#!/usr/bin/env -S npx ts-node import fs from "node:fs"; import path from "node:path"; import YAML from "yaml"; import parseArgs from "minimist"; import cronstrue from "cronstrue"; import { partition } from "lodash"; const argv = parseArgs<{ debug: boolean; on: string | string[]; }>(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ["on"], boolean: ["debug"], }); /** * Generates unique ID strings (incremental base36) representing the given inputs. */ class IdGenerator { private id = 0; private map = new Map(); public get(s: T): string { if (this.map.has(s)) return this.map.get(s)!; const id = "ID" + this.id.toString(36).toLowerCase(); this.map.set(s, id); this.id++; return id; } public debug(): void { console.log("```"); console.log(this.map); console.log("```"); } } /** * Type representing a node on a graph with additional metadata */ interface Node { // Workflows are keyed by project/name??id // Jobs are keyed by id // Triggers are keyed by id id: string; name: string; shape: | "round edges" | "stadium" | "subroutine" | "cylinder" | "circle" | "flag" | "rhombus" | "hexagon" | "parallelogram" | "parallelogram_alt" | "trapezoid" | "trapezoid_alt" | "double_circle"; link?: string; } /** * Type representing a directed edge on a graph with an optional label */ type Edge = [source: T, destination: T, label?: string]; class Graph { public nodes = new Map(); public edges: Edge[] = []; public addNode(node: T): void { if (!this.nodes.has(node.id)) { this.nodes.set(node.id, node); } } public removeNode(node: T): Edge[] { if (!this.nodes.has(node.id)) return []; this.nodes.delete(node.id); const [removedEdges, keptEdges] = partition( this.edges, ([source, destination]) => source === node || destination === node, ); this.edges = keptEdges; return removedEdges; } public addEdge(source: T, destination: T, label?: string): void { if (this.edges.some(([_source, _destination]) => _source === source && _destination === destination)) return; this.edges.push([source, destination, label]); } // Removes nodes without any edges public cull(): void { const seenNodes = new Set(); graph.edges.forEach(([source, destination]) => { seenNodes.add(source); seenNodes.add(destination); }); graph.nodes.forEach((node) => { if (!seenNodes.has(node)) { graph.nodes.delete(node.id); } }); } public get roots(): Set { const roots = new Set(this.nodes.values()); this.edges.forEach(([source, destination]) => { roots.delete(destination); }); return roots; } private componentsRecurse(root: T, visited: Set): T[] { if (visited.has(root)) return [root]; visited.add(root); const neighbours = [root]; this.edges.forEach(([source, destination]) => { if (source === root) { neighbours.push(...this.componentsRecurse(destination, visited)); } else if (destination === root) { neighbours.push(...this.componentsRecurse(source, visited)); } }); return neighbours; } public get components(): Graph[] { const graphs: Graph[] = []; const visited = new Set(); this.nodes.forEach((node) => { if (visited.has(node)) return; const graph = new Graph(); graphs.push(graph); const nodes = this.componentsRecurse(node, visited); nodes.forEach((node) => { graph.addNode(node); this.edges.forEach((edge) => { if (edge[0] === node || edge[1] === node) { graph.addEdge(...edge); } }); }); }); return graphs; } } /** * Type representing a GitHub project */ interface Project { url: string; name: string; path: string; workflows: Map; } /** * Type representing a GitHub Actions Workflow */ interface Workflow extends Node { path: string; project: Project; jobs: Job[]; on: WorkflowYaml["on"]; } /** * Type representing a job within a GitHub Actions Workflow */ interface Job extends Node { jobId: string; // id relative to workflow needs?: string[]; strategy?: { matrix: { [key: string]: string[]; } & { include?: Record[]; exclude?: Record[]; }; }; } /** * Type representing the YAML structure of a GitHub Actions Workflow file */ interface WorkflowYaml { name: string; on: { workflow_run?: { workflows: string[]; }; // Magic workflow_call?: {}; // Reusable workflow_dispatch?: {}; // Manual pull_request?: {}; merge_group?: {}; push?: { tags?: string[]; branches?: string[]; }; schedule?: { cron: string }[]; release?: {}; // label?: {}; issues?: {}; }; jobs: { [job: string]: { name?: string; needs?: string | string[]; strategy?: Job["strategy"]; }; }; } /** * Type representing a trigger of a GitHub Actions Workflow */ type Trigger = Node; // TODO workflow_call reusables /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ const TRIGGERS: { [key in keyof WorkflowYaml["on"]]: ( data: NonNullable, workflow: Workflow, ) => Trigger | Trigger[]; } = { workflow_dispatch: () => ({ id: "on:workflow_dispatch", name: "Manual", shape: "circle", }), issues: (_, { project }) => ({ id: `on:issues/${project.name}`, name: `${project.name} Issues`, shape: "circle" }), label: (_, { project }) => ({ id: "on:label", name: "on: Label", shape: "circle" }), release: (_, { project }) => ({ id: `on:release/${project.name}`, name: `${project.name} Release`, shape: "circle", }), push: (data, { project }) => { const nodes: Trigger[] = []; data.tags?.forEach((tag) => { const name = `Push ${project.name}
