Override posthog type definitions to point to a locally fixed type definition file

Posthog's type definitions refer to types in transitive dependencies we don't want to include.

Clone posthog.d.ts locally, remove the offending types from it, and provide an overriding mapping in tsconfig.

If this proves annoying to maintain, posthog.d.ts could just be an empty file.
James Salter 2021-07-28 17:14:36 +01:00
parent 0a951501b2
commit e4722ee457
4 changed files with 748 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -125,7 +125,6 @@
"@matrix-org/olm": "https://gitlab.matrix.org/api/v4/projects/27/packages/npm/@matrix-org/olm/-/@matrix-org/olm-3.2.3.tgz", "@matrix-org/olm": "https://gitlab.matrix.org/api/v4/projects/27/packages/npm/@matrix-org/olm/-/@matrix-org/olm-3.2.3.tgz",
"@peculiar/webcrypto": "^1.1.4", "@peculiar/webcrypto": "^1.1.4",
"@sinonjs/fake-timers": "^7.0.2", "@sinonjs/fake-timers": "^7.0.2",
"@sentry/types": "^6.2.2",
"@types/classnames": "^2.2.11", "@types/classnames": "^2.2.11",
"@types/commonmark": "^0.27.4", "@types/commonmark": "^0.27.4",
"@types/counterpart": "^0.18.1", "@types/counterpart": "^0.18.1",
@ -168,7 +167,6 @@
"matrix-web-i18n": "github:matrix-org/matrix-web-i18n", "matrix-web-i18n": "github:matrix-org/matrix-web-i18n",
"react-test-renderer": "^17.0.2", "react-test-renderer": "^17.0.2",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2", "rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"rrweb": "^0.9.9",
"stylelint": "^13.9.0", "stylelint": "^13.9.0",
"stylelint-config-standard": "^20.0.0", "stylelint-config-standard": "^20.0.0",
"stylelint-scss": "^3.18.0", "stylelint-scss": "^3.18.0",

src/@types/posthog.d.ts vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
// Type definitions for exported methods
declare class posthog {
* This function initializes a new instance of the PostHog capturing object.
* All new instances are added to the main posthog object as sub properties (such as
* posthog.library_name) and also returned by this function. To define a
* second instance on the page, you would call:
* posthog.init('new token', { your: 'config' }, 'library_name');
* and use it like so:
* posthog.library_name.capture(...);
* @param {String} token Your PostHog API token
* @param {Object} [config] A dictionary of config options to override. <a href="https://github.com/posthog/posthog-js/blob/6e0e873/src/posthog-core.js#L57-L91">See a list of default config options</a>.
* @param {String} [name] The name for the new posthog instance that you want created
static init(token: string, config?: posthog.Config, name?: string): posthog
* Clears super properties and generates a new random distinct_id for this instance.
* Useful for clearing data when a user logs out.
static reset(reset_device_id?: boolean): void
* Capture an event. This is the most important and
* frequently used PostHog function.
* ### Usage:
* // capture an event named 'Registered'
* posthog.capture('Registered', {'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': 21});
* // capture an event using navigator.sendBeacon
* posthog.capture('Left page', {'duration_seconds': 35}, {transport: 'sendBeacon'});
* @param {String} event_name The name of the event. This can be anything the user does - 'Button Click', 'Sign Up', 'Item Purchased', etc.
* @param {Object} [properties] A set of properties to include with the event you're sending. These describe the user who did the event or details about the event itself.
* @param {Object} [options] Optional configuration for this capture request.
* @param {String} [options.transport] Transport method for network request ('XHR' or 'sendBeacon').
static capture(
event_name: string,
properties?: posthog.Properties,
options?: { transport: 'XHR' | 'sendBeacon' }
): posthog.CaptureResult
* Capture a page view event, which is currently ignored by the server.
* This function is called by default on page load unless the
* capture_pageview configuration variable is false.
* @param {String} [page] The url of the page to record. If you don't include this, it defaults to the current url.
* @api private
static capture_pageview(page?: string): void
* Register a set of super properties, which are included with all
* events. This will overwrite previous super property values.
