver feature support:": "Funkce podporovaná domovským serverem:",
"Accepting…": "Přijímání…",
"Accepting …": "Přijímání…",
@ -1675,7 +1675,7 @@
"Manually verify all remote sessions": "Manuálně ověřit všechny relace",
"cached locally": "uložen lokálně",
"not found locally": "nenalezen lolálně",
"Individually verify each session used by a user to mark it as trusted, not trusting cross-signed devices.": "Individuálně ověřit každou uživatelovu relaci a označit jí za důvěryhodnou, bez důvěry v cross-signing.",
"Individually verify each session used by a user to mark it as trusted, not trusting cross-signed devices.": "Individuálně ověřit každou uživatelovu relaci a označit jí za důvěryhodnou, bez důvěry v křížový podpis.",
"Invalid theme schema.": "Neplatné schéma vzhledu.",
"Error downloading theme information.": "Nepovedlo se stáhnout informace o vzhledu.",
"Theme added!": "Motiv vzhledu přidán!",
@ -1876,7 +1876,7 @@
"%(count)s results|other": "%(count)s výsledků",
"Preparing to download logs": "Příprava na stažení záznamů",
"Download logs": "Stáhnout záznamy",
"a new cross-signing key signature": "nový podpis klíče pro cross-signing",
"a new cross-signing key signature": "nový klíč pro křížový podpis",
"a key signature": "podpis klíče",
"%(brand)s encountered an error during upload of:": "%(brand)s narazil na chybu při nahrávání:",
"Upload completed": "Nahrávání dokončeno",
@ -1969,8 +1969,8 @@
"You might enable this if the room will only be used for collaborating with internal teams on your homeserver. This cannot be changed later.": "Tuto možnost můžete povolit, pokud bude místnost použita pouze pro spolupráci s interními týmy na vašem domovském serveru. Toto nelze později změnit.",
"Block anyone not part of %(serverName)s from ever joining this room.": "Blokovat komukoli, kdo není součástí serveru %(serverName)s, aby vstoupil do této místnosti.",
"Manage the names of and sign out of your sessions below or <a>verify them in your User Profile</a>.": "Níže můžete spravovat názvy a odhlásit se ze svých relací nebo <a>je ověřit v uživatelském profilu</a>.",
"Cross-signing is not set up.": "Cross-signing není nastaveno.",
"Cross-signing is ready for use.": "Cross-signing je připraveno k použití.",
"Cross-signing is not set up.": "Křížové podepisování není nastaveno.",
"Cross-signing is ready for use.": "Křížové podepisování je připraveno k použití.",
"Create a Group Chat": "Vytvořit skupinový chat",
"Send a Direct Message": "Poslat přímou zprávu",
"Verify this login": "Ověřte toto přihlášení",
@ -2257,7 +2257,7 @@
"Sign into your homeserver": "Přihlaste se do svého domovského serveru",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so its a good place for many.": " je největší veřejný domovský server na světě, pro mnoho lidí je dobrým místem.",
"not found in storage": "nebylo nalezeno v úložišti",
"ready": "připraven",
"ready": "připraveno",
"May include members not in %(communityName)s": "Může zahrnovat členy, kteří nejsou v %(communityName)s",
"Specify a homeserver": "Zadejte domovský server",
"Invalid URL": "Neplatné URL",
@ -2448,7 +2448,7 @@
"Unpin a widget to view it in this panel": "Odepněte widget, aby mohl být zobrazen v tomto panelu",
"You can only pin up to %(count)s widgets|other": "Můžete připnout až %(count)s widgetů",
"Edit widgets, bridges & bots": "Upravujte widgety, mosty a boty",
"a device cross-signing signature": "zařízení používající cross-signing podpis",
"a device cross-signing signature": "zařízení používající křížový podpis",
"This widget would like to:": "Tento widget by chtěl:",
"Modal Widget": "Modální widget",
"You might disable this if the room will be used for collaborating with external teams who have their own homeserver. This cannot be changed later.": "Toto můžete deaktivovat, pokud bude místnost použita pro spolupráci s externími týmy, které mají svůj vlastní domovský server. Toto nelze později změnit.",
@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@
"e.g. my-space": "např. můj-prostor",
"Silence call": "Ztlumit zvonění",
"Sound on": "Zvuk zapnutý",
"Show all rooms in Home": "Zobrazit všechny místnosti na úvodní obrazovce",
"Show all rooms in Home": "Zobrazit všechny místnosti v Úvodu",
"Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototyp Nahlášování moderátorům. V místnostech, které podporují moderování, vám tlačítko `nahlásit` umožní nahlásit zneužití moderátorům místnosti",
"%(senderName)s changed the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room.": "%(senderName)s změnil(a) <a>připnuté zprávy</a> v místnosti.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s vykopl(a) uživatele %(targetName)s",
@ -3056,7 +3056,7 @@
"Want to add a new space instead?": "Chcete místo toho přidat nový prostor?",
"Decrypting": "Dešifrování",
"Show all rooms": "Zobrazit všechny místnosti",
"All rooms you're in will appear in Home.": "Všechny místnosti, ve kterých se nacházíte, se zobrazí na úvodní obrazovce.",
"All rooms you're in will appear in Home.": "Všechny místnosti, ve kterých se nacházíte, se zobrazí v Úvodu.",
"Send pseudonymous analytics data": "Odeslat pseudonymní analytická data",
"Missed call": "Zmeškaný hovor",
"Call declined": "Hovor odmítnut",
@ -3239,14 +3239,14 @@
"Kick from %(roomName)s": "Vykopnout z %(roomName)s",
"Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Zrušit pozvánku do %(roomName)s",
"Threads": "Vlákna",
"Create poll": "Vytvořit anketu",
"Create poll": "Vytvořit hlasování",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Aktualizace prostoru...",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Aktualizace prostorů... (%(progress)s z %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Odeslání pozvánky...",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Odesílání pozvánek... (%(progress)s z %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Načítání nové místnosti",
"Upgrading room": "Upgrade místnosti",
"Polls (under active development)": "Ankety (v aktivním vývoji)",
"Polls (under active development)": "Hlasování (v aktivním vývoji)",
"Downloading": "Stahování",
"%(count)s reply|one": "%(count)s odpověď",
"%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s odpovědí",
@ -3315,5 +3315,34 @@
"Question or topic": "Otázka nebo téma",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "Jaká je vaše otázka nebo téma hlasování?",
"Create Poll": "Vytvořit hlasování",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Nemáte oprávnění zahajovat hlasování v této místnosti."
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Nemáte oprávnění zahajovat hlasování v této místnosti.",
"Copy link to thread": "Kopírovat odkaz na vlákno",
"Thread options": "Možnosti vláken",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Toto uživatelské jméno už někdo má, zkuste prosím jiné.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Tohle uživatelské jméno už někdo má. Zkuste jiné, nebo pokud jste to vy, přihlaste se níže.",
"Maximised widgets": "Maximalizované widgety",
"Own your conversations.": "Vlastněte svoje konverzace.",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimalizovat dialog",
"Maximise dialog": "Maximalizovat dialog",
"Based on %(total)s votes": "Na základě %(total)s hlasů",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s hlasů",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Zobrazit ikonu v oznamovací oblasti a minimalizivat při zavření okna",
"Reply in thread": "Odpovědět ve vlákně",
"Home is useful for getting an overview of everything.": "Úvod je užitečný pro získání přehledu o všem.",
"Along with the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Spolu s prostory, ve kterých se nacházíte, můžete použít i některé předpřipravené.",
"Spaces to show": "Prostory pro zobrazení",
"Spaces are ways to group rooms and people.": "Prostory jsou způsob seskupování místností a osob.",
"Sidebar": "Postranní panel",
"Other rooms": "Ostatní místnosti",
"Meta Spaces": "Cílové prostory",
"Show all threads": "Zobrazit všechna vlákna",
"Threads help you keep conversations on-topic and easilytrack them over time. Create the first one by using the\"Reply in thread\" button on a message.": "Vlákna vám pomohou udržet konverzace k tématu a snadno je sledovat v průběhu času. První vlákno vytvoříte pomocí tlačítka \"Odpovědět ve vlákně\" na zprávě.",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "Udržujte diskuse organizované pomocí vláken",
"Automatically group all your people together in one place.": "Automaticky seskupit všechny lidi na jednom místě.",
"Automatically group all your favourite rooms and people together in one place.": "Automaticky seskupit všechny oblíbené místnosti a osoby na jednom místě.",
"Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "Zobrazit všechny místnosti v Úvodu, i když jsou v prostoru.",
"Automatically group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "Automaticky seskupit všechny místnosti, které nejsou součástí prostoru, na jedno místo.",
"Rooms outside of a space": "Místnosti mimo prostor",
"Threads help you keep conversations on-topic and easily track them over time. Create the first one by using the \"Reply in thread\" button on a message.": "Vlákna vám pomohou udržet konverzace k tématu a snadno je sledovat v průběhu času. První vlákno vytvoříte pomocí tlačítka \"Odpovědět ve vlákně\" na zprávě.",
"Manage rooms in this space": "Spravovat místnosti v tomto prostoru"

View File

@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@
"Report Content": "Inhalt melden",
"%(creator)s created and configured the room.": "%(creator)s hat den Raum erstellt und konfiguriert.",
"Keep a copy of it somewhere secure, like a password manager or even a safe.": "Bewahre eine Kopie an einem sicheren Ort, wie einem Passwort-Manager oder in einem Safe auf.",
"Copy": "In Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Copy": "Kopieren",
"Sends a message as html, without interpreting it as markdown": "Verschickt eine Nachricht im HTML-Format, ohne sie als Markdown zu darzustellen",
"Show rooms with unread notifications first": "Räume mit ungelesenen Benachrichtigungen zuerst zeigen",
"Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "Kürzlich besuchte Räume anzeigen",
@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@
"Waiting for your other session to verify…": "Warte auf die Verifikation deiner anderen Sitzungen…",
"You've successfully verified your device!": "Du hast dein Gerät erfolgreich verifiziert!",
"QR Code": "QR-Code",
"To continue, use Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Zum Fortfahren nutze die Einmalanmeldung um deine Identität zu bestätigen.",
"To continue, use Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Zum Fortfahren, nutze „Single Sign-On“ um deine Identität zu bestätigen.",
"Confirm to continue": "Bestätige um fortzufahren",
"Click the button below to confirm your identity.": "Klicke den Button unten um deine Identität zu bestätigen.",
"Confirm encryption setup": "Bestätige die Einrichtung der Verschlüsselung",
@ -3210,7 +3210,7 @@
"Developer mode": "Entwicklermodus",
"Polls (under active development)": "Abstimmungen (in aktiver Entwicklung)",
"File Attached": "Datei angehängt",
"Error fetching file": "Fehler beim Dateiladen",
"Error fetching file": "Fehler beim Laden der Datei",
"Topic: %(topic)s": "Themen: %(topic)s",
"This is the start of export of <roomName/>. Exported by <exporterDetails/> at %(exportDate)s.": "Das ist der Anfang des Exports von <roomName/>. Von <exporterDetails/> um %(exportDate)s exportiert.",
"%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s hat diesen Raum erstellt.",
@ -3225,5 +3225,100 @@
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Willst du den Export wirklich abbrechen?",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat einen Sticker gesendet.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat das Raumbild geändert.",
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s um %(time)s"
"%(date)s at %(time)s": "%(date)s um %(time)s",
"Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as it's used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "Bewahre deinen Sicherheitsschlüssel sicher auf, etwa in einem Passwortmanager oder einem Safe, da er verwendet wird, um deine Daten zu sichern.",
"Enter a security phrase only you know, as it's used to safeguard your data. To be secure, you shouldn't re-use your account password.": "Gib eine Sicherheitsphrase ein, die nur du kennst. Sie wird verwendet, um deine Daten zu sichern. Um sicherzugehen, solltest du nicht dein Accountpasswort wiederverwenden.",
"We'll generate a Security Key for you to store somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe.": "Wir generieren einen Sicherheitsschlüssel für dich, den du sicher aufbewahren solltest, etwa in einem Passwortmanager oder einem Safe.",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored in this session. Without them, you won't be able to read all of your secure messages in any session.": "Zugriff auf deinen Account wiederherstellen und in dieser Sitzung gespeicherte Verschlüsselungs-Schlüssel wiederherstellen. Ohne diese wirst du nicht alle deiner verschlüsselten Nachrichten lesen können.",
"Please only proceed if you're sure you've lost all of your other devices and your security key.": "Bitte fahre nur fort, falls du dir sicher bist, dass du alle deine anderen Geräte und deinen Sicherheitsschlüssel verloren hast.",
"Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them.": "Das Zurücksetzen deiner Sicherheitsschlüssel kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Nach dem Zurücksetzen wirst du alte Nachrichten nicht mehr lesen können un Freunde, die dich vorher verifiziert haben werden Sicherheitswarnungen bekommen, bis du dich erneut mit ihnen verifizierst.",
"Without verifying, you won't have access to all your messages and may appear as untrusted to others.": "Ohne dich zu verifizieren wirst du keinen Zugriff auf alle deine Nachrichten haben und könntest für andere als nicht vertrauenswürdig erscheinen.",
"Verify with Security Key": "Mit Sicherheitsschlüssel verifizieren",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Mit Sicherheitsschlüssel oder Sicherheitsphrase verifizieren",
"Proceed with reset": "Mit Zurücksetzen fortfahren",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Es sieht so aus, als hättest du keinen Sicherheitsschlüssel oder andere Geräte, mit denen du dich verifizieren könntest. Dieses Gerät wird keine alten verschlüsselten Nachrichten lesen können. Um deine Identität auf diesem Gerät zu verifizieren musst du deine Verifizierungsschlüssel zurücksetzen.",
"Shows all threads you've participated in": "Zeigt alle Threads, an denen du teilgenommen hast",
"Joining": "Trete bei",
"Copy link to thread": "Link zu Thread kopieren",
"Thread options": "Thread-Optionen",
"We call the places where you can host your account 'homeservers'.": "Wir nennen die Orte, an denen du dein Benutzerkonto speichern kannst, \"Homeserver\".",
"These are likely ones other room admins are a part of.": "Das sind vermutliche solche, in denen andere Raumadministratoren Mitglieder sind.",
"If you can't see who you're looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Wenn du die gesuchte Person nicht findest, sende ihr den Einladungslink zu.",
"Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Aus den Auswahlmöglichkeiten unten auswählen, um Chats aus dem Chatverlauf zu exportieren",
"Add a space to a space you manage.": "Einen Space zu einem Space den du verwaltest hinzufügen.",
"Fetching data...": "Rufe Daten ab...",
"You can't disable this later. Bridges & most bots won't work yet.": "Dies kann später nicht deaktiviert werden. Matrix-Bridges und Bots werden noch nicht funktionieren.",
"Add option": "Antwortmöglichkeit hinzufügen",
"Write an option": "Antwortmöglichkeit verfassen",
"Option %(number)s": "Antwortmöglichkeit %(number)s",
"Create options": "Antwortmöglichkeiten erstellen",
"Write something...": "Schreib etwas...",
"Question or topic": "Frage oder Thema",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "Was ist die Frage oder das Thema deiner Abstimmung?",
"Create Poll": "Neue Abstimmung",
"The above, but in any room you are joined or invited to as well": "Wie oben, nur zusätzlich in allen Räumen denen du beigetreten oder in die du eingeladen wurdest",
"The above, but in <Room /> as well": "Wie oben, nur zusätzlich in <Room />",
"Ban from %(roomName)s": "Aus %(roomName)s verbannen",
"Yours, or the other users' session": "Die Sitzung von dir oder dem anderen Nutzer",
"Yours, or the other users' internet connection": "Die Internetverbindung von dir oder dem anderen Nutzer",
"The homeserver the user you're verifying is connected to": "Der Heimserver mit dem der Benutzer den du verifizierst verbunden ist",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Du hast nicht die Berechtigung, Abstimmungen in diesem Raum zu starten.",
"This room isn't bridging messages to any platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Dieser Raum verbindet Nachrichten nicht mit anderen Plattformen. <a>Mehr erfahren.</a>",
"Manage your signed-in devices below. A device's name is visible to people you communicate with.": "Verwalte deine angemeldeten Geräte. Der Name von einem Gerät ist sichtbar für Personen mit denen du kommunizierst.",
"Where you're signed in": "Wo du angemeldet bist",
"Use high contrast": "Hohen Kontrast verwenden",
"Last seen %(date)s at %(ip)s": "Zuletzt am %(date)s unter %(ip)s gesehen",
"This room is in some spaces you're not an admin of. In those spaces, the old room will still be shown, but people will be prompted to join the new one.": "Dieser Raum ist Teil von Spaces von denen du kein Administrator bist. In diesen Räumen wird der alte Raum weiter angezeigt werden, aber Personen werden aufgefordert werden, dem neuen Raum beizutreten.",
"Rename": "Umbenennen",
"Sign Out": "Abmelden",
"This device": "Dieses Gerät",
"You aren't signed into any other devices.": "Du bist an keinem anderen Gerät angemeldet.",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|one": "%(count)s ausgewähltes Gerät abmelden",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|other": "%(count)s ausgewählte Geräte abmelden",
"Devices without encryption support": "Geräte ohne Verschlüsselungsunterstützung",
"Unverified devices": "Unverifizierte Geräte",
"Verified devices": "Verifizierte Geräte",
"Deselect all": "Alle abwählen",
"Select all": "Alle auswählen",
"Sign out devices|one": "Gerät abmelden",
"Sign out devices|other": "Geräte abmelden",
"Click the button below to confirm signing out these devices.|one": "Klicke unten auf den Knopf, um dieses Gerät abzumelden.",
"Click the button below to confirm signing out these devices.|other": "Klicke unten auf den Knopf, um diese Geräte abzumelden.",
"Confirm signing out these devices": "Abmelden dieser Geräte bestätigen",
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|one": "Abmelden dieses Geräts durch Beweisen deiner Identität mit Single Sign-On bestätigen.",
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Abmelden dieser Geräte durch Beweisen deiner Identität mit Single Sign-On bestätigen.",
"Unable to load device list": "Kann Geräteliste nicht laden",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Dein Heimserver unterstützt kein Geräte-Management.",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Warte auf Verifizierung mit deiner anderen Sitzung…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Warte auf Verifizierung mit deiner anderen Sitzung, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"Automatically send debug logs on any error": "Automatisch Log-Dateien bei einem Fehler senden",
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Modernes kompaktes Layout verwenden",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat geändert, wer diesen Raum betreten darf.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room. <a>View settings</a>.": "%(senderDisplayName)s hat geändert, wer diesen Raum betreten darf. <a>Einstellungen anzeigen</a>.",
"Verify with another login": "Mit anderer Sitzung verifizieren",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Um fortzufahren, akzeptiere bitte die Verifizierungsanfrage in deiner anderen Sitzung.",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Jemand anderes nutzt diesen Benutzernamen schon, bitte probier einen anderen.",
"You're all caught up": "Du bist auf dem neuesten Stand",
"Own your conversations.": "Besitze deine Unterhaltungen.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Jemand anderes nutzt diesen Benutzernamen schon. Probier einen anderen oder wenn du es bist, melde dich unten an.",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": " ist der größte öffentliche Heimserver der Welt, also für viele ein guter Platz.",
"Expand quotes │ ⇧+click": "Zitat aufklappen │ ⇧+Klick",
"Collapse quotes │ ⇧+click": "Zitat einklappen │ ⇧+Klick",
"Could not connect media": "Konnte Medien nicht verbinden",
"In encrypted rooms, verify all users to ensure it's secure.": "Verifiziere alle Benutzer in verschlüsselten Räumen, um die Sicherheit zu garantieren.",
"They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Sie werden weiter auf alles, indem du kein Admin bist zugreifen können.",
"Kick them from specific things I'm able to": "Aus ausgewählten mir möglichen Räumen herauswerfen",
"Kick them from everything I'm able to": "Aus allen mir möglichen Räumen herauswerfen",
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Bei der Eingabe von Sonderzeichen selektierten Text damit umgeben",
"Light high contrast": "Hell kontrastreich",
"Can't see what you're looking for?": "Nicht das Gewünschte gefunden?",
"Maximised widgets": "Maximierte Widgets",
"Show all threads": "Alle Threads anzeigen",
"Minimise dialog": "Dialog minimieren",
"Maximise dialog": "Dialog maximieren",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s Stimmen",
"Reply in thread": "In Thread antworten",
"Sidebar": "Seitenleiste",
"Other rooms": "Andere Räume",
"Meta Spaces": "Meta Spaces"

