Merge pull request #970 from RiotTranslate/weblate-riot-web-matrix-react-sdk
Update from Weblate.pull/21833/head
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"You are already in a call": "Du bist bereits bei einem Anruf",
"You cannot place a call with yourself": "Du kannst keinen Anruf mit dir selbst starten",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser": "Du kannst kein VoIP-Gespräch in diesem Browser starten",
"You need to log back in to generate end-to-end encryption keys for this device and submit the public key to your homeserver. This is a once off; sorry for the inconvenience.": "Du musst dich erneut anmelden um Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselungscodes für dieses Gerät zu generieren und den öffentl. Schlüssel an deinen Homeserver zu senden. Dies muss einmal gemacht werden. Entschuldige die Unannehmlichkeit.",
"You need to log back in to generate end-to-end encryption keys for this device and submit the public key to your homeserver. This is a once off; sorry for the inconvenience.": "Du musst dich erneut anmelden, um Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselungs-Schlüssel für dieses Gerät zu generieren und um den öffentlichen Schlüssel auf deinem Homeserver zu hinterlegen. Dies muss nur einmal durchgeführt werden, bitte entschuldige die Unannehmlichkeiten.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver": "Deine E-Mail-Adresse scheint nicht mit einer Matrix-ID auf diesem Homeserver verknüpft zu sein",
"Sun": "So",
"Mon": "Mo",
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
"Upload an avatar:": "Lade einen Avatar hoch:",
"This server does not support authentication with a phone number.": "Dieser Server unterstützt keine Authentifizierung mittels Telefonnummer.",
"Missing password.": "Fehlendes Passwort.",
"Passwords don't match.": "Passwörter passen nicht zusammen.",
"Passwords don't match.": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.",
"Password too short (min %(MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH)s).": "Passwort zu kurz (min. %(MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH)s).",
"This doesn't look like a valid email address.": "Dies scheint keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse zu sein.",
"This doesn't look like a valid phone number.": "Dies scheint keine gültige Telefonnummer zu sein.",
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
"New Composer & Autocomplete": "Neuer Eingabeverarbeiter & Autovervollständigung",
"(not supported by this browser)": "(nicht von diesem Browser unterstützt)",
"%(senderName)s placed a %(callType)s call.": "%(senderName)s startete einen %(callType)s-Anruf.",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "Berechtigungslevel muss eine positive Zahl sein.",
"Power level must be positive integer.": "Berechtigungslevel muss eine positive ganze Zahl sein.",
"Reason": "Grund",
"%(targetName)s rejected the invitation.": "%(targetName)s lehnte die Einladung ab.",
"%(senderName)s removed their display name (%(oldDisplayName)s).": "%(senderName)s löschte den Anzeigenamen (%(oldDisplayName)s).",
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
"en-au": "Englisch (Australien)",
"en-bz": "Englisch (Belize)",
"en-ca": "Englisch (Kanada)",
"en-gb": "Englisch (Vereintes Königreich)",
"en-gb": "Englisch (Vereinigtes Königreich)",
"en-ie": "Englisch (Irland)",
"en-jm": "Englisch (Jamaika)",
"en-nz": "Englisch (Neuseeland)",
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
"ro-mo": "Rumänisch (Republik von Moldavien)",
"ro": "Romanian",
"ru-mo": "Russisch",
"sb": "Sorbian",
"sb": "Sorbisch",
"sk": "Slowakisch",
"sl": "Slowenisch",
"sq": "Albanisch",
@ -539,12 +539,12 @@
"zh-sg": "Chinesisch (Singapur)",
"zh-tw": "Chinesisch (Taiwan)",
"zu": "Zulu",
"ca": "katalanisch",
"ca": "Katalanisch",
