Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

Weblate 2021-07-16 18:59:25 +00:00
commit c10a396d6d
49 changed files with 593 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -1552,5 +1552,15 @@
"Too Many Calls": "مكالمات كثيرة جدا",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "فشلت المكالمة لعدم امكانية الوصل للميكروفون او الكاميرا , من فضلك قم بالتأكد.",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "فشلت المكالمة لعدم امكانية الوصل للميكروفون , تأكد من ان المكروفون متصل وتم اعداده بشكل صحيح.",
"Explore rooms": "استكشِف الغرف"
"Explore rooms": "استكشِف الغرف",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "قد يؤدي استخدام عنصر واجهة المستخدم هذا إلى مشاركة البيانات <helpIcon /> مع %(widgetDomain)s ومدير التكامل الخاص بك.",
"Identity server is": "خادم الهوية هو",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "يتلقى مديرو التكامل بيانات الضبط ، ويمكنهم تعديل عناصر واجهة المستخدم ، وإرسال دعوات الغرف ، وتعيين مستويات القوة نيابة عنك.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "استخدم مدير التكامل لإدارة الروبوتات وعناصر الواجهة وحزم الملصقات.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "استخدم مدير التكامل <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> لإدارة الروبوتات وعناصر الواجهة وحزم الملصقات.",
"Identity server": "خادم الهوية",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "خادمة الهوية (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "تعذر الاتصال بخادم هوية",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "خادم هوية مردود (رقم الحال %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "يجب أن يكون رابط (URL) خادم الهوية HTTPS"

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@ -383,5 +383,7 @@
"%(senderDisplayName)s enabled flair for %(newGroups)s and disabled flair for %(oldGroups)s in this room.": "Bu otaqda %(newGroups)s üçün aktiv və %(oldGroups)s üçün %(senderDisplayName)s deaktiv oldu.",
"Create Account": "Hesab Aç",
"Explore rooms": "Otaqları kəşf edin",
"Sign In": "Daxil ol"
"Sign In": "Daxil ol",
"Identity server is": "Eyniləşdirmənin serveri bu",
"Identity server": "Eyniləşdirmənin serveri"

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@ -2897,5 +2897,17 @@
"Already in call": "Вече в разговор",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Вече сте в разговор в този човек.",
"Too Many Calls": "Твърде много повиквания",
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Неуспешно повикване поради неуспешен достъп до микрофон. Проверете дали микрофонът е включен и настроен правилно."
"Call failed because microphone could not be accessed. Check that a microphone is plugged in and set up correctly.": "Неуспешно повикване поради неуспешен достъп до микрофон. Проверете дали микрофонът е включен и настроен правилно.",
"Integration manager": "Мениджър на интеграции",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Вашият %(brand)s не позволява да използвате мениджъра на интеграции за да направите това. Свържете се с администратор.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Използването на това приспособление може да сподели данни <helpIcon /> с %(widgetDomain)s и с мениджъра на интеграции.",
"Identity server is": "Сървър за самоличност:",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Мениджърът на интеграции получава конфигурационни данни, може да модифицира приспособления, да изпраща покани за стаи и да настройва нива на достъп от ваше име.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Използвай мениджър на интеграции за управление на ботове, приспособления и стикери.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Използвай мениджър на интеграции <b>%(serverName)s</b> за управление на ботове, приспособления и стикери.",
"Identity server": "Сървър за самоличност",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Сървър за самоличност (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Неуспешна връзка със сървъра за самоличност",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Невалиден сървър за самоличност (статус код %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Адресът на сървъра за самоличност трябва да бъде HTTPS"

View File

@ -1 +1,4 @@
"Integration manager": "ইন্টিগ্রেশন ম্যানেজার",
"Identity server": "পরিচয় সার্ভার"

View File

@ -1 +1,4 @@
"Integration manager": "ইন্টিগ্রেশন ম্যানেজার",
"Identity server": "পরিচয় সার্ভার"

View File

@ -2,5 +2,6 @@
"Dismiss": "Odbaci",
"Create Account": "Otvori račun",
"Sign In": "Prijavite se",
"Explore rooms": "Istražite sobe"
"Explore rooms": "Istražite sobe",
"Identity server": "Identifikacioni Server"

View File

@ -953,5 +953,10 @@
"Unable to access microphone": "No s'ha pogut accedir al micròfon",
"Explore rooms": "Explora sales",
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)sno ha fet canvis",
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)sno ha fet canvis %(count)s cops"
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)sno ha fet canvis %(count)s cops",
"Integration manager": "Gestor d'integracions",
"Identity server is": "El servidor d'identitat és",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Els gestors d'integracions reben dades de configuració i poden modificar ginys, enviar invitacions a sales i establir nivells d'autoritat en nom teu.",
"Identity server": "Servidor d'identitat",
"Could not connect to identity server": "No s'ha pogut connectar amb el servidor d'identitat"

View File

@ -3400,5 +3400,26 @@
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "Některé pozvánky nebylo možné odeslat",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "Poslali jsme ostatním, ale níže uvedení lidé nemohli být pozváni do <RoomName/>",
"Visibility": "Viditelnost",
"Address": "Adresa"
"Address": "Adresa",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Pro zobrazení všech klávesových zkratek, klikněte zde.",
"Unnamed audio": "Nepojmenovaný audio soubor",
"Error processing audio message": "Došlo k chybě při zpracovávání hlasové zprávy",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Obrázky, GIFy a videa",
"Code blocks": "Bloky kódu",
"Displaying time": "Zobrazování času",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Klávesové zkratky",
"Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Stiskněte Ctrl + F k vyhledávání v časové ose",
"Use Command + F to search timeline": "Stiskněte Command + F k vyhledávání v časové ose",
"Integration manager": "Správce integrací",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Váš %(brand)s neumožňuje použít správce integrací. Kontaktujte prosím správce.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Použití tohoto widgetu může sdílet data <helpIcon /> s %(widgetDomain)s a vaším správcem integrací.",
"Identity server is": "Server identity je",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Správce integrací dostává konfigurační data a může za vás modifikovat widgety, posílat pozvánky a nastavovat úrovně oprávnění.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Použít správce integrací na správu botů, widgetů a samolepek.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Použít správce integrací <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> na správu botů, widgetů a samolepek.",
"Identity server": "Server identit",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Server identit (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Nepovedlo se připojení k serveru identit",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Toto není validní server identit (stavový kód %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Adresa serveru identit musí být na HTTPS"

View File

@ -11,5 +11,6 @@
"Sign In": "Mewngofnodi",
"Create Account": "Creu Cyfrif",
"Dismiss": "Wfftio",
"Explore rooms": "Archwilio Ystafelloedd"
"Explore rooms": "Archwilio Ystafelloedd",
"Identity server": "Gweinydd Adnabod"

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@ -3442,7 +3442,7 @@
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s hat das Profilbild entfernt",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s)": "%(senderName)s hat den alten Nicknamen %(oldDisplayName)s entfernt",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(senderName)s hat den Nicknamen zu %(displayName)s geändert",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s hat den Nicknamen zu%(displayName)s geändert",
"%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(oldDisplayName)s hat den Nicknamen zu %(displayName)s geändert",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s hat %(targetName)s gebannt",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s hat %(targetName)s gebannt: %(reason)s",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s hat die Einladung akzeptiert",
@ -3452,5 +3452,30 @@
"Message search initialisation failed, check <a>your settings</a> for more information": "Initialisierung der Nachrichtensuche fehlgeschlagen. Öffne <a>die Einstellungen</a> für mehr Information.",
"This room is dedicated to illegal or toxic content or the moderators fail to moderate illegal or toxic content.\n This will be reported to the administrators of %(homeserver)s.": "Der Raum beinhaltet illegale oder toxische Nachrichten und die Raummoderation verhindert es nicht.\nDies wird an die Betreiber von %(homeserver)s gemeldet werden.",
"This room is dedicated to illegal or toxic content or the moderators fail to moderate illegal or toxic content.\nThis will be reported to the administrators of %(homeserver)s. The administrators will NOT be able to read the encrypted content of this room.": "Der Raum beinhaltet illegale oder toxische Nachrichten und die Raummoderation verhindert es nicht.\nDies wird an die Betreiber von %(homeserver)s gemeldet werden. Diese können jedoch die verschlüsselten Nachrichten nicht lesen.",
"This user is displaying illegal behaviour, for instance by doxing people or threatening violence.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators who may escalate this to legal authorities.": "Diese Person zeigt illegales Verhalten, beispielsweise das Leaken persönlicher Daten oder Gewaltdrohungen.\nDies wird an die Raummoderation gemeldet, welche dies an die Justiz weitergeben kann."
"This user is displaying illegal behaviour, for instance by doxing people or threatening violence.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators who may escalate this to legal authorities.": "Diese Person zeigt illegales Verhalten, beispielsweise das Leaken persönlicher Daten oder Gewaltdrohungen.\nDies wird an die Raummoderation gemeldet, welche dies an die Justiz weitergeben kann.",
"Unnamed audio": "Unbenannte Audiodatei",
"Show %(count)s other previews|one": "%(count)s andere Vorschau zeigen",
"Show %(count)s other previews|other": "%(count)s andere Vorschauen zeigen",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Mediendateien",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Alle Tastenkombinationen anzeigen",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Tastenkombinationen",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "%(userId)s ist schon eingeladen",
"Unable to copy a link to the room to the clipboard.": "Der Link zum Raum konnte nicht kopiert werden.",
"Unable to copy room link": "Raumlink konnte nicht kopiert werden",
"Integration manager": "Integrationsverwaltung",
"User Directory": "Benutzerverzeichnis",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Dein %(brand)s erlaubt dir nicht, eine Integrationsverwaltung zu verwenden, um dies zu tun. Bitte kontaktiere einen Administrator.",
"Copy Link": "Link kopieren",
"Transfer Failed": "Übertragen fehlgeschlagen",
"Unable to transfer call": "Übertragen des Anrufs fehlgeschlagen",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Wenn du dieses Widget verwendest, können Daten <helpIcon /> zu %(widgetDomain)s und deinem Integrationsserver übertragen werden.",
"Identity server is": "Der Identitätsserver ist",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integrationsverwalter erhalten Konfigurationsdaten und können Widgets modifizieren, Raumeinladungen verschicken und in deinem Namen Berechtigungslevel setzen.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Verwende einen Integrationsverwalter, um Bots, Widgets und Stickerpakete zu verwalten.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Nutze einen Integrationsverwalter <b>(%(serverName)s)</b>, um Bots, Widgets und Stickerpakete zu verwalten.",
"Identity server": "Identitätsserver",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identitätsserver (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Verbindung zum Identitätsserver konnte nicht hergestellt werden",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Ungültiger Identitätsserver (Fehlercode %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Identitätsserver-URL muss HTTPS sein"

