/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import GenericToast from "../../../src/components/views/toasts/GenericToast"; import ToastStore, { IToast } from "../../../src/stores/ToastStore"; describe("ToastStore", () => { const makeToast = (priority: number, key?: string): IToast => ({ key: key ?? `toast-${priority}`, title: "Test toast", component: GenericToast, priority, }); it("sets instance on window when doesnt exist", () => { const sharedInstance = ToastStore.sharedInstance(); expect(sharedInstance).toBeTruthy(); // using same instance expect(ToastStore.sharedInstance()).toBe(sharedInstance); }); describe("addOrReplaceToast()", () => { it("adds a toast to an empty store", () => { const toast = makeToast(1); const store = new ToastStore(); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, "emit"); store.addOrReplaceToast(toast); expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("update"); expect(store.getToasts()).toEqual([toast]); }); it("inserts toast according to priority", () => { const toast1 = makeToast(1); const toast3a = makeToast(3, "a"); const toast3b = makeToast(3, "b"); const toast99 = makeToast(99); const store = new ToastStore(); store.addOrReplaceToast(toast1); store.addOrReplaceToast(toast99); store.addOrReplaceToast(toast3a); store.addOrReplaceToast(toast3b); // ascending order, newest toast of given priority first expect(store.getToasts()).toEqual([toast99, toast3a, toast3b, toast1]); }); it("replaces toasts by key without changing order", () => { const toastA = makeToast(1, "a"); const toastB = makeToast(3, "b"); const toastC = makeToast(99, "c"); const store = new ToastStore(); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastA); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastC); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastB); expect(store.getToasts()).toEqual([toastC, toastB, toastA]); const toastBNew = makeToast(5, "b"); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastBNew); expect(store.getToasts()).toEqual([toastC, toastBNew, toastA]); }); }); describe("dismissToast()", () => { it("does nothing when there are no toasts", () => { const store = new ToastStore(); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, "emit"); store.dismissToast("whatever"); expect(store.getCountSeen()).toEqual(0); expect(emitSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("removes toast and emits", () => { const store = new ToastStore(); const toastA = makeToast(1, "a"); const toastB = makeToast(3, "b"); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastA); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastB); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, "emit"); store.dismissToast(toastA.key); expect(store.getCountSeen()).toEqual(0); expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("update"); expect(store.getToasts()).toEqual([toastB]); }); it("increments countSeen when toast has bottom priority", () => { const store = new ToastStore(); const toastA = makeToast(1, "a"); const toastB = makeToast(3, "b"); const toastC = makeToast(99, "c"); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastA); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastC); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastB); const emitSpy = jest.spyOn(store, "emit"); store.dismissToast(toastC.key); expect(store.getCountSeen()).toEqual(1); expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("update"); }); it("resets countSeen when no toasts remain", () => { const store = new ToastStore(); const toastA = makeToast(1, "a"); const toastB = makeToast(3, "b"); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastA); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastB); store.dismissToast(toastB.key); expect(store.getCountSeen()).toEqual(1); store.dismissToast(toastA.key); expect(store.getCountSeen()).toEqual(0); }); }); describe("reset()", () => { it("clears countseen and toasts", () => { const store = new ToastStore(); const toastA = makeToast(1, "a"); const toastB = makeToast(3, "b"); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastA); store.addOrReplaceToast(toastB); // increment count seen store.dismissToast(toastB.key); store.reset(); expect(store.getCountSeen()).toEqual(0); expect(store.getToasts()).toEqual([]); }); }); });