/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022, 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { EventTimeline, EventTimelineSet, EventType, IRoomEvent, MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, MsgType, Relations, RelationType, Room, RoomMember, RoomState, } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import fetchMock from "fetch-mock-jest"; import escapeHtml from "escape-html"; import { RelationsContainer } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/relations-container"; import { filterConsole, mkReaction, mkStubRoom, REPEATABLE_DATE, stubClient } from "../../../test-utils"; import { ExportType, IExportOptions } from "../../../../src/utils/exportUtils/exportUtils"; import SdkConfig from "../../../../src/SdkConfig"; import HTMLExporter from "../../../../src/utils/exportUtils/HtmlExport"; import DMRoomMap from "../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap"; import { mediaFromMxc } from "../../../../src/customisations/Media"; jest.mock("jszip"); const EVENT_MESSAGE: IRoomEvent = { event_id: "$1", type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: "@bob:example.com", origin_server_ts: 0, content: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "Message", avatar_url: "mxc://example.org/avatar.bmp", }, }; const EVENT_ATTACHMENT: IRoomEvent = { event_id: "$2", type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: "@alice:example.com", origin_server_ts: 1, content: { msgtype: MsgType.File, body: "hello.txt", filename: "hello.txt", url: "mxc://example.org/test-id", }, }; const EVENT_ATTACHMENT_MALFORMED: IRoomEvent = { event_id: "$2", type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: "@alice:example.com", origin_server_ts: 1, content: { msgtype: MsgType.File, body: "hello.txt", file: { url: undefined, }, }, }; describe("HTMLExport", () => { let client: jest.Mocked; let room: Room; filterConsole( "Starting export", "events in", // Fetched # events in # seconds "events so far", "Export successful!", "does not have an m.room.create event", "Creating HTML", "Generating a ZIP", "Cleaning up", ); beforeEach(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); jest.setSystemTime(REPEATABLE_DATE); client = stubClient() as jest.Mocked; DMRoomMap.makeShared(client); room = new Room("!myroom:example.org", client, "@me:example.org"); client.getRoom.mockReturnValue(room); }); function mockMessages(...events: IRoomEvent[]): void { client.createMessagesRequest.mockImplementation((_roomId, fromStr, limit = 30) => { const from = fromStr === null ? 0 : parseInt(fromStr); const chunk = events.slice(from, limit); return Promise.resolve({ chunk, from: from.toString(), to: (from + limit).toString(), }); }); } /** Retrieve a map of files within the zip. */ function getFiles(exporter: HTMLExporter): { [filename: string]: Blob } { //@ts-ignore private access const files = exporter.files; return files.reduce((d, f) => ({ ...d, [f.name]: f.blob }), {}); } function getMessageFile(exporter: HTMLExporter): Blob { const files = getFiles(exporter); return files["messages.html"]!; } /** set a mock fetch response for an MXC */ function mockMxc(mxc: string, body: string) { const media = mediaFromMxc(mxc, client); fetchMock.get(media.srcHttp!, body); } function mockReactionForMessage(message: IRoomEvent): MatrixEvent { const firstMessage = new MatrixEvent(message); const reaction = mkReaction(firstMessage); const relationsContainer = { getRelations: jest.fn(), getChildEventsForEvent: jest.fn(), } as unknown as RelationsContainer; const relations = new Relations(RelationType.Annotation, EventType.Reaction, client); relations.addEvent(reaction); relationsContainer.getChildEventsForEvent = jest .fn() .mockImplementation( (eventId: string, relationType: RelationType | string, eventType: EventType | string) => { if (eventId === firstMessage.getId()) { return relations; } }, ); const timelineSet = { relations: relationsContainer, getLiveTimeline: () => timeline, } as unknown as EventTimelineSet; const timeline = new EventTimeline(timelineSet); room.getUnfilteredTimelineSet = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(timelineSet); return reaction; } it("should throw when created with invalid config for LastNMessages", async () => { expect( () => new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: undefined, }, () => {}, ), ).toThrow("Invalid export options"); }); it("should have an SDK-branded destination file name", () => { const roomName = "My / Test / Room: Welcome"; const stubOptions: IExportOptions = { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 50000000, numberOfMessages: 40, }; const stubRoom = mkStubRoom("!myroom:example.org", roomName, client); const exporter = new HTMLExporter(stubRoom, ExportType.LastNMessages, stubOptions, () => {}); expect(exporter.destinationFileName).toMatchSnapshot(); SdkConfig.put({ brand: "BrandedChat/WithSlashes/ForFun" }); expect(exporter.destinationFileName).