/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { mocked, Mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { IMatrixProfile, MatrixClient, MatrixError, MatrixEvent, Room, RoomMemberEvent, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { UserProfilesStore } from "../../../src/stores/UserProfilesStore"; import { filterConsole, mkRoomMember, mkRoomMemberJoinEvent, stubClient } from "../../test-utils"; describe("UserProfilesStore", () => { const userIdDoesNotExist = "@unknown:example.com"; const userDoesNotExistError = new MatrixError({ errcode: "M_NOT_FOUND", error: "Profile not found", }); const user1Id = "@user1:example.com"; const user1Profile: IMatrixProfile = { displayname: "User 1", avatar_url: undefined }; const user2Id = "@user2:example.com"; const user2Profile: IMatrixProfile = { displayname: "User 2", avatar_url: undefined }; const user3Id = "@user3:example.com"; let mockClient: Mocked; let userProfilesStore: UserProfilesStore; let room: Room; filterConsole( "Error retrieving profile for userId @unknown:example.com", "Error retrieving profile for userId @user3:example.com", ); beforeEach(() => { mockClient = mocked(stubClient()); room = new Room("!room:example.com", mockClient, mockClient.getSafeUserId()); room.currentState.setStateEvents([ mkRoomMemberJoinEvent(user2Id, room.roomId), mkRoomMemberJoinEvent(user3Id, room.roomId), ]); mockClient.getRooms.mockReturnValue([room]); userProfilesStore = new UserProfilesStore(mockClient); mockClient.getProfileInfo.mockImplementation(async (userId: string) => { if (userId === user1Id) return user1Profile; if (userId === user2Id) return user2Profile; throw userDoesNotExistError; }); }); it("getProfile should return undefined if the profile was not fetched", () => { expect(userProfilesStore.getProfile(user1Id)).toBeUndefined(); }); describe("fetchProfile", () => { it("should return the profile from the API and cache it", async () => { const profile = await userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(user1Id); expect(profile).toBe(user1Profile); expect(userProfilesStore.getProfile(user1Id)).toBe(user1Profile); }); it("when shouldThrow = true and there is an error it should raise an error", async () => { await expect(userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(userIdDoesNotExist, { shouldThrow: true })).rejects.toThrow( userDoesNotExistError.message, ); }); describe("when fetching a profile that does not exist", () => { let profile: IMatrixProfile | null | undefined; beforeEach(async () => { profile = await userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(userIdDoesNotExist); }); it("should return null", () => { expect(profile).toBeNull(); }); it("should cache the error and result", () => { expect(userProfilesStore.getProfile(userIdDoesNotExist)).toBeNull(); expect(userProfilesStore.getProfileLookupError(userIdDoesNotExist)).toBe(userDoesNotExistError); }); describe("when the profile does not exist and fetching it again", () => { beforeEach(async () => { mockClient.getProfileInfo.mockResolvedValue(user1Profile); profile = await userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(userIdDoesNotExist); }); it("should return the profile", () => { expect(profile).toBe(user1Profile); }); it("should clear the error", () => { expect(userProfilesStore.getProfileLookupError(userIdDoesNotExist)).toBeUndefined(); }); }); }); }); describe("getOrFetchProfile", () => { it("should return a profile from the API and cache it", async () => { const profile = await userProfilesStore.getOrFetchProfile(user1Id); expect(profile).toBe(user1Profile); // same method again expect(await userProfilesStore.getOrFetchProfile(user1Id)).toBe(user1Profile); // assert that the profile is cached expect(userProfilesStore.getProfile(user1Id)).toBe(user1Profile); }); }); describe("getProfileLookupError", () => { it("should return undefined if a profile was not fetched", () => { expect(userProfilesStore.getProfileLookupError(user1Id)).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should return undefined if a profile was successfully fetched", async () => { await userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(user1Id); expect(userProfilesStore.getProfileLookupError(user1Id)).toBeUndefined(); }); it("should return the error if there was one", async () => { await userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(userIdDoesNotExist); expect(userProfilesStore.getProfileLookupError(userIdDoesNotExist)).toBe(userDoesNotExistError); }); }); it("getOnlyKnownProfile should return undefined if the profile was not fetched", () => { expect(userProfilesStore.getOnlyKnownProfile(user1Id)).toBeUndefined(); }); describe("fetchOnlyKnownProfile", () => { it("should return undefined if no room shared with the user", async () => { const profile = await userProfilesStore.fetchOnlyKnownProfile(user1Id); expect(profile).toBeUndefined(); expect(userProfilesStore.getOnlyKnownProfile(user1Id)).toBeUndefined(); }); it("for a known user should return the profile from the API and cache it", async () => { const profile = await userProfilesStore.fetchOnlyKnownProfile(user2Id); expect(profile).toBe(user2Profile); expect(userProfilesStore.getOnlyKnownProfile(user2Id)).toBe(user2Profile); }); it("for a known user not found via API should return null and cache it", async () => { const profile = await userProfilesStore.fetchOnlyKnownProfile(user3Id); expect(profile).toBeNull(); expect(userProfilesStore.getOnlyKnownProfile(user3Id)).toBeNull(); }); }); describe("when there are cached values and membership updates", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(user1Id); await userProfilesStore.fetchOnlyKnownProfile(user2Id); }); describe("and membership events with the same values appear", () => { beforeEach(() => { const roomMember1 = mkRoomMember(room.roomId, user1Id); roomMember1.rawDisplayName = user1Profile.displayname!; roomMember1.getMxcAvatarUrl = () => undefined; mockClient.emit(RoomMemberEvent.Membership, {} as MatrixEvent, roomMember1); const roomMember2 = mkRoomMember(room.roomId, user2Id); roomMember2.rawDisplayName = user2Profile.displayname!; roomMember2.getMxcAvatarUrl = () => undefined; mockClient.emit(RoomMemberEvent.Membership, {} as MatrixEvent, roomMember2); }); it("should not invalidate the cache", () => { expect(userProfilesStore.getProfile(user1Id)).toBe(user1Profile); expect(userProfilesStore.getOnlyKnownProfile(user2Id)).toBe(user2Profile); }); }); }); describe("flush", () => { it("should clear profiles, known profiles and errors", async () => { await userProfilesStore.fetchOnlyKnownProfile(user1Id); await userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(user1Id); await userProfilesStore.fetchProfile(userIdDoesNotExist); userProfilesStore.flush(); expect(userProfilesStore.getProfile(user1Id)).toBeUndefined(); expect(userProfilesStore.getOnlyKnownProfile(user1Id)).toBeUndefined(); expect(userProfilesStore.getProfileLookupError(userIdDoesNotExist)).toBeUndefined(); }); }); });