View File

@ -925,5 +925,6 @@
"Done": "Τέλος",
"Not Trusted": "Μη Έμπιστο",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Είστε ήδη σε κλήση με αυτόν τον χρήστη.",
"Already in call": "Ήδη σε κλήση"
"Already in call": "Ήδη σε κλήση",
"Identity server is": "Ο διακομιστής ταυτοποίησης είναι"

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@ -3326,5 +3326,16 @@
"Try different words or check for typos. Some results may not be visible as they're private and you need an invite to join them.": "Provu aliajn vortojn aŭ kontorolu, ĉu vi ne tajperaris. Iuj rezultoj eble ne videblos, ĉar ili estas privataj kaj vi bezonus inviton por aliĝi.",
"No results for \"%(query)s\"": "Neniuj rezultoj por «%(query)s»",
"The user you called is busy.": "La uzanto, kiun vi vokis, estas okupata.",
"User Busy": "Uzanto estas okupata"
"User Busy": "Uzanto estas okupata",
"Integration manager": "Kunigilo",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Via %(brand)so ne permesas al vi uzi kunigilon por tio. Bonvolu kontakti administranton.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Uzo de tiu ĉi fenestraĵo eble havigos datumojn <helpIcon /> kun %(widgetDomain)s kaj via kunigilo.",
"Identity server is": "Identiga servilo estas",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Kunigiloj ricevas agordajn datumojn, kaj povas modifi fenestraĵojn, sendi invitojn al ĉambroj, kaj vianome agordi povnivelojn.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Uzu kunigilon por administrado de robotoj, fenestraĵoj, kaj glumarkaroj.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Uzu kunigilon <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> por administrado de robotoj, fenestraĵoj, kaj glumarkaroj.",
"Identity server": "Identiga servilo",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identiga servilo (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Ne povis konektiĝi al identiga servilo",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Nevalida identiga servilo (statkodo %(code)s)"

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@ -3420,5 +3420,16 @@
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s ha aceptado una invitación",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s ha aceptado la invitación a %(displayName)s",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "Hemos enviado el resto, pero no hemos podido invitar las siguientes personas a la sala <RoomName/>",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "No se han podido enviar algunas invitaciones"
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "No se han podido enviar algunas invitaciones",
"Integration manager": "Administrador de integración",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "%(brand)s no utilizar un \"gestor de integración\" para hacer esto. Por favor, contacta con un administrador.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Usar este widget puede resultar en que se compartan datos <helpIcon /> con %(widgetDomain)s y su administrador de integración.",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Los administradores de integración reciben datos de configuración, y pueden modificar widgets, enviar invitaciones de sala, y establecer niveles de poder en tu nombre.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Utiliza un administrador de integración para gestionar los bots, los widgets y los paquetes de pegatinas.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Usar un gestor de integraciones <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> para manejar los bots, widgets y paquetes de pegatinas.",
"Identity server": "Servidor de identidad",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Servidor de identidad %(server)s",
"Could not connect to identity server": "No se ha podido conectar al servidor de identidad",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "No es un servidor de identidad válido (código de estado %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "La URL del servidor de identidad debe ser tipo HTTPS"

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@ -2829,7 +2829,7 @@
"Messages here are end-to-end encrypted. Verify %(displayName)s in their profile - tap on their avatar.": "Sõnumid siin jututoas on läbivalt krüptitud. Klõpsides tunnuspilti saad kontrollida kasutaja %(displayName)s profiili.",
"%(creator)s created this DM.": "%(creator)s alustas seda otsesuhtlust.",
"This is the start of <roomName/>.": "See on <roomName/> jututoa algus.",
"Add a photo, so people can easily spot your room.": "Selle, et teised märkaks sinu jututuba lihtsamini, palun lisa üks pilt.",
"Add a photo, so people can easily spot your room.": "Selleks, et teised märkaks sinu jututuba lihtsamini, palun lisa üks pilt.",
"%(displayName)s created this room.": "%(displayName)s lõi selle jututoa.",
"You created this room.": "Sa lõid selle jututoa.",
"<a>Add a topic</a> to help people know what it is about.": "Selleks, et teised teaks millega on tegemist, palun <a>lisa teema</a>.",
@ -3450,5 +3450,23 @@
"This user is spamming the room with ads, links to ads or to propaganda.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "See kasutaja spämmib jututuba reklaamidega, reklaamlinkidega või propagandaga.\nJututoa moderaatorid saavad selle kohta teate.",
"This user is displaying toxic behaviour, for instance by insulting other users or sharing adult-only content in a family-friendly room or otherwise violating the rules of this room.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Selle kasutaja tegevus on äärmiselt ebasobilik, milleks võib olla teiste jututoas osalejate solvamine, peresõbralikku jututuppa täiskasvanutele mõeldud sisu lisamine või muul viisil jututoa reeglite rikkumine.\nJututoa moderaatorid saavad selle kohta teate.",
"Please provide an address": "Palun sisesta aadress",
"Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Meie esimene katsetus modereerimisega. Kui jututoas on modereerimine toetatud, siis „Teata moderaatorile“ nupust võid saada teate ebasobiliku sisu kohta"
"Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Meie esimene katsetus modereerimisega. Kui jututoas on modereerimine toetatud, siis „Teata moderaatorile“ nupust võid saada teate ebasobiliku sisu kohta",
"Unnamed audio": "Nimetu helifail",
"Code blocks": "Lähtekoodi lõigud",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Pildid, gif'id ja videod",
"Show %(count)s other previews|other": "Näita %(count)s muud eelvaadet",
"Show %(count)s other previews|one": "Näita veel %(count)s eelvaadet",
"Error processing audio message": "Viga häälsõnumi töötlemisel",
"Integration manager": "Lõiminguhaldur",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Sinu %(brand)s ei võimalda selle tegevuse jaoks kasutada Lõimingute haldurit. Palun küsi lisateavet administraatorilt.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Selle vidina kasutamisel võidakse jagada andmeid <helpIcon /> saitidega %(widgetDomain)s ning sinu vidinahalduriga.",
"Identity server is": "Isikutuvastusserver on",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Lõiminguhalduritel on laiad volitused - nad võivad sinu nimel lugeda seadistusi, kohandada vidinaid, saata jututubade kutseid ning määrata õigusi.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Robotite, vidinate ja kleepsupakkide seadistamiseks kasuta lõiminguhaldurit.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Robotite, vidinate ja kleepsupakkide jaoks kasuta lõiminguhaldurit <b>(%(serverName)s)</b>.",
"Identity server": "Isikutuvastusserver",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Isikutuvastusserver %(server)s",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Ei saanud ühendust isikutuvastusserveriga",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "See ei ole sobilik isikutuvastusserver (staatuskood %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Isikutuvastusserveri URL peab kasutama HTTPS-protokolli"

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@ -2293,5 +2293,17 @@
"Wrong file type": "Okerreko fitxategi-mota",
"Looks good!": "Itxura ona du!",
"Search rooms": "Bilatu gelak",
"User menu": "Erabiltzailea-menua"
"User menu": "Erabiltzailea-menua",
"Integration manager": "Integrazio-kudeatzailea",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Zure %(brand)s aplikazioak ez dizu hau egiteko integrazio kudeatzaile bat erabiltzen uzten. Kontaktatu administratzaileren batekin.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Trepeta hau erabiltzean <helpIcon /> %(widgetDomain)s domeinuarekin eta zure integrazio kudeatzailearekin datuak partekatu daitezke.",
"Identity server is": "Identitate zerbitzaria",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integrazio kudeatzaileek konfigurazio datuak jasotzen dituzte, eta trepetak aldatu ditzakete, gelara gonbidapenak bidali, eta botere mailak zure izenean ezarri.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Erabili integrazio kudeatzaile bat botak, trepetak eta eranskailu multzoak kudeatzeko.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Erabili <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> integrazio kudeatzailea botak, trepetak eta eranskailu multzoak kudeatzeko.",
"Identity server": "Identitate zerbitzaria",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identitate-zerbitzaria (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Ezin izan da identitate-zerbitzarira konektatu",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Ez da identitate zerbitzari baliogarria (egoera-mezua %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Identitate zerbitzariaren URL-a HTTPS motakoa izan behar du"