View File

@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@
"Everyone in this room is verified": "Todos los participantes en esta sala están verificados",
"Edit message": "Editar mensaje",
"Mod": "Mod",
"Your key share request has been sent - please check your other sessions for key share requests.": "Su solicitud de intercambio de claves ha sido enviada. Por favor, compruebe en sus otras sesiones si hay solicitudes de intercambio de claves.",
"Your key share request has been sent - please check your other sessions for key share requests.": "La solicitud de intercambio de claves ha sido enviada. Por favor, comprueba en sus otras sesiones si hay solicitudes de intercambio de claves.",
"Key share requests are sent to your other sessions automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other sessions, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Solicitudes para compartir claves son enviadas a sus otras sesiones de forma automática. Si ha rechazado o descartado la solicitud de compartir claves en sus otras sesiones, haga clic aquí para solicitar de nuevo las claves de esta sesión.",
"If your other sessions do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Si tus otras sesiones no tienen la clave para este mensaje no podrán descifrarlo.",
"Rotate Right": "Girar a la derecha",
@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@
"May include members not in %(communityName)s": "Puede incluir miembros que no están en %(communityName)s",
"You're all caught up.": "Estás al día.",
"Server isn't responding": "El servidor no está respondiendo",
"Your server isn't responding to some of your requests. Below are some of the most likely reasons.": "Su servidor no responde a algunas de sus solicitudes. A continuación se presentan algunas de las razones más probables.",
"Your server isn't responding to some of your requests. Below are some of the most likely reasons.": "Tu servidor no responde a algunas de tus solicitudes. A continuación se presentan algunas de las razones más probables.",
"The server (%(serverName)s) took too long to respond.": "El servidor (%(serverName)s) tardó demasiado en responder.",
"Your firewall or anti-virus is blocking the request.": "Tu firewall o antivirus está bloqueando la solicitud.",
"A browser extension is preventing the request.": "Una extensión del navegador está impidiendo la solicitud.",
@ -2725,7 +2725,7 @@
"You have unverified logins": "Tienes inicios de sesión sin verificar",
"Verification requested": "Solicitud de verificación",
"Avatar": "Imagen de perfil",
"Verify other login": "Verifica otro inicio de sesión",
"Verify other login": "Verificar otro inicio de sesión",
"Consult first": "Consultar primero",
"Invited people will be able to read old messages.": "Las personas que invites podrán leer los mensajes antiguos.",
"We couldn't create your DM.": "No hemos podido crear tu mensaje directo.",
@ -2811,7 +2811,7 @@
"Search names and descriptions": "Buscar por nombre y descripción",
"You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "Os podéis poner en contacto conmigo si tenéis alguna pregunta",
"To leave the beta, visit your settings.": "Para salir de la beta, ve a tus ajustes.",
"Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can.": "Tu nombre de usuario y plataforma serán adjuntados, para que podamos interpretar tus comentarios lo mejor posible.",
"Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can.": "Tu nombre de usuario y plataforma irán adjuntos para que podamos interpretar tus comentarios lo mejor posible.",
"%(featureName)s beta feedback": "Danos tu opinión sobre la funcionalidad beta de %(featureName)s",
"Thank you for your feedback, we really appreciate it.": "Muchas gracias por tus comentarios.",
"Add reaction": "Reaccionar",
@ -3255,7 +3255,7 @@
"View in room": "Ver en la sala",
"Developer mode": "Modo de desarrollo",
"Insert link": "Insertar enlace",
"Shows all threads you've participated in": "Ver todos los temas en los que has participado",
"Shows all threads you've participated in": "Ver todos los hilos en los que has participado",
"Joining": "Uniéndote",
"You're all caught up": "Estás al día",
"You can't disable this later. Bridges & most bots won't work yet.": "No podrás desactivarlo más adelante. Los puentes y la mayoría de bots todavía no funcionarán.",
@ -3284,5 +3284,49 @@
"Unable to load device list": "No se ha podido cargar la lista de dispositivos",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Tu servidor base no es compatible con la gestión de dispositivos.",
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Usar una disposición más compacta y «moderna»",
"Light high contrast": "Claro con contraste alto"
"Light high contrast": "Claro con contraste alto",
"Own your conversations.": "Toma el control de tus conversaciones.",
"We call the places where you can host your account 'homeservers'.": "Llamamos «servidores base» a los sitios donde puedes tener tu cuenta.",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": " es el mayor servidor base público del mundo, por lo que mucha gente lo considera un buen sitio.",
"If you can't see who you're looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Si no encuentras a quien buscas, envíale tu enlace de invitación que encontrarás abajo.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room. <a>View settings</a>.": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambió quién puede unirse a esta sala. <a>Ver ajustes</a>.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s cambió quién puede unirse a esta sala.",
"Manage your signed-in devices below. A device's name is visible to people you communicate with.": "Gestiona los dispositivos en los que has iniciado sesión debajo. Las personas con las que te comuniques pueden ver los nombres de tus dispositivos.",
"Use high contrast": "Usar un modo con contraste alto",
"Click the button below to confirm signing out these devices.|one": "Haz clic en el botón de abajo para confirmar que quieres cerrar la sesión de este dispositivo.",
"Automatically send debug logs on any error": "Mandar automáticamente los registros de depuración cuando ocurra cualquier error",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Ya hay alguien con ese nombre de usuario. Prueba con otro, por favor.",
"Joined": "Se unió",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Ya hay alguien con ese nombre de usuario. Prueba con otro o, si eres tú, inicia sesión más abajo.",
"Copy link to thread": "Copiar enlace al tema",
"Thread options": "Ajustes del tema",
"Add option": "Añadir opción",
"Write an option": "Escribe una opción",
"Option %(number)s": "Opción %(number)s",
"Create options": "Crear opciones",
"Write something...": "Escribe algo…",
"Question or topic": "Pregunta o tema",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "¿Cuál es la pregunta o tema de la encuesta?",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "No tienes permisos para empezar encuestas en esta sala.",
"Create Poll": "Crear encuesta",
"This room is in some spaces you're not an admin of. In those spaces, the old room will still be shown, but people will be prompted to join the new one.": "Esta sala está en algún espacio en el que no eres administrador. En esos espacios, la sala antigua todavía aparecerá, pero se avisará a los participantes para que se unan a la nueva.",
"Maximised widgets": "Widgets expandidos",
"Meta Spaces": "Metaespacios",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Mostrar un icono en la barra de tareas y minimizar la ventana a él cuando se cierre",
"Spaces are ways to group rooms and people.": "Los espacios son una manera de agrupar salas y personas.",
"Spaces to show": "Espacios que mostrar",
"Home is useful for getting an overview of everything.": "La pantalla de Inicio es útil para tener una vista general de todas tus conversaciones.",
"Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "Incluir todas tus salas en inicio, aunque estén dentro de un espacio.",
"Automatically group all your favourite rooms and people together in one place.": "Agrupar automáticamente todas tus salas favoritas y personas en un mismo lugar.",
"Reply in thread": "Responder en hilo",
"Threads help you keep conversations on-topic and easily track them over time. Create the first one by using the \"Reply in thread\" button on a message.": "Los hilos ayudan a mantener centradas las conversaciones y a seguirlas con el paso del tiempo. Crea el primero usando el botón «Responder en un hilo» sobre un mensaje.",
"Show all threads": "Ver todos los hilos",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "Organiza los temas de conversación en hilos",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimizar ventana",
"Maximise dialog": "Expandir ventana",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s votos",
"Manage rooms in this space": "Gestionar las salas del espacio",
"Rooms outside of a space": "Salas fuera de un espacio",
"Sidebar": "Barra lateral",
"Other rooms": "Otras salas"

View File

@ -3312,5 +3312,33 @@
"Question or topic": "Küsimus või teema",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "Mis on küsitluse teema?",
"Create Poll": "Koosta üks küsitlus",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Sul ei ole õigusi küsitluste korraldamiseks siin jututoas."
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Sul ei ole õigusi küsitluste korraldamiseks siin jututoas.",
"Copy link to thread": "Kopeeri jutulõnga link",
"Thread options": "Jutulõnga valikud",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Keegi juba pruugib sellist kasutajanime. Katseta mõne muuga või kui oled sina ise, siis logi sisse.",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Keegi juba pruugib sellist kasutajanime. Palun katseta mõne muuga.",
"Maximised widgets": "Täisvaates vidinad",
"Own your conversations.": "Vestlused, mida sa tegelikult ka omad.",
"Minimise dialog": "Tee aken väikeseks",
"Maximise dialog": "Tee aken suureks",
"Based on %(total)s votes": "Kokku %(total)s häälest",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s häält",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Näita süsteemisalve ikooni ja Element'i akna sulgemisel minimeeri ta salve",
"Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "Näita kõiki oma jututubasid avalehel ka siis kui nad on osa mõnest kogukonnast.",
"Home is useful for getting an overview of everything.": "Avalehelt saad kõigest hea ülevaate.",
"Along with the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Lisaks nendele kogukonnakeskustele mille liige sa oled, võid sa kasutada mõningaid ettevalmistatud kogukonnakeskuseid.",
"Spaces to show": "Näidatavad kogukonnakeskused",
"Spaces are ways to group rooms and people.": "Kogukonnakeskused lahendus jututubade ja inimeste ühendamiseks.",
"Sidebar": "Külgpaan",
"Other rooms": "Muud jututoad",
"Meta Spaces": "Metakogukonnad",
"Show all threads": "Näita kõiki jutulõngasid",
"Threads help you keep conversations on-topic and easily track them over time. Create the first one by using the \"Reply in thread\" button on a message.": "Jutulõngana püsivad vestlused teemas ja neid on ka hiljem mugav lugeda. Esimese jutulõnga loomiseks klõpsi sõnumi juurest „Vasta jutulõngas“ nuppu.",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "Halda vestlusi jutulõngadena",
"Reply in thread": "Vasta jutulõngas",
"Manage rooms in this space": "Halda selle kogukonnakeskuse jututube",
"Automatically group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "Automaatselt koonda ühte kohta kõik oma jututoad, mis ei kuulu mõnda kogukonda.",
"Rooms outside of a space": "Jututoad väljaspool seda kogukonda",
"Automatically group all your people together in one place.": "Automaatselt koonda kõik oma lemmikinimesed ühte kohta.",
"Automatically group all your favourite rooms and people together in one place.": "Automaatselt koonda kõik oma lemmikjututoad ja -inimesed ühte kohta."

