WIP switch-over of TimePanel from taking Rooms to taking EventTimelineSets
@ -27,6 +27,46 @@ var dis = require("../../dispatcher");
var FilePanel = React.createClass({
displayName: 'FilePanel',
propTypes: {
roomId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
getInitialState: function() {
return {
room: MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(this.props.roomId),
timelineSet: null,
componentWillMount: function() {
if (this.state.room) {
var client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
var filter = new Matrix.Filter(client.credentials.userId);
"room": {
"timeline": {
"contains_url": true
client.getOrCreateFilter("FILTER_FILES_" + client.credentials.userId, filter).then(
var timelineSet = this.state.room.getOrCreateFilteredTimelineSet(filter);
this.setState({ timelineSet: timelineSet });
console.error("Failed to get or create file panel filter", error);
else {
console.error("Failed to add filtered timelineSet for FilePanel as no room!");
// this has to be a proper method rather than an unnamed function,
// otherwise react calls it with null on each update.
_gatherTimelinePanelRef: function(r) {
@ -36,8 +76,6 @@ var FilePanel = React.createClass({
render: function() {
// wrap a TimelinePanel with the jump-to-event bits turned off.
var room = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(this.props.roomId);
// <TimelinePanel ref={this._gatherTimelinePanelRef}
// room={this.state.room}
// hidden={hideMessagePanel}
@ -51,7 +89,9 @@ var FilePanel = React.createClass({
return (
<TimelinePanel ref={this._gatherTimelinePanelRef}
showUrlPreview = { false }
opacity={ this.props.opacity }
@ -1570,7 +1570,9 @@ module.exports = React.createClass({
var messagePanel = (
<TimelinePanel ref={this._gatherTimelinePanelRef}
@ -50,9 +50,15 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
displayName: 'TimelinePanel',
propTypes: {
// The js-sdk Room object for the room whose timeline we are
// representing.
room: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
// The js-sdk EventTimelineSet object for the timeline sequence we are
// representing. This may or may not have a room, depending on what it's
// a timeline representing. If it has a room, we maintain RRs etc for
// that room.
timelineSet: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
// Enable managing RRs and RMs. These require the timelineSet to have a room.
manageReadReceipts: React.PropTypes.bool,
manageReadMarkers: React.PropTypes.bool,
// true to give the component a 'display: none' style.
hidden: React.PropTypes.bool,
@ -101,9 +107,13 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
var initialReadMarker =
|| this._getCurrentReadReceipt();
// XXX: we could track RM per TimelineSet rather than per Room.
// but for now we just do it per room for simplicity.
if (this.props.manageReadMarkers) {
var initialReadMarker =
|| this._getCurrentReadReceipt();
return {
events: [],
@ -137,7 +147,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
canForwardPaginate: false,
// start with the read-marker visible, so that we see its animated
// disappearance when swtitching into the room.
// disappearance when switching into the room.
readMarkerVisible: true,
readMarkerEventId: initialReadMarker,
@ -163,8 +173,8 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
componentWillReceiveProps: function(newProps) {
if (newProps.room !== this.props.room) {
// throw new Error("changing room on a TimelinePanel is not supported");
if (newProps.timelineSet !== this.props.timelineSet) {
// throw new Error("changing timelineSet on a TimelinePanel is not supported");
// regrettably, this does happen; in particular, when joining a
// room with /join. In that case, there are two Rooms in
@ -175,7 +185,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// for now, just warn about this. But we're going to end up paginating
// both rooms separately, and it's all bad.
console.warn("Replacing room on a TimelinePanel - confusion may ensue");
console.warn("Replacing timelineSet on a TimelinePanel - confusion may ensue");
if (newProps.eventId != this.props.eventId) {
@ -280,11 +290,13 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// we hide the read marker when it first comes onto the screen, but if
// it goes back off the top of the screen (presumably because the user
// clicks on the 'jump to bottom' button), we need to re-enable it.
if (this.getReadMarkerPosition() < 0) {
this.setState({readMarkerVisible: true});
if (this.props.manageReadMarkers) {
// we hide the read marker when it first comes onto the screen, but if
// it goes back off the top of the screen (presumably because the user
// clicks on the 'jump to bottom' button), we need to re-enable it.
if (this.getReadMarkerPosition() < 0) {
this.setState({readMarkerVisible: true});
@ -305,7 +317,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
onRoomTimeline: function(ev, room, toStartOfTimeline, removed, data) {
// ignore events for other rooms
if (room !== this.props.room) return;
if (data.timelineSet !== this.props.timelineSet) return;
// ignore anything but real-time updates at the end of the room:
// updates from pagination will happen when the paginate completes.
