diff --git a/src/CallHandler.js b/src/CallHandler.js
index 7ec4e7d8bb..86674afd7d 100644
--- a/src/CallHandler.js
+++ b/src/CallHandler.js
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ async function _startCallApp(roomId, type) {
     const confId = room.roomId.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '') + widgetSessionId;
     const jitsiDomain = SdkConfig.get()['jitsi']['preferredDomain'];
-    const widgetUrl = WidgetUtils.getLocalJitsiWrapperUrl();
+    const widgetUrl = WidgetUtils.getLocalJitsiWrapperUrl({});
     const widgetData = {
         widgetSessionId, // TODO: Remove this eventually
diff --git a/src/utils/WidgetUtils.js b/src/utils/WidgetUtils.js
index 7d6bf5e90d..26e29b49f8 100644
--- a/src/utils/WidgetUtils.js
+++ b/src/utils/WidgetUtils.js
@@ -485,19 +485,16 @@ export default class WidgetUtils {
-        let currentUrl = window.location.href.split('#')[0];
-        if (!currentUrl.startsWith("https://") && !opts.forLocalRender) {
+        let baseUrl = window.location;
+        if (window.location.protocol !== "https:" && !opts.forLocalRender) {
             // Use an external wrapper if we're not locally rendering the widget. This is usually
             // the URL that will end up in the widget event, so we want to make sure it's relatively
             // safe to send.
             // We'll end up using a local render URL when we see a Jitsi widget anyways, so this is
             // really just for backwards compatibility and to appease the spec.
-            currentUrl = "https://riot.im/app";
+            baseUrl = "https://riot.im/app";
-        if (!currentUrl.endsWith('/')) {
-            currentUrl = `${currentUrl}/`;
-        }
-        return currentUrl + "jitsi.html#" + queryString;
+        const url = new URL("jitsi.html#" + queryString, baseUrl); // this strips hash fragment from baseUrl
+        return url.href;