/* Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {randomString} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/randomstring"; import {getCurrentLanguage} from './languageHandler'; import PlatformPeg from './PlatformPeg'; import SdkConfig from './SdkConfig'; import {MatrixClientPeg} from "./MatrixClientPeg"; import {sleep} from "./utils/promise"; import RoomViewStore from "./stores/RoomViewStore"; import { Action } from "./dispatcher/actions"; const INACTIVITY_TIME = 20; // seconds const HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 5_000; // ms const SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 60; // seconds const MAX_PENDING_EVENTS = 1000; enum Orientation { Landscape = "landscape", Portrait = "portrait", } /* eslint-disable camelcase */ interface IMetrics { _resolution?: string; _app_version?: string; _density?: number; _ua?: string; _locale?: string; } interface IEvent { key: string; count: number; sum?: number; dur?: number; segmentation?: Record; timestamp?: number; // TODO should we use the timestamp when we start or end for the event timestamp hour?: unknown; dow?: unknown; } interface IViewEvent extends IEvent { key: "[CLY]_view"; } interface IOrientationEvent extends IEvent { key: "[CLY]_orientation"; segmentation: { mode: Orientation; }; } interface IStarRatingEvent extends IEvent { key: "[CLY]_star_rating"; segmentation: { // we just care about collecting feedback, no need to associate with a feedback widget widget_id?: string; contactMe?: boolean; email?: string; rating: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5; comment: string; }; } type Value = string | number | boolean; interface IOperationInc { "$inc": number; } interface IOperationMul { "$mul": number; } interface IOperationMax { "$max": number; } interface IOperationMin { "$min": number; } interface IOperationSetOnce { "$setOnce": Value; } interface IOperationPush { "$push": Value | Value[]; } interface IOperationAddToSet { "$addToSet": Value | Value[]; } interface IOperationPull { "$pull": Value | Value[]; } type Operation = IOperationInc | IOperationMul | IOperationMax | IOperationMin | IOperationSetOnce | IOperationPush | IOperationAddToSet | IOperationPull; interface IUserDetails { name?: string; username?: string; email?: string; organization?: string; phone?: string; picture?: string; gender?: string; byear?: number; custom?: Record; // `.` and `$` will be stripped out } interface ICrash { _resolution?: string; _app_version: string; _ram_current?: number; _ram_total?: number; _disk_current?: number; _disk_total?: number; _orientation?: Orientation; _online?: boolean; _muted?: boolean; _background?: boolean; _view?: string; _name?: string; _error: string; _nonfatal?: boolean; _logs?: string; _run?: number; _custom?: Record; } interface IParams { // APP_KEY of an app for which to report app_key: string; // User identifier device_id: string; // Should provide value 1 to indicate session start begin_session?: number; // JSON object as string to provide metrics to track with the user metrics?: string; // Provides session duration in seconds, can be used as heartbeat to update current sessions duration, recommended time every 60 seconds session_duration?: number; // Should provide value 1 to indicate session end end_session?: number; // 10 digit UTC timestamp for recording past data. timestamp?: number; // current user local hour (0 - 23) hour?: number; // day of the week (0-sunday, 1 - monday, ... 6 - saturday) dow?: number; // JSON array as string containing event objects events?: string; // IEvent[] // JSON object as string containing information about users user_details?: string; // provide when changing device ID, so server would merge the data old_device_id?: string; // See ICrash crash?: string; } interface IRoomSegments extends Record { room_id: string; // hashed num_users: number; is_encrypted: boolean; is_public: boolean; } interface ISendMessageEvent extends IEvent { key: "send_message"; dur: number; // how long it to send (until remote echo) segmentation: IRoomSegments & { is_edit: boolean; is_reply: boolean; msgtype: string; format?: string; }; } interface IRoomDirectoryEvent extends IEvent { key: "room_directory"; } interface IRoomDirectoryDoneEvent extends IEvent { key: "room_directory_done"; dur: number; // time spent in the room directory modal } interface IRoomDirectorySearchEvent extends IEvent { key: "room_directory_search"; sum: number; // number of search results segmentation: { query_length: number; query_num_words: number; }; } interface IStartCallEvent extends IEvent { key: "start_call"; segmentation: IRoomSegments & { is_video: boolean; is_jitsi: boolean; }; } interface IJoinCallEvent extends IEvent { key: "join_call"; segmentation: IRoomSegments & { is_video: boolean; is_jitsi: boolean; }; } interface IBeginInviteEvent extends IEvent { key: "begin_invite"; segmentation: IRoomSegments; } interface ISendInviteEvent extends IEvent { key: "send_invite"; sum: number; // quantity that was invited segmentation: IRoomSegments; } interface ICreateRoomEvent extends IEvent { key: "create_room"; dur: number; // how long it took to create (until remote echo) segmentation: { room_id: string; // hashed num_users: number; is_encrypted: boolean; is_public: boolean; } } interface IJoinRoomEvent extends IEvent { key: Action.JoinRoom; dur: number; // how long it took to join (until remote echo) segmentation: { room_id: string; // hashed num_users: number; is_encrypted: boolean; is_public: boolean; type: "room_directory" | "slash_command" | "link" | "invite"; }; } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ const hashHex = async (input: string): Promise => { const buf = new TextEncoder().encode(input); const digestBuf = await window.crypto.subtle.digest("sha-256", buf); return [...new Uint8Array(digestBuf)].map((b: number) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(""); }; const knownScreens = new Set([ "register", "login", "forgot_password", "soft_logout", "new", "settings", "welcome", "home", "start", "directory", "start_sso", "start_cas", "groups", "complete_security", "post_registration", "room", "user", "group", ]); interface IViewData { name: string; url: string; meta: Record; } // Apply fn to all hash path parts after the 1st one async function getViewData(anonymous = true): Promise { const rand = randomString(8); const { origin, hash } = window.location; let { pathname } = window.location; // Redact paths which could contain unexpected PII if (origin.startsWith('file://')) { pathname = `//`; // XXX: inject rand because Count.ly doesn't like X->X transitions } let [_, screen, ...parts] = hash.split("/"); if (!knownScreens.has(screen)) { screen = ``; } for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { parts[i] = anonymous ? `` : await hashHex(parts[i]); } const hashStr = `${_}/${screen}/${parts.join("/")}`; const url = origin + pathname + hashStr; const meta = {}; let name = "$/" + hash; switch (screen) { case "room": { name = "view_room"; const roomId = RoomViewStore.getRoomId(); name += " " + parts[0]; // XXX: workaround Count.ly missing X->X transitions meta["room_id"] = parts[0]; Object.assign(meta, getRoomStats(roomId)); break; } } return { name, url, meta }; } const getRoomStats = (roomId: string) => { const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const room = cli?.getRoom(roomId); return { "num_users": room?.getJoinedMemberCount(), "is_encrypted": cli?.isRoomEncrypted(roomId), // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase "is_public": room?.currentState.getStateEvents("m.room.join_rules", "")?.getContent()?.join_rule === "public", } } // async wrapper for regex-powered String.prototype.replace const strReplaceAsync = async (str: string, regex: RegExp, fn: (...args: string[]) => Promise) => { const promises: Promise[] = []; // dry-run to calculate the replace values str.replace(regex, (...args: string[]) => { promises.push(fn(...args)); return ""; }); const values = await Promise.all(promises); return str.replace(regex, () => values.shift()); }; export default class CountlyAnalytics { private baseUrl: URL = null; private appKey: string = null; private userKey: string = null; private anonymous: boolean; private appPlatform: string; private appVersion = "unknown"; private initTime = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp(); private firstPage = true; private heartbeatIntervalId: NodeJS.Timeout; private activityIntervalId: NodeJS.Timeout; private trackTime = true; private lastBeat: number; private storedDuration = 0; private lastView: string; private lastViewTime = 0; private lastViewStoredDuration = 0; private sessionStarted = false; private heartbeatEnabled = false; private inactivityCounter = 0; private pendingEvents: IEvent[] = []; private static internalInstance = new CountlyAnalytics(); public static get instance(): CountlyAnalytics { return CountlyAnalytics.internalInstance; } public get disabled() { return !this.baseUrl; } public canEnable() { const config = SdkConfig.get(); return Boolean(navigator.doNotTrack !