@ -337,32 +349,34 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
var lastEv = events[events.length-1];
// if we're at the end of the live timeline, append the pending events
if (!this._timelineWindow.canPaginate(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)) {
events.push(... this.props.room.getPendingEvents());
if (this.props.timelineSet.room && !this._timelineWindow.canPaginate(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)) {
events.push(... this.props.timelineSet.room.getPendingEvents());
var updatedState = {events: events};
// when a new event arrives when the user is not watching the
// window, but the window is in its auto-scroll mode, make sure the
// read marker is visible.
// We ignore events we have sent ourselves; we don't want to see the
// read-marker when a remote echo of an event we have just sent takes
// more than the timeout on userCurrentlyActive.
var myUserId = MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId;
var sender = ev.sender ? ev.sender.userId : null;
var callback = null;
if (sender != myUserId && !UserActivity.userCurrentlyActive()) {
updatedState.readMarkerVisible = true;
} else if(lastEv && this.getReadMarkerPosition() === 0) {
// we know we're stuckAtBottom, so we can advance the RM
// immediately, to save a later render cycle
this._setReadMarker(lastEv.getId(), lastEv.getTs(), true);
updatedState.readMarkerVisible = false;
updatedState.readMarkerEventId = lastEv.getId();
callback = this.props.onReadMarkerUpdated;
if (this.props.manageReadMarkers) {
// when a new event arrives when the user is not watching the
// window, but the window is in its auto-scroll mode, make sure the
// read marker is visible.
// We ignore events we have sent ourselves; we don't want to see the
// read-marker when a remote echo of an event we have just sent takes
// more than the timeout on userCurrentlyActive.
var myUserId = MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId;
var sender = ev.sender ? ev.sender.userId : null;
var callback = null;
if (sender != myUserId && !UserActivity.userCurrentlyActive()) {
updatedState.readMarkerVisible = true;
} else if(lastEv && this.getReadMarkerPosition() === 0) {
// we know we're stuckAtBottom, so we can advance the RM
// immediately, to save a later render cycle
this._setReadMarker(lastEv.getId(), lastEv.getTs(), true);
updatedState.readMarkerVisible = false;
updatedState.readMarkerEventId = lastEv.getId();
callback = this.props.onReadMarkerUpdated;
this.setState(updatedState, callback);
@ -370,7 +384,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
onRoomTimelineReset: function(room) {
if (room !== this.props.room) return;
if (room !== this.props.timelineSet.room) return;
if (this.refs.messagePanel && this.refs.messagePanel.isAtBottom()) {
@ -381,7 +395,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
if (this.unmounted) return;
// ignore events for other rooms
if (room !== this.props.room) return;
if (room !== this.props.timelineSet.room) return;
// we could skip an update if the event isn't in our timeline,
// but that's probably an early optimisation.
@ -392,7 +406,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
if (this.unmounted) return;
// ignore events for other rooms
if (room !== this.props.room) return;
if (room !== this.props.timelineSet.room) return;
@ -401,7 +415,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
if (this.unmounted) return;
// ignore events for other rooms
if (room !== this.props.room) return;
if (room !== this.props.timelineSet.room) return;
@ -409,12 +423,13 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
sendReadReceipt: function() {
if (!this.refs.messagePanel) return;
if (!this.props.manageReadReceipts) return;
// if we are scrolled to the bottom, do a quick-reset of our unreadNotificationCount
// to avoid having to wait from the remote echo from the homeserver.
if (this.isAtEndOfLiveTimeline()) {
this.props.room.setUnreadNotificationCount('total', 0);
this.props.room.setUnreadNotificationCount('highlight', 0);
this.props.timelineSet.room.setUnreadNotificationCount('total', 0);
this.props.timelineSet.room.setUnreadNotificationCount('highlight', 0);
// XXX: i'm a bit surprised we don't have to emit an event or dispatch to get this picked up
@ -461,6 +476,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// if the read marker is on the screen, we can now assume we've caught up to the end
// of the screen, so move the marker down to the bottom of the screen.
updateReadMarker: function() {
if (!this.props.manageReadMarkers) return;
if (this.getReadMarkerPosition() !== 0) {
@ -498,6 +514,8 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// advance the read marker past any events we sent ourselves.
_advanceReadMarkerPastMyEvents: function() {
if (!this.props.manageReadMarkers) return;
// we call _timelineWindow.getEvents() rather than using
// this.state.events, because react batches the update to the latter, so it
// may not have been updated yet.
@ -548,11 +566,9 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
* the container.
jumpToReadMarker: function() {
if (!this.refs.messagePanel)
if (!this.state.readMarkerEventId)
if (!this.props.manageReadMarkers) return;
if (!this.refs.messagePanel) return;
if (!this.state.readMarkerEventId) return;
// we may not have loaded the event corresponding to the read-marker
// into the _timelineWindow. In that case, attempts to scroll to it
@ -579,10 +595,12 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
/* update the read-up-to marker to match the read receipt
forgetReadMarker: function() {
if (!this.props.manageReadMarkers) return;
var rmId = this._getCurrentReadReceipt();
// see if we know the timestamp for the rr event
var tl = this.props.room.getTimelineForEvent(rmId);
var tl = this.props.timelineSet.getTimelineForEvent(rmId);
var rmTs;
if (tl) {
var event = tl.getEvents().find((e) => { return e.getId() == rmId });
@ -622,7 +640,9 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// 0: read marker is visible
// +1: read marker is below the window
getReadMarkerPosition: function() {
if (!this.refs.messagePanel) { return null; }
if (!this.props.manageReadMarkers) return null;
if (!this.refs.messagePanel) return null;
var ret = this.refs.messagePanel.getReadMarkerPosition();
if (ret !== null) {
return ret;
@ -630,7 +650,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// the messagePanel doesn't know where the read marker is.
