diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/eu.json b/src/i18n/strings/eu.json index bfc4d18a62..a520d6eadb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/eu.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/eu.json @@ -1319,5 +1319,61 @@ "Algorithm: ": "Algoritmoa: ", "Restore backup": "Berreskuratu babes-kopia", "No backup is present": "Ez dago babes-kopiarik", - "Start a new backup": "Hasi babes-kopia berria" + "Start a new backup": "Hasi babes-kopia berria", + "Please review and accept all of the homeserver's policies": "Berrikusi eta onartu hasiera-zerbitzariaren politika guztiak", + "To avoid losing your chat history, you must export your room keys before logging out. You will need to go back to the newer version of Riot to do this": "Zure txaten historiala ez galtzeko, zure gelako gakoak esportatu behar dituzu saioa amaitu aurretik. Riot-en bertsio berriagora bueltatu behar zara hau egiteko", + "You've previously used a newer version of Riot on %(host)s. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again. ": "Riot-en bertsio berriago bat erabili duzu %(host)s zerbitzarian. Bertsio hau berriro erabiltzeko muturretik muturrerako zifratzearekin, saioa amaitu eta berriro hasi beharko duzu. ", + "Incompatible Database": "Datu-base bateraezina", + "Continue With Encryption Disabled": "Jarraitu zifratzerik gabe", + "Secure your encrypted message history with a Recovery Passphrase.": "Ziurtatu zure zifratutako mezuen historiala berreskuratze pasa-esaldi batekin.", + "You'll need it if you log out or lose access to this device.": "Saioa amaitzen baduzu edo gailu hau erabiltzeko aukera galtzen baduzu, hau beharko duzu.", + "Enter a passphrase...": "Sartu pasa-esaldi bat...", + "Next": "Hurrengoa", + "If you don't want encrypted message history to be availble on other devices, <button>opt out</button>.": "Ez baduzu zifratutako mezuen historiala beste gailuetan eskuragarri egotea, <button>desaktibatu aukera</button>.", + "Or, if you don't want to create a Recovery Passphrase, skip this step and <button>download a recovery key</button>.": "Edo, ez baduzu berreskuratze pasa-esaldi bat sortu nahi, saltatu urrats hau eta <button>deskargatu berreskuratze gako bat</button>.", + "That matches!": "Bat dator!", + "That doesn't match.": "Ez dator bat.", + "Go back to set it again.": "Joan atzera eta berriro ezarri.", + "Type in your Recovery Passphrase to confirm you remember it. If it helps, add it to your password manager or store it somewhere safe.": "Idatzi zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia gogoratzen duzula berresteko. lagungarria bazaizu, gehitu ezazu zure pasahitz-kudeatzailera edo gorde toki seguru batean.", + "Repeat your passphrase...": "Errepikatu zure pasa-esaldia...", + "Make a copy of this Recovery Key and keep it safe.": "Egin berreskuratze gako honen kopia eta gorde toki seguruan.", + "As a safety net, you can use it to restore your encrypted message history if you forget your Recovery Passphrase.": "Aukeran, berreskuratze pasa-esaldia ahazten baduzu, zure zifratutako mezuen historiala berreskuratzeko erabili dezakezu.", + "Your Recovery Key": "Zure berreskuratze gakoa", + "Copy to clipboard": "Kopiatu arbelera", + "Download": "Deskargatu", + "I've made a copy": "Kopia bat egin dut", + "Your Recovery Key has been <b>copied to your clipboard</b>, paste it to:": "Zure berreskuratze gakoa <b>zure arbelera kopiatu da</b>, itsatsi hemen:", + "Your Recovery Key is in your <b>Downloads</b> folder.": "Zure berreskuratze gakoa zure <b>Deskargak</b> karpetan dago.", + "<b>Print it</b> and store it somewhere safe": "<b>Inprimatu ezazu</b> eta gorde toki seguruan", + "<b>Save it</b> on a USB key or backup drive": "<b>Gorde ezazu</b> USB giltza batean edo babes-kopien diskoan", + "<b>Copy it</b> to your personal cloud storage": "<b>Kopiatu ezazu</b> zure hodeiko biltegi pertsonalean", + "Got it": "Ulertuta", + "Backup created": "Babes-kopia sortuta", + "Your encryption keys are now being backed up to your Homeserver.": "Zure zifratze gakoak zure hasiera-zerbitzarian gordetzen ari dira.", + "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another device.": "Mezuen berreskuratze segurua ezartzen ez bada, ezin izango duzu zure zifratutako mezuen historiala berreskuratu saioa amaitzen baduzu edo beste gailu bat erabiltzen baduzu.", + "Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Ezarri mezuen berreskuratze segurua", + "Create a Recovery Passphrase": "Sortu berreskuratze pasa-esaldia", + "Confirm Recovery Passphrase": "Berretsi berreskuratze pasa-esaldia", + "Recovery Key": "Berreskuratze gakoa", + "Keep it safe": "Gorde toki seguruan", + "Backing up...": "Babes-kopia egiten...", + "Create Key Backup": "Sortu gakoaren babes-kopia", + "Unable to create key backup": "Ezin izan da gakoaren babes-kopia sortu", + "Retry": "Berriro saiatu", + "Unable to load backup status": "Ezin izan da babes-kopiaren egoera kargatu", + "Unable to restore backup": "Ezin izan da babes-kopia berrezarri", + "No backup found!": "Ez da babes-kopiarik aurkitu!", + "Backup Restored": "Babes-kopia berrezarrita", + "Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "Ezin izan dira %(failedCount)s saio deszifratu!", + "Restored %(sessionCount)s session keys": "%(sessionCount)s saio gako berrezarrita", + "Enter Recovery Passphrase": "Sartu berreskuratze pasa-esaldia", + "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery passphrase.": "Atzitu zure mezu seguruen historiala eta ezarri mezularitza segurua zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia sartuz.", + "If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button1>use your recovery key</button1> or <button2>set up new recovery options</button2>": "Zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia ahaztu baduzu <button1>berreskuratze gakoa erabili</button1> dezakezu edo <button2>berreskuratze aukera berriak ezarri</button2> ditzakezu", + "Enter Recovery Key": "Sartu berreskuratze gakoa", + "This looks like a valid recovery key!": "Hau baliozko berreskuratze gako bat dirudi!", + "Not a valid recovery key": "Ez da baliozko berreskuratze gako bat", + "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your recovery key.": "Atzitu zure mezu seguruen historiala eta ezarri mezularitza segurua zure berreskuratze gakoa sartuz.", + "If you've forgotten your recovery passphrase you can <button>set up new recovery options</button>": "Zure berreskuratze pasa-esaldia ahaztu baduzu <button>berreskuratze aukera berriak ezarri</button> ditzakezu", + "Key Backup": "Gakoen babes-kopia", + "Sign in with single sign-on": "Hai saioa urrats batean" }