Merge pull request #4800 from RiotTranslateBot/weblate-riot-web-matrix-react-sdk

Update from Weblate
David Baker 2020-06-22 09:49:21 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit de5d4222ad
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 849 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -2242,8 +2242,8 @@
"An error occurred changing the user's power level. Ensure you have sufficient permissions and try again.": "Beim Ändern der Benutzerrechte ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Stelle sicher dass du die nötigen Berechtigungen besitzt und versuche es erneut.",
"Unable to share email address": "E-Mail Adresse konnte nicht geteilt werden",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Gib den Verifikationscode ein, den du empfangen hast.",
"Almost there! Is your other session showing the same shield?": "Fast geschafft! Zeigt deine andere Sitzung die gleichen Zeichen?",
"Almost there! Is %(displayName)s showing the same shield?": "Fast geschafft! Werden bei %(displayName)s die gleichen Zeichen angezeigt?",
"Almost there! Is your other session showing the same shield?": "Fast geschafft! Zeigt deine andere Sitzung das gleiche Schild?",
"Almost there! Is %(displayName)s showing the same shield?": "Fast geschafft! Wird bei %(displayName)s das gleiche Schild angezeigt?",
"Click the link in the email you received to verify and then click continue again.": "Klicke auf den Link in der Bestätigungs-E-Mail, und dann auf Weiter.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Widerrufen der geteilten Telefonnummer nicht möglich",
"Unable to share phone number": "Teilen der Telefonnummer nicht möglich",

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@ -2374,7 +2374,7 @@
"Signing In...": "Salutante…",
"If you've joined lots of rooms, this might take a while": "Se vi aliĝis al multaj ĉambroj, tio povas daŭri longe",
"Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.": "Konfirmu vian identecon per kontrolo de ĉi tiu saluto el unu el viaj aliaj salutaĵoj, permesante al ĝi legadon de ĉifritaj mesaĝoj.",
"This requires the latest Riot on your other devices:": "Ĉi tio bezonas la plej freŝan version de Rion sur viaj aliaj aparatoj:",
"This requires the latest Riot on your other devices:": "Ĉi tio bezonas la plej freŝan version de Riot en viaj aliaj aparatoj:",
"or another cross-signing capable Matrix client": "aŭ alian Matrix-klienton kapablan je transiraj subskriboj",
"Use Recovery Passphrase or Key": "Uzi rehavajn pasfrazon aŭ ŝlosilon",
"Great! This recovery passphrase looks strong enough.": "Bonege! Ĉi tiu rehava pasfrazo ŝajnas sufiĉe forta.",

