/* * Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. * Copyright 2024 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial * Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { Locator, Page } from "@playwright/test"; import { ElementAppPage } from "../../../pages/ElementAppPage"; import { test as base, expect } from "../../../element-web-test"; import { SettingLevel } from "../../../../src/settings/SettingLevel"; import { Layout } from "../../../../src/settings/enums/Layout"; export { expect }; /** * Set up for the appearance tab test */ export const test = base.extend<{ util: Helpers; }>({ util: async ({ page, app }, use) => { await use(new Helpers(page, app)); }, }); /** * A collection of helper functions for the appearance tab test * The goal is to make easier to get and interact with the button, input, or other elements of the appearance tab */ class Helpers { private CUSTOM_THEME_URL = "http://custom.theme"; private CUSTOM_THEME = { name: "Custom theme", isDark: false, colors: {}, }; constructor( private page: Page, private app: ElementAppPage, ) {} /** * Open the appearance tab */ openAppearanceTab() { return this.app.settings.openUserSettings("Appearance"); } /** * Compare screenshot and hide the matrix chat * @param locator * @param screenshot */ assertScreenshot(locator: Locator, screenshot: `${string}.png`) { return expect(locator).toMatchScreenshot(screenshot, { css: ` #matrixchat { display: none; } `, }); } // Theme Panel /** * Disable in the settings the system theme */ disableSystemTheme() { return this.app.settings.setValue("use_system_theme", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, false); } /** * Return the theme section */ getThemePanel() { return this.page.getByTestId("themePanel"); } /** * Return the system theme toggle */ getMatchSystemThemeCheckbox() { return this.getThemePanel().getByRole("checkbox", { name: "Match system theme" }); } /** * Return the theme radio button * @param theme - the theme to select * @private */ private getThemeRadio(theme: string) { return this.getThemePanel().getByRole("radio", { name: theme }); } /** * Return the light theme radio button */ getLightTheme() { return this.getThemeRadio("Light"); } /** * Return the dark theme radio button */ getDarkTheme() { return this.getThemeRadio("Dark"); } /** * Return the custom theme radio button */ getCustomTheme() { return this.getThemeRadio(this.CUSTOM_THEME.name); } /** * Return the high contrast theme radio button */ getHighContrastTheme() { return this.getThemeRadio("High contrast"); } /** * Add a custom theme * Mock the request to the custom and return a fake local custom theme */ async addCustomTheme() { await this.page.route(this.CUSTOM_THEME_URL, (route) => route.fulfill({ body: JSON.stringify(this.CUSTOM_THEME) }), ); await this.page.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Add custom theme" }).fill(this.CUSTOM_THEME_URL); await this.page.getByRole("button", { name: "Add custom theme" }).click(); await this.page.unroute(this.CUSTOM_THEME_URL); } /** * Remove the custom theme */ removeCustomTheme() { return this.getThemePanel().getByRole("listitem", { name: this.CUSTOM_THEME.name }).getByRole("button").click(); } // Message layout Panel /** * Create and display a room named Test Room */ async createAndDisplayRoom() { await this.app.client.createRoom({ name: "Test Room" }); await this.app.viewRoomByName("Test Room"); } /** * Assert the room layout * @param layout * @private */ private assertRoomLayout(layout: Layout) { return expect(this.page.locator(`.mx_RoomView_body[data-layout=${layout}]`)).toBeVisible(); } /** * Assert the room layout is modern */ assertModernLayout() { return this.assertRoomLayout(Layout.Group); } /** * Assert the room layout is bubble */ assertBubbleLayout() { return this.assertRoomLayout(Layout.Bubble); } /** * Return the layout panel */ getMessageLayoutPanel() { return this.page.getByTestId("layoutPanel"); } /** * Return the layout radio button * @param layoutName * @private */ private getLayout(layoutName: string) { return this.getMessageLayoutPanel().getByRole("radio", { name: layoutName }); } /** * Return the message bubbles layout radio button */ getBubbleLayout() { return this.getLayout("Message bubbles"); } /** * Return the modern layout radio button */ getModernLayout() { return this.getLayout("Modern"); } /** * Return the IRC layout radio button */ getIRCLayout() { return this.getLayout("IRC (experimental)"); } /** * Return the compact layout checkbox */ getCompactLayoutCheckbox() { return this.getMessageLayoutPanel().getByRole("checkbox", { name: "Show compact text and messages" }); } /** * Assert the compact layout is enabled */ assertCompactLayout() { return expect( this.page.locator("#matrixchat .mx_MatrixChat_wrapper.mx_MatrixChat_useCompactLayout"), ).toBeVisible(); } }