Merge branch 'origin/develop' into Weblate.

Weblate 2019-08-20 08:29:51 +00:00
commit ed6e4794ce
4 changed files with 82 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -2123,5 +2123,11 @@
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Les conditions de service nont pas été acceptées ou le gestionnaire dintégration nest pas valide.", "Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Les conditions de service nont pas été acceptées ou le gestionnaire dintégration nest pas valide.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Le gestionnaire dintégration na pas de conditions de service", "Integration manager has no terms of service": "Le gestionnaire dintégration na pas de conditions de service",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Le gestionnaire dintégration que vous avez choisi na aucune condition de service.", "The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Le gestionnaire dintégration que vous avez choisi na aucune condition de service.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Continuez seulement si vous faites confiance au propriétaire du serveur." "Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Continuez seulement si vous faites confiance au propriétaire du serveur.",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Le serveur didentité na pas de conditions de service",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Le serveur didentité que vous avez choisi na pas de conditions de service.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Les conditions de services nont pas été acceptées ou le serveur didentité nest pas valide.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Saisissez un nouveau serveur didentité",
"Remove %(email)s?": "Supprimer %(email)s ?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "Supprimer %(phone)s ?"
} }

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@ -2033,6 +2033,45 @@
"Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Visualizza l'elenco dei comandi con usi e descrizioni", "Displays list of commands with usages and descriptions": "Visualizza l'elenco dei comandi con usi e descrizioni",
"Allow fallback call assist server when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Consenti al server di assistenza alle chiamate di fallback quando il tuo homeserver non ne offre uno (il tuo indirizzo IP verrà condiviso durante una chiamata)", "Allow fallback call assist server when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Consenti al server di assistenza alle chiamate di fallback quando il tuo homeserver non ne offre uno (il tuo indirizzo IP verrà condiviso durante una chiamata)",
"Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "L'URL di Identita' Server deve essere HTTPS", "Identity Server URL must be HTTPS": "L'URL di Identita' Server deve essere HTTPS",
"Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Non è un server di identità valida (status code %(code)s)", "Not a valid Identity Server (status code %(code)s)": "Non è un server di identità valido (codice di stato %(code)s)",
"Could not connect to Identity Server": "Impossibile connettersi ad in identita' Server" "Could not connect to Identity Server": "Impossibile connettersi al server di identità",
"Checking server": "Controllo del server",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Stai attualmente condividendo indirizzi email o numeri di telefono sul server di identità <idserver />. Dovrai riconnetterti a <idserver2 /> per annullarne la condivisione.",
"Disconnect from the identity server <idserver />?": "Disconnettere dal server di identità <idserver />?",
"Disconnect Identity Server": "Disconnetti server di identità",
"Disconnect": "Disconnetti",
"Identity Server (%(server)s)": "Server di identità (%(server)s)",
"You are currently using <server></server> to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. You can change your identity server below.": "Stai attualmente usando <server></server> per trovare ed essere trovabile dai contatti esistenti che conosci. Puoi cambiare il tuo server di identità sotto.",
"You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, add one below.": "Attualmente non stai usando un server di identità. Per trovare ed essere trovabile dai contatti esistenti che conosci, aggiungine uno sotto.",
"Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won't be discoverable by other users and you won't be able to invite others by email or phone.": "La disconnessione dal tuo server di identità significa che non sarai trovabile da altri utenti e non potrai invitare nessuno per email o telefono.",
"Failed to update integration manager": "Aggiornamento gestore dell'integrazione fallito",
"Integration manager offline or not accessible.": "Gestore dell'integrazione offline o non accessibile.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Condizioni di servizio non accettate o gestore dell'integrazione non valido.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Il gestore dell'integrazione non ha condizioni di servizio",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Il gestore dell'integrazione che hai scelto non ha condizioni di servizio.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Continua solo se ti fidi del proprietario del server.",
"You are currently using <b>%(serverName)s</b> to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Stai attualmente usando <b>%(serverName)s</b> per gestire i tuoi bot, widget e pacchetti di adesivi.",
"Add which integration manager you want to manage your bots, widgets, and sticker packs.": "Aggiungi con quale gestore dell'integrazione vuoi gestire i tuoi bot, widget e pacchetti di adesivi.",