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@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"Matrix rooms": "Matrix'i jututoad",
"Explore Room State": "Uuri jututoa olekut",
"Explore Account Data": "Uuri konto andmeid",
"Private Chat": "Privaatne vestlus",
"Private Chat": "Omavaheline privaatne vestlus",
"Public Chat": "Avalik vestlus",
"Other users can invite you to rooms using your contact details": "Teades sinu kontaktinfot võivad teised kutsuda sind osalema jututubades",
"Add rooms to the community summary": "Lisa jututoad kogukonna ülevaatesse",
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
"Indexed rooms:": "Indekseeritud jututoad:",
"Remove": "Eemalda",
"You should <b>remove your personal data</b> from identity server <idserver /> before disconnecting. Unfortunately, identity server <idserver /> is currently offline or cannot be reached.": "Sa peaksid enne ühenduse katkestamisst <b>eemaldama isiklikud andmed</b> id-serverist <idserver />. Kahjuks id-server <idserver /> ei ole hetkel võrgus või pole kättesaadav.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Me soovitame, et eemaldad enne ühenduse katkestamist oma e-posti aadressi ja telefoninumbrid id-serverist.",
"We recommend that you remove your email addresses and phone numbers from the identity server before disconnecting.": "Me soovitame, et eemaldad enne ühenduse katkestamist oma e-posti aadressi ja telefoninumbrid isikutuvastusserverist.",
"Remove messages": "Kustuta sõnumeid",
"Unable to remove contact information": "Kontaktiinfo eemaldamine ebaõnnestus",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Eemalda %(email)s?",
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
"Displays information about a user": "Näitab teavet kasutaja kohta",
"This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit.": "See koduserver on saavutanud igakuise aktiivsete kasutajate piiri.",
"about a minute ago": "umbes minut tagasi",
"about an hour ago": "umbes tund tagasi",
"about an hour ago": "umbes tund aega tagasi",
"%(num)s hours ago": "%(num)s tundi tagasi",
"about a day ago": "umbes päev tagasi",
"%(num)s days ago": "%(num)s päeva tagasi",
@ -1479,5 +1479,118 @@
"Enter recovery key": "Sisesta taastevõti",
"Unable to access secret storage. Please verify that you entered the correct recovery key.": "Ei õnnestu lugeda krüptitud salvestusruumi. Palun kontrolli, kas sa sisestasid õige taastevõtme.",
"This looks like a valid recovery key!": "See tundub olema õige taastevõti!",
"Not a valid recovery key": "Ei ole sobilik taastevõti"
"Not a valid recovery key": "Ei ole sobilik taastevõti",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "Palu, et sinu Riot'u haldur kontrolliks <a>sinu seadistusi</a> võimalike vigaste või topeltkirjete osas.",
"Cannot reach identity server": "Isikutuvastusserverit ei õnnestu leida",
"You can register, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Sa võid registreeruda, kuid mõned funktsionaalsused pole kasutatavad seni, kuni isikutuvastusserver pole uuesti võrgus. Kui see teade tekib järjepanu, siis palun kontrolli oma seadistusi või võta ühendust serveri haldajaga.",
"You can reset your password, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Sa võid salasõna lähtestada, kuid mõned funktsionaalsused pole kasutatavad seni, kuni isikutuvastusserver pole uuesti võrgus. Kui see teade tekib järjepanu, siis palun kontrolli oma seadistusi või võta ühendust serveri haldajaga.",
"You can log in, but some features will be unavailable until the identity server is back online. If you keep seeing this warning, check your configuration or contact a server admin.": "Sa võid sisse logida, kuid mõned funktsionaalsused pole kasutatavad seni, kuni isikutuvastusserver pole uuesti võrgus. Kui see teade tekib järjepanu, siis palun kontrolli oma seadistusi või võta ühendust serveri haldajaga.",
"No homeserver URL provided": "Koduserveri aadress on puudu",
"Unexpected error resolving homeserver configuration": "Koduserveri seadistustest selguse saamisel tekkis ootamatu viga",
"Unexpected error resolving identity server configuration": "Isikutuvastusserveri seadistustest selguse saamisel tekkis ootamatu viga",
"The message you are trying to send is too large.": "Sõnum, mida sa proovid saata, on liiga suur.",
"This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "See koduserver ületanud ühe oma ressursipiirangutest.",
"Please <a>contact your service administrator</a> to continue using the service.": "Jätkamaks selle teenuse kasutamist, palun <a>võta ühendust oma serveri haldajaga</a>.",
"Unable to connect to Homeserver. Retrying...": "Ei saa ühendust koduserveriga. Proovin uuesti...",
"%(items)s and %(count)s others|other": "%(items)s ja %(count)s muud",
"%(items)s and %(count)s others|one": "%(items)s ja üks muu",
"%(items)s and %(lastItem)s": "%(items)s ja %(lastItem)s",
"a few seconds ago": "mõni sekund tagasi",
"%(num)s minutes ago": "%(num)s minutit tagasi",
"a few seconds from now": "mõne sekundi pärast",
"%(num)s minutes from now": "%(num)s minuti pärast",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Kasuta paari sõna, kuid väldi levinud fraase",
"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters": "Sa ei pea sisestama erilisi tähemärke, numbreid ega suurtähti",
"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns": "Kasuta pikemaid klahvikombinatsioone, kus vajutatud klahvid pole kõrvuti ega kohakuti",
"Avoid repeated words and characters": "Väldi korduvaid sõnu ja tähemärke",
"Avoid sequences": "Väldi korduvaid klahviseeriaid",
"Avoid recent years": "Väldi hiljutisi aastaid",
"Avoid years that are associated with you": "Väldi aastaid, mida saaks sinuga seostada",
"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you": "Väldi kuupäevi ja aastaid, mida saaks sinuga seostada",
"Capitalization doesn't help very much": "Suurtähtede kasutamisest pole suurt kasu",
"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase": "Läbiva suurtähega kirjutatud teksti on sisuliselt sama lihte ära arvata, kui läbiva väiketähega kirjutatud teksti",
"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess": "Tagurpidi kirjutatud sõnu pole eriti keeruline ära arvata",
"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Ennustatavatest asendustest nagu '@' 'a' asemel pole eriti kasu",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Lisa veel mõni sõna. Ebatavaliste sõnade kasutamine on hea mõte.",
"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess": "Kordusi, nagu \"aaa\" on lihtne ära arvata",
"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"": "Kordusi, nagu \"abcabcabc\" on vaid natuke raskem ära arvata kui \"abc\"",
"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess": "Jadasid nagu \"abc\" või \"6543\" on lihtne ära arvata",
"Recent years are easy to guess": "Hiljutisi aastaid on lihtne ära arvata",
"Dates are often easy to guess": "Kuupäevi on sageli lihtne ära arvata",
"A word by itself is easy to guess": "Üksikut sõna on lihtne ära arvata",
"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess": "Nimesid ja perenimesid on lihtne ära arvata",
"Common names and surnames are easy to guess": "Üldisi nimesid ja perenimesid on lihtne ära arvata",
"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess": "Klaviatuuril järjest paiknevaid klahvikombinatsioone on lihtne ära arvata",
"Help us improve Riot": "Aidake meil täiustada Riot'it",
"Send <UsageDataLink>anonymous usage data</UsageDataLink> which helps us improve Riot. This will use a <PolicyLink>cookie</PolicyLink>.": "Saada meile <UsageDataLink>anonüümset kasutusteavet</UsageDataLink>, mis võimaldab meil Riot'it täiustada. Selline teave põhineb <PolicyLink>küpsiste kasutamisel</PolicyLink>.",
"I want to help": "Ma soovin aidata",
"No": "Ei",
"Restart": "Käivita uuesti",
"Upgrade your Riot": "Uuenda oma Riot'it",
"A new version of Riot is available!": "Uus Riot'i versioon on saadaval!",
"You: %(message)s": "Sina: %(message)s",
"There was an error joining the room": "Jututoaga liitumisel tekkis viga",
"Sorry, your homeserver is too old to participate in this room.": "Vabandust, sinu koduserver on siin jututoas osalemiseks liiga vana.",
"Please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Palun võta ühendust koduserveri haldajaga.",
"Failed to join room": "Jututoaga liitumine ei õnnestunud",
"Font scaling": "Fontide skaleerimine",
"Custom user status messages": "Kasutajate kohandatud olekuteated",
"Use IRC layout": "Kasuta IRC-tüüpi paigutust",
"Font size": "Fontide suurus",
"Custom font size": "Fontide kohandatud suurus",
"Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Kasuta süntaksi esiletõstmisel automaatset keeletuvastust",
"Cross-signing private keys:": "Privaatvõtmed risttunnustamise jaoks:",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "Isikutuvastusserveri URL peab kasutama HTTPS-protokolli",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "See ei ole sobilik isikutuvastusserver (staatuskood %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Ei saanud ühendust isikutuvastusserveriga",
"Checking server": "Kontrollin serverit",
"Change identity server": "Muuda isikutuvastusserverit",
"Disconnect from the identity server <current /> and connect to <new /> instead?": "Kas katkestame ühenduse <current /> isikutuvastusserveriga ning selle asemel loome uue ühenduse serveriga <new />?",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Kas puudub nõustumine kasutustingimustega või on isikutuvastusserver vale.",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Sinu valitud isikutuvastusserveril pole kasutustingimusi.",
"Disconnect identity server": "Katkesta ühendus isikutuvastusserveriga",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Kas katkestame ühenduse isikutuvastusserveriga <idserver />?",
"Disconnect": "Katkesta ühendus",
"You should:": "Sa peaksid:",
"check your browser plugins for anything that might block the identity server (such as Privacy Badger)": "kontrollima kas mõni brauseriplugin takistab ühendust isikutuvastusserveriga (nagu näiteks Privacy Badger)",
"contact the administrators of identity server <idserver />": "võtma ühendust isikutuvastusserveri <idserver /> haldajaga",
"wait and try again later": "ootama ja proovima hiljem uuesti",
"Disconnect anyway": "Ikkagi katkesta ühendus",
"You are still <b>sharing your personal data</b> on the identity server <idserver />.": "Sa jätkuvalt <b>jagad oma isikuandmeid</b> isikutuvastusserveriga <idserver />.",
"Go back": "Mine tagasi",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Isikutuvastusserver %(server)s",
"Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.": "Sinu serveri haldur on lülitanud läbiva krüptimise omavahelistes jututubades ja otsesõnumites välja.",
"This room has been replaced and is no longer active.": "See jututuba on asendatud teise jututoaga ning ei ole enam kasutusel.",
"You do not have permission to post to this room": "Sul ei ole õigusi siia jututuppa kirjutamiseks",
"Bold": "Paks kiri",
"Italics": "Kaldkiri",
"Strikethrough": "Läbikriipsutus",
"Code block": "Koodiplokk",
"Show": "Näita",
"Message preview": "Sõnumi eelvaade",
"List options": "Loendi valikud",
"Show %(count)s more|other": "Näita veel %(count)s sõnumit",
"Show %(count)s more|one": "Näita veel %(count)s sõnumit",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "See jututuba on vaid omavaheliseks kasutuseks ning liitumine toimub kutse alusel.",
"Upgrade this room to version %(version)s": "Uuenda jututuba versioonini %(version)s",
"Upgrade Room Version": "Uuenda jututoa versioon",
"Upgrading this room requires closing down the current instance of the room and creating a new room in its place. To give room members the best possible experience, we will:": "Selle jututoa uuendamine eeldab tema praeguse ilmingu tegevuse lõpetamist ja uue jututoa loomist selle asemele. Selleks, et kõik kulgeks jututoas osalejate jaoks ladusalt, toimime nüüd nii:",
"Create a new room with the same name, description and avatar": "loome uue samanimelise jututoa, millel on sama kirjeldus ja tunnuspilt",
"Update any local room aliases to point to the new room": "uuendame kõik jututoa aliased nii, et nad viitaks uuele jututoale",
"Stop users from speaking in the old version of the room, and post a message advising users to move to the new room": "ei võimalda kasutajatel enam vanas jututoas suhelda ning avaldame seal teate, mis soovitab kõigil kolida uude jututuppa",
"Put a link back to the old room at the start of the new room so people can see old messages": "selleks et saaks vanu sõnumeid lugeda, paneme uue jututoa algusesse viite vanale jututoale",
"Automatically invite users": "Kutsu kasutajad automaatselt",
"Upgrade private room": "Uuenda omavaheline jututuba",
"Upgrade public room": "Uuenda avalik jututuba",
"Upgrading a room is an advanced action and is usually recommended when a room is unstable due to bugs, missing features or security vulnerabilities.": "Jututoa uuendamine on keerukas toiming ning tavaliselt soovitatakse seda teha vaid siis, kui jututuba on vigade tõttu halvasti kasutatav, sealt on puudu vajalikke funktsionaalsusi või seal ilmneb turvavigu.",
"This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your Riot, please <a>report a bug</a>.": "Selline tegevus mõjutab tavaliselt vaid viisi, kuidas jututoa andmeid töödeldakse serveris. Kui sinu kasutatavas Riot'is tekib vigu, siis palun saada meile <a>veateade</a>.",
"You'll upgrade this room from <oldVersion /> to <newVersion />.": "Sa uuendad jututoa versioonist <oldVersion /> versioonini <newVersion />.",
"Clear Storage and Sign Out": "Tühjenda andmeruum ja logi välja",
"Send Logs": "Saada logikirjed",
"Refresh": "Värskenda",
"Unable to restore session": "Sessiooni taastamine ei õnnestunud",
"We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "Meil tekkis eelmise sessiooni taastamisel viga.",
"If you have previously used a more recent version of Riot, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Kui sa varem oled kasutanud uuemat Riot'i versiooni, siis sinu pragune sessioon ei pruugi olla sellega ühilduv. Sulge see aken ja jätka selle uuema versiooni kasutamist.",
"Clearing your browser's storage may fix the problem, but will sign you out and cause any encrypted chat history to become unreadable.": "Brauseri andmeruumi tühjendamine võib selle vea lahendada, kui samas logid sa ka välja ning kogu krüptitud vestlusajalugu muutub loetamatuks.",
"Verification Pending": "Verifikatsioon on ootel"

