Merge branch 'develop' into travis/room-list/enable

Travis Ralston 2020-07-10 11:11:25 -06:00
commit bdb641279a
5 changed files with 180 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ limitations under the License.
.mx_RoomSublist2_resizeBox {
margin-bottom: 4px; // for the resize handle
position: relative;
// Create another flexbox column for the tiles
@ -189,55 +188,22 @@ limitations under the License.
flex-direction: column;
overflow: hidden;
.mx_RoomSublist2_placeholder {
height: 44px; // Height of a room tile plus margins
.mx_RoomSublist2_tiles {
flex: 1 0 0;
overflow: hidden;
// need this to be flex otherwise the overflow hidden from above
// sometimes vertically centers the clipped list ... no idea why it would do this
// as the box model should be top aligned. Happens in both FF and Chromium
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.mx_RoomSublist2_showNButton {
cursor: pointer;
font-size: $font-13px;
line-height: $font-18px;
color: $roomtile2-preview-color;
.mx_RoomSublist2_resizerHandles_showNButton {
flex: 0 0 32px;
// Update the render() function for RoomSublist2 if these change
// Update the ListLayout class for minVisibleTiles if these change.
// At 24px high, 8px padding on the top and 4px padding on the bottom this equates to 0.73 of
// a tile due to how the padding calculations work.
height: 24px;
padding-top: 8px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
// We force this to the bottom so it will overlap rooms as needed.
// We account for the space it takes up (24px) in the code through padding.
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
// We create a flexbox to cheat at alignment
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.mx_RoomSublist2_showNButtonChevron {
position: relative;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
margin-left: 12px;
margin-right: 18px;
mask-position: center;
mask-size: contain;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background: $roomtile2-preview-color;
.mx_RoomSublist2_showMoreButtonChevron {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/feather-customised/chevron-down.svg');
.mx_RoomSublist2_showLessButtonChevron {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/feather-customised/chevron-up.svg');
.mx_RoomSublist2_resizerHandles {
flex: 0 0 4px;
// Class name comes from the ResizableBox component
@ -269,6 +235,42 @@ limitations under the License.
.mx_RoomSublist2_showNButton {
cursor: pointer;
font-size: $font-13px;
line-height: $font-18px;
color: $roomtile2-preview-color;
// Update the render() function for RoomSublist2 if these change
// Update the ListLayout class for minVisibleTiles if these change.
height: 24px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
// We create a flexbox to cheat at alignment
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.mx_RoomSublist2_showNButtonChevron {
position: relative;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
margin-left: 12px;
margin-right: 18px;
mask-position: center;
mask-size: contain;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
background: $roomtile2-preview-color;
.mx_RoomSublist2_showMoreButtonChevron {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/feather-customised/chevron-down.svg');
.mx_RoomSublist2_showLessButtonChevron {
mask-image: url('$(res)/img/feather-customised/chevron-up.svg');
&:not(.mx_RoomSublist2_minimized) > .mx_RoomSublist2_headerContainer:focus-within,
&:not(.mx_RoomSublist2_minimized) > .mx_RoomSublist2_headerContainer:hover {
@ -314,13 +316,13 @@ limitations under the License.
.mx_RoomSublist2_resizeBox {
align-items: center;
.mx_RoomSublist2_showNButton {
flex-direction: column;
.mx_RoomSublist2_showNButton {
flex-direction: column;
.mx_RoomSublist2_showNButtonChevron {
margin-right: 12px; // to center
.mx_RoomSublist2_showNButtonChevron {
margin-right: 12px; // to center