View File

@ -3306,5 +3306,20 @@
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Utiliser une mise en page « moderne » plus compacte",
"Light high contrast": "Contraste élevé clair",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s a modifié la liste des utilisateurs pouvant rejoindre ce salon. <a>Voir les paramètres</a>.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room. <a>View settings</a>.": "%(senderDisplayName)s a modifié la liste des utilisateurs pouvant rejoindre ce salon. <a>Voir les paramètres</a>."
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room. <a>View settings</a>.": "%(senderDisplayName)s a modifié la liste des utilisateurs pouvant rejoindre ce salon. <a>Voir les paramètres</a>.",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Quelquun possède déjà ce nom dutilisateur, veuillez en essayer un autre.",
"Own your conversations.": "Contrôlez vos conversations.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Quelquun dautre a déjà ce nom dutilisateur. Essayez-en un autre ou bien, si cest vous, connecter vous ci-dessous.",
"Copy link to thread": "Copier le lien dans le fil",
"Thread options": "Options des fils de discussion",
"Add option": "Ajouter un choix",
"Option %(number)s": "Choix %(number)s",
"Create options": "Créer des choix",
"Write an option": "Écrivez un choix",
"Write something...": "Écrivez quelque chose…",
"Question or topic": "Question ou sujet",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "Quelle est la question ou le sujet de votre sondage ?",
"Create Poll": "Créer un sondage",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Vous navez pas la permission de démarrer un sondage dans ce salon.",
"Maximised widgets": "Widgets maximisés"

View File

@ -3132,8 +3132,8 @@
"Role in <RoomName/>": "Szerep itt: <RoomName/>",
"Explore %(spaceName)s": "%(spaceName)s feltérképezése",
"Send a sticker": "Matrica küldése",
"Reply to thread…": "Válasz az üzenetszálra…",
"Reply to encrypted thread…": "Válasz a titkosított üzenetszálra…",
"Reply to thread…": "Válasz az üzenetszálban…",
"Reply to encrypted thread…": "Válasz a titkosított üzenetszálban…",
"Add emoji": "Emodzsi hozzáadás",
"Unknown failure": "Ismeretlen hiba",
"Failed to update the join rules": "A csatlakozási szabályokat nem sikerült frissíteni",
@ -3265,5 +3265,64 @@
"Click the button below to confirm signing out these devices.|other": "Ezeknek a eszközöknek törlésének a megerősítéséhez kattintson a gombra lent.",
"Unable to load device list": "Az eszköz listát nem lehet betölteni",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "A matrix szervered nem támogatja a eszközök kezelését.",
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Egyszerűbb „Modern” kinézet használata"
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Egyszerűbb „Modern” kinézet használata",
"Can't see what you're looking for?": "Nem találja amit keres?",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Nincs joga szavazást kezdeményezni ebben a szobában.",
"This room isn't bridging messages to any platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Ez a szoba egy platformmal sem köt össze üzeneteket. <a>Tudjon meg többet.</a>",
"Manage your signed-in devices below. A device's name is visible to people you communicate with.": "Bejelentkezett eszközök kezelése alább. Az eszköz neve a kommunikációban részt vevő személyek számára látható.",
"Where you're signed in": "Ahol be van jelentkezve",
"This room is in some spaces you're not an admin of. In those spaces, the old room will still be shown, but people will be prompted to join the new one.": "Ez a szoba olyan terekben is benne van amiben ön nem adminisztrátor. Ezekben a terekben a régi szoba jelenik meg és az emberek kapnak egy jelzést, hogy lépjenek be az újba.",
"Rename": "Átnevez",
"Sign Out": "Kijelentkezés",
"Last seen %(date)s at %(ip)s": "Utoljára ekkor láttuk: %(date)s innen: %(ip)s",
"This device": "Ez az eszköz",
"You aren't signed into any other devices.": "Egyetlen másik eszközön sincs bejelentkezve.",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|one": "Kijelentkezés %(count)s db eszközből",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|other": "Kijelentkezés %(count)s db eszközből",
"Devices without encryption support": "Eszközök titkosítás támogatása nélkül",
"Unverified devices": "Ellenőrizetlen eszközök",
"Verified devices": "Ellenőrzött eszközök",
"Select all": "Mindet kijelöli",
"Deselect all": "Semmit nem jelöl ki",
"Sign out devices|one": "Eszközből való kijelentkezés",
"Sign out devices|other": "Eszközökből való kijelentkezés",
"Click the button below to confirm signing out these devices.|one": "Az eszközből való kilépés megerősítéséhez kattintson a lenti gombra.",
"Confirm signing out these devices": "Megerősítés ezekből az eszközökből való kijelentkezéshez",
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|one": "Az eszközből való kijelentkezéshez erősítse meg a személyazonosságát az egyszeri bejelentkezés használatával.",
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Az eszközökből való kijelentkezéshez erősítse meg a személyazonosságát az egyszeri bejelentkezés használatával.",
"Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as it's used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "A Biztonsági Kulcsot tárolja biztonságos helyen, mint pl. a jelszókezelő vagy széf, mivel ez tartja biztonságban a titkosított adatait.",
"Enter a security phrase only you know, as it's used to safeguard your data. To be secure, you shouldn't re-use your account password.": "Olyan biztonsági jelmondatot adjon meg amit csak ön ismer, mert ez fogja az adatait őrizni. Hogy biztonságos legyen ne használja a fiók jelszavát.",
"We'll generate a Security Key for you to store somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe.": "A Biztonsági Kulcsodat elkészítjük amit tároljon valamilyen biztonságos helyen mint pl. a jelszókezelő vagy széf.",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored in this session. Without them, you won't be able to read all of your secure messages in any session.": "Szerezze vissza a hozzáférést a fiókjához és állítsa vissza az elmentett titkosítási kulcsokat ebben a munkamenetben. Ezek nélkül egyetlen munkamenetben sem tudja elolvasni a titkosított üzeneteit.",
"Without verifying, you won't have access to all your messages and may appear as untrusted to others.": "Az ellenőrzés nélkül nem fér hozzá az összes üzenetéhez és mások számára megbízhatatlannak fog látszani.",
"Copy link to thread": "Hivatkozás másolása az üzenetszálba",
"Thread options": "Üzenetszál beállítások",
"Shows all threads you've participated in": "Minden üzenetszál megjelenítése ahol szerepel",
"You're all caught up": "Minden elolvasva",
"We call the places where you can host your account 'homeservers'.": "Matrix szervereknek nevezzük azokat a helyeket, ahol fiókot lehet létrehozni.",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": "A a legnagyobb nyilvános Matrix szerver a világon, és sok felhasználónak megfelelő választás.",
"If you can't see who you're looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Ha nem található a keresett személy, küldje el az alábbi hivatkozást neki.",
"You can't disable this later. Bridges & most bots won't work yet.": "Ezt később nem lehet kikapcsolni. A hidak és a legtöbb bot nem fog működni egyenlőre.",
"Add option": "Lehetőség hozzáadása",
"Write an option": "Adjon meg egy lehetőséget",
"Option %(number)s": "%(number)s. lehetőség",
"Create options": "Adjon hozzá választható lehetőségeket",
"Write something...": "Írjon valamit…",
"Question or topic": "Kérdés vagy téma",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "Mi a szavazás kérdése vagy tárgya?",
"Create Poll": "Szavazás létrehozása",
"In encrypted rooms, verify all users to ensure it's secure.": "Titkosított szobákban ellenőrizd a szoba összes tagját, hogy meggyőződhess a biztonságról.",
"Yours, or the other users' session": "Az ön vagy a másik felhasználó munkamenete",
"Yours, or the other users' internet connection": "Az ön vagy a másik felhasználó Internet kapcsolata",
"The homeserver the user you're verifying is connected to": "Az ellenőrizendő felhasználó ehhez a matrix kiszolgálóhoz kapcsolódik:",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Ezt a felhasználói nevet másvalaki használja, próbáljon ki másikat.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Valaki már használja ezt a felhasználói nevet. Próbáljon ki másikat, illetve ha ön az jelentkezzen be alább.",
"Maximised widgets": "Maximalizált kisalkalmazás",
"Own your conversations.": "Az ön beszélgetései csak az öné.",
"Minimise dialog": "Dialógus ablak kicsinyítés",
"Maximise dialog": "Dialógus ablak nagyítás",
"Based on %(total)s votes": "%(total)s szavazatot alapul véve",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s szavazat",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Tálcaikon mutatása és az ablak összecsukása bezáráskor",
"Reply in thread": "Válasz az üzenetszálban"