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@ -2526,5 +2526,7 @@
"Create a Recovery Key to store encryption keys & secrets with your account data. If you lose access to this login youll need it to unlock your data.": "Créez une clé de récupération pour stocker vos clé et secrets de chiffrement avec les données de votre compte. Si vous navez plus accès à cette connexion, vous en aurez besoin pour déverrouiller vos données.",
"Create a Recovery Key": "Créer une clé de récupération",
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "Mettre à jour votre clé de récupération",
"Store your Recovery Key": "Stocker votre clé de récupération"
"Store your Recovery Key": "Stocker votre clé de récupération",
"Use the improved room list (in development - will refresh to apply changes)": "Utiliser la liste de salons améliorée (en développement actualisera pour appliquer les changements)",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Utiliser la liste de salons améliorée (actualisera pour appliquer les changements)"

View File

@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@
"Sort by": "Orde por",
"Activity": "Actividade",
"A-Z": "A-Z",
"Unread rooms": "",
"Unread rooms": "Salas non lidas",
"Always show first": "Mostrar sempre primeiro",
"Show": "Mostrar",
"Message preview": "Vista previa da mensaxe",
@ -1780,5 +1780,187 @@
"Yours, or the other users session": "A túa, ou a sesión da outra usuaria",
"Trusted": "Confiable",
"Not trusted": "Non confiable",
"%(count)s verified sessions|other": "%(count)s sesións verificadas"
"%(count)s verified sessions|other": "%(count)s sesións verificadas",
"Use the improved room list (in development - will refresh to apply changes)": "Usar a lista de salas mellorada (desenvolvemento - actualizar para aplicar)",
"%(count)s verified sessions|one": "1 sesión verificada",
"Hide verified sessions": "Agochar sesións verificadas",
"%(count)s sessions|other": "%(count)s sesións",
"%(count)s sessions|one": "%(count)s sesión",
"Hide sessions": "Agochar sesións",
"Direct message": "Mensaxe directa",
"No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Non se atoparon mensaxes recentes de %(user)s",
"Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Desprázate na cronoloxía para ver se hai algúns máis recentes.",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Eliminar mensaxes recentes de %(user)s",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?|other": "Vas eliminar %(count)s mensaxes de %(user)s. Esto non ten volta, ¿desexas continuar?",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?|one": "Vas eliminar unha mensaxe de %(user)s. Esto non ten volta, ¿desexas continuar?",
"For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Podería demorar un tempo se é un número grande de mensaxes. Non actualices o cliente mentras tanto.",
"Remove %(count)s messages|other": "Eliminar %(count)s mensaxes",
"Remove %(count)s messages|one": "Eliminar 1 mensaxe",
"Remove recent messages": "Eliminar mensaxes recentes",
"<strong>%(role)s</strong> in %(roomName)s": "<strong>%(role)s</strong> en %(roomName)s",
"Deactivate user?": "¿Desactivar usuaria?",
"Deactivating this user will log them out and prevent them from logging back in. Additionally, they will leave all the rooms they are in. This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?": "Ao desactivar esta usuaria ficará desconectada e non poderá voltar a conectar. Ademáis deixará todas as salas nas que estivese. Esta acción non ten volta, ¿desexas desactivar esta usuaria?",
"Deactivate user": "Desactivar usuaria",
"Failed to deactivate user": "Fallo ao desactivar a usuaria",
"This client does not support end-to-end encryption.": "Este cliente non soporta o cifrado extremo-a-extremo.",
"Security": "Seguridade",
"The session you are trying to verify doesn't support scanning a QR code or emoji verification, which is what Riot supports. Try with a different client.": "A sesión que intentas verificar non soporta a verificación por código QR ou por emoticonas, que é o que soporta Riot. Inténtao cun cliente diferente.",
"Verify by scanning": "Verificar escaneando",
"Ask %(displayName)s to scan your code:": "Pídelle a %(displayName)s que escanee o teu código:",
"If you can't scan the code above, verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Se non podes escanear o código superior, verifica comparando as emoticonas.",
"Verify by comparing unique emoji.": "Verficación por comparación de emoticonas.",
"Verify by emoji": "Verificar por emoticonas",
"Almost there! Is your other session showing the same shield?": "Case feito! ¿Podes ver as mesmas na túa outra sesión?",
"Almost there! Is %(displayName)s showing the same shield?": "Case feito! ¿está %(displayName)s mostrando as mesmas emoticonas?",
"Yes": "Si",
"Verify all users in a room to ensure it's secure.": "Verificar todas as usuarias da sala para asegurar que é segura.",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Usa a lista de salas mellorada (actualizará para aplicar)",
"Strikethrough": "Sobrescrito",
"In encrypted rooms, verify all users to ensure its secure.": "En salas cifradas, verifica todas as usuarias para asegurar que é segura.",
"You've successfully verified your device!": "Verificaches correctamente o teu dispositivo!",
"You've successfully verified %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!": "Verificaches correctamente %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!",
"You've successfully verified %(displayName)s!": "Verificaches correctamente a %(displayName)s!",
"Verified": "Verficiado",
"Got it": "Vale",
"Start verification again from the notification.": "Inicia o proceso de novo desde a notificación.",
"Start verification again from their profile.": "Inicia a verificación outra vez desde o seu perfil.",
"Verification timed out.": "Verificación caducada.",
"You cancelled verification on your other session.": "Cancelaches a verificación na túa outra sesión.",
"%(displayName)s cancelled verification.": "%(displayName)s cancelou a verificación.",
"You cancelled verification.": "Cancelaches a verificación.",
"Verification cancelled": "Verificación cancelada",
"Compare emoji": "Comparar emoticonas",
"Encryption enabled": "Cifrado activado",
"Encryption not enabled": "Cifrado desactivado",
"The encryption used by this room isn't supported.": "O cifrado desta sala non está soportado.",
"React": "Reacciona",
"Message Actions": "Accións da mensaxe",
"Show image": "Mostrar imaxe",
"You have ignored this user, so their message is hidden. <a>Show anyways.</a>": "Estás a ignorar a esta usuaria, polo que a imaxe está agochada. <a>Mostrar igualmente.</a>",
"You verified %(name)s": "Verificaches a %(name)s",
"You cancelled verifying %(name)s": "Cancelaches a verificación de %(name)s",
"%(name)s cancelled verifying": "%(name)s cancelou a verificación",
"You accepted": "Aceptaches",
"%(name)s accepted": "%(name)s aceptou",
"You declined": "Declinaches",
"You cancelled": "Cancelaches",
"%(name)s declined": "%(name)s declinou",
"%(name)s cancelled": "%(name)s cancelou",
"Accepting …": "Aceptando…",
"Declining …": "Declinando…",
"%(name)s wants to verify": "%(name)s desexa verificar",
"You sent a verification request": "Enviaches unha solicitude de verificación",
"Show all": "Mostrar todo",
"Reactions": "Reaccións",
"<reactors/><reactedWith> reacted with %(content)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith> reaccionaron con %(content)s</reactedWith>",
"<reactors/><reactedWith>reacted with %(shortName)s</reactedWith>": "<reactors/><reactedWith>reaccionaron con %(shortName)s</reactedWith>",
"Message deleted": "Mensaxe eliminada",
"Message deleted by %(name)s": "Mensaxe eliminada por %(name)s",
"This room is a continuation of another conversation.": "Esta sala é continuación doutra conversa.",
"Click here to see older messages.": "Preme aquí para ver mensaxes antigas.",
"Edited at %(date)s. Click to view edits.": "Editada o %(date)s. Preme para ver edicións.",
"edited": "editada",
"Can't load this message": "Non se cargou a mensaxe",
"Submit logs": "Enviar rexistro",
"Failed to load group members": "Fallou a carga dos membros do grupo",
"Frequently Used": "Utilizado con frecuencia",
"Smileys & People": "Sorrisos e Persoas",
"Animals & Nature": "Animais e Natureza",
"Food & Drink": "Comida e Bebida",
"Activities": "Actividades",
"Travel & Places": "Viaxes e Lugares",
"Objects": "Obxectos",
"Symbols": "Símbolos",
"Flags": "Bandeiras",
"Categories": "Categorías",
"Quick Reactions": "Reaccións rápidas",
"Cancel search": "Cancelar busca",
"Any of the following data may be shared:": "Calquera do seguinte podería ser compartido:",
"Your display name": "Nome mostrado",
"Your avatar URL": "URL do avatar",
"Your user ID": "ID de usuaria",
"Riot URL": "URL Riot",
"Room ID": "ID da sala",
"Widget ID": "ID do widget",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s & your Integration Manager.": "Ao utilizar este widget poderías compartir datos <helpIcon /> con %(widgetDomain)s e o teu Xestor de integracións.",
"Using this widget may share data <helpIcon /> with %(widgetDomain)s.": "Ao utilizar este widget poderías compartir datos <helpIcon /> con %(widgetDomain)s.",
"Widgets do not use message encryption.": "Os Widgets non usan cifrado de mensaxes.",
"Widget added by": "Widget engadido por",
"This widget may use cookies.": "Este widget podería usar cookies.",
"Maximize apps": "Maximizar apps",
"More options": "Máis opcións",
"Please <newIssueLink>create a new issue</newIssueLink> on GitHub so that we can investigate this bug.": "Por favor <newIssueLink>abre un novo informe</newIssueLink> en GitHub para poder investigar o problema.",
"Rotate Left": "Rotar á esquerda",
"Rotate counter-clockwise": "Rotar sentido contra-horario",
"Rotate Right": "Rotar á dereita",
"Rotate clockwise": "Rotar sentido horario",
"Language Dropdown": "Selector de idioma",
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s non fixeron cambios %(count)s veces",
"%(severalUsers)smade no changes %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s non fixeron cambios",
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s non fixo cambios %(count)s veces",
"%(oneUser)smade no changes %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s non fixo cambios",
"QR Code": "Código QR",
"Room address": "Enderezo da sala",
"e.g. my-room": "ex. a-miña-sala",
"Some characters not allowed": "Algúns caracteres non permitidos",
"Please provide a room address": "Proporciona un enderezo para a sala",
"This address is available to use": "Este enderezo está dispoñible",
"This address is already in use": "Este enderezo xa se está a utilizar",
"Enter a server name": "Escribe un nome de servidor",
"Looks good": "Pinta ben",
"Can't find this server or its room list": "Non se atopa o servidor ou a súa lista de salas",
"All rooms": "Todas as salas",
"Your server": "O teu servidor",
"Are you sure you want to remove <b>%(serverName)s</b>": "¿Tes a certeza de querer eliminar <b>%(serverName)s</b>",
"Remove server": "Eliminar servidor",
"Matrix": "Matrix",
"Add a new server": "Engadir novo servidor",
"Server name": "Nome do servidor",
"Add a new server...": "Engadir un novo servidor...",
"%(networkName)s rooms": "Salas de %(networkName)s",
"That doesn't look like a valid email address": "Non semella un enderezo de email válido",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. <default>Use the default (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> or manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Usa un servidor de identidade para convidar por email. <default>Usa valor por omisión (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s)</default> ou xestionao en <settings>Axustes</settings>.",
"Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in <settings>Settings</settings>.": "Usa un servidor de identidade para convidar por email. Xestionao en <settings>Axustes</settings>.",
"The following users may not exist": "As seguintes usuarias poderían non existir",
"Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?": "Non se atopou o perfil dos IDs Matrix da lista inferior - ¿Desexas convidalas igualmente?",
"Invite anyway and never warn me again": "Convidar igualmente e non avisarme outra vez",
"Invite anyway": "Convidar igualmente",
"Close dialog": "Pechar diálogo",
"Please tell us what went wrong or, better, create a GitHub issue that describes the problem.": "Cóntanos o que fallou ou, mellor aínda, abre un informe en GitHub que describa o problema.",
"Reminder: Your browser is unsupported, so your experience may be unpredictable.": "Lembra: o teu navegador non está soportado, polo que poderían acontecer situacións non agardadas.",
"Before submitting logs, you must <a>create a GitHub issue</a> to describe your problem.": "Antes de enviar os rexistros, deberías <a>abrir un informe en GitHub</a> para describir o problema.",
"GitHub issue": "Informe en GitHub",
"Notes": "Notas",
"Unable to load commit detail: %(msg)s": "Non se cargou o detalle do commit: %(msg)s",
"Removing…": "Eliminando…",
"Destroy cross-signing keys?": "Destruír chaves de sinatura-cruzada?",
"Clear cross-signing keys": "Baleirar chaves de sinatura-cruzada",
"Clear all data in this session?": "¿Baleirar todos os datos desta sesión?",
"Clearing all data from this session is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "O baleirado dos datos da sesión é permanente. As mensaxes cifradas perderánse a menos que as súas chaves estiveren nunha copia de apoio.",
"Clear all data": "Eliminar todos os datos",
"Please enter a name for the room": "Escribe un nome para a sala",
"Set a room address to easily share your room with other people.": "Establece un enderezo para a sala fácil de compartir con outras persoas.",
"This room is private, and can only be joined by invitation.": "Esta sala é privada, e só te podes unir a través dun convite.",
"You cant disable this later. Bridges & most bots wont work yet.": "Podes desactivar esto posteriormente. As pontes e maioría de bots aínda non funcionarán.",
"Enable end-to-end encryption": "Activar cifrado extremo-a-extremo",
"Create a public room": "Crear sala pública",
"Create a private room": "Crear sala privada",
"Topic (optional)": "Asunto (optativo)",
"Make this room public": "Facer pública esta sala",
"Hide advanced": "Ocultar Avanzado",
"Show advanced": "Mostrar Avanzado",
"Block users on other matrix homeservers from joining this room (This setting cannot be changed later!)": "Evitar que usuarias de outros servidores matrix se unan a esta sala (Este axuste non se pode cambiar máis tarde!)",
"To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "Para evitar perder o historial da conversa, debes exportar as chaves da sala antes de desconectarte. Necesitarás voltar á nova versión de Riot para facer esto",
"You've previously used a newer version of Riot with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Xa utilizaches unha versión máis nova de Riot nesta sesión. Para usar esta versión novamente con cifrado extremo-a-extremo tes que desconectarte e voltar a conectar.",
"Incompatible Database": "Base de datos non compatible",
"Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Continuar con Cifrado Desactivado",
"Are you sure you want to deactivate your account? This is irreversible.": "¿Tes a certeza de querer desactivar a túa conta? Esto é irreversible.",
"Confirm account deactivation": "Confirma a desactivación da conta",
"There was a problem communicating with the server. Please try again.": "Houbo un problema ao comunicar co servidor. Inténtao outra vez.",
"Server did not require any authentication": "O servidor non require auténticación",
"Server did not return valid authentication information.": "O servidor non devolveu información válida de autenticación.",
"View Servers in Room": "Ver Servidores na Sala",
"Verification Requests": "Solicitudes de Verificación",
"Verify this user to mark them as trusted. Trusting users gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Verifica esta usuaria para marcala como confiable. Ao confiar nas usuarias proporcionache tranquilidade extra cando usas cifrado de extremo-a-extremo.",
"Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Ao verificar esta usuaria marcarás a súa sesión como confiable, e tamén marcará a túa sesión como confiable para elas."