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import RoomListLayoutStore from "../../../stores/room-list/RoomListLayoutStore";
* warning disappears. *
const SHOW_N_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 32; // As defined by CSS
const SHOW_N_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 28; // As defined by CSS
const RESIZE_HANDLE_HEIGHT = 4; // As defined by CSS
export const HEADER_HEIGHT = 32; // As defined by CSS
@ -87,6 +87,12 @@ interface IProps {
// TODO: Account for
// TODO: Use re-resizer's NumberSize when it is exposed as the type
interface ResizeDelta {
width: number;
height: number;
type PartialDOMRect = Pick<DOMRect, "left" | "top" | "height">;
interface IState {
@ -94,6 +100,7 @@ interface IState {
contextMenuPosition: PartialDOMRect;
isResizing: boolean;
isExpanded: boolean; // used for the for expand of the sublist when the room list is being filtered
height: number;
export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
@ -101,28 +108,54 @@ export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
private sublistRef = createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
private dispatcherRef: string;
private layout: ListLayout;
private heightAtStart: number;
constructor(props: IProps) {
this.layout = RoomListLayoutStore.instance.getLayoutFor(this.props.tagId);
this.heightAtStart = 0;
const height = this.calculateInitialHeight();
this.state = {
notificationState: RoomNotificationStateStore.instance.getListState(this.props.tagId),
contextMenuPosition: null,
isResizing: false,
isExpanded: this.props.isFiltered ? this.props.isFiltered : !this.layout.isCollapsed
isExpanded: this.props.isFiltered ? this.props.isFiltered : !this.layout.isCollapsed,
this.dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(this.onAction);
private calculateInitialHeight() {
const requestedVisibleTiles = Math.max(Math.floor(this.layout.visibleTiles), this.layout.minVisibleTiles);
const tileCount = Math.min(this.numTiles, requestedVisibleTiles);
const height = this.layout.tilesToPixelsWithPadding(tileCount, this.padding);
return height;
private get padding() {
// this is used for calculating the max height of the whole container,
// and takes into account whether there should be room reserved for the show less button
// when fully expanded. Note that the show more button might still be shown when not fully expanded,
// but in this case it will take the space of a tile and we don't need to reserve space for it.
if (this.numTiles > this.layout.defaultVisibleTiles) {
return padding;
private get numTiles(): number {
return (this.props.rooms || []).length + (this.props.extraBadTilesThatShouldntExist || []).length;
return RoomSublist2.calcNumTiles(this.props);
private static calcNumTiles(props) {
return (props.rooms || []).length + (props.extraBadTilesThatShouldntExist || []).length;
private get numVisibleTiles(): number {
const nVisible = Math.floor(this.layout.visibleTiles);
const nVisible = Math.ceil(this.layout.visibleTiles);
return Math.min(nVisible, this.numTiles);
@ -135,6 +168,11 @@ export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
this.setState({isExpanded: !this.layout.isCollapsed});
// as the rooms can come in one by one we need to reevaluate
// the amount of available rooms to cap the amount of requested visible rooms by the layout
if (RoomSublist2.calcNumTiles(prevProps) !== this.numTiles) {
this.setState({height: this.calculateInitialHeight()});
public componentWillUnmount() {
@ -166,47 +204,50 @@ export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
if (this.props.onAddRoom) this.props.onAddRoom();
private applyHeightChange(newHeight: number) {
const heightInTiles = Math.ceil(this.layout.pixelsToTiles(newHeight - this.padding));
this.layout.visibleTiles = Math.min(this.numTiles, heightInTiles);
private onResize = (
e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent,
travelDirection: Direction,
refToElement: HTMLDivElement,
delta: { width: number, height: number }, // TODO: Use re-resizer's NumberSize when it is exposed as the type
delta: ResizeDelta,
) => {
// Do some sanity checks, but in reality we shouldn't need these.
if (travelDirection !== "bottom") return;
if (delta.height === 0) return; // something went wrong, so just ignore it.
// NOTE: the movement in the MouseEvent (not present on a TouchEvent) is inaccurate
// for our purposes. The delta provided by the library is also a change *from when
// resizing started*, meaning it is fairly useless for us. This is why we just use
// the client height and run with it.
const heightBefore = this.layout.visibleTiles;
const heightInTiles = this.layout.pixelsToTiles(refToElement.clientHeight);
this.layout.setVisibleTilesWithin(heightInTiles, this.numTiles);
if (heightBefore === this.layout.visibleTiles) return; // no-op
this.forceUpdate(); // because the layout doesn't trigger a re-render
const newHeight = this.heightAtStart + delta.height;
this.setState({height: newHeight});
private onResizeStart = () => {
this.heightAtStart = this.state.height;
