#!/usr/bin/env python # # auto-deploy script for https://riot.im/develop # # Listens for HTTP hits. When it gets one, downloads the artifact from jenkins # and deploys it as the new version. # # Requires the following python packages: # # - requests # - flask # from __future__ import print_function import json, requests, tarfile, argparse, os, errno import time from urlparse import urljoin from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, abort from deploy import Deployer, DeployException app = Flask(__name__) arg_jenkins_url = None deployer = None arg_extract_path = None arg_symlink = None def create_symlink(source, linkname): try: os.symlink(source, linkname) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # atomic modification os.symlink(source, linkname + ".tmp") os.rename(linkname + ".tmp", linkname) else: raise e @app.route("/", methods=["POST"]) def on_receive_jenkins_poke(): # { # "name": "VectorWebDevelop", # "build": { # "number": 8 # } # } incoming_json = request.get_json() if not incoming_json: abort(400, "No JSON provided!") return print("Incoming JSON: %s" % (incoming_json,)) job_name = incoming_json.get("name") if not isinstance(job_name, basestring): abort(400, "Bad job name: %s" % (job_name,)) return build_num = incoming_json.get("build", {}).get("number", 0) if not build_num or build_num <= 0 or not isinstance(build_num, int): abort(400, "Missing or bad build number") return return fetch_jenkins_build(job_name, build_num) def fetch_jenkins_build(job_name, build_num): artifact_url = urljoin( arg_jenkins_url, "job/%s/%s/api/json" % (job_name, build_num) ) artifact_response = requests.get(artifact_url).json() # { # "actions": [], # "artifacts": [ # { # "displayPath": "vector-043f6991a4ed-react-20f77d1224ef-js-0a7efe3e8bd5.tar.gz", # "fileName": "vector-043f6991a4ed-react-20f77d1224ef-js-0a7efe3e8bd5.tar.gz", # "relativePath": "vector-043f6991a4ed-react-20f77d1224ef-js-0a7efe3e8bd5.tar.gz" # } # ], # "building": false, # "description": null, # "displayName": "#11", # "duration": 137976, # "estimatedDuration": 132008, # "executor": null, # "fullDisplayName": "VectorWebDevelop #11", # "id": "11", # "keepLog": false, # "number": 11, # "queueId": 12254, # "result": "SUCCESS", # "timestamp": 1454432640079, # "url": "http://matrix.org/jenkins/job/VectorWebDevelop/11/", # "builtOn": "", # "changeSet": {}, # "culprits": [] # } if artifact_response.get("result") != "SUCCESS": abort(404, "Not deploying. Build was not marked as SUCCESS.") return if len(artifact_response.get("artifacts", [])) != 1: abort(404, "Not deploying. Build has an unexpected number of artifacts.") return tar_gz_path = artifact_response["artifacts"][0]["relativePath"] if not tar_gz_path.endswith(".tar.gz"): abort(404, "Not deploying. Artifact is not a .tar.gz file") return tar_gz_url = urljoin( arg_jenkins_url, "job/%s/%s/artifact/%s" % (job_name, build_num, tar_gz_path) ) # we extract into a directory based on the build number. This avoids the # problem of multiple builds building the same git version and thus having # the same tarball name. That would lead to two potential problems: # (a) sometimes jenkins serves corrupted artifacts; we would replace # a good deploy with a bad one # (b) we'll be overwriting the live deployment, which means people might # see half-written files. build_dir = os.path.join(arg_extract_path, "%s-#%s" % (job_name, build_num)) try: extracted_dir = deploy_tarball(tar_gz_url, build_dir) except DeployException as e: abort(400, e.message) create_symlink(source=extracted_dir, linkname=arg_symlink) return jsonify({}) def deploy_tarball(tar_gz_url, build_dir): """Download a tarball from jenkins and unpack it Returns: (str) the path to the unpacked deployment """ if os.path.exists(build_dir): raise DeployException( "Not deploying. We have previously deployed this build." ) os.mkdir(build_dir) # we rely on the fact that flask only serves one request at a time to # ensure that we do not overwrite a tarball from a concurrent request. return deployer.deploy(tar_gz_url, build_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Runs a Vector redeployment server.") parser.add_argument( "-j", "--jenkins", dest="jenkins", default="https://matrix.org/jenkins/", help=( "The base URL of the Jenkins web server. This will be hit to get the\ built artifacts (the .gz file) for redeploying." ) ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--port", dest="port", default=4000, type=int, help=( "The port to listen on for requests from Jenkins." ) ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--extract", dest="extract", default="./extracted", help=( "The location to extract .tar.gz files to." ) ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--bundles-dir", dest="bundles_dir", help=( "A directory to move the contents of the 'bundles' directory to. A \ symlink to the bundles directory will also be written inside the \ extracted tarball. Example: './bundles'." ) ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--clean", dest="clean", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Remove .tar.gz files after they have been downloaded and extracted." ) ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--symlink", dest="symlink", default="./latest", help=( "Write a symlink to this location pointing to the extracted tarball. \ New builds will keep overwriting this symlink. The symlink will point \ to the /vector directory INSIDE the tarball." ) ) def _raise(ex): raise ex # --config config.json=../../config.json --config config.localhost.json=./localhost.json parser.add_argument( "--config", action="append", dest="configs", type=lambda kv: kv.split("=", 1) if "=" in kv else _raise(Exception("Missing =")), help=( "A list of configs to symlink into the extracted tarball. \ For example, --config config.json=../config.json config2.json=../test/config.json" ) ) parser.add_argument( "--test", dest="tarball_uri", help=( "Don't start an HTTP listener. Instead download a build from Jenkins \ immediately." ), ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.jenkins.endswith("/"): # important for urljoin arg_jenkins_url = args.jenkins else: arg_jenkins_url = args.jenkins + "/" arg_extract_path = args.extract arg_symlink = args.symlink if not os.path.isdir(arg_extract_path): os.mkdir(arg_extract_path) deployer = Deployer() deployer.bundles_path = args.bundles_dir deployer.should_clean = args.clean deployer.config_locations = dict(args.configs) if args.configs else {} # we don't pgp-sign jenkins artifacts; instead we rely on HTTPS access to # the jenkins server (and the jenkins server not being compromised and/or # github not serving it compromised source). If that's not good enough for # you, don't use riot.im/develop. deployer.verify_signature = False if args.tarball_uri is not None: build_dir = os.path.join(arg_extract_path, "test-%i" % (time.time())) deploy_tarball(args.tarball_uri, build_dir) else: print( "Listening on port %s. Extracting to %s%s. Symlinking to %s. Jenkins URL: %s. Config locations: %s" % (args.port, arg_extract_path, " (clean after)" if deployer.should_clean else "", arg_symlink, arg_jenkins_url, deployer.config_locations, ) ) app.run(host="", port=args.port, debug=True)