- { _t(
- "Help us improve Riot by sending usage data. " +
- "This will use a cookie " +
- "(see our
cookie and " +
- "
privacy policies)",
+ { this.props.policyUrl ? _t(
+ "Help improve Riot by sending usage data? " +
+ "This will use a cookie. " +
+ "(See our
cookie and privacy policies).",
// XXX: We need to link to the page that explains our cookies
- 'CookieLink': makeLink("https://riot.im/privacy"),
- 'PrivacyLink': makeLink("https://riot.im/privacy"),
+ 'PolicyLink': (sub) =>
+ { sub }
+ ,
- ) }
+ ) : _t("Help improve Riot by sending usage data? This will use a cookie.") }