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@ -3007,5 +3007,15 @@
"This won't invite them to %(communityName)s. To invite someone to %(communityName)s, click <a>here</a>": "این کار آنها را به %(communityName)s دعوت نمی‌کند. برای دعوت افراد به %(communityName)s،<a>اینجا</a> کلیک کنید",
"Start a conversation with someone using their name or username (like <userId/>).": "با استفاده از نام یا نام کاربری (مانند <userId/>)، گفتگوی جدیدی را با دیگران شروع کنید.",
"Start a conversation with someone using their name, email address or username (like <userId/>).": "با استفاده از نام، آدرس ایمیل و یا نام کاربری (مانند <userId/>)، یک گفتگوی جدید را شروع کنید.",
"May include members not in %(communityName)s": "ممکن شامل اعضایی که در %(communityName)s نیستند نیز شود"
"May include members not in %(communityName)s": "ممکن شامل اعضایی که در %(communityName)s نیستند نیز شود",
"Integration manager": "مدیر یکپارچه‌سازی",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "%(brand)s شما اجازه استفاده از سیستم مدیریت ادغام را برای این کار نمی دهد. لطفا با ادمین تماس بگیرید.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "استفاده از این ابزارک ممکن است داده‌هایی <helpIcon /> را با %(widgetDomain)s و سیستم مدیریت ادغام به اشتراک بگذارد.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "از یک مدیر پکپارچه‌سازی برای مدیریت بات‌ها، ویجت‌ها و پک‌های استیکر مورد نظرتان استفاده نمائید.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "از یک مدیر پکپارچه‌سازی <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> برای مدیریت بات‌ها، ویجت‌ها و پک‌های استیکر استفاده کنید.",
"Identity server": "سرور هویت‌سنجی",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "سرور هویت‌سنجی (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "اتصال به سرور هیوت‌سنجی امکان پذیر نیست",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "سرور هویت‌سنجی معتبر نیست (کد وضعیت %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "پروتکل آدرس سرور هویت‌سنجی باید HTTPS باشد"

View File

@ -3003,5 +3003,17 @@
"Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls (if you enable this, the other party might be able to see your IP address)": "Salli vertaisyhteydet 1:1-puheluille (jos otat tämän käyttöön, toinen osapuoli saattaa nähdä IP-osoitteesi)",
"Send and receive voice messages": "Lähetä ja vastaanota ääniviestejä",
"Show options to enable 'Do not disturb' mode": "Näytä asetukset Älä häiritse -tilan ottamiseksi käyttöön",
"%(deviceId)s from %(ip)s": "%(deviceId)s osoitteesta %(ip)s"
"%(deviceId)s from %(ip)s": "%(deviceId)s osoitteesta %(ip)s",
"Integration manager": "Integraatioiden lähde",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "%(brand)s-instanssisi ei salli sinun käyttävän integraatioiden lähdettä tämän tekemiseen. Ota yhteys ylläpitäjääsi.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Tämän sovelman käyttäminen saattaa jakaa tietoa <helpIcon /> osoitteille %(widgetDomain)s ja käyttämällesi integraatioiden lähteelle.",
"Identity server is": "Identiteettipalvelin on",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integraatioiden lähteet vastaanottavat asetusdataa ja voivat muokata sovelmia, lähettää kutsuja huoneeseen ja asettaa oikeustasoja puolestasi.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Käytä integraatioiden lähdettä bottien, sovelmien ja tarrapakettien hallintaan.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Käytä integraatioiden lähdettä <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> bottien, sovelmien ja tarrapakettien hallintaan.",
"Identity server": "Identiteettipalvelin",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identiteettipalvelin (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Identiteettipalvelimeen ei saatu yhteyttä",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Ei kelvollinen identiteettipalvelin (tilakoodi %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Identiteettipalvelimen URL-osoitteen täytyy olla HTTPS-alkuinen"

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@ -3456,5 +3456,17 @@
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s a accepté une invitation",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s a accepté linvitation pour %(displayName)s",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "Certaines invitations nont pas pu être envoyées",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "Nous avons envoyé les invitations, mais les personnes ci-dessous nont pas pu être invitées à rejoindre <RoomName/>"
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "Nous avons envoyé les invitations, mais les personnes ci-dessous nont pas pu être invitées à rejoindre <RoomName/>",
"Integration manager": "Gestionnaire dintégration",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Votre %(brand)s ne vous autorise pas à utiliser un gestionnaire dintégrations pour faire ça. Contactez un administrateur.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Lutilisation de ce widget pourrait partager des données <helpIcon /> avec %(widgetDomain)s et votre gestionnaire dintégrations.",
"Identity server is": "Le serveur d'identité est",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Les gestionnaires dintégrations reçoivent les données de configuration et peuvent modifier les widgets, envoyer des invitations aux salons et définir les rangs à votre place.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Utilisez un gestionnaire dintégrations pour gérer les robots, les widgets et les jeux dautocollants.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Utilisez un gestionnaire dintégrations <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> pour gérer les robots, les widgets et les jeux dautocollants.",
"Identity server": "Serveur didentité",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Serveur didentité (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur didentité",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Serveur didentité non valide (code de statut %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "LURL du serveur didentité doit être en HTTPS"

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@ -3398,5 +3398,17 @@
"If you have permissions, open the menu on any message and select <b>Pin</b> to stick them here.": "Se tes permisos, abre o menú en calquera mensaxe e elixe <b>Fixar</b> para pegalos aquí.",
"Nothing pinned, yet": "Nada fixado, por agora",
"End-to-end encryption isn't enabled": "Non está activado o cifrado de extremo-a-extremo",
"Your private messages are normally encrypted, but this room isn't. Usually this is due to an unsupported device or method being used, like email invites. <a>Enable encryption in settings.</a>": "As túas mensaxes privadas normalmente están cifradas, pero esta sala non. Habitualmente esto é debido a que se utiliza un dispositivo ou métodos no soportados, como convites por email. <a>Activa o cifrado nos axustes.</a>"
"Your private messages are normally encrypted, but this room isn't. Usually this is due to an unsupported device or method being used, like email invites. <a>Enable encryption in settings.</a>": "As túas mensaxes privadas normalmente están cifradas, pero esta sala non. Habitualmente esto é debido a que se utiliza un dispositivo ou métodos no soportados, como convites por email. <a>Activa o cifrado nos axustes.</a>",
"Integration manager": "Xestor de Integracións",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "O teu %(brand)s non permite que uses o Xestor de Integracións, contacta coa administración.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Ao utilizar este widget poderías compartir datos <helpIcon /> con %(widgetDomain)s e o teu Xestor de integracións.",
"Identity server is": "O servidor de identidade é",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Os xestores de integracións reciben datos de configuración, e poden modificar os widgets, enviar convites das salas, e establecer roles no teu nome.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Usa un Xestor de Integracións para xestionar bots, widgets e paquetes de pegatinas.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Usa un Xestor de Integración <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> para xestionar bots, widgets e paquetes de pegatinas.",
"Identity server": "Servidor de identidade",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Servidor de Identidade (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Non hai conexión co Servidor de Identidade",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Servidor de Identidade non válido (código de estado %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "O URL do servidor de identidade debe comezar HTTPS"

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@ -2785,5 +2785,17 @@
"Your homeserver was unreachable and was not able to log you in. Please try again. If this continues, please contact your homeserver administrator.": "לא ניתן היה להגיע לשרת הבית שלך ולא היה ניתן להתחבר. נסה שוב. אם זה נמשך, אנא פנה למנהל שרת הבית שלך.",
"Try again": "נסה שוב",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "ביקשנו מהדפדפן לזכור באיזה שרת בית אתה משתמש כדי לאפשר לך להיכנס, אך למרבה הצער הדפדפן שלך שכח אותו. עבור לדף הכניסה ונסה שוב.",
"We couldn't log you in": "לא הצלחנו להתחבר אליך"
"We couldn't log you in": "לא הצלחנו להתחבר אליך",
"Integration manager": "מנהל אינטגרציה",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "%(brand)s שלכם אינו מאפשר לך להשתמש במנהל שילוב לשם כך. אנא צרו קשר עם מנהל מערכת.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "שימוש ביישומון זה עשוי לשתף נתונים <helpIcon /> עם %(widgetDomain)s ומנהל האינטגרציה שלך.",
"Identity server is": "שרת ההזדהות הינו",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "מנהלי שילוב מקבלים נתוני תצורה ויכולים לשנות ווידג'טים, לשלוח הזמנות לחדר ולהגדיר רמות הספק מטעמכם.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "השתמש במנהל שילוב לניהול בוטים, ווידג'טים וחבילות מדבקות.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "השתמש במנהל שילוב <b> (%(serverName)s) </b> לניהול בוטים, ווידג'טים וחבילות מדבקות.",
"Identity server": "שרת הזדהות",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "שרת הזדהות (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "לא ניתן להתחבר אל שרת הזיהוי",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "שרת זיהוי לא מאושר(קוד סטטוס %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "הזיהוי של כתובת השרת חייבת להיות מאובטחת ב- HTTPS"

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@ -588,5 +588,6 @@
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "उपयोगकर्ता को आमंत्रित करने से पहले उन्हें प्रतिबंधित किया जाना चाहिए।",
"Explore rooms": "रूम का अन्वेषण करें",
"Sign In": "साइन करना",
"Create Account": "खाता बनाएं"
"Create Account": "खाता बनाएं",
"Identity server is": "आइडेंटिटी सर्वर हैं"

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@ -205,5 +205,8 @@
"Add Email Address": "Dodaj email adresu",
"Confirm": "Potvrdi",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "Kliknite gumb ispod da biste potvrdili dodavanje ove email adrese.",
"Confirm adding email": "Potvrdite dodavanje email adrese"
"Confirm adding email": "Potvrdite dodavanje email adrese",
"Integration manager": "Upravitelj integracijama",
"Identity server": "Poslužitelj identiteta",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Nije moguće spojiti se na poslužitelja identiteta"