"Integration Manager": "Gestore dell'integrazione",
"Enter a new integration manager": "Inserisci un nuovo gestore dell'integrazione",
"Discovery": "Scopri",
"Deactivate account": "Disattiva account",
"Always show the window menu bar": "Mostra sempre la barra dei menu della finestra",
"Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "Impossibile revocare la condivisione dell'indirizzo email",
"Unable to share email address": "Impossibile condividere l'indirizzo email",
"Check your inbox, then click Continue": "Controlla la posta in arrivo, poi clicca Continua",
"Revoke": "Revoca",
"Share": "Condividi",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added an email above.": "Le opzioni di scoperta appariranno dopo aver aggiunto un'email sopra.",
"Unable to revoke sharing for phone number": "Impossibile revocare la condivisione del numero di telefono",
"Unable to share phone number": "Impossibile condividere il numero di telefono",
"Please enter verification code sent via text.": "Inserisci il codice di verifica inviato via SMS.",
"Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number above.": "Le opzioni di scoperta appariranno dopo aver aggiunto un numero di telefono sopra.",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains.": "È stato inviato un SMS a +%(msisdn)s. Inserisci il codice di verifica contenuto.",
"To verify that this device can be trusted, please check that the key you see in User Settings on that device matches the key below:": "Per verificare che questo dispositivo sia affidabile, controlla che la chiave che vedi nelle Impostazioni Utente su quel dispositivo corrisponde alla chiave sotto:",
"Command Help": "Aiuto comando",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Non è configurato alcun server di identità, perciò non puoi aggiungere un indirizzo email per ripristinare la password in futuro.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Nessun server di identità configurato: non possono essere aggiunti indirizzi email. Non potrai ripristinare la password.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Nessun server di identità configurato: aggiungine uno nelle impostazioni server per ripristinare la password.",
"This account has been deactivated.": "Questo account è stato disattivato."
} }

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@ -2008,5 +2008,21 @@
"Command Help": "Hulp bij opdrachten", "Command Help": "Hulp bij opdrachten",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd, dus u kunt geen e-mailadres toevoegen om uw wachtwoord in de toekomst opnieuw in te stellen.", "No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd, dus u kunt geen e-mailadres toevoegen om uw wachtwoord in de toekomst opnieuw in te stellen.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigueerd: e-mailadressen kunnen niet worden toegevoegd. U zult uw wachtwoord niet opnieuw kunnen instellen.", "No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigueerd: e-mailadressen kunnen niet worden toegevoegd. U zult uw wachtwoord niet opnieuw kunnen instellen.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd: voeg er één toe in de serverinstellingen om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen." "No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "Er is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd: voeg er één toe in de serverinstellingen om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Oproep mislukt door verkeerd geconfigureerde server",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Vraag de beheerder van uw thuisserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) om een TURN-server te configureren teneinde oproepen betrouwbaar te doen werken.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code></code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "U kunt ook de publieke server op <code></code> gebruiken, maar dit zal minder betrouwbaar zijn, en zal uw IP-adres met die server delen. U kunt dit ook beheren in de Instellingen.",
"Try using": "Probeer te gebruiken",
"Allow fallback call assist server when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Sta de terugvalserver voor oproepbijstand toe wanneer uw thuisserver er geen aanbiedt (uw IP-adres wordt gedeeld gedurende een oproep)",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "De identiteitsserver heeft geen dienstvoorwaarden",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "De identiteitsserver die u heeft gekozen heeft geen dienstvoorwaarden.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Ga enkel verder indien u de eigenaar van de server vertrouwt.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Dienstvoorwaarden niet aanvaard, of de identiteitsserver is ongeldig.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "U deelt momenteel e-mailadressen of telefoonnummers op de identiteitsserver <idserver />. U zult opnieuw verbinding moeten maken met <idserver2 /> om deze niet meer te delen.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Dienstvoorwaarden niet aanvaard, of de integratiebeheerder is ongeldig.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Voer een nieuwe identiteitsserver in",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Integratiebeheerder heeft geen dienstvoorwaarden",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "De integratiebeheerder die u heeft gekozen heeft geen dienstvoorwaarden.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "%(email)s verwijderen?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "%(phone)s verwijderen?"