* ### Usage:
* // register 'Gender' as a super property
* posthog.register({'Gender': 'Female'});
* // register several super properties when a user signs up
* posthog.register({
* 'Email': 'jdoe@example.com',
* 'Account Type': 'Free'
* });
* @param {Object} properties An associative array of properties to store about the user
* @param {Number} [days] How many days since the user's last visit to store the super properties
static register(properties: posthog.Properties, days?: number): void
* Register a set of super properties only once. This will not
* overwrite previous super property values, unlike register().
* ### Usage:
* // register a super property for the first time only
* posthog.register_once({
* 'First Login Date': new Date().toISOString()
* });
* ### Notes:
* If default_value is specified, current super properties
* with that value will be overwritten.
* @param {Object} properties An associative array of properties to store about the user
* @param {*} [default_value] Value to override if already set in super properties (ex: 'False') Default: 'None'
* @param {Number} [days] How many days since the users last visit to store the super properties
static register_once(properties: posthog.Properties, default_value?: posthog.Property, days?: number): void
* Delete a super property stored with the current user.
* @param {String} property The name of the super property to remove
static unregister(property: string): void
* Identify a user with a unique ID instead of a PostHog
* randomly generated distinct_id. If the method is never called,
* then unique visitors will be identified by a UUID generated
* the first time they visit the site.
* If user properties are passed, they are also sent to posthog.
* ### Usage:
* posthog.identify('[user unique id]')
* posthog.identify('[user unique id]', { email: 'john@example.com' })
* posthog.identify('[user unique id]', {}, { referral_code: '12345' })
* ### Notes:
* You can call this function to overwrite a previously set
* unique ID for the current user. PostHog cannot translate
* between IDs at this time, so when you change a user's ID
* they will appear to be a new user.
* When used alone, posthog.identify will change the user's
* distinct_id to the unique ID provided. When used in tandem
* with posthog.alias, it will allow you to identify based on
* unique ID and map that back to the original, anonymous
* distinct_id given to the user upon her first arrival to your
* site (thus connecting anonymous pre-signup activity to
* post-signup activity). Though the two work together, do not
* call identify() at the same time as alias(). Calling the two
* at the same time can cause a race condition, so it is best
* practice to call identify on the original, anonymous ID
* right after you've aliased it.
* @param {String} [unique_id] A string that uniquely identifies a user. If not provided, the distinct_id currently in the persistent store (cookie or localStorage) will be used.
* @param {Object} [userProperties] Optional: An associative array of properties to store about the user
* @param {Object} [userPropertiesToSetOnce] Optional: An associative array of properties to store about the user. If property is previously set, this does not override that value.
static identify(
unique_id?: string,
userPropertiesToSet?: posthog.Properties,
userPropertiesToSetOnce?: posthog.Properties
): void
* Create an alias, which PostHog will use to link two distinct_ids going forward (not retroactively).
* Multiple aliases can map to the same original ID, but not vice-versa. Aliases can also be chained - the
* following is a valid scenario:
* posthog.alias('new_id', 'existing_id');
* ...
* posthog.alias('newer_id', 'new_id');
* If the original ID is not passed in, we will use the current distinct_id - probably the auto-generated GUID.
* ### Notes:
* The best practice is to call alias() when a unique ID is first created for a user
* (e.g., when a user first registers for an account and provides an email address).
* alias() should never be called more than once for a given user, except to
* chain a newer ID to a previously new ID, as described above.
* @param {String} alias A unique identifier that you want to use for this user in the future.
* @param {String} [original] The current identifier being used for this user.
static alias(alias: string, original?: string): posthog.CaptureResult | number
* Update the configuration of a posthog library instance.
* The default config is:
* {
* // HTTP method for capturing requests
* api_method: 'POST'
* // transport for sending requests ('XHR' or 'sendBeacon')
* // NB: sendBeacon should only be used for scenarios such as
* // page unload where a "best-effort" attempt to send is
* // acceptable; the sendBeacon API does not support callbacks
* // or any way to know the result of the request. PostHog
* // capturing via sendBeacon will not support any event-
* // batching or retry mechanisms.