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should export", async () => { const events = [...Array(50)].map((_, i) => ({ event_id: `${i}`, type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: `@user${i}:example.com`, origin_server_ts: 5_000 + i * 1000, content: { msgtype: "m.text", body: `Message #${i}`, }, })); mockReactionForMessage(events[0]); mockMessages(...events); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: events.length, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); const file = getMessageFile(exporter); expect(await file.text()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should include the room's avatar", async () => { mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE); const mxc = "mxc://www.example.com/avatars/nice-room.jpeg"; const avatar = "011011000110111101101100"; jest.spyOn(room, "getMxcAvatarUrl").mockReturnValue(mxc); mockMxc(mxc, avatar); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); const files = getFiles(exporter); expect(await files["room.png"]!.text()).toBe(avatar); }); it("should include the creation event", async () => { const creator = "@bob:example.com"; mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE); room.currentState.setStateEvents([ new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomCreate, event_id: "$00001", room_id: room.roomId, sender: creator, origin_server_ts: 0, content: {}, state_key: "", }), ]); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); expect(await getMessageFile(exporter).text()).toContain(`${creator} created this room.`); }); it("should include the topic", async () => { const topic = ":^-) (-^:"; mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE); room.currentState.setStateEvents([ new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomTopic, event_id: "$00001", room_id: room.roomId, sender: "@alice:example.com", origin_server_ts: 0, content: { topic }, state_key: "", }), ]); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); expect(await getMessageFile(exporter).text()).toContain(`Topic: ${topic}`); }); it("should include avatars", async () => { mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE); jest.spyOn(RoomMember.prototype, "getMxcAvatarUrl").mockReturnValue("mxc://example.org/avatar.bmp"); const avatarContent = "this is a bitmap all the pixels are red :^-)"; mockMxc("mxc://example.org/avatar.bmp", avatarContent); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); // Ensure that the avatar is present const files = getFiles(exporter); const file = files["users/@bob-example.com.png"]; expect(file).not.toBeUndefined(); // Ensure it has the expected content expect(await file.text()).toBe(avatarContent); }); it("should handle when an event has no sender", async () => { const EVENT_MESSAGE_NO_SENDER: IRoomEvent = { event_id: "$1", type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: "", origin_server_ts: 0, content: { msgtype: "m.text", body: "Message with no sender", }, }; mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE_NO_SENDER); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); const file = getMessageFile(exporter); expect(await file.text()).toContain(EVENT_MESSAGE_NO_SENDER.content.body); }); it("should handle when events sender cannot be found in room state", async () => { mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE); jest.spyOn(RoomState.prototype, "getSentinelMember").mockReturnValue(null); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); const file = getMessageFile(exporter); expect(await file.text()).toContain(EVENT_MESSAGE.content.body); }); it("should include attachments", async () => { mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE, EVENT_ATTACHMENT); const attachmentBody = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; mockMxc("mxc://example.org/test-id", attachmentBody); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: true, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); // Ensure that the attachment is present const files = getFiles(exporter); const file = files[Object.keys(files).find((k) => k.endsWith(".txt"))!]; expect(file).not.toBeUndefined(); // Ensure that the attachment has the expected content const text = await file.text(); expect(text).toBe(attachmentBody); }); it("should handle when attachment cannot be fetched", async () => { mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE, EVENT_ATTACHMENT_MALFORMED, EVENT_ATTACHMENT); const attachmentBody = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; mockMxc("mxc://example.org/test-id", attachmentBody); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: true, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); // good attachment present const files = getFiles(exporter); const file = files[Object.keys(files).find((k) => k.endsWith(".txt"))!]; expect(file).not.toBeUndefined(); // Ensure that the attachment has the expected content const text = await file.text(); expect(text).toBe(attachmentBody); // messages export still successful const messagesFile = getMessageFile(exporter); expect(await messagesFile.text()).