tag ${tag}`; nodes.push({ id: `on:push/${project.name}/tag/${tag}`, name, shape: "circle" }); }); data.branches?.forEach((branch) => { const name = `Push ${project.name}
${branch}`; nodes.push({ id: `on:push/${project.name}/branch/${branch}`, name, shape: "circle" }); }); return nodes; }, schedule: (data) => data.map(({ cron }) => ({ id: `on:schedule/${cron}`, name: cronstrue.toString(cron).replaceAll(", ", "
"), shape: "circle", })), pull_request: (_, { project }) => ({ id: `on:pull_request/${project.name}`, name: `Pull Request
${project.name}`, shape: "circle", }), // TODO should we be just dropping these? workflow_run: (data) => data.workflows.map((parent) => workflows.get(parent)).filter(Boolean) as Workflow[], }; /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ const triggers = new Map(); // keyed by trigger id const projects = new Map(); // keyed by project name const workflows = new Map(); // keyed by workflow name function getTriggerNodes(key: K, workflow: Workflow): Trigger[] { if (!TRIGGERS[key]) return []; if ((typeof argv.on === "string" || Array.isArray(argv.on)) && !toArray(argv.on).includes(key)) { return []; } const data = workflow.on[key]!; const nodes = toArray(TRIGGERS[key]!(data, workflow)); return nodes.map((node) => { if (triggers.has(node.id)) return triggers.get(node.id)!; triggers.set(node.id, node); return node; }); } function readFile(...pathSegments: string[]): string { return fs.readFileSync(path.join(...pathSegments), { encoding: "utf-8" }); } function readJson(...pathSegments: string[]): T { return JSON.parse(readFile(...pathSegments)); } function readYaml(...pathSegments: string[]): T { return YAML.parse(readFile(...pathSegments)); } function toArray(v: T | T[]): T[] { return Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; } function cartesianProduct(sets: T[][]): T[][] { return sets.reduce( (results, ids) => results .map((result) => ids.map((id) => [...result, id])) .reduce((nested, result) => [...nested, ...result]), [[]], ); } function shallowCompare(obj1: Record, obj2: Record): boolean { return ( Object.keys(obj1).length === Object.keys(obj2).length && Object.keys(obj1).every((key) => obj1[key] === obj2[key]) ); } // Data ingest for (const projectPath of argv._) { const { name, repository: { url }, } = readJson<{ name: string; repository: { url: string } }>(projectPath, "package.json"); const workflowsPath = path.join(projectPath, ".github", "workflows"); const project: Project = { name, url, path: projectPath, workflows: new Map(), }; for (const file of fs.readdirSync(workflowsPath).filter((f) => f.endsWith(".yml") || f.endsWith(".yaml"))) { const data = readYaml(workflowsPath, file); const name = data.name ?? file; const workflow: Workflow = { id: `${project.name}/${name}`, name, shape: "hexagon", path: path.join(workflowsPath, file), project, link: `${project.url}/blob/develop/.github/workflows/${file}`, on: data.on, jobs: [], }; for (const jobId in data.jobs) { const job = data.jobs[jobId]; workflow.jobs.push({ id: `${workflow.name}/${jobId}`, jobId, name: job.name ?? jobId, strategy: job.strategy, needs: job.needs ? toArray(job.needs) : undefined, shape: "subroutine", link: `${project.url}/blob/develop/.github/workflows/${file}`, }); } project.workflows.set(name, workflow); workflows.set(name, workflow); } projects.set(name, project); } class MermaidFlowchartPrinter { private static INDENT = 4; private currentIndent = 0; private text = ""; public readonly idGenerator = new IdGenerator(); private print(text: string): void { this.text += " ".repeat(this.currentIndent) + text + "\n"; } public finish(): void { this.indent(-1); if (this.markdown) this.print("```\n"); console.log(this.text); } private indent(delta = 1): void { this.currentIndent += delta * MermaidFlowchartPrinter.INDENT; } public constructor( direction: "TD" | "TB" | "BT" | "RL" | "LR", title?: string, private readonly markdown = false, ) { if (this.markdown) { this.print("```mermaid"); } // Print heading if (title) { this.print("---"); this.print(`title: ${title}`); this.print("---"); } this.print(`flowchart ${direction}`); this.indent(); } public subgraph(id: string, name: string, fn: () => void): void { this.print(`subgraph ${this.idGenerator.get(id)}["${name}"]`); this.indent(); fn(); this.indent(-1); this.print("end"); } public node(node: Node): void { const id = this.idGenerator.get(node.id); const name = node.name.replaceAll('"', "'"); switch (node.shape) { case "round edges": this.print(`${id}("${name}")`); break; case "stadium": this.print(`${id}(["${name}"])`); break; case "subroutine": this.print(`${id}[["${name}"]]`); break; case "cylinder": this.print(`${id}[("${name}")]`); break; case "circle": this.print(`${id}(("${name}"))`); break; case "flag": this.print(`${id}>"${name}"]`); break; case "rhombus": this.print(`${id}{"${name}"}`); break; case "hexagon": this.print(`${id}{{"${name}"}}`); break; case "parallelogram": this.print(`${id}[/"${name}"/]`); break; case "parallelogram_alt": this.print(`${id}[\\"${name}"\\]`); break; case "trapezoid": this.print(`${id}[/"${name}"\\]`); break; case "trapezoid_alt": this.print(`${id}[\\"${name}"/]`); break; case "double_circle": this.print(`${id}((("${name}")))`); break; } if (node.link) { this.print(`click ${id} href "${node.link}" "Click to open workflow"`); } } public edge(source: Node, destination: Node, text?: string): void { const sourceId = this.idGenerator.get(source.id); const destinationId = this.idGenerator.get(destination.id); if (text) { this.print(`${sourceId}-- ${text} -->${destinationId}`); } else { this.print(`${sourceId} --> ${destinationId}`); } } } const graph = new Graph(); for (const workflow of workflows.values()) { if ( (typeof argv.on === "string" || Array.isArray(argv.on)) && !toArray(argv.on).some((trigger) => trigger in workflow.on) ) { continue; } graph.addNode(workflow); Object.keys(workflow.on).forEach((trigger) => { const nodes = getTriggerNodes(trigger as keyof WorkflowYaml["on"], workflow); nodes.forEach((node) => { graph.addNode(node); graph.addEdge(node, workflow, "project" in node ? "workflow_run" : undefined); }); }); } // TODO separate disconnected nodes into their own graph graph.cull(); // This is an awful hack to make the output graphs much better by allowing the splitting of certain nodes // const bifurcatedNodes = [triggers.get("on:workflow_dispatch")].filter(Boolean) as Node[]; const removedEdgeMap = new Map[]>(); for (const node of bifurcatedNodes) { removedEdgeMap.set(node, graph.removeNode(node)); } const components = graph.components; for (const node of bifurcatedNodes) { const removedEdges = removedEdgeMap.get(node)!; components.forEach((graph) => { removedEdges.forEach((edge) => { if (graph.nodes.has(edge[1].id)) { graph.addNode(node); graph.addEdge(...edge); } }); }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (argv.debug) { debugGraph("global", graph); } components.forEach((graph) => { const title = [...graph.roots] .map((root) => root.name) .join(" & ") .replaceAll("
", " "); const printer = new MermaidFlowchartPrinter("LR", title, true); graph.nodes.forEach((node) => { if ("project" in node) { // TODO unsure about this edge // if (node.jobs.length === 1) { // printer.node(node); // return; // } // TODO handle job.if on github.event_name const subgraph = new Graph(); for (const job of node.jobs) { subgraph.addNode(job); if (job.needs) { toArray(job.needs).forEach((req) => { subgraph.addEdge(node.jobs.find((job) => job.jobId === req)!, job, "needs"); }); } } printer.subgraph(node.id, node.name, () => { subgraph.edges.forEach(([source, destination, text]) => { printer.edge(source, destination, text); }); subgraph.nodes.forEach((job) => { if (!job.strategy?.matrix) { printer.node(job); return; } let variations = cartesianProduct( Object.keys(job.strategy.matrix) .filter( (key) => key !== "include" && key !== "exclude" && Array.isArray(job.strategy!.matrix[key]), ) .map((matrixKey) => { return job.strategy!.matrix[matrixKey].map((value) => ({ [matrixKey]: value })); }), ) .map((variation) => Object.assign({}, ...variation)) .filter((variation) => Object.keys(variation).length > 0); if (job.strategy.matrix.include) { variations.push(...job.strategy.matrix.include); } job.strategy.matrix.exclude?.forEach((exclusion) => { variations = variations.filter((variation) => { return !shallowCompare(exclusion, variation); }); }); // TODO validate edge case if (variations.length === 0) { printer.node(job); return; } const jobName = job.name.replace(/\${{.+}}/g, "").replace(/(?:\(\)| )+/g, " "); printer.subgraph(job.id, jobName, () => { variations.forEach((variation, i) => { let variationName = job.name; if (variationName.includes("${{ matrix.")) { Object.keys(variation).map((key) => { variationName = variationName.replace(`\${{ matrix.${key} }}`, variation[key]); }); } else { variationName = `${variationName} (${Object.values(variation).join(", ")})`; } printer.node({ ...job, id: `${job.id}-variation-${i}`, name: variationName }); }); }); }); }); return; } printer.node(node); }); graph.edges.forEach(([sourceName, destinationName, text]) => { printer.edge(sourceName, destinationName, text); }); printer.finish(); if (argv.debug) { printer.idGenerator.debug(); debugGraph("subgraph", graph); } }); function debugGraph(name: string, graph: Graph): void { console.log("```"); console.log(`## ${name}`); console.log(new Map(graph.nodes)); console.log(graph.edges.map((edge) => ({ source: edge[0].id, destination: edge[1].id, text: edge[2] }))); console.log("```"); console.log(""); }