View File

@ -898,5 +898,816 @@
"General": "Umum",
"Verified!": "Terverifikasi!",
"No": "Tidak",
"Yes": "Ya"
"Yes": "Ya",
"Emoji Autocomplete": "Penyelesaian Otomatis Emoji",
"Deactivate user?": "Nonaktifkan pengguna?",
"Code block": "Blok kode",
"Phone (optional)": "Nomor telepon (opsional)",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Hapus %(phone)s?",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Hapus %(email)s?",
"Deactivate account": "Nonaktifkan akun",
"Disconnect anyway": "Lepaskan hubungan saja",
"Checking server": "Memeriksa server",
"Show advanced": "Tampilkan lanjutan",
"Hide advanced": "Sembunyikan lanjutan",
"Registration Successful": "Pendaftaran Berhasil",
"Enter username": "Masukkan nama pengguna",
"Enter password": "Masukkan kata sandi",
"Upload Error": "Kesalahan saat Mengunggah",
"Cancel All": "Batalkan Semua",
"Upload all": "Unggah semua",
"Upload files": "Unggah file",
"GitHub issue": "Masalah GitHub",
"Power level": "Tingkat daya",
"Rotate Right": "Putar ke Kanan",
"Rotate Left": "Putar ke Kiri",
"Revoke invite": "Hapus undangan",
"Reason: %(reason)s": "Alasan: %(reason)s",
"Sign Up": "Daftar",
"Loading …": "Memuat …",
"Add room": "Tambahkan ruangan",
"Edit message": "Edit pesan",
"Notification sound": "Suara notifikasi",
"Uploaded sound": "Suara terunggah",
"this room": "ruangan ini",
"Starting backup...": "Memulai pencadangan...",
"Create account": "Buat akun",
"Keep going...": "Lanjutkan...",
"Set status": "Atur status",
"Update status": "Perbarui status",
"Email (optional)": "Email (opsional)",
"Enable encryption?": "Aktifkan enkripsi?",
"Notify everyone": "Beritahu semua",
"Ban users": "Cekal pengguna",
"Kick users": "Keluarkan pengguna",
"Change settings": "Ubah pengaturan",
"Invite users": "Undang pengguna",
"Send messages": "Kirim pesan",
"Default role": "Peran bawaan",
"Modify widgets": "Ubah widget",
"Change topic": "Ubah topik",
"Change permissions": "Ubah izin",
"Light bulb": "Bohlam lampu",
"Thumbs up": "Jempol",
"Room avatar": "Avatar ruangan",
"Room Topic": "Topik Ruangan",
"Room Name": "Nama Ruangan",
"Main address": "Alamat utama",
"Phone Number": "Nomor Telepon",
"Room Addresses": "Alamat Ruangan",
"Developer options": "Opsi pengembang",
"Room version:": "Versi ruangan:",
"Room version": "Versi ruangan",
"Room information": "Informasi ruangan",
"Bulk options": "Opsi massal",
"Room list": "Daftar ruangan",
"Ignored users": "Pengguna yang diabaikan",
"Bug reporting": "Pelaporan bug",
"Account management": "Manajemen akun",
"Phone numbers": "Nomor telepon",
"Email addresses": "Alamat email",
"Profile picture": "Gambar profil",
"Display Name": "Nama Tampilan",
"Go back": "Kembali ke sebelumnya",
"That matches!": "Mereka cocok!",
"General failure": "Kesalahan umum",
"Clear status": "Hapus status",
"Share Community": "Bagikan Komunitas",
"Share User": "Bagikan Pengguna",
"Share Room": "Bagikan Ruangan",
"Incompatible Database": "Databasis Tidak Kompatibel",
"Invite anyway": "Undang saja",
"Demote yourself?": "Turunkan diri Anda?",
"Share room": "Bagikan ruangan",
"System Alerts": "Pemberitahuan Sistem",
"Email Address": "Alamat Email",
"Verification code": "Kode verifikasi",
"Open Devtools": "Buka Alat Pengembang",
"Audio Output": "Output Audio",
"Set up": "Siapkan",
"Delete Backup": "Hapus Cadangan",
"Got It": "Mengerti",
"Avoid sequences": "Hindari urutan",
"Unrecognised address": "Alamat tidak dikenal",
"Room Notification": "Notifikasi Ruangan",
"Clear filter": "Hapus filter",
"View Community": "Tampilkan Komunitas",
"Send Logs": "Kirim Log",
"Developer Tools": "Alat Pengembang",
"Filter results": "Filter hasil",
"Event Content": "Konten Peristiwa",
"State Key": "Kunci Status",
"Event Type": "Tipe Peristiwa",
"Event sent!": "Peristiwa terkirim!",
"Logs sent": "Log terkirim",
"was kicked %(count)s times|one": "dikeluarkan",
"were kicked %(count)s times|one": "dikeluarkan",
"was unbanned %(count)s times|one": "dihilangkan cekalannya",
"were unbanned %(count)s times|one": "dihilangkan cekalannya",
"was banned %(count)s times|one": "dicekal",
"Popout widget": "Widget popout",
"Show Stickers": "Tampilkan Stiker",
"Hide Stickers": "Sembunyikan Stiker",
"Muted Users": "Pengguna yang Dibisukan",
"Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others|zero": "Mengunggah %(filename)s",
"Your Communities": "Komunitas Anda",
"Featured Users:": "Pengguna Unggulan:",
"Featured Rooms:": "Ruangan Unggulan:",
"Community Settings": "Pengaturan Komunitas",
"Leave %(groupName)s?": "Keluar dari %(groupName)s?",
"Leave Community": "Keluar dari Komunitas",
"Delete Widget": "Hapus Widget",
"Community ID": "ID Komunitas",
"Community Name": "Nama Komunitas",
"Create Community": "Buat Komunitas",
"email address": "alamat email",
"Matrix ID": "ID Matrix",
"were banned %(count)s times|one": "dicekal",
"was invited %(count)s times|one": "diundang",
"were invited %(count)s times|one": "diundang",
"%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s",
"(~%(count)s results)|one": "(~%(count)s hasil)",
"(~%(count)s results)|other": "(~%(count)s hasil)",
"Message Pinning": "Pin Pesan",
"Signed Out": "Keluar",
"Start authentication": "Mulai otentikasi",
"Token incorrect": "Token salah",
"Delete widget": "Hapus widget",
"Reject invitation": "Tolak undangan",
"Confirm Removal": "Konfirmasi Penghapusan",
"Unknown Address": "Alamat Tidak Dikenal",
"Invalid file%(extra)s": "File tidak valid%(extra)s",
"not specified": "tidak ditentukan",
"Start chat": "Mulai obrolan",
"Join Room": "Bergabung ke Ruangan",
"Upload file": "Unggah file",
"Privileged Users": "Pengguna Istimewa",
"URL Previews": "Tampilan URL",
"Upload new:": "Unggah yang baru:",
"Upload avatar": "Unggah avatar",
"Report": "Laporkan",
"[number]": "[nomor]",
"Confirm passphrase": "Konfirmasi frasa sandi",
"Enter passphrase": "Masukkan frasa sandi",
"Unknown error": "Kesalahan tidak diketahui",
"Incorrect password": "Kata sandi salah",
"New Password": "Kata Sandi Baru",
"Show:": "Tampilkan:",
"Results": "Hasil",
"Joined": "Tergabung",
"Joining": "Bergabung",
"Disagree": "Tidak Setuju",
"Sent": "Terkirim",
"Format": "Format",
"Stop": "Berhenti",
"MB": "MB",
"Adding...": "Menambahkan...",
"Custom level": "Tingkat kustom",
"Image": "Gambar",
"Sticker": "Stiker",
"Decrypting": "Mendekripsi",
"Downloading": "Mengunduh",
"Message": "Pesan",
"Threads": "Utasan",
"Forget room": "Lupakan ruangan",
"Thread": "Utasan",
"Access": "Akses",
"Homeserver is": "Homeserver adalah",
"Global": "Global",
"Keyword": "Keyword",
"Modern": "Modern",
"IRC": "IRC",
"Rename": "Ubah Nama",
"Collapse": "Tutup",
"Expand": "Buka",
"Visibility": "Visibilitas",
"Address": "Alamat",
"Hangup": "Akhiri",
"Dialpad": "Tombol Penyetel",
"More": "Lagi",
"Play": "Mainkan",
"Pause": "Jeda",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"Beta": "Beta",
"Forward": "Teruskan",
"Hold": "Jeda",
"Transfer": "Pindah",
"Abort": "Batalkan",
"Sending": "Mengirim",
"Value:": "Nilai:",
"Level": "Tingkat",
"Caution:": "Peringatan:",
"Setting:": "Pengaturan:",
"Value": "Nilai",
"Saving...": "Menyimpan...",
"Spaces": "Space",
"Creating...": "Membuat...",
"Private": "Privat",
"Public": "Publik",
"Delete": "Hapus",
"Connecting": "Menghubungkan",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning users matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s menghapus peraturan pencekalan pengguna yang berisi %(glob)s",
"Message deleted by %(name)s": "Pesan dihapus oleh %(name)s",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed guest access to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengubah akses tamu ke %(rule)s",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s mengeluarkan %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s menghapus undangannya %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to unknown (%(visibility)s).": "%(senderName)s membuat semua sejarah ruangan di masa mendatang dapat dilihat oleh orang yang tidak dikenal (%(visibility)s).",
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|one": "%(senderName)s menghapus alamat alternatif %(addresses)s untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s removed the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|other": "%(senderName)s menghapus alamat alternatif %(addresses)s untuk ruangan ini.",
"Hey you. You're the best!": "Hey. Kamu yang terbaik!",
"See when a sticker is posted in this room": "Lihat saat sebuah stiker",
"Send stickers to this room as you": "Kirim stiker ke ruangan ini sebagai Anda",
"See when people join, leave, or are invited to your active room": "Lihat saat orang-orang bergabung, keluar, atau diundang ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"Kick, ban, or invite people to your active room, and make you leave": "Keluarkan, cekal, atau undang orang-orang ke ruangan aktif Anda, dan buat Anda keluar",
"See when people join, leave, or are invited to this room": "Lihat saat orang-orang bergabung, keluar, atau diundang ke ruangan ini",
"Kick, ban, or invite people to this room, and make you leave": "Keluarkan, cekal, atau undang orang-orang ke ruangan ini, dan buat Anda keluar",
"See when the avatar changes in your active room": "Lihat saat avatarnya diubah di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Change the avatar of your active room": "Ubah avatar ruangan aktif Anda",
"See when the avatar changes in this room": "Lihat saat avatarnya diubah di ruangan ini",
"Change the avatar of this room": "Ubah avatar ruangan ini",
"See when the name changes in your active room": "Lihat saat namanya diubah di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Change the name of your active room": "Ubah nama ruangan aktif Anda",
"See when the name changes in this room": "Lihat saat namanya diubah di ruangan ini",
"Change the name of this room": "Ubah nama ruangan ini",
"See when the topic changes in your active room": "Lihat saat topiknya diubah di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Change the topic of your active room": "Ubah topik ruangan aktif Anda",
"See when the topic changes in this room": "Lihat saat topiknya diubah di ruangan ini",
"Change the topic of this room": "Ubah topik ruangan ini",
"Change which room, message, or user you're viewing": "Ubah ruangan, pesan, atau pengguna apa saja yang Anda lihat",
"Change which room you're viewing": "Ubah ruangan apa yang Anda lihat",
"Send stickers into your active room": "Kirim stiker ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send stickers into this room": "Kirim stiker ke ruangan ini",
"Remain on your screen while running": "Tetap di layar Anda saat berjalan",
"Remain on your screen when viewing another room, when running": "Tetap di layar Anda saat melihat ruangan yang lain, saat berjalan",
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing …": "%(names)s dan %(lastPerson)s sedang mengetik …",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …|one": "%(names)s dan satu lainnya sedang mengetik …",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing …|other": "%(names)s dan %(count)s lainnya sedang mengetik …",
"%(displayName)s is typing …": "%(displayName)s sedang mengetik …",
"Light high contrast": "Kontras tinggi terang",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s memperbarui sebuah peraturan pencekalan yang sebelumnya berisi %(oldGlob)s ke %(newGlob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s mengubah sebuah peraturan pencekalan server yang sebelumnya berisi %(oldGlob)s ke %(newGlob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning rooms matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s mengubah sebuah peraturan pencekalan ruangan yang sebelumnya berisi %(oldGlob)s ke %(newGlob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning users matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s mengubah sebuah peraturan pencekalan pengguna yang sebelumnya berisi %(oldGlob)s ke %(newGlob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s membuat sebuah peraturan pencekalan yang berisi %(glob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s membuat sebuah peraturan pencekalan server yang berisi %(glob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s membuat sebuah peraturan pencekalan ruangan yang berisi %(glob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s created a rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s membuat sebuah peraturan pencekalan pengguna yang berisi %(glob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning users matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s memperbarui peraturan pencekalan pengguna yang berisi %(glob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated a ban rule matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s memperbarui sebuah peraturan pencekalan yang berisi %(glob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s memperbarui peraturan pencekalan server yang berisi %(glob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s memperbarui peraturan pencekalan ruangan yang berisi %(glob)s untuk %(reason)s",
"%(senderName)s updated an invalid ban rule": "%(senderName)s memperbarui sebuah peraturan pencekalan yang tidak valid",
"%(senderName)s removed a ban rule matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s menghapus sebuah peraturan pencekalan yang berisi %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning servers matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s menghapus peraturan pencekalan server yang berisi %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s removed the rule banning rooms matching %(glob)s": "%(senderName)s menghapus peraturan pencekalan ruangan yang berisi %(glob)s",
"%(senderName)s has updated the widget layout": "%(senderName)s memperbarui layout widget",
"%(widgetName)s widget removed by %(senderName)s": "Widget %(widgetName)s dihapus oleh %(senderName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget added by %(senderName)s": "Widget %(widgetName)s ditambahkan oleh %(senderName)s",
"%(widgetName)s widget modified by %(senderName)s": "Widget %(widgetName)s diubah oleh %(senderName)s",
"%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s mengubah pesan-pesan yang disematkan di ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s changed the <a>pinned messages</a> for the room.": "%(senderName)s mengubah <a>pesan-pesan yang disematkan</a> di ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s unpinned a message from this room. See all pinned messages.": "%(senderName)s melepaskan pin pesan di ruangan ini. Lihat semua pesan yang dipasangi pin.",
"%(senderName)s unpinned <a>a message</a> from this room. See all <b>pinned messages</b>.": "%(senderName)s melepaskan pin <a>pesan</a> di ruangan ini. Lihat semua <b>pesan yang dipasangi pin</b>.",
"%(senderName)s pinned a message to this room. See all pinned messages.": "%(senderName)s menyematkan sebuah pesan di ruangan ini. Lihat semua pesan yang dipasangi pin.",
"%(senderName)s pinned <a>a message</a> to this room. See all <b>pinned messages</b>.": "%(senderName)s menyematkan <a>sebuah pesan</a> di ruangan ini. Lihat semua <b>pesan yang dipasangi pin</b>.",
"%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s dari %(fromPowerLevel)s ke %(toPowerLevel)s",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to anyone.": "%(senderName)s membuat semua sejarah ruangan di masa mendatang dapat dilihat oleh siapa saja.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited.": "%(senderName)s membuat semua sejarah ruangan di masa mendatang dapat dilihat oleh semua anggota ruangan, sejak mereka diundang.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined.": "%(senderName)s membuat semua sejarah ruangan di masa mendatang dapat dilihat oleh semua anggota ruangan, sejak mereka bergabung.",
"%(senderName)s made future room history visible to all room members.": "%(senderName)s membuat semua sejarah ruangan di masa mendatang dapat dilihat oleh semua anggota ruangan.",
"%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s mengirim sebuah undangan ke %(targetDisplayName)s untuk bergabung ke ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s menghapus undangan untuk %(targetDisplayName)s untuk bergabung ke ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s changed the addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s mengubah alamat-alamatnya untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s changed the main and alternative addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s mengubah alamat utama dan alamat alternatif untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s changed the alternative addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s mengubah alamat alternatifnya untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s added the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|other": "%(senderName)s menambahkan alamat alternatif %(addresses)s untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s added the alternative addresses %(addresses)s for this room.|one": "%(senderName)s menambahkan alamat alternatif %(addresses)s untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s removed the main address for this room.": "%(senderName)s menghapus alamat utamanya untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s set the main address for this room to %(address)s.": "%(senderName)s mengatur alamat utama untuk ruangan ini ke %(address)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengirim sebuah stiker.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengirim sebuah gambar.",
"Message deleted": "Pesan dihapus",
"🎉 All servers are banned from participating! This room can no longer be used.": "🎉 Semua server telah dicekal untuk berpartisipasi! Ruangan ini tidak dapat digunakan lagi.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the server ACLs for this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengubah ACL server untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s set the server ACLs for this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengatur ACL server untuk ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengaktifkan bakat untuk %(newGroups)s dan menonaktifkan bakat untuk %(oldGroups)s di ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s disabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s menonaktifkan bakat untuk %(groups)s di ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(groups)s in this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengaktifkan bakat untuk %(groups)s di ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has prevented guests from joining the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah mencegah tamu untuk bergabung ke ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s has allowed guests to join the room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah mengizinkan tamu untuk bergabung ke ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the join rule to %(rule)s": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengubah aturan bergabung ke %(rule)s",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengubah siapa saja yang dapat bergabung ke ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room. <a>View settings</a>.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengubah siapa saja yang dapat bergabung ke ruangan ini. <a>Lihat pengaturan</a>.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room invite only.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah membuat ruangan ini undangan saja.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s made the room public to whoever knows the link.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah membuat ruangan ini publik kepada siapa saja yang tahu tautannya.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s upgraded this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s meningkatkan ruangan ini.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name from %(oldRoomName)s to %(newRoomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengubah nama ruangan ini dari %(oldRoomName)s ke %(newRoomName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room avatar.": "%(senderDisplayName)s mengubah avatar ruangan ini.",
"%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s mengeluarkan %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s menghapus undangannya %(targetName)s",
"Error upgrading room": "Gagal meningkatkan ruangan",
"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess": "Pola keyboard yang pendek mudah ditebak",
"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess": "Deretan tombol keyboard yang lurus mudah ditebak",
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess": "Nama depan dan nama belakang umum mudah ditebak",
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess": "Nama depan dan nama belakang sendiri mudah ditebak",
"A word by itself is easy to guess": "Sebuah kata dengan sendirinya mudah ditebak",
"This is similar to a commonly used password": "Ini mirip dengan kata sandi yang biasa digunakan",
"This is a very common password": "Ini adalah kata sandi yang sangat umum",
"This is a top-100 common password": "Ini adalah 100 kata sandi umum teratas",
"This is a top-10 common password": "Ini adalah 10 kata sandi umum teratas",
"Dates are often easy to guess": "Tanggal biasanya mudah untuk ditebak",
"Recent years are easy to guess": "Tahun terkini masih mudah untuk ditebak",
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess": "Urutan seperti abc atau 6543 masih mudah untuk ditebak",
"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"": "Kata yang berulang seperti \"abcabcabc\" masih sedikit susah untuk ditebak daripada \"abc\"",
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Pergantian yang dapat diprediksi seperti '@' daripada 'a' tidak terlalu membantu",
"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess": "Kata yang berulang seperti \"aaa\" mudah untuk ditebak",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Tambahkan satu atau dua kata lagi. Kata yang tidak biasa lebih baik.",
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "Kata yang dibalik tidak terlalu susah untuk ditebak",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "Semua huruf besar hampir semudah dengan menebak semua huruf kecil",