== "1" && config?.countly?.url && config?.countly?.appKey); } private async changeUserKey(userKey: string, merge = false) { const oldUserKey = this.userKey; this.userKey = userKey; if (oldUserKey && merge) { await this.request({ old_device_id: oldUserKey }); } } public async enable(anonymous = true) { if (!this.disabled && this.anonymous === anonymous) return; if (!this.canEnable()) return; if (!this.disabled) { // flush request queue as our userKey is going to change, no need to await it this.request(); } const config = SdkConfig.get(); this.baseUrl = new URL("/i", config.countly.url); this.appKey = config.countly.appKey; this.anonymous = anonymous; if (anonymous) { await this.changeUserKey(randomString(64)) } else { await this.changeUserKey(await hashHex(MatrixClientPeg.get().getUserId()), true); } const platform = PlatformPeg.get(); this.appPlatform = platform.getHumanReadableName(); try { this.appVersion = await platform.getAppVersion(); } catch (e) { console.warn("Failed to get app version, using 'unknown'"); } // start heartbeat this.heartbeatIntervalId = setInterval(this.heartbeat.bind(this), HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL); this.trackSessions(); this.trackErrors(); } public async disable() { if (this.disabled) return; await this.track("Opt-Out" ); this.endSession(); window.clearInterval(this.heartbeatIntervalId); window.clearTimeout(this.activityIntervalId) this.baseUrl = null; // remove listeners bound in trackSessions() window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.endSession); window.removeEventListener("unload", this.endSession); window.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", this.onVisibilityChange); window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onUserActivity); window.removeEventListener("click", this.onUserActivity); window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onUserActivity); window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onUserActivity); } public reportFeedback(rating: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5, comment: string) { this.track("[CLY]_star_rating", { rating, comment }, null, {}, true); } public trackPageChange(generationTimeMs?: number) { if (this.disabled) return; // TODO use generationTimeMs this.trackPageView(); } private async trackPageView() { this.reportViewDuration(); await sleep(0); // XXX: we sleep here because otherwise we get the old hash and not the new one const viewData = await getViewData(this.anonymous); const page = viewData.name; this.lastView = page; this.lastViewTime = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp(); const segments = { ...viewData.meta, name: page, visit: 1, domain: window.location.hostname, view: viewData.url, segment: this.appPlatform, start: this.firstPage, }; if (this.firstPage) { this.firstPage = false; } this.track("[CLY]_view", segments); } public static getTimestamp() { return Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); } // store the last ms timestamp returned // we do this to prevent the ts from ever decreasing in the case of system time changing private lastMsTs = 0; private getMsTimestamp() { const ts = new Date().getTime(); if (this.lastMsTs >= ts) { // increment ts as to keep our data points well-ordered this.lastMsTs++; } else { this.lastMsTs = ts; } return this.lastMsTs; } public async recordError(err: Error | string, fatal = false) { if (this.disabled || this.anonymous) return; let error = ""; if (typeof err === "object") { if (typeof err.stack !== "undefined") { error = err.stack; } else { if (typeof err.name !== "undefined") { error += err.name + ":"; } if (typeof err.message !== "undefined") { error += err.message + "\n"; } if (typeof err.fileName !== "undefined") { error += "in " + err.fileName + "\n"; } if (typeof err.lineNumber !== "undefined") { error += "on " + err.lineNumber; } if (typeof err.columnNumber !== "undefined") { error += ":" + err.columnNumber; } } } else { error = err + ""; } // sanitize the error from identifiers error = await strReplaceAsync(error, /([!@+#]).+?:[\w:.]+/g, async (substring: string, glyph: string) => { return glyph + await hashHex(substring.substring(1)); }); const metrics = this.getMetrics(); const ob: ICrash = { _resolution: metrics?._resolution, _error: error, _app_version: this.appVersion, _run: CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - this.initTime, _nonfatal: !fatal, _view: this.lastView, }; if (typeof navigator.onLine !== "undefined") { ob._online = navigator.onLine; } ob._background = document.hasFocus(); this.request({ crash: JSON.stringify(ob) }); } private trackErrors() { //override global uncaught error handler window.onerror = (msg, url, line, col, err) => { if (typeof err !== "undefined") { this.recordError(err, false); } else { let error = ""; if (typeof msg !