/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 r00ster91 Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { sleep } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/utils"; import SettingsStore from "../../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { SettingLevel } from "../../../../src/settings/SettingLevel"; import { FontWatcher } from "../../../../src/settings/watchers/FontWatcher"; import { Action } from "../../../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import { untilDispatch } from "../../../test-utils"; import defaultDispatcher from "../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; async function setSystemFont(font: string | false): Promise { await SettingsStore.setValue("systemFont", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, font || ""); await SettingsStore.setValue("useSystemFont", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, !!font); await untilDispatch(Action.UpdateSystemFont); await sleep(1); // await the FontWatcher doing its action } async function setUseBundledEmojiFont(use: boolean): Promise { await SettingsStore.setValue("useBundledEmojiFont", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, use); await untilDispatch(Action.UpdateSystemFont); await sleep(1); // await the FontWatcher doing its action } const getFontFamily = () => { return document.body.style.getPropertyValue(FontWatcher.FONT_FAMILY_CUSTOM_PROPERTY); }; const getEmojiFontFamily = () => { return document.body.style.getPropertyValue(FontWatcher.EMOJI_FONT_FAMILY_CUSTOM_PROPERTY); }; describe("FontWatcher", function () { it("should load font on start()", async () => { const watcher = new FontWatcher(); await setSystemFont("Font Name"); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`); await watcher.start(); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""Font Name", Twemoji"`); }); it("should load font on Action.OnLoggedIn", async () => { await setSystemFont("Font Name"); await new FontWatcher().start(); document.body.style.removeProperty(FontWatcher.FONT_FAMILY_CUSTOM_PROPERTY); // clear the fontFamily which was by start which we tested already defaultDispatcher.fire(Action.OnLoggedIn, true); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""Font Name", Twemoji"`); }); it("should reset font on Action.OnLoggedOut", async () => { await setSystemFont("Font Name"); const watcher = new FontWatcher(); await watcher.start(); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""Font Name", Twemoji"`); defaultDispatcher.fire(Action.OnLoggedOut, true); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`); }); describe("Sets font as expected", () => { let fontWatcher: FontWatcher; beforeEach(async () => { fontWatcher = new FontWatcher(); await fontWatcher.start(); }); afterEach(() => { fontWatcher.stop(); }); it("encloses the fonts by double quotes and sets them as the system font", async () => { await setSystemFont("Fira Sans Thin, Commodore 64"); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""Fira Sans Thin","Commodore 64", Twemoji"`); }); it("does not add double quotes if already present and sets the font as the system font", async () => { await setSystemFont(`"Commodore 64"`); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""Commodore 64", Twemoji"`); }); it("trims whitespace, encloses the fonts by double quotes, and sets them as the system font", async () => { await setSystemFont(` Fira Code , "Commodore 64" `); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""Fira Code","Commodore 64", Twemoji"`); }); }); describe("Sets bundled emoji font as expected", () => { let fontWatcher: FontWatcher; beforeEach(async () => { await setSystemFont(false); fontWatcher = new FontWatcher(); await fontWatcher.start(); }); afterEach(() => { fontWatcher.stop(); }); it("by default adds Twemoji font", async () => { expect(getEmojiFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Twemoji"`); }); it("does not add Twemoji font when disabled", async () => { await setUseBundledEmojiFont(false); expect(getEmojiFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`); }); it("works in conjunction with useSystemFont", async () => { await setSystemFont(`"Commodore 64"`); await setUseBundledEmojiFont(true); expect(getFontFamily()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""Commodore 64", Twemoji"`); }); }); describe("Migrates baseFontSize", () => { let watcher: FontWatcher | undefined; beforeEach(() => { document.documentElement.style.fontSize = "14px"; watcher = new FontWatcher(); }); afterEach(() => { watcher!.stop(); }); it("should not run the migration", async () => { await watcher!.start(); expect(SettingsStore.getValue("fontSizeDelta")).toBe(0); }); it("should migrate from V1 font size to V3", async () => { await SettingsStore.setValue("baseFontSize", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, 13); await watcher!.start(); // 13px (V1 font size) + 5px (V1 offset) + 1px (root font size increase) - 14px (default browser font size) = 5px expect(SettingsStore.getValue("fontSizeDelta")).toBe(5); // baseFontSize should be cleared expect(SettingsStore.getValue("baseFontSize")).toBe(0); }); it("should migrate from V2 font size to V3 using browser font size", async () => { await SettingsStore.setValue("baseFontSizeV2", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, 18); await watcher!.start(); // 18px - 14px (default browser font size) = 2px expect(SettingsStore.getValue("fontSizeDelta")).toBe(4); // baseFontSize should be cleared expect(SettingsStore.getValue("baseFontSizeV2")).toBe(0); }); it("should migrate from V2 font size to V3 using fallback font size", async () => { document.documentElement.style.fontSize = ""; await SettingsStore.setValue("baseFontSizeV2", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, 18); await watcher!.start(); // 18px - 16px (fallback) = 2px expect(SettingsStore.getValue("fontSizeDelta")).toBe(2); // baseFontSize should be cleared expect(SettingsStore.getValue("baseFontSizeV2")).toBe(0); }); }); });