View File

@ -2514,5 +2514,7 @@
"Create a Recovery Key to store encryption keys & secrets with your account data. If you lose access to this login youll need it to unlock your data.": "Készíts Visszaállítási kulcsot, hogy a fiók adatokkal tárolhasd a titkosítási kulcsokat és jelszavakat. Szükséged lesz rá hogy hozzáférj az adataidhoz ha elveszted a hozzáférésed ehhez a bejelentkezéshez.",
"Create a Recovery Key": "Visszaállítási kulcs készítése",
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "A Visszaállítási kulcs fejlesztése",
"Store your Recovery Key": "Visszaállítási kulcs tárolása"
"Store your Recovery Key": "Visszaállítási kulcs tárolása",
"Use the improved room list (in development - will refresh to apply changes)": "Használd a fejlesztett szoba listát (fejlesztés alatt - a változások a frissítés után aktiválódnak)",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Használd a fejlesztett szoba listát (a változások életbe lépéséhez újra fog tölteni)"

View File

@ -2512,5 +2512,15 @@
"This isn't a valid recovery key": "Questa non è una chiave di ripristino valida",
"Looks good!": "Sembra giusta!",
"Use Recovery Key or Passphrase": "Usa la chiave o password di recupero",
"Use Recovery Key": "Usa chiave di recupero"
"Use Recovery Key": "Usa chiave di recupero",
"Use the improved room list (in development - will refresh to apply changes)": "Usa l'elenco di stanze migliorato (in sviluppo - verrà ricaricato per applicare le modifiche)",
"Enter your Recovery Key or enter a <a>Recovery Passphrase</a> to continue.": "Inserisci la tua chiave di recupero o una <a>password di recupero</a> per continuare.",
"Enter your Recovery Key to continue.": "Inserisci la tua chiave di recupero per continuare.",
"Upgrade your Recovery Key to store encryption keys & secrets with your account data. If you lose access to this login you'll need it to unlock your data.": "Aggiorna la tua chiave di recupero per memorizzare le chiavi di cifratura e i segreti con i dati del tuo account. Se perdi l'accesso a questo login, ti servirà per sbloccare i tuoi dati.",
"Store your Recovery Key somewhere safe, it can be used to unlock your encrypted messages & data.": "Conserva la tua chiave di recupero in un posto sicuro, può essere usata per sbloccare i tuoi messaggi e dati cifrati.",
"Create a Recovery Key to store encryption keys & secrets with your account data. If you lose access to this login youll need it to unlock your data.": "Crea un chiave di recupero per memorizzare le chiavi di cifratura e i segreti con i dati del tuo account. Se perdi l'accesso a questo login, ti servirà per sbloccare i tuoi dati.",
"Create a Recovery Key": "Crea una chiave di recupero",
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "Aggiorna la chiave di recupero",
"Store your Recovery Key": "Salva la chiave di recupero",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "Usa l'elenco stanze migliorato (verrà ricaricato per applicare le modifiche)"

View File

@ -1400,5 +1400,36 @@
"Service": "サービス",
"Summary": "概要",
"Document": "ドキュメント",
"Appearance": "外観"
"Appearance": "外観",
"Other users may not trust it": "他のユーザーはこのセッションを信頼しない可能性があります",
"Show a placeholder for removed messages": "削除されたメッセージの場所にプレースホルダーを表示",
"Show join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "参加/退出のメッセージを表示 (招待/追放/ブロック には影響しません)",
"Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs": "不正な可能性のある Matrix ID に招待を送るまえに確認を表示",
"Order rooms by name": "名前順で部屋を整列",
"Show rooms with unread notifications first": "未読通知のある部屋をトップに表示",
"Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "最近表示した部屋のショートカットを部屋リストの上に表示",
"Show previews/thumbnails for images": "画像のプレビュー/サムネイルを表示",
"Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "あなたのアカウントではクロス署名の認証情報がシークレットストレージに保存されていますが、このセッションでは信頼されていません。",
"Riot can't securely cache encrypted messages locally while running in a web browser. Use <riotLink>Riot Desktop</riotLink> for encrypted messages to appear in search results.": "Riot はウェブブラウザでは暗号化されたメッセージを安全にキャッシュできません。暗号化されたメッセージを検索結果に表示するには <riotLink>Riot Desktop</riotLink> を利用してください。",
"This session is <b>not backing up your keys</b>, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "このセッションでは<b>キーをバックアップしていません</b>。ですが、あなたは復元に使用したり今後キーを追加したりできるバックアップを持っています。",
"Connect this session to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this session.": "このセッションのみにあるキーを失なわないために、セッションをキーバックアップに接続しましょう。",
"Connect this session to Key Backup": "このセッションをキーバックアップに接続",
"Autocomplete delay (ms)": "自動補完の遅延 (ms)",
"Missing media permissions, click the button below to request.": "メディア権限が不足しています、リクエストするには下のボタンを押してください。",
"Request media permissions": "メディア権限をリクエスト",
"Joining room …": "部屋に参加中...",
"Join the discussion": "話し合いに参加",
"%(roomName)s can't be previewed. Do you want to join it?": "%(roomName)s はプレビューできません。部屋に参加しますか?",
"Set addresses for this room so users can find this room through your homeserver (%(localDomain)s)": "他のユーザーがあなたのホームサーバー (%(localDomain)s) を通じてこの部屋を見つけられるよう、アドレスを設定しましょう",
"<b>Warning</b>: You should only do this on a trusted computer.": "<b>警告</b>: 信頼できるコンピュータでのみこれを実行するべきです。",
"Enter recovery key": "リカバリキーを入力",
"Access your secure message history and your cross-signing identity for verifying other sessions by entering your recovery key.": "暗号化されたメッセージへアクセスしたりクロス署名認証情報で他のセッションを承認するにはリカバリキーを入力してください。",
"If you've forgotten your recovery key you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>.": "リカバリキーを忘れた場合は<button>新しいリカバリオプションをセットアップ</button>できます。",
"Verify this login": "このログインを承認",
"Signing In...": "サインインしています...",
"If you've joined lots of rooms, this might take a while": "たくさんの部屋に参加している場合は、時間がかかる可能性があります",
"Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.": "このログインを他のセッションで承認し、あなたの認証情報を確認すれば、暗号化されたメッセージへアクセスできるようになります。",
"This requires the latest Riot on your other devices:": "最新版の Riot が他のあなたのデバイスで実行されている必要があります:",
"or another cross-signing capable Matrix client": "もしくはクロス署名に対応した他の Matrix クライアント",
"Without completing security on this session, it wont have access to encrypted messages.": "このセッションでのセキュリティを完了させない限り、暗号化されたメッセージにはアクセスできません。"

