Replace deprecated String#substr with String#slice (#8314)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function isValidHexColor(color: string): boolean {
return typeof color === "string" &&
(color.length === 7 || color.length === 9) &&
color.charAt(0) === "#" &&
!color.substr(1).split("").some(c => isNaN(parseInt(c, 16)));
!color.slice(1).split("").some(c => isNaN(parseInt(c, 16)));
function urlForColor(color: string): string {
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export default class CommandProvider extends AutocompleteProvider {
// check if the full match differs from the first word (i.e. returns false if the command has args)
if (command[0] !== command[1]) {
// The input looks like a command with arguments, perform exact match
const name = command[1].substr(1); // strip leading `/`
const name = command[1].slice(1); // strip leading `/`
if (CommandMap.has(name) && CommandMap.get(name).isEnabled()) {
// some commands, namely `me` don't suit having the usage shown whilst typing their arguments
if (CommandMap.get(name).hideCompletionAfterSpace) return [];
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export default class CreateRoomDialog extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
createOpts.preset = Preset.PublicChat;
opts.guestAccess = false;
const { alias } = this.state;
createOpts.room_alias_name = alias.substr(1, alias.indexOf(":") - 1);
createOpts.room_alias_name = alias.substring(1, alias.indexOf(":"));
} else {
// If we cannot change encryption we pass `true` for safety, the server should automatically do this for us.
opts.encryption = this.state.canChangeEncryption ? this.state.isEncrypted : true;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ const EffectsOverlay: FunctionComponent<IProps> = ({ roomWidth }) => {
const onAction = (payload: { action: string }) => {
const actionPrefix = 'effects.';
if (payload.action.indexOf(actionPrefix) === 0) {
const effect = payload.action.substr(actionPrefix.length);
const effect = payload.action.slice(actionPrefix.length);
lazyLoadEffectModule(effect).then((module) => module?.start(canvasRef.current));
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ export default class BasicMessageEditor extends React.Component<IProps, IState>
private insertText(textToInsert: string, inputType = "insertText"): void {
const sel = document.getSelection();
const { caret, text } = getCaretOffsetAndText(this.editorRef.current, sel);
const newText = text.substr(0, caret.offset) + textToInsert + text.substr(caret.offset);
const newText = text.slice(0, caret.offset) + textToInsert + text.slice(caret.offset);
caret.offset += textToInsert.length;
this.modifiedFlag = true;
this.props.model.update(newText, inputType, caret);
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ export default class MemberList extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
([0] === '@' ? :, ""),
([0] === '@' ? :, ""),
// XXX: this user may have no lastPresenceTs value!
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ export const createSpace = async (
events_default: 100,
invite: isPublic ? 0 : 50,
room_alias_name: isPublic && alias ? alias.substr(1, alias.indexOf(":") - 1) : undefined,
room_alias_name: isPublic && alias ? alias.substring(1, alias.indexOf(":")) : undefined,
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ function parseCodeBlock(n: Node, pc: PartCreator): Part[] {
if (n.firstChild?.nodeName === "CODE") {
for (const className of (n.firstChild as HTMLElement).classList) {
if (className.startsWith("language-") && !className.startsWith("language-_")) {
language = className.substr("language-".length);
language = className.slice("language-".length);
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function parseCodeBlock(n: Node, pc: PartCreator): Part[] {
function parseHeader(n: Node, pc: PartCreator): Part[] {
const depth = parseInt(n.nodeName.substr(1), 10);
const depth = parseInt(n.nodeName.slice(1), 10);
const prefix = pc.plain("#".repeat(depth) + " ");
return [prefix, ...parseChildren(n, pc)];
@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ function firstDiff(a: string, b: string): number {
function diffStringsAtEnd(oldStr: string, newStr: string): IDiff {
const len = Math.min(oldStr.length, newStr.length);
const startInCommon = oldStr.substr(0, len) === newStr.substr(0, len);
const startInCommon = oldStr.slice(0, len) === newStr.slice(0, len);
if (startInCommon && oldStr.length > newStr.length) {
return { removed: oldStr.substr(len), at: len };
return { removed: oldStr.slice(len), at: len };
} else if (startInCommon && oldStr.length < newStr.length) {
return { added: newStr.substr(len), at: len };
return { added: newStr.slice(len), at: len };
} else {
const commonStartLen = firstDiff(oldStr, newStr);
return {
removed: oldStr.substr(commonStartLen),
added: newStr.substr(commonStartLen),
removed: oldStr.slice(commonStartLen),
added: newStr.slice(commonStartLen),
at: commonStartLen,
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export function diffDeletion(oldStr: string, newStr: string): IDiff {
const firstDiffIdx = firstDiff(oldStr, newStr);
const amount = oldStr.length - newStr.length;
return { at: firstDiffIdx, removed: oldStr.substr(firstDiffIdx, amount) };
return { at: firstDiffIdx, removed: oldStr.slice(firstDiffIdx, firstDiffIdx + amount) };
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export function diffDeletion(oldStr: string, newStr: string): IDiff {
export function diffAtCaret(oldValue: string, newValue: string, caretPosition: number): IDiff {
const diffLen = newValue.length - oldValue.length;
const caretPositionBeforeInput = caretPosition - diffLen;
const oldValueBeforeCaret = oldValue.substr(0, caretPositionBeforeInput);
const newValueBeforeCaret = newValue.substr(0, caretPosition);
const oldValueBeforeCaret = oldValue.substring(0, caretPositionBeforeInput);
const newValueBeforeCaret = newValue.substring(0, caretPosition);
return diffStringsAtEnd(oldValueBeforeCaret, newValueBeforeCaret);
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ export function toggleInlineFormat(range: Range, prefix: string, suffix = prefix
if (isFormatted) {
// remove prefix and suffix formatting string
const partWithoutPrefix = parts[base].serialize();
partWithoutPrefix.text = partWithoutPrefix.text.substr(prefix.length);
partWithoutPrefix.text = partWithoutPrefix.text.slice(prefix.length);
parts[base] = partCreator.deserializePart(partWithoutPrefix);
const partWithoutSuffix = parts[index - 1].serialize();
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ abstract class BasePart {
public split(offset: number): IBasePart {
const splitText = this.text.substr(offset);
this._text = this.text.substr(0, offset);
const splitText = this.text.slice(offset);
this._text = this.text.slice(0, offset);
return new PlainPart(splitText);
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ abstract class BasePart {
// if the part would become invalid if it removed everything.