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@ -3476,5 +3476,29 @@
"Address": "Cím",
"e.g. my-space": "pl. én-terem",
"Silence call": "Némít",
"Sound on": "Hang be"
"Sound on": "Hang be",
"Use Command + F to search timeline": "Command + F az idővonalon való kereséshez",
"Unnamed audio": "Névtelen hang",
"Error processing audio message": "Hiba a hangüzenet feldolgozásánál",
"Show %(count)s other previews|one": "%(count)s további előnézet megjelenítése",
"Show %(count)s other previews|other": "%(count)s további előnézet megjelenítése",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Képek, GIFek és videók",
"Code blocks": "Kód blokkok",
"Displaying time": "Idő megjelenítése",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "A billentyűzet kombinációk megjelenítéséhez kattintson ide.",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Billentyűzet kombinációk",
"Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Ctrl + F az idővonalon való kereséshez",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "%(userId)s felhasználó már kapott meghívót a szobába",
"Integration manager": "Integrációs Menedzser",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "A %(brand)sod nem használhat ehhez Integrációs Menedzsert. Kérlek vedd fel a kapcsolatot az adminisztrátorral.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Ennek a kisalkalmazásnak a használata adatot oszthat meg <helpIcon /> a(z) %(widgetDomain)s oldallal és az Integrációkezelővel.",
"Identity server is": "Azonosítási szerver",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integrációs Menedzser megkapja a konfigurációt, módosíthat kisalkalmazásokat, szobához meghívót küldhet és a hozzáférési szintet beállíthatja helyetted.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Használj Integrációs Menedzsert a botok, kisalkalmazások és matrica csomagok kezeléséhez.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Használj Integrációs Menedzsert <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> a botok, kisalkalmazások és matrica csomagok kezeléséhez.",
"Identity server": "Azonosító szerver",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Azonosítási kiszolgáló (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Az Azonosítási Szerverhez nem lehet csatlakozni",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Az Azonosítási Szerver nem érvényes (státusz kód: %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Az Azonosítási Szerver URL-jének HTTPS-nek kell lennie"

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@ -279,5 +279,9 @@
"A call is currently being placed!": "Sedang melakukan panggilan sekarang!",
"A call is already in progress!": "Masih ada panggilan berlangsung!",
"Permission Required": "Permisi Dibutuhkan",
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Anda tidak memiliki permisi untuk memulai panggilan massal di ruang ini"
"You do not have permission to start a conference call in this room": "Anda tidak memiliki permisi untuk memulai panggilan massal di ruang ini",
"Explore rooms": "Jelajahi ruang",
"Sign In": "Masuk",
"Create Account": "Buat Akun",
"Identity server": "Server Identitas"

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@ -728,5 +728,7 @@
"Explore all public rooms": "Kanna öll almenningsherbergi",
"Liberate your communication": "Frelsaðu samskipti þín",
"Welcome to <name/>": "Velkomin til <name/>",
"Welcome to %(appName)s": "Velkomin til %(appName)s"
"Welcome to %(appName)s": "Velkomin til %(appName)s",
"Identity server is": "Auðkennisþjónn er",
"Identity server": "Auðkennisþjónn"

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@ -3481,5 +3481,17 @@
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s ha cambiato la propria immagine del profilo",
"%(senderName)s removed their profile picture": "%(senderName)s ha rimosso la propria immagine del profilo",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s)": "%(senderName)s ha rimosso il proprio nome (%(oldDisplayName)s)",
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(senderName)s ha impostato il proprio nome a %(displayName)s"
"%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s": "%(senderName)s ha impostato il proprio nome a %(displayName)s",
"Integration manager": "Gestore dell'integrazione",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Il tuo %(brand)s non ti permette di usare il gestore di integrazioni per questa azione. Contatta un amministratore.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Usando questo widget i dati possono essere condivisi <helpIcon /> con %(widgetDomain)s e il tuo Gestore di Integrazione.",
"Identity server is": "Il server di identità è",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "I gestori di integrazione ricevono dati di configurazione e possono modificare widget, inviare inviti alla stanza, assegnare permessi a tuo nome.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Usa un gestore di integrazioni per gestire bot, widget e pacchetti di adesivi.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Usa un gestore di integrazioni <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> per gestire bot, widget e pacchetti di adesivi.",
"Identity server": "Server di identità",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Server di identità (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Impossibile connettersi al server di identità",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Non è un server di identità valido (codice di stato %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "L'URL di Identita' Server deve essere HTTPS"

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@ -2504,5 +2504,15 @@
"You can change these anytime.": "ここで入力した情報はいつでも編集できます。",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "情報を入力してください。",
"View dev tools": "開発者ツールを表示",
"To view %(spaceName)s, you need an invite": "%(spaceName)s を閲覧するには招待が必要です"
"To view %(spaceName)s, you need an invite": "%(spaceName)s を閲覧するには招待が必要です",
"Integration manager": "インテグレーションマネージャ",
"Identity server is": "アイデンティティ・サーバー",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "インテグレーションマネージャは設定データを受け取り、ユーザーの代わりにウィジェットの変更、部屋への招待の送信、権限レベルの設定を行うことができます。",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "インテグレーションマネージャを使用して、ボット、ウィジェット、ステッカーパックを管理します。",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "インテグレーションマネージャ <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> を使用して、ボット、ウィジェット、ステッカーパックを管理します。",
"Identity server": "認証サーバ",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "identity サーバー (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "identity サーバーに接続できませんでした",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "有効な identity サーバーではありません (ステータスコード %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "identityサーバーのURLは HTTPS スキーマである必要があります"

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@ -2754,5 +2754,17 @@
"(an error occurred)": "(tella-d tuccḍa)",
"(connection failed)": "(tuqqna ur teddi ara)",
"🎉 All servers are banned from participating! This room can no longer be used.": "🎉 Iqeddcen akk ttwagedlen seg uttekki! Taxxamt-a dayen ur tettuseqdac ara.",
"Try again": "Ɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen"
"Try again": "Ɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen",
"Integration manager": "Amsefrak n umsidef",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "%(brand)s-ik·im ur ak·am yefki ara tisirag i useqdec n umsefrak n umsidef i wakken ad tgeḍ aya. Ttxil-k·m nermes anedbal.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Aseqdec n uwiǧit-a yezmer ad yebḍu isefka <helpIcon/> d %(widgetDomain)s & amsefrak-inek·inem n umsidef.",
"Identity server is": "Aqeddac n timagit d",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Imsefrak n yimsidaf remmsen-d isefka n uswel, syen ad uɣalen zemren ad beddlen iwiǧiten, ad aznen tinubgiwin ɣer texxamin, ad yesbadu daɣen tazmert n yiswiren s yiswiren deg ubdil-ik·im.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Seqdec amsefrak n umsidef i usefrek n yibuten, n yiwiǧiten d tɣawsiwin n usenteḍ.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Seqdec amsefrak n umsidef <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> i usefrek n yibuten, n yiwiǧiten d tɣawsiwin n usenteḍ.",
"Identity server": "Aqeddac n timagit",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Aqeddac n timagit (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Ur izmir ara ad yeqqen ɣer uqeddac n timagit",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Aqeddac n timagit mačči d ameɣtu (status code %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL n uqeddac n timagit ilaq ad yili d HTTPS"

View File

@ -1667,5 +1667,13 @@
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "사용자 %(userId)s의 세션 %(deviceId)s에서 받은 서명 키와 당신이 제공한 서명 키가 일치합니다. 세션이 검증되었습니다.",
"Show more": "더 보기",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all sessions, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "비밀번호를 변경한다면 방의 암호화 키를 내보낸 후 다시 가져오지 않는 이상 모든 종단간 암호화 키는 초기화 될 것이고, 암호화된 대화 내역은 읽을 수 없게 될 것입니다. 이 문제는 추후에 개선될 것입니다.",
"Create Account": "계정 만들기"
"Create Account": "계정 만들기",
"Integration manager": "통합 관리자",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "이 위젯을 사용하면 <helpcon /> %(widgetDomain)s & 통합 관리자와 데이터를 공유합니다.",
"Identity server is": "ID 서버:",
"Identity server": "ID 서버",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "ID 서버 (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "ID 서버에 연결할 수 없음",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "올바르지 않은 ID 서버 (상태 코드 %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "ID 서버 URL은 HTTPS이어야 함"

View File

@ -2421,5 +2421,17 @@
"New Zealand": "Naujoji Zelandija",
"New Caledonia": "Naujoji Kaledonija",
"Netherlands": "Nyderlandai",
"Cayman Islands": "Kaimanų Salos"
"Cayman Islands": "Kaimanų Salos",
"Integration manager": "Integracijų tvarkytuvas",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Jūsų %(brand)s neleidžia jums naudoti integracijų tvarkytuvo tam atlikti. Susisiekite su administratoriumi.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Naudojimasis šiuo valdikliu gali pasidalinti duomenimis <helpIcon /> su %(widgetDomain)s ir jūsų integracijų tvarkytuvu.",
"Identity server is": "Tapatybės serveris yra",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integracijų Tvarkytuvai gauna konfigūracijos duomenis ir jūsų vardu gali keisti valdiklius, siųsti kambario pakvietimus ir nustatyti galios lygius.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Naudokite Integracijų Tvarkytuvą botų, valdiklių ir lipdukų pakuočių tvarkymui.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Naudokite Integracijų Tvarkytuvą <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> botų, valdiklių ir lipdukų pakuočių tvarkymui.",
"Identity server": "Tapatybės serveris",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Tapatybės serveris (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Nepavyko prisijungti prie tapatybės serverio",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Netinkamas tapatybės serveris (statuso kodas %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Tapatybės Serverio URL privalo būti HTTPS"

View File

@ -1582,5 +1582,9 @@
"Upload files": "Failu augšupielāde",
"These files are <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Šie faili <b>pārsniedz</b> augšupielādes izmēra limitu %(limit)s.",
"Upload files (%(current)s of %(total)s)": "Failu augšupielāde (%(current)s no %(total)s)",
"Check your devices": "Pārskatiet savas ierīces"
"Check your devices": "Pārskatiet savas ierīces",
"Integration manager": "Integrācija pārvaldnieks",
"Identity server is": "Indentifikācijas serveris ir",
"Identity server": "Identitāšu serveris",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Neizdevās pieslēgties identitāšu serverim"

