/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2018 Vector Creations Ltd SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ .mx_ReplyPreview { border: 1px solid $primary-hairline-color; border-bottom: none; background: $background; max-height: 50vh; overflow: auto; .mx_ReplyPreview_section { border-bottom: 1px solid $primary-hairline-color; display: flex; flex-flow: column; row-gap: $spacing-8; padding: $spacing-8 $spacing-8 0 0; .mx_ReplyPreview_header { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; column-gap: 8px; color: $primary-content; font-weight: 400; opacity: 0.4; .mx_ReplyPreview_header_cancel { background-color: $primary-content; mask-image: url("@vector-im/compound-design-tokens/icons/close.svg"); mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-position: center; mask-size: contain; width: 20px; height: 20px; min-width: 20px; min-height: 20px; } } } } .mx_RoomView_body { .mx_ReplyPreview { /* Add box-shadow to the reply preview on the main (left) panel only. */ /* It is not added to the preview on the (right) panel for threads and a chat with a maximized widget. */ box-shadow: 0px -16px 32px $composer-shadow-color; border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0; } }