== "undefined") { error += msg + "\n"; } if (typeof url !== "undefined") { error += "at " + url; } if (typeof line !== "undefined") { error += ":" + line; } if (typeof col !== "undefined") { error += ":" + col; } error += "\n"; try { const stack = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-caller let f = arguments.callee.caller; while (f) { stack.push(f.name); f = f.caller; } error += stack.join("\n"); } catch (ex) { //silent error } this.recordError(error, false); } }; window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', (event) => { this.recordError(new Error(`Unhandled rejection (reason: ${event.reason?.stack || event.reason}).`), true); }); } private heartbeat() { const args: Pick = {}; // extend session if needed if (this.sessionStarted && this.trackTime) { const last = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp(); if (last - this.lastBeat >= SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { args.session_duration = last - this.lastBeat; this.lastBeat = last; } } // process event queue if (this.pendingEvents.length > 0 || args.session_duration) { this.request(args); } } private async request( args: Omit & Partial> = {}, ) { const request: IParams = { app_key: this.appKey, device_id: this.userKey, ...this.getTimeParams(), ...args, }; if (this.pendingEvents.length > 0) { const EVENT_BATCH_SIZE = 10; const events = this.pendingEvents.splice(0, EVENT_BATCH_SIZE); request.events = JSON.stringify(events); } const params = new URLSearchParams(request as {}); try { await window.fetch(this.baseUrl.toString(), { method: "POST", mode: "no-cors", cache: "no-cache", redirect: "follow", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: params, }); } catch (e) { console.error("Analytics error: ", e); } } private getTimeParams(): Pick { const date = new Date(); return { timestamp: this.getMsTimestamp(), hour: date.getHours(), dow: date.getDay(), }; } private queue(args: Omit & Partial>) { const {count = 1, ...rest} = args; const ev = { ...this.getTimeParams(), ...rest, count, platform: this.appPlatform, app_version: this.appVersion, } this.pendingEvents.push(ev); if (this.pendingEvents.length > MAX_PENDING_EVENTS) { this.pendingEvents.shift(); } } private getOrientation = (): Orientation => { return window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches ? Orientation.Landscape : Orientation.Portrait }; private reportOrientation = () => { this.track("[CLY]_orientation", { mode: this.getOrientation(), }); }; private startTime() { if (!this.trackTime) { this.trackTime = true; this.lastBeat = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - this.storedDuration; this.lastViewTime = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - this.lastViewStoredDuration; this.lastViewStoredDuration = 0; } } private stopTime() { if (this.trackTime) { this.trackTime = false; this.storedDuration = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - this.lastBeat; this.lastViewStoredDuration = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - this.lastViewTime; } } private getMetrics(): IMetrics { if (this.anonymous) return undefined; const metrics: IMetrics = {}; // getting app version metrics._app_version = this.appVersion; metrics._ua = navigator.userAgent; // getting resolution if (screen.width && screen.height) { metrics._resolution = `${screen.width}x${screen.height}`; } // getting density ratio if (window.devicePixelRatio) { metrics._density = window.devicePixelRatio; } // getting locale metrics._locale = getCurrentLanguage(); return metrics; } private async beginSession(heartbeat = true) { if (!this.sessionStarted) { this.reportOrientation(); window.addEventListener("resize", this.reportOrientation); this.lastBeat = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp(); this.sessionStarted = true; this.heartbeatEnabled = heartbeat; const userDetails: IUserDetails = { custom: { "home_server": MatrixClientPeg.get() && MatrixClientPeg.getHomeserverName(), // TODO hash? "anonymous": this.anonymous, }, }; const request: Parameters[0] = { begin_session: 1, user_details: JSON.stringify(userDetails), } const metrics = this.getMetrics(); if (metrics) { request.metrics = JSON.stringify(metrics); } await this.request(request); } } private reportViewDuration() { if (this.lastView) { this.track("[CLY]_view", { name: this.lastView, }, null, { dur: this.trackTime ? CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - this.lastViewTime : this.lastViewStoredDuration, }); this.lastView = null; } } private endSession = () => { if (this.sessionStarted) { window.removeEventListener("resize", this.reportOrientation) this.reportViewDuration(); this.request({ end_session: 1, session_duration: CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - this.lastBeat, }); } this.sessionStarted = false; }; private onVisibilityChange = () => { if (document.hidden) { this.stopTime(); } else { this.startTime(); } }; private onUserActivity = () => { if (this.inactivityCounter >= INACTIVITY_TIME) { this.startTime(); } this.inactivityCounter = 0; }; private trackSessions() { this.beginSession(); this.startTime(); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.endSession); window.addEventListener("unload", this.endSession); window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this.onVisibilityChange); window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onUserActivity); window.addEventListener("click", this.onUserActivity); window.addEventListener("keydown", this.onUserActivity); // Using the passive option to not block the main thread // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener#improving_scrolling_performance_with_passive_listeners window.addEventListener("scroll", this.onUserActivity, { passive: true }); this.activityIntervalId = setInterval(() => { this.inactivityCounter++; if (this.inactivityCounter >= INACTIVITY_TIME) { this.stopTime(); } }, 60_000); } public trackBeginInvite(roomId: string) { this.track("begin_invite", {}, roomId); } public trackSendInvite(startTime: number, roomId: string, qty: number) { this.track("send_invite", {}, roomId, { dur: CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - startTime, sum: qty, }); } public async trackRoomCreate(startTime: number, roomId: string) { if (this.disabled) return; let endTime = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp(); const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); if (!cli.getRoom(roomId)) { await new Promise(resolve => { const handler = (room) => { if (room.roomId === roomId) { cli.off("Room", handler); resolve(); } }; cli.on("Room", handler); }); endTime = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp(); } this.track("create_room", {}, roomId, { dur: endTime - startTime, }); } public trackRoomJoin(startTime: number, roomId: string, type: IJoinRoomEvent["segmentation"]["type"]) { this.track(Action.JoinRoom, { type }, roomId, { dur: CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - startTime, }); } public async trackSendMessage( startTime: number, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase sendPromise: Promise<{event_id: string}>, roomId: string, isEdit: boolean, isReply: boolean, content: {format?: string, msgtype: string}, ) { if (this.disabled) return; const cli = MatrixClientPeg.get(); const room = cli.getRoom(roomId); const eventId = (await sendPromise).event_id; let endTime = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp(); if (!room.findEventById(eventId)) { await new Promise(resolve => { const handler = (ev) => { if (ev.getId() === eventId) { room.off("Room.localEchoUpdated", handler); resolve(); } }; room.on("Room.localEchoUpdated", handler); }); endTime = CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp(); } this.track("send_message", { is_edit: isEdit, is_reply: isReply, msgtype: content.msgtype, format: content.format, }, roomId, { dur: endTime - startTime, }); } public trackStartCall(roomId: string, isVideo = false, isJitsi = false) { this.track("start_call", { is_video: isVideo, is_jitsi: isJitsi, }, roomId); } public trackJoinCall(roomId: string, isVideo = false, isJitsi = false) { this.track("join_call", { is_video: isVideo, is_jitsi: isJitsi, }, roomId); } public trackRoomDirectoryBegin() { this.track("room_directory"); } public trackRoomDirectory(startTime: number) { this.track("room_directory_done", {}, null, { dur: CountlyAnalytics.getTimestamp() - startTime, }); } public trackRoomDirectorySearch(numResults: number, query: string) { this.track("room_directory_search", { query_length: query.length, query_num_words: query.split(" ").length, }, null, { sum: numResults, }); } public async track( key: E["key"], segments?: Omit, roomId?: string, args?: Partial>, anonymous = false, ) { if (this.disabled && !anonymous) return; let segmentation = segments || {}; if (roomId) { segmentation = { room_id: await hashHex(roomId), ...getRoomStats(roomId), ...segments, }; } this.queue({ key, count: 1, segmentation, ...args, }); // if this event can be sent anonymously and we are disabled then dispatch it right away if (this.disabled && anonymous) { await this.request({ device_id: randomString(64) }); } } } // expose on window for easy access from the console window.mxCountlyAnalytics = CountlyAnalytics;