* api_transport: 'XHR'
* // Automatically capture clicks, form submissions and change events
* autocapture: true
* // Capture rage clicks (beta) - useful for session recording
* rageclick: false
* // super properties cookie expiration (in days)
* cookie_expiration: 365
* // super properties span subdomains
* cross_subdomain_cookie: true
* // debug mode
* debug: false
* // if this is true, the posthog cookie or localStorage entry
* // will be deleted, and no user persistence will take place
* disable_persistence: false
* // if this is true, PostHog will automatically determine
* // City, Region and Country data using the IP address of
* //the client
* ip: true
* // opt users out of capturing by this PostHog instance by default
* opt_out_capturing_by_default: false
* // opt users out of browser data storage by this PostHog instance by default
* opt_out_persistence_by_default: false
* // persistence mechanism used by opt-in/opt-out methods - cookie
* // or localStorage - falls back to cookie if localStorage is unavailable
* opt_out_capturing_persistence_type: 'localStorage'
* // customize the name of cookie/localStorage set by opt-in/opt-out methods
* opt_out_capturing_cookie_prefix: null
* // type of persistent store for super properties (cookie/
* // localStorage) if set to 'localStorage', any existing
* // posthog cookie value with the same persistence_name
* // will be transferred to localStorage and deleted
* persistence: 'cookie'
* // name for super properties persistent store
* persistence_name: ''
* // names of properties/superproperties which should never
* // be sent with capture() calls
* property_blacklist: []
* // if this is true, posthog cookies will be marked as
* // secure, meaning they will only be transmitted over https
* secure_cookie: false
* // should we capture a page view on page load
* capture_pageview: true
* // if you set upgrade to be true, the library will check for
* // a cookie from our old js library and import super
* // properties from it, then the old cookie is deleted
* // The upgrade config option only works in the initialization,
* // so make sure you set it when you create the library.
* upgrade: false
* // extra HTTP request headers to set for each API request, in
* // the format {'Header-Name': value}
* xhr_headers: {}
* // protocol for fetching in-app message resources, e.g.
* // 'https://' or 'http://'; defaults to '//' (which defers to the
* // current page's protocol)
* inapp_protocol: '//'
* // whether to open in-app message link in new tab/window
* inapp_link_new_window: false
* // a set of rrweb config options that PostHog users can configure
* // see https://github.com/rrweb-io/rrweb/blob/master/guide.md
* session_recording: {
* blockClass: 'ph-no-capture',
* blockSelector: null,
* ignoreClass: 'ph-ignore-input',
* maskAllInputs: false,
* maskInputOptions: {},
* maskInputFn: null,
* slimDOMOptions: {},
* collectFonts: false
* }
* // prevent autocapture from capturing any attribute names on elements
* mask_all_element_attributes: false
* // prevent autocapture from capturing textContent on all elements
* mask_all_text: false
* // will disable requests to the /decide endpoint (please review documentation for details)
* // autocapture, feature flags, compression and session recording will be disabled when set to `true`
* advanced_disable_decide: false
* }
* @param {Object} config A dictionary of new configuration values to update
static set_config(config: posthog.Config): void
* returns the current config object for the library.
static get_config<T extends keyof posthog.Config>(prop_name: T): posthog.Config[T]
* Returns the value of the super property named property_name. If no such
* property is set, get_property() will return the undefined value.
* ### Notes:
* get_property() can only be called after the PostHog library has finished loading.
* init() has a loaded function available to handle this automatically. For example:
* // grab value for 'user_id' after the posthog library has loaded
* posthog.init('YOUR PROJECT TOKEN', {
* loaded: function(posthog) {
* user_id = posthog.get_property('user_id');
* }
* });
* @param {String} property_name The name of the super property you want to retrieve
static get_property(property_name: string): posthog.Property | undefined
* Returns the current distinct id of the user. This is either the id automatically
* generated by the library or the id that has been passed by a call to identify().
* ### Notes:
* get_distinct_id() can only be called after the PostHog library has finished loading.