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should handle when attachment srcHttp is falsy", async () => { mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE, EVENT_ATTACHMENT); const attachmentBody = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; mockMxc("mxc://example.org/test-id", attachmentBody); jest.spyOn(client, "mxcUrlToHttp").mockReturnValue(null); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: true, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); // attachment not present const files = getFiles(exporter); const file = files[Object.keys(files).find((k) => k.endsWith(".txt"))!]; expect(file).toBeUndefined(); // messages export still successful const messagesFile = getMessageFile(exporter); expect(await messagesFile.text()).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should omit attachments", async () => { mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE, EVENT_ATTACHMENT); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); // Ensure that the attachment is present const files = getFiles(exporter); for (const fileName of Object.keys(files)) { expect(fileName).not.toMatch(/^files\/hello/); } }); it("should add link to next and previous file", async () => { const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 5000, }, () => {}, ); // test link to the first page //@ts-ignore private access let result = await exporter.wrapHTML("", 0, 3); expect(result).not.toContain("Previous group of messages"); expect(result).toContain( '
Next group of messages
', ); // test link for a middle page //@ts-ignore private access result = await exporter.wrapHTML("", 1, 3); expect(result).toContain( '
Previous group of messages
', ); expect(result).toContain( '
Next group of messages
', ); // test link for last page //@ts-ignore private access result = await exporter.wrapHTML("", 2, 3); expect(result).toContain( '
Previous group of messages
', ); expect(result).not.toContain("Next group of messages"); }); it("should not leak javascript from room names or topics", async () => { const name = ""; const topic = ""; mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE); room.currentState.setStateEvents([ new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomName, event_id: "$00001", room_id: room.roomId, sender: "@alice:example.com", origin_server_ts: 0, content: { name }, state_key: "", }), new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomTopic, event_id: "$00002", room_id: room.roomId, sender: "@alice:example.com", origin_server_ts: 1, content: { topic }, state_key: "", }), ]); room.recalculate(); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); const html = await getMessageFile(exporter).text(); expect(html).not.toContain(`${name}`); expect(html).toContain(`${escapeHtml(name)}`); expect(html).not.toContain(`${topic}`); expect(html).toContain(`Topic: ${escapeHtml(topic)}`); }); it("should not make /messages requests when exporting 'Current Timeline'", async () => { client.createMessagesRequest.mockRejectedValue(new Error("Should never be called")); room.addLiveEvents( [ new MatrixEvent({ event_id: `$eventId`, type: EventType.RoomMessage, sender: client.getSafeUserId(), origin_server_ts: 123456789, content: { msgtype: "m.text", body: `testing testing`, }, }), ], { addToState: true }, ); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.Timeline, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); const file = getMessageFile(exporter); expect(await file.text()).toContain("testing testing"); expect(client.createMessagesRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should include reactions", async () => { const reaction = mockReactionForMessage(EVENT_MESSAGE); mockMessages(EVENT_MESSAGE); const exporter = new HTMLExporter( room, ExportType.LastNMessages, { attachmentsIncluded: false, maxSize: 1_024 * 1_024, numberOfMessages: 40, }, () => {}, ); await exporter.export(); const file = getMessageFile(exporter); expect(await file.text()).toContain(reaction.getContent()["m.relates_to"]?.key); }); });