} }

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@ -1750,5 +1750,21 @@
"Command Help": "Hulp by ipdrachtn", "Command Help": "Hulp by ipdrachtn",
"No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd, dus je ku geen e-mailadresse toevoegn vo je paswoord in den toekomst herin te stelln.", "No Identity Server is configured so you cannot add add an email address in order to reset your password in the future.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd, dus je ku geen e-mailadresse toevoegn vo je paswoord in den toekomst herin te stelln.",
"No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd gewist: e-mailadressn kunn nie toegevoegd wordn. Je goa je paswoord nie kunn herinstelln.", "No Identity Server is configured: no email addreses can be added. You will be unable to reset your password.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd gewist: e-mailadressn kunn nie toegevoegd wordn. Je goa je paswoord nie kunn herinstelln.",
"No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd gewist: voegt der één toe in de serverinstelliengn vo je paswoord herin te stelln." "No identity server is configured: add one in server settings to reset your password.": "t Is geen identiteitsserver geconfigureerd gewist: voegt der één toe in de serverinstelliengn vo je paswoord herin te stelln.",
"Call failed due to misconfigured server": "Iproep mislukt door verkeerd gecounfigureerde server",
"Please ask the administrator of your homeserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably.": "Vroagt an den beheerder van je thuusserver (<code>%(homeserverDomain)s</code>) vo e TURN-server te counfigureern tenende jen iproepn betrouwboar te doen werkn.",
"Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at <code></code>, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings.": "Je kut ook de publieke server ip <code></code> gebruukn, mo da goa minder betrouwboar zyn, en goa jen IP-adresse me die server deeln. Je kut dit ook beheern in dInstelliengn.",
"Try using": "Probeert van te gebruukn",
"Allow fallback call assist server when your homeserver does not offer one (your IP address would be shared during a call)": "Lat den terugvalserver vo iproepsbystand toe o je thuusserver der geen anbiedt (jen IP-adresse wor gedeeld binst een iproep)",
"Identity server has no terms of service": "Den identiteitsserver èt geen dienstvoorwoardn",
"The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Den identiteitsserver da je gekozen ghed èt, èt geen dienstvoorwoardn.",
"Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Goat alleene mo verder o je den eigenoar van de server betrouwt.",
"Terms of service not accepted or the identity server is invalid.": "Dienstvoorwoardn nie anveird, of den identiteitsserver is oungeldig.",
"You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server <idserver />. You will need to reconnect to <idserver2 /> to stop sharing them.": "Je deelt vo de moment e-mailadressn of telefongnumeros ip den identiteitsserver <idserver />. Je goa moen herverbiendn me <idserver2 /> vo ze nie mi te deeln.",
"Enter a new identity server": "Gift e nieuwen identiteitsserver in",
"Terms of service not accepted or the integration manager is invalid.": "Dienstvoorwoardn nie anveird, of den integroasjebeheerder is oungeldig.",
"Integration manager has no terms of service": "Den integroasjebeheerder èt geen dienstvoorwoardn",
"The integration manager you have chosen does not have any terms of service.": "Den integroasjebeheerder da je gekozen ghed èt, èt geen dienstvoorwoardn.",
"Remove %(email)s?": "%(email)s verwydern?",
"Remove %(phone)s?": "%(phone)s verwydern?"
} }