"Capitalization doesn't help very much": "Kapitalisasi tidak terlalu membantu",
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "Hindari tanggal atau tahun yang terkait dengan Anda",
"Avoid years that are associated with you": "Hindari tahun yang terkait dengan Anda",
"Avoid recent years": "Hindari tahun terkini",
"Avoid repeated words and characters": "HIndari kata dan karakter yang diulang",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Gunakan pola keyboard yang lebih panjang dengan lebih banyak putaran",
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "Tidak perlu untuk simbol, digit, atau huruf besar",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Gunakan beberapa kata, hindari frasa yang umum",
"Unknown server error": "Kesalahan server yang tidak diketahui",
"The user's homeserver does not support the version of the room.": "Homeserver penggunanya tidak mendukung versi ruangannya.",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Pengguna harus dihilangkan cekalannya sebelum diundang kembali.",
"User %(user_id)s may or may not exist": "Pengguna %(user_id)s mungkin tidak ada",
"User %(user_id)s does not exist": "Pengguna %(user_id)s tidak ada",
"User %(userId)s is already in the room": "Pengguna %(userId)s sudah ada di ruangannya",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "Pengguna %(userId)s sudah diundang ke ruangannya",
"You do not have permission to invite people to this room.": "Anda tidak ada izin untuk mengundang orang ke ruangan ini.",
"Error leaving room": "Terjadi kesalahan saat meninggalkan ruangan",
"This room is used for important messages from the Homeserver, so you cannot leave it.": "Ruangan ini digunakan untuk pesan yang penting dari Homeservernya, jadi Anda tidak dapat meninggalkannya.",
"Can't leave Server Notices room": "Tidak dapat meninggalkan ruangan Pemberitahuan Server",
"Unexpected server error trying to leave the room": "Kesalahan server yang tidak terduga saat mencoba untuk meninggalkan ruangannya",
"Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Pemeriksaan otentikasi gagal: kata sandi salah?",
"Not a valid %(brand)s keyfile": "Bukan keyfile %(brand)s yang valid",
"Your browser does not support the required cryptography extensions": "Browser Anda tidak mendukung ekstensi kriptografi yang dibutuhkan",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)",
"%(num)s days from now": "%(num)s hari dari sekarang",
"about a day from now": "1 hari dari sekarang",
"%(num)s hours from now": "%(num)s jam dari sekarang",
"about an hour from now": "1 jam dari sekarang",
"%(num)s minutes from now": "%(num)s dari sekarang",
"about a minute from now": "1 menit dari sekarang",
"a few seconds from now": "beberapa detik dari sekarang",
"%(num)s days ago": "%(num)s hari yang lalu",
"about a day ago": "1 hari yang lalu",
"%(num)s hours ago": "%(num)s jam yang lalu",
"about an hour ago": "1 jam yang lalu",
"%(num)s minutes ago": "%(num)s menit yang lalu",
"about a minute ago": "1 menit yang lalu",
"a few seconds ago": "beberapa detik yang lalu",
"%(items)s and %(count)s others|one": "%(items)s dan satu lainnya",
"%(items)s and %(count)s others|other": "%(items)s dan %(count)s lainnya",
"Unable to connect to Homeserver. Retrying...": "Tidak dapat menghubungkan ke Homeserver. Mencoba ulang...",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Mohon <a>menghubungi administrator layanan Anda</a> untuk melanjutkan menggunakan layanan ini.",
"This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Homeserver ini telah melebihi batas sumber dayanya.",
"This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Homeserver ini telah diblokir oleh administratornya.",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit.": "Homeserver ini telah mencapai batasnya Pengguna Aktif Bulanan.",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Kesalahan tidak terduga saat menyelesaikan konfigurasi server identitas",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Kesalahan tidak terduga saat menyelesaikan konfigurasi homeserver",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Tidak ada URL homeserver yang disediakan",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Anda dapat masuk, tetapi beberapa fitur tidak akan tersedia sampai server identitasnya kembali online. Jika Anda masih melihat peringatan ini, periksa konfigurasi Anda atau hubungi sebuah admin server.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Anda dapat mengatur ulang kata sandi Anda, tetapi beberapa fitur tidak akan tersedia sampai server identitasnya kembali online. Jika Anda masih melihat peringatan ini, periksa konfigurasi Anda atau hubungi sebuah admin server.",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Anda dapat mendaftar, tetapi beberapa fitur tidak akan tersedia sampai server identitasnya kembali online. Jika Anda masih melihat peringatan ini, periksa konfigurasi Anda atau hubungi sebuah admin server.",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Tidak dapat mencapai server identitas",
"Ask your %(brand)s admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Tanyakan admin %(brand)s Anda untuk memeriksa <a>konfigurasi Anda</a> untuk entri yang tidak benar atau entri duplikat.",
"Your %(brand)s is misconfigured": "%(brand)s Anda telah diatur dengan salah",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "Pastikan Anda punya koneksi internet yang stabil, atau hubungi admin servernya",
"Cannot reach homeserver": "Tidak dapat mencapai homeserver",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to your active room": "Lihat pesan <b>%(msgtype)s</b> yang terkirim ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to this room": "Lihat pesan <b>%(msgtype)s</b> yang terkirim ke ruangan ini",
"Send <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages as you in your active room": "Kirim pesan <b>%(msgtype)s</b> sebagai Anda di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages as you in this room": "Kirim pesan <b>%(msgtype)s</b> sebagai Anda di ruangan ini",
"See general files posted to your active room": "Lihat file umum yang terkirim ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"See general files posted to this room": "Lihat file umum yang terkirim ke ruangan ini",
"Send general files as you in your active room": "Kirim file umum sebagai Anda di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send general files as you in this room": "Kirim file umum sebagai Anda di ruangan ini",
"See videos posted to your active room": "Lihat video yang terkirim ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"See videos posted to this room": "Lihat video yang terkirim ke ruangan ini",
"Send videos as you in your active room": "Kirim video sebagai Anda di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send videos as you in this room": "Kirim video sebagai Anda di ruangan ini",
"See images posted to your active room": "Lihat gambar terkirim ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"See images posted to this room": "Lihat gambar yang terkirim ke ruangan ini",
"Send images as you in your active room": "Kirim gambar sebagai Anda di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send images as you in this room": "Kirim gambar sebagai Anda di ruangan ini",
"See emotes posted to your active room": "Lihat emot terkirim ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"See emotes posted to this room": "Lihat emot yang terkirim ke ruangan ini",
"Send emotes as you in your active room": "Kirim emot sebagai Anda di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send emotes as you in this room": "Kirim emot sebagai Anda di ruangan ini",
"See text messages posted to your active room": "Lihat pesan teks yang terkirim ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"See text messages posted to this room": "Lihat pesan teks yang terkirim ke ruangan ini",
"Send text messages as you in your active room": "Kirim pesan teks sebagai Anda di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send text messages as you in this room": "Kirim pesan teks sebagai Anda di ruangan ini",
"See messages posted to your active room": "Lihat pesan yang terkirim ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"See messages posted to this room": "Lihat pesan yang terkirim ke ruangan ini",
"with state key %(stateKey)s": "dengan kunci status %(stateKey)s",
"with an empty state key": "dengan kunci status kosong",
"The <b>%(capability)s</b> capability": "Kemampuan <b>%(capability)s</b>",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in your active room": "Kirim peristiwa <b>%(eventType)s</b> sebagai Anda di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in this room": "Kirim peristiwa <b>%(eventType)s</b> sebagai Anda di ruangan ini",
"Send messages as you in your active room": "Kirim pesan sebagai Anda di ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send messages as you in this room": "Kirim pesan sebagai Anda di ruangan ini",
"See <b>%(eventType)s</b> events posted to your active room": "Lihat peristiwa <b>%(eventType)s</b> yang terkirim ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"See <b>%(eventType)s</b> events posted to this room": "Lihat peristiwa <b>%(eventType)s</b> yang terkirim ke ruangan ini",
"The above, but in <Room /> as well": "Yang di atas, tetapi di <Room /> juga",
"The above, but in any room you are joined or invited to as well": "Yang di atas, tetapi di ruangan apa saja dan Anda bergabung atau diundang juga",
"See when anyone posts a sticker to your active room": "Lihat saat seseorang mengirimkan sebuah stiker ke ruangan aktif Anda",
"Send stickers to your active room as you": "Kirim stiker ke ruangan aktif Anda sebagai Anda",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Putuskan hubungan dari server identitas <idserver />?",
"Disconnect identity server": "Putuskan hubungan server identitas",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Server identitas yang Anda pilih tidak memiliki persyaratan layanan.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Persyaratan layanan tidak diterima atau server identitasnya tidak valid.",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Putuskan hubungan dari server identitas <current /> dan hubungkan ke <new />?",
"Change identity server": "Ubah server identitas",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Tidak dapat menghubung ke server identitas",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Bukan server identitas yang valid (kode status %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL server identitas harus HTTPS",
"not ready": "belum siap",
"Secret storage:": "Penyimpanan rahasia:",
"in account data": "di data akun",
"Secret storage public key:": "Kunci publik penyimpanan rahasia:",
"Backup key cached:": "Cadangan kunci di-cache:",
"not stored": "tidak disimpan",
"Backup key stored:": "Cadangan kunci disimpan:",
"Back up your encryption keys with your account data in case you lose access to your sessions. Your keys will be secured with a unique Security Key.": "Cadangkan kunci enkripsi Anda dengan data akun Anda jika Anda kehilangan akses ke sesi-sesi Anda. Kunci Anda akan diamankan dengan Kunci Keamanan yang unik.",
"unexpected type": "tipe yang tidak terduga",
"well formed": "terbentuk dengan baik",
"Back up your keys before signing out to avoid losing them.": "Cadangkan kunci Anda sebelum keluar untuk menghindari kehilangannya.",
"Your keys are <b>not being backed up from this session</b>.": "Kunci Anda <b>tidak dicadangan dari sesi ini</b>.",
"Backup version:": "Versi cadangan:",
"This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this session": "Cadangan ini dipercayai karena telah dipulihkan di sesi ini",
"Backup is not signed by any of your sessions": "Cadangan tidak ditandatangani oleh sesi-sesi Anda",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> session <device></device>": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan yang <validity>tidak valid</validity> dari sesi yang <verify>tidak diverifikasi</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> session <device></device>": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan yang <validity>tidak valid</validity> dari sesi yang <verify>terverifikasi</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>unverified</verify> session <device></device>": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan yang <validity>valid</validity> dari sesi yang <verify>belum diverifikasi</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from <verify>verified</verify> session <device></device>": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan yang <validity>valid</validity> dari sesi yang <verify>terverifikasi</verify> <device></device>",
"Backup has an <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this session": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan yang <validity>tidak valid</validity> dari sesi ini",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this session": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan yang <validity>valid</validity> dari sesi ini",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> session with ID %(deviceId)s": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan dari <verify>sesi tidak dikenal</verify> dengan ID %(deviceId)s",
"Backup has a signature from <verify>unknown</verify> user with ID %(deviceId)s": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan dari <verify>seseorang tidak dikenal</verify> dengan ID %(deviceId)s",
"Backup has a <validity>invalid</validity> signature from this user": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan yang <validity>tidak valid</validity> dari pengguna ini",
"Backup has a <validity>valid</validity> signature from this user": "Cadangan mempunyai tanda tangan yang <validity>valid</validity> dari pengguna ini",
"All keys backed up": "Semua kunci telah dicadangkan",
"Backing up %(sessionsRemaining)s keys...": "Mencadangkan %(sessionsRemaining)s kunci...",
"Connect this session to Key Backup": "Hubungkan sesi ini ke Pencadangan Kunci",
"Connect this session to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this session.": "Hubungkan sesi ini ke pencadangan kunci sebelum keluar untuk menghindari kehilangan kunci apa saja yang mungkin hanya ada di sesi ini.",
"This session is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "Sesi ini <b>tidak mencadangkan kunci Anda</b>, tetapi Anda memiliki cadangan yang ada yang dapat Anda pulihkan dan tambahkan untuk selanjutnya.",
"This session is backing up your keys. ": "Sesi ini mencadangkan kunci Anda. ",
"Restore from Backup": "Pulihkan dari Cadangan",
"Unable to load key backup status": "Tidak dapat memuat status pencadangan kunci",
"Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Apakah Anda yakin? Anda akan kehilangan pesan terenkripsi jika kunci Anda tidak dicadangkan dengan benar.",
"<a>Upgrade</a> to your own domain": "<a>Tingkatkan</a> ke domain Anda sendiri",
"The operation could not be completed": "Operasi ini tidak dapat diselesaikan",
"Failed to save your profile": "Gagal untuk menyimpan profil Anda",
"There was an error loading your notification settings.": "Sebuah kesalahan terjadi saat memuat pengaturan notifikasi Anda.",
"Mentions & keywords": "Sebutan & keyword",
"New keyword": "Keyword baru",
"Clear notifications": "Hapus notifikasi",
"Enable audible notifications for this session": "Aktifkan notifikasi bersuara untuk sesi ini",
"Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Aktifkan notifikasi desktop untuk sesi ini",
"Enable email notifications for %(email)s": "Aktifkan notifikasi email untuk %(email)s",
"Enable for this account": "Aktifkan untuk akun ini",
"An error occurred whilst saving your notification preferences.": "Sebuah kesalahan terjadi saat menyimpan preferensi notifikasi Anda.",
"Error saving notification preferences": "Gagal menyimpan preferensi notifikasi",
"Messages containing keywords": "Pesan berisi keyword",
"Message bubbles": "Gelembung pesan",
"Message layout": "Tata letak pesan",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Memperbarui space...",
"Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Memperbarui space... (%(progress)s dari %(count)s)",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Mengirimkan undangan...",
"Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Mengirimkan undangan... (%(progress)s dari %(count)s)",
"Loading new room": "Memuat ruangan baru",
"Upgrading room": "Meningkatkan ruangan",
"This upgrade will allow members of selected spaces access to this room without an invite.": "Peningkatan ini akan mengizinkan anggota di space yang terpilih untuk dapat mengakses ruangan ini tanpa sebuah undangan.",
"This room is in some spaces you're not an admin of. In those spaces, the old room will still be shown, but people will be prompted to join the new one.": "Ruangan ini masih ada di dalam space yang Anda bukan admin di sana. Di space-space itu, ruangan yang lama masih terlihat, tetapi orang-orang akan diberitahu untuk bergabung ke ruangan yang baru.",
"Space members": "Anggota space",
"Anyone in a space can find and join. You can select multiple spaces.": "Siapa saja di sebuah space dapat menemukan dan bergabung. Anda dapat memilih beberapa space.",
"Anyone in <spaceName/> can find and join. You can select other spaces too.": "Siapa saja di <spaceName/> dapat menemukan dan bergabung. Anda juga dapat memilih space yang lain.",
"Spaces with access": "Space dengan akses",
"Anyone in a space can find and join. <a>Edit which spaces can access here.</a>": "Siapa saja di dalam space dapat menemukan dan bergabung. <a>Edit space apa saja yang dapat mengakses.</a>",
"Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|one": "Saat ini, sebuah space memiliki akses",
"Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|other": "Saat ini, %(count)s space memiliki akses",
"& %(count)s more|one": "& %(count)s lainnya",
"& %(count)s more|other": "& %(count)s lainnya",
"Upgrade required": "Peningkatan diperlukan",
"Anyone can find and join.": "Siapa saja dapat menemukan dan bergabung.",
"Only invited people can join.": "Hanya orang yang diundang dapat bergabung.",
"Private (invite only)": "Privat (undangan saja)",
"The integration manager is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Manager integrasinya mungkin sedang offline atau tidak dapat mencapai homeserver Anda.",
"Cannot connect to integration manager": "Tidak dapat menghubungkan ke manajer integrasi",
"Connecting to integration manager...": "Menghubungkan ke manajer integrasi...",
"Use between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Gunakan antara %(min)s pt dan %(max)s pt",
"Custom font size can only be between %(min)s pt and %(max)s pt": "Ukuran fon kustom hanya bisa antara %(min)s pt dan %(max)s pt",
"Size must be a number": "Ukuran harus sebuah angka",
"Message search initialisation failed": "Inisialisasi pencarian pesan gagal",
"%(brand)s can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "%(brand)s tidak dapat menyimpan pesan terenkripsi secara lokal dengan aman saat dijalankan di browser. Gunakan <desktopLink>%(brand)s Desktop</desktopLink> supaya pesan terenkripsi dapat muncul di hasil pencarian.",
"%(brand)s is missing some components required for securely caching encrypted messages locally. If you'd like to experiment with this feature, build a custom %(brand)s Desktop with <nativeLink>search components added</nativeLink>.": "%(brand)s tidak memiliki beberapa komponen yang diperlukan untuk menyimpan pesan terenkripsi secara lokal dengan aman. Jika Anda ingin bereksperimen dengan fitur ini, buat %(brand)s Desktop yang khusus dengan <nativeLink>tambahan komponen penelusuran</nativeLink>.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results.": "Simpan pesan terenkripsi secara lokal dengan aman agar muncul di hasil pencarian.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Simpan pesan terenkripsi secara lokal dengan aman agar muncul di hasil pencarian, menggunakan %(size)s untuk menyimpan pesan dari %(rooms)s ruangan.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Simpan pesan terenkripsi secara lokal dengan aman agar muncul di hasil pencarian, menggunakan %(size)s untuk menyimpan pesan dari %(rooms)s ruangan.",
"Individually verify each session used by a user to mark it as trusted, not trusting cross-signed devices.": "Verifikasi setiap sesi yang digunakan oleh pengguna satu per satu untuk menandainya sebagai tepercaya, dan tidak memercayai perangkat yang ditandatangani silang.",
"Last seen %(date)s at %(ip)s": "Terakhir dilihat %(date)s di %(ip)s",
"Sign Out": "Keluar",
"Failed to set display name": "Gagal untuk menetapkan nama tampilan",
"This device": "Perangkat ini",
"You aren't signed into any other devices.": "Anda tidak masuk di perangkat yang lain.",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|one": "Keluarkan %(count)s perangkat yang dipilih",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|other": "Keluarkan %(count)s perangkat yang dipilih",
"Devices without encryption support": "Perangkat tanpa dukungan enkripsi",
"Verified devices": "Perangkat yang terverifikasi",
"Unverified devices": "Perangkat yang belum diverifikasi",
"Deselect all": "Batalkan pilihan semua",
"Select all": "Pilih semua",
"Sign out devices|one": "Keluarkan perangkat",
"Sign out devices|other": "Keluarkan perangkat",
"Click the button below to confirm signing out these devices.|one": "Klik tombol di bawah untuk mengkonfirmasi mengeluarkan perangkat ini.",
"Confirm signing out these devices": "Konfirmasi mengeluarkan perangkat-perangkat ini",
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|one": "Konfirmasi mengeluarkan perangkat ini dengan menggunakan Single Sign On untuk membuktikan identitas Anda.",
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Konfirmasi mengeluarkan perangkat-perangkat ini dengan menggunakan Single Sign On untuk membuktikan identitas Anda.",
"Unable to load device list": "Tidak dapat memuat daftar perangkat",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Homeserver Anda tidak mendukung pengelolaan perangkat.",
"Session key:": "Kunci sesi:",
"Session ID:": "ID Sesi:",
"Import E2E room keys": "Impor kunci enkripsi ujung-ke-ujung",
"Homeserver feature support:": "Dukungan fitur homeserver:",
"Self signing private key:": "Kunci privat penandatanganan diri:",
