Work out the new category index for each room update

See comments within for details on what this means.
Travis Ralston 2020-05-07 16:34:22 -06:00
parent ea34bb3022
commit e1fab9a5b6
1 changed files with 136 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License.
import { Algorithm } from "./Algorithm";
import { Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room";
import { DefaultTagID, RoomUpdateCause, TagID } from "../../models";
import { RoomUpdateCause, TagID } from "../../models";
import { ITagMap, SortAlgorithm } from "../models";
import { sortRoomsWithAlgorithm } from "../tag_sorting";
import * as Unread from '../../../../Unread';
@ -51,6 +51,16 @@ interface ICategorizedRoomMap {
[category: Category]: Room[];
interface ICategoryIndex {
// @ts-ignore - TS wants this to be a string, but we know better
[category: Category]: number; // integer
// Caution: changing this means you'll need to update a bunch of assumptions and
// comments! Check the usage of Category carefully to figure out what needs changing
// if you're going to change this array's order.
const CATEGORY_ORDER = [Category.Red, Category.Grey, Category.Bold, Category.Idle];
* An implementation of the "importance" algorithm for room list sorting. Where
* the tag sorting algorithm does not interfere, rooms will be ordered into
@ -69,6 +79,7 @@ interface ICategorizedRoomMap {
export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
// TODO: Update documentation
// --------------
@ -80,7 +91,7 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
// those tags are tracked as index numbers within the array (zero = top), with
// each sticky room being tracked separately. Internally, the category index
// can be found from `this.indices[tag][category]` and the sticky room information
// from `this.stickyRooms[tag]`.
// from `this.stickyRoom`.
// Room categories are constantly re-evaluated and tracked in the `this.categorized`
// object. Note that this doesn't track rooms by category but instead by room ID.
@ -93,33 +104,17 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
private indices: {
// @ts-ignore - TS wants this to be a string but we know better than it
[tag: TagID]: {
// @ts-ignore - TS wants this to be a string but we know better than it
[category: Category]: number; // integer
} = {};
private stickyRooms: {
// @ts-ignore - TS wants this to be a string but we know better than it
[tag: TagID]: {
room?: Room;
nAbove: number; // integer
} = {};
private categorized: {
// @ts-ignore - TS wants this to be a string but we know better than it
[tag: TagID]: {
// TODO: Remove note
// Note: Should in theory be able to only track this by room ID as we'll know
// the indices of each category and can determine if a category needs changing
// in the cached list. Could potentially save a bunch of time if we can figure
// out where a room is supposed to be using offsets, some math, and leaving the
// array generally alone.
[roomId: string]: {
room: Room;
category: Category;
[tag: TagID]: ICategoryIndex;
} = {};
private stickyRoom: {
roomId: string;
tag: TagID;
fromTop: number;
} = {
roomId: null,
tag: null,
fromTop: 0,
constructor() {
@ -136,7 +131,6 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
for (const room of rooms) {
const category = this.getRoomCategory(room);
console.log(`[DEBUG] "${}" (${room.roomId}) is a ${category} room`);
return map;
@ -183,13 +177,16 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
categorized[category] = await sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(roomsToOrder, tagId, sortBy);
// TODO: Update positions of categories in cache
updatedTagMap[tagId] = [
const newlyOrganized: Room[] = [];
const newIndicies: ICategoryIndex = {};
for (const category of CATEGORY_ORDER) {
newIndicies[category] = newlyOrganized.length;
this.indices[tagId] = newIndicies;
updatedTagMap[tagId] = newlyOrganized;
@ -200,6 +197,108 @@ export class ImportanceAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
console.warn(`No tags known for "${}" (${room.roomId})`);
return false;
return false;
const category = this.getRoomCategory(room);
let changed = false;
for (const tag of tags) {
if (this.sortAlgorithms[tag] === SortAlgorithm.Manual) {
continue; // Nothing to do here.
