/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { PostHog } from "posthog-js"; import { MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { CryptoApi } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto-api"; import { Anonymity, getRedactedCurrentLocation, IPosthogEvent, PosthogAnalytics } from "../../src/PosthogAnalytics"; import SdkConfig from "../../src/SdkConfig"; import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter } from "../test-utils"; import SettingsStore from "../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { Layout } from "../../src/settings/enums/Layout"; import defaultDispatcher from "../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { Action } from "../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import { SettingLevel } from "../../src/settings/SettingLevel"; const getFakePosthog = (): PostHog => ({ capture: jest.fn(), init: jest.fn(), identify: jest.fn(), reset: jest.fn(), register: jest.fn(), get_distinct_id: jest.fn(), persistence: { get_property: jest.fn(), }, identifyUser: jest.fn(), }) as unknown as PostHog; interface ITestEvent extends IPosthogEvent { eventName: "JestTestEvents"; foo?: string; } describe("PosthogAnalytics", () => { let fakePosthog: PostHog; const shaHashes: Record = { "42": "73475cb40a568e8da8a045ced110137e159f890ac4da883b6b17dc651b3a8049", "some": "a6b46dd0d1ae5e86cbc8f37e75ceeb6760230c1ca4ffbcb0c97b96dd7d9c464b", "pii": "bd75b3e080945674c0351f75e0db33d1e90986fa07b318ea7edf776f5eef38d4", "foo": "2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae", }; beforeEach(() => { fakePosthog = getFakePosthog(); Object.defineProperty(window, "crypto", { value: { subtle: { digest: async (_: AlgorithmIdentifier, encodedMessage: BufferSource) => { const message = new TextDecoder().decode(encodedMessage); const hexHash = shaHashes[message]; const bytes: number[] = []; for (let c = 0; c < hexHash.length; c += 2) { bytes.push(parseInt(hexHash.slice(c, c + 2), 16)); } return bytes; }, }, }, }); }); afterEach(() => { Object.defineProperty(window, "crypto", { value: null, }); SdkConfig.reset(); // we touch the config, so clean up }); describe("Initialisation", () => { it("Should not be enabled without config being set", () => { // force empty/invalid state for posthog options SdkConfig.put({ brand: "Testing" }); const analytics = new PosthogAnalytics(fakePosthog); expect(analytics.isEnabled()).toBe(false); }); it("Should be enabled if config is set", () => { SdkConfig.put({ brand: "Testing", posthog: { project_api_key: "foo", api_host: "bar", }, }); const analytics = new PosthogAnalytics(fakePosthog); analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Pseudonymous); expect(analytics.isEnabled()).toBe(true); }); }); describe("Tracking", () => { let analytics: PosthogAnalytics; beforeEach(() => { SdkConfig.put({ brand: "Testing", posthog: { project_api_key: "foo", api_host: "bar", }, }); analytics = new PosthogAnalytics(fakePosthog); }); it("Should pass event to posthog", () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Pseudonymous); analytics.trackEvent({ eventName: "JestTestEvents", foo: "bar", }); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).capture.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe("JestTestEvents"); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).capture.mock.calls[0][1]!["foo"]).toEqual("bar"); }); it("Should not track events if anonymous", async () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Anonymous); await analytics.trackEvent({ eventName: "JestTestEvents", foo: "bar", }); expect(fakePosthog.capture).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("Should not track any events if disabled", async () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Disabled); analytics.trackEvent({ eventName: "JestTestEvents", foo: "bar", }); expect(fakePosthog.capture).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("Should anonymise location of a known screen", async () => { const location = getRedactedCurrentLocation("https://foo.bar", "#/register/some/pii", "/"); expect(location).toBe("https://foo.bar/#/register/"); }); it("Should anonymise location of an unknown screen", async () => { const location = getRedactedCurrentLocation("https://foo.bar", "#/not_a_screen_name/some/pii", "/"); expect(location).toBe("https://foo.bar/#//"); }); it("Should handle an empty hash", async () => { const location = getRedactedCurrentLocation("https://foo.bar", "", "/"); expect(location).toBe("https://foo.bar/"); }); it("Should identify the user to posthog if pseudonymous", async () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Pseudonymous); const client = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ getAccountDataFromServer: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(null), setAccountData: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), }); await analytics.identifyUser(client, () => "analytics_id"); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).identify.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe("analytics_id"); }); it("Should not identify the user to posthog if anonymous", async () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Anonymous); const client = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({}); await analytics.identifyUser(client, () => "analytics_id"); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).identify.