"fi": "Finnisch",
"fo": "Färöisch",
"ga": "Irisch",
"hi": "Hindi",
"xh": "isiXhosa",
"xh": "Xhosa",
"Monday": "Montag",
"Tuesday": "Dienstag",
"Wednesday": "Mittwoch",
@ -628,8 +628,8 @@
"Usage: /markdown on|off": "Verwendung: /markdown on|off",
"You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Du scheinst in einem Anruf zu sein. Bist du sicher schließen zu wollen?",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Du scheinst Dateien hochzuladen. Bist du sicher schließen zu wollen?",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself": "Du wirst nicht in der Lage sein, diese Änderung zu ändern da den Nutzer auf dasselbe Berechtigungslevel wie du hebst",
"Make Moderator": "Mache zum Moderator",
"You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself": "Du wirst diese Änderung nicht rückgängig machen können, da der Nutzer dasselbe Berechtigungslevel wie du selbst erhalten wird",
"Make Moderator": "Zum Moderator machen",
"Room": "Raum",
"(~%(searchCount)s results)": "(~%(searchCount)s Ergebnisse)",
"Cancel": "Abbrechen",
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
"Offline": "Offline",
"Online": "Online",
" (unsupported)": " (nicht unterstützt)",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Dieser Prozess erlaubt dir die zuvor von einem anderen Matrix Clienten exportierten Verschlüsselungsschlüssel zu importieren. Danach kannst du alle Nachrichten entschlüsseln die auch auf dem anderen entschlüsselt werden konnten.",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Diese Vorgehensweise erlaubt es dir, die zuvor von einem anderen Matrix-Client exportierten Verschlüsselungs-Schlüssel zu importieren. Danach kannst du alle Nachrichten entschlüsseln, die auch bereits auf dem anderen Client entschlüsselt werden konnten.",
"This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to re-register the same user ID.": "Dies wird dein Konto permanent unbenutzbar machen. Du wirst dich nicht mit derselben Nutzer-ID erneut registrieren können.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this device matches the key below:": "Um zu bestätigen, dass diesem Gerät vertraut werden kann, kontaktiere bitte den Eigentümer über einen anderen Weg (z.B. Telefon-Anruf) und frage, ob der Schlüssel, den sie in den Nutzer-Einstellungen für dieses Gerät sehen dem folgenden gleicht:",
"If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesn't, then someone else is intercepting this device and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.": "Wenn er passt, betätige den Bestätigen-Button unten. Wenn nicht, fängt jemand anderes dieses Gerät ab und du möchtest wahrscheinlich lieber den Blacklist-Button betätigen.",
@ -816,5 +816,8 @@
"Unverify": "Entverifizieren",
"This Home Server would like to make sure you are not a robot": "Dieser Heimserver möchte sicherstellen, dass du kein Roboter bist",
"Drop file here to upload": "Datei hier loslassen zum hochladen",
"Idle": "inaktiv"
"Idle": "inaktiv",
"We recommend you go through the verification process for each device to confirm they belong to their legitimate owner, but you can resend the message without verifying if you prefer.": "Wir empfehlen dir für jedes Gerät durch den Verifizierungsprozess zu gehen um zu bestätigen, dass sie ihrem legitimierten Besitzer gehören, aber du kannst die Nachrichten ohne Verifizierung erneut senden, wenn du es vorziehst.",
"Ongoing conference call%(supportedText)s. %(joinText)s": "Laufendes Konferenzgespräch%(supportedText)s. %(joinText)s",
"You are about to be taken to a third-party site so you can authenticate your account for use with {integrationsUrl}. Do you wish to continue?": "Du wirst jetzt auf eine Drittanbieter-Website weitergeleitet, damit du dein Konto authentifizieren kannst für die Verwendung mit {integrationsUrl}. Möchtest du fortfahren?"