View File

@ -130,5 +130,7 @@
"Checking for an update...": "അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ഉണ്ടോ എന്ന് തിരയുന്നു...",
"Explore rooms": "മുറികൾ കണ്ടെത്തുക",
"Sign In": "പ്രവേശിക്കുക",
"Create Account": "അക്കൗണ്ട് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക"
"Create Account": "അക്കൗണ്ട് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക",
"Integration manager": "സംയോജക മാനേജർ",
"Identity server": "തിരിച്ചറിയൽ സെർവർ"

View File

@ -1981,5 +1981,13 @@
"Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"Cook Islands": "Cook-øyene",
"All keys backed up": "Alle nøkler er sikkerhetskopiert",
"Secret storage:": "Hemmelig lagring:"
"Secret storage:": "Hemmelig lagring:",
"Integration manager": "Integreringsbehandler",
"Identity server is": "Identitetstjeneren er",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integreringsbehandlere mottar oppsettsdata, og kan endre på moduler, sende rominvitasjoner, og bestemme styrkenivåer på dine vegne.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Bruk en integreringsbehandler til å behandle botter, moduler, og klistremerkepakker.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Bruk en integreringsbehandler <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> til å behandle botter, moduler, og klistremerkepakker.",
"Identity server": "Identitetstjener",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identitetstjener (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kunne ikke koble til identitetsserveren"

View File

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
"Fill screen": "Scherm vullen",
"Filter room members": "Gespreksleden filteren",
"Forget room": "Gesprek vergeten",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Wegens veiligheidsredenen is deze sessie uitgelogd. Gelieve opnieuw inloggen.",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Wegens veiligheidsredenen is deze sessie uitgelogd. Log opnieuw in.",
"%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s van %(fromPowerLevel)s naar %(toPowerLevel)s",
"Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "Gasten - zelfs speficiek uitgenodigde - kunnen niet aan dit gesprek deelnemen.",
"Hangup": "Ophangen",
@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@
"Legal": "Juridisch",
"Credits": "Met dank aan",
"For help with using %(brand)s, click <a>here</a>.": "Klik <a>hier</a> voor hulp bij het gebruiken van %(brand)s.",
"For help with using %(brand)s, click <a>here</a> or start a chat with our bot using the button below.": "Klik <a>hier</a> voor hulp bij het gebruiken van %(brand)s, of begin een gesprek met onze robot met de knop hieronder.",
"For help with using %(brand)s, click <a>here</a> or start a chat with our bot using the button below.": "Klik <a>hier</a> voor hulp bij het gebruiken van %(brand)s of begin een gesprek met onze robot met de knop hieronder.",
"Help & About": "Hulp & info",
"Bug reporting": "Bug meldingen",
"FAQ": "FAQ",
@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@
"Invalid homeserver discovery response": "Ongeldig homeserver-vindbaarheids-antwoord",
"Invalid identity server discovery response": "Ongeldig identiteitsserver-vindbaarheidsantwoord",
"General failure": "Algemene fout",
"This homeserver does not support login using email address.": "Deze homeserver biedt geen ondersteuning voor inloggen met e-mailadres.",
"This homeserver does not support login using email address.": "Deze homeserver biedt geen ondersteuning voor inloggen met een e-mailadres.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using this service.": "Gelieve <a>contact op te nemen met uw dienstbeheerder</a> om deze dienst te blijven gebruiken.",
"Failed to perform homeserver discovery": "Ontdekken van homeserver is mislukt",
"Sign in with single sign-on": "Inloggen met eenmalig inloggen",
@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@
"Upload files (%(current)s of %(total)s)": "Bestanden versturen (%(current)s van %(total)s)",
"Upload files": "Bestanden versturen",
"Upload": "Versturen",
"This file is <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s but this file is %(sizeOfThisFile)s.": "Dit bestand is <b>te groot</b> om te versturen. De bestandsgroottelimiet is %(limit)s, maar dit bestand is %(sizeOfThisFile)s.",
"This file is <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s but this file is %(sizeOfThisFile)s.": "Dit bestand is <b>te groot</b> om te versturen. Het limiet is %(limit)s en dit bestand is %(sizeOfThisFile)s.",
"These files are <b>too large</b> to upload. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Deze bestanden zijn <b>te groot</b> om te versturen. De bestandsgroottelimiet is %(limit)s.",
"Some files are <b>too large</b> to be uploaded. The file size limit is %(limit)s.": "Sommige bestanden zijn <b>te groot</b> om te versturen. De bestandsgroottelimiet is %(limit)s.",
"Upload %(count)s other files|other": "%(count)s overige bestanden versturen",
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@
"Summary": "Samenvatting",
"Sign in and regain access to your account.": "Meld u aan en herkrijg toegang tot uw account.",
"You cannot sign in to your account. Please contact your homeserver admin for more information.": "U kunt niet inloggen met uw account. Neem voor meer informatie contact op met de beheerder van uw homeserver.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Deze account is gesloten.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Dit account is gesloten.",
"Messages": "Berichten",
"Actions": "Acties",
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Toont een lijst van beschikbare opdrachten, met hun gebruiken en beschrijvingen",
@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@
"Share this email in Settings to receive invites directly in %(brand)s.": "Deel in de instellingen dit e-mailadres om uitnodigingen direct in %(brand)s te ontvangen.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Gebruik een identiteitsserver om uit te nodigen op e-mailadres. <default>Gebruik de standaardserver (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> of beheer de server in de <settings>Instellingen</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Gebruik een identiteitsserver om anderen uit te nodigen via e-mail. Beheer de server in de <settings>Instellingen</settings>.",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Gelieve aan te geven waarom u deze melding indient.",
"Please fill why you're reporting.": "Geef aan waarom u deze melding indient.",
"Report Content to Your Homeserver Administrator": "Inhoud melden aan de beheerder van uw homeserver",
"Reporting this message will send its unique 'event ID' to the administrator of your homeserver. If messages in this room are encrypted, your homeserver administrator will not be able to read the message text or view any files or images.": "Dit bericht melden zal zijn unieke gebeurtenis-ID versturen naar de beheerder van uw homeserver. Als de berichten in dit gesprek versleuteld zijn, zal de beheerder van uw homeserver het bericht niet kunnen lezen, noch enige bestanden of afbeeldingen zien.",
"Send report": "Rapport versturen",
@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@
"Session already verified!": "Sessie al geverifieerd!",
"WARNING: Session already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "PAS OP: de sessie is al geverifieerd, maar de sleutels komen NIET OVEREEN!",
"WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and session %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "PAS OP: sleutelverificatie MISLUKT! De combinatie %(userId)s + sessie %(deviceId)s is ondertekend met %(fprint)s - maar de opgegeven sleutel is %(fingerprint)s. Wellicht worden uw berichten onderschept!",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "De door u verschafte en de van %(userId)ss sessie %(deviceId)s verkregen sleutels komen overeen. De sessie is daarmee geverifieerd.",
"The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "De door u verschafte sleutel en de van %(userId)ss sessie %(deviceId)s verkregen sleutels komen overeen. De sessie is daarmee geverifieerd.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s probeert u te bellen.",
"%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s poogt u te bellen, maar uw browser ondersteunt dat niet",
"%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s doet een video-oproep.",
@ -2564,7 +2564,7 @@
"Use app for a better experience": "Gebruik de app voor een betere ervaring",
"Enable desktop notifications": "Bureaubladmeldingen inschakelen",
"Don't miss a reply": "Mis geen antwoord",
"Unknown App": "Onbekende App",
"Unknown App": "Onbekende app",
"Error leaving room": "Fout bij verlaten gesprek",
"Unexpected server error trying to leave the room": "Onverwachte serverfout bij het verlaten van dit gesprek",
"See <b>%(msgtype)s</b> messages posted to your active room": "Zie <b>%(msgtype)s</b>-berichten verstuurd in uw actieve gesprek",
@ -2803,7 +2803,7 @@
"Successfully restored %(sessionCount)s keys": "Succesvol %(sessionCount)s sleutels hersteld",
"Keys restored": "Sleutels hersteld",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this Security Phrase: please verify that you entered the correct Security Phrase.": "Back-up kon niet worden ontsleuteld met dit veiligheidswachtwoord: controleer of u het juiste veiligheidswachtwoord hebt ingevoerd.",
"Incorrect Security Phrase": "Onjuist Veiligheidswachtwoord",
"Incorrect Security Phrase": "Onjuist veiligheidswachtwoord",
"Backup could not be decrypted with this Security Key: please verify that you entered the correct Security Key.": "Back-up kon niet worden ontcijferd met deze veiligheidssleutel: controleer of u de juiste veiligheidssleutel hebt ingevoerd.",
"Security Key mismatch": "Verkeerde veiligheidssleutel",
"%(completed)s of %(total)s keys restored": "%(completed)s van %(total)s sleutels hersteld",
@ -3034,7 +3034,7 @@
"Edit settings relating to your space.": "Bewerk instellingen gerelateerd aan uw space.",
"Invite someone using their name, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Nodig iemand uit per naam, gebruikersnaam (zoals <userId/>) of <a>deel deze space</a>.",
"Invite someone using their name, email address, username (like <userId/>) or <a>share this space</a>.": "Nodig iemand uit per naam, e-mailadres, gebruikersnaam (zoals <userId/>) of <a>deel deze space</a>.",
"Unnamed Space": "Naamloze Space",
"Unnamed Space": "Naamloze space",
"Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Voor %(spaceName)s uitnodigen",
"Failed to add rooms to space": "Het toevoegen van gesprekken aan de space is mislukt",
"Apply": "Toepassen",
@ -3176,7 +3176,7 @@
"If you reset everything, you will restart with no trusted sessions, no trusted users, and might not be able to see past messages.": "Als u alles reset, zult u opnieuw opstarten zonder vertrouwde sessies, zonder vertrouwde gebruikers, en zult u misschien geen vroegere berichten meer kunnen zien.",
"Only do this if you have no other device to complete verification with.": "Doe dit alleen als u geen ander apparaat hebt om de verificatie mee uit te voeren.",
"Reset everything": "Alles opnieuw instellen",
"Forgotten or lost all recovery methods? <a>Reset all</a>": "Alles vergeten of alle herstelmethoden verloren? <a>Alles opnieuw instellen</a>",
"Forgotten or lost all recovery methods? <a>Reset all</a>": "Alles vergeten en alle herstelmethoden verloren? <a>Alles opnieuw instellen</a>",
"If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few moments whilst the index is recreated": "Als u dat doet, let wel geen van uw berichten wordt verwijderd, maar de zoekresultaten zullen gedurende enkele ogenblikken verslechteren terwijl de index opnieuw wordt aangemaakt",
"View message": "Bericht bekijken",
"Zoom in": "Inzoomen",
@ -3369,5 +3369,29 @@
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s accepteerde de uitnodiging",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s accepteerde de uitnodiging voor %(displayName)s",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "Sommige uitnodigingen konden niet verstuurd worden",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "De anderen zijn verstuurd, maar de volgende mensen konden niet worden uitgenodigd voor <RoomName/>"
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "De anderen zijn verstuurd, maar de volgende mensen konden niet worden uitgenodigd voor <RoomName/>",
"Unnamed audio": "Naamloze audio",
"Error processing audio message": "Fout bij verwerking audiobericht",
"Show %(count)s other previews|one": "%(count)s andere preview weergeven",
"Show %(count)s other previews|other": "%(count)s andere previews weergeven",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Afbeeldingen, GIF's en video's",
"Code blocks": "Codeblokken",
"Displaying time": "Tijdsweergave",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Om alle sneltoetsen te zien, klik hier.",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Sneltoetsen",
"Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Gebruik Ctrl +F om te zoeken in de tijdlijn",
"Use Command + F to search timeline": "Gebruik Command + F om te zoeken in de tijdlijn",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "De gebruiker %(userId)s is al uitgenodigd voor dit gesprek",
"Integration manager": "Integratiebeheerder",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Uw %(brand)s laat u geen integratiebeheerder gebruiken om dit te doen. Neem contact op met een beheerder.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Deze widget gebruiken deelt mogelijk gegevens <helpIcon /> met %(widgetDomain)s en uw integratiebeheerder.",
"Identity server is": "Identiteitsserver is",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integratiebeheerders ontvangen configuratie-informatie en kunnen widgets aanpassen, gespreksuitnodigingen versturen en machtsniveaus namens u aanpassen.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Gebruik een integratiebeheerder om robots, widgets en stickerpakketten te beheren.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Gebruik een integratiebeheerder <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> om robots, widgets en stickerpakketten te beheren.",
"Identity server": "Identiteitsserver",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identiteitsserver (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kon geen verbinding maken met de identiteitsserver",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Geen geldige identiteitsserver (statuscode %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Identiteitsserver-URL moet HTTPS zijn"

