Fix /join #alias command in markdown mode
Tab-completing a room alias inserts a markdown link, which is now stripped before a command is parsed. We also strip the MD links when doing the autocompletion itself (getAutocompleteQuery). There is still an issue where `/invite` will not work at all with tab-completion - the text of a user Pill is not the userID but rather the display name, which cannot be used as an argument to the command.pull/21833/head
@ -644,7 +644,17 @@ export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component {
let contentText = contentState.getPlainText(), contentHTML;
const cmd = SlashCommands.processInput(, contentText);
// Strip MD user (tab-completed) mentions to preserve plaintext mention behaviour.
// We have to do this now as opposed to after calculating the contentText for MD
// mode because entity positions may not be maintained when using
// md.toPlaintext().
// Unfortunately this means we lose mentions in history when in MD mode. This
// would be fixed if history was stored as contentState.
contentText = this.removeMDLinks(contentState, ['@']);
// Some commands (/join) require pills to be replaced with their text content
const commandText = this.removeMDLinks(contentState, ['#']);
const cmd = SlashCommands.processInput(, commandText);
if (cmd) {
if (!cmd.error) {
@ -708,7 +718,9 @@ export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component {
} else {
const md = new Markdown(contentText);
// Use the original plaintext because `contextText` has had mentions stripped
// and these need to end up in contentHTML
const md = new Markdown(contentState.getPlainText());
if (md.isPlainText()) {
contentText = md.toPlaintext();
} else {
@ -737,35 +749,6 @@ export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component {
sendTextFn = this.client.sendEmoteMessage;
// Strip MD user (tab-completed) mentions to preserve plaintext mention behaviour
contentText = contentText.replace(REGEX_MATRIXTO_MARKDOWN_GLOBAL,
(markdownLink, text, resource, prefix, offset) => {
// Calculate the offset relative to the current block that the offset is in
let sum = 0;
const blocks = contentState.getBlocksAsArray();
let block;
for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
block = blocks[i];
sum += block.getLength();
if (sum > offset) {
sum -= block.getLength();
offset -= sum;
const entityKey = block.getEntityAt(offset);
const entity = entityKey ? Entity.get(entityKey) : null;
if (entity && entity.getData().isCompletion && prefix === '@') {
// This is a completed mention, so do not insert MD link, just text
return text;
} else {
// This is either a MD link that was typed into the composer or another
// type of pill (e.g. room pill)
return markdownLink;
let sendMessagePromise;
if (contentHTML) {
sendMessagePromise =
@ -1013,6 +996,45 @@ export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component {
getAutocompleteQuery(contentState: ContentState) {
// Don't send markdown links to the autocompleter
return this.removeMDLinks(contentState, ['@', '#']);
removeMDLinks(contentState: ContentState, prefixes: string[]) {
const plaintext = contentState.getPlainText();
||||'Removing MD', plaintext);
if (!plaintext) return '';
return plaintext.replace(REGEX_MATRIXTO_MARKDOWN_GLOBAL,
(markdownLink, text, resource, prefix, offset) => {
if (!prefixes.includes(prefix)) return markdownLink;
// Calculate the offset relative to the current block that the offset is in
let sum = 0;
const blocks = contentState.getBlocksAsArray();
let block;
for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
block = blocks[i];
sum += block.getLength();
if (sum > offset) {
sum -= block.getLength();
offset -= sum;
const entityKey = block.getEntityAt(offset);
const entity = entityKey ? Entity.get(entityKey) : null;
if (entity && entity.getData().isCompletion) {
// This is a completed mention, so do not insert MD link, just text
return text;
} else {
// This is either a MD link that was typed into the composer or another
// type of pill (e.g. room pill)
return markdownLink;
onMarkdownToggleClicked = (e) => {
e.preventDefault(); // don't steal focus from the editor!
@ -1038,7 +1060,6 @@ export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component {
const content = activeEditorState.getCurrentContent();
const contentText = content.getPlainText();
const selection = RichText.selectionStateToTextOffsets(activeEditorState.getSelection(),
@ -1048,7 +1069,7 @@ export default class MessageComposerInput extends React.Component {
ref={(e) => this.autocomplete = e}
<div className={className}>
Reference in New Issue