* init() has a loaded function available to handle this automatically. For example:
* // set distinct_id after the posthog library has loaded
* posthog.init('YOUR PROJECT TOKEN', {
* loaded: function(posthog) {
* distinct_id = posthog.get_distinct_id();
* }
* });
static get_distinct_id(): string
* Opt the user out of data capturing and cookies/localstorage for this PostHog instance
* ### Usage
* // opt user out
* posthog.opt_out_capturing();
* // opt user out with different cookie configuration from PostHog instance
* posthog.opt_out_capturing({
* cookie_expiration: 30,
* secure_cookie: true
* });
* @param {Object} [options] A dictionary of config options to override
* @param {boolean} [options.clear_persistence=true] If true, will delete all data stored by the sdk in persistence
* @param {string} [options.persistence_type=localStorage] Persistence mechanism used - cookie or localStorage - falls back to cookie if localStorage is unavailable
* @param {string} [options.cookie_prefix=__ph_opt_in_out] Custom prefix to be used in the cookie/localstorage name
* @param {Number} [options.cookie_expiration] Number of days until the opt-in cookie expires (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
* @param {boolean} [options.cross_subdomain_cookie] Whether the opt-in cookie is set as cross-subdomain or not (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
* @param {boolean} [options.secure_cookie] Whether the opt-in cookie is set as secure or not (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
static opt_out_capturing(options?: posthog.OptInOutCapturingOptions): void
* Opt the user in to data capturing and cookies/localstorage for this PostHog instance
* ### Usage
* // opt user in
* posthog.opt_in_capturing();
* // opt user in with specific event name, properties, cookie configuration
* posthog.opt_in_capturing({
* capture_event_name: 'User opted in',
* capture_event_properties: {
* 'Email': 'jdoe@example.com'
* },
* cookie_expiration: 30,
* secure_cookie: true
* });
* @param {Object} [options] A dictionary of config options to override
* @param {function} [options.capture] Function used for capturing a PostHog event to record the opt-in action (default is this PostHog instance's capture method)
* @param {string} [options.capture_event_name=$opt_in] Event name to be used for capturing the opt-in action
* @param {Object} [options.capture_properties] Set of properties to be captured along with the opt-in action
* @param {boolean} [options.enable_persistence=true] If true, will re-enable sdk persistence
* @param {string} [options.persistence_type=localStorage] Persistence mechanism used - cookie or localStorage - falls back to cookie if localStorage is unavailable
* @param {string} [options.cookie_prefix=__ph_opt_in_out] Custom prefix to be used in the cookie/localstorage name
* @param {Number} [options.cookie_expiration] Number of days until the opt-in cookie expires (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
* @param {boolean} [options.cross_subdomain_cookie] Whether the opt-in cookie is set as cross-subdomain or not (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
* @param {boolean} [options.secure_cookie] Whether the opt-in cookie is set as secure or not (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
static opt_in_capturing(options?: posthog.OptInOutCapturingOptions): void
* Check whether the user has opted out of data capturing and cookies/localstorage for this PostHog instance
* ### Usage
* const has_opted_out = posthog.has_opted_out_capturing();
* // use has_opted_out value
* @param {Object} [options] A dictionary of config options to override
* @param {string} [options.persistence_type=localStorage] Persistence mechanism used - cookie or localStorage - falls back to cookie if localStorage is unavailable
* @param {string} [options.cookie_prefix=__ph_opt_in_out] Custom prefix to be used in the cookie/localstorage name
* @returns {boolean} current opt-out status
static has_opted_out_capturing(options?: posthog.HasOptedInOutCapturingOptions): boolean
* Check whether the user has opted in to data capturing and cookies/localstorage for this PostHog instance
* ### Usage
* const has_opted_in = posthog.has_opted_in_capturing();
* // use has_opted_in value
* @param {Object} [options] A dictionary of config options to override
* @param {string} [options.persistence_type=localStorage] Persistence mechanism used - cookie or localStorage - falls back to cookie if localStorage is unavailable
* @param {string} [options.cookie_prefix=__ph_opt_in_out] Custom prefix to be used in the cookie/localstorage name
* @returns {boolean} current opt-in status
static has_opted_in_capturing(options?: posthog.HasOptedInOutCapturingOptions): boolean
* Clear the user's opt in/out status of data capturing and cookies/localstorage for this PostHog instance
* ### Usage
* // clear user's opt-in/out status
* posthog.clear_opt_in_out_capturing();
* // clear user's opt-in/out status with specific cookie configuration - should match
* // configuration used when opt_in_capturing/opt_out_capturing methods were called.