// if we know the timestamp of the read marker, make a guess based on that.
var rmTs = TimelinePanel.roomReadMarkerTsMap[this.props.room.roomId];
var rmTs = TimelinePanel.roomReadMarkerTsMap[this.props.timelineSet.roomId];
if (rmTs && this.state.events.length > 0) {
if (rmTs < this.state.events[0].getTs()) {
return -1;
@ -691,7 +711,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
_loadTimeline: function(eventId, pixelOffset, offsetBase) {
this._timelineWindow = new Matrix.TimelineWindow(
MatrixClientPeg.get(), this.props.room,
MatrixClientPeg.get(), this.props.timelineSet,
{windowLimit: this.props.timelineCap});
var onLoaded = () => {
@ -745,7 +765,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// go via the dispatcher so that the URL is updated
action: 'view_room',
room_id: this.props.room.roomId,
room_id: this.props.timelineSet.roomId,
@ -807,7 +827,7 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// if we're at the end of the live timeline, append the pending events
if (!this._timelineWindow.canPaginate(EventTimeline.FORWARDS)) {
events.push(... this.props.room.getPendingEvents());
events.push(... this.props.timelineSet.room.getPendingEvents());
return events;
@ -873,11 +893,13 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
return null;
var myUserId = client.credentials.userId;
return this.props.room.getEventReadUpTo(myUserId, ignoreSynthesized);
return this.props.timelineSet.room.getEventReadUpTo(myUserId, ignoreSynthesized);
_setReadMarker: function(eventId, eventTs, inhibitSetState) {
if (TimelinePanel.roomReadMarkerMap[this.props.room.roomId] == eventId) {
var roomId = this.props.timelineSet.room.roomId;
if (TimelinePanel.roomReadMarkerMap[roomId] == eventId) {
// don't update the state (and cause a re-render) if there is
// no change to the RM.
@ -885,11 +907,11 @@ var TimelinePanel = React.createClass({
// ideally we'd sync these via the server, but for now just stash them
// in a map.
TimelinePanel.roomReadMarkerMap[this.props.room.roomId] = eventId;
TimelinePanel.roomReadMarkerMap[roomId] = eventId;
// in order to later figure out if the read marker is
// above or below the visible timeline, we stash the timestamp.
TimelinePanel.roomReadMarkerTsMap[this.props.room.roomId] = eventTs;
TimelinePanel.roomReadMarkerTsMap[roomId] = eventTs;
if (inhibitSetState) {
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ var USER_ID = '@me:localhost';
describe('TimelinePanel', function() {
var sandbox;
var timelineSet;
var room;
var client;
var timeline;
@ -60,9 +61,12 @@ describe('TimelinePanel', function() {
timeline = new jssdk.EventTimeline(ROOM_ID);
room = sinon.createStubInstance(jssdk.Room);
timelineSet = sinon.createStubInstance(jssdk.EventTimelineSet);
timelineSet.room = room;
client = peg.get();
client.credentials = {userId: USER_ID};
@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ describe('TimelinePanel', function() {
var scrollDefer;
var panel = ReactDOM.render(
<TimelinePanel room={room} onScroll={() => {scrollDefer.resolve()}}
<TimelinePanel timelineSet={timelineSet} onScroll={() => {scrollDefer.resolve()}}
@ -143,7 +147,10 @@ describe('TimelinePanel', function() {
// a new event!
var ev = mkMessage();
panel.onRoomTimeline(ev, room, false, false, {liveEvent: true});
panel.onRoomTimeline(ev, room, false, false, {
liveEvent: true,
timelineSet: timelineSet,
// that won't make much difference, because we don't paginate
// unless we're at the bottom of the timeline, but a scroll event
@ -178,7 +185,7 @@ describe('TimelinePanel', function() {
var panel = ReactDOM.render(
<TimelinePanel room={room}/>,
<TimelinePanel timelineSet={timelineSet}/>,
@ -226,7 +233,7 @@ describe('TimelinePanel', function() {
var scrollDefer;
var panel = ReactDOM.render(
<TimelinePanel room={room} onScroll={() => {scrollDefer.resolve()}}
<TimelinePanel timelineSet={timelineSet} onScroll={() => {scrollDefer.resolve()}}
Reference in New Issue