"User signing private key:": "Kunci rahasia penandatanganan pengguna:",
"not found locally": "tidak ditemukan secara lokal",
"cached locally": "di-cache secara lokal",
"Master private key:": "Kunci privat utama:",
"not found in storage": "tidak ditemukan di penyimpanan",
"in secret storage": "di penyimpanan rahasia",
"Cross-signing private keys:": "Kunci privat penandatanganan silang:",
"not found": "tidak ditemukan",
"in memory": "di penyimpanan",
"Cross-signing public keys:": "Kunci publik penandatanganan silang:",
"Cross-signing is not set up.": "Penandatanganan silang belum disiapkan.",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "Akun Anda mempunyai identitas penandatanganan silang di penyimpanan rahasia, tetapi belum dipercayai oleh sesi ini.",
"Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "Penandatanganan silang telah siap tetapi kunci belum dicadangkan.",
"Cross-signing is ready for use.": "Penandatanganan silang siap digunakan.",
"Your homeserver does not support cross-signing.": "Homeserver Anda tidak mendukung penandatanganan silang.",
"Passwords don't match": "Kata sandi tidak cocok",
"Do you want to set an email address?": "Apakah Anda ingin menetapkan sebuah alamat email?",
"Export E2E room keys": "Ekspor kunci ruangan enkripsi ujung-ke-ujung",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Mengubah kata sandi saat ini akan mengatur ulang kunci enkripsi ujung-ke-ujung di semua sesi, membuat sejarah obrolan terenkripsi tidak dapat dibaca, kecuali jika Anda mengekspor kunci ruangan terlebih dahulu dan mengimpornya kembali. Ini akan dibuat lebih baik di waktu mendatang.",
"No display name": "Tidak ada nama tampilan",
"Failed to upload profile picture!": "Gagal untuk mengunggah foto profil!",
"Channel: <channelLink/>": "Saluran: <channelLink/>",
"Workspace: <networkLink/>": "Ruang kerja: <networkLink/>",
"This bridge is managed by <user />.": "Jembatan ini dikelola oleh <user />.",
"This bridge was provisioned by <user />.": "Jembatan ini disediakan oleh <user />.",
"Space options": "Opsi space",
"Jump to first invite.": "Pergi ke undangan pertama.",
"Jump to first unread room.": "Pergi ke ruangan yang belum dibaca.",
"Recommended for public spaces.": "Direkomendasikan untuk space publik.",
"Allow people to preview your space before they join.": "Memungkinkan orang-orang untuk memperlihatkan space Anda sebelum mereka bergabung.",
"Preview Space": "Tampilkan Space",
"Failed to update the visibility of this space": "Gagal untuk memperbarui visibilitas untuk space ini",
"Decide who can view and join %(spaceName)s.": "Putuskan siapa yang dapat melihat dan bergabung dengan %(spaceName)s.",
"This may be useful for public spaces.": "Ini mungkin berguna untuk space publik.",
"Guests can join a space without having an account.": "Tamu dapat bergabung sebuah space tanpa harus mempunyai akun.",
"Enable guest access": "Aktifkan akses tamu",
"Failed to update the history visibility of this space": "Gagal untuk memperbarui visibilitas sejarah untuk space ini",
"Failed to update the guest access of this space": "Gagal untuk memperbarui akses tamu untuk space ini",
"Leave Space": "Tinggalkan Space",
"Save Changes": "Simpan Perubahan",
"Edit settings relating to your space.": "Edit pengaturan yang berkaitan dengan space Anda.",
"Failed to save space settings.": "Gagal untuk menyimpan pengaturan space.",
"Invite with email or username": "Undang dengan email atau nama pengguna",
"Invite people": "Undang pengguna",
"Share invite link": "Bagikan tautan undangan",
"Failed to copy": "Gagal untuk menyalin",
"Click to copy": "Klik untuk menyalin",
"Collapse space panel": "Tutup bilah space",
"Expand space panel": "Buka bilah space",
"Other rooms": "Ruangan lainnya",
"All rooms": "Semua ruangan",
"Show all rooms": "Tampilkan semua ruangan",
"You can change these anytime.": "Anda dapat mengubahnya kapan saja.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Tambahkan detail untuk membantu pengguna mengenalnya.",
"Your private space": "Space privat Anda",
"Your public space": "Space publik Anda",
"To join a space you'll need an invite.": "Untuk bergabung sebuah space Anda membutuhkan undangan.",
"You can also make Spaces from <a>communities</a>.": "Anda dapat membuat Space dari <a>komunitas</a>.",
"Invite only, best for yourself or teams": "Undangan saja, baik untuk Anda sendiri atau tim",
"Open space for anyone, best for communities": "Space terbuka untuk siapa saja, baik untuk komunitas",
"You can change this later.": "Anda dapat mengubahnya nanti.",
"What kind of Space do you want to create?": "Tipe space apa yang Anda ingin buat?",
"Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people.": "Space adalah cara baru untuk mengelompokkan ruangan dan pengguna.",
"Create a space": "Buat space",
"e.g. my-space": "mis. space-saya",
"Give feedback.": "Berikan masukan.",
"Thank you for trying Spaces. Your feedback will help inform the next versions.": "Terima kasih telah mencoba Space. Masukan Anda akan membantu menginformasikan versi berikutnya.",
"Spaces feedback": "Masukan space",
"Spaces are a new feature.": "Space adalah fitur baru.",
"Please enter a name for the space": "Mohon masukkan nama untuk space ini",
"Search %(spaceName)s": "Cari %(spaceName)s",
"Delete avatar": "Hapus avatar",
"Accept <policyLink /> to continue:": "Terima <policyLink /> untuk melanjutkan:",
"Decline (%(counter)s)": "Tolak (%(counter)s)",
"Your server isn't responding to some <a>requests</a>.": "Server Anda tidak menanggapi beberapa <a>permintaan</a>.",
"Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs": "Tanyakan sebelum mengirim undangan ke ID Matrix yang mungkin tidak valid",
"Update %(brand)s": "Perbarui %(brand)s",
"This is the start of export of <roomName/>. Exported by <exporterDetails/> at %(exportDate)s.": "Ini adalah awalan dari ekspor <roomName/>. Diekspor oleh <exporterDetails/> di %(exportDate)s.",
"Waiting for %(displayName)s to verify…": "Menunggu %(displayName)s untuk memverifikasi…",
"To be secure, do this in person or use a trusted way to communicate.": "Supaya aman, lakukan ini secara langsung atau gunakan cara lain yang terpercaya untuk berkomunikasi.",
"They match": "Mereka cocok",
"They don't match": "Mereka tidak cocok",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…": "Menunggu Anda untuk memverifikasi di sesi Anda yang lain, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)…",
"Waiting for you to verify on your other session…": "Menunggu Anda untuk memverifikasi di sesi Anda yang lain…",
"Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Tidak dapat menemukan metode verifikasi yang didukung.",
"Verify this session by confirming the following number appears on its screen.": "Verifikasi sesi ini dengan mengkonfirmasi nomor berikut yang ditampilkan.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following number appears on their screen.": "Verifikasi pengguna ini dengan mengkonfirmasi nomor berikut yang ditampilkan.",
"Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Verifikasi pengguna ini dengan mengkonfirmasi emoji berikut yang ditampilkan.",
"Confirm the emoji below are displayed on both sessions, in the same order:": "Konfirmasi emoji dibawah yang ditampilkan di kedua sesi, dalam urutan yang sama:",
"Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.": "Pesan dengan pengguna ini terenkripsi secara ujung-ke-ujung dan tidak dapat dibaca oleh pihak ketiga.",
"You've successfully verified this user.": "Anda berhasil memverifikasi pengguna ini.",
"The other party cancelled the verification.": "Pengguna yang lain membatalkan proses verifikasi ini.",
"%(name)s on hold": "%(name)s ditahan",
"Return to call": "Kembali ke panggilan",
"Fill Screen": "Penuhi Layar",
"Voice Call": "Panggilan Suara",
"Video Call": "Panggilan Video",
"Mute the microphone": "Matikan mikrofon",
"Unmute the microphone": "Nyalakan mikrofon",
"Show sidebar": "Tampilkan sisi bilah",
"Hide sidebar": "Sembunyikan sisi bilah",
"Start sharing your screen": "Mulai membagikan layar Anda",
"Stop sharing your screen": "Berhenti membagikan layar Anda",
"Stop the camera": "Tutup kamera",
"Start the camera": "Buka kamera",
"Your camera is still enabled": "Kamera Anda masih nyala",
"Your camera is turned off": "Kamera Anda dimatikan",
"%(sharerName)s is presenting": "%(sharerName)s sedang mempresentasi",
"You are presenting": "Anda sedang mempresentasi",
"%(peerName)s held the call": "%(peerName)s menahan panggilan",
"You held the call <a>Resume</a>": "Anda menahan panggilan <a>Lanjutkan</a>",
"You held the call <a>Switch</a>": "Anda menahan panggilan <a>Ubah</a>",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Mengkonsultasi dengan %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer ke %(transferee)s</a>",
"unknown person": "pengguna tidak dikenal",
"sends space invaders": "mengirim penjajah luar angkasa",
"Sends the given message with a space themed effect": "Kirim pesan dengan efek luar angkasa",
"sends snowfall": "mengirim salju",
"Sends the given message with snowfall": "Kirim pesan dengan salju",
"sends fireworks": "mengirim kembang api",
"Sends the given message with fireworks": "Kirim pesan dengan kembang api",
"sends confetti": "mengirim konfeti",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "Kirim pesan dengan konfeti",
"This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Ini adalah daftar pengguna/server Anda telah blokir - jangan tinggalkan ruangan ini!",
"My Ban List": "Daftar Cekalan Saya",
"When rooms are upgraded": "Ketika ruangan telah ditingkatkan",
"Encrypted messages in group chats": "Pesan terenkripsi di grup",
"Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats": "Pesan terenkripsi di pesan langsung",
"Messages containing @room": "Pesan yang berisi @room",
"Messages containing my username": "Pesan yang berisi nama tampilan saya",
"Downloading logs": "Mengunduh log",
"Uploading logs": "Mengunggah log",
"Automatically send debug logs on any error": "Kirim log debug saat ada kesalahan secara otomatis",
"Developer mode": "Mode pengembang",
"Temporarily show communities instead of Spaces for this session. Support for this will be removed in the near future. This will reload Element.": "Tampilkan komunitas untuk sementara daripada Space untuk sesi ini. Dukungan akan dihilangkan di waktu mendatang. Ini akan memuat ulang Element.",
"Display Communities instead of Spaces": "Tampilkan Komunitas daripada Space",
"All rooms you're in will appear in Home.": "Semua ruangan yang Anda bergabung akan ditampilkan di Beranda.",
"Show all rooms in Home": "Tampilkan semua ruangan di Beranda",
"Show chat effects (animations when receiving e.g. confetti)": "Tampilkan efek (animasi ketika menerima konfeti, misalnya)",
"IRC display name width": "Lebar nama tampilan IRC",
"Manually verify all remote sessions": "Verifikasi semua sesi jarak jauh secara manual",
"How fast should messages be downloaded.": "Seberapa cepat pesan akan diunduh.",
"Enable message search in encrypted rooms": "Aktifkan pencarian pesan di ruangan terenkripsi",
"Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Tampilkan gambar mini untuk gambar",
"Allow fallback call assist server when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Izinkan server panggilan cadangan ketika homeserver Anda tidak menawarkannya (alamat IP Anda akan dibagikan selama panggilan)",
"Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Mode bandwidth rendah (membutuhkan homeserver yang didukung)",
"Show hidden events in timeline": "Tampilkan peristiwa tersembunyi di linimasa",
"Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "Tampilkan jalan pintas ke ruangan yang baru saja ditampilkan di atas daftar ruangan",
"Show rooms with unread notifications first": "Tampilkan ruangan dengan notifikasi yang belum dibaca dulu",
"Order rooms by name": "Urutkan ruangan oleh nama",
"Show developer tools": "Tampilkan alat pengembang",
"Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Aktifkan tangkapan layar widget di widget yang didukung",
"Enable URL previews by default for participants in this room": "Aktifkan tampilan URL secara default untuk anggota di ruangan ini",
"Enable URL previews for this room (only affects you)": "Aktifkan tampilan URL secara default (hanya mempengaruhi Anda)",
"Enable inline URL previews by default": "Aktifkan tampilan URL secara default",
"Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions in this room from this session": "Jangan kirim pesan terenkripsi ke sesi yang belum diverifikasi di ruangan ini dari sesi ini",
"Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions from this session": "Jangan kirim pesan terenkripsi ke sesi yang belum diverifikasi dari sesi ini",
"Send analytics data": "Kirim data analitik",
"Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls (if you enable this, the other party might be able to see your IP address)": "Perbolehkan menggunakan peer-to-peer untuk panggilan 1:1 (jika Anda mengaktifkannya, pengguna yang lain mungkin dapat mengetahui alamat IP Anda)",
"System font name": "Nama fon sistem",
"Use a system font": "Gunakan sebuah fon sistem",
"Match system theme": "Sesuaikan dengan tema sistem",
"Enable Community Filter Panel": "Aktifkan panel Filter Komunitas",
"Mirror local video feed": "Balikkan saluran video lokal",
"Automatically replace plain text Emoji": "Ganti emoji teks biasa secara otomatis",
"Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Kelilingi teks yang dipilih saat mengetik karakter khusus",
"Use Ctrl + Enter to send a message": "Gunakan Ctrl + Enter untuk mengirim pesan",
"Use Command + Enter to send a message": "Gunakan ⌘ + Enter untuk mengirim pesan",
"Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Gunakan Ctrl + F untuk cari di linimasa",
"Use Command + F to search timeline": "Gunakan ⌘ + F untuk cari di linimasa",
"Show typing notifications": "Tampilkan notifikasi pengetikan",
"Send typing notifications": "Kirim notifikasi pengetikan",
"Enable big emoji in chat": "Aktifkan emoji besar di linimasa",
"Show avatars in user and room mentions": "Tampilkan avatar di sebutan pengguna dan ruangan",
"Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Pergi ke bawah linimasa ketika Anda mengirim pesan",
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Tampilkan nomor barisan di blok kode",
"Expand code blocks by default": "Buka blok kode secara default",
"Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Aktifkan deteksi bahasa otomatis untuk penyorotan sintaks",
"Autoplay videos": "Mainkan video secara otomatis",
"Autoplay GIFs": "Mainkan GIF secara otomatis",
"Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "Tampilkan stempel waktu dalam format 12 jam (mis. 2:30pm)",
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "Tampilkan laporan terbaca terkirim oleh pengguna lain",
"Show display name changes": "Tampilkan perubahan nama tampilan",
"Show avatar changes": "Tampilkan perubahan avatar",
"Show join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Tampilkan pesan bergabung/meninggalkan (tidak termasuk undangan/pengeluaran/cekalan)",
"Show a placeholder for removed messages": "Tampilkan sebuah penampung untuk pesan terhapus",
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Gunakan tata letak 'Modern' yang lebih kecil",
"Show stickers button": "Tampilkan tombol stiker",
"Enable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Aktifkan saran emoji saat mengetik",
"Use custom size": "Gunakan ukuran kustom",
"Font size": "Ukuran fon",
"Don't send read receipts": "Jangan kirimkan laporan terbaca",
"Meta Spaces": "Space Meta",
"New layout switcher (with message bubbles)": "Pengalih tata letak baru (dengan gelembung pesan)",
"Show info about bridges in room settings": "Tampilkan informasi tentang jembatan di pengaturan ruangan",
"Polls (under active development)": "Poll (dalam pengembangan yang aktif)",
"Send pseudonymous analytics data": "Kirim data analitik pseudonim",
"Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Perpesanan terenkripsi offline menggunakan perangkat dehidrasi",
"Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "Tampilkan tampilan pesan untuk reaksi di semua ruangan",
"Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "Tampilkan tampilan pesan untuk reaksi di pesan langsung",
"Support adding custom themes": "Dukungan penambahan tema kustom",
"Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Coba cara yang baru untuk mengabaikan pengguna (eksperimental)",
"Multiple integration managers (requires manual setup)": "Beberapa manajer integrasi (membutuhkan penyiapan manual)",
"Render simple counters in room header": "Tampilkan penghitung simpel di header ruangan",
"Group & filter rooms by custom tags (refresh to apply changes)": "Kelompokkan & filter ruangan dengan tag kustom (muat ulang untuk menerapkan perubahan)",
"Custom user status messages": "Pesan status pengguna kustom",
"Threaded messaging": "Pesan utasan",
"Maximised widgets": "Widget yang dapat dimaksimalkan",
"Communities v2 prototypes. Requires compatible homeserver. Highly experimental - use with caution.": "Purwarupa komunitas v2. Membutuhkan homeserver yang didukung. Sangat eksperimental - gunakan dengan hati-hati.",
"Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Tampilkan matematika LaTeX di pesan",
"Show options to enable 'Do not disturb' mode": "Tampilkan opsi untuk mengaktifkan mode 'Jangan ganggu'",
"Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Purwarupa laporkan ke moderator. Di ruangan yang mendukung moderasi, tombol `laporkan` akan memungkinkan Anda untuk melaporkan penyalahgunaan ke moderator ruangan",
"Change notification settings": "Ubah pengaturan notifikasi",
"%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s",
"%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s",
"%(senderName)s: %(message)s": "%(senderName)s: %(message)s",
"* %(senderName)s %(emote)s": "* %(senderName)s %(emote)s",
"%(senderName)s is calling": "%(senderName)s sedang memanggil",
"Waiting for answer": "Menunggu untuk jawaban",
"%(senderName)s started a call": "%(senderName)s memulai sebuah panggilan",
"You started a call": "Anda memulai sebuah panggilan",
"Call ended": "Panggilan berakhir",
"%(senderName)s ended the call": "%(senderName)s mengakhiri panggilan ini",
"You ended the call": "Anda mengakhiri panggilan ini",
"Call in progress": "Panggilan sedang berjalan",
"You joined the call": "Anda bergabung ke panggilan saat ini",
"%(senderName)s joined the call": "%(senderName)s bergabung ke panggilan saat ini",
"The person who invited you already left the room, or their server is offline.": "Pengguna yang mengundang Anda telah keluar dari ruangan ini, atau servernya sedang offline.",
"The person who invited you already left the room.": "Pengguna yang mengundang Anda telah keluar dari ruangan ini.",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Mohon hubungi administrator homeserver Anda.",
"Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.": "Maaf, homeserver Anda terlalu usang untuk berpartisipasi di ruangan ini.",
"There was an error joining the room": "Terjadi sebuah kesalahan saat bergabung ke ruangan ini",
"New version of %(brand)s is available": "Sebuah versi %(brand)s yang baru telah tersedia",
"Check your devices": "Periksa perangkat Anda",
"%(deviceId)s from %(ip)s": "%(deviceId)s dari %(ip)s",
"New login. Was this you?": "Login baru. Apakah itu Anda?",
"Other users may not trust it": "Pengguna yang lain mungkin tidak mempercayainya",
"Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data": "Lindungi dari kehilangan akses ke pesan & data terenkripsi",
"Verify this session": "Verifikasi sesi ini",
"Encryption upgrade available": "Tersedia peningkatan enkripsi",
"Set up Secure Backup": "Siapkan Cadangan Aman",
"Contact your <a>server admin</a>.": "Hubungi <a>admin server</a> Anda.",
"Your homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Homeserver Anda telah melebihi batas sumber dayanya.",
"This homeserver has been blocked by it's administrator.": "Homeserver ini telah diblokir oleh administratornya.",
"Your homeserver has exceeded its user limit.": "Homeserver Anda telah melebihi batas penggunanya.",
"Use app": "Gunakan aplikasi",
"Element Web is experimental on mobile. For a better experience and the latest features, use our free native app.": "Element Web masih bersifat eksperimental di mobile. Untuk pengalaman yang lebih baik dan fitur yang terbaru, gunakan aplikasi gratis kami.",
"Use app for a better experience": "Gunakan aplikasi untuk pengalaman yang lebih baik",
"Silence call": "Diamkan panggilan",
"Sound on": "Suara dinyalakan",
"Unknown caller": "Penelpon tak dikenal",
"Enable desktop notifications": "Aktifkan notifikasi desktop",
"Don't miss a reply": "Jangan lewatkan sebuah balasan",
"Review to ensure your account is safe": "Periksa untuk memastikan akun Anda aman",
"You have unverified logins": "Anda punya login yang belum diverifikasi",
"Send <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink> which helps us improve %(brand)s. This will use a <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.": "Mengirimkan <UsageDataLink>data penggunaan anonim</UsageDataLink> yang akan bantu kami untuk membuat %(brand)s lebih baik. Ini akan menggunakan sebuah <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.",
"Help us improve %(brand)s": "Bantu kami membuat %(brand)s lebih baik",
"File Attached": "File Dilampirkan",
"Error fetching file": "Terjadi kesalahan saat mendapatkan file",
"Topic: %(topic)s": "Topik: %(topic)s",
"%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s membuat ruangan ini.",
"Media omitted - file size limit exceeded": "Media tidak disertakan - melebihi batas ukuran file",
"Media omitted": "Media tidak disertakan",
"Current Timeline": "Linimasa Saat Ini",
"Specify a number of messages": "Tentukan berapa pesan",
"From the beginning": "Dari awal",
"Plain Text": "Teks Biasa",
"Are you sure you want to exit during this export?": "Apakah Anda yakin untuk membatalkan ekspor ini?",
"Unknown App": "Aplikasi Tidak Diketahui",
"Share your public space": "Bagikan space publik Anda",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Undang ke %(spaceName)s",
"Double check that your server supports the room version chosen and try again.": "Periksa ulang jika server Anda mendukung versi ruangan ini dan coba lagi."