View File

@ -1376,5 +1376,12 @@
"Identity Server": "Identitetstenar",
"Email Address": "E-postadresse",
"Go Back": "Gå attende",
"Notification settings": "Varslingsinnstillingar"
"Notification settings": "Varslingsinnstillingar",
"You should <b>remove your personal data</b> from identity server <idserver /> before disconnecting. Unfortunately, identity server <idserver /> is currently offline or cannot be reached.": "Du bør <b>fjerne dine personlege data</b> frå identitetstenaren <idserver /> før du koplar frå. Dessverre er identitetstenaren <idserver /> utilgjengeleg og kan ikkje nåast akkurat no.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Vi tilrår at du slettar personleg informasjon, som e-postadresser og telefonnummer frå identitetstenaren før du koplar frå.",
"Privacy": "Personvern",
"Versions": "Versjonar",
"Legal": "Juridisk",
"Identity server is": "Identitetstenaren er",
"Identity server": "Identitetstenar"

View File

@ -2368,5 +2368,15 @@
"Some suggestions may be hidden for privacy.": "Niektóre propozycje mogą być ukryte z uwagi na prywatność.",
"If you can't see who youre looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Jeżeli nie możesz zobaczyć osób, których szukasz, wyślij im poniższy odnośnik z zaproszeniem.",
"Or send invite link": "Lub wyślij odnośnik z zaproszeniem",
"We're working on this as part of the beta, but just want to let you know.": "Pracujemy nad tym w ramach bety, ale chcemy, żebyś wiedział(a)."
"We're working on this as part of the beta, but just want to let you know.": "Pracujemy nad tym w ramach bety, ale chcemy, żebyś wiedział(a).",
"Integration manager": "Menedżer Integracji",
"Identity server is": "Serwer tożsamości to",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Zarządcy integracji otrzymują dane konfiguracji, mogą modyfikować widżety, wysyłać zaproszenia do pokoi i ustawiać poziom uprawnień w Twoim imieniu.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Użyj Zarządcy Integracji aby zarządzać botami, widżetami i pakietami naklejek.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Użyj Zarządcy Integracji <b>%(serverName)s</b> aby zarządzać botami, widżetami i pakietami naklejek.",
"Identity server": "Serwer toższamości",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Serwer tożsamości (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Nie można połączyć z serwerem tożsamości",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Nieprawidłowy serwer tożsamości (kod statusu %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL serwera tożsamości musi być HTTPS"

View File

@ -572,5 +572,7 @@
"Your user agent": "O seu user agent",
"Explore rooms": "Explorar rooms",
"Sign In": "Iniciar sessão",
"Create Account": "Criar conta"
"Create Account": "Criar conta",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Servidor de Identidade inválido (código de status %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "O link do servidor de identidade deve começar com HTTPS"

View File

@ -3110,5 +3110,17 @@
"Inviting...": "Convidando...",
"Invite by username": "Convidar por nome de usuário",
"Support": "Suporte",
"Original event source": "Fonte do evento original"
"Original event source": "Fonte do evento original",
"Integration manager": "Gerenciador de integrações",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Seu %(brand)s não permite que você use o gerenciador de integrações para fazer isso. Entre em contato com o administrador.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Se você usar esse widget, os dados poderão ser compartilhados <helpIcon /> com %(widgetDomain)s & seu gerenciador de integrações.",
"Identity server is": "O servidor de identificação é",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "O gerenciador de integrações recebe dados de configuração e pode modificar widgets, enviar convites para salas e definir níveis de permissão em seu nome.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Use o gerenciador de integrações para gerenciar bots, widgets e pacotes de figurinhas.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Use o gerenciador de integrações em <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> para gerenciar bots, widgets e pacotes de figurinhas.",
"Identity server": "Servidor de identidade",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Servidor de identidade (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Não foi possível conectar-se ao servidor de identidade",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Servidor de identidade inválido (código de status %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "O link do servidor de identidade deve começar com HTTPS"

View File

@ -3219,5 +3219,17 @@
"Send and receive voice messages": "Отправлять и получать голосовые сообщения",
"%(deviceId)s from %(ip)s": "%(deviceId)s с %(ip)s",
"The user you called is busy.": "Вызываемый пользователь занят.",
"User Busy": "Пользователь занят"
"User Busy": "Пользователь занят",
"Integration manager": "Менеджер интеграции",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Ваш %(brand)s не позволяет вам использовать для этого Менеджер Интеграции. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Используя этот виджет, вы можете делиться данными <helpIcon /> с %(widgetDomain)s и вашим Менеджером Интеграции.",
"Identity server is": "Сервер идентификации",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Менеджеры интеграции получают данные конфигурации и могут изменять виджеты, отправлять приглашения в комнаты и устанавливать уровни доступа от вашего имени.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Используйте Менеджер интеграциями для управления ботами, виджетами и стикерами.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Используйте менеджер интеграций <b>%(serverName)s</b> для управления ботами, виджетами и стикерами.",
"Identity server": "Сервер идентификаций",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Сервер идентификации (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Не смог подключиться к серверу идентификации",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Неправильный Сервер идентификации (код статуса %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL-адрес сервера идентификации должен быть HTTPS"

View File

@ -2080,5 +2080,14 @@
"The call was answered on another device.": "Hovor bol prijatý na inom zariadení.",
"The call could not be established": "Hovor nemohol byť realizovaný",
"The other party declined the call.": "Druhá strana odmietla hovor.",
"Call Declined": "Hovor odmietnutý"
"Call Declined": "Hovor odmietnutý",
"Integration manager": "Správca integrácií",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integračné servery zhromažďujú údaje nastavení, môžu spravovať widgety, odosielať vo vašom mene pozvánky alebo meniť úroveň moci.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Použiť integračný server na správu botov, widgetov a balíčkov s nálepkami.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Použiť integračný server <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> na správu botov, widgetov a balíčkov s nálepkami.",
"Identity server": "Server totožností",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Server totožností (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Nie je možné sa pripojiť k serveru totožností",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Toto nie je funkčný server totožností (kód stavu %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL adresa servera totožností musí začínať HTTPS"