public remove(offset: number, len: number): string | undefined {
// validate
const strWithRemoval = this.text.substr(0, offset) + this.text.substr(offset + len);
const strWithRemoval = this.text.slice(0, offset) + this.text.slice(offset + len);
for (let i = offset; i < (len + offset); ++i) {
const chr = this.text.charAt(i);
if (!this.acceptsRemoval(i, chr)) {
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ abstract class BasePart {
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
const chr = str.charAt(i);
if (!this.acceptsInsertion(chr, offset + i, inputType)) {
this._text = this._text + str.substr(0, i);
return str.substr(i);
this._text = this._text + str.slice(0, i);
return str.slice(i);
this._text = this._text + str;
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ abstract class BasePart {
return false;
const beforeInsert = this._text.substr(0, offset);
const afterInsert = this._text.substr(offset);
const beforeInsert = this._text.slice(0, offset);
const afterInsert = this._text.slice(offset);
this._text = beforeInsert + str + afterInsert;
return true;
@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ abstract class BasePart {
public createAutoComplete(updateCallback: UpdateCallback): void {}
protected trim(len: number): string {
const remaining = this._text.substr(len);
this._text = this._text.substr(0, len);
const remaining = this._text.slice(len);
this._text = this._text.slice(0, len);
return remaining;
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ export function replaceByRegexes(text: string, mapping: IVariables | Tags): stri
matchFoundSomewhere = true;
// The textual part before the first match
const head = inputText.substr(0, match.index);
const head = inputText.slice(0, match.index);
const parts = [];
// keep track of prevMatch
@ -326,9 +326,9 @@ export function replaceByRegexes(text: string, mapping: IVariables | Tags): stri
let tail;
if (match) {
const startIndex = prevMatch.index + prevMatch[0].length;
tail = inputText.substr(startIndex, match.index - startIndex);
tail = inputText.slice(startIndex, match.index);
} else {
tail = inputText.substr(prevMatch.index + prevMatch[0].length);
tail = inputText.slice(prevMatch.index + prevMatch[0].length);
if (tail) {
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ export function pickBestLanguage(langs: string[]): string {
// Failing that, a different dialect of the same language
const closeLangIndex = normalisedLangs.findIndex((l) => l.substr(0, 2) === currentLang.substr(0, 2));
const closeLangIndex = normalisedLangs.findIndex((l) => l.slice(0, 2) === currentLang.slice(0, 2));
if (closeLangIndex > -1) return langs[closeLangIndex];
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ export class ElementWidget extends Widget {
let theme = new ThemeWatcher().getEffectiveTheme();
if (theme.startsWith("custom-")) {
const customTheme = getCustomTheme(theme.substr(7));
const customTheme = getCustomTheme(theme.slice(7));
// Jitsi only understands light/dark
theme = customTheme.is_dark ? "dark" : "light";
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ export async function setTheme(theme?: string): Promise<void> {
let stylesheetName = theme;
if (theme.startsWith("custom-")) {
const customTheme = getCustomTheme(theme.substr(7));
const customTheme = getCustomTheme(theme.slice(7));
stylesheetName = customTheme.is_dark ? "dark-custom" : "light-custom";
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ describe("PosthogAnalytics", () => {
const hexHash = shaHashes[message];
const bytes = [];
for (let c = 0; c < hexHash.length; c += 2) {
bytes.push(parseInt(hexHash.substr(c, 2), 16));
bytes.push(parseInt(hexHash.slice(c, c + 2), 16));
return bytes as unknown as ArrayBuffer;
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ describe('MemberList', () => {
if (!groupChange) {
const nameA =[0] === '@' ? :;
const nameB =[0] === '@' ? :;
const nameA =[0] === '@' ? :;
const nameB =[0] === '@' ? :;
const nameCompare = compare(nameB, nameA);
console.log("Comparing name");
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export class RestSession {
userName(): string {
return this.credentials.userId.split(":")[0].substr(1);
return this.credentials.userId.split(":")[0].slice(1);
displayName(): string {
Reference in New Issue