src/i18n/strings/kab.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
"Confirm": "Sentem",
"Analytics": "Tiselḍin",
"Error": "Tuccḍa",
"Dismiss": "Agwi",
"OK": "IH",
"Permission Required": "Tasiregt tlaq",
"Continue": "Kemmel",
"Cancel": "Semmet",
"Sun": "Ace",
"Mon": "Ari",
"Tue": "Ara",
"Wed": "Aha",
"Thu": "Amh",
"Fri": "Sem",
"Sat": "Sed",
"Jan": "Yen",
"Feb": "Fuṛ",
"Mar": "Meɣ",
"Apr": "Yeb",
"May": "May",
"Jun": "Yun",
"Jul": "Yul",
"Aug": "Ɣuc",
"Sep": "Cte",
"Oct": "Tub",
"Nov": "Wam",
"Dec": "Duj",
"PM": "MD",
"AM": "FT",
"Trust": "Ittkel",
"Create Account": "Rnu amiḍan",
"Sign In": "Kcem",
"Default": "Amezwer",
"Moderator": "Aseɣyad",
"Admin": "Anedbal",
"You need to be logged in.": "Tesriḍ ad teqqneḍ.",
"Messages": "Iznan",
"Actions": "Tigawin",
"Advanced": "Talqayt",
"Other": "Nniḍen",
"Usage": "Aseqdec",
"Thank you!": "Tanemmirt!",
"Reason": "Taɣẓint",
"Someone": "Albaɛḍ",
"Light": "Aceɛlal",
"Dark": "Aberkan",
"Done": "Immed",
"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "Rnu awal-nniḍen neɣ sin. Awalen imexḍa ad lhun.",
"No": "Uhu",
"Review": "Senqed",
"Later": "Ticki",
"Notifications": "Ilɣa",
"Close": "Mdel",
"Warning": "Asmigel",
"Ok": "Ih",
"Set password": "Sbadu awal uffir",
"Upgrade": "Leqqem",
"Verify": "Senqed",
"What's New": "D acu-t umaynut",
"Update": "Leqqem",
"Restart": "Ales tanekra",
"Font size": "Tuɣzi n tsefsit",
"Custom font size": "Tiddi n tsefsit yugnen",
"Decline": "Agwi",
"Accept": "Qbel",
"or": "neɣ",
"Start": "Bdu",
"Cat": "Amcic",
"Lion": "Izem",
"Rabbit": "Awtul",
"Turtle": "Afekrun",
"Tree": "Aseklu",
"Clock": "Tamrint",
"Book": "Adlis",
"Lock": "Sekkeṛ",
"Key": "Tasarut",
"Telephone": "Tiliγri",
"Flag": "Anay",
"Bicycle": "Azlalam",
"Ball": "Balles",
"Anchor": "Tamdeyt",
"Headphones": "Casque",
"Folder": "Akaram",
"Upload": "Sali",
"Remove": "Sfeḍ",
"Show less": "Sken-d drus",
"Show more": "Sken-d ugar",
"Warning!": "Ɣur-k!",
"Current password": "Awal uffir amiran",
"Password": "Awal uffir",
"New Password": "Awal uffir amaynut",
"Confirm password": "Sentem awal uffir",
"Change Password": "Snifel Awal Uffir",
"not found": "ulac-it",
"Authentication": "Asesteb",
"ID": "ID",
"Manage": "Sefrek",
"Enable": "Rmed",
"Keywords": "Awalen tisura",
"Clear notifications": "Sfeḍ ilɣuyen",
"Off": "Insa",
"Display Name": "Mefffer isem",
"Save": "Sekles",
"Disconnect": "Yeffeɣ",
"Go back": "Uɣal ɣer deffir",
"Change": "Changer",
"Theme": "Asentel",
"Success": "Yedda",
"Profile": "Amaɣnu",
"Account": "Amiḍan",
"General": "Amatu",
"Legal": "Usḍif",
"Credits": "Asenmer",
"Chat with Riot Bot": "Asqerdec akked Riot Bot",
"FAQ": "Isteqsiyen FAQ",
"Keyboard Shortcuts": "Inegzumen n unasiw",
"Versions": "Ileqman",
"None": "Ula yiwen",
"Unsubscribe": "Se désabonner",
"Ignore": "Ttu",
"Subscribe": "Jerred",
"Preferences": "Tiwelhiwin",
"Composer": "Editeur",
"Timeline": "Amazray",
"Microphone": "Asawaḍ",
"Camera": "Takamiṛatt",
"Sounds": "Imeslan",
"Reset": "Ales awennez",
"Browse": "Snirem",
"Default role": "Tamlilt tamzwert",
"Permissions": "Tisirag",
"Anyone": "Yal yiwen",
"Encryption": "Awgelhen",
"Complete": "Yemmed",
"Share": "Bḍu",
"Verification code": "Tangalt n usenqed",
"Add": "Rnu",
"Email Address": "Tansa imayl",
"Phone Number": "Uṭṭun n tiliɣri",
"Upload file": "Azen afaylu",
"Bold": "Azuran",
"Strikethrough": "Jerreḍ",
"Quote": "Citation",
"Loading...": "Yessalay-ed…",
"Idle": "Idle",
"Unknown": "D arussin",
"Settings": "Iɣewwaren",
"Search": "Nadi",
"Favourites": "Ismenyifen",
"People": "Imdanen",
"Sign Up": "Jerred",
"Reject": "Aggi",
"Not now": "Mačči tura",
"Sort by": "Smizzwer s",
"Activity": "Armud",
"A-Z": "A-Z",
"Show": "Sken",
"Options": "Tinefrunin",
"Server error": "Tuccḍa n uqeddac",
"Members": "Imedrawen",
"Files": "Ifuyla",
"Trusted": "De confiance",
"Invite": "Nced…",
"Unmute": "Susem",
"Mute": "Kkes imesli",
"Are you sure?": "Tebɣiḍ ?",
"Security": "Taɣellist",
"Yes": "Ih",
"Verified": "Verified",
"Got it": "Awi-t",
"Sunday": "Acer",
"Monday": "Arim",
"Tuesday": "Aram",
"Wednesday": "Ahad",
"Thursday": "Amhad",
"Friday": "Sem",
"Saturday": "Sed",
"Today": "Ass-a",
"Yesterday": "Iḍelli",
"View Source": "Sken aɣbalu",
"Reply": "Err",
"Edit": "Ẓreg",
"Attachment": "Attachement",
"Error decrypting attachment": "Tuccḍa deg uzmak n ufaylu yeddan",
"Show all": "Sken akk",
"Message deleted": "Izen yettwakkes",
"Copied!": "Yettusukken!",
"edited": "yeẓreg",
"Food & Drink": "Učči aked tissit",
"Objects": "Tiɣawsiwin",
"Symbols": "Izamulen",
"Flags": "Anayen",
"Categories": "Taggayin",
"More options": "Ugar n textirin",
"Join": "Semlil",
"No results": "Ulac igmad",
"collapse": "sneḍfes",
"Rotate counter-clockwise": "Zzi di tnila tanemgalt n tsegnatin n temrilt",
"Rotate clockwise": "Zzi di tnila n tsegnatin n temrilt",
"Add User": "Rnu aseqdac",
"Server name": "Isem n uqeddac",
"email address": "tansa imayl",
"Close dialog": "Mdel tanaka n usdiwen",
"Notes": "Tamawt",
"Unavailable": "Ulac-it",
"Changelog": "Aɣmis n ibeddilen",
"Removing…": "Tukksa…",
"Confirm Removal": "Serggeg tukksa",
"Example": "Amedya",
"example": "amedya",
"Create": "Snulfu-d",
"Name": "Isem",
"Sign out": "Ffeɣ",
"Back": "Retour",
"Send": "Azen",
"Suggestions": "Isumar",
"Go": "Ddu",
"Session name": "Nom de session",
"Send report": "Azen aneqqis",
"Refresh": "Sismeḍ",
"Email address": "Tansa email",
"Skip": "Zgel",
"Username not available": "Ulac isem n useqdac",
"Checking...": "Asenqed...",
"Username available": "Yella yisem n useqdac",
"Terms of Service": "Tiwtilin n useqdec",
"Service": "Ameẓlu",
"Summary": "Agzul",
"Document": "isemli",
"Next": "Ar zdat",
"Upload files": "Azen ifuyla",
"Appearance": "Udem",
"Allow": "Sireg",