View File

@ -3468,5 +3468,30 @@
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s pranoi një ftesë",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s pranoi ftesën për %(displayName)s",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "Su dërguan dot disa nga ftesat",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "I dërguam të tjerat, por personat më poshtë su ftuan dot te <RoomName/>"
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "I dërguam të tjerat, por personat më poshtë su ftuan dot te <RoomName/>",
"Unnamed audio": "Audio pa emër",
"Forward": "Përcille",
"Sent": "U dërgua",
"Error processing audio message": "Gabim në përpunim mesazhi audio",
"Show %(count)s other previews|one": "Shfaq %(count)s paraparje tjetër",
"Show %(count)s other previews|other": "Shfaq %(count)s paraparje të tjera",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "Figura, GIF-e dhe video",
"Code blocks": "Blloqe kodi",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Që të shihni krejt shkurtoret e tastierës, klikoni këtu.",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Shkurtore tastiere",
"Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Përdorni Ctrl + F që të kërkohet te rrjedha kohore",
"Use Command + F to search timeline": "Përdorni Command + F që të kërkohet te rrjedha kohore",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "Përdoruesi %(userId)s është ftuar tashmë te dhoma",
"Integration manager": "Përgjegjës Integrimesh",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "%(brand)s-i juah nuk ju lejon të përdorni një Përgjegjës Integrimesh për të bërë këtë. Ju lutemi, lidhuni me përgjegjësin.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Përdorimi i këtij widget-i mund të sjellë ndarje të dhënash <helpIcon /> me %(widgetDomain)s & Përgjegjësin tuaj të Integrimeve.",
"Identity server is": "Shërbyes Identitetesh është",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Përgjegjësit e Integrimeve marrin të dhëna formësimi, dhe mund të ndryshojnë widget-e, të dërgojnë ftesa dhome, dhe të caktojnë shkallë pushteti në emër tuajin.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Përdorni një Përgjegjës Integrimesh që të administroni robotë, widget-e dhe paketa ngjitësish.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Përdorni një Përgjegjës Integrimesh <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> që të administroni robotë, widget-e dhe paketa ngjitësish.",
"Identity server": "Shërbyes identitetesh",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Shërbyes Identitetesh (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Su lidh dot te shërbyes identitetesh",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Shërbyes Identitetesh i pavlefshëm (kod gjendjeje %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL-ja e Shërbyesit të Identiteteve duhet të jetë HTTPS"

View File

@ -1760,5 +1760,7 @@
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Већ разговарате са овом особом.",
"Already in call": "Већ у позиву",
"Whether you're using %(brand)s as an installed Progressive Web App": "Без обзира да ли користите %(brand)s као инсталирану Прогресивну веб апликацију",
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Без обзира да ли користите функцију „breadcrumbs“ (аватари изнад листе соба)"
"Whether or not you're using the 'breadcrumbs' feature (avatars above the room list)": "Без обзира да ли користите функцију „breadcrumbs“ (аватари изнад листе соба)",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Коришћење овог виџета може да дели податке <helpIcon /> са %(widgetDomain)s и вашим интеграционим менаџером.",
"Identity server is": "Идентитетски сервер је"

View File

@ -3356,5 +3356,16 @@
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "Vi skickade de andra, men personerna nedan kunde inte bjudas in till <RoomName/>",
"What this user is writing is wrong.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Vad användaren skriver är fel.\nDet här kommer att anmälas till rumsmoderatorerna.",
"Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototyp av anmälan till moderatorer. I rum som söder moderering så kommer `anmäl`-knappen att låta dig anmäla olämpligt beteende till rummets moderatorer",
"Report": "Rapportera"
"Report": "Rapportera",
"Integration manager": "Integrationshanterare",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Din %(brand)s tillåter dig inte att använda en integrationshanterare för att göra detta. Vänligen kontakta en administratör.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Att använda denna widget kan dela data <helpIcon /> med %(widgetDomain)s och din integrationshanterare.",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Integrationshanterare får konfigurationsdata och kan ändra widgetar, skicka rumsinbjudningar och ställa in behörighetsnivåer å dina vägnar.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Använd en integrationshanterare för att hantera bottar, widgets och dekalpaket.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Använd en integrationshanterare <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> för att hantera bottar, widgets och dekalpaket.",
"Identity server": "Identitetsserver",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identitetsserver (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kunde inte ansluta till identitetsservern",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Inte en giltig identitetsserver (statuskod %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "URL för identitetsserver måste vara HTTPS"

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
"Failed to set display name": "Görünür ismi ayarlama başarısız oldu",
"Failed to unban": "Yasağı kaldırmak başarısız oldu",
"Failed to upload profile picture!": "Profil resmi yükleme başarısız oldu!",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Eposta adresini doğrulamadı: epostadaki bağlantıya tıkladığınızdan emin olun",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "E-posta adresi doğrulanamadı: E-postadaki bağlantıya tıkladığınızdan emin olun",
"Failure to create room": "Oda oluşturulamadı",
"Favourite": "Favori",
"Favourites": "Favoriler",
@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@
"Visibility in Room List": "Oda Listesindeki Görünürlük",
"Confirm adding email": "E-posta adresini eklemeyi onayla",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "E-posta adresini eklemeyi kabul etmek için aşağıdaki tuşa tıklayın.",
"Confirm adding phone number": "Telefon numayasını ekleyi onayla",
"Confirm adding phone number": "Telefon numarası eklemeyi onayla",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "Telefon numarasını eklemeyi kabul etmek için aşağıdaki tuşa tıklayın.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "Parola girmeyi iptal etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
"Room name or address": "Oda adı ya da adresi",
@ -2544,5 +2544,47 @@
"We couldn't log you in": "Sizin girişinizi yapamadık",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Bu kişi ile halihazırda çağrıdasınız.",
"The user you called is busy.": "Aradığınız kullanıcı meşgul.",
"User Busy": "Kullanıcı Meşgul"
"User Busy": "Kullanıcı Meşgul",
"Got it": "Anlaşıldı",
"Verified": "Doğrulanmış",
"You've successfully verified %(displayName)s!": "%(displayName)s başarıyla doğruladınız!",
"You've successfully verified %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!": "%(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) başarıyla doğruladınız!",
"You've successfully verified your device!": "Cihazınızı başarıyla doğruladınız!",
"Edit devices": "Cihazları düzenle",
"Delete recording": "Kaydı sil",
"Stop the recording": "Kaydı durdur",
"We didn't find a microphone on your device. Please check your settings and try again.": "Cihazınızda bir mikrofon bulamadık. Lütfen ayarlarınızı kontrol edin ve tekrar deneyin.",
"No microphone found": "Mikrofon bulunamadı",
"Empty room": "Boş oda",
"Suggested Rooms": "Önerilen Odalar",
"View message": "Mesajı görüntüle",
"Invite to just this room": "Sadece bu odaya davet et",
"%(seconds)ss left": "%(seconds)s saniye kaldı",
"Send message": "Mesajı gönder",
"Your message was sent": "Mesajınız gönderildi",
"Encrypting your message...": "Mesajınız şifreleniyor...",
"Sending your message...": "Mesajınız gönderiliyor...",
"Code blocks": "Kod blokları",
"Displaying time": "Zamanı görüntüle",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Tüm klavye kısayollarını görmek için buraya tıklayın.",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "Klavye kısayolları",
"Visibility": "Görünürlük",
"Save Changes": "Değişiklikleri Kaydet",
"Saving...": "Kaydediliyor...",
"Invite with email or username": "E-posta veya kullanıcı adı ile davet et",
"Invite people": "İnsanları davet et",
"Share invite link": "Davet bağlantısını paylaş",
"Click to copy": "Kopyalamak için tıklayın",
"You can change these anytime.": "Bunları istediğiniz zaman değiştirebilirsiniz.",
"You can change this later": "Bunu daha sonra değiştirebilirsiniz",
"Change which room, message, or user you're viewing": "Görüntülediğiniz odayı, mesajı veya kullanıcıyı değiştirin",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s daveti kabul etti",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s, %(displayName)s kişisinin davetini kabul etti",
"Integration manager": "Bütünleştirme Yöneticisi",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Botları, görsel bileşenleri ve çıkartma paketlerini yönetmek için bir entegrasyon yöneticisi kullanın.",
"Identity server": "Kimlik sunucusu",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "(%(server)s) Kimlik Sunucusu",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kimlik Sunucusuna bağlanılamadı",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Geçerli bir Kimlik Sunucu değil ( durum kodu %(code)s )",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Kimlik Sunucu URL adresi HTTPS olmak zorunda"

