Move complex part of room sorting to a dedicated function
Pretty much cut/pasting it in, as there's not really a whole much to help make the code more understandable here. This also includes a comment block longer than the code it describes in hopes it explains away the problem of understanding what it does. Should fix
@ -326,21 +326,119 @@ class RoomListStore extends Store {
return tags;
_slotRoomIntoList(room, category, existingEntries, newList, lastTimestampFn) {
const targetCategoryIndex = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(category);
// The slotting algorithm works by trying to position the room in the most relevant
// section of the list (red > grey > etc). To accomplish this, we need to consider
// a couple cases: the section existing in the list but having other rooms in it and
// the case of the section simply not existing and needing to be started. In order to
// do this efficiently, we only want to iterate over the list once and solve our sorting
// problem as we go.
// Firstly, we'll remove any existing entry that references the room we're trying to
// insert. We don't really want to consider the old entry and want to recreate it. We
// also exclude the sticky (currently active) room from the categorization logic and
// let it pass through wherever it resides in the list: it shouldn't be moving around
// the list too much, so we want to keep it where it is.
// The case of the section we want existing is easy to handle: once we hit the section,
// find the room that has a most recent event later than our own and insert just before
// that (making us the more recent room). If we end up hitting the next section before
// we can slot the room in, insert the room at the top of the section as a fallback. We
// do this to ensure that the room doesn't go too far down the list given it was previously
// considered important (in the case of going down in category) or is now more important
// (suddenly becoming red, for instance). The boundary tracking is how we end up achieving
// this, as described in the next paragraphs.
// The other case of the section not already existing is a bit more complicated. We track
// the boundaries of each section relative to the list we're currently building so that
// when we miss the section we can insert the room at the right spot. Most importantly, we
// can't assume that the end of the list being built is the right spot because of the last
// paragraph's requirement: the room should be put to the top of a section if the section
// runs out of places to put it.
// All told, our tracking looks something like this:
// ------ A <- Section boundary (start of red)
// RED
// RED
// RED
// ------ B <- In this example, we have a grey room we want to insert.
// ------ C
// ------ D <- End of list
// Given that example, and our desire to insert a GREY room into the list, this iterates
// over the room list until it realizes that BOLD comes after GREY and we're no longer
// in the RED section. Because there's no rooms there, we simply insert there which is
// also a "category boundary". If we change the example to wanting to insert a BOLD room
// which can't be ordered by timestamp with the existing couple rooms, we would still make
// use of the boundary flag to insert at B before changing the boundary indicator to C.
let desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex = 0;
let foundBoundary = false;
let pushedEntry = false;
for (const entry of existingEntries) {
// We insert our own record as needed, so don't let the old one through.
if ( === room.roomId) {
// if the list is a recent list, and the room appears in this list, and we're
// not looking at a sticky room (sticky rooms have unreliable categories), try
// to slot the new room in
if ( !== this._state.stickyRoomId && !pushedEntry) {
const entryCategoryIndex = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(entry.category);
// As per above, check if we're meeting that boundary we wanted to locate.
if (entryCategoryIndex >= targetCategoryIndex && !foundBoundary) {
desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex = newList.length - 1;
foundBoundary = true;
// If we've hit the top of a boundary beyond our target category, insert at the top of
// the grouping to ensure the room isn't slotted incorrectly. Otherwise, try to insert
// based on most recent timestamp.
const changedBoundary = entryCategoryIndex > targetCategoryIndex;
const currentCategory = entryCategoryIndex === targetCategoryIndex;
if (changedBoundary || (currentCategory && lastTimestampFn(room) >= lastTimestampFn( {
if (changedBoundary) {
// If we changed a boundary, then we've gone too far - go to the top of the last
// section instead.
newList.splice(desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex, 0, {room, category});
} else {
// If we're ordering by timestamp, just insert normally
newList.push({room, category});
pushedEntry = true;
// Fall through and clone the list.
return pushedEntry;
_setRoomCategory(room, category) {
if (!room) return; // This should only happen in tests
const listsClone = {};
const targetCategoryIndex = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(category);
// Micro optimization: Support lazily loading the last timestamp in a room
let _targetTimestamp = null;
const targetTimestamp = () => {
if (_targetTimestamp === null) {
_targetTimestamp = this._tsOfNewestEvent(room);
let timestampCache = {}; // {roomId => ts}
const lastTimestamp = (room) => {
if (!timestampCache[room.roomId]) {
timestampCache[room.roomId] = this._tsOfNewestEvent(room);
return _targetTimestamp;
return timestampCache[room.roomId];
const targetTags = this._getRecommendedTagsForRoom(room);
const insertedIntoTags = [];
@ -369,65 +467,8 @@ class RoomListStore extends Store {
} else {
listsClone[key] = [];
// We track where the boundary within listsClone[key] is just in case our timestamp
// ordering fails. If we can't stick the room in at the correct place in the category
// grouping based on timestamp, we'll stick it at the top of the group which will be
// the index we track here.
let desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex = 0;
let foundBoundary = false;
let pushedEntry = false;
for (const entry of this._state.lists[key]) {
// We insert our own record as needed, so don't let the old one through.
if ( === room.roomId) {
// if the list is a recent list, and the room appears in this list, and we're
// not looking at a sticky room (sticky rooms have unreliable categories), try
// to slot the new room in
if ( !== this._state.stickyRoomId) {
if (!pushedEntry && shouldHaveRoom) {
// Micro optimization: Support lazily loading the last timestamp in a room
let _entryTimestamp = null;
const entryTimestamp = () => {
if (_entryTimestamp === null) {
_entryTimestamp = this._tsOfNewestEvent(;
return _entryTimestamp;
const entryCategoryIndex = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(entry.category);
// As per above, check if we're meeting that boundary we wanted to locate.
if (entryCategoryIndex >= targetCategoryIndex && !foundBoundary) {
desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex = listsClone[key].length - 1;
foundBoundary = true;
// If we've hit the top of a boundary beyond our target category, insert at the top of
// the grouping to ensure the room isn't slotted incorrectly. Otherwise, try to insert
// based on most recent timestamp.
const changedBoundary = entryCategoryIndex > targetCategoryIndex;
const currentCategory = entryCategoryIndex === targetCategoryIndex;
if (changedBoundary || (currentCategory && targetTimestamp() >= entryTimestamp())) {
if (changedBoundary) {
// If we changed a boundary, then we've gone too far - go to the top of the last
// section instead.
listsClone[key].splice(desiredCategoryBoundaryIndex, 0, {room, category});
} else {
// If we're ordering by timestamp, just insert normally
listsClone[key].push({room, category});
pushedEntry = true;
// Fall through and clone the list.
const pushedEntry = this._slotRoomIntoList(
room, category, this._state.lists[key], listsClone[key], lastTimestamp);
if (!pushedEntry) {
if (listsClone[key].length === 0) {
@ -437,6 +478,8 @@ class RoomListStore extends Store {
// In theory, this should never happen
console.warn(`!! Room ${room.roomId} lost: No position available`);
} else {
Reference in New Issue