Add tests for testing room tile updates when tags (groups in LLP) are selected

Luke Barnard 2018-05-03 18:04:01 +01:00
parent 80d251b622
commit e15b39092d
1 changed files with 176 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -12,9 +12,22 @@ import { DragDropContext } from 'react-beautiful-dnd';
import dis from '../../../../src/dispatcher';
import DMRoomMap from '../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap.js';
import GroupStore from '../../../../src/stores/GroupStore.js';
import { Room, RoomMember } from 'matrix-js-sdk';
function generateRoomId() {
return '!' + Math.random().toString().slice(2, 10) + ':domain';
function createRoom(opts) {
const room = new Room(generateRoomId());
if (opts) {
Object.assign(room, opts);
return room;
describe('RoomList', () => {
let parentDiv = null;
let sandbox = null;
@ -23,6 +36,13 @@ describe('RoomList', () => {
const myUserId = '@me:domain';
let clock = null;
const movingRoomId = '!someroomid';
let movingRoom;
let otherRoom;
let myMember;
let myOtherMember;
beforeEach(function() {
sandbox = TestUtils.stubClient(sandbox);
@ -44,6 +64,40 @@ describe('RoomList', () => {
, parentDiv);
ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(root, RoomList);
movingRoom = createRoom({name: 'Moving room'});
// Mock joined member
myMember = new RoomMember(movingRoomId, myUserId);
myMember.membership = 'join';
movingRoom.getMember = (userId) => ({
[client.credentials.userId]: myMember,
otherRoom = createRoom({name: 'Other room'});
myOtherMember = new RoomMember(otherRoom.roomId, myUserId);
myOtherMember.membership = 'join';
otherRoom.getMember = (userId) => ({
[client.credentials.userId]: myOtherMember,
// Mock the matrix client
client.getRooms = () => [
createRoom({tags: {'m.favourite': {order: 0.1}}, name: 'Some other room'}),
createRoom({tags: {'m.favourite': {order: 0.2}}, name: 'Some other room 2'}),
createRoom({tags: {'m.lowpriority': {}}, name: 'Some unimportant room'}),
createRoom({tags: {'custom.tag': {}}, name: 'Some room customly tagged'}),
const roomMap = {};
client.getRooms().forEach((r) => {
roomMap[r.roomId] = r;
client.getRoom = (roomId) => roomMap[roomId];
afterEach((done) => {
@ -59,18 +113,6 @@ describe('RoomList', () => {
describe('when no tags are selected', () => {
describe('does correct optimistic update when dragging from', () => {
const movingRoomId = '!someroomid';
const movingRoom = new Room(movingRoomId);
// Mock joined member
const myMember = new RoomMember(movingRoomId, myUserId);
myMember.membership = 'join';
movingRoom.getMember = (userId) => ({
[client.credentials.userId]: myMember,
function expectRoomInSubList(room, subListTest) {
const RoomSubList = sdk.getComponent('structures.RoomSubList');
const RoomTile = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomTile');
@ -80,10 +122,14 @@ describe('RoomList', () => {
let expectedRoomTile;
try {
expectedRoomTile = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(containingSubList, RoomTile);
const roomTiles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(containingSubList, RoomTile);{roomTiles: roomTiles.length});
expectedRoomTile = roomTiles.find((tile) => === room);
} catch (err) {
// truncate the error message because it's spammy
err.message = 'Error finding RoomTile: ' + err.message.split('componentType')[0] + '...';
err.message = 'Error finding RoomTile for ' + room.roomId + ' in ' +
subListTest + ': ' +
err.message.split('componentType')[0] + '...';
throw err;
@ -101,9 +147,8 @@ describe('RoomList', () => {
const destSubListTest = getTagSubListTest(newTag);
const srcSubListTest = getTagSubListTest(oldTag);
// Mock the matrix client
client.getRooms = () => [movingRoom];
// Set up the room that will be moved such that it has the correct state for a room in
// the section for oldTag
if (['m.favourite', 'm.lowpriority'].includes(oldTag)) movingRoom.tags = {[oldTag]: {}};
if (oldTag === '') {
// Mock inverse
@ -128,6 +173,8 @@ describe('RoomList', () => {
expectRoomInSubList(movingRoom, destSubListTest);
function itDoesCorrectOptimisticUpdatesForDraggedRoomTiles() {
describe('does correct optimistic update when dragging from', () => {
it('rooms to people', () => {
expectCorrectMove(undefined, '');
@ -179,6 +226,67 @@ describe('RoomList', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', 'm.lowpriority');
describe('when no tags are selected', () => {
describe('when tags are selected', () => {
function setupSelectedTag() {
// Simulate a complete sync BEFORE dispatching anything else
action: 'MatrixActions.sync',
prevState: null,
state: 'PREPARED',
matrixClient: client,
}, true);
// Simulate joined groups being received
action: 'GroupActions.fetchJoinedGroups.success',
result: {
groups: ['+group:domain'],
}, true);
// Simulate receiving tag ordering account data
action: 'MatrixActions.accountData',
event_type: 'im.vector.web.tag_ordering',
event_content: {
tags: ['+group:domain'],
}, true);
// GroupStore is not flux, mock and notify
GroupStore.getGroupRooms = (groupId) => {
return [movingRoom];
// Select tag
dis.dispatch({action: 'select_tag', tag: '+group:domain'}, true);
beforeEach(() => {
it('displays the correct rooms when the groups rooms are changed', () => {
GroupStore.getGroupRooms = (groupId) => {
return [movingRoom, otherRoom];
// Run through RoomList debouncing
// By default, the test will
expectRoomInSubList(otherRoom, (s) => s.props.label.endsWith('Rooms'));