View File

@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
"Delete widget": "Elimina widget",
"No results": "Nessun risultato",
"Communities": "Comunità",
"Home": "Inizio",
"Home": "Pagina iniziale",
"%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s": "%(nameList)s %(transitionList)s",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)ssono entrati %(count)s volte",
"%(severalUsers)sjoined %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)ssono entrati",
@ -2888,7 +2888,7 @@
"To view %(spaceName)s, you need an invite": "Per vedere %(spaceName)s ti serve un invito",
"Move down": "Sposta giù",
"Move up": "Sposta su",
"Collapse reply thread": "Riduci finestra di risposta",
"Collapse reply thread": "Riduci conversazione di risposta",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s ha modificato il proprio nome in %(displayName)s",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s ha bandito %(targetName)s",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s ha bandito %(targetName)s: %(reason)s",
@ -3119,7 +3119,7 @@
"Multiple integration managers (requires manual setup)": "Gestori di integrazione multipli (richiede configurazione manuale)",
"Thread": "Conversazione",
"Show threads": "Mostra conversazioni",
"Threaded messaging": "Messaggi raggruppati",
"Threaded messaging": "Messaggi in conversazioni",
"The above, but in any room you are joined or invited to as well": "Quanto sopra, ma anche in qualsiasi stanza tu sia entrato o invitato",
"The above, but in <Room /> as well": "Quanto sopra, ma anche in <Room />",
"Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|one": "Attualmente, uno spazio ha accesso",
@ -3306,5 +3306,42 @@
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Conferma la disconnessione da questi dispositivi usando Single Sign On per dare prova della tua identità.",
"Unable to load device list": "Impossibile caricare l'elenco di dispositivi",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Il tuo homeserver non supporta la gestione dei dispositivi.",
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Usa una disposizione \"Moderna\" più compatta"
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Usa una disposizione \"Moderna\" più compatta",
"Add option": "Aggiungi opzione",
"Write an option": "Scrivi un'opzione",
"Option %(number)s": "Opzione %(number)s",
"Create options": "Crea opzioni",
"Write something...": "Scrivi qualcosa...",
"Question or topic": "Domanda o argomento",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "Qual è la domanda o l'argomento del sondaggio?",
"Create Poll": "Crea sondaggio",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Non hai i permessi per creare sondaggi in questa stanza.",
"Copy link to thread": "Copia link nella conversazione",
"Thread options": "Opzioni conversazione",
"Own your conversations.": "Prendi il controllo delle tue conversazioni.",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Qualcuno ha già quel nome utente, provane un altro.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Qualcuno ha già quel nome utente. Provane un altro o se sei tu, accedi qui sotto.",
"Maximised widgets": "Widget espansi",
"Automatically group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "Raggruppa automaticamente tutte le tue stanze che non fanno parte di uno spazio in un unico posto.",
"Rooms outside of a space": "Stanze fuori da uno spazio",
"Automatically group all your people together in one place.": "Raggruppa automaticamente tutte le tue persone preferite in un unico posto.",
"Automatically group all your favourite rooms and people together in one place.": "Raggruppa automaticamente tutte le tue stanze e persone preferite in un unico posto.",
"Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "Mostra tutte le tue stanze nella pagina principale, anche se sono in uno spazio.",
"Home is useful for getting an overview of everything.": "La pagina principale è utile per avere una panoramica generale.",
"Along with the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Oltre agli spazi in cui ti trovi, ne puoi anche usare alcuni preimpostati.",
"Spaces to show": "Spazi da mostrare",
"Spaces are ways to group rooms and people.": "Gli spazi sono un modo di raggruppare stanze e persone.",
"Sidebar": "Barra laterale",
"Other rooms": "Altre stanze",
"Meta Spaces": "Meta spazi",
"Minimise dialog": "Riduci finestra",
"Maximise dialog": "Espandi finestra",
"Based on %(total)s votes": "Basato su %(total)s voti",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s voti",
"Reply in thread": "Rispondi nella conversazione",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Mostra icona in tray e usala alla chiusura della finestra",
"Show all threads": "Mostra tutte le conversazioni",
"Threads help you keep conversations on-topic and easily track them over time. Create the first one by using the \"Reply in thread\" button on a message.": "Le conversazioni ti aiutano a tenere le discussioni in tema e a rintracciarle facilmente nel tempo. Crea la prima usando il pulsante \"Rispondi nella conversazione\" su un messaggio.",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "Tieni le discussioni organizzate in conversazioni",
"Manage rooms in this space": "Gestisci le stanze in questo spazio"

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@ -3272,5 +3272,19 @@
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Bevestig uw identiteit met eenmalig inloggen om deze apparaten uit te loggen.",
"Unable to load device list": "Kan apparatenlijst niet laden",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Uw server ondersteunt geen apparaatbeheer.",
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Compacte 'Moderne'-indeling gebruiken"
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Compacte 'Moderne'-indeling gebruiken",
"Maximised widgets": "Widgets maximaliseren",
"Sign Out": "Uitloggen",
"Last seen %(date)s at %(ip)s": "Laatst gezien %(date)s via %(ip)s",
"This device": "Dit apparaat",
"You aren't signed into any other devices.": "U bent niet ingelogd op andere apparaten.",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|one": "%(count)s geselecteerd apparaat uitloggen",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|other": "%(count)s geselecteerde apparaten uitloggen",
"Devices without encryption support": "Apparaten zonder versleuteling ondersteuning",
"Unverified devices": "Ongeverifieerde apparaten",
"Verified devices": "Geverifieerde apparaten",
"Other rooms": "Andere kamers",
"Automatically send debug logs on any error": "Automatisch foutenlogboek versturen bij een fout",
"Meta Spaces": "Meta Ruimtes",
"Rename": "Hernoemen"

View File

@ -2983,5 +2983,8 @@
"Plain Text": "Texto Simples",
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s enviou uma figurinha."
"%(senderDisplayName)s sent a sticker.": "%(senderDisplayName)s enviou uma figurinha.",
"Light high contrast": "Claro (alto contraste)",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s modificou quem pode se juntar a esta sala.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room. <a>View settings</a>.": "%(senderDisplayName)s modificou quem pode se juntar a esta sala. <a>Ver configurações</a>."

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
"Messages in one-to-one chats": "Mesazhe në fjalosje tek për tek",
"Unavailable": "Jo i passhëm",
"powered by Matrix": "bazuar në Matrix",
"Favourite": "E parapëlqyer",
"Favourite": "",
"All Rooms": "Krejt Dhomat",
"Explore Room State": "Eksploroni Gjendje Dhome",
"Source URL": "URL Burimi",
@ -2522,8 +2522,8 @@
"A call can only be transferred to a single user.": "Një thirrje mund të shpërngulet vetëm te një përdorues.",
"There was an error finding this widget.": "Pati një gabim në gjetjen e këtij widget-i.",
"Active Widgets": "Widget-e Aktivë",
"Open dial pad": "Hap butonat e numrave",
"Dial pad": "Butona numrash",
"Open dial pad": "",
"Dial pad": "",
"There was an error looking up the phone number": "Pati një gabim gjatë kërkimit të numrit të telefonit",
"Unable to look up phone number": "Sarrihet të kërkohet numër telefoni",
"Your Security Key": "Kyçi juaj i Sigurisë",
@ -3204,7 +3204,7 @@
"Verify with another login": "Verifikoje nga tjetër skenë hyrjesh",
"Verify with Security Key": "Verifikoje me Kyç Sigurie",
"Verify with Security Key or Phrase": "Verifikojeni me Kyç ose Frazë Sigurie",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Duket sikur skeni Kyç Sigurie ose ndonjë pajisje tjetër nga e cila mund të bëni verifikimin. Kjo pajisje sdo të jetë në gjendje të hyjë te mesazhe të dikurshëm të fshehtëzuar. Që të mund të verifikohet identiteti juaj në këtë pajisje, you'll need to reset your verification keys.",
"It looks like you don't have a Security Key or any other devices you can verify against. This device will not be able to access old encrypted messages. In order to verify your identity on this device, you'll need to reset your verification keys.": "Duket sikur skeni Kyç Sigurie ose ndonjë pajisje tjetër nga e cila mund të bëni verifikimin. Kjo pajisje sdo të jetë në gjendje të hyjë te mesazhe të dikurshëm të fshehtëzuar. Që të mund të verifikohet identiteti juaj në këtë pajisje, ju duhet të riujdisni kyçet tuaj të verifikimit.",
"Skip verification for now": "Anashkaloje verifikimin hëpërhë",
"Unable to verify this login": "Sarrihet të verifikohet kjo hyrje",
"To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other login.": "Që të vazhdohet, ju lutemi, pranoni kërkesën për verifikim në skenën(pajisjen) tuaj tjetër për hyrje.",
@ -3309,5 +3309,32 @@
"Question or topic": "Pyetje ose temë",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "Cila është pyetja, ose tema e pyetësorit tuaj?",
"Create Poll": "Krijoni Pyetësor",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Skeni leje të nisni anketime në këtë dhomë."
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Skeni leje të nisni anketime në këtë dhomë.",
"Copy link to thread": "Kopjoje lidhjen te rrjedha",
"Thread options": "Mundësi rrjedhe",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Dikush e ka atë emër përdoruesi, ju lutemi, provoni tjetër.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Dikush e ka tashmë këtë emër përdoruesi. Provoni një tjetër, ose nëse jeni ju, bëni hyrjen më poshtë.",
"Maximised widgets": "Widget-e të maksimizuar",
"Own your conversations.": "Jini zot i bisedave tuaja.",
"Minimise dialog": "Minimizoje dialogun",
"Maximise dialog": "Maksimizoje dialogun",
"Based on %(total)s votes": "Bazuar në %(total)s vota",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s vota",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Shfaq ikonë paneli dhe minimizo dritaren në të, kur bëhet mbyllje",
"Show all threads": "Shfaqi krejt rrjedhat",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "Mbajini diskutimet të sistemuara në rrjedha",
"Reply in thread": "Përgjigjuni te rrjedha",
"Manage rooms in this space": "Administroni dhoma në këtë hapësirë",
"Automatically group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "Gruponi automatikisht në një vend krejt dhomat tuaja, që sjanë pjesë e një hapësire.",
"Rooms outside of a space": "Dhoma jashtë një hapësire",
"Automatically group all your people together in one place.": "Gruponi automatikisht krejt personat tuaj në një vend.",
"Automatically group all your favourite rooms and people together in one place.": "Gruponi automatikisht krejt dhomat e parapëlqyera dhe personat tuaj në një vend.",
"Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "Shfaqni krejt dhomat tuaja te Kreu, edhe nëse gjenden në një hapësirë.",
"Home is useful for getting an overview of everything.": "Kreu është i dobishëm për të pasur një përmbledhje të gjithçkaje.",
"Along with the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Tok me hapësirat ku gjendeni, mund të përdorni edhe ca të ndërtuara paraprakisht.",
"Spaces to show": "Hapësira për shfaqje",
"Spaces are ways to group rooms and people.": "Hapësirat janë mënyra për të grupuar dhoma dhe persona.",
"Sidebar": "Anështyllë",
"Other rooms": "Dhoma të tjera",
"Meta Spaces": "Hapësira Meta"

View File

@ -1549,5 +1549,6 @@
"Whether you're using %(brand)s as an installed Progressive Web App": "Без обзира да ли користите %(brand)s као инсталирану Прогресивну веб апликацију",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Без обзира да ли користите функцију „breadcrumbs“ (аватари изнад листе соба)",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Коришћење овог виџета може да дели податке <helpIcon /> са %(widgetDomain)s и вашим интеграционим менаџером.",
"Identity server is": "Идентитетски сервер је"
"Identity server is": "Идентитетски сервер је",
"User %(user_id)s does not exist": "Корисник %(user_id)s не постоји"