* posthog.clear_opt_in_out_capturing({
* cookie_expiration: 30,
* secure_cookie: true
* });
* @param {Object} [options] A dictionary of config options to override
* @param {boolean} [options.enable_persistence=true] If true, will re-enable sdk persistence
* @param {string} [options.persistence_type=localStorage] Persistence mechanism used - cookie or localStorage - falls back to cookie if localStorage is unavailable
* @param {string} [options.cookie_prefix=__ph_opt_in_out] Custom prefix to be used in the cookie/localstorage name
* @param {Number} [options.cookie_expiration] Number of days until the opt-in cookie expires (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
* @param {boolean} [options.cross_subdomain_cookie] Whether the opt-in cookie is set as cross-subdomain or not (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
* @param {boolean} [options.secure_cookie] Whether the opt-in cookie is set as secure or not (overrides value specified in this PostHog instance's config)
static clear_opt_in_out_capturing(options?: posthog.ClearOptInOutCapturingOptions): void
* See if feature flag is enabled for user.
* ### Usage:
* if(posthog.isFeatureEnabled('beta-feature')) { // do something }
* @param {Object|String} prop Key of the feature flag.
* @param {Object|String} options (optional) If {send_event: false}, we won't send an $feature_flag_call event to PostHog.
static isFeatureEnabled(key: string, options?: posthog.isFeatureEnabledOptions): boolean
* See if feature flags are available.
* ### Usage:
* posthog.onFeatureFlags(function(featureFlags) { // do something })
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback function will be called once the feature flags are ready. It'll return a list of feature flags enabled for the user.
static onFeatureFlags(callback: (flags: string[]) => void): false | undefined
* Reload all feature flags for the user.
* ### Usage:
* posthog.reloadFeatureFlags()
static reloadFeatureFlags(): void
static toString(): string
/* Will log all capture requests to the Javascript console, including event properties for easy debugging */
static debug(): void
* Starts session recording and updates disable_session_recording to false.
* Used for manual session recording management. By default, session recording is enabled and
* starts automatically.
* ### Usage:
* posthog.startSessionRecording()
static startSessionRecording(): void
* Stops session recording and updates disable_session_recording to true.
* ### Usage:
* posthog.stopSessionRecording()
static stopSessionRecording(): void
* Check if session recording is currently running.
* ### Usage:
* const isSessionRecordingOn = posthog.sessionRecordingStarted()
static sessionRecordingStarted(): boolean
declare namespace posthog {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
type Property = any;
type Properties = Record<string, Property>;
type CaptureResult = { event: string; properties: Properties } | undefined;
type CaptureCallback = (response: any, data: any) => void;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
interface Config {
api_host?: string
api_method?: string
api_transport?: string
autocapture?: boolean
rageclick?: boolean
cdn?: string
cross_subdomain_cookie?: boolean
persistence?: 'localStorage' | 'cookie' | 'memory'
persistence_name?: string
cookie_name?: string
loaded?: (posthog_instance: typeof posthog) => void
store_google?: boolean
save_referrer?: boolean
test?: boolean
verbose?: boolean
img?: boolean
capture_pageview?: boolean
debug?: boolean
cookie_expiration?: number
upgrade?: boolean
disable_session_recording?: boolean
disable_persistence?: boolean
disable_cookie?: boolean
secure_cookie?: boolean
ip?: boolean
opt_out_capturing_by_default?: boolean
opt_out_persistence_by_default?: boolean
opt_out_capturing_persistence_type?: 'localStorage' | 'cookie'
opt_out_capturing_cookie_prefix?: string | null
respect_dnt?: boolean
property_blacklist?: string[]
xhr_headers?: { [header_name: string]: string }
inapp_protocol?: string
inapp_link_new_window?: boolean
request_batching?: boolean
sanitize_properties?: (properties: posthog.Properties, event_name: string) => posthog.Properties
properties_string_max_length?: number
mask_all_element_attributes?: boolean
mask_all_text?: boolean
advanced_disable_decide?: boolean
interface OptInOutCapturingOptions {
clear_persistence: boolean
persistence_type: string
cookie_prefix: string
