/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2024 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Copyright 2023 Suguru Hirahara SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { test, expect } from "../../element-web-test"; test.use({ locale: "en-GB", timezoneId: "Europe/London", }); test.describe("Preferences user settings tab", () => { test.use({ displayName: "Bob", uut: async ({ app, user }, use) => { const locator = await app.settings.openUserSettings("Preferences"); await use(locator); }, }); test("should be rendered properly", { tag: "@screenshot" }, async ({ app, page, user }) => { page.setViewportSize({ width: 1024, height: 3300 }); const tab = await app.settings.openUserSettings("Preferences"); // Assert that the top heading is rendered await expect(tab.getByRole("heading", { name: "Preferences" })).toBeVisible(); await expect(tab).toMatchScreenshot("Preferences-user-settings-tab-should-be-rendered-properly-1.png"); }); test("should be able to change the app language", { tag: ["@no-firefox", "@no-webkit"] }, async ({ uut, user }) => { // Check language and region setting dropdown const languageInput = uut.getByRole("button", { name: "Language Dropdown" }); await languageInput.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Check the default value await expect(languageInput.getByText("English")).toBeVisible(); // Click the button to display the dropdown menu await languageInput.click(); // Assert that the default option is rendered and highlighted languageInput.getByRole("option", { name: /Albanian/ }); await expect(languageInput.getByRole("option", { name: /Albanian/ })).toHaveClass( /mx_Dropdown_option_highlight/, ); await expect(languageInput.getByRole("option", { name: /Deutsch/ })).toBeVisible(); // Click again to close the dropdown await languageInput.click(); // Assert that the default value is rendered again await expect(languageInput.getByText("English")).toBeVisible(); }); test("should be able to change the timezone", async ({ uut, user }) => { // Check language and region setting dropdown const timezoneInput = uut.locator(".mx_dropdownUserTimezone"); const timezoneValue = uut.locator("#mx_dropdownUserTimezone_value"); await timezoneInput.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Check the default value await expect(timezoneValue.getByText("Browser default")).toBeVisible(); // Click the button to display the dropdown menu await timezoneInput.getByRole("button", { name: "Set timezone" }).click(); // Select a different value timezoneInput.getByRole("option", { name: /Africa\/Abidjan/ }).click(); // Check the new value await expect(timezoneValue.getByText("Africa/Abidjan")).toBeVisible(); }); });