"Deny": "Agwi",
"Custom": "Personnalisé",
"Source URL": "URL aγbalu",
"Notification settings": "Iɣewwaṛen n yilɣa",
"Leave": "Ffeɣ",
"Set status": "Sbadu addad",
"Hide": "Ffer",
"Home": "Agejdan",
"Sign in": "Qqen",
"Help": "Tallelt",
"Reload": "Smiren",
"powered by Matrix": "s lmendad n Matrix",
"Custom Server Options": "Iɣewwaren n uqeddac udmawan",
"Code": "Tangalt",
"Submit": "Azen",
"Email": "Imayl",
"Username": "Isem n useqdac",
"Phone": "Tiliɣri",
"Passwords don't match": "Awal uffiren ur menṭaḍen ara",
"Email (optional)": "Imayl (Afrayan)",
"Register": "Jerred",
"Free": "Ilelli",
"Failed to upload image": "Ur yezmir ad yessali tugna",
"Description": "Aseglem",
"Explore": "Snirem",
"Filter": "Imsizdeg",
"Explore rooms": "Snirem tixxamin",
"Unknown error": "Erreur inconnue",
"Logout": "Tufɣa",
"Preview": "Timeẓriwt",
"View": "Ɣeṛ",
"Guest": "Inebgi",
"Your profile": "Amaɣnu-ik",
"Feedback": "Tikti",
"Your password has been reset.": "Awal n uɛeddi inek yules awennez.",
"Syncing...": "Amtawi",
"Create account": "Rnu amiḍan",
"Create your account": "Rnu amiḍan-ik",
"Go Back": "Précédent",
"Commands": "Tiludna",
"Users": "Iseqdacen",
"Export": "Sifeḍ",
"Import": "Kter",
"Restore": "Err-d",
"Copy": "Nγel",
"Download": "Sider",
"Retry": "Ɛreḍ tikkelt nniḍen",
"Starting backup...": "Asenker n uḥraz...",
"Success!": "Akka d rrbeḥ !",
"Disable": "Désactiver",
"Navigation": "Tunigin",
"Calls": "Appels",
"Alt": "Alt",
"Shift": "Shift",
"New line": "Izirig amaynut",
"Upload a file": "Sali-d afaylu",
"Page Up": "Asebter afellay",
"Page Down": "Asebter adday",
"Esc": "Senser",
"Enter": "Anekcum",
"Space": "Tallunt",
"End": "Taggara",
"This email address is already in use": "Tansa-agi n yimayl tettuseqdac yakan",
"This phone number is already in use": "Uṭṭun-agi n tilifun yettuseqddac yakan",
"Your Riot is misconfigured": "Riot inek(inem) ur ittusbadu ara",
"Please install <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, or <safariLink>Safari</safariLink> for the best experience.": "Ma ulac aɣilif, sebded <chromeLink>Chrome</chromeLink>, <firefoxLink>Firefox</firefoxLink>, neɣ<safariLink>Safari</safariLink> i tirmit igerrzen.",
"I understand the risks and wish to continue": "Gziɣ ayen ara d-yeḍrun maca bɣiɣ ad kemmleɣ",
"Use Single Sign On to continue": "Seqdec anekcum asuf akken ad tkemmleḍ",
"Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Sentem timerna n tansa-a n yimayl s useqdec n unekcum asuf i ubeggen n timagit-in(im).",
"Single Sign On": "Anekcum asuf",
"Confirm adding email": "Sentem timerna n yimayl",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this email address.": "Sit ɣef tqeffalt yellan ddaw i usentem n tmerna n tansa-a n yimayl.",
"Add Email Address": "Rnu tansa n yimayl",
"Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "Asenqed n tansa n yimayl ur yeddi ara: wali ma yella tsateḍ ɣef useɣwen yellan deg yimayl",
"Confirm adding this phone number by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Sentem timerna n wuṭṭun n tilifun s useqdec n unekcum asuf i ubeggen n timagit-ik(im).",
"Confirm adding phone number": "Sentem timerna n wuṭṭun n tilifun",
"Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "Sit ɣef tqeffalt yellan ddaw i usentem n tmerna n wuṭṭun-a n tilifun.",
"Add Phone Number": "Rnu uṭṭun n tilifun",
"The platform you're on": "Tiɣerɣert ideg telliḍ akka tura",
"The version of Riot": "Lqem n Riot",
"Whether or not you're logged in (we don't record your username)": "Ma teqqneḍ neɣ uhu (isem-ik(im) n useqdac ur yettwasekles ara)",
"Your language of choice": "Tutlayt i tferneḍ",
"Which officially provided instance you are using, if any": "Tummant i d-yettunefken tunṣibt ara tesseqdace, ma yella tella",
"Your homeserver's URL": "URL n uqeddac-ik(im) agejdan",
"e.g. %(exampleValue)s": "e.g. %(exampleValue)s",
"Every page you use in the app": "Isebtar akk i tesseqdaceḍ deg usnas",
"e.g. <CurrentPageURL>": "e.g. <CurrentPageURL>",
"Your user agent": "Ameggi-ik(im) aseqdac",
"Your device resolution": "Afray n yiben-ik(im)",
"Jump to oldest unread message": "Uɣal alamma d izen aqdim ur nettwaɣra ara",
"Jump to room search": "Ɛeddi ɣer unadi n texxamt",
"Navigate up/down in the room list": "Inig s afellay/adday deg tebdert n texxamin",
"Select room from the room list": "Fren taxxamt seg tebdert n texxamin",
"Collapse room list section": "Fneẓ tigemi n tebdert n texxamin",
"Expand room list section": "Snerni tigezmi n tebdert n texxamin",
"Clear room list filter field": "Kkes urti n usizdeg n tebdert n texxamin",
"Previous/next unread room or DM": "Taxxamt neɣ izen uzrid ur yettwaɣra send/seld",
"Previous/next room or DM": "Taxxamt neɣ izen usrid send/seld",
"Toggle the top left menu": "Sken/ffer umuɣ aεlayan azelmaḍ",
"Close dialog or context menu": "Mdel umuɣ n udiwenni neɣ n ugbur",
"Activate selected button": "Rmed taqeffalt i d-yettwafernen",
"Toggle right panel": "Sken/ffer agalis ayeffus",
"Toggle this dialog": "Sken/ffer adiwanni-a",
"Move autocomplete selection up/down": "Err tafrant n tacart tawurmant afellay/adday",
"Cancel autocomplete": "Sefsex tacaṛt tawurmant",
"Toggle Bold": "Err-it d azuran",
"Toggle Italics": "Err-it ɣer uknan",
"Toggle Quote": "Err-it ɣer yizen aneẓli",
"Navigate recent messages to edit": "Nadi iznan imaynuten i usiẓreg",
"Jump to start/end of the composer": "Ṛuḥ ɣer tazwara/taggara n yimsuddes",
"Navigate composer history": "Nadi deg uzray n yimsuddes",
"Cancel replying to a message": "Sefsex tiririt ɣef yizen",
"Toggle microphone mute": "Rmed/sens tanusi n usawaḍ",
"Toggle video on/off": "Rmed/sens tavidyut",
"Scroll up/down in the timeline": "Drurem gar afellay/addday n tesnakudt"