View File

@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
"Upload Error": "Помилка відвантаження",
"Failed to upload image": "Не вдалось відвантажити зображення",
"Upload avatar": "Завантажити аватар",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "З метою безпеки вашу сесію було завершено. Зайдіть, будь ласка, знову.",
"For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "З метою безпеки ваш сеанс було завершено. Увійдіть знову.",
"Upload an avatar:": "Завантажити аватар:",
"Custom (%(level)s)": "Власний (%(level)s)",
"Error upgrading room": "Помилка оновлення кімнати",
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
"Cancel entering passphrase?": "Скасувати введення парольної фрази?",
"Enter passphrase": "Введіть парольну фразу",
"Setting up keys": "Налаштовування ключів",
"Verify this session": "Звірити цю сесію",
"Verify this session": "Звірити цей сеанс",
"Sign In or Create Account": "Увійти або створити обліковий запис",
"Use your account or create a new one to continue.": "Скористайтесь вашим обліковим записом або створіть нову, щоб продовжити.",
"Create Account": "Створити обліковий запис",
@ -564,10 +564,10 @@
"For help with using %(brand)s, click <a>here</a>.": "Якщо необхідна допомога у користуванні %(brand)s'ом, клацніть <a>тут</a>.",
"For help with using %(brand)s, click <a>here</a> or start a chat with our bot using the button below.": "Якщо необхідна допомога у користуванні %(brand)s'ом, клацніть <a>тут</a> або розпочніть балачку з нашим ботом, клацнувши на кнопці нижче.",
"Join the conversation with an account": "Приєднатись до бесіди з обліковим записом",
"Unable to restore session": "Неможливо відновити сесію",
"We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "Ми натрапили на помилку, намагаючись відновити вашу попередню сесію.",
"Unable to restore session": "Не вдалося відновити сеанс",
"We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "Ми натрапили на помилку, намагаючись відновити ваш попередній сеанс.",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Для найкращих вражень від користування встановіть, будь ласка, <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, або <safariLink>Safari</safariLink>.",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "Ваш обліковий запис має перехресно-підписувану ідентичність у таємному сховищі, але вона ще не є довіреною у цій сесії.",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "Ваш обліковий запис має перехресно-підписувану ідентичність у таємному сховищі, але воно ще не є довіреним у цьому сеансі.",
"in account data": "у даних облікового запису",
"Clear notifications": "Очистити сповіщення",
"Add an email address to configure email notifications": "Додати адресу е-пошти для налаштування поштових сповіщень",
@ -585,8 +585,8 @@
"Confirm account deactivation": "Підтвердьте знедіювання облікового запису",
"To continue, please enter your password:": "Щоб продовжити, введіть, будь ласка, ваш пароль:",
"This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to log in, and no one will be able to re-register the same user ID. This will cause your account to leave all rooms it is participating in, and it will remove your account details from your identity server. <b>This action is irreversible.</b>": "Ваш обліковий запис стане назавжди невикористовним. Ви не матимете змоги увійти в нього і ніхто не зможе перереєструватись під цим користувацьким ID. Це призведе до виходу вашого облікового запису з усіх кімнат та до видалення деталей вашого облікового запису з вашого серверу ідентифікації. <b>Ця дія є безповоротною.</b>",
"Verify session": "Звірити сесію",
"Session name": "Назва сесії",
"Verify session": "Звірити сеанс",
"Session name": "Назва сеансу",
"Session ID": "ID сеансу",
"Session key": "Ключ сеансу",
"%(count)s of your messages have not been sent.|one": "Ваше повідомлення не було надіслано.",
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@
"You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "Ви увійшли в новий сеанс, не підтвердивши його:",
"Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Перевірте інший сеанс за допомогою одного із варіантів знизу.",
"%(name)s (%(userId)s) signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "%(name)s (%(userId)s) починає новий сеанс без його підтвердження:",
"Ask this user to verify their session, or manually verify it below.": "Попросіть цього користувача підтвердити сесію, або підтвердіть її власноруч нижче.",
"Ask this user to verify their session, or manually verify it below.": "Попросіть цього користувача підтвердити сеанс, або підтвердьте його власноруч унизу.",
"Not Trusted": "Недовірене",
"Manually Verify by Text": "Ручна перевірка за допомогою тексту",
"Interactively verify by Emoji": "Інтерактивно звірити за допомогою емодзі",
@ -973,10 +973,10 @@
"not found": "не знайдено",
"Cross-signing private keys:": "Приватні ключі для кросс-підпису:",
"exists": "існує",
"Delete sessions|other": "Видалити сесії",
"Delete sessions|one": "Видалити сесію",
"Delete %(count)s sessions|other": "Видалити %(count)s сесій",
"Delete %(count)s sessions|one": "Видалити %(count)s сесій",
"Delete sessions|other": "Видалити сеанси",
"Delete sessions|one": "Видалити сеанс",
"Delete %(count)s sessions|other": "Видалити %(count)s сеансів",
"Delete %(count)s sessions|one": "Видалити %(count)s сеансів",
"ID": "ID",
"Public Name": "Публічне ім'я",
" to store messages from ": " зберігання повідомлень від ",
@ -1630,5 +1630,14 @@
"Send text messages as you in this room": "Надіслати текстові повідомлення у цю кімнату від свого імені",
"Send messages as you in your active room": "Надіслати повідомлення у свою активну кімнату від свого імені",
"Send messages as you in this room": "Надіслати повідомлення у цю кімнату від свого імені",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Надсилає вказане повідомлення згорненим"
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Надсилає вказане повідомлення згорненим",
"Integration manager": "Менеджер інтеграцій",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Ваш %(brand)s не дозволяє вам використовувати для цього менеджер інтеграцій. Зверніться, будь ласка, до адміністратора.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "Користування цим знадобом може призвести до поширення ваших даних <helpIcon /> з %(widgetDomain)s та вашим менеджером інтеграцій.",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "Менеджери інтеграцій отримують дані конфігурації та можуть змінювати знадоби, надсилати запрошення у кімнати й встановлювати рівні повноважень від вашого імені.",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Використовувати менеджер інтеграцій для керування ботами, знадобами та паками наліпок.",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Використовувати менеджер інтеграцій <b>%(serverName)s</b> для керування ботами, знадобами та паками наліпок.",
"Identity server": "Сервер ідентифікації",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Сервер ідентифікації (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Неможливо під'єднатись до сервера ідентифікації"

View File

@ -342,5 +342,19 @@
"Confirm adding email": "Xác nhận việc thêm email",
"Add Phone Number": "Thêm Số Điện Thoại",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "Nhấn vào nút dưới đây để xác nhận việc thêm số điện thoại này.",
"Confirm": "Xác nhận"
"Confirm": "Xác nhận",
"No other application is using the webcam": "Không có ứng dụng nào khác đang sử dụng webcam",
"Permission is granted to use the webcam": "Quyền được cấp để sử dụng webcam",
"A microphone and webcam are plugged in and set up correctly": "Micro và webcam đã được cắm và thiết lập đúng cách",
"Call failed because webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Cuộc gọi không thành công vì không thể truy cập webcam hoặc micrô. Kiểm tra xem:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Không thể truy cập webcam / micro",
"The call could not be established": "Không thể thiết lập cuộc gọi",
"The user you called is busy.": "Người dùng mà bạn gọi đang bận",
"User Busy": "Người dùng đang bận",
"The other party declined the call.": "Bên kia đã từ chối cuộc gọi.",
"Call Declined": "Cuộc gọi bị từ chối",
"Your user agent": "Hành động của bạn",
"Single Sign On": "Single Sign On",
"Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Xác nhận việc thêm địa chỉ email này bằng cách sử dụng Single Sign On để chứng minh danh tính của bạn.",
"Use Single Sign On to continue": "Sử dụng Signle Sign On để tiếp tục"

View File

@ -1445,5 +1445,11 @@
"Remove %(email)s?": "%(email)s verwydern?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "%(phone)s verwydern?",
"Explore rooms": "Gesprekkn ountdekkn",
"Create Account": "Account anmoakn"
"Create Account": "Account anmoakn",
"Integration manager": "Integroasjebeheerder",
"Identity server": "Identiteitsserver",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "Identiteitsserver (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "Kostege geen verbindienge moakn me den identiteitsserver",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "Geen geldigen identiteitsserver (statuscode %(code)s)",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "Den identiteitsserver-URL moet HTTPS zyn"

View File

@ -3383,5 +3383,17 @@
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s 已接受邀请",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s 已接受 %(displayName)s 的邀请",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "部分邀请无法送达",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "我们已向其他人发送邀请,除了以下无法邀请至 <RoomName/> 的人"
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "我们已向其他人发送邀请,除了以下无法邀请至 <RoomName/> 的人",
"Integration manager": "集成管理器",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "你的 %(brand)s 不允许你使用集成管理器来完成此操作。请联系管理员。",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "使用此挂件可能会和 %(widgetDomain)s 及您的集成管理器共享数据 <helpIcon />。",
"Identity server is": "身份认证服务器是",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "集成管理器接收配置数据,并可以以你的名义修改挂件、发送聊天室邀请及设置权限级别。",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "使用集成管理器以管理机器人、挂件和贴纸包。",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "使用集成管理器 <b>%(serverName)s</b> 以管理机器人、挂件和贴纸包。",
"Identity server": "身份服务器",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "身份服务器(%(server)s",
"Could not connect to identity server": "无法连接到身份服务器",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "不是有效的身份服务器(状态码 %(code)s",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "身份服务器连接必须是 HTTPS"

View File

@ -3484,5 +3484,29 @@
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation": "%(targetName)s 接受了邀請",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s": "%(targetName)s 已接受 %(displayName)s 的邀請",
"Some invites couldn't be sent": "部份邀請無法傳送",
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "我們已將邀請傳送給其他人,但以下的人無法邀請至 <RoomName/>"
"We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to <RoomName/>": "我們已將邀請傳送給其他人,但以下的人無法邀請至 <RoomName/>",
"Unnamed audio": "未命名的音訊",
"Error processing audio message": "處理音訊訊息時出現問題",
"Show %(count)s other previews|one": "顯示 %(count)s 個其他預覽",
"Show %(count)s other previews|other": "顯示 %(count)s 個其他預覽",
"Images, GIFs and videos": "圖片、GIF 與影片",
"Code blocks": "程式碼區塊",
"Displaying time": "顯示時間",
"To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "要檢視所有鍵盤快捷鍵,請點擊此處。",
"Keyboard shortcuts": "鍵盤快捷鍵",
"Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "使用 Ctrl + F 來搜尋時間軸",
"Use Command + F to search timeline": "使用 Command + F 來搜尋時間軸",
"User %(userId)s is already invited to the room": "使用者 %(userId)s 已被邀請至聊天室",
"Integration manager": "整合管理員",
"Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "您的 %(brand)s 不允許您使用整合管理員來執行此動作。請聯絡管理員。",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your integration manager.": "使用這個小工具可能會與 %(widgetDomain)s 以及您的整合管理員分享資料 <helpIcon />。",
"Identity server is": "身分認證伺服器是",
"Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites, and set power levels on your behalf.": "整合管理員接收設定資料,並可以修改小工具、傳送聊天室邀請並設定權限等級。",
"Use an integration manager to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "使用整合管理員以管理機器人、小工具與貼紙包。",
"Use an integration manager <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> to manage bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "使用整合管理員 <b>(%(serverName)s)</b> 以管理機器人、小工具與貼紙包。",
"Identity server": "身份識別伺服器",
"Identity server (%(server)s)": "身份識別伺服器 (%(server)s)",
"Could not connect to identity server": "無法連線至身份識別伺服器",
"Not a valid identity server (status code %(code)s)": "不是有效的身份識別伺服器(狀態碼 %(code)s",
"Identity server URL must be HTTPS": "身份識別伺服器 URL 必須為 HTTPS"