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); }); it("Should identify using the server's analytics id if present", async () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Pseudonymous); const client = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ getAccountDataFromServer: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ id: "existing_analytics_id" }), setAccountData: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), }); await analytics.identifyUser(client, () => "new_analytics_id"); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).identify.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe("existing_analytics_id"); }); }); describe("WebLayout", () => { let analytics: PosthogAnalytics; beforeEach(() => { SdkConfig.put({ brand: "Testing", posthog: { project_api_key: "foo", api_host: "bar", }, }); analytics = new PosthogAnalytics(fakePosthog); analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Pseudonymous); }); it("should send layout IRC correctly", async () => { await SettingsStore.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC); defaultDispatcher.dispatch( { action: Action.SettingUpdated, settingName: "layout", }, true, ); analytics.trackEvent({ eventName: "JestTestEvents", }); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).capture.mock.calls[0][1]!["$set"]).toStrictEqual({ WebLayout: "IRC", }); }); it("should send layout Bubble correctly", async () => { await SettingsStore.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Bubble); defaultDispatcher.dispatch( { action: Action.SettingUpdated, settingName: "layout", }, true, ); analytics.trackEvent({ eventName: "JestTestEvents", }); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).capture.mock.calls[0][1]!["$set"]).toStrictEqual({ WebLayout: "Bubble", }); }); it("should send layout Group correctly", async () => { await SettingsStore.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Group); defaultDispatcher.dispatch( { action: Action.SettingUpdated, settingName: "layout", }, true, ); analytics.trackEvent({ eventName: "JestTestEvents", }); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).capture.mock.calls[0][1]!["$set"]).toStrictEqual({ WebLayout: "Group", }); }); it("should send layout Compact correctly", async () => { await SettingsStore.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Group); await SettingsStore.setValue("useCompactLayout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true); defaultDispatcher.dispatch( { action: Action.SettingUpdated, settingName: "useCompactLayout", }, true, ); analytics.trackEvent({ eventName: "JestTestEvents", }); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).capture.mock.calls[0][1]!["$set"]).toStrictEqual({ WebLayout: "Compact", }); }); }); describe("CryptoSdk", () => { let analytics: PosthogAnalytics; const getFakeClient = (): MatrixClient => ({ getCrypto: jest.fn(), setAccountData: jest.fn(), // just fake return an `im.vector.analytics` content getAccountDataFromServer: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ id: "0000000", pseudonymousAnalyticsOptIn: true, }), }) as unknown as MatrixClient; beforeEach(async () => { SdkConfig.put({ brand: "Testing", posthog: { project_api_key: "foo", api_host: "bar", }, }); analytics = new PosthogAnalytics(fakePosthog); }); // `updateAnonymityFromSettings` is called On page load / login / account data change. // We manually call it so we can test the behaviour. async function simulateLogin(rustBackend: boolean, pseudonymous = true) { // To simulate a switch we call updateAnonymityFromSettings. // As per documentation this function is called On login. const mockClient = getFakeClient(); mocked(mockClient.getCrypto).mockReturnValue({ getVersion: () => { return rustBackend ? "Rust SDK 0.6.0 (9c6b550), Vodozemac 0.5.0" : "Olm 3.2.0"; }, } as unknown as CryptoApi); await analytics.updateAnonymityFromSettings(mockClient, pseudonymous); } it("should send rust cryptoSDK superProperty correctly", async () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Pseudonymous); await simulateLogin(false); expect(mocked(fakePosthog).register.mock.lastCall![0]["cryptoSDK"]).toStrictEqual("Legacy"); }); it("should send Legacy cryptoSDK superProperty correctly", async () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Pseudonymous); await simulateLogin(false); // Super Properties are properties associated with events that are set once and then sent with every capture call. // They are set using posthog.register expect(mocked(fakePosthog).register.mock.lastCall![0]["cryptoSDK"]).toStrictEqual("Legacy"); }); it("should send cryptoSDK superProperty when enabling analytics", async () => { analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Disabled); await simulateLogin(true, false); // This initial call is due to the call to register platformSuperProperties // The important thing is that the cryptoSDK superProperty is not set. expect(mocked(fakePosthog).register.mock.lastCall![0]).toStrictEqual({}); // switching to pseudonymous should ensure that the cryptoSDK superProperty is set correctly analytics.setAnonymity(Anonymity.Pseudonymous); // Super Properties are properties associated with events that are set once and then sent with every capture call. // They are set using posthog.register expect(mocked(fakePosthog).register.mock.lastCall![0]["cryptoSDK"]).toStrictEqual("Rust"); }); }); });