@ -675,5 +675,33 @@
"%(oneUser)schanged their avatar %(repeats)s times": "%(oneUser)sa changé sa photo de profil %(repeats)s fois",
"%(severalUsers)schanged their avatar": "%(severalUsers)sont changé leur photo de profil",
"%(oneUser)schanged their avatar": "%(oneUser)sa changé sa photo de profil",
"Please select the destination room for this message": "Merci de sélectionner un salon de destination pour ce message"
"Please select the destination room for this message": "Merci de sélectionner un salon de destination pour ce message",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s a supprimé le nom du salon.",
"Analytics": "Outils d'analyse",
"Opt out of analytics": "Refus de participation",
"Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot recueille des données anonymes qui nous permettent d’analyser et améliorer l’application.",
"Passphrases must match": "Les phrases secrètes doivent être identiques",
"Passphrase must not be empty": "La phrase secrète ne doit pas être vide",
"Export room keys": "Exporter les clés du salon",
"Enter passphrase": "Entrer la phrase secrète",
"Confirm passphrase": "Confirmer la phrase secrète",
"Import room keys": "Importer les clés du salon",
"File to import": "Fichier à importer",
"This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.": "Ce processus vous permet d’exporter dans un fichier local les clés pour les messages que vous avez reçus dans des salons encryptés. Il sera ensuite possible d’importer ce fichier dans un autre client Matrix, afin de permettre à ce client de pouvoir décrypter ces messages.",
"The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "Le fichier exporté permettra à tout ceux qui peuvent le lire de décrypter tous les messages encrypté auxquels vous avez accès, vous devez donc être vigilant et le stocker dans un endroit sûr. Afin de protéger ce fichier, entrez ci-dessous une phrase secrète qui sera utilisée pour encrypter les données exportées. Seule l’utilisation de la même phrase secrète permettra de décrypter et importer les données.",
"This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Ce processus vous permet d’importer les clés d’encryption que vous avez précédemment exportées depuis un autre client Matrix. Vous serez alors capable de décrypter n’importe quel messages que l’autre client peut décrypter.",
"The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Le fichier exporté est protégé par une phrase secrète. Vous devez entrer cette phrase secrète ici pour décrypter le fichier.",
"You must join the room to see its files": "Vous devez joindre le salon pour voir ses fichiers",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "Le serveur semble être indisponible, surchargé, ou vous avez rencontré un problème.",
"Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Rejeter la totalité des %(invitedRooms)s invitations",
"Start new Chat": "Démarrer une nouvelle conversation",
"Guest users can't invite users. Please register.": "Les visiteurs ne peuvent inviter d’autres utilisateurs. Merci de vous enregistrer.",
"Failed to invite": "Echec de l'invitation",
"Failed to invite user": "Echec lors de l'invitation de l'utilisateur",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Echec lors de l’invitation des utilisateurs suivants dans le salon %(roomName)s :",
"Confirm Removal": "Confirmer la suppression",
"Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet événement ? Notez que si vous supprimez le changement de nom d’un salon ou la mise a jour du sujet d’un salon, il est possible que le changement soit annulé.",
"Unknown error": "Erreur inconnue",
"Incorrect password": "Mot de passe incorrect",
"This will make your account permanently unusable. You will not be able to re-register the same user ID.": "Ceci rendra votre compte inutilisable de manière permanente. Vous ne pourrez pas enregistrer à nouveau le même identifiant utilisateur."
@ -724,5 +724,27 @@
"Unmute": "Tirar do mudo",
"Warning!": "Atenção!",
"You need to enter a user name.": "Você precisa inserir um nome de usuária(o).",
"Please select the destination room for this message": "Por favor, escolha a sala para onde quer encaminhar esta mensagem"
"Please select the destination room for this message": "Por favor, escolha a sala para onde quer encaminhar esta mensagem",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s apagou o nome da sala.",
"Analytics": "Análise",
"Opt out of analytics": "Sair da ferramenta de análise",
"Riot collects anonymous analytics to allow us to improve the application.": "Riot coleta informações anônimas de uso para nos permitir melhorar o sistema.",
"Passphrases must match": "As senhas têm que ser iguais",
"Passphrase must not be empty": "A senha não pode estar vazia",
"Export room keys": "Exportar chaves de sala",
"Enter passphrase": "Entre com a senha",
"Confirm passphrase": "Confirme a senha",
"Import room keys": "Importar chaves de sala",
"File to import": "Arquivo para importar",
"This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.": "Este processo permite que você exporte as chaves para mensagens que você recebeu em salas criptografadas para um arquivo local. Você poderá então importar o arquivo para outro cliente Matrix no futuro, de modo que este cliente também poderá descriptografar suas mensagens.",
"The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "O arquivo exportado será protegido com uma senha. Você deverá inserir a senha aqui para poder descriptografar o arquivo futuramente.",
"You must join the room to see its files": "Você precisa ingressar na sala para ver seus arquivos",
"Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "O servidor pode estar indisponível ou sobrecarregado, ou então você encontrou uma falha no sistema.",
"Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Rejeitar todos os %(invitedRoom)s convites",
"Start new Chat": "Iniciar nova conversa",
"Guest users can't invite users. Please register.": "Visitantes não podem convidar usuárias(os) registradas(os). Favor registrar.",
"Failed to invite": "Falha ao enviar o convite",
"Failed to invite user": "Falha ao convidar a(o) usuária(o)",
"Failed to invite the following users to the %(roomName)s room:": "Falha ao convidar as(os) seguintes usuárias(os) para a sala %(roomName)s:",
"Confirm Removal": "Confirmar a remoção"
Reference in New Issue