View File

@ -3260,5 +3260,63 @@
"Use high contrast": "Använd högkontrast",
"Light high contrast": "Ljust högkontrast",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ändrade vilka som kan gå med i det här rummet.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room. <a>View settings</a>.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ändrade vilka som kan gå med i det här rummet. <a>Se inställningar</a>."
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed who can join this room. <a>View settings</a>.": "%(senderDisplayName)s ändrade vilka som kan gå med i det här rummet. <a>Se inställningar</a>.",
"Unable to load device list": "Kunde inte ladda enhets lista",
"Your homeserver does not support device management.": "Din hemserver stöder ännu inte enhetshantering.",
"Automatically send debug logs on any error": "Skicka automatiskt felsökningsloggar vid fel",
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Använd ett mer kompakt 'modernt' arrangemang",
"Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as it's used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "Lagra din säkerhetsnyckel någonstans säkert, som en lösenordshanterare eller ett kassaskåp, eftersom den används för att säkra din krypterade data.",
"Enter a security phrase only you know, as it's used to safeguard your data. To be secure, you shouldn't re-use your account password.": "Ange en säkerhetsfras som endast du känner till, eftersom den används för att säkra din data. För att vara säker så bör du ej använda ditt kontolösenord.",
"We'll generate a Security Key for you to store somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe.": "Vi kommer att generera en säkerhetsnyckel så du kan lagra någonstans säkert, som en lösenordshanterare eller ett kassaskåp.",
"Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored in this session. Without them, you won't be able to read all of your secure messages in any session.": "Återfå åtkomst till ditt konto och få tillbaka krypteringsnycklar lagrade i den här sessionen. Utan dem kommer du inte kunna läsa alla dina säkra meddelanden i någon session.",
"Without verifying, you won't have access to all your messages and may appear as untrusted to others.": "Om du inte verifierar så kommer du inte komma åt alla dina meddelanden och visas kanske som ej betrodd för andra.",
"Shows all threads you've participated in": "Visar alla trådar du har medverkat i",
"You're all caught up": "Du är ikapp",
"Copy link to thread": "Kopiera länk till tråd",
"Thread options": "Trådalternativ",
"We call the places where you can host your account 'homeservers'.": "Vi kallar platser du kan ha ditt konto på för 'hemservrar'.",
" is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": " är den största offentliga hemservern i världen, så den är en bra plats för många.",
"If you can't see who you're looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Om du inte ser den du letar efter, skicka din inbjudningslänk nedan till denne.",
"You can't disable this later. Bridges & most bots won't work yet.": "Du kan inte inaktivera detta senare. Bryggor och de flesta bottar kommer inte fungera än.",
"Add option": "Lägg till alternativ",
"Write an option": "Skriv ett alternativ",
"Option %(number)s": "Alternativ %(number)s",
"Create options": "Skapa alternativ",
"Write something...": "Skriv något…",
"Question or topic": "Fråga eller ämne",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "Vad är din omröstnings fråga eller ämne?",
"Create Poll": "Skapa omröstning",
"In encrypted rooms, verify all users to ensure it's secure.": "I krypterade rum, verifiera alla användare för att försäkra att det är säkert.",
"Yours, or the other users' session": "Din eller den andra användarens session",
"Yours, or the other users' internet connection": "Din eller den andra användarens internetuppkoppling",
"The homeserver the user you're verifying is connected to": "Hemservern användaren du verifierar är ansluten till",
"Can't see what you're looking for?": "Ser du inte det du letar efter?",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Du får inte starta omröstningar i det här rummet.",
"This room isn't bridging messages to any platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "Det här rummet bryggar inte meddelanden till några platformar. <a>Läs mer.</a>",
"Manage your signed-in devices below. A device's name is visible to people you communicate with.": "Hantera dina inloggade enheter nedan. En enhets namn syns för personer du kommunicerar med.",
"Where you're signed in": "Var du är inloggad",
"This room is in some spaces you're not an admin of. In those spaces, the old room will still be shown, but people will be prompted to join the new one.": "Det här rummet är med i några utrymmen du inte är admin för. I de utrymmena så kommer det gamla rummet fortfarande visas, men folk kommer uppmanas att gå med i det nya.",
"Rename": "Döp om",
"Sign Out": "Logga ut",
"Last seen %(date)s at %(ip)s": "Senast sedd %(date)s på %(ip)s",
"This device": "Denna enhet",
"You aren't signed into any other devices.": "Du är inte inloggad i några andra enheter.",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|one": "Logga ut %(count)s vald enhet",
"Sign out %(count)s selected devices|other": "Logga ut %(count)s valda enheter",
"Devices without encryption support": "Enheter utan krypteringsstöd",
"Unverified devices": "Overifierade enheter",
"Verified devices": "Verifierade enheter",
"Select all": "Välj alla",
"Deselect all": "Välj bort alla",
"Sign out devices|one": "Logga ut enhet",
"Sign out devices|other": "Logga ut enheter",
"Click the button below to confirm signing out these devices.|one": "Klicka på knappen nedan för att bekräfta utloggning av denna enhet.",
"Click the button below to confirm signing out these devices.|other": "Klicka på knappen nedan för att bekräfta utloggning av dessa enheter.",
"Confirm signing out these devices": "Bekräfta utloggning av dessa enheter",
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|one": "Bekräfta utloggning av denna enhet genom att använda externt konto för att bevisa din identitet.",
"Confirm logging out these devices by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.|other": "Bekräfta utloggning av dessa enheter genom att använda externt konto för att bevisa din identitet.",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "Någon annan har redan det användarnamnet, vänligen pröva ett annat.",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "Någon annan har redan det användarnamnet. Pröva ett annat, eller om det är ditt, logga in nedan.",
"Maximised widgets": "Maximerade widgets",
"Own your conversations.": "Äg dina konversationer."

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@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@
"%(senderName)s is calling": "%(senderName)s arıyor",
"See when anyone posts a sticker to your active room": "Aktif odanızda birisi çıkartma paylaştığında görün",
"See when a sticker is posted in this room": "Bu odada çıkartma paylaşıldığında görün",
"See when the avatar changes in your active room": "Aktif odanızdaki avatar değişikliklerini görün",
"See when the avatar changes in your active room": "Aktif odanızdaki profil fotoğrafı değişikliklerini görün",
"See when the avatar changes in this room": "Bu odadaki avatar değişikliklerini görün",
"The person who invited you already left the room, or their server is offline.": "Seni davet eden kişi zaten odadan ayrılmış yada sunucuları çevrim dışı.",
"The person who invited you already left the room.": "Seni davet eden kişi zaten odadan ayrılmış.",
@ -1794,10 +1794,10 @@
"Delete sessions|one": "Oturumu sil",
"Delete sessions|other": "Oturumları sil",
"Click the button below to confirm deleting these sessions.|one": "Bu oturumları silmeyi onaylamak için aşağıdaki butona tıklayın.",
"See when the name changes in your active room": "Aktif odanızın isim değişikliklerini görün",
"See when the name changes in this room": "Bu odanın isim değişikliklerini görün",
"See when the topic changes in this room": "Bu odada konu değişikliğini görün",
"See when the topic changes in your active room": "Aktif odanızda konu değiştiğinde görün",
"See when the name changes in your active room": "Aktif odanızdaki isim değişikliklerini görün",
"See when the name changes in this room": "Bu odadaki isim değişikliklerini görün",
"See when the topic changes in this room": "Bu odada konu başlığı değişince değişiklikleri görün",
"See when the topic changes in your active room": "Bu odada konu başlığı değişince değişiklikleri görün",
"Remain on your screen when viewing another room, when running": "a",
"Unknown caller": "Bilinmeyen arayan",
"%(name)s on hold": "%(name)s beklemede",
@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
"sends confetti": "Konfeti gönderir",
"Send stickers to this room as you": "Widget bu odaya sizin adınıza çıkartma göndersin",
"Send stickers to your active room as you": "Widget aktif odanıza sizin adınıza çıkartma göndersin",
"Send messages as you in this room": "Widget sizin adınıza mesaj göndersin",
"Send messages as you in this room": "Bu Araç sizin adınıza mesaj gönderir",
"Answered Elsewhere": "Arama başka bir yerde yanıtlandı",
"Effects": "Efektler",
"Sends the given message with confetti": "Mesajı konfeti ile gönderir",
@ -1957,9 +1957,9 @@
"You held the call <a>Switch</a>": "Aramayı beklettiniz <a>Değiştir</a>",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Parolayı değiştirmek, şu anda tüm oturumlardaki tüm uçtan-uca şifreleme anahtarlarını sıfırlayacak ve oda anahtarlarınız önce dışarı aktarıp sonrasında içeri aktarmadığınız sürece şifrelenmiş sohbet geçmişini okunamaz yapacaktır. Gelecekte bu geliştirilecektir.",
"Send images as you in this room": "Widget bu odaya sizin adınıza resim göndersin",
"Send emotes as you in your active room": "Widget aktif odanıza sizin adınıza ifade göndersin",
"Send emotes as you in your active room": "Bu araç sizin adınıza bu odaya ileti gönderir",
"Send emotes as you in this room": "Widget bu odaya sizin adınıza ifade göndersin",
"Send text messages as you in your active room": "Widget aktif odanıza sizin adınıza metin mesajı göndersin",
"Send text messages as you in your active room": "Bu araç sizin adınıza bu odaya mesaj gönderir",
"Send text messages as you in this room": "Widget bu odaya sizin adınıza metin mesajı göndersin",
"Send messages as you in your active room": "Widget aktif odanıza sizin adınıza mesaj göndersin",
"Send <b>%(eventType)s</b> events as you in your active room": "Widget aktif odanıza sizin adınıza <b>%(eventType)s</b> türü etkinlik göndersin",
@ -2267,5 +2267,12 @@
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "(%(server)s) Kimlik Sunucusu",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kimlik Sunucusuna bağlanılamadı",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Geçerli bir Kimlik Sunucu değil ( durum kodu %(code)s )",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Kimlik Sunucu URL adresi HTTPS olmak zorunda"
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Kimlik Sunucu URL adresi HTTPS olmak zorunda",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Mesajı sürprizbozan olarak gönder",
"Already in call": "Bu kişi zaten çağrıda",
"See when people join, leave, or are invited to your active room": "İnsanların odanıza ne zaman katıldığını, ayrıldığını veya davet edildiğini görün",
"Kick, ban, or invite people to this room, and make you leave": "İnsanları bu odadan atın,yasaklayın ya da bu odaya davet edin ve ayrılmanızı sağlayın",
"Light high contrast": "Yüksek ışık kontrastı",
"Transfer Failed": "Aktarma Başarısız",
"Unable to transfer call": "Arama Karşıdaki kişiye aktarılamıyor"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -3313,5 +3313,34 @@
"Question or topic": "问题或主题",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "你的投票问题或主题是什么?",
"Create Poll": "创建投票",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "你无权在此聊天室启动投票。"
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "你无权在此聊天室启动投票。",
"Copy link to thread": "复制帖子链接",
"Thread options": "帖子选项",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "用户名已被占用,请尝试使用其他用户名。",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "该名称已被占用。 尝试另一个,或者如果是您,请在下面登录。",
"Maximised widgets": "最大化的小部件",
"Own your conversations.": "拥有您的对话。",
"Minimise dialog": "最小化对话框",
"Maximise dialog": "最大化对话框",
"Based on %(total)s votes": "基于 %(total)s 票",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s 票",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "显示托盘图标并在关闭时最小化窗口至托盘",
"Reply in thread": "在帖子中回复",
"Along with the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "除了你所在的空间,你也可以使用一些预先建造的空间。",
"Spaces to show": "要显示的空间",
"Spaces are ways to group rooms and people.": "空间是将聊天室和人分组的方式。",
"Sidebar": "侧边栏",
"Other rooms": "其他聊天室",
"Meta Spaces": "元空间",
"Show all threads": "显示所有帖子",
"Threads help you keep conversations on-topic and easilytrack them over time. Create the first one by using the\"Reply in thread\" button on a message.": "帖子可以帮助你防止对话离题,并轻松地跟踪它们的进展。通过使用消息的“在帖子中回复”按钮创建第一个帖子。",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "用帖子使讨论井然有序",
"Automatically group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "自动将不属于某个空间的所有聊天室组合在一起。",
"Rooms outside of a space": "空间之外的聊天室",
"Automatically group all your people together in one place.": "自动地把你所有的人聚集在一个地方。",
"Automatically group all your favourite rooms and people together in one place.": "自动地把所有你最喜欢的聊天室和人聚集到一个地方。",
"Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "在主页展示你所有的聊天室,即使它们是在一个空间里。",
"Home is useful for getting an overview of everything.": "对于了解所有事情的概况来说,主页很有用的。",
"Manage rooms in this space": "管理此空间中的聊天室",
"Threads help you keep conversations on-topic and easily track them over time. Create the first one by using the \"Reply in thread\" button on a message.": "帖子可以帮助你使对话不离题,并轻易跟踪进度。使用消息的“在帖子中回复”按钮创建第一个帖子。"

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@ -3307,5 +3307,42 @@
"This room isn't bridging messages to any platforms. <a>Learn more.</a>": "此聊天室不會將訊息橋接至任何平台。<a>取得更多資訊。</a>",
"Where you're signed in": "您登入的位置",
"This room is in some spaces you're not an admin of. In those spaces, the old room will still be shown, but people will be prompted to join the new one.": "這個聊天室位於您不是管理員的某些空間中。在那些空間中,舊的聊天室仍將會顯示,但系統會提示人們加入新的。",
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "使用更簡潔的「現代」佈局"
"Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "使用更簡潔的「現代」佈局",
"Copy link to thread": "複製討論串連結",
"Thread options": "討論串選項",
"Add option": "新增選項",
"Write an option": "編寫選項",
"Option %(number)s": "選項 %(number)s",
"Create options": "建立選項",
"Write something...": "寫一些東西……",
"Question or topic": "問題或主題",
"What is your poll question or topic?": "您的投票問題或主題是什麼?",
"Create Poll": "建立投票",
"You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "您無權在此聊天室啟動投票。",
"Someone already has that username, please try another.": "某人已使用該使用者名稱,請嘗試使用另一個。",
"Someone already has that username. Try another or if it is you, sign in below.": "某人已使用該使用者名稱。請嘗試使用另一個,或著如果是您,請在下方登入。",
"Maximised widgets": "最大化的小工具",
"Own your conversations.": "擁有您的對話。",
"Minimise dialog": "最小化對話方塊",
"Maximise dialog": "最大化對話方塊",
"Based on %(total)s votes": "基於 %(total)s 個投票",
"%(number)s votes": "%(number)s 個投票",
"Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "顯示系統匣圖示並於關閉時最小化",
"Show all threads": "顯示所有討論串",
"Keep discussions organised with threads": "使用討論串讓討論井井有條",
"Reply in thread": "在討論串中回覆",
"Manage rooms in this space": "管理此空間中的聊天室",
"Automatically group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "自動將不屬於某一個空間的所有聊天室都放到某一個地方。",
"Rooms outside of a space": "空間外的聊天室",
"Automatically group all your people together in one place.": "自動將所有人們聚集在同一個地方。",
"Automatically group all your favourite rooms and people together in one place.": "自動將您喜愛的所有聊天室與人們集中在同一個地方。",
"Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "將您所有的聊天室顯示在首頁,即便它們位於同一個空間。",
"Home is useful for getting an overview of everything.": "首頁對於取得所有內容的概覽很有用。",
"Along with the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "除了您所在的空間以外,您也可以使用一些預先建構的空間。",
"Spaces to show": "要顯示的空間",
"Spaces are ways to group rooms and people.": "空間是將聊天室與人們分組的方式。",
"Sidebar": "側邊欄",
"Other rooms": "其他聊天室",
"Meta Spaces": "架空空間",
"Threads help you keep conversations on-topic and easily track them over time. Create the first one by using the \"Reply in thread\" button on a message.": "討論串可協助您讓討論切合主題,並隨著時間推移輕鬆地追蹤它們。使用訊息上的「在討論串中回覆」按鈕建立第一個。"