this.setState({isResizing: true});
private onResizeStop = () => {
this.setState({isResizing: false});
private onResizeStop = (
e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent,
travelDirection: Direction,
refToElement: HTMLDivElement,
delta: ResizeDelta,
) => {
const newHeight = this.heightAtStart + delta.height;
this.setState({isResizing: false, height: newHeight});
private onShowAllClick = () => {
const numVisibleTiles = this.numVisibleTiles;
this.layout.visibleTiles = this.layout.tilesWithPadding(this.numTiles, MAX_PADDING_HEIGHT);
this.forceUpdate(); // because the layout doesn't trigger a re-render
setImmediate(this.focusRoomTile, numVisibleTiles); // focus the tile after the current bottom one
const newHeight = this.layout.tilesToPixelsWithPadding(this.numTiles, this.padding);
this.setState({height: newHeight}, () => {
this.focusRoomTile(this.numTiles - 1);
private onShowLessClick = () => {
this.layout.visibleTiles = this.layout.defaultVisibleTiles;
this.forceUpdate(); // because the layout doesn't trigger a re-render
// focus will flow to the show more button here
const newHeight = this.layout.tilesToPixelsWithPadding(this.layout.defaultVisibleTiles, this.padding);
this.setState({height: newHeight});
private focusRoomTile = (index: number) => {
@ -559,7 +600,6 @@ export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
// TODO: Error boundary:
const visibleTiles = this.renderVisibleTiles();
const classes = classNames({
'mx_RoomSublist2': true,
'mx_RoomSublist2_hasMenuOpen': !!this.state.contextMenuPosition,
@ -570,6 +610,11 @@ export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
if (visibleTiles.length > 0) {
const layout = this.layout; // to shorten calls
const minTiles = Math.min(layout.minVisibleTiles, this.numTiles);
const showMoreAtMinHeight = minTiles < this.numTiles;
const minHeightPadding = RESIZE_HANDLE_HEIGHT + (showMoreAtMinHeight ? SHOW_N_BUTTON_HEIGHT : 0);
const minTilesPx = layout.tilesToPixelsWithPadding(minTiles, minHeightPadding);
const maxTilesPx = layout.tilesToPixelsWithPadding(this.numTiles, this.padding);
const showMoreBtnClasses = classNames({
'mx_RoomSublist2_showNButton': true,
@ -578,9 +623,11 @@ export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
// floats above the resize handle, if we have one present. If the user has all
// tiles visible, it becomes 'show less'.
let showNButton = null;
if (this.numTiles > visibleTiles.length) {
// we have a cutoff condition - add the button to show all
const numMissing = this.numTiles - visibleTiles.length;
if (maxTilesPx > this.state.height) {
const nonPaddedHeight = this.state.height - RESIZE_HANDLE_HEIGHT - SHOW_N_BUTTON_HEIGHT;
const amountFullyShown = Math.floor(nonPaddedHeight / this.layout.tileHeight);
const numMissing = this.numTiles - amountFullyShown;
let showMoreText = (
<span className='mx_RoomSublist2_showNButtonText'>
{_t("Show %(count)s more", {count: numMissing})}
@ -595,7 +642,7 @@ export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
} else if (this.numTiles <= visibleTiles.length && this.numTiles > this.layout.defaultVisibleTiles) {
} else if (this.numTiles > this.layout.defaultVisibleTiles) {
// we have all tiles visible - add a button to show less
let showLessText = (
<span className='mx_RoomSublist2_showNButtonText'>
@ -639,44 +686,31 @@ export default class RoomSublist2 extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
// goes backwards and can become wildly incorrect (visibleTiles says 18 when there's
// only mathematically 7 possible).
// The padding is variable though, so figure out what we need padding for.
let padding = 0;
if (showNButton) padding += SHOW_N_BUTTON_HEIGHT;
padding += RESIZE_HANDLE_HEIGHT; // always append the handle height
const handleWrapperClasses = classNames({
'mx_RoomSublist2_resizerHandles': true,
'mx_RoomSublist2_resizerHandles_showNButton': !!showNButton,
const relativeTiles = layout.tilesWithPadding(this.numTiles, padding);
const minTilesPx = layout.calculateTilesToPixelsMin(relativeTiles, layout.minVisibleTiles, padding);
const maxTilesPx = layout.tilesToPixelsWithPadding(this.numTiles, padding);
const tilesWithoutPadding = Math.min(relativeTiles, layout.visibleTiles);
const tilesPx = layout.calculateTilesToPixelsMin(relativeTiles, tilesWithoutPadding, padding);
// Now that we know our padding constraints, let's find out if we need to chop off the
// last rendered visible tile so it doesn't collide with the 'show more' button
let visibleUnpaddedTiles = Math.round(layout.visibleTiles - layout.pixelsToTiles(padding));
if (visibleUnpaddedTiles === visibleTiles.length - 1) {
const placeholder = <div className="mx_RoomSublist2_placeholder" key='placeholder' />;
visibleTiles.splice(visibleUnpaddedTiles, 1, placeholder);
const dimensions = {
height: tilesPx,
content = (
size={dimensions as any}
handleClasses={{bottom: "mx_RoomSublist2_resizerHandle"}}
size={{height: this.state.height} as any}
handleClasses={{bottom: "mx_RoomSublist2_resizerHandle"}}
<div className="mx_RoomSublist2_tiles">