View File

@ -1354,5 +1354,135 @@
"Jump to read receipt": "Hopp til lesekvitteringen",
"Mention": "Nevn",
"Community Name": "Samfunnets navn",
"Dismiss read marker and jump to bottom": "Avføy lesekvitteringen og hopp ned til bunnen"
"Dismiss read marker and jump to bottom": "Avføy lesekvitteringen og hopp ned til bunnen",
"If you cancel now, you won't complete verifying your other session.": "Hvis du avbryter nå, vil du ikke ha fullført verifiseringen av den andre økten din.",
"Room name or address": "Rommets navn eller adresse",
"sent an image.": "sendte et bilde.",
"Light": "Lys",
"Dark": "Mørk",
"Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Verifiser den andre økten din med en av metodene nedenfor.",
"User %(user_id)s does not exist": "Brukeren %(user_id)s eksisterer ikke",
"Use a few words, avoid common phrases": "Bruk noen få ord, unngå vanlig fraser",
"I want to help": "Jeg vil hjelpe til",
"Ok": "OK",
"Set password": "Bestem passord",
"Encryption upgrade available": "Krypteringsoppdatering tilgjengelig",
"Verify the new login accessing your account: %(name)s": "Verifiser den nye påloggingen som vil ha tilgang til kontoen din: %(name)s",
"Restart": "Start på nytt",
"You: %(message)s": "Du: %(message)s",
"Font scaling": "Skrifttypeskalering",
"Use IRC layout": "Bruk IRC-oppsett",
"Font size": "Skriftstørrelse",
"Custom font size": "Tilpasset skriftstørrelse",
"You've successfully verified this user.": "Du har vellykket verifisert denne brukeren.",
"Waiting for your other session, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s), to verify…": "Venter på at den andre økten din, %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s), skal verifisere …",
"Waiting for your other session to verify…": "Venter på at den andre økten din skal verifisere …",
"Santa": "Julenisse",
"Delete %(count)s sessions|other": "Slett %(count)s økter",
"Delete %(count)s sessions|one": "Slett %(count)s økt",
"Backup version: ": "Sikkerhetskopiversjon: ",
"wait and try again later": "vent og prøv igjen senere",
"Size must be a number": "Størrelsen må være et nummer",
"Customise your appearance": "Tilpass utseendet du bruker",
"Labs": "Laboratoriet",
"eg: @bot:* or": "f.eks.: @bot:* eller",
"To link to this room, please add an address.": "For å lenke til dette rommet, vennligst legg til en adresse.",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Vil du fjerne %(phone)s?",
"Online for %(duration)s": "På nett i %(duration)s",
"Favourites": "Favoritter",
"Create room": "Opprett et rom",
"People": "Folk",
"Sort by": "Sorter etter",
"Activity": "Aktivitet",
"A-Z": "A-Å",
"Unread rooms": "Uleste rom",
"Always show first": "Alltid vis først",
"Show": "Vis",
"Message preview": "Meldingsforhåndsvisning",
"Leave Room": "Forlat rommet",
"This room has no local addresses": "Dette rommet har ikke noen lokale adresser",
"Waiting for you to accept on your other session…": "Venter på at du aksepterer på den andre økten din …",
"Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Fjern nylige meldinger fra %(user)s",
"Remove %(count)s messages|other": "Slett %(count)s meldinger",
"Remove %(count)s messages|one": "Slett 1 melding",
"Almost there! Is your other session showing the same shield?": "Nesten fremme! Viser den andre økten din det samme skjoldet?",
"You've successfully verified your device!": "Du har vellykket verifisert enheten din!",
"You've successfully verified %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!": "Du har vellykket verifisert %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!",
"You've successfully verified %(displayName)s!": "Du har vellykket verifisert %(displayName)s!",
"You cancelled verification on your other session.": "Du avbrøt verifiseringen på den andre økten din.",
"You sent a verification request": "Du sendte en verifiseringsforespørsel",
"Error decrypting video": "Feil under dekryptering av video",
"Message deleted": "Meldingen ble slettet",
"Message deleted by %(name)s": "Meldingen ble slettet av %(name)s",
"Click here to see older messages.": "Klikk for å se eldre meldinger.",
"Add an Integration": "Legg til en integrering",
"Can't load this message": "Klarte ikke å laste inn denne meldingen",
"Categories": "Kategorier",
"Popout widget": "Utsprettsmodul",
"QR Code": "QR-kode",
"Room address": "Rommets adresse",
"This address is available to use": "Denne adressen er allerede i bruk",
"ex.": "f.eks.",
"Failed to send logs: ": "Mislyktes i å sende loggbøker: ",
"Incompatible Database": "Inkompatibel database",
"Event Content": "Hendelsesinnhold",
"Verification Requests": "Verifiseringsforespørsler",
"Integrations are disabled": "Integreringer er skrudd av",
"Integrations not allowed": "Integreringer er ikke tillatt",
"Confirm to continue": "Bekreft for å fortsette",
"Clear cache and resync": "Tøm mellomlageret og synkroniser på nytt",
"Manually export keys": "Eksporter nøkler manuelt",
"Use this session to verify your new one, granting it access to encrypted messages:": "Bruk denne økten til å verifisere din nye økt, som vil gi den tilgang til krypterte meldinger:",
"If you didnt sign in to this session, your account may be compromised.": "Dersom det ikke var du som logget deg på økten, kan kontoen din ha blitt kompromittert.",
"Automatically invite users": "Inviter brukere automatisk",
"Verification Pending": "Avventer verifisering",
"Username invalid: %(errMessage)s": "Brukernavnet er ugyldig: %(errMessage)s",
"An error occurred: %(error_string)s": "En feil oppstod: %(error_string)s",
"Share Room": "Del rommet",
"Share User": "Del brukeren",
"Upload %(count)s other files|other": "Last opp %(count)s andre filer",
"Upload %(count)s other files|one": "Last opp %(count)s annen fil",
"Appearance": "Utseende",
"Verify other session": "Verifiser en annen økt",
"Keys restored": "Nøklene ble gjenopprettet",
"Address (optional)": "Adresse (valgfritt)",
"Reject invitation": "Avslå invitasjonen",
"Resend edit": "Send redigeringen på nytt",
"Resend removal": "Send slettingen på nytt",
"Start authentication": "Begynn autentisering",
"The email field must not be blank.": "E-postfeltet kan ikke stå tomt.",
"The username field must not be blank.": "Brukernavnfeltet kan ikke stå tomt.",
"The phone number field must not be blank.": "Telefonnummerfeltet kan ikke stå tomt.",
"The password field must not be blank.": "Passordfeltet kan ikke stå tomt.",
"Couldn't load page": "Klarte ikke å laste inn siden",
"Add to summary": "Legg til i oppsummeringen",
"Unable to accept invite": "Klarte ikke å akseptere invitasjonen",
"Unable to join community": "Klarte ikke å bli med i samfunnet",
"Unable to leave community": "Klarte ikke å forlate samfunnet",
"You are an administrator of this community": "Du er en administrator i dette samfunnet",
"You are a member of this community": "Du er et medlem av dette samfunnet",
"Failed to load %(groupId)s": "Klarte ikke å laste inn %(groupId)s",
"Liberate your communication": "Frigjør kommunikasjonen din",
"Explore Public Rooms": "Utforsk offentlige rom",
"Create a Group Chat": "Opprett en gruppechat",
"Review terms and conditions": "Gå gjennom betingelser og vilkår",
"delete the address.": "slette adressen.",
"%(count)s of your messages have not been sent.|one": "Meldingen din ble ikke sendt.",
"Jump to first invite.": "Hopp til den første invitasjonen.",
"You seem to be uploading files, are you sure you want to quit?": "Du ser til å laste opp filer, er du sikker på at du vil avslutte?",
"Switch to light mode": "Bytt til lys modus",
"Switch to dark mode": "Bytt til mørk modus",
"Switch theme": "Bytt tema",
"All settings": "Alle innstillinger",
"Archived rooms": "Arkiverte rom",
"Feedback": "Tilbakemelding",
"Account settings": "Kontoinnstillinger",
"Emoji Autocomplete": "Auto-fullfør emojier",
"Confirm encryption setup": "Bekreft krypteringsoppsett",
"Create key backup": "Opprett nøkkelsikkerhetskopi",
"Set up Secure Messages": "Sett opp sikre meldinger",
"Toggle Bold": "Veksle fet",
"Toggle Italics": "Veksle kursiv",
"Toggle Quote": "Veksle siteringsformat",
"Upload a file": "Last opp en fil"