cookie_expiration: number
cross_subdomain_cookie: boolean
secure_cookie: boolean
interface HasOptedInOutCapturingOptions {
persistence_type: string
cookie_prefix: string
interface ClearOptInOutCapturingOptions {
enable_persistence: boolean
persistence_type: string
cookie_prefix: string
cookie_expiration: number
cross_subdomain_cookie: boolean
secure_cookie: boolean
interface isFeatureEnabledOptions {
send_event: boolean
export class persistence {
static properties(): posthog.Properties
static load(): void
static save(): void
static remove(): void
static clear(): void
* @param {Object} props
* @param {*=} default_value
* @param {number=} days
static register_once(props: Properties, default_value?: Property, days?: number): boolean
* @param {Object} props
* @param {number=} days
static register(props: posthog.Properties, days?: number): boolean
static unregister(prop: string): void
static update_campaign_params(): void
static update_search_keyword(referrer: string): void
static update_referrer_info(referrer: string): void
static get_referrer_info(): posthog.Properties
static safe_merge(props: posthog.Properties): posthog.Properties
static update_config(config: posthog.Config): void
static set_disabled(disabled: boolean): void
static set_cross_subdomain(cross_subdomain: boolean): void
static get_cross_subdomain(): boolean
static set_secure(secure: boolean): void
static set_event_timer(event_name: string, timestamp: Date): void
static remove_event_timer(event_name: string): Date | undefined
export class people {
* Set properties on a user record.
* ### Usage:
* posthog.people.set('gender', 'm');
* // or set multiple properties at once
* posthog.people.set({
* 'Company': 'Acme',
* 'Plan': 'Premium',
* 'Upgrade date': new Date()
* });
* // properties can be strings, integers, dates, or lists
* @param {Object|String} prop If a string, this is the name of the property. If an object, this is an associative array of names and values.
* @param {*} [to] A value to set on the given property name
* @param {Function} [callback] If provided, the callback will be called after capturing the event.
static set(
prop: posthog.Properties | string,
to?: posthog.Property,
callback?: posthog.CaptureCallback
): posthog.Properties
* Set properties on a user record, only if they do not yet exist.
* This will not overwrite previous people property values, unlike
* people.set().
* ### Usage:
* posthog.people.set_once('First Login Date', new Date());
* // or set multiple properties at once
* posthog.people.set_once({
* 'First Login Date': new Date(),
* 'Starting Plan': 'Premium'
* });
* // properties can be strings, integers or dates
* @param {Object|String} prop If a string, this is the name of the property. If an object, this is an associative array of names and values.
* @param {*} [to] A value to set on the given property name
* @param {Function} [callback] If provided, the callback will be called after capturing the event.
static set_once(
prop: posthog.Properties | string,
to?: posthog.Property,
callback?: posthog.CaptureCallback
): posthog.Properties
static toString(): string
export class featureFlags {
static getFlags(): string[]
static reloadFeatureFlags(): void
* See if feature flag is enabled for user.
* ### Usage:
* if(posthog.isFeatureEnabled('beta-feature')) { // do something }
* @param {Object|String} prop Key of the feature flag.
* @param {Object|String} options (optional) If {send_event: false}, we won't send an $feature_flag_call event to PostHog.
static isFeatureEnabled(key: string, options?: { send_event?: boolean }): boolean
* See if feature flags are available.
* ### Usage:
* posthog.onFeatureFlags(function(featureFlags) { // do something })
* @param {Function} [callback] The callback function will be called once the feature flags are ready. It'll return a list of feature flags enabled for the user.
static onFeatureFlags(callback: (flags: string[]) => void): false | undefined
export class feature_flags extends featureFlags {}
export type PostHog = typeof posthog;
export default posthog;

View File

@ -22,10 +22,15 @@
"es2019", "es2019",
"dom", "dom",
"dom.iterable" "dom.iterable"
"paths": {
"posthog-js": [
] ]
}, },
"include": [ "include": [
"./src/**/*.ts", "./src/**/*.ts",
"./src/**/*.tsx" "./src/**/*.tsx"
] ],
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View File

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