View File

@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ const TILE_HEIGHT_PX = 44;
// this comes from the CSS where the show more button is
// mathematically this percent of a tile when floating.
const RESIZER_BOX_FACTOR = 0.78;
//const RESIZER_BOX_FACTOR = 0.78;
interface ISerializedListLayout {
numTiles: number;
@ -109,6 +110,10 @@ export class ListLayout {
return this.tilesToPixels(Math.min(maxTiles, n)) + padding;
public tilesWithResizerBoxFactor(n: number): number {
public tilesWithPadding(n: number, paddingPx: number): number {
return this.pixelsToTiles(this.tilesToPixelsWithPadding(n, paddingPx));

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import { IListOrderingMap, ITagMap, ITagSortingMap, ListAlgorithm, SortAlgorithm
import { ActionPayload } from "../../dispatcher/payloads";
import defaultDispatcher from "../../dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { readReceiptChangeIsFor } from "../../utils/read-receipts";
import { IFilterCondition } from "./filters/IFilterCondition";
import { FILTER_CHANGED, IFilterCondition } from "./filters/IFilterCondition";
import { TagWatcher } from "./TagWatcher";
import RoomViewStore from "../RoomViewStore";
import { Algorithm, LIST_UPDATED_EVENT } from "./algorithms/Algorithm";
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ export class RoomListStore2 extends AsyncStore<ActionPayload> {
for (const settingName of this.watchedSettings) SettingsStore.monitorSetting(settingName, null);
RoomViewStore.addListener(() => this.handleRVSUpdate({}));
this.algorithm.on(LIST_UPDATED_EVENT, this.onAlgorithmListUpdated);
this.algorithm.on(FILTER_CHANGED, this.onAlgorithmFilterUpdated);
public get orderedLists(): ITagMap {
@ -512,6 +513,11 @@ export class RoomListStore2 extends AsyncStore<ActionPayload> {
private onAlgorithmFilterUpdated = () => {
// The filter can happen off-cycle, so trigger an update if we need to.
* Regenerates the room whole room list, discarding any previous results.

View File

@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
// Populate the cache of the new filter
this.allowedByFilter.set(filterCondition, this.rooms.filter(r => filterCondition.isVisible(r)));
filterCondition.on(FILTER_CHANGED, this.recalculateFilteredRooms.bind(this));
filterCondition.on(FILTER_CHANGED, this.handleFilterChange.bind(this));
public removeFilterCondition(filterCondition: IFilterCondition): void {, this.recalculateFilteredRooms.bind(this));, this.handleFilterChange.bind(this));
if (this.allowedByFilter.has(filterCondition)) {
@ -169,6 +169,13 @@ export class Algorithm extends EventEmitter {
private async handleFilterChange() {
await this.recalculateFilteredRooms();
// re-emit the update so the list store can fire an off-cycle update if needed
private async updateStickyRoom(val: Room) {
try {
return await this.doUpdateStickyRoom(val);