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"Invites user with given id to current room": "Приглашает пользователя с заданным ID в текущую комнату",
"Sign in with": "Войти с помощью",
"Joins room with given alias": "Входит в комнату с заданным псевдонимом",
"Kicks user with given id": "Выкидывает пользователя с заданным ID",
"Kicks user with given id": "Выгоняет пользователя с заданным ID",
"Labs": "Лаборатория",
"Leave room": "Покинуть комнату",
"Logout": "Выйти",
@ -977,7 +977,7 @@
"Render simple counters in room header": "Отображать простые счетчики в заголовке комнаты",
"Enable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Включить предложения смайликов при наборе",
"Show a placeholder for removed messages": "Показывать плашки вместо удалённых сообщений",
"Show join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Показывать сообщения о входе/выходе (не влияет на приглашения, кики и баны)",
"Show join/leave messages (invites/kicks/bans unaffected)": "Показывать сообщения о входе/выходе (не влияет на приглашения, выгоны и баны)",
"Show avatar changes": "Показывать изменения аватара",
"Show display name changes": "Показывать изменения отображаемого имени",
"Show a reminder to enable Secure Message Recovery in encrypted rooms": "Напоминать включить Безопасное Восстановление Сообщений в зашифрованных комнатах",
@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@
"Join the conversation with an account": "Присоединиться к разговору с учётной записью",
"Sign Up": "Зарегистрироваться",
"Sign In": "Войти",
"You were kicked from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "Вы были выгнаны %(memberName)s из %(roomName)s",
"You were kicked from %(roomName)s by %(memberName)s": "Вы были выгнаны из %(roomName)s пользователем %(memberName)s",
"Reason: %(reason)s": "Причина: %(reason)s",
"Forget this room": "Забыть эту комнату",
"Re-join": "Пере-присоединение",
@ -2122,7 +2122,7 @@
"Enable cross-signing to verify per-user instead of per-session": "Разрешить кросс-подпись для подтверждения пользователей вместо отдельных сессий",
"Keep recovery passphrase in memory for this session": "Сохранить пароль восстановления в памяти для этой сессии",
"Individually verify each session used by a user to mark it as trusted, not trusting cross-signed devices.": "Отдельно подтверждать каждую сессию пользователя как доверенную, не доверяя кросс-подписанным устройствам.",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using ": "Безопасно кэшировать шифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они появлялись в результатах поиска с помощью ",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using ": "Кэшировать шифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они выводились в результатах поиска, используя: ",
" to store messages from ": " чтобы сохранить сообщения от ",
"Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results.": "Безопасно кэшировать шифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они появлялись в результатах поиска.",
"Riot is missing some components required for securely caching encrypted messages locally. If you'd like to experiment with this feature, build a custom Riot Desktop with <nativeLink>search components added</nativeLink>.": "Отсутствуют некоторые необходимые компоненты для Riot, чтобы безопасно кэшировать шифрованные сообщения локально. Если вы хотите попробовать эту возможность, соберите самостоятельно Riot Desktop с <nativeLink>добавлением поисковых компонентов</nativeLink>.",
@ -2144,5 +2144,7 @@
"<strong>%(role)s</strong> in %(roomName)s": "<strong>%(role)s</strong>в %(roomName)s",
"Start verification again from their profile.": "Начните подтверждение заново в профиле пользователя.",
"Messages in this room are end-to-end encrypted. Learn more & verify this user in their user profile.": "Сообщения в этой комнате зашифрованы сквозным шифрованием. Посмотрите подробности и подтвердите пользователя в его профиле.",
"Send a Direct Message": "Отправить сообщение"
"Send a Direct Message": "Отправить сообщение",
"Light": "Светлая",
"Dark": "Темная"

View File

@ -1494,5 +1494,9 @@
"Cannot reach homeserver": "不可连接到主服务器",
"Ensure you have a stable internet connection, or get in touch with the server admin": "确保您的网络连接稳定,或与服务器管理员联系",
"Ask your Riot admin to check <a>your config</a> for incorrect or duplicate entries.": "跟您的Riot管理员确认<a>您的配置</a>不正确或重复的条目。",
"Cannot reach identity server": "不可连接到身份服务器"
"Cannot reach identity server": "不可连接到身份服务器",
"Room name or address": "房间名称或地址",
"Joins room with given address": "使用给定地址加入房间",
"Verify this login": "验证此登录名",
"Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.": "通过从其他会话之一验证此登录名并授予其访问加密信息的权限来确认您的身份"

View File

@ -2525,5 +2525,7 @@
"Create a Recovery Key to store encryption keys & secrets with your account data. If you lose access to this login youll need it to unlock your data.": "建立您的復原金鑰以儲存加密金鑰與您的帳號資料。如果您失去對此登入階段的存取權,您必須用它來解鎖您的資料。",
"Create a Recovery Key": "建立復原金鑰",
"Upgrade your Recovery Key": "升級您的復原金鑰",
"Store your Recovery Key": "儲存您的復原金鑰"
"Store your Recovery Key": "儲存您的復原金鑰",
"Use the improved room list (in development - will refresh to apply changes)": "使用改進的聊天室清單(開發中 ── 將會重新整理以套用變更)",
"Use the improved room list (will refresh to apply changes)": "使用改進的聊天室清單(將會重新整理以套用變更)"