const taggedRooms = this.cached[tag];
const indicies = this.indices[tag];
let roomIdx = taggedRooms.indexOf(room);
let inList = true;
if (roomIdx === -1) {
console.warn(`Degrading performance to find missing room in "${tag}": ${room.roomId}`);
roomIdx = taggedRooms.findIndex(r => r.roomId === room.roomId);
if (roomIdx === -1) {
console.warn(`Room ${room.roomId} has no index in ${tag} - assuming end of list`);
roomIdx = taggedRooms.length;
inList = false; // used so we don't splice the dead room out
// Try to avoid doing array operations if we don't have to: only move rooms within
// the categories if we're jumping categories
const oldCategory = this.getCategoryFromIndicies(roomIdx, indicies);
if (oldCategory !== category) {
// Move the room and update the indicies
this.moveRoomIndexes(1, oldCategory, category, indicies);
taggedRooms.splice(roomIdx, 1); // splice out the old index (fixed position)
taggedRooms.splice(indicies[category], 0, room); // splice in the new room (pre-adjusted)
// Note: if moveRoomIndexes() is called after the splice then the insert operation
// will happen in the wrong place. Because we would have already adjusted the index
// for the category, we don't need to determine how the room is moving in the list.
// If we instead tried to insert before updating the indicies, we'd have to determine
// whether the room was moving later (towards IDLE) or earlier (towards RED) from its
// current position, as it'll affect the category's start index after we remove the
// room from the array.
// The room received an update, so take out the slice and sort it. This should be relatively
// quick because the room is inserted at the top of the category, and most popular sorting
// algorithms will deal with trying to keep the active room at the top/start of the category.
// For the few algorithms that will have to move the thing quite far (alphabetic with a Z room
// for example), the list should already be sorted well enough that it can rip through the
// array and slot the changed room in quickly.
const nextCategoryStartIdx = category === CATEGORY_ORDER[CATEGORY_ORDER.length - 1]
: indicies[CATEGORY_ORDER[CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(category) + 1]];
const startIdx = indicies[category];
const numSort = nextCategoryStartIdx - startIdx; // splice() returns up to the max, so MAX_SAFE_INT is fine
const unsortedSlice = taggedRooms.splice(startIdx, numSort);
const sorted = await sortRoomsWithAlgorithm(unsortedSlice, tag, this.sortAlgorithms[tag]);
taggedRooms.splice(startIdx, 0, ...sorted);
// Finally, flag that we've done something
changed = true;
return changed;
private getCategoryFromIndicies(index: number, indicies: ICategoryIndex): Category {
for (let i = 0; i < CATEGORY_ORDER.length; i++) {
const category = CATEGORY_ORDER[i];
const isLast = i === (CATEGORY_ORDER.length - 1);
const startIdx = indicies[category];
const endIdx = isLast ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : indicies[CATEGORY_ORDER[i + 1]];
if (index >= startIdx && index < endIdx) {
return category;
// "Should never happen" disclaimer goes here
throw new Error("Programming error: somehow you've ended up with an index that isn't in a category");
private moveRoomIndexes(nRooms: number, fromCategory: Category, toCategory: Category, indicies: ICategoryIndex) {
// We have to update the index of the category *after* the from/toCategory variables
// in order to update the indicies correctly. Because the room is moving from/to those
// categories, the next category's index will change - not the category we're modifying.
// We also need to update subsequent categories as they'll all shift by nRooms, so we
// loop over the order to achieve that.
for (let i = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(fromCategory) + 1; i < CATEGORY_ORDER.length; i++) {
const nextCategory = CATEGORY_ORDER[i];
indicies[nextCategory] -= nRooms;
for (let i = CATEGORY_ORDER.indexOf(toCategory) + 1; i < CATEGORY_ORDER.length; i++) {
const nextCategory = CATEGORY_ORDER[i];
indicies[nextCategory] += nRooms;
// Do a quick check to see if we've completely broken the index
for (let i = 1; i <= CATEGORY_ORDER.length; i++) {
const lastCat = CATEGORY_ORDER[i - 1];
const thisCat = CATEGORY_ORDER[i];
if (indicies[lastCat] > indicies[thisCat]) {
// "should never happen" disclaimer goes here
console.warn(`!! Room list index corruption: ${lastCat} (i:${indicies[lastCat]}) is greater than ${thisCat} (i:${indicies[thisCat]}) - category indicies are likely desynced from reality`);
// TODO: Regenerate index when this happens