/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ /* See readme.md for tips on writing these tests. */ import { test, expect } from "."; test.describe("Read receipts", { tag: "@mergequeue" }, () => { test.describe("reactions", () => { test.describe("in threads", () => { test("A reaction to a threaded message does not make the room unread", async ({ roomAlpha: room1, roomBeta: room2, util, msg, }) => { // Given a thread exists and I have read it await util.goTo(room1); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", msg.threadedOff("Msg1", "Reply1")]); await util.assertUnread(room2, 1); await util.goTo(room2); await util.openThread("Msg1"); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.assertReadThread("Msg1"); await util.goTo(room1); // When someone reacts to a thread message await util.receiveMessages(room2, [msg.reactionTo("Reply1", "🪿")]); // Then the room remains read await util.assertStillRead(room2); await util.assertReadThread("Msg1"); }); test("Marking a room as read after a reaction in a thread makes it read", async ({ roomAlpha: room1, roomBeta: room2, util, msg, }) => { // Given a thread exists with a reaction await util.goTo(room1); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.receiveMessages(room2, [ "Msg1", msg.threadedOff("Msg1", "Reply1"), msg.reactionTo("Reply1", "🪿"), ]); await util.assertUnread(room2, 1); // When I mark the room as read await util.markAsRead(room2); // Then it becomes read await util.assertRead(room2); }); test("Reacting to a thread message after marking as read does not make the room unread", async ({ roomAlpha: room1, roomBeta: room2, util, msg, }) => { // Given a thread exists and I have marked it as read await util.goTo(room1); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.receiveMessages(room2, [ "Msg1", msg.threadedOff("Msg1", "Reply1"), msg.reactionTo("Reply1", "🪿"), ]); await util.assertUnread(room2, 1); await util.markAsRead(room2); await util.assertRead(room2); // When someone reacts to a thread message await util.receiveMessages(room2, [msg.reactionTo("Reply1", "🪿")]); // Then the room remains read await util.assertStillRead(room2); // as does the thread await util.assertReadThread("Msg1"); }); test("A room with a reaction to a threaded message is still unread after restart", async ({ roomAlpha: room1, roomBeta: room2, util, msg, }) => { // Given a thread exists and I have read it await util.goTo(room1); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", msg.threadedOff("Msg1", "Reply1")]); await util.assertUnread(room2, 1); await util.goTo(room2); await util.openThread("Msg1"); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.goTo(room1); // And someone reacted to it, which doesn't make it read await util.receiveMessages(room2, [msg.reactionTo("Reply1", "🪿")]); await util.assertStillRead(room2); await util.assertReadThread("Msg1"); // When I restart await util.saveAndReload(); // Then the room is still read await util.assertRead(room2); await util.assertReadThread("Msg1"); }); test("A room where all reactions in threads are read is still read after restart", async ({ roomAlpha: room1, roomBeta: room2, util, msg, }) => { // Given multiple threads with reactions exist and are read await util.goTo(room1); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.receiveMessages(room2, [ "Msg1", msg.threadedOff("Msg1", "Reply1a"), msg.reactionTo("Reply1a", "r"), "Msg2", msg.threadedOff("Msg1", "Reply1b"), msg.threadedOff("Msg2", "Reply2a"), msg.reactionTo("Msg1", "e"), msg.threadedOff("Msg2", "Reply2b"), msg.reactionTo("Reply2a", "a"), msg.reactionTo("Reply2b", "c"), msg.reactionTo("Reply1b", "t"), ]); await util.assertUnread(room2, 2); await util.goTo(room2); await util.openThread("Msg1"); await util.assertReadThread("Msg1"); await util.openThread("Msg2"); await util.assertReadThread("Msg2"); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.goTo(room1); // When I restart await util.saveAndReload(); // Then the room is still read await util.assertRead(room2); await util.goTo(room2); await util.assertReadThread("Msg1"); await util.assertReadThread("Msg2"); }); test("Can remove a reaction in a thread", async ({ page, roomAlpha: room1, roomBeta: room2, util, msg, }) => { // Note: this is not strictly a read receipt test, but it checks // for a bug we caused when we were fixing unreads, so it's // included here. The bug is: // https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/26498 // Given a thread exists await util.goTo(room1); await util.assertRead(room2); await util.receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", msg.threadedOff("Msg1", "Reply1a")]); await util.assertUnread(room2, 1); // When I react to a thread message await util.goTo(room2); await util.openThread("Msg1"); await page.locator(".mx_ThreadPanel").getByText("Reply1a").hover(); await page.getByRole("button", { name: "React" }).click(); await page.locator(".mx_EmojiPicker_body").getByText("😀").click(); // And cancel the reaction await page.locator(".mx_ThreadPanel").getByLabel("Mae reacted with 😀").click(); // Then it disappears await expect(page.locator(".mx_ThreadPanel").getByLabel("Mae reacted with 😀")).not.toBeVisible(); // And I can do it all again without an error await page.locator(".mx_ThreadPanel").getByText("Reply1a").hover(); await page.getByRole("button", { name: "React" }).click(); await page.locator(".mx_EmojiPicker_body").getByText("😀").first().click(); await page.locator(".mx_ThreadPanel").getByLabel("Mae reacted with 😀").click(); await expect(await page.locator(".mx_ThreadPanel").getByLabel("Mae reacted